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Full text of "The Parliamentary or constitutional history of England : from the earliest times, to the restoration of King Charles II : collected from the records, the rolls of Parliament, the journals of both houses, the public libraries, original manuscripts, scarce speeches, and tracts : all compared with the several contremporary writers, and connected, throughout, with the history of the times"

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ia-)-i.    ^,    as- 











o  s. 


Hiftory  of  England, 

From  the  earlieft  Times, 


Reftoration  of  King  Charles  IL 

From  the  Records,  the  Rolls  of  Parliament,  the  Journals 
of  both  Houfes,  the  Public  Libraries,  Original  Manu- 
scripts, fcarcc  Speeches,  and  Tracts  ;  all  compared 
with  the  fevcral  Contemporary  Writers,  and  conncfled, 
throughout,  with  the  Hiftory  of  the  Times. 


VOL.    VI. 

From  the  Twen^-Firft  Yeat  of  King  yamti  I.  to  Uie  Secoiid  rf  King 
Ci^ariti  1. 

L    O    N   D    O    N, 

Printed  for  J.  and  R.  Tohsos,  and  A.  Millar,  in  the 
Strand-,  and  W.  S  akdby,  in  FUtt-Jirttt, 

MDCCLXm.  ^.oo^x^c 


T  H  B 

Pahliamentary  history 


EN  G   L  AN  D. 

p  E  F  0  R  E  we  enter  into  the  Pro-     ^  „„  p,^ 
t  ceedi'ngs  of  this  Pirliament,  it  may  llunent  oJkd, 
2  be  HBcelTary  to  take  a  View  of  the  *■■  *' {'"^  '* 
•  Stfttc  of  the  Peerage  at  this  Time-;  j^i  webnidUr* 
B  jvhich  the.  Reader  will  find  much 
enlarged  from  the  Lift  at  the  Begin- 
ning of  this  Reign.     But  this  was  nothing  to  tbs 
Number  of  Scetch  and  Irijh  Lofdi  the  King  miule, 
from  BngU/h  private  Gentlemen,  who  had  Amhi' 
tion  enough  to  purchafe  thofc  Titles,  in  order  to 
get  a  Step  higher  t^an  the  new  Degree  of  Baronets* 
created  alfoin  this  Reign-     This  gave  great  DiC- 
juft  to  the  EngUJh  Peerage ;  aiid  near  Forty  of  that 
!>rder  jfuned  tn  a.  Petition  to  the  King,  to  reoioa* 
(trate  the    Inconvenience  of    fuch    Proceedings. 
Wbph  Petition  had  fuch  Effeft,  T&at,  though  it  . 
did  not  dentate  from  the  Dignity  of  thofe  already 
creatod,_y«  the  King  willingly  reftrainedh^elf  . 
for  the  Tinw  to  come  (i^); 
Vot.yi.  A      .  Atikv 



2  fhe  Filamentary  Hi iTKitit 

JV»rtef  «i«t/ princeof^flK&c.  fejr^y,  S.  of  i)>^. 

LoJeUiUj  0iike  o£  J!(c&-  Ffantitf  £.  of  SMlimir 

jmU,     Lm^-   H^  Asimf, «.  ttt-CuOir'    ■' 

Steward  of  the  Hou-  land. 

fhold.  Hmry,  £.    of  Uxnting- 

Lienely  Earl  of  Middle-  tan. 

y^*.  Lord  High-Trea-  Edujard^  E.  of  Sa/A. 

'fitie^'of  Sngland.  Nmy,  E.  of-  Aufttbiy-^ 

^mwj,  Vifcount  il/i»i-  /«». 

'    deviUt,    Prcfident    (^  MdwarJ,  E.  of  St^trd. 

the  Council.  WtUiam^  E.  of  Ibriferd. 

Edward,   E.  of  «fV«-  TJeawx,  E.  of  Sijp/*. 

^^,  Lord'Keeper  of  Richard,  E.  of  DtrfH. 

.the  Privy-Swl.  WH^am^  E.  of  iattfiwrj^ 

GtBTgt,  D.  of  Btuking-  mUiamy  E.  of  £jrrf»-. 

ihm.  Lord  High-Ad-  P^//(>,   E.  of  Afe(^»- 

miral  of  Etigund.  mery, 

thi/hr.  ter. 

I     T^emaiy  ^Mlt^Oxftrd,  R.tbtrt,%.o£'tMtiBtr,. 

Loid  Great -Cham-  miUam,    E.    of    NvT'- 

berlain.  ihantpMi. 

Thmatr  E.  of  AnaiM  Rehtrt^  £.  k£  fPhrtoHii. 

.aiid.fiurrni,KariMar'  ff^lliam,  E.  of  Dn>^. 

flial  6f  mgland.  EfMt,  E.  of  j£i»-if;fr. 

7«iiM,  E.  of  C^mtridgi,  Jthn,  £,  of  Htldd^. 

^tewaid  o£  the  Hoit-  CharUs,  £.  of  Curliji. 

(Wd.  mUiam,Z.o{DtnHi^.. 

Hmam,  ^.  oi^etrAreih  Ji^^,  *£.  of,  \^a/. 

ehmbadain    of  the  G^ryiaphir^  "S,^  oi  Jba- 

.HouBiold;  /«/^, 

P  E.  of  WirtABwi-  jiWf*fl^,Vtft08ftf  J(fift- 

cbv^  s.  of  .Niv/Zde-'  Wimtn^v^-mi^iMtdt. 

ban.  JMii,,YiPm^'  , 

j^Jlimy  y.  itmtfiiU. 
Jtmai,  V.  Cokh^tr. 
'        y.  JUh/erd. 
^Txmat,  y.  Anebvtr',, 
fUchtird,  V.    Tunhri^e. 
SicKry  ilemU^  Lord  A~ 

Meryin  Toucih,  L.  Jad- 

JEdward,  h'.  Zsucb, 
fitbtrt  Bertie^  L.  PTtl- 

J^  »yi,  t.  Dt  La- 

pttt^if  L.  BtritUy. 
Urtry  Pari^,  L.  Mar- 

lej  and  Mtnttgh. 
iHehardi-V.  Batret  aod 

Htrfi; . 

EAuarJi  L.  StraffirJ. 

Theaphilus,  L.  I^wardy  Am;  i 

of  ff^lden.  Son  to  the       ' 

E.  of  Sufoti. 
Edward,  L.  fVoUon.      - 
Francis^    L.   Ruffll^    of 

Henry,      L.      Gr^,    of 

miiiamy  L.  Petre. 
Henrjf  L.  Danvers. 
Raberf,  L.  Spen/er. 
Geargfy  L.  Careva. 
William  Fienes,  L.  Say 

and  SeU. 
Edwar^LL:  Demiy. 
Charlei^.  Stanhaptt  of 

Thoitiaty   L.  Jrundtl  of 

John  HoOts^  L.  ifev*^ 


?)hn  Riptr,!,.  Teniam: 
hilipy  L.   Stahhoptt  of 

L.    JCf/i- 

:  Jehny    9f 
Gr*#,    Of 

iWil&amyJ^.. Paget. 

'Jbifdl^i  L.  Mrt*- 

Edwardy  L.  J^/. 
;AiM  Grm/f,  L.  Srwi. 
Edward,   L;  Montague^ 
Roiirtf    L.   Cartjy     q{ 


Henry  Riehy 


ythny  t. ; 

Lay-Peers    .  93 

Abps:  aAd  6p<.  ao 


■,G  otitic 

*The  TarVdmentaty  Hi  8  T  o  Ji  Y 

^''  The  Parliament  being  ufTembled  On  the  lith 
Day  of  February^  they  were;  by  CoinMiiBon,  rf- 
jeumed  to  the  i5t}i,  and  from  them*/ by  smother 
■CommilUDn,  to  tbt:  igth  of  the, fame  Month. 
Thefc  (hort  Adjournments,  we  are  told,  by  the 
Writer  of  this  Reign, -were  occafioned by, the  fud- 
den  Death  of  the  Duke  of  Ricbmottd,  who  w»S 
found  dead  in  his  Bed,  by  his  Lady  (c),  in  the 

,  Morning  of  the  firft  Meetmg  of  the  Parliamenl., 
Thu  Noblun an,  being  a  near  Rdation  of  the  King's 
and  a  great  Favorite,  he  Was  fo  ftruck  with  the 
Accident,  that  he  put  off  the  Solemnity  of  going 
and  appearing  in  Parliament,  as  aho^cfaid.  Hoi#- 
ever,  on  the  19th,  being  all  met  anun,  -and  die 
Commons  calleM  up,  the  King  was  plcaf^  to  make 
the  following  Speech  to  them  [d)  : 

My  Lordi  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  jeu  thgt  art 

Gentlemen  tf  the  Haufe  af  Cammam  of  thit.  pre- 

fmt  Parliament, 

'   I  T  is  a  true  Saying  uttered  h^  the  Spiijit  of 

^_  *  1    God,  7het  the  Ghrj  tf  a  King  ftandi  in  the 

,    '  liduliilude  of  hi i  People :    And  I  am  fure  it  is  ^ 

'  true.  That  the  Strength  of  a  Kingdmn  flands 

'  next,  and  immediately  after  God's 'Ptotedion,  m 

'  the  Hearts-of  the  People.     That  you  may  fee 

'  and  have  a  Proof  that  I  have  not  this  only   in 

'  my  Tongue,  but  have  it  likcwife  fettled  in  my 

*  Heart,  (as  God  can  bear  me  Record  every  Way) 
'  I  have  called  you  at  this  Time  to   fpeak  my 

*  Mind  freely  to  you  j  for,  remembering  rfie  Mif-. 

*  understandings  between  me  and  you  before,  I  an 
•,'  now  come  hither  withan'eamm  Defire  to' do 
'^  the  Duty  which  God  hath  called  me  unto,  by 

•  declaring 

;  (<1  miftf,  writti.  Tint  the  Dutdufi  coofeflU  to  totut  cf  ko- 
Intimitn,  ^trvuit,  TbM  flic  ej«|i«iiait«d  tlie  EScQi  of  hit  6itt 
Veirw,  the  Ni^t  before.  In  Knvtt,  p.  77;. 
'  '  fV)  Thit  Speech  l>  mnch  curtiilcd  inJ  abcid|«4  in  Wilfia  lU 
Kiifirimrib,  (or  wluijic>ron  "c  bnov  not  j  bm  it  fiiodi  in  dui 
Unmet  in  iKe  ynr-iU.  The  Dcftrinit  Part  of  it  *u  tpeablc  to 
^tlMC-int  )Ri)  outwiid  Piei;  of  the  Ticaa  ;  foi  (ara  ■  MenbeT  of 
'piriiimcnl  mide  a  Speeih  iben,  ^kiihout  begianini  with  ■  Tilt,  M 
AktetlaidiDt  af  it  wuh  nui]'  QDOtiUeu  o«t  of  Holy  Writ, 


of   E  N  G  LAND.-  5 

*  Jflclaring  unto  you  the  Verity  of  this  which  God  Aa.  «i  Jub 
'  hjuh   put  into  my  Heart,  2nd  to  manifeft  iny         '''I- 

*  Aflioiis  to  be  true  by  my  Words.     I  remember 

*  very  well,  that  it  is  %  very  fit  Similitude  for  » 

*  Kinv  and  his  People  to  be  likened  to  a  Hufband 
'  and  Wife  i  for,  even  as  Chri'fl,  in  whofc  Throne 

*  I  iit  in  this  Part  of  the  Earth,  is  the  Hufband  to 

*  the  Church  and  the  Church  his  Spoufc,  lb  I 

*  likewife  defire  to  be  your  Hutband,    and  you 

*  fliould  be  my  Spoufe ;  and,  therefore,  as  it  is  the 
'  Huftand's  Part  to  cherifh  his  Wife,  to  entreat 
'  her  kindly,  to  reconcile  himfelf  towards  her,  and 

*  mocure,  by  all  Means,  her  Love,  fo  it  is  my 

*  Part  to  do  the  like  to  my  Peopls. 

•  There  are  but  two  Ways  for  a  King  to  fliew 

*  his  Love  to  his  People  i    one,  in  the  conftant 

*  good  Government  of  them  during  bis  Life  j  the 

*  other,  by  ^'^  Behaviour  to  their  Reprefentativc 

*  Body  in  Parliament.     For  the  firft,  God  know- 

*  etfi,  I  defire  my  Government  may  be  performed, 

*  wirii  an  honeft,  juft,  true  and  fmccre  Heart ) 

*  and  there  is  none  of  you  that  fee  or  hear  me  this 

*  Day  hut  have  found  the  Fruit  of  it,  one  Time 
f  or  other.     For  the  other  Part,  belonging  to  the 

*  Reprefentative  Body,  which  is  now  the  Caufe  of         , 

*  calling  you  togetiier,  what  greater  Evidence  can 

<  there  be  to  fltew  Love  between  you  and  me,  and 

*  between  me  and  you,  that  urc  the  Repiefentative 

*  Body,  in  a  right  Underflanding,  than,  out  of  my 

*  own  Mouth  and  Direction,  to  give  you  a  Tafle 

*  of  my  Love  and  Care  of  you  all  ?  ,  ' 
'  The  Properties  andCaufes  of  calling  a  Parlia- 

*  ment,  (and  fo  go  the  Writs)  are  to  confer  with 

*  the  King,  and  give  him  their  Advice  in  Matters 

*  of  greateft  Weight  and  Importance.     For  this 

*  CauTe  I  have  now  called  you  together,  that  y* 

*  m^  have  Proof  (d  my  Lov?  ;^ndof  my  Truft, 

*  and  give  me  your  Advice,  in  (he  greateft  Matter 

*  that  ever  coiUd  concern  a  King  \  a  greater  De- 

*  daratioi}  of  my  Truft  in  you  I  cannot  give, 

*  I  have  bten  thefe  many  Years  upon  Treaties, 

<  as  fa{  ai  I  thought  (and  God  is  my  Witneik  I  ne- 

'  A  3  *  ver 

a  I.  *  ver  had  any  otljcr  IntentionV  for  fettling  Jt  P6da| 

*  in  Chrifiendomi  and  fettling  a  Peace  at  flfofne. 
f  In  theft  Treaties  I  went  long  on,'  but  finJmg 
'  thein  to  have  flower  Succcfs  ttian  I  expefled,  or 
'  had  Reafon  to  do,  I  was  witling,  (and  efpecfel- 

*  ly  in  one  Thing  concerning'  the,  Eftate  of  my 
,    *  Grand-ChiJdren)  to  fee  a  gpod  and  fpeedy  Ena. 

'  '  '  In  this,  finding  as  great  Protnires  as  I  could 
'  •  wifli,  and  yet  finding  their '  h^ioid  quite  con- 
'  trary,  it  ftirred  up  my  Son  to  oiTer.himfclf'to 
'  make  that  Journey  ;    and;  I  thanit;  God,  ha^fng 

*  him  now  here,  I  liave  no  Caufe  to  repent  of  it. 

*  For,  being  of  full  Age  and   Ripenefs  for  M^r- 

*  riage,  he  urged  me  to  know  the  Certainty,,  in  k 

*  Matter  of  fo  great  Weight,  that  he  might  not  be 

*  put  off  with  long  Delays.;  for  Dehys,  in  fiicft 

*  a  Cafe,  are  m-  e  dangei'ous  ttian  Denials. 

■'  In  it  I.  was  content  (as  a  rare,  Examplc)..'to 
^  |;rant  his  Defire;  and  witbtiim  I,  otfly,  ftirf'th^ 

*  Mail  whom  I  moft  trufieilj  Buctiagham  ;    co(n- 

*  manding  him   never    to    have    him  nor   return 

*  Home  without  him.     I  thank  God  for  it,  it  fiatfi 

*  learned  nte  'Wifdomi  for,  in  Gmeralibus  vtrfatta- 

*  Dolus.     I  had  general  Hopes  oefor^,  but  particu- 

*  lars will refolve Matters  w;hen'GencraU  wiU'not  j 
'  and,  before  this  Journey,  Things  came  to  me'as 

*  raw  as  if  I  had  never  heard  of  them  before.  ;  I 
,'  was  as  far  difappointed  of  my  Ends   as  if  I  bad, 

*  been  waked  out  of  a  Dream ;  now  I  have  put 
f  it  into  a  Certainty  ;   and,  whereas  I  walked  in 

*  a  Mift  before,  I  have  np>v  brought  it  to  Light! 
f  Now,  ■  '        . " 

'■  "Jl^  tordsy 

': ' For  the  Particulars,  they  ate  gone  fo  far  as, 
\  both  in  the  Treaty  of  the  Match  and  of  the  Pu- 
'  latimti,  that  I  know  the  utmoft.  I  am  refolv- 
'  ed  upon  what  T  am  like  to  obtain,  and  have  h'a<) 

*  Promifes  and  Projedts,  and"  fome  of  them  latclyj 
.    *  But,  to  (hew  the  TruH  that  I  put  in  you,  lam 

•content  that  my  Secretaries,  from  the  Inform'^ 

f  tion  and  AlTurance  of  my  Son  and  Buckingham^ 

f  fli^l  relate  unto  you  all :    And  when  yob  have 

'■   '  •       \-  •heard 

jr  E'NG  L  AN  D.  .  .     ,7 

*  hi:^  all,  fuptr  tofam  Maieriam,  I  ihaU  then  e«-  Ao.  ^i  /»■»«•* 

*  treat  your  good  and  found  Advice^  for  the  Gl»-        ***1* 

*  ry  of  God,  the  Peace  of  the  Kiagdoaij  ami  the 

*  Good  of  my  Children. 

*  Never  King  gave  more  Truft  to  his  Sul^e^ 

*  than  to  delire  their  Advice  in   Things  of  this 

*  Weight.     For,  I  affure  you,  ye  may  freely  ad- 

*  Wfc  me,  feeing  of  hw  princely  Fidelity,  ye  afc 

*  Intreated  thereto.      Never  Suhjea»  had  better 

*  Hearts  and  Experience  to  give  me  good  Adyioe 

*  than  you ;  of  which  I  make  no  Doubt,  fo^,  if 

*  you  Jove  yourfelves,  you  will  give  it, me,  yo«r 

*  "oVn  Felicity  depending  upon  it. 

*  One  Particular  I  muft  Kmember  ytpi  of,  ,bt- 

*  caufe  it  hath  been  much  talked  of  \a  the  Ccfui- 

*  try,  that  1  Oiould  be  ilaek  in  my  Care  of  jR^Ufim 

*  for  other  *rhings.  '  > 
'  Mt  Lords,  md  you  Gtttilemai  a^t 

*  X  pray  you  jud«  jne  charita^bly,  as  you  would 
>  faejudgcd;(    for,  1  never  made  public  or  private 

*  Treaties,  but  X  always  had  a  cUrci^  I^efervatioo 

*  for  a  f  ublic-Weal  ipd  Ae  Caufe  pf  Relij|^o», 
"*  fof  ,d»e  Glory  of  .God  ^d  Good  of  my  Subjp^. 
"*'  I  oifly  thou^t  good  fqmetjmes  to  wink  and  coa- 

*  nive  at  the  £xecutioR  of  fame  penal  X^ws,  juid 

*  Jdot  h}  g9  on  fb  ^goroujly  ai  at  other  Tjmes,  Imu 
'*',n6ttp  aifpenfr  with  any,  or  to  forbid  or  alter  ^y 
' '  that  concern  Rel^ion.  I  never  proaufed  m 
;'  yieidedi  I  sever  di|^  think  It  with  my  Heart,  nbc 
'f  fp^e  it  frith  my  Mouth.  / 

*  It.  is  tnje^  a  .itilful  Horfem^n  doth  not  always 

*  ule  the  Spur  J  but  fometimes  the  Bridle,  and  (amw 
/.times the  Spur:    S«  a  King,.tb3tgo«cmsiivifelyf 

*  is  not  bound  to  carry  a  rigorous  nani^  over  Ms 

*  Subje^,  upon  all  Occaliorui  hut  may  fem«* 

*  times  ^acken  the  firidle,  yet  fo .  as  his  Ha^ids  bf 
f  not  off  the  Reins.  - 

*  So  much  for  that  Point,  to  be  cleared  upon  all 

*  Occalioi)s,  Now  albeit  it  be  a  gxat  Matter  *9 
f  xequtre  your  Advice,  yet,  in  this,  I  pray  if^aan^ 
f  1]^  the  Weight  of-the  Bulinefs.  I  c^^ipt  jimit 
(  yimi'Houh'tMtr  Days,  but  youf  own  HeafX^  muf| 

A  4  'do 



8  The  Far^amerUary^  H,i6fl"oRV 

'  do  it;    for  every  Man,  by  Nature*  thinks  t^ 

*  Time  long  here,  according  to  his  ov-n  Occafio^s 
• '  at  home. '   Therefore  coniider  the  State, of  Chrif- 

*  lertdoimnA  the  State  of  my  Grand  Children,  .o^ 

*  pwnEftate,  and  the  State  of  my  Kipgdoinj.the 

*  Treaties  and  all. 
My  htrdsy  '   , 

•  It  is  not  enough,  altho'  you  are  jiCTcr  To  wil- 

*  ling  to  give  me  your  Advice;  for  to  plant  will  nqt 

*  ferve  die  Turn,  if  I,  like  a  good  Gardener,  4s 

*  well  as  plant,  do  not  weed  away  from  the  Root|, 

*  and  remove  tfae  Obftacles  that  hinder"  your  fo  gopd 

*  Advice':  Of  which,  the  whole  Weed  and  manj- 

*  fcft  Hindrance  that  can '  b^  is  your.jeajqufy  of 

*  mc :  Free  jne  from  that,  Snd,  for  my-  Aflipnjj 
'  I  dare  avow  them  before  God  and  his  Angdj- 
■*  But  Jealoufyhatii  a  deep  Sting,  take  away  th^, 

*  and  nothing  cwi  do  me  Harm :  You  are  my  Wife, 

*  and  Jeaioufy  is  fubjcfl  to  a  Wife ;  therefor^  re- 
^*  move 'h,  atfd  be  not  jealous  of  me. 

■  *  For  Matter?  of  Pnyilegei,  Liberties,  and  Cuf- 

*  toms,  be  not  over  curious  J  Iam,yourqwnkindlv 

*  King.  Ve  ntver  fliall  find  mc  curious  In  theje 
'  *  Things  :  Therefore  do  v^at  yov  ougtit,  and  np 

-  *  more  than  your  lawful  Cjfaertfes  and  Piivil^^ 
■  •  will  permit,  and  ye  fliall  never  fee  me  curious  tfi 

-  *  the  contrary.  I  had  lathcr  maintain  your  Li* 
'  *  berttcs  than  alter  them  in  any  Thing.  Shew  s, 
'-*  Truft  itlmc,  and  go  on  boneftly  as  you  ouebt 
'••  tado,  like-good  and  faithful  Subjefb;  and,  wo^ 

*  you  have  Warrant  for,  go  on  with,  and  I  .wUl 
■ '  not  be  curious,  unlcfs  you  give  me  too  muc^ 
-*  Caufe.  ;■'  ,  . 
.  *  The  nekt  Thihg  is,  to  beware  that  you  tal^e 
<  ^- nM  in  HanS  the  maintaining  of  idle  QueHioQs 
'*  atAongyoii;  which  fpoils  ^ood  Bufinefs.  R^- 
''*  member,    beware   of  Genealogies    and  curioijS 

*  Qucftions,  as  ^t.  /*■»«/  fpcaks  j  and  do  you  ^eep 
1*  to  the  Ground  and  Gravity  of  the  great  BufiQe^ 
>■•  for  which  I  called  yoii ;    and  Jicxt,  for  all  oth^ 

*'  Tbingsthat  are  for  the  great  and  good  GoverniiJg 
-*  of -the  Kingdom.  Let  not  any  ftir  you  lip  tp 
::-■--  .■         •■  «  Law- 


*  Law-Q^ioDt,    DebMes,  Quirks,  Tflck8  knd  lu.  •■  j^m 

*  Tercks ;    but  continue  yourfelves  in  thif  hotieft        **•* 

*  Modefty,   whereby  you  may  have  my  Prayers 

*  to  God  for  you,  and  procwe  the, Love:  (^  me, 
'  *  and  an  happy  End  to  thie  Parliament. 

*  God  judge  me,  J  fpe^  ju  »  Chriftian  Prince^ 

*  iiev«r  Man,  in  a  dry  and  fandy  Defatt,  where  no 

*  Water  is,  did  thirft  more  in  hot  Weather  for 

*  Drink,  thap  I  do  now  for  a  happy  CondtiJion  of      .  . 
^  this  Parliament.     I  (low  hope,  after  the  Mifcar- 

'  Hage  of  the  laft,  that  this  may  prove  h^ppy :  I  am 

*  neither  curious  nor  captious  e;)pugh  to  prevent  it; 

*  Elcbew  all  Occafions  of  curious  Quafliont,  which 

*  mft]r  lender  you  in  this  great  Caufe  for  which  I 
'  have  called  you ;  and  remember,  That  (pending 

*  of  Timeis  fpoiling of  Bufincft.  And  Ihppe  in 
''  God,  and  that  by  aFaitb  in  GoA^  th^t,  by  your 

*  Anions  this  Parliament,  I  (hall  claarly  ks  your 

*  Hejuts ;  and  that  you  are  the  true  Reprefentative 

*  B^dy  of  my  Subjefls  ;     For  you  know  in  your 

*  Coiucienc?,  that  of  ail  the  Kings  that  ever  were, 

*  I  dare  fay  never  was  King  better  beloved  by  hi* 

*  Subie<^  than  I  amt 

*  Therefore,  be  you  tnie  Glafles  and  Mirrours 

*  df  their  Faces,  and  bcfurcyou  yicld;ihe  true  Re' 
'  fle(£tion$  and  Rsprefent^ions  as,  you  ought  .to  do. 
•.  And)  this  doing,  \  hope  you  fliall  not  Only  find 
'.the  Blefling  of  God  i  but  alfo,  by  thefp  Adtioos, 

*  procure  the  Thanks  ^nd  Love  of  thawhoJaPet^e, 

*  fijr  being  fuch  true  and  faithful  Gljiffij^.  ;,Laffliy, 
>  you  fliafi  never  finii  mc  defire  any  Thing  Of  you, 

*  but  whfit  (hall   tend  -  to  the  common  Good  and 

*  Weal  of  th£  Kingdom.' 

His  Maiefty  having  ended  his  Speech,  the  Lord 
j&eper  (')i  hy  his  Commands,  direi^ted  the  Com- 
nians  to  repair  to  their,  awn  Houfe,  and  choofe  t 
Spealtcr. .  The  Names  of  Receivers  and  Tryers  of 
PctitiCH)s,  according  tx>  ancient  Cuftom,  being  alfo 
read,  (lie  Parliament  was  adjourned  to  Saturtiay  the 
Hft  of  febrmry. 

^«j>Mw(-  On  that  Daf^  CatatMns  prefentn)  to  'th« 
■I***-        King  Sir  7iS*»Mi  Crrtu,  Kiu|?ht,  Sei5earit  at  Ljw, 

fi>r  rtieir  Spe^» ;  'whoft  Excnfe,  forlBfufficicncj^ 
GtTbuniiO**  ■^''  ''^'"g  I*"'  "Wily  allowed  of,  he  was  confmiM 
dulcn  spnkcr.    accordii^ly.     T^n  Ac  S|>eaker  9(U.i^e4'')y9>^ 

to  the  llnrone,  /•  htg(  Vtrta  ,- 

M»fi  Grxiaw  SwenigVf 
S  xSc!*    *  CINCE  I  cannot  bring  an  OflrtiBrWcIi  m 

*  J  my  Mouth,  aaaSign  m  my  Peate;' andthaV 

*  God,  (in  whofe  Hands  are  the  ftcarta  of  Kings) 

*  without  whole  Providence,  a  Sparrow  doth  notnijl 
4  to  the  Ground,  whofn  go  Man  can  refift,  hatli 
f  tndined  your  Majefty  to  caft  your  £ye  of  Grjcp 

*  OA'ine,  and  to  bonftnn  me  in  thh  Place :  I  am 
^  taught  in  the  beft  School^  that  dhuSence  h  heher 
1  than  Sacrifice  \  and  will  only  fay  with  a  leartied  l*a- 
^  ^eTiDa,Domine^tecdjuieSi(^jiibe^usdvii:  Gthpr^ 

wife  I  have  great  Caufe  to  be  afraid  of  (uch  ^ 

*  (^»rge,  to  be  executed  before  ft)  great  a  Maj^fty^ 

*  and  in  fo  gfeat  an  AflemWy  j  but  that  I  hope  youf " 

*  M^je&y  will  extend  your  Scoter  of  Grace,^  a^ 
*■-  Al^term  did,  tp  fuHain  me  in  my  Faistin& 

•  Tour'Majefty  is  frinctfi  HttrtditartuSy  'de- 

*  fc^ided  from  both  the  Kofes,  and  hath  untte^ 
'  both  the  Kingdoms.'    At  vour^firil^Entraftce  ybji 

*  Wrtfught  a  Wonder  in  fhe^umult  of  oi^Oires, 

*  dad  Cloud  of  our  Fears,  ha[»pe;ting  upon  the 
<  Xiti!&\  of  the  late  Queen,  by  the  bright  Reams'  of 
f  yourSunfliine;  which  a  Poet  elegantly  ex^efledj, 

,  '  'JtSra  iam^  Set  Kcttbuit,NoxnaliajfCtaaifi.\ 

-*  There  was  a  Davidiii  Hihroriy  and  no  ^li^PSfUf 
•to  difturb  your  peaceably  Entrance)  tut:  m?A,c- 

*  clamations  of  all  your  Subjects  and  Cpminons, 

*  concurring  to  exprcfs  rfieir  great  Co^tentmeii^ 
♦                   '  This  was  no  fuddcn  Flafh  of  Joy,  but  a  cbnftatit 

*  BteiSng,  by  the  Continuance  of  the  G6fy^  ar^J 

*  <me  Religion,  maugre  the  Malice  and  heMb  In^ 

*  ventioR  of. thofcj  who  would  have  b!owrt'*itp  afl 
' 'at  once;  but  God  laughed  them  to 'ScoHi,  ana 

*  they  fell  into  their  own  Trap.  -  Thefe  Thftigs  \ 
*-lrave  to  your  Majefty's  Royal  Remembrance,  as 

"-■i-  "•■' ■  '    ■  ■     '^^irDiity 

Bf  E  NORLAND.      ,  M 

'  aDutt.edbfe  p^aiSifBd^  thd  to  beckfcdE^V^aftr  AfcMjmMi 

*  nrhankliiliiels  to  mainiy  Ood ;  fbr  it  n  a  gvti        ****' 

*  ThmCtabe  thanltfal:  Mh  efi  J^imi  DmnUly 
.'  fu  «m  %i^  Oratias'pn'path'. 

*  Smoe  iB)r  DirCgiitAent  tb  thft  Placic,  I  called  tb 
'  Mindtbde  Staixun  of  <iate  Titers,  uil  find  twb 
^  of  dpecnd  Xotfe:  TU  firft  of  3a  iA^  VIII. 
I'  nHucfa  was-cdjled  ParBamMim  ABtam,  tat  tHe 

*  auoiy  ^xd  Ls#i  nude  for  tbe  fettling  of  Hjf- 
^k£iaat(/).     The^otber,  3^£/ts«Ar«6}   #fiielf, 

*  bv  a  Kovcrrend  Diruie^  was  called  ParUmiuiituM 

*  piuMi'  becaafetheSub^dswae  enaUedto  fount! 

*  liofptods  without  Licence  of  Jferw/n,  or  ^i^ 
f  pad  damnum,  md  other  diaritable  I^ws,  which, 

*  t  o&ii^  beiog  not  peipetual  {g).     And  I  libnirife 

*  cillcti  to  Mind  many  glorious  Oflni  madfe  b^  yodr 

*  Majbfty,  ^d  other  good  E^tovifionB  at  die  iaft  tvfa 

*  Meetaigs.  Now  your  Majeily  bath  fttctched 
f  forth  3i:our  Scoter  to.  oiQ  .ub  to  you  again,  Uid 

*  hath '  made  Declaration,  that  all  JcalouAes  anti 
<'  ^etooved,  and  die  MemoiV 

*  of  Parlifttnent^idlitics  might  be  buried.     Ajw 

*  My'Dttfiiebj  that  your  M^eftv*s  Influefloe  m^ 
ft  diftil' flpMi  us,  and.^  pax»ed  iii  Atcb  afwetft 
'HottHony  and  Conkuldtion,  dut  K^hltitdnrfs  mfj 

*  Pektf  iu^  iifr  eath  ctHtri  and  dut  Mtrtf  mfU 
*Ti-ah  putfmelty  mA.  tfie  WoHd  may  %,  &<it 

*  l/iamibwaak^TpmtkjmimAim  X^em  v  Piptdu^ 

*  "ietttMHtpi  ht  uHitm^'    .■.-..' 

■  And,'  tot  [ferfeOifl^  this  Wdtk,  the  good  Btlh 

*  ^ainft  Monopolies,  Inbnhers,  and  Conccalm, 
'>■  oaf  )iow  pafs,  and  receive  Streagdi,  with  Oe- 

*  flfcfdjXibeiral^  and  Royal  Pardon,  accordifig  tt> 

*  the  Bounty  of  the  late  Queen  ^  that  fa  this  Par* 
^  liamdht  may  b«  called,  Pelixy  Dolfun,  iS  Pium  \ 

*  «^ch  will  t)«  good  to  your  Sul^e£li,  and  no  Di- 
^  dOMution  to  yotir  Revenue^  or  Derogatioa  to  ytnit 
■  Prerogative}  which,  in  your  Majef^  Hands,-  h 

*  a  ^f ^ter  of  Gold  \  but,  in  other  HancU,  is  a  RoS 
'  of -Iron.     I  need  not  fpcak  in  the  ftaii*  lot  Cbfe 

*  fundbn^tal  Commob  IdWB ;   VtritmXtmftrlt 

■     -     'PiUa^ 

>•  »]ftntij,'*^^v  Tone  hath  ruificisndyjuftHiefttbent. '  Mo' 

i^i-       '•'  narchy.'  i&  the  Jiisft.  Govsmiaent ;   and  of  jUI(v> 

,*' narchtos,  fhofe  which  arc' hereditary.     Tbfl~beft 

*  Supply  of  your  Msje^'t  ^»nti  is  ia  pailiwaciit. 

*  lirhcredie  aubjefi  h'bautii4iy  his  o«m  Confent^ 
,*  other  Couries of  Benablcnfft conwj  heaaly.  ■  The 
.*  Subje^  er^oj  the.QofofcTfredjc  by  your  Pro*«c- 

*  tiot^  ^ttid  youF  .M^eay..ibay  Iw  uft    in    their  . 
•;Loyal|y:  OtherSafeties'arc,butasv$«xhis  Shtd<), 

*  a  Weieht  rather  than  .a  Defence.     Their  Defire 

*  is,  that  the  good  t«iws  jis'Reli^on  may  be  coiv- 

*  firmed ;  and  that  tha  Geaeraticm  of  LocuAs,  the 

*  Jefuits  and  Seminary  FrJeAs^-which  wpre  i#ont 

*  to  creep  iii  Chrners,  and  do  How  come  An%i, 

*  may  b^'by  the  Execution  of  thefc  good  Laws, 

*  ts  with  an  Eaft  Wind,  blown  over  tlie  Sea.   Our 

*  late  ,^reen  EHxmieth,  lived  and  died  in  Peace  j 

*  .the  FsH  oirfed  her, .  but  (5od  bldled  her :    And 

*  So  Ihall  your  MajeSy,  Laving  God  to  your  Frieiid, 

*  finti  Sa&tyi  in  .the  Ark^cf.  true.  Religioh,  snd-, 
.*  when 'yoti.  arc  old  audfu)!  ■df  DavH  land  you  ia 
if  ^HeavcM-AOd  then  iyour  hapS&ii.  Prtnet,  which 
^*  (brwgiDftnif  TKHir  own.  hoka'^  ftall  ivrm  that 

*  Sccpteit)'»rhitm.youinuill fcaw.tq  enj9y  s  CfPwa 
',*  ccleftia]..'  And  Go^  ia-his  diUi  Tinw,  wtU  tt- 
'.*  &o^  ^  diftrdled  PrihceO, ,  her  HuflMmJ  wi 
.•  Royal. I^dOj  to.  thitloheriuncR, which  it  new 
-*.  poffeflM^by  thfe,  ufiirping  Sword  of  th«ir  Ene* 

*  mie's  :  Whereof  we  tire  the  more  opp6dent>  ^ 
^'(iti^&^thatCQtuitfy  wat^btcetofora  iSp^&^gffyia 

*  xmtDifttfeft,-when-Rdi(^o^  wa»bere  perfccuted. 
.*  fJitb.lTtca^.WtnU  tb  fay,  JAf.Jipti^  fS  C^tl^ 
.*  dt^lOBda-.e^i:  ,Blit:l  &yi  liu/mtK,  iff^Palati- 
^nt^tuiireapetTirttifu^ffi.  >  :■■.'■  ■_■..-.■■' 

*  .The QpeftioB  lyaa  put,to  5  Latidtmon''*"'*  Why 

*  thqir.Cl^^w&i^  W«l]s<?v'who#nfwofal,  CiRt- 
*.0>r(^wwii.:their.Wa}]s,  ,Y6ur  M^fty*.  under 
,*,  (^<)A.t  is  *  folif  i#id  entpftiMortsrcfi,  whofe  Walk 
.»  4(1^  the  Q«Aii  witiiout,,  a«d  fortijM  within  with 

*  »  WaU  fl«  Brfifs^  the  Bpnd  pf  Upity  ■  and  .Reli- 
-f-  gfUerS'  aiMj.teippy  isthjt  Place,  of  which  it  infiy 
*.  bttfald,  a«  of  JerufaUmt  It  (f  «  City  at  Vm^ 

.»'(.  1     "■-■■;■■•        .  ■■  ,  ■;■        ,*."''^*'« 

9f  EN  O  LAND.  13 

*  tmtbtm  !tj^.    Neidier  u  tout.  GoVenuMnt  con-  *^  tt  Jmh 

*  fined  wit&in  the  Limite  of  this  Kingdom,  but        *^> 

*  extends  itfelf  to  Iretani;  wbere  ybur  MajcftyS 

*  Care  and  Puna,  in  our  late  Emptoyment,  gavt 
'-   '  divers  provident  DireSions  for  the  fetting  forth 

^  of  RdigiDn,  the  reforming  of  Courts  of  Juftice, 
'  tnd  the  infilling  Puniflimenc  on  the  Diffurben 
«  of  the  Public  Peace.     And  I  was  OaJarii  TtJHt, 

*  diat  you  have  made  thefe  ^ple  Endowments  of 

*  Churches  out  of  your  tsvti  efcheated  Kevenuc, 

*  as  will  be  to  your  Honour   in  all  Pofterity  (<), 

*  Bi|t  my  Defire  is,  as  welt  in  the  Beginning,  as  ifi 

*  all  oAer  our  I^occcdings,  our  Wards  may  be 

*  cwra,  pauitii  flf  pendirt/a. , 

*  Therefore,  with  your  gracious  Favour,  aCcord- 

*  ing  to  ancient  Precedents,  we  are  humble  Suitors, 

*  ttut  you  would  be  pleafed  to  allow  our  ancient  PHr 

*  vileces  (f)  J  and  that,  for  our  better  Attendance, 

*  our  Peifons,  Goods,  and  neceflary  Attendance^ 

*  ouy  be  foee  lirom  Arrefts ;  and  that  we  may  have 

*  Liberty  of  free  Speech,  not  doubting  but  we  Ihall 

*  confine  ourfehes  within    the  Limits  of  Duty. 

*  And  becaufe  this  great  Bufmels  may  ^e  ui  Oc- 

*  ca6on  often  to  refort  to  your  Majefty,  that,  upon 
'our  public  Suit,  you'\VdI>be  pleafed  to  give  uk 
^  your  own  fit  Time  of  Aewfe  ;  and  diat  all  our 

*  A^ons  may  have  a  benign  Interpreution,  and  9 

*  good  Acceptation  and  Opinion. 

'  Laftly,  That  I  may  net  only  be  a  Speaker, 

*  but  an  bumble  Suitor,  [yotefting  by  the  great 

*  Godt  by  whom  Kings  do  reign.  Tut  whatfo- 

)  Sn  TZmwi  &no  wu  eoa  of  the  MtmbM  whs  di      _ 
nfalTa  *|WDa  (he  SftmA  Mtlib,  ud  in  fiMoi  of  the  Cbm- 
afrmfittim,  in  the'liIt.PiriJuBeat{  and  «iitli-~ —  '' — 

_  ..  I,  ia  the  Uft  PuHuMst,  thii  Ocntlesiaa  mtit  tA  of 'there 
(cnulubie  Exprefliolu  t  "  Our  Prinlctet  Ue  our  Inherituwe,  not 
'  "  libtCerof  GT*ceiurT(denCi«a.— —  Tbiiiiof  tlutlJni«riiiicc 


)t4  'flittB»-iigm»tt&y-MAsT,pji.^ 

•vWith^tbciVail  sf^Jftur  gS?i!WiB  .C^^^ft^ffm,'  or 

ti-.Aaftrtr.       .  ^  no flioif  f ^c;e  thw  A 
(-as  you  b^vc jiot  ?pA  it  outjinto ; 

*  no  more  will  I :  It  is  ptyto  p 
-*  vAkh  cwiPit  he  fet  up  ilj  fo . 
,*  agfUn.  A  JVfo^bematiqiari  wrib 
.*  9ii,b?  Iq  rojw4,  M.  tiiat  P,oit» 
,*bc  fowd  fber^n;  ,fo  I  may 
,•  roiwdmA  volttbU  Speech,' thefe 

*  Artidiesi  ■£.■■■■ 

,•  of  .the  Xingi,  And  ,f9iiiet5i?»g  of  ^e  fi^  of  Par-" 
■•,li«llt8t,  JW^wh  axeqf.tW0.?^Wris,,&fn^jinv- 
■•ing^;ljft,  ptlKrs  4fORpiHg.ip^  ,tiicir  pritaves.: 
<^*iStiaQptbing  of.  (^onHitpn,  I^  ip  gCjneral :  j^qi^e-' 
A<hiiig.lw  tbei>ipHyHy,$Meply'^,Pnnf;es :  j|^o- 
i.<,iKba(i«f:fi;n^Qtolc6:..Saflaetfi'Jt|^f>f  the  Jlfj^Kafe 

*  of  true  Rdigion  :  ,  Seqteii^t  of  rf^jjiing^uut 
cVjiU^ul^tQ,pm.£p«nies:  Sot^ewhat  of^fuc- 
v*f.fe!VHig  qur  .■fnrn  :  ,AnstLfelWFW»tof'"tlie  ^f4°*- 
-^ittttlif ftaf  ir^tmd.    .Tl3iefftJ?^e^X9,ur\-ftiateji^&) 

*  jlb«  Formats  were  three,     i^  Privileged  from  Ar- 

*  reib.  2.  Freedom  of  Speech  in  your  Hou&j 
,  •^Aji4  ■*  A  ^ood  Iitterw^ijoii  j>f,  al!.j^^,  jotf 

<  haT6  kft^e  HouTe* 

'  *' I  fliall,  from..hj$  ^lyefty,.  give  Aofwer  to  ,tii8aif 
.•all,  iafldiMliprflccea^tppty  §«p.     ' 

*  Ftrfl^  For  yourfeU;  Mr.  Sfmiiir .-  Hi^Mi^flfty 

.*.ha,th.not.ynIy  ftretched  out  hi»  Scepter  with  Af- 

.  *^iviraacc  .but . jifted  Hp  h(B  Vsi^ei  ".fii^,  j/?  .l'f^t» 

:*  tuOj  (^daiUiir  tibi;  he  hath  granted,  all  ytwr  Pe> 

^     *titSftns,> 


'  titjoiu,  oaA  dsth^lSiie  yon  t^  no,  of  Us  c^  *ik  —  jtam  «• 

•■«al  Favour.  ,  »»»|. 

*  Snm£yy  For  th^  Kiogl  we  cannot  deoy  Gocni 
'■  blcfiingof  uB,  and  our  UilBra  of  God-fw  Ub 
'Royal  Defb^i    Us    peacetbM- Aecefa   to   the 

*  Crpwa;  hisminuailotvPnlarvatioiiiathfs'PIacdi 
'    *  and  OUT  comfortable  Hopeof  the  fiitun.  All  ttarie 

*  ihita  t»  SmuU  SMcul»r*im, 

*  77nr4l,  i9r  tbereXwA,  for  Jcttlinc  of  Pcf- 

■  Settpny  that  won;  «i»£te(I  ja  HeWl;/  Vlll.  ^ich 

*  ]r(iu  caii  ParliaiUMitm  Jt^im ;  and  thofe  Laws 

*  of  Chanty,  made  in  dic^Qtb  of  the  Ittc  Queen, 

*  wbifA  you  call  ParUofM^wn  fmn  \    md  choTe        ' 

*  ^f^utu  of  Grace*  which  wen  provided  in  the 

■  laftConyeatiofl^  {^ich^hb  MijcAy  would:h»e 

*  va»i^6  ParUmuMmt  grfti^mm)  and  the  Ftrdnn, 

■  ikrfiich  may  dt^  dlis  Partioauatum  imu^iatm^ 

*  bis  Ma|e%,wJll 'tkke  fuch  fie  atid - convcnimt 

*  CoprTcs, 'Bs  m^y  |»r«feT<e  Life  in  Ao-ane,  and'  ;;. 
"^Ve  Li^  to  the  other ;  J»  dttt  you  do,  aH  tlfit- 

*  triforiy ,  pla^  the  got)d  Midwife  tn  their  B&rtli.  ^ 

*  Faur^fya  For  tlf«  Absrtivcs  of.the  latS'  Afim- ' 

*  h)y».Vrhjch  yQu  call  PadiaAiutt^NuBitie^;  fuMi 

*  i^ima.  mtmimjft  ■  horrft :     A  ftmagr  jGhaneMi,' 

*  lunh  u  I  Ptycr  Raid  of^  "but  in  tte  -Atti^n  i^' 

*  the  new  Creed,  eruUMtcUJian  9i.attaxota  Catl»< 
' '  Utam.    Pafli»me«s  Iw»Uf»Uy-beae(»  •  •  ••(*). 

*  Gadf.aiul  tbeKhig  are  arcrfe toTIullitiea.    Tbt' 

*  ^  ParlAamentwas  the  thfee- Pcrfons confidti«g' 
'  together- /^/^mu;  AcmnAn.    Cod  is  a  Maloir' 

*  ai4n.9t  a  Pefiror^i'  Every  ConlultattMi  is  for, 

*  Shq*    Qpod.      Otbei7   may  coauncnd    foimer 

*  I«awe  :     Yoa  bttw  ksal  the  baft  Law  till  cow. 
■^.Hiy.lQ[>iRiGn,,£«jfGU&M«)Uf  iithebeft:   Let 

*  th^ftWnoi]^-of  thofeAbortiom  bebuiisd' in  tl« 

*  SAvec  i^ftittjxtnvt  to  rife  a(p^. 

*  I: wUp^t  yOu  JR  Mind  oCa-Stcffyi  wluch  T^ 

*  tctotf %.Mit  0f  ThiKfJiAt*     The  ^Jrfanr'  haviOE 

*  fwweeqio.^  £<K«dmm>«f,  in  Memory  thcmq' 
'MAltt  a  bawtk  Tcqihy.     A  Cboqrfaint  wu 

....    ■  *nwb 


i6  the  ParKatfuhtary  HiifORY 

■.atjaneil.  *  mxde  before  the  Common  Council  of  dx  Jul' 
jfaj.         «  pbSityeneu  That,  by  that  Trophy,  the  Memory  of ' 
'  their  Difcord  waa  made  eternal.     Their  Jud^* 
'  ment  yha^  that  it  Ihould  be  demoliflied,  becaafe 

*  it  was  not  fitting  that  any  Record'  fhould  be  of 

*  Difcord  between  Grak  and  Greek,     1  leave  the 

*  Application. 

*  FifiUy,  For  the  Common-Law,  in  genenly 

*  it  is  of  a  convenient  Difpofition,  and  fit  for  the 

*  Clitnate  ]  fo  hr  approved  by  his  Majefty,  diat 

*  he  would  never  allow  any  Projefl  which  was  hot 

*  juftifiable  by  Common  Law. 

'  Sixthly,  For  the  ordinary  Supply  of  the  Prince  ' 

*  by  Parttament,  Subfidies  arc  mod  comfortable  to 

*  the  King,and  WourabletotbeSubie^j  becaufe 

*  .they  ilTue  from  the  Heart,  and  are  brought  in  by 

*  the  Hands  of  the  People.     Benevolence  fs  but  aa 

*  Anchor,  and  a  Help  at  adead  Lift  j  becaufe  Par-  ' 

*  liamenta  are  a  great  Body  and  of  a  (low  Motiom  ' 
'                  *  The  King  was  averie  to  that  Way,  and  had  ne-* 

*  vcr  alTented  thereunto ;  but  compelled  by  an  in- 

*  tolerable  ProvocatitHi  without,  and  Invitation  at 

*  Homej  and  it  was  beftowed  on  that  inimit^le 
'  Parag;on,  once  of  Majefty,    but   now  of   Pa- 

*  tience  {i) ;  that  no  Man,  without  Malevolence, 

*  can  find  Fault  with  that  Benevolence. 

*  Seventhly^  In  the  next  Place  his  Maiefiy  re- 

*  turned  Thanks  to  you  for  your  Care  of  Religion. 

*  Your  Houfe  was  uiciently  a  Chapel ;  and  it  ftill 

*  may  be  faid,  Nm  Demui  e/l,  fid  Templum  j  fo ' 

*  many  Men  as  ye  are,  fo  many  Churchmen.    His  ' 

*  Majefly  gives  hilt  Afliinuice,  that  he  eAeenls  no 

*  Eftate  nor  Digniw  like  to  that  ineflimable  Jewel 

*  of  Religion ;  and  if  any  Scandal  hath  been,  it 
'  hath  been  ktjcen,  not  given'  Caufe  for :  And  he 
"•  wifheth  with  yflplunfiu,  the  great  King  of  jftr*- 

*  gahf  That  all  hit  SubjeiEb  were  Kings,  that  th^n 

*  they  might  underfland  and  be  &tisfied.     He  never ' 

*  (pared  the  Execution  of  any  Law,  but  for  asreater 

*  Law,  Saiia  tttipublicm ;   all  the  reft  are  nnetfiA 

*  Fine.    Our  ObfervatiQn  of  any  Law  is  not  for 

,  (j)  "tht  Frintt  Ptlatiiu,  (onetiw  Kii>t«f  SttmJt, 

.y  E,N;G  L  A  N  D.  -  j^ 

^  die  written  Law,  but  for  the  Common-Wealth.  A«.  n  Jiom  1 

*  All  the  Laws  are  yet  in  Force;  ho  Connivance       *^V 
.*  but  for  the  Propagation  of  true  Reiigion,'    ff^at 
^.knswtft  tbttt^,  O  Man  !  ■whether  the  believing  tfyf- 

*  band  may  Jave  the  unbelieving  Wife  ?    You  have 
]*  heard    his   Majen^'s   SlmQe  touching,  a  fkllful 
*.  Hqrfeman ;  which«  ^in    Zach'ariah,  is  God's  Si-  , 
.'  mile.      Kings    are  like  Riders,    the    Common'; 
^Wealth  is  thcHorfe,.  and  the  Law  is  the  Bridle^ 

*  which  mull  be  held  always  with  a  fure  Hand^ 

*  not  alwa,ys  with  a  hard  Hand :    But^  jfliqiianda 

*  reTjuttit  ferire  Eques,  nan  amittit  Habenas.     Yex, 

*  if /fo^ar  grow  infolent,  Cafl  out  the'Bend-Ifa-r 

*  man  an4  her  Sfn ;  his  Maj&fty's  Rcfolution  is, 
f  That  the  San  e/ the  Bond-fyamem  Jhpll  never  in- 
^  herk  with  the  Sen  'of  thf  Free.     His  Royal  Ma- 

*  jefty  hath  give^i  leave  'to  us,  that  are  his  Chap^ 

*  l^ns,  to  put  him  in  Mind  of  this,  God  is  eVer 

*  careful  of  ICings,  and  Kings  cannot  be  toocare- 

*  fill  of  him. 

'    *  His  fc^jefty  gjveth  you  Thanks  for  your  juft 

*  Feeling  and  Relenting  at  the  Ufurpation  of  that 
'  fwcet  Princefs  froniherJointure,and  expelling  her 

*  Olrve  Branches  from  their  Inheritance.  A  good , 
;*  Caufe  makes  goodSoldierfi.,.  Attollit  Vires  Militis 

*  Caufa,  It  is  impolSble,  by  amicable  Means,  to  re-. 
.'  cover  tii^  Palatinele ;  tbercfoie  you  do  well  to  fort 

*  Catn's  Carthaga  everimda,  with  Palatinatus  deglw- 

*  tinanda^  it  oughtto  be  unglued  again,  and  pulled    ■     ■  ■    '    " 

*  out  of  the  Clutches  of  thofe  Enemies,  who,  by 

*  Force  andciinningTreaties,Lfurp  the  fame,  .The 

*  King  knows,  and  we  know,  and  would  have  all 
*the  World  know,  the  Care  he  hath  taken  infhis 

1*  fivfinefs;  Patrias  deprehendcre  Curas.  .  ^ 

'.  In  the  neift.Place,  you  obferve  very  well  the 

'  wooden  Walls  of  this  Kingdom,  the  Navy  be- 

'  ing  his  Majefty's  fpedal  Care  ;  and.  as  the  Ca:"- 

*  vcr,  who  beautified  Diana's  Temple,,  tho'  it  was 
.*  at. the  Cods  of  other  Men,  yet  was  allowed,  in 

*  Jivers  Places,  to  fiamp  his  owp  Name ;  fo  it 
'  cannot  be  denied  but  that  Noble  Lord,  who  has 
*.  now  fpent  (even  Years  Study,  and  is  become  a 

;  .  Vot.  VL.  ■     B  ■     '  Mafttfr 

1  r.      .     l..(H»^lc 

lit       .       ^  Parhoihefthfy  HiSTokt 

3U  fijunal.*  MafferJn  that  Art,  rttay  graw  hfe  Wamt  'upbA 
'^)-       •  Ms  Work,  yet  a  ttdnt  Dafance  from  his  MkT- 
«  tcr*s. 

«  £^fy.  For  the  Rcfonnirttoii  'of  Tftlmd.  Afc 
<  P/wj6idofrrtfy*n*,  ThahtSCs!E*e*t«idMfcot 

*  to  Jlaly  alOAe ;   he  lloth   ftcrt  ^nily  flieWetl  1)A 

*  ^^im  &p6n  dli^,  buttiponti^er&iteitrieis.  Kk 

*  Majefty  ftiincs  upMi  Ifiem  tfr  (lil  g6od  tAirs'i 

*  and  lii6*  thai  KSflgddtti  adds  Bttte  to  his  CfdWn, 
\  It  adds  ftluchto'liis  Gidry. 

'  And  rt6W,  J*^.  %<rfw,  tchal  LiftertKS,  Prj-- 

*  vy^cs,  and  Acccft  were  -evo-  yidded  to  ahy  «  . 

*  yourPftdcceffOTs,  trisMajeftynOffgranteftftflljf 

*  and  'freely,  without  the  Itaft  JealoUfy  W-  IMlhi-, 

*  nution.     I  will  oWly  add,  out  tif  'Viderias  Marf- 

*  musj  ^wVCato  fine  tihettate?    i^'tf  Lii&tat 
f^Catoiife?    What  is  Wifdftrti  withmtt  LfttettV 

*  tofhew  it?   And  vriiat  h  Liberty -ttiAtOHt  Win 

*  Sbia  16  tife  It^' 

After  this  )^  'Hafztiguc  trxs  HidAfi,  Which  tiiuft 
\ie  allowed  veiyextfttor^ftaiy  for  ah  £ietift^vn  (rtie, 
the  ttoufe  WaS  ai^bumsd  to  Mmiity  'die  23a  of 

t\»  Loida  defiic  On  which  Day,  after  the  Houle  lirascalled,  an& 
aCoaftrMMcon-  feveral  Prolcies  admitted,  the  LoMs  took  into  Con- 
^bMai^ u^"  fideration  the  great  Baftnefs  for  whfA  his  Maj^ 
,  "had  fumtnoned  difs  Parfiament,  ind  Vhich  he  iiad 
imparted  to  them  in  that  Houfe.  'Hrtir  Lordfliip* 
agrted  fodefireatorferfflicc  With  the  CcKnmohs, 
tor  thfc  expediting  thereof,  by  -the  ■fidkwing  Mcf- 

■WTiercas  his  Majefty,  in  hrs'Si^edi,  liad  fiid, 
«  That  he  defigned  the  Prince  and  the  Dske  of  atf^- 
inghdm  to  fiffnify  to  bodi  Houfe»  the  Parttctifars  of 
the  laft  greatNeeoiiarion,^d  hrs'SeweiaHettoftew 
dieXiCtters  and  Papers  Concerning'thcfame:'  TTieir 
Xjordlhipe  being  dcfir6us  to  expedite  this  great'Bufi- 
nefs,  and  hold  fair  Correfpondmcy  whh  them,  do 
[My,  if  riieir  Occaliong  fo  permit,  a  Conf^rehce 
to  DC  had  between  both  Roufcs,  in  the  Fvinud 
titmier,  To-moWow,  at  Two  in  die  AAernoon, 

',L.(KH^|(J  - 

1^    BUG  LAUD.  i^ 

•JUltl^  UfmOofbtei  ujrofthePaxticiUandicaAii.  tij^mfU 
Mkuri^.  fiflf  of  them  move  iny  QveAiota,  they       ><•!•- 
Ib»ll  be  My  and  devJy  (tiisBtd  tberciii.' 

Thil  HtwTsffe  bdng  lent,  tba  Houfc  highljr  ap> 
|MWcd  of  tiiePiiace's  AwnOfier  to aflift  the  Dukd 
IM  hi,;  ileUticsi  to  bgth  HauCu  i  aid  aiCa  that  the 
Secretaries  Ihould  attend  with  tbeir  Papent  and  pro- 
duce them  as  the  N»Tatioil  (faall  retjuue.  Anjw^ 
ts  the  Mtffagtt  ■"  That  the  Commons  returned 
*nhrir  L«4flupi  hevty  Th«jk<  for  the  good  Car-  ^^^ 
rdpondencjf  they  dcfire  to  hold  with  them  :  TTiey  ^^  '  ' 
do  moft  willingly  embrace  «*w  Meeting,  as  is  dc- 
^aA,  3dA  wiU  attend  thrir  Lonlfliip*  at  the  TIm« 
IMd  fl«ca«apfMiDte4.' 

The  Loitis  then  proceeded  to  appoint  a  Com- 
■littec  to  take  into  Confideration  tite  Cufloms  and 
OnJerstrf  it^itt  Hoirfc,  with  the  Privileges  of  (he 
Peers  of  ibic  Kingdom,  or  Lordsof  Padianient.  ' 

ftk.  34.  On  a  Motion  of  the  Prince,  another 
Meflagc  WBfilcattothe  Commons,  importing.  That 
dw  JUnW  Chamhtr  being  appointed  for  the  intend- 
cd£oK£|icnce  that  Afternoon,  their  Lordfliips  now 
tieiire  diat  the  faid  Meeting  might  be  in  ^e  Hall,  at 
H^hitAtM\  that  Room  being  better  acc(»nmoddted 
^  £a£E-and  Heuing.  Alfo  to  acquaint  them  with 
tuS;Hi«|hiMl«'i  Refclucion  to  alfill  the  Duke  in  his 
Narration.  The  Commons  readily  oRented  to  the 
StA,  and  declared  ^emfelves  much  fatisfied  with 
che.Piinoe's  Oelign. 

*i*.  05.  The  now  Duke  of  Bvckitigham^  (even 
Barls,  one  Vifcount,  and  three  Barons,  were  intro* 
duced  into  the  Houfe  of  Lords  j  to  their  leveral 
Places,  with  the  uAial  Ceremonies.  On  the  Prince's 
Motion,  the  Report  which  was  to  be  made  this 
pay,  by  the  Loid  Keeper,  of  the  Duke's  Narra- 
tion of  Vafteiday,  wa^  deferred  to  the  27th. 

At  which  Time  the  Lord  fcceper  removed  from 
the  Wool-Sack  to  his  Place  on  the  Earls  Bench,  in 
order  to  moke  his  Report ;  the  (vA  Narration  hav- 
ing be«n  made  to  a  Committee,  and  not  to  the 
Houfe.  This  Report,  being  very  long,  is  much 
abridired  in  Ruffwertb;  but,  lincc  the  Leras  four'  . 

'  B  2  Mi 

20  Ih  Parliamentary  History 

An.  11  Jimei  I,  nal  hath  given  the  Whole,  togedier  widi  Cop!«  of 
*  '■  the  Letters  which  paSed  in  this  Negotiation,  we  Ihall 
alfo  give  it  at  length  ;  in  order  that  no  Part  of  on 
;  Enterprize  and  Treaty  may  be  hid,  which  muft 
then  have  amazed  all  Europe,  and  does  ftill  demand 
^c  Attention  of  every  intelligent  Reader  of  En^ 

The  Lord  Keeper  told  the  Lords,  That 
Th«  Lort  Keep-  "T^  H  E  Duke  of  Bwkingham  began  with  a  three- 
«•.  Itepot  *f      J     fold  Preface  : 
SS^.         '  The/r/conceminghimfelf. 
MegMUtiom  (B        •  The  fecond  concerning  tiic  Prince's  (Kgbnds.  > 
Sr»"'  *  And  the  third  concerning  the  Subjt^  whereof 

he  was  to  treat.' 

*  As  touching  tbefirjl,  he  craved  Pardon  of  both 
Houfes,  if,  in  the  Difcharge  of  this  great  Burden, 
which  his  Majefly  had  impo&d  on  him,  he  did  not 
proceed  in  that  Order  and  Method,  (wluch  left  in 
the  Memory  a  fure  Dint  and  ImpreiEon)  which  thh 
Bufinefs  required  j  and  defired  them  to  confider 
bow  unufual  it  was  for  him  to  fpealc  in  fogreatand 
judicious  an  Auditory.'    ' 

*  As  touching  the  feaind,  he  did  acknowledge, 
that,  among  many  great  ones,  this  was  none  of  the 
leaft  Favours  his  Majefly  had  kid  upon  him,  to 

,  put  him  at  this  Time  under  the  Wings  and  Protec- 

tion of  the  Prince  bis  Highnefs  ;  without  whofe 
Help  and  AlTiftance,  he  was  as  unable  to  govera 
himielf  in  the  Paits  of  the  Relation,  as  formerly 
in  the  Paflages  of  the  Negotiation.' 

*  For  the  third,  he  noted  his  Misfortune  to  fall 
upon  a  Subje£t  of  fuch  a  Nature  as  fliall  afford  littk 
Honour  to  the  Rejator,  of  what  AAe£tion  or  Difpo- 
fition  foever  he  be  j  for  if  he  be  well  afiedled  there- 

,  unto,  and  Ihall  fpeak  the  Truth,  he  mull  either 

blufli  or  wrong  his  Modefty  ;    if  otherwife,  (as  all 

true-hearted  EngUfiimen  muft  be  affefted  otherwife) 

he  is  fure,  by  laying  out  all  Thin^  in  their  true 


(r)  A  full  Aiconnt  of  thefe  Proceediogi  is  printed  In  Rfmir'i 
TubUi  A3i,  ftoro  the  fioffi  ef  Parlimdti ;  lut  tills  i>  chieily  topreJ 
'tnai^eLaibJiiunialt.    F<ed,  Ak£.  Tom.  XVII.  f.  jji,  Si, 


»/■   ENGLAND. 

Cc^otin,  to  be' taxed  of  Malice  and  Envy.  How-  An. : 
ever,  the  Bufinefs  being  of  the  gl-eateft  Importance  ' 
that  Chrtfiendom  has  anbrded  thefe  many  Years  ; 
ukI  that  Advice  which  the  Parliament  was  to  give 
his  Majefty,  being  to  be  founded  in  part  upon  this 
Rdation,  he  would  not  be  afraid  to  open  fo  much 
as  might  perfe^y  inform  both  Houfes  in  the  pre- 
fent  Bufinelsj  but  wpuld  fpare,  for  all  that,  (as  far 
as  the  Nature  of  the  Relation  would  give4tim  leave)' 
to  dalb  upon  the  Minifiers  employed  from  the  one 
or  the  other  King." 

And  this  was  3ie  EtfciS  of  hit  GrKc's  Pre/act.  ^ 

*■  In  the  Narration  itfelf  his  Grace  u&d  indeed 
a  clofe,  but  yet  an-exa£i  and  perfeft  Method  :  A 
Mail  inight  obfervtf  therein  fix  diftinft  smd  leveral 

The  firft  KM*  the  Motives  of  the  Prince's  Jour- 
ney te  Spain.'  .  - 
T&  fecond  was  tht  Treaty  of  Marriage  frt  a. 

Foot  in  Spain,  feverally,  and  by  it/elf. 
The  third  u«»  the  Treaty  of  the  Marriage,  and. 
Reftitution,  united  together  by  a  recipraeal  Sui- 
The  fourth  wat  the  Prihcfe'tf  RetUm^WM  Spain.  ^ 
The  fifth  was. his  Majefty's  fubfequent  Proceed- 
ings in  both  the  Treaties  fince  the  Rrturn. 
And  the  \^  wasihe&xan^  the  Qijeflion,  fuper 
totam  Msiteriam. — And  therein  kelh  the  Haufet 
were  te  offer  to  hit  Mejefly  their  humble  Advice    • 

Of  thefe.  Parts  his  Grace  fpokc  very  dlflinflly 
and  orderly. 

I.   The   Motives    of  the   Printe't  Jeurney  tt 

His  Grace  acquaint  us  with  this  Metbod^which 
was  to  open  Things. 

*  Firft,  in  the  general,  and  to  leave  Particulars  to 

(hew  themfelves,iietookit  for  eranted  that  he  need 

not  b^;in  any  higbof  than  the  Neg<k)ation  of  Mr. 

B  3  Chan- 


7be  f-ar^attkntarf  HiftT*R¥ 

■  I.  Chancellor  of  the  Excheqijer  ivilh  the  Airth-I>ii^-* 
efs  J  which  miniftred  uDtt>  his  Majeftv  Ht'e  firfi  Oe^ 
cafion  of  Je4ou^t  >nd  made  a  Kind  o£  pltiibver}* 
of  their,  indire^l  Dealing  with  this  Efbte :  Aitj  then 
ray  Lord  told  us  we  OiouU  fee  a  Dtfpatchi  wtitt^ 
from  Hampton-Gturt  upon  Mr.  Chancellor's  Re-  . 
turn  i  and  after  be  acqinij^ted  tvith  Mr.  Perur't 
Relation ;  which  was,  in  very  Truthy  djc  J\iativi 
of  the  Prince's  Journey.' 

Here  was  read  the  Kiss's  Lfttft  6f  Ae  3d  «£' . 
OSoher,  i&az,  tu  the  Eari  »f  Brifiily  vis. 

.  Right  Truftjr  and  right  WcH-be](>rei  Coiifl«fr 

and  Counlellor,  we  greet  you  welL 
efiiBRE  h  runt  Jmwi  hetfer  ihtm  jtntfi^^  Art* 
■^  we  have  laboured  ever  Jhbenet  the  Beginning  tf' 
thffe  iinfarlunatt  Tnidiei  tf  the  Bn^re^  noft^hfli»d~ 
ing  allOppapian  U  the  eentrary,  ia  inerH  well  ef  eutt 
j^od  Br-elher;  ths.  King  if  S^n*  aitd  ikt  tviale 
Heufe  of  Auftria  j  hy  a  Ung  and  Ungtring  pMfena,, 
^aundidJiiU  tepoH  his  Frieadfilf  and  Prdmifity  Uiat; 
Cari^aaidbe  had  of  tur  Hentnr,  and  if  mr  Chil- 
drens  Patrimony  and  Inheritance.  JVe  hme  atpiaiiH- 
edyou  alfe^  from  Time  U  Timet  fine*  the  Spinning 
'oflheTrealyefBivSds,  ho\u  er^ Things  biM  there 
proceeded,  nBtwrthfiapding  the  fdr  Pfof^fiont  made 
tmt«  lis,  both  by  the  King  ^^^la,  the  It^^^mtg^vOdaB 
■  ^s  Mimfitri  J  ptd  Ae  LttUrs  written  by  bin  to  the 
Sneperaty  end  theft  effeHudfyy  at  lea/t  at  they  tndea- 
voured  ta  maie  us  believe  :  But  tvhat  Fnt^  bmie  we 
of  aU  this,  ether  than  Dijhoneur  and  Sceryi  ?  Whilfi 
Wt  are  treati^,  theTtun  ^ind  Cafiit  of  Heidelberg 
taken  by  Force,  aw  Garrifon  put  to  the  Swordy  Mtift- 
heim  befifgei,  and  all  the  Hejlility  ufed  that  is  with^ 
in  the  Pvuer  »f  an  EtHmy  j  «i  you  tt>iH  fee  by  tht 
Relation  v/htcb  we  have  tUDSnanded  oar  Secretary  ta 
fend  y»u.  0»r  Piee^urv  tbtrefwt  ity  TSw*  yoie 
Jball  imtnediately,  as  foon  as  ysu  axn  get  jtmiintm, 
itthatKit^  under^iid  hnb  fei^e  vx  •art  tf  thift 
Prt(ee£m^ef  the  Emftrtr  towards  Vy  <amd^  Wb»- 
jifUt  lire  ml  aUttUfrtHbltd  to  fiiy  That  At  lafmlm 

i4tMV  «n  fifilttU  C«mmffm  ta  tvicbtje  a  Si^^f-  44.  n  ^mwi  f. 
jEnf  md  C^ituni  of  Armi,  fiouli  imv,  at  the  kft,  *^1' 
vibpt  aH  Ofje^aai  art  wt^ireit  md  the  fortnef 
fol^If  friteude4  Obji^a  haiuved,  tut  tnij  dtiof  thr 
(San^^n  ef  ibt  TVat)^,  Iv*  ^ffufc  ta  lay  htr  Cern* 
mpi4  ffvn  ^if  Sx^roT^i  Gavrats  far  alftainimf 
frm  ^  ^g<  of  cur  GanifiMf  during  tbf  Treaty, 
t^Prttuettf^'^ffAut^'']!:  Sa  dSifqraverd-^ 
*V  Sf  /ip^frT  Di^tuur.,  wi  iave  bttn  prttd.  tt 
X^^bfth  ^  ^nitiffiuiar},  as  jfufl  ^t  tin  Cianal/er 
^eipr  Sufifftffr,  (if)b^  y  tilrigii  r^unud  ft  our 
Pre^O  m  f^(l>'  f^4  Chiclwflcr,  wbevt  a^  '•? 
mM  14  ftW(  fim  t(nt»  fit  Eiitferar  ^  fix  Ditt  at 
KitfiOxiB-  ^tag  tken^fwt  li«^,  mr^iy  aut  ef  nir 
effrafrdi'WJ  ^^ff^  "  **<  ^W  5^  Spain,  imdlS» 
^rp  P^^^fMt  IV*  twrp^  I?  w  ^»Ptf  and  /V<H 
If^iv^hh^dfdpveviii  drfiriitgrufbarffitmihil, 
j^r  Au  C(pifi  P^'p'^t  ^  osipi  «H  Occafim  th«t 
tivt^  tffl  It  tnt^  hi  Uaderftandiifg  TVt'A  any  af  lie 
j^ffi'sf  A*tft'>»i  *ff  V^V  bttberta  ^ecttded  with  ^     " 

^j^^g  aif  otiuf  ^axi  wbiei  might  pvti^fy  bime 
ftofrfd  ti^  Jifj^aiadrr  ^  etfr  CbiSrati  inheritance^ 
i^ffi  Gqrrijofi  vfbiflf  wr  t^ainuinedintbt  PalaHnatTt 
^^  rathtrfar  fi^vp-'i  S^ie  fv  ieef  4  Ffeting  m- 
fifl  lie  G^xfToi  Meemmdatie^^  that  tbat  tvr  did  r^ 
jr  Ji  Ottub  fn  fkfi'r  Strength  ^  ufm  h't  fSrimd/htp) 
^^Sd,  h  iHt  (imfidfttct  and  Seaintjf  tf  mriy  ere  fOHi 
pipofid  to  P^fio^ur  pnd  Reprwftli :  Tsu  JImB  teS  tbtif. 
ft'*¥»  t^  ffin  '>lf  t^fi  ^adeirtmirj  eadgotd  Of-' ' 
t  pd^di  he  £<fth  ujed  tmetrdi  the  StaPerar  in  Mu 

Q^^dfnce  vdw^f  fbat  aur  Seturity  depewltd)  vmth 
.  if  ffatiffiflfyt  by  bit  Letters  and  Jl^m_fitrtt  hath 
herf  Ufbd'ered  to  beget  asd  toff^rm  m  nt>  iouf  pft 
fartg^  ta  any  atbtr  Ufiy  tkm  t^  4  plain  Mufe^  htb  a£^ 
his  fr^  and  atfrt  i  whtrtiy  we  fvt  Ith  af  ut  higJ^ 
VV^td  it  «"■  f^ffHTx  thttigb  in  «  diferenl  Depet: 
Wtl^^Ji^fy  tht  aut  tfa  true  Ser^fe  ^ thii 
Wrv^g  ^ered  to  ifi,  he  wiQt  at  tvr  dear  l^^g  jSro- 
^1  faifbfyUyfrmife  ^  wtdtftiUe,  itf«t  ht  N«mit>  . 
vArmm  tb/t  &q^  find  i^fa  Hidir  oa  Hatti  mi 
B  4  ^«^ 

■.Gotit^le         - — 

24  ^  •Tfirliamentary  History        r 

i.  iiJimMl.SM/,  either  that  the  CaftU  aR<f  Totwr  »/ Heidelberg- 
'*^3''  Jhall,  -withhi  thrte-Jcort  and  ten  Dayt  after  thU  __ 
fBur  Audience  and  Demau^  made,  be  rendered  into 
our  Haiids,  wilh  all  Things  therein  belongirtg  to  our 
San-in-Law  or  our  Daughter,  as  near  as. may  be  in 
the  Stale  they  were  in  vJhen  taken ;  and  the  lite  far 
Mainheim  and  Frankendall,  if  both  or  either  of. 
themjhall  be  taken  by  the  Enemy  tvhiljl  thofe  Things 
art  in  treating ;  as  alfo  that  there  Jhall  he,  within 
the  faid  Term  of  three-fcot'e  and  ten  Days,  a  Ctffa- 
tion  and  Sufpenfion  of  Arms  in  the  Palatinate  far  the 
future,  upon  the  federal  Artulei  and  Conditions  lajl 
propounded  by  our  Amhaffador,  Sir  Richard  Weftoh  j 
and  that  the  General  Treaty  Jhall  he  fet  an  fwl '  ogaim, 
enfuch  honourable  Terms  and  Conditions  at  we  pro- 
pounded to  the  Emperor,  in  a  l.etter  written  to- hint. 
in  November  lajt,  and  with -which  the  King  0/"  Spdh 
then  (aswe  underjlood) feenied fatisfed ;  or  elf t,  in 
cafe  thefe  Particulars  be  not  yielded  unto,  and  per- 

■  formed  by  the  Emperor  its  is  here  propounded,  hitt  he 
'refufed  or  dihyea  beyond  the  Time  ■  before  tneniioned^ 
that  then  the  King  ^  Spzin  do  join  his  Forces.  ^Ptth 
'ours,  for  th(  Recovery  of  our  Children!  Honours  and 
■patrimony,  which,  upon  this  Truft,  hath'  been  thus  ■ 
lofi ;  or  if'fo  be  his  Forces  he  at  this  prefint  olher^ife 
'employed,  as.  they  cannot  give  us  that  Ajfflance  which 
we  here  defire,  and,  as  we  think,  have  deferved,  yet 
that  at  leaf}  he  will  permit  us  a  free  and  friendfy 
Pajfage  through  his  Ttrritorits  and  Dominions  for  fueh 

•  Forces  as  we  Jhall  fenJ- and  employ  in  Germany  ybr 
this  Service  :  Of  all  which  disjuniiively,  if  you  re- 
ceive not  from  the  King  of  Spain,  within  ten  Days 
at  fartheji  after  your  Audience  and  Propofition  made, 
a  direif  Afjurance  under  his  Hand  and  Seal,  without 
'Delay  or  putting  us  off  to  further  Treaties  and  Gon- 

.  ferenus ;  that  is  to  fay^  of  fucb  Reftitutxon,  Cejfa- 
,  tion  of  Arms,  and  proceeding  to  general  Treaties,  as 
is  byhre  mentioned,  or  elfe  of  AJJiflgnce  and  joining 
his  Forces  with  ours  a^ainjl  the  Emperor ;  or,  at  leafi, 
Permiffion  of  Pajpiges  for  our  Forces  through  his  the 
faid  King's  Dominions,  thaf  then  you  take  your  Leave 
and  return  to  our  Prtfence  witbtutfArthr  Stir/: 
'       ■  V-  Other- 

©/■-E.N  GLAND.    •  2$ 

■Otbmaifi  tv  fracMd-Hi  lie  NtgoiiaiitH  e^  the  Mar-  *"•  "U***  '' 
ria^t  of  Bur  Stfti  a^u^^ng  tt  the  Inflruihem  we htne         'W* 
gaunycu.     Givea,  He.    .  . 

H^ipton -Court,  Oi\,  -^  1622,  . 

*  Then  "his  Grace  defuing  us  to  take  for  Truth 
whatibever  be  Ihould  fayj  granted  and  atteftcd  b]r 
dK.Pnnce's  Prefehcc,  he  ihewed  that  tbit  Letter 
was  not  put  home  to  the.  utmoft  hy  the  £arl  of 
Brifttl;  whom,  not  with  ftanding,  his  Grace  excuf- 
cd  for  the  Point  of  his  Return,  becaufe  he  had, 
in  another  Letter,  Ibme  private  Diredtiona  to  ftay 
untill  his  ^lajefty  was  advertifed  from  that  Place; 
bowjbever  he  gave  out  his  Komiiig  away.' 

'  Mr.  Porter  carried  this  Letter,  with  a  pcfeiQpto- 
ly  Diredtion  to  return  homeward  after  the  ten  Uky» 
Stay ;  the  which  Time  being  now  exprted,  and  no 
Dilpafch  prepared,  Mr;  Perter  ^c^^pt  to  the  Conde 
d'Olivares,  whofe  Servant  and  Creature  hphad  fbr^ 
■  merly  been,  and  defired  him  ro  fpeed  his  X)irpatch, 
that  he  might  have  fome  good  Anfwer  to, carry 
home  with  hiin.  The  Copde  afked  hiin  what  he 
would  have?  to  which  heanfwered,  Nojnore.tbao 
bad  be^  promifed  hy  th^  J^ng  of  Spain  i  which 
was,  that  i£  a  Reftitution  was  not  made  of  the  Pa- 
iatiuate,  by  way  of  Mediation,  that  thep  he  ^ould 
join  in  Arms  with  the  King  of  Greet  Briifin  to  re- 
cover the  fame,  and  give  Paflage  for  the  King's 
Forces  to  come  at  it.  The  Conde  anfwefed.  That 
this  Demand  was  very  exorbitant :  What  !■  His 
Mafter  to  aJBft  with 'Arms  againft  his  Undo, 
^ainft  the  Catholic  League;  agiiinft  the  Head  of 
his  Houfe?  He, would  never  do  ir.' 

*  Mr.  Porter  forthwith  rejoined,  and  aSted  him. 
What  Hope  he  could,  give  hhn  about  the  Match  i 
To  which  the  Conde  aiSfeercd,  That  for-the  Match 
he  knew  nothing  of  it^  nor  .would  he  underlland  . 
what  it  meant.— -And  Jicre  give  me  Leave  to  weave 
in  two  of  thefe  ■  Supplements,  v^hich  the  Xxini 
Keeper  imparted  from  their  LordJbips  to  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  out. of  the  two  fov^ral  Letters  of 
.the- Earl  pi  BrifisP.s,  that  the  Hatch  wast  originally 


a6  ^  ParSameKtay  Histoky 

tr  »*  p^at  ptopohUhy  Spam,  aod  not  by  vs;  «inielj».  h)r  tll» 
*^i-         £>uk»  of  Lrnai  snd  that  die  Ktag  of  %>'t  hdA 
dire^ly  promifed  Affiance  ky  Atma,  in  cai|e  Me- 
diation could  not  picviil  for  tW  K«Sn«tiiui  of  the 

*  Mr.  fwrtee  xqHunted  my  Lmd  of  Srifist 
wrdi  tbcfe  Aniwen,  ob&rved  hb  LsKHkip  at  the 
firft  to  be  much  moved,  and  to  ixf  id  Angvr>  llat 
be  wo«M  call  iyivvam  to  account  if  h^  hdd  tbis 
Lai^age  with  him )  and  would  make  hmt  oitdu- 
.flaiid  tint  an  Earl  of  MngioMd  waa  ae  good  i  Man 
as  a  Cende  of  ^«r* .-  But  feadji^  for  Mr.  iWv 
.  next  Momittg>  i^  OM>kr  was  abated  y  and  i» 
himlelf  coaMki  drat  he  had  chaaged  tut  ftcMo- 
^  «io8,  and  concluded  to  cany  the  Bufinds  more 
*fimly  ;  for  diat  having  feos  afer  ^okes  witb  the- 
CowUforbc^g  fe  legcrvcd,  his  Aaiw«  wai.  That; 
be  did  sot  ttunfc  it  proper  ta  impait  thn^  M;|rft«ria& 
vith  that  Frccftom  to.  him.  who  was  ngt  ^ualiieA 
as  a  public  Mintfter.  A&.  Ptrttr,  vacated  hen-.  ■ 
with,  cxpoflulate^  with  liie  Conde  for  donyiug; 
that  to  his  old  Servant,  wluch  be  had  in^tartcd  to 
ftoth  tiiK  Aiitbafladors  t  with  that  the  Conde  fell 
into  a  Kage,  and  fwoK  Fsta  m-  ^I'w  ^m  v^  t^tnlat; 
£mbaiiaderv  ml  Vtrat,  fi  tUas  affl  ££hei  ;  twt,  &ith 
the  Conde,  I  have  Re^tm  to  take  it  ill  at  your  Haads^ 
fwhom  I  ever  iavot»ed  aud  tendered  as  ny  Child} 
tbr  conamunicetuig  dkat  to  the  £ail  of  Brifidi^ 
which  I  had  told  your  as  a  Secret.,  Ur.  Por/o- an- 
fiffcred,  Th^t,  being  a  Serv^  of  the  ^iiog*!,  he 
could  do  n&lefs  than  acquunt  bis  AmbailadotriWa- 
wiriiall.  But  the  Tnrth  is,  that  the  Ceaidc  «a«. 
highly  difpleafcd  with  Mr.  Partery  infomuch,.  dut 
the  Dufcc  of  B-cUugbam  coming  into  Spain,  he 
(pake  it  openly,  that  he  hated  the  Ground  which 
Mr.  Ptrter  trod  upon.  Mr.  PerUr  returning  with 
a  Difpatcfa  fraught  with  Geaeralitiei,  without  an3r 
(me  Puticular  or  Certainty  at  all,  joadc  his  fiLd^ 
tion  to  the  Prince  bis  Hignnefe ;  who,  theoeiipiin^ 
code  his  Rcfc^ution  to  go  in  Perlbn  to  J]laut,  and 
gave,  himfelf,  diefe  Realbns  for  that  EiUerpnze,  . 
lie  faw  his  Fail's  Ncgatia(i(»i  deluded  i  Matuns 


ff  E  NO  LAND.  37 

«f  Rcl}^e«  gumd  span  and  atatied  )  hi)  SMItr't  A*,  ^t  j«aw|k 
CoA  kiora  uid  men  <leftientc  t  tbac  tlii)  was  ttie       >**3* 
Way  to  hdp  Tltuvs  off  ev  dn }  rtitt  ikit  putka- 
)u- Ddaytras  worft  tkui'a  plain  jDcBuI^  and  that 
^ccMding  to  the  ufual  Prowerb,-  ^  Jejptratt  B^m^ 
ifo^  bavt  a  dejptrtle  Rantif.      TttU  Kafolution 
tiir  ZTdke,   by  the  Princd  bis  Commawl,   made 
knAwn  to  the  Kins »  who,  after  he  had  eoiWultet^ 
of  it  togctba-  wit^  them,  at  the  lj^,  commands 
the  Dulce   to   acccmpany   his    HighiwA    is   tlu* 
.  lourncy* 
.  And  here  ends  th«  ;Cr/9  Put  of  the  NAtftA- 
TtvE^  the  Mahts  of  thc^VriQCC  Ua  Jowney. 

JL  Tilf  Tjlbaty  rf  tbf  Maxsiaci  fewtvd  ima 

*  When  die  ^iace  had  artired  at  MadrU,  uA 
jmntodiateiy  difcovered  iunsTelF  to  the  Earl  of  Srif- 
M  tiwDulufent^iKKtDaytooe^aViftt  un- 
to 6w  Gonde,  vho  was  ib  comidcntntal  as  he  re- 
filled to  teceive  him  in  his  awn  Houfe,  but  gave  him 
a|Meeting  in  a  Garden.  Here  riic  Conde  magni* 
iied  exCeadingly  die  Prince  his  Journey}  ami^iJied 
the  ObliBakas  hii  Hig;hnefs  had  put  upon  that 
Xing  and  his  Kingdoms;  laid,  that  now  widMut 
^t  peradrenture  it  muft  be  a  Matdi,  and  we  msft 
ifBift  and  divide  the  whole  World  between  ut.  T^a 
Complement  was  very  apt  (quoth  the  Duke,)  uul 
pn>per  to  pn>ceed  fnom  them,  who  had  long  IMwnce 
l^  their  Im^nation  iwsUowed  up  the  World  as 
iktek  own ;  but  not  to  be  lb  cafily  bdiev«d  by  ut, 
*i  l>ei^  no  ftnaJl  OSa  to  port  diils  fuddenly  with 
die  DUe  Half  at  a  Bkiw ;  however,  the  Arabafii^ 
den  taok  an  OccxTion  hereupon  to  move  hie  Grace, 
That  BOW  having  heard  this  good  Afie6Hon  of  the 
Oxide,  he  would  write  to  the  King  toJuAify  them 
fatharfotsaer  DilisttchetinthtsKind:  Nay,Mt- 
fy,  xnfiraml  tl«e  Duke  t  thefe  are  hut  Generals, 
whca  1  ictiA  tjie  Particular  tuneable  herciaito,  I 
Aall  bt  ready  to  relate  it  to  lus  Mbjefhr.* 

*  The  next  Day  after  Avhen  the  King  and  the 

Pfiotre  had  met  in  the  Pards^  and  performed  their 


\  ■      ^ 

aft  He-Farlimu^ak}  History 

I,  xi  J«p>«.i-  Ititcfview'  and  mutoal'   GerBmohies,    Ae'  Condfe' ' 
'^'^*  .      taking  the  Duke  into  his  Coachi  ■^nAMi.Parter-- 
for  his  Inteipreter,  falilng  into  a  Difcourfeof  the 
Match,  he  {aid  ilntothe  Duke,  Let  us  diipatch  this 
''  Mat£h  out  of  Hand,  and  llrike  it  up  without  the 

pept.  The  Duke  anfwered.  He  liked  the  Manner 
very  well,  hut  dcfired  to.  underfiand  the  Means.. 
Why?.  the.Means  (tjuoth  the  Gonde)  is  verye^: 
It  ie  but  the  Convcrfion.  of,  the  Prince,  which  wC' 
cannot  conceive  hut  hi^  HJghnels  intends  upon  Ms 
Refolutioii  of  this  Journey.  .His  Grace  btfwened. 
&>r^with,  That  with  Freedom'  thdy  came -thither, 
and  with  freedointhey  would  )!ctum.again:  They 
were  no  Jugglers,  neither  came  they  to  Spain  to 
ma]f6  new  Bargain^.;'  the  Prince  wns  fettled- ia  bis. 
Religion,  his  Confcience  ,wis  troubled  with  no 
Scruple ia that  Kind;  if^th^  ftruck  any- more  t>n 
that  String,  they  would  marrfthc  Harmony  ^  Then 
laid  the  Conde,  There  is, no  Way,  but<tti'fenil  to^ 
i!«me  to  hafien  the  Difpenution ;  Ta  the) which' 
Motion  his  :  Grace  affented,  laying.  The  ibonra-! 
they  did  it,  the  better  iti  was.'  '.  s 

*  Whereupon  the  Gonctc  :uutit»:hit  Letter  :tnr 
the  G^rdinal  LwUvicBf  the  Pipt^s  Nephew^  Which) 
being  ihewed  to  the  Duke,,  feemed  tahim  to  be  veryi 
heavy  andtnefie&ual ;  His  Grace  defiring^theiefoi^ 
to  quicken  it  with  fuch  a  Polbcrtpt,  That'  now  d^' 
Prince  beii^  arrived  muft  not  be  (eat  bacic  with-. 
out.  his  Wife ;  that  Dday  to  a  Suitor  is  a  Kind. 
of  ^efufal  I  that  clogging  Intiru£tiona  would 
amount  ;to  a  Denial,  and  new  Conditions  to.  an  ab^ 
folute  Breach  j  the  Condc  fell  into  Choler,  and 
laid  direflly.  It  could  not  be  done.  [This  the  Priact. 
^ffirme.i  to  be  aSid  i»his  Prefanee.']  Of  this  Car- 
riage of  the  Condc,  Sir  ff^'elter  AJhn  made  i  doub^ 
'  ful,  the  Earl  of  Brijlol  a  more  benign  Conftruc- 

tion ;  but  the  Duke  a  downright  ConclulicMi  thst 
thefe  People  never  intended  either  Match  or  Refti- 
tution ;  and  fo  wifbed  his  Highneft  &iily  at  Home 
again,  and  thus  the  Me0cnger.  was  difpatched  to 


•  5f   E  N  GL  AND.     "  39 

*  By  this  Time  ymi  muft  imagine  dltheSh^ws  ^"•■''jHMt^ 
-and  CereBioiiies.for  die  Prince  his  Entcrtaijiniciit        '"*^' 

pxftoverjitnd  witliiti'thrceor  four  Daysafcer^  his 
Ifghnefs  is-placed  to  fee  his  Miftre&  in  ^lerPaJTage 
tlinM^  the  Streets,  as  flic  maide  her  Vifits  from 
Chuich'i  ^ut  uidatiiited  herewith,  snd  preffiug  for 
AccdTs,  he  was ddayed  from  Day  toDay,  dIUtough 
pnunifed  at  firft  to  have  it  within  the  Compab  of 
■two  Days.  In  die  mean  Time,  the  Dulce  beaiinc 
that  it  was  refoived  ih  Council,  that  this  Vim 
'fhoujd  be  [UUroiF,  until  the  Return  of  the  Difpen- 
&tign,  he  aiked  plainly  of  the  Conde,  if  it  were 
fo?  who  confeflcd  as  m'ueh  in  cffcfl,  and  gave  his 
Grace  this  Reafon  for  it,  That  much  Scandal'had 
^ready  been  tak«i  in  the  Court,  that  the  Prince 
.was  permitted  toJwve  feen  the  Ini^ta  To  publiclcly 
.in  die  open  Streets^  and  that  the  Lady  fliould  M 
ahus  divulged  and  proved.' 

*  The  Duke  replied,  He'fhbuld  have  done  well 
to  have-dealt  freely  with  the  Prince,  and  to  have 
acquainted  him  with  fo  ihuch  before :  After  this, 
his  Highnefs  obtained  a  Vifit,  but  a  very  ftiiange 
one,  ajKl  ftich  a  Vifit  "is  was  never  "feardof  bcforc-j 
he  was  not  fulFered  to  fpeakto  her,  but  as  if  he  had 
been  upui  a  Stage ;  his  Partready  conned,  ^d  no- 
thing elfe,  in  fo  many  Words  and  Syllables  as  they 
had  dilated  the  fame  to  him.  mre  the  Prince 
was-pleafed  to  acquaint  us  wich  the  Reafon  they 
alledgod  for  dealing  fo  meaiiircdly  and  fparingly 
with  his  Highnefs;  they  .were  not  Aftrologers  to 
fordee  the  Event  of  this  Marriage ;,  they  were  un- 
certain whether  it  fhoitld  take  £f{ei£t  or  no,  and 
tlierefote  they  refolved  tO'  admit  him  as  a  Prince 
only,  but  not  as  a  Suitor.  This  Reafon' was  juftty 
difliked,  and  this  Courie  much  fufpe3ed  hy  his 
Highnefs,, as  himfelf  now  atledged,  yet  the  Conde 
falved  it  up  with  this  Complement,  Thatif  the  Dif- 
penfation. were. once  returned,  he  fliouid  lie  wiHi 
her  even  that  very  Night ;  nay,  have.herfaefhouid, 

.   upon  atiy  Temis,  if  he  could  not  be  qualifiaj  to 

enjoy  her  as  a  Wife,  vet  he  fliouldfaave  her  as  ^ 

AiiflM&.'_    ,:    .      .    .  .  .  L 

..;,  *  And 


3D  7^  T^'ttmmy  Htst9%Y 

hsijmii.  *  Andrew,  in  part,  to  «nMflb«ndifcFrince,  tnit 
^'^  pnav^f  Co  pRvent  imre  Viftn,^  fan  Htghoefr  it 
<WTJnl  to  «  Caunoy-iUwiic,  aUW  Armtvifn.  Vfs* 
|w  »  pBcftd  agua  tochangr  iut  R<Jig:ioii,  trnt,  ho' 
wg  id«f  an^  ftveffie  Id  fudi  »  Metioe,  he  m  lot 
Mpofi  bythe  Coudc,  todiB  £i&a,  Yet,  Sir,  ieJi 
WvKmA  to  jMT  Religion :  To  tlie  vl»ch  his  Hig^ 
nefi  jttliKPed,  He  ms  mo  £nemT  to  their  &i^r- 
«a,aar4sid>uith2C|i;<>Ke6  k.  So«n  aftci^  riding 
w  «  Ccadi,  it  tns  ocged  aguti  bf '  ^  Conde, 
^T^Mt  ihe  InfiuitR  mi  of  a  toidcr  CcnJcieiiix,  and 
iS  iic  fcoidd  ceme  into  England^  and  £pd  the 
fxiocc  an  £neii^  unto  Jier  JUigion,  it  wovdd 
quite  diflnaneii  hv;  his  Hiebnels  was  thcK&MC 
moved  to  ptaMnife  to  hear  the  Ladr  ^wak  upoBifaat 
Theme;  to  this  ius  Hig^UM&  willingj^  osnfented, 
«id  te&A  tn  hie  fiaafian,  which  wu  ver^  prohdik, 
becaufe,  his  Highneis  was.  as  lUce  to  convert  hv,  as 
Ibc  w»  ao  pctvcrt  him.  Not  long  after,  a  Confe-^ 
mace -with  £3incleained£}irine3  is  fireffiMl  upon  bii  ' 
Highflcfi ;  whidk  the  Prbce  decUoed  »r  tbefe 
^AllOtlS  - 

.frtfif  '  if  lus  I£glmc£i  Ibovld  be  reported  in 
(As  his  £rft  ^mtaaotx  into  the  Theatre  of  the 
WoiU,  tohe-6<Jcle  in  his  S«ligion,  and  to  carry 
■Ade  £enqdes  Jn  his  ConTcicnce,  k  would  pmvt 
flmdli  to  his  Oilbooew  in  all  Parts  of  Chriflrndtm.* 

Seam^  '  Altbo'-his  Hi^uids  (as  he  ^delM) 
was  not  aifnid -to  con^B  with  any  Divines }  yet,  if 
after  X>ibittatioti,  tbcyihould  not  prevail  a^inft 
»  y<MiBg  Man,  they  would  remain  much  diiguftcd 
Mid  iU-a&£tcd  to  the  whole  NcgotiatitMi.' 

Lqfflf,  *  If  the  In&nta  did  pleafe  herfelf,  with, 
any  imaginwy  Hope  of  converting  the  Prince,  thi« 
Hope  woidd  vanifli  away  for  the  Time  to  comCt' 
Jf  tjiis  iblemn  Conference  proved  ineffii&ial :  Yet 
the  SpainartL  were  never  off  from  this  Kind  of 
bnpcartuuity,  but  fpent  therein  all  the  Interim  until 
the  Rctisn  of  the  PifpenfaticHi.' 

'  About  this  Time,  the  Conde  invited  the  Prince 

to  treat  of  the  Terms  of  FriendAip ;    «^ch  bit 

Highnefs  put  off  upoQ  this  Reafon :    Bozauli:  the 

4  emergent 


tiK  AriMiMhW^)»>6V««SU7aitdlt«liMtatot)B        ***• 
Mkftiwg  (rf  tiwDhpeitfiitHMi  ani  tfu  ^Kfliing  of  the 

«m]d  iMikdltDoubt,  bvtdtt  ft«Aitt«l(Mi  wmU  be 
t#:aed ;  a^  tbtireftrt  lie  ^ms,  U  his  Ifi^jhiuft  toU 
W^tMttfaeTrMtyflr'theUbftitulmn  ym  fat  oTiSb 
4t4|ii  TiflK,  fhcragfi  te?er  held  fit,  anni  iateadeim 
IgMlkMd  in  -hmi  vt4tft  the  Tretty  of  Marriage.' 

*  Sx  Wedcs  afier  the  Prince  his  Arriwil,  anrnfi 
Ofe  Dirpt!Mr^ti«n-,  friiich)  cfmtrHy  to  many  farmdr 
Atoftfficrm,  ^tas  four  or  Iwc  D«r»  oondealcd  frotit 
4tis^^he6 :  At  the  iaft,  the  Dulce  kmin%  Intd- 
Itgence  thei«6f  did-Ciitl  f«r  it,  «nd  io  a  CaRimlnvfe 
is  itpfMintta  «o  freiA  thereof,  mtd  the  Prince  »■ 
ttfidtd  Ac  Bt^meTs  ih  I^crfbn  ^  tMt,  «{k>a  ^e  fcft 
Opetiiftg;  qf  >Parttc«tars,  the  Cmde  was  fMt  xt> 
Stho^,  an(l-fhewe(t->Hfl|JiJlf  tomierfhind  aeww  a 
Word  cither  of  the  Match  or  of  the  RtAitstilMi 
Jif  S»  Paiatittitte  7  ^rtie  At^es4>eing  propounded 
tb  the  Prince  hh  X^onfideTittkiiH  his  iSgbiiQai  wtrft 
judicioufiy  n^tifed  to  treu,  mdcfe  he  m^K  ^avfe 
iAilfarflnce  filey  ibotAd  be  dll  dekred  oimI  MCompu»>- 
dMed  Upon 'the 'Place,  without  (<tiidiii|  to  JUme  Va 
iKw-RMmM'ftein ;  heeauCe  hidHielmeU  vndftrSotd 
ftiiB  Sniw,  by  Mr.  Gvgt  his  LeiMr,  ^«  itbe 
l^^ifpCRfation  was  returned  inu^  dogged  in  MiUMr 
-ttid  Matifter ;  a^,  -eTpetHally,  with  <hu  aMitncetl 
ttei/  ConStioB,  That  the  K-ing  of  S^iti,  hatotb 
%hie'recetVfng  of  Che  r^rpenfa^fflh  Wss  »  tAs  n 
Oath  to  fee  a!l  the  Articles,  whereupon  thcFactil- 

^vru  ifTttcd,  Kallyperfbrnted^  or  eUe  'to  vnake 
ar,  'in  tafe  -Of  *iy  F^lme,  i^on  t*ie  itiog  df 
Sfisland:  A  very  odd  Gotijun£tiOn  with  Mattm 
of  Affiance,  as  *e  Prince  w«U  oWerv«d.  Hk 
-Hil^neis  ^ttt  the  Queftifin  to  the  Committee, 
Wh^h^r'^eir  Kingcoutd,  and  whothet  he  wt>uld 
tiSus  ihis  new-found  Otth  >  Thej  anfwefed.  That 
%e  bating  thereof  tnWR  ^wlK^ly  depend  and  rekue 
to  iik  Prince  his  facilittttiHg,  here  in  EngtmU,  fosie 
^Cind-slf  Ceutaiwncetnt^tu^efllaligion:  'Her*- 


52  The  ParHamfftUtry.  His %t)KY 

A<«*»0«»«»''i^«iithcPrmcefigiiified  to  liiem  his  RefiJueio»« 
*^'        iKflt  be,  neitber  cQutd  not-  would  alter  any  Thing 

,  iathe  tirft  Artides  Cant  from  Mngiind,  on'wlUc^ 
the  Treaty  began. — And  here  the  Duke  madeb 
-Remonflrance  unto  us,  That'if  ahy  Thing  con- 
jcerning  Religion  might  feem  to  be  added,  (for  ^e 
Prince  faid,  that  nothing  was   fo  added  indeed) 

.  wherowith  his  Majefty  was  no):  formerly  acquaint- 
ed, that  it  was  not  the  Prince  nor  his  Grace's 
Taiijt;  Nay,  in  one  of  the  Articles  fought  by -the 
Pitpf,  and  cocnprel^nded  in  the  Prince  his  private 
ProDiife,  a  ^jreat  Conteflation  arofe  between  the 
•£ari  of  Brifiol  and  the  Duke;  wherein  his  Gracp 
iaid,  he  {hewed  himfelf  refolute,  which  the,  Earf 
termed  Opintonaftre,  alledging,  That  the  Point  in 
Queftion  was  already  agreed  upon,  at  leaft,  in  In- 
tention, between  the  two  Kings.  This  the  Duk« 
denied,  and  was  fithence  juftined  in  his  Demal  bj 
the  King's  Majefty.' 

'  And  now  the  Junilo  of  Divines  are  met  to- 

f  ether,  to  refolve  the  Cafe  of  Confcience  upon  that 
reparation  and  Predifpofition  of  Things  and  hSti'- 
ons,  whether  their  King  might  lafely  take  the  Oath  ? 
At  this  his  Highnefs  enquired.  What  that  meant  ? 
But  Anfwer  was  made.  That  it  was  only  for 
Form  Sake',  and  fhould  not  ijelay  the  Buiineg  the 
Length  of  one  Hour;  as  the  Prince  was  pleafed  to 
tell  us :  But  the  Truth  is,  this  Committee  was  the 
Conde's  Wheels,  where\nth  he  fet  the  whole  Framf 
of  the  Bufmefs  backward  and  forward  at  his  own 

*  By  this  Time,  the  Prince  hath  gone  thro'  all 
,  the  Articles  tt^ether  with  the  reft  ofthe  Commit- 

tee, and.  leaving  three  undecided.  That  of  the 
Church  ;  that  of  the  Nuife ;  and  that  of  the  Edu- 
cation of  the  Children  ;  which  his  Highnefs  referv- 
eA  untilhe  fhould  fpeak  with  the  King  himfelfj 
-and.  going  with  the  Conde  in  his  Coach,  he  ac- 
quainted him  with  his  Refblution  for  thofe  three 
Particulars  ;  which,  the  Conde  writing  dowq  in  a 
Pair  of  Tab^fe-Books,  faidj  That  now  the  Bufinefs 


e^ENGLAND.  33 

was  in  k  Vetter  Wa^  than  ever  :    It  was  a  Match,  *■■  »'  J*nK* 
and,  without  more  ado,  fl»e  was  his  Wife."  i«j. 

*  But,  the  very  next  Morning,  came  the  Mar- 
quis of  Montei  Ciaroi  artd  the  Conde  de  Girtdtuntre, 
and  fpake  to  the  Prince  of  the  fame  Match)  as  of 
a  new  Thing)  and  told  him  plainly.  That  Unlefs 
his  Highnefs  came  to  all  die  Conditions  of  the  Dif-* 
perifatitins)  as  they  were  fent  froih  Rome;,  clearly 
and  entirelyj  nothing  would  be  ddne;  foi  they  had 
no  Power  to  remove  or  alter  fo  much  as  a  Word  of 
ftlfe  Latin:  Whereupon  his  Highnefs  was  juftly 
diftaAed,  and  offered  to  break ;  for,  as  hitnfelf  told 
us,  this  was  the  iirft  Time  he  faw  clearly  they 
wanted  to  juggle  with  him;  for  the  which  Altera- 
tion and  Change  of  Counfets  all  the  Excufe  they 
offered  was  this.  That  they  were  Beafls,  and  blind^ 
apd  could  not  read  their  own  Language.' 

'  The  Prince,  thus  refolved  to  take  his  Leave,  the 
Conde  ftays  him  with  a  double  Propofition ;  Either 
to  fend  to  Romi  to  have  the  Articles,  as  they  were 
agreed  upon,  confirmed  by  the  Conclave;  or  elle  to 
lend  to  Englandy  that  the  King  our  Mafl'er  might 
be  drawn  unto  them.  Word  for  Word,  as  they  came 
,  fihoin  Rtmt:  To  the  which  his  Highnefs  returned 
Ais  Anfwei-,  That  he  accepted  of  both  Offers,  as 
in  due  Form  and  Manner ;  that  they  fhoiild  fend 
,to  RonUy  and  himfelf  would  repair  into  Englnn^^ 
to  difpofe  his  Father  to  this  Eflefb,  and  to  facili- 
tate the  Negotiation.  And  here  the  Prince, declared 
his  Refolution  to  procure  either  a  fjir  Breach  or  a 
fpeedyDifpatch.  TheConde,findingthis  to  amount 
to  a  Breach,  thereupon  made  a  new  Propofition, 
That  the  Prince  would  be  plcafed  to  ftay  twenty 
Days,  until  our  Mafter's  Anfwer  might  be  bad 
from  England' 

.  '  Here  the  Prince  how  the  Earl  of  Brj^fl 
bad  laid  unto  him.  That  this  Was  but  a  mere  Punc- 
tilio; and  that  he  received  it  from  very  good 
■Han^,  that  if  his,  Highnefs  made  Shew  to  yield 
unto  this  Propofition,  he  fbould  not  be  tied  thefe^ 
'Wito;  but  (faid "his  Highnefs)  whwi'Ihad  oncede- 

V«L.  VL  C  tt|inin»4 


34  ^  Patliamentary  H  i  s  t  o  fe  y         " 

/ta.  *i  JwsM  I.  f ermined  to  ftay,  I  never  beard  more  of  the  Punc- 
**>l'  -       tUio,  but  was  feft  bound  to  real  Pprformance.' 

^  After  this  the  Condc  and  the  Earl  defired  the 
Prince  to  fpeak  ho  more  of  his  Return  in  this  Sort ; 
for  if  he  did,  they  would  quarrel  with  it  as  amount' 
ing  to  a  kind  of  Menace  or  Threat ;  whereupoa 
the  B.ukc  anfwercd,  That  this  they  could  not  do^ 
becaufe  the  Prince  bare  hioifelf  as  Xtxt  well  latisfied 
with  the  Journey,  and  no  way  diftalled'  at  all  with 
any  Occurrences^in  Spain;  but  troubled  only  with 
that  clogging  of  Articles  which  hap[}ened  in  Rsmet 
But  the  Earl  of  Briflol  replied.  That  he  knew  from 
good  Hands,  that  if  his  Highnefs  fVayed,  they  would 
prefently  fail  to  Bufmefa.  The  Prince  then  ref<dvB«l 
to  ftay,  upon  Condition,  that  Sir  Francis  Cettitigle» 
might  be  difpatched  away  within  two  Days  ;  and  ' 
a  Courier  might  overtake  him  with  the  Articles 
that  fliould  be  fent  after,  as  foan  as  ever  they  could 
be  made  ready,  which  his  Highnefs  well  hoped 
might  have  been  the  very  next  Day  ;  his  Highnef* 
took  Care  hereby,  left  the  Health  of  his  Secretary, 
upon  whom  the  Difpatch  of  the  Bufinefs  whoUy 
depended,  might  be  impaired  with  any  extraordi- 
paiy  Riding  :  This  Condition  of  his  Highnefs,  al- 
though the  Conde  (to  gain  more  Time)  much  op- 
pofed,  and  would  have  Sir  Francis  ftaycd  there  un- 
til the  Anicles  Oiould  be  perfectly  digefted  ;  yet» 
^  the  Prince's  fixed  and  conftant  Refolution,  the 
Contrary  was  at  the  laft  obtained.  And  now  the 
Articles  are  laid  upon  the  Anvil  again,  and  the 
two  Days  of  their  Hammering  fpun  out  to  twenty  i 
.  '  at  the  End  whereof  they  brought  them  in  with  new 
Additions  and  Alterations,  hoping  that  his  High' 
nets,  through  Hafte  or  Unadv^cdnefe,  would  uut 
his  Eyes,  and  fup  them  up  without  more  adoL 
But  the  Prince  read  thnn,  fotmd  out  the  Alttra- 
lions,  and  upbraided  them  with  the  Prance;  and 
/  when  they  excufcd  themfelves,  as  ignorant  of  the 
Foimi  ttie  Prince  ofiered  to  help  tbein  with  »  Pre- 
cedent,  viz.' 

'  That  taking  the  Oath  ufed  in  die  Matri^fr- 
Tnsty  between  King  PbiUp  and  Queen  Jt£ry* 

-A^vE  KTGL  AN  U  35 

ii^'aMiTig  40  ie'eacK  Article  agtecd  ttfton,  theyAi*iJ^mo.L 

blight  draw  It  Hp  iiccorcljngly ;    whereupon  thty        *^i' 

^natchei  ths  t^per  out  of  the  PiiDce's  Hand,  a;  re-- 

£>lv«d  to  puTiiie  1iu&  Di(e£Uan  i   but>  a  Sevennigbti 

afterj  brou^w  them  baci:  agun,  as  r^w  and  unbQi- 

ward  ascVer  t)i^  ttwic;  fb  as  the  Pfince  was  faiit 

^  >^e  tbem  M  Hatid  hvnfeif )   who,  by  the  Mi-, 

htftry  of  Uto  Eiarl  cf  "Brijitl,  framed  them  ufi  in  i 

icw  Heiirs;  to  (he  fuU  Approbation  of  all  the  Com- 

airttee;  bue^as  the  Duke  obferved)  it  was  not  the 

Dif^atctl  of r  the  BDf»ie&,  hax.  the  Approach  of  the 

Heats)  and,  confequetttlyj  the  Stay  of  the  Prince* 

which  wa»  the-  jirincipal   Ol^eft  of  the  Span^ 

CoHftfellors.'    ■ 

T^e  ArticlBs  Whg  at  the  kft  fcnt  into  England^ 
the  _|iin^  ofCitincfl  delfvered their  Opinionsi  that 
the  Infonta  Could  fent  orer  before  the  Spring 
tefiitng:  But  the  Prinoa  renumbering  a  former 
Promife,  'diat  the  Jun£to  fhould  not  retard  tUs  Ne'. 
rotiation  for  one  dour,  refohrcd  once  moie  to 
break  Che  Tr*iiyiu?o(i  tkb  Oocaibn.  This  pvi 
tiie  Cohde-tfrltis  InrcAtion  a^in,  and  caufed  him 
to  make  to  the  Duke  and  Sif  IfhJttr  j^ajf,  an^l 
ther  I>ropoFfithHi  i  That  i^the  Ptinoe  vmM  ftty-tiU 
their  ArabaJ&derS'  IkoiM  certify  cut  of  Mifgiaildt 
that  the  ArtkiM  were  allemed  to  hy.  Qiit  King, 
and  put  in  Execution  ;  dien  the  Lady  fhould  g9 
bver  with  Ms  Highnefs,  this  Vote  of  the  Divinef 
ftotwithrfandlngi  His  Grace  anftffored  to  this  Proi 
t>o<itioh,  Thatit  was  yet  worfc  in  Subftanctf  than 
the  otberj  for  the  AmbaRadore  m.ay  be  Gntfi^rly 
affcAed ;  befide»^  it  was  a  fiuTitmfa  of  no  fmall  Im-i 
portanee  to  tonnive  at  fo  m^ny  Laws  a»  w^m  . 
pointed  at  In  the  Articles)  many  Occafions  of  Com.-* 
ptalht  might  Irttervene  hersapqhj  in  the  larg* 
Circuit  of  Engkhdi  Scatland  and  irtimd;  the  Am-* 
ba^don  might  take  a  falfe  Alarm  thereb)-,  an4 
irtuni  their  Certiiicate  accordingly;  the 
IVince'e  Stay  fhould  be  frulltated  and  maie  of  jio 
Efiea.  Then  the  Conde  defired  the  Duke  to  £o-  xa 
imto  the  Commiffioners,  who  wore  litting  bat^l 
1>y,  andtoaflc-'tketntbnt  Qpuiiauaj  ^w  t^  Di.f 
C  2  Acuities 

^6  7be  Tarliaiaetttary  H j  «t  o  a  r 

a.  iij'netT.ficuIties  might  be  ikcilitatcd ;  die  Duke  replied, 
i5*j--  That  he  knew  it  was  but  loft  Labour  to  go  fixxn 
him,  the  proper  Oracle,  to  thefe  Cocmmffiofieis 
for  the  AfToyling  of  that  Riddle ;  yet  die  Conde 
prefTed  his  Grace  to  do  fo ;  and  the  Duke  ftcppi^ 
forwards,  towards  the  Committee-Chamber,  was 
called  hack  by  the  Conde,  and  defied  to  put  dw 
Qucftion  after  this  Manner :  Whit  Requital  or  Sa- 
tisfa^ion  Ihall  the  King  of  SpaiH  return  for  the  Fa-> 
four  the  Prince  had  done  him  by  undertaking  this 
Journey  i  To  which  his  Grace  replied.  That  now 
the  Queftion  was  varied,  and  the  State  of  it  al^r- 
ed  ;  Yet  (quoth  dieConde)  for  my  Sake,makevour 
jiril  Approach  upon  them  with  this  Queftion.  The 
Duke  to  fatisfy  the  Conde,  went  in  unto  tfaemi 
who  wondered  much  to  fee  him }  he  told  themy 
be  came  by  the  Perfuafton  of  the  Conde,  to  pro- 
pound this  Queftion  to  them.  What  Requital  or 
Satis&Aion,  i£c' 

■  '  They  looked  one  upon  anotheti  and*  in  the  End, 
bne  of  them  gave  him  Anfwer,  That  he  fbould  re-<, 
turn  to  the  Conde,  and  take  fiffii  bim  Satis^^tion 
to  his  Queftion.' 

■*  And  fo  the  Duke  went  back  to  the  Conde, 
who  prefently  required  what  Anfwer  he  had  receiv- 
ed ;  the  Duke  told  him.  Such  a  one  as  he  expell- 
ed, and  if  they  had  given  him  any  other,  they  had 
not  fo  well  defcrved  that  great  Truft  and  Employ- 
nient  in  the  State,  which  the  King  bad  moftprudcnt- 
ly  impofed  upon  them.  Why,  quoth  the  Conde, 
Wliat  was  their  Anfwer  ?  Surely,  faid  the  Duke,  tQ 
hold  you  no  longer,  it  was  this.  That  I  fliould  re- 
turn back  again  to  you  to  know  it.  With  that,  tbe 
Conde  rapped  with  his  Staff,  and,  callmg  in  the 
Chancellors,  he  fpake  unto  them  in  fuch  a  perplexed 
Stile,  as  though  be  would  have  them  undeiftand  hiy 
Meaning  (but  yet  for  fear  the  Duke  fbould  do  fb 
too)  by  any  Thing  rather  than  by  his  Words.  At 
the  laft,  the  Bifhbp  of  Segovia  anfwercd  bis  Grace  to 
this  Effea,  He  had  heard  fomewhat  of  the  Eftate 
of  our  Kingdom,  and  had  received  it  from  good 
Iltods,  Tint  out  Kiiig  could  not  make  »  Tolera- 


jTENGLANDj  37. 

lion  widMut  X  Rdsdlion ;  and  h?  eafilv  believed  it.  An.  •*  Iwnei  I. 
becaufe  the  King  of  Spain  is  not  able  in  his  Domi-  >  i^ij. 
jiions  to  eSoEt  the  like  Enterprise,  without  incin^ 
ting  the  like  Danger;  and  therefore  concluded  it 
^ras  unlafe  to  fend  the  Lady^  thither  at  this  Time ; 
becaufe  we  having  granted  ai  mirtji,  in  tffc&,  as 
%  Toleration^  it  was  very  probsdilc  fhe  fliould  be 
welcmned  with  a  Riiing  and  Rebellion.  To  tiie 
which  the'  Duke  replied,  That  if  the  FavouVa, 
which  the  King  bis  Maftcr  had  extended  to  his 
Catholics,  at  ^c  Mediation  of  that  King  and  the 
Advice  pf  that  very  Committee,  be  of  fo  dangerous 
a  (^mfequcnce,  it  feemed  their  LonUhips,  who 
gave  dkeir  Advice  for  the  Articles,  then  kjicw  th^ 
poftended  Rd>ellion.  But  youmuil  know  (quota 
the  Didce)  dtat  if  his.Higfanefs  bad  been  of  my 
LcHrd  B'Jhop's  Opinion,  that  tbofe  Connivanco 
had  amounted  to  2  Toleration,  he  had  never  ac- 
cepted <^  thefe  Articles  to  have  gained  any  Alliance 
in  the  whole  World  :  This  was  but  a  temporary 
SuTpenlion  of  penal  Laws,  but  no  Toleration  i 
which  was  never  ofinvd  to  be  thnift  upon  the  State 
of  England^  but  by  Content  of  Parliament.  Then 
they  all  looked  ^ilhfiilly  at  GvndcTKrr,  as  the  Sur- 
veyor General  of  Eagiandy  and  Author  of  that  In- 
telligencej  ibdiat,  being  eyed  by  them  all,  and  in 
a  Manner  pointed  out,  he  faid,  I  muft  confels,  the 
King  of  Ert^aad  is  a  very  learned  King,  bath  go^ 
verned  long,  and  ia  very  rich  in  the  Hearts  of  his 
SubjeAs;  yet  do  I  not  n9ld  it  fitting  to  fend  the 
lafaau  thither  before  th,ft  Articles  be  perfeflty  put 
in  Execution ;  nay.  Sir,  you  know  very  weil  tfurt 
I  have  formerly  dealt  very  plainly  and  freely  herein 
with  the  King  of  Great  Britain,  To  this  the  Duke 
readied.  That  now  he  had  provoked  him  very  iar, 
for  he  bad  been  acquainted  with  the  Treaty  from 
die  Begjnnii^,  and  never  yet  beard  a  Wont  ^1 
to  that  Purpofe  j  nay,  on  the  contrary  Side,  the 
Conde  de  Gundanure  offered  to  our .  King  the 
Dau^ter  of  Spain,  and  begged  this  Alliance  merely 
for  the  AQiance  Sake,  widiout  any  Prejudice  to  tha 
prefent  Govenunent,  pr  the  Keligioo  cfiabtUked, 
C  3  A.  i 

3^  7h  .Parrtameniary  Hi  s  t  0  r  V 

m.  ai  Jwcil.Andthzt  when  we  objected  tiib  Diladvafntage  o^ 
■  '^^i*  treating  with  the  Catholic  Kiog,  becaufe  or  that 
tizpk  I&or,  to  {tip  in  and  out  »t,'  st  hif  Pleafii're, 
(to  wit)  the  fefe^s  Corififtoryj  Giindaitktri  Xv^mA^ 
The  Popt  (liii(l  not  but  difpenfe  with  this  Matdn 
if  Spain  (6  repaired ;  uid,  for  Proof  aUed^  di- 
vers Iiiitapces  of  Biifinefs  refolv'cd  in  Sfaix^  th6ugli 
difliked  by  the  Jpept ;  to  which  notwt^lhuiding  his 
HoUnefs  gave  his  Confept  for  mere'  Fear  left  his 
Aflent  fhould  not  be  expe£le(]  QC  required.  The^ 
IJonde  de  Gvndamere  took  this  very  offenfively  at; 
the  Duke's  f^ands,  to  be  told  of  thofe  Stories,  in 
Spain,  which  he  had  provided  for  the  Meridian  <4 
Englmd-f  and  did  his  Grace  no^o6d  Offices  frettQ 
ihat  Time  forward,'  which  the  Duke  little  r^wd- 
cd  i  yet  one  of  his  Requitals  is  very  menu)rtib}e, 
that  at  the  very  fame  Inftant,  he  infufed  itito  tht 
Prince's  Highncfs  that  the  Duke  wis  in  He»(t  (iu 
he  laid  all  his  Kindred  were)  a  Roman  Catholic  i 
and,  to  It  Jefuit  of  great  Account  and  Zeal  in  tbofe 
Parts,  that  he  was  a  pioft  ohftinate,  pierverfe,  and 
refractory  Puritan,  which  bred  his  Grace  muchi 
JIatrcd  among  the  Zealots  in  thole  Parts.' 

*  About  this  Time  it  was  reported,  that  hi* 
Highnefs  maile  fome  Proyifion  to  fteid  out  of  the 
Country  fecretly ;  and  it  is  verr  true  that  Ways 
were  laid  to  intercept  him,  arid  m  fucb  a  Cale  tij 
detain  hioi  openly  and  avowedly  aa  a  Priliiner, 
Hereupon,  my  Loid  Diike  was  fent  unto  them  with 
this  brave  Remonftrance,  That  although  they  had 
ftolen  thither  out  of  Love,  they  frould  never  fleal 
irom  thence  out  of  Fear ;  and,  howeveE,  others 
were  guilty  of  thinkiiig,  they  two  Ihould  rtevcr  be 
guilty  of  taking  fo  poor  and  unworthy  a  Coiirfe.'.  - 

*  And  fhe  Prince  making  about  that  Time  a 
pirpMCh  unto  his  Father,  fent  unto  him  this  Mefr 
fagc,  by  Mr.  Grayxes,  TTiat  if  his  Majefty  Ihonlct 
receive  any  Advert!  fement  that  he  was  detainedby 
that  State  as  a  Prifoner,  he  would  be  pleafed,  bit 
his  Sake,  never' to  think  upon  him  any  longer  as  i 
Sun  {  but  to  r^ed, '  with  ^1  his  Royal  Thoughtc* 
upon  ^e-Good  (^  his  Sifter,  and tbe  Safety  ^  hi* 
I  •        Kiiigdom 

e^'E  N  G  L  A  N  D,  39 

Itingd^i ;   neverthelefs,    the  Priijce  commanded  Ab.  «i  S*aa 
Graymes  not  to  deliver  this  MeiTagc,  unl^fs  he  heard         l'*3' 
^at  his  Highnefi  was  there  detained.'  \ 

»  And  thus  far  extended  the  fifoui  Part  of  tlfc 
^ARRATiv?,  The  Treaty  of  '^c  Malcby  as  It 
ftood  fevered  and  tjivided.' 

JII.  The  Treaty  "f  '**  Match  avd  RpsTiTOt 
TlON  rseiprocally  fuberMwOtd. 

*  When  the  Prince  had  refufed  the  former  J^roi 
pofition  of  the  Conde,  to  exped  the  Certificate 
from  the  Sfamjh  ^mhaSiAon^  and  w^  refolved  t6 
ftav  no  longer ;  the  Conde  betakes  himfelf  to  his 
\aXt  AnchOT,  and  <^ered  to  his  Hi^nefs^  in  cafe 
he  wo(i1d  accept  of  the  Time  of  the  Tnfanta's  going 
at  the  Spring,  in  a  blank  Paper  to  fpt  down  his  owQ 
Condidons  for  the  Rcflitutlon  of  the  Palatinate^ 
To  this  his  Highnefs  began  to  liflen,  as  well  k- 
membering  his  Father's  Commandment  laid  upoi) 
bim  at  his  Departure,  that,  together  with  hisAUi|- 
ance,  he  fliould  endeavour  to  the  utmoft  of  hU 
Power,  the  Peace  of  Chrtflerubm;  he  therefore  fent 
the  Duke  and  Sir  JValter  Aften  to  the  Conde,  to 
know  whether  he  meant  fertouHy  and  really  in  this 

<  The  Conde  avowed  that  he  did ;  and  that  this 
was  the  only  Way  now  left  to  gain  tiie  Pahtinate 
\>j  Way  of  Treaty,  otherwife  the  King  our  Ma^ 
tcr  muft  reiconquer  it  with  Arms  if  he  will  have 
it.  This  being  juftified  to  the  Prince,  by  the  Duke 
»nd  the  Interpreter,  (whom,  in  every  Employ- 
ment, the  Duke  brought  ftill  to  the  Prince  for  the 
Witnefs  of  his  Negotiation)  his  Highnefs,  to  prcr 
vent  llie  further  Shedding  of  Chriftian  Blood, 
yielded  to  the  Propofition  for  his  Stay.' 

*  Here  it  is  fit  to  obferve  this  PalTage,  which  is 
the  Thing  upon  which  all  his  Highnefs's  fiibfequent 
A<%on3  arc  turned  and  moved  ;  He  had  never  (laid 
x  Scvennight  longer  in  Spain,  he  had  never  left  any 
Proxy  with  the  Earl  of  Brljfely  he  had  never  taken 
^  Oath  at  (he  $fcurtal,  or  fo  much  as  ever  written 

■  ■  ■       C  4  3  Lcner 


40  The  Farliamenfary  H  r  s  t  o  r  y 

a.  >t  Jamei  !■  a  Letter  of  Complimept  to  the  Lady ;  bat  that  he 

»**!■    '     haJ  ftill  before  his  Eyes  as  his  Land-Mark,  the  Pro- 

.    mife  made  by  the.Coiide  for  the  Reftitution  of  the 

Palatinate.     This  ore  Obfervation  will  ferve  as  a 

Torch,  to  cafl  not  only  a  Light,   but  a  Luftre, 

upon  all  his  fubfeqiient  Adiions.' 

'  At  this  Stay  of  the  Prince's,  there  appeared  ge- 
nerally in  the  Court,  great  Alacrity,  fuch  Careffei 
and  £xprel£ons  of  Joy,  as  the  Duke  profefled  he 
never  faw  the  like.'  ■  r 

*  His  Grace'laying  hold  upon  this  good  Humour, 
thought  it  beftflriking  when  the  Iron  was  hot;  and 
begun  to  caft  about  how  to  (horten  tKefe  Months, 
and  to  haften  the  Delivery  of  the  Lady.  He  pre- 
fented  unto  the  Conde,  how  his  Mafter  was  now 
in  Years,  the  Prince  was  his  only  Son,  and  he 
longed  to  fee  Iffue  by  him.  That  his  Highnefs 
would  fufFer  much  in  his  Honour  and  Reputation, 
to  return  Home  without  his  Wife ;  that  the  In- 
fanta coming  in  his  Company  would  open  tg  her  a 
wide  PaiTage  into  the  Hearts  and  Afe^ions  of  all 
die  People  ;  that  this  ^ould  kill,  in  the  very  Root, 
the  Praflices  of  other  Prjnces  to  divert  this  Alli- 
ance ;  and  laftly,  this  would  put  an  eternal  Obli- 
gation upon  tnc  Duke  himfelf,  and  a  glorious 
Luftre  and  Repute  upoti  his  prefcnt  Journey  anl 

'  The  Conde  faid  hereupon,  That  he  was  be^ 

witched  with  thcfe  Reafons,  and  affured  the  Duke  his 

Motions  fiiDuld  take  Effefl,  only  the  Prince  miift 

'  not  be  acquainted  therewith  ;    but  himfelf  woiild 

fuddeply  prepare  for  the  Voyage,  and  would  needs 

have  the  Prince  name  a  Day  for  his  Dcpartun!, 

which  accordingly  was  defigned  and  appointed.' 

,  '  This  News  either  came  indeed,  or  was  pre- 

tepdt;d  to  have  come,  to  the  Infanta.     She  is  fup- 

pofed  to  take  it  exceedingly  ill ;  and  the  Condefla 

d'Olivares,  who  hath  the  Care  of  her  Education,  fejit 

unto  the  Prince,  that  it  became  him  not  to  forfake 

the  Cpmpany  of  fucK  a  Lady,  tijr  the  gaining  pf  a 

poor  Circumftancc  of  Time,  Jtfter  fo  many  and 




rf  EN  GLAND.  4,  j 

feiextiaordjnaryExprefiionsof LoveandAffedion;  ka.i\fyunl. 
9Bd  upon  her  Aflurance  that  no  Advantage  fhould'be  I*>^ 
taken  of  that  Promife,  prevailed  on  his  Hiehnefs 
to  return  this  Compliment,  that  rather  than  give  her 
Highneis  any  Difguft,  he  would  ftay  for  her  feven 
Vears.  The  Conde  (Who  winked  thro*  his  Fingers 
at  thefcAftionj  of  hii  Wife)  being  prefled  to  prepare 
for  the  Infanta's  going  (according  to  that  Encbant- 
Qent  the  Duke  had  caft  upon  him)  burft  out  into 
Oaths  i  and  demanded.  If  they  thought  he  bad  no- ' 
diing  dfe  to  do  with  his  Mailer's  Money,  but  to 
throw  it  out  of  the  Windows  in  this  kind  :  And 
when  the  Prince  replied  again.  That  if  he  were  fa 
careful  a  Steward  for  his  Mailer,  his  Highnefs 
bimfiilf  would  defiray  the  Preparations;  he  refufed 
the  Offer,  and  faid,  his  Mailer  expected  no  fuch 
Supplies.  By  this  Time  Sir  Francis  Cottingian  ar- 
rived with  all  Things  perfcftcd  by  the  King,  and  ■ 
Letters  of  good  Satisfa^on  from  the  Ambaffadors, 
and  a  Command  from  our  King  unto  his  Highnefs^ 
to  make  his  Return  within  one  Month  "a^er  the 
Reception  of  thefe  Letters.  When  the  Princeex- 
peded  to  have  found  them  wrapt  in  an  Extafy  of, 
Joy,  they  were  in  much  Diforder  at  the  Hearing  of 
the  News ;  and  infinitely  troubled  that  tis  Maje^ 
faad  fowell  and  fo  quietly  overcome  fo  many  Parti- 
culars. Here  the  Duke  made  his  Annotation,  That 
he  did  not  poittively  affirm  they  meant  to  have 
bred  any  Stirs  in  England;  but  this  he  wdl  remem- 
bered, that  when  the  Prince,  to  difpute  them  out  ' 
vS  their  unreafpnable  Demands  in  Matters  of  Reli- 

fion,  'oli^eS^  againft  them,  this  Danger  of  Rebel- 
on,  they  replied  again,  That  if  he  feared  any' 
fuch  Thing,  he  ibould  iie  waited  upon  into  E>^- 
land  with  a  good  and  ftrong  Army  to  decide  all 
Contfoveriits  in  Religion :  A  Courtefy,  as  the  Xxird 
Keeper  obferved  in  reporting  the  fame,  better  un« 
derftood  in  A^lan,  Napksj  and  Germany,  than. . 
hittjerto  (God  be  thank«l)  in  this  Ifland  ;  but  the 
Prince  fold  us  his  own  Anfwer  to  this  Compliment 
of  theirs  was.  That  tbe  Remedy  was  worfe  than 


4«  ^e  P^Hidm^a^  Historv 

I.  ziJuDcil,      *  Yet  all  this  while  thtre  was  no  Preparatioif 

'?*^'         madcbythcCondc,  not  fo  much  a;  for  the  Prince'^ 

Journey  J  which  his  Highnefa  find,-  *as  therefore 

deferred  in  Hopes  to  have  m^e  hirii  f^  an4  be^ 

■^  trothed  before  his  pcparture,' 

'  Upon  the  Certificate  6f  the  Ambafladon 
brought  by  Sir  Francis  Callliigfeii,  the  Duke  pjef- 
fcd  die  Conde  witl^hts  former  Protnife  to  driver 
.  the  Lady  now,  tjie  Condition  being  performed. 
ThcCondetoidhim,ThtTiincw«B^ftj  andth'o* 
his  Grace  ofiered  to  tarty  the  very  Brim  oi  Wintep 
for  her  Company,  yet  was  the  Motion  flighted^ 
tnd  the  Duke  dellred  to  tfouble  hhnlelf  ^  Qioie 
with  any  Thoughte  to  that  Purpofe.' 

*  About  this  Time  the  Conde  renewed  tbq 
Treaty  for  the  Reftitution  rf  the  Pahtimite  j  %r 
ing.  The  Lady  fhould  by  no  Means  go  into  Eng- 
land before  that  Bufint&'vns  accomoioiAttd'.  And 
»fter  Conference  with  the  German  AmbaSadorsj^ 
there  was  proje^ed  a  Reftitution  of  the  Land  to 
the  Son,  upon  Conditioff  of  a  Marriage  with  the 
Emperor's  Daughter,  wjfidi  the  Prince  did  not 
diflike ;  but  diere  was  added  wtthal,  another  Con*, 
flition,  that  his  Son  fhould  be  bred  in  th^  £mpe>  . 
n>r*?  Court,  which  his  llighnefs  uttwly  rejeftcd.* 

*  As  concerning  the  Prince  Palatin*  himleif,  hi 
muft,  like  Caia,  have  a  Mark  of  In^ny  upon  bi^ 
Perlbn ;  and,  for  his  Electorate,  it  was  a  Thing 
in  NuhibuSi  which  hung  in  the  Air,  and  alto^ther 
beyond  their  Reach  and  Power  t  nor  wo«!4  they  ' 
by  any  Means  undertake  the  fame.' 

^  Then  the  Prince  demanding  of  the  Conde, 
Whether,  jn  cafe  the  Emperor  proved  relra£boryy 
the  Kingi  his  Mafler,  would  affift  him  vith  Anns^ 
to  reduce  hiin  to  reafonable  Terms  ?' 

*  The  Conde  anfwerednegativelj*;  becauft;  they 
had  a  Maxim  of  State,,  That  the  King  of  Spatj), 
^ufl  never  fight  againft  the  Emperor.' 

'  He  had,  indeed,  (for  it  was  not  to  be  denied) 
dealt  very  ill  with  them  in  this  Particular :  but  if 
he  Should  beat  and  bufiet-them,  they  w($uld  nef 
promife  to  employ  their  forces  agaii^  ^e  Houfs 
'    ■  ...   ,      9^ 

rj- ■,i-,Goti'^le 

./EN  C-L  AND,  43 

p(  Jifjiria.  |]ercup<vi  his  Highnefi  made  his  Pro- ^v*  aijratfil* 
fcfi»tToii  to  the  Condc,  Look  to  iE»  Sir,  far  if  you  ."»^' 
tiold  jreurfelf  to  thai,  there  is  an  End  of  all :  f6r> 
witlMut  this,  you  may  not  rely  upon  cither  Mar- 
riage or  Friendlhip ;  for  I  mull,'  as  I  am  requiredf ' 
rctiffn  fo  my  Father^  and  acquaint  him  with  your 
.  ^lefolution  in  this  Point.  Look  for  i)eicher  Marr 
riage  nor  Friendlliip  without  Reftitutioo  of  the  Pa^ 

'  Yet  was  qot  the  farl  of  Brl/igl  fo  abfolutcly 
perfuadcd  of  the  Prince's  Rcfolution ;  for  he  offer- 
i;d  (as  was  related  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons)  to 
lay  with  him  a  Ring  worth  looo  /.  that  for  all  his 
Father's  Letters,  nis  Hlg^nels  would  keep  his 
fhrj^Titai  at  MaJriJ ;    wmch  Waeer  the  Prince  i 

laid  with  bim,  and  gave  away  his  Ring  before  his 

'  About  the  Time  it  was  concluded  that,  the 
Infanta  fliQuld  not  come  away  with  the  Prince,  the  ' 

Duke  tQok  occafion  to  open  hb  Mind  with  ibme 
Freedom  to  the  ConJe  d'Ohyares:  He  had  put 
him  in  min^  how  be  bad  formerly  told  his  Grac^ 
That  they  in  Spain  could  do  with  the  P«pe  what 
they  would  -,  and  that  his  Holinefs  never  aJTented 
to  the  Llifpenfation,  ^ntil  they  had  faid  it  was 
full  Time,  and  had  given  htm  his  proper  Cue: 
And  that  the  Conde  was  the  Caufe  of  calling  the 
Jun<fto  of  Divines ;  which  the  Conde.  confelled, 
pkyingi  That  ^e  Devil  had  put  it  into  bis  Head 
lo  to  do.  Alfo  that  the  Conde  had  oSeted  to  his 
prace  the  prefent  conducing  of  the  Lady,  fo  as  he 
would  hut  endanger  bis  Soul  for  the  Favour,  and 
turn  Rpman  Catholic.  To  all  this  the  Conde  made 
Anfwer,  That  there  were  but  three  Ways  to  wade 
-thtpugb  this  Bulincrs  ;  whereof  two  were  good, 
jhe  third  an  ill  one ;  The  firft  good  one  was  the 
poovcrfion  of  the  Prince,  which  now  he  fownd  - 
was  abfolutely  tmpolfible ;  The  fecond  good  Way 
•  was,  that  as  they  were  obliged  by  the  Prince's  free 
c<»ning  into  Spfiin,  fo  they,  with  the  like  Free- 
dom, to  deliver  up  the  Infanta  into  his  Hands,  truft- 
ias  him  wttfafOUt  further  Qonditjop :  And  the  third 
'   -        "  Way, 

44-  ^  PoT^amenti^  H  i  s  t  o  r  r 

*■  '/^"""^  Way,  which  he  fai^  was  4  very  ill  ore,  was  t« 
*^  wrap"  him  and  fwadle  him  up,  as  bard  as  thw  could, 
with  nice  Articles  and  ftrifi  Condtdons.  Wherc' 
upon  die  Duke  replied,  they  had  made  Mede^t 
Choice ;  diTcovered  the  heft,  anrf  cbofcn  the  wcvft 
,  of  all  die  Ways.  The,  Conde  replied  again.  That 
if  he  were  a  Coiuilcllor  at  large,  he  would  advile 
the  King  R>  commit  die  Infanta  untti  his  Higfaiic& 
freely  and  abfolutelva  without  Conditioni:  So  weuM 
lie  do,  if  he  were  King;  and,  as  he  was,  be  would 
do  fb,  if  the  King  was  thirty  Years  of  Age  |  but, 
being  a  Favourite,  to  anfwer  the  Anions  of  a  mi- 
nor King,  (although  he  cannot  deny  but  it  lies  in 
bis  Power)  yet  he  refolved,  the  In^nta  fliall  not 

fo  along  with  hts  Highnefs,  but  upon  thefe  Con-  . 
'  Thuj,  by  this  Time,  the  braveft  Prince  in  Eti' 
npe  is  grown  cheap  ,3nd  vulgar  in  the  Court  c^ 
Spain^  To  as  they  fcarce  beftow  a  Vifit  on  him  j  and 
the  Condt  came  very  feldom  at  him,  prctendmg, 
for  a  Reafoh,  that  his  Highnds  lookel  but  heavily 
on  him.  In  fine,  die  Duke  was  &in,  to  n^otiate 
the  Condeflii,  to  procure  her  hori  to  voudiiafe, 
now  and  then»  to  look  upon  his  Highnefs.* 

*  About  this  Place  the  Duke  de(£red  tousbowi 
in  the  Flafliings  and  Lightnings  in  the  C<xtde's  Fa- 
vour toward  him,  thde  two  Letters  cams  to  be 
prodticcd,  which  are  to  be  read  by  and  by.  Th* 
Conde,  when  in  the  good  Humcur,  told  hu  Grace^ 
That  now  certainly  it  was  to  t>e  a  Match,  and  that 
the  Devil  could  not  break  it.  The  Duke  replied, 
he  thought  fo  too ;  and  that  the  Match  had  need  be 
firm,  which  had  been  fevcn  Years  in  foldering.' 

*  The  Conde  denied  it,  and  faid  pisunly,  it  baii 
rot  been  really  intended  feven  Months.  The 
Duke  rejoined.  That  if  he  were  fure  of  that,  hc 
could  ingratiate  himfelf  very  much  wiA  his  Mat- 
ter, and  receive  many  Thanks  for  his  Journey  and 
Employment ;  if  he  could  make  it  appear  to  the 
King,  that  the  Marriage  was  the  Pnxluce  of  this 
Negotiation  only.  Then  faid  the  Conde,  I  will 
letch  tiiat  out  oi  my  Defk  that  fhaU  aJTure  you 


•A  E  N  G  t  A  N  D.  45 

Acffcrf'}  and  fo  produced  thefetwo  Letten  i  Tht^  ai  JmmIi 
fiifi  ms  written  mth  the  King  of  Spmfi  owr  '**>* 
Hand ;  dwn  read  orer  fi?c  or  fix  Times,  and  the 
Subftance  colledcd  in  their  Memory,  hj  the  Prince 
and  Sir  ^al^r  J/iMy  (the  Duke  hsiving  promifed 
k  ibould  Jioc  be  copied,  and  indeed  the  Time  not 
pennicrii^  to  do  it)  and,  by  and  by,  after  fet  down 
inWritii^;  ifwercoiemherwhoweretheNotariei,  ' 

wenecdnotdoubtbutitisauthcnticallytaken.  The 
iecond  Letter  is  tranflated  by  the  Prince  himTclf.' 

The  King  of  SPAIN'S  Lrttik  of  the  5th 
of  Nfvanbrr^  i6ai. 

€T*HS  Kmgy  ny-  Fetlur,  Jtclared  at  hli  Vtatfxy 
■^  that  bii  Intent  never  was  te  marry  my  S^tr,  the 
Infimta  Danna  Maria,  with  the  Priiue  ef  Wales  ( 
vAitb  ytur  Vnca:  Dm  fialtazar  linderflaisd,  and  fi 
treated  this  Matth  ever  with  Intfntim  to  dtlay  it ; 
nrtxeitl^tmding  it  it  navufo  far  advaiued,  that,  cen~ 
fidering  vaithaUtht  Aver/enefs  »f  the  Infanta  to  it,  it 
it  Time  tafeekfame  Meant  te  divert  the  Treaty,  which 
Iwtuidhave  you  find  out,  and  I  will  make  it  good  what-' 
evtr  it  be ;  huty  in  all  other  Tiingi,  procure  the  Satif- 
foBipa  »f  the  King  of  Great  Britain,  who  hath  de- 
ferved  very  much,  and  it  JbaU  content  me,  fe  that  it  V 
net  in  the  Match. 

The  Conded'OLIVARES's  Lettei  of  the. 
8th  of  Novctnbir,  1622,  toudting  ^e  Marriage. 

^Onftdtring  in  what  EJlBte  we  find  the  Treaty  of  the 
.  ^  Marriage  Between  Spain  and  England,  and 
Jbuwing  certainly  hew  the  Mmijlers  did  under/land 
tint  Bufmeft,  that  treated  in  the  Time  of  Philip  III. 
(new  in  Heaven)  that  their  Meaning  was  never  ta 
effeS  it  J  hut  by  enlarging  the  Treaties  and  Peintt  ^ 
aie  faid  Marriage^  to  make  life  of  the  FriendftAp  »f 
the  King  of  Great  Britain,  as  -well  in  the  Mattert 
^Germany  tfi  ^Elandcrs J  and fyfpt£ting lUewifiy 
that  jour  M^efty  it  of  the  fame  OpinigH,attho'  the 


%b  ^ ' Paritafii^taiy'  tl is  T  6 r i- 

Ut%.  tians;  yet' it  is  eertaint  tM  At  Infimta  Bonna  m»i^ 
ria  is  refihed  iaput-herfef  iHl»  «*/pifi:alMg  {f)^  tki 
fame  t>ay  ikatymr  Mtgtfry  ^U  f^ifi  her  ta  maU 
this  Marriage  j  /  thought  fit  to  reprefint  unto  yna' 
Ma^efiy  thai  ivhidr  my  }ofd  Zeai  hatko0reA  uhid  mt 
m  ri»j  Occafain  j  thifMng  it  *  goed'Tihie  to  Bequaint 
yeirr  Majefij  tuithtdi,  to  the  en4ym  may  refohi  af 
thai  which  ytu  Jhall  find  mtfi  ct/tveitieta,  wHh  the  M- 
'Vuejf  theft  MttlMtrs  (hit  yev  JMtthittJt  fit: 

The  King  if  Great  Britain  dath  find  himfelf,  at 
^fTme,  tqaaUy  engaged  in  tw9  BufiAtfes;  H>ta:^ 
is  the  Marriage,  to  whiti  it  is  mmid  by  tht  Conve- 
niences that  he  finds  in  yaur  Mi^ijhfs  Friendjhip, 
,  witheitt  maiiHg  an  Agreement  taiich  thefe  Cahofyt 
that  he  tbtnis  are  fetretty  hi  his  Kingdom,  And  hy  this 
to  affitre  kimfilf  if  them  ;  ai  lUewife  to  marry  h^ 
Son  ta  one  of  thf  thufe  of  Auftria,  hmuint  that  iW 
Infanta  Donna  Maria  it  the  biji  bom  Lady  in  thi 
World.  The  other  Bufmefs  is''  the  ItfflifutioK  of  **> 
Pabttinate,  ih  which  he  is  yd  more  engaged',  fiir  he^.^ 
fidei  that  his  Reputation  is  at  the  Stake,  there  is  added 
the  lave  and  Intereft  of  his  Grand  Children,  Sons  of 
his  only  Daughter;  fo  that,  both  by  tht  Law  of  JVa- 
li^re  and  Reaftns  of  State,  he  ought  to  fttt  ^'em  be- 
fore whalfotver  Ineonvenientet  might foUow  from  dif' 
fembling  what  they  fuffer. 

I  do  not  difpute  whaher  the  King  rf  Gr;^^.  Britairi 
he  goi/emed  in  ihtj  Bufinefs  of  the  Palatinate  by  Art 
or  Friend/hip  ;  I  think  a  Man  may  fay  he  tifed  iothj 
but,  as  a  Thing  not  preafely  neceffary  to  tii^  Dif- 
cturfe,  I  omit  it.  I  hold  it  a  Maxim,  that  thefe  two 
Engagements,  in  U/hich  he  finds  himfelf,  are  infepa^ 
rable  \  for  although  the  Marriage  be  s^ade,  we  mxifl  • 
fail  in  that,  which,  in  my  way  of  Underfiaitdtng,  it 
'moji  neceffary,  the  R£flitutiqn  of  the  Palatipate. 

This  being  fuppofed,  having  made  this  Marriage 
.in  the  Form  as  it  is  treated,  your  Mojejly  fiall  fnid 
yeurfelf,  together  with  the  King  of  Great  fititain^ 
engaged  in  a  War  with  the  Emperor  and  the  Catholic 
League ;  fo  that  your  Maje/fy  will  be  forced  to  de^^ 
{k)  K  MouftRT  b  eilltd. 

:tf  fi  N  d  L  A  NO.  ■^^ 

tUrt'yai&fi^y  wilbytuf  -^rmSi  agai^  the  Em^ervr  Aa,  n  jtam 

Md  tit  Catbtiic  Ltague ;    a  Thing  whUbt  U  bear        **»J' 

3vitb  tbit  Umfrteinty^  will  offend  your  godly  Mart ; 

pgdy  declaring  yturjilffir  the  Eemfiror  and  the  Ca- 

tbviic  League,  (01  ym  certainly  wilij  yattr  Majeflj 

MnUSnd  jmrftlf  hrongbt  inio  a  War  again/i  the  King 

^England,  mdytur  Sj/ier  worried  with  his  Sm 

toilk  the  wbifh  all  tubatfaever  Reafim  tf  Convenience^ 

tbal  were  tbtHgbi  Up§n  wiik  tiis  Marri^e,  do  ceafe. 

If  your  Ma)tfty  fiiail  Jhttu  yaKfftJf  aeutraly  {as  'tmOf 

ilfmte  wis  firepeund)  Tb^t  wiu  give  caufe  of  very 

great  Scandal ;  and  withjufl  Reafan,  faiety  in  Jl^at~ 

tertaf  ie/s  Opft/aiany  tban  of  CatbeUa  againft  He- 

reticsy  at  Arms  tf  this  CrnvM  bavt  taken  the  gtdtf 

agaiv^  the  eoavenitnt  Party :   Andy  at  tblt  Tuv ,  fbt 

Frenchmen  fimtnting  the  Hollanders   againft  ysur 

Maje^y  your  Biety  hoik  been  fucby    ibat  you  boM 

fent  yater  Ami  againft  the  tUbeb  af  fbat  Criwa  % 

ieaving  all  the  great  Cmfiderations  ef  Siate^  cnly  bt- 

eattfe  tbefi  Men  are  Enemiei  to  Faith  and  the  CAitrch, 

It  wtUASgeyeur  Majtftjy  andgive  Oca^oa  le  tb^ 
of  the  League  to  make  life  sf  the  King  of  France 
awdatber  CathaKc  Princa  iiI-<ffeSed to  this  Crows ; 
ftr  it  will  be  a  Thing  nteeffitryftr  them  ta  defo  j  oMd 
tbofcf  tvett  againft  their  mm  Religias,  willfmunt 
ami  4^  the  Heretia  fir  Hatred  to  lu ;  wiibeut 
doubt  tiey  will  fallow .  the  ether  Party,  only  to  leave 
yattr  Meg^  wili>  tbat  Biemifi  that  never  hath  be-  , 
fe^m  any  King  of  tbefi  Damiaiom.  The  King  of 
y-nglynl  ^li  renuin  amended  and  diftbligedy  Jeeipg 
MtiAer  hOtrefts  nor  He^s  dofelkw  the  Aliiatut  yHtb 
iUt  Crmm  j  «  liiewife  with  PrfUnt  of  particyiar 
Bjifemmtniy  for  having  fnffered  Int  jSaughter  and 
GranA-Cbildren  to^  bt  mined  for  Refpeii  of  the  faid 

7Jk  EasperoTf  tho'  ht  is  well  affiSled,  and  obliged 

to  ta  in  xnaktBg  the  Tranflatiea  at  this  Time  (i),  -as 

Miefiatfs  nsuifiandly  the  Dtiit  of  Bavuil  being  pcf- 

^idof  all  the  Domimens }  aUhaugh  bt  weuI4  tSfpefi 


■,Gob'^le       ^— i 

4^  7^  Tarliametdary  H 1  s  t  o  »  v     '' 

yb,  iijimcil-  aUaccording  in  our  Cenvenieitces,  it  wiU not  be  in  ih 
iti}>  Power  to  do  ity  as  your  Majefl^  andevtfy  Body  maf 

judge  ;  and  the  Memorial  that  the  Emperor's  Awhaf- 
•fador  gave  yottr  Majefty  Tefterday  maketh  it  eertain  ) 
_firtce,  in  the  Lifl  of  Soldiers,  which  it  maketh  every  ttu 
ef  the  League  to  pay,  hefitews  yaw  M^efty,  that  Ba- 
varia, for  himfelf  alone,  will  pay  more  than  all  the 
reft  together  ;  the  which  doth  fiew  his  Power  and  In- 
tention, which  is  not  to  accommodate  Matters,  tut  It 
ieep  to  himfelf  the  Superiority  af  all  in  this  broken 
Time.  The  Emperor  is  now  in  the  Dyet,  and  the 
Tran/Jation  is  to  be  made  in  it. 

The  Prepofuion  in  this  E/late  ts  by  confidering  the 
Means/or  a  Cottference,  which  your  A^jtfty^s  Mi- 
nifters  will  do  with  their  Capacity,  Zeal,  and  H^f- 
dom ;  and  it  is  certain  they  will  have  enough  to  dt 
with  it  all:  For  the  Difficulty  is  to  find  a  Way  ta 
make  the  prtfmt  Eftate  af  Affairs  firetght  again  % 
which,  with  lingering^  as  it  is  faid,  both  the  Power 
and  Time  will  he  loji.  J  fupptfe  that  the  En^eror^ 
as  your  Majejly  inoweth  ly  his  jfmba^ders,  defires  t» 
marry  his  Daughter  with  the  King  ef  England's  J»kj 
/  da  not  doubt  but  he  will  be  likewife  glad,  to  many 
his  fecond  Daughter  with  the  Palatine's  Son ;  them 
J  propound  that  tbefe  twa  Marriages  be  made,  and 
that  they  be  fet  on  foot  immediately,  giving  the-  King 
of  England  full  Sattsfaiiion  in  all  his  PropafitienSy 
for  the  more  JiriH  Untan  and,  Correjpondencyf  that  be 
may  agree  to  it,  .  I  hold  it  for  certain,  that  all  the  Con- 
veniences that  would  have  followed  the  Jiliance  with- 
us,  will  it  as  full  in  this,  and  the  Catrvenienty  in  the 
,  great  Engagement  is  mere  by  this  ;  far  it  dith  accom- 

modate the  Matter  of  the  Palatinate,  andtht  Suaeffim 
af  the  King  (/"England's  Grand-Children,  withHo^ 
xour,  and  without  drawing  a  Sword  or  wa fling  Trea- 
fure  :  With  this  Jnterefi  the  Emperor,  with  the  Con- 
veniences af  the  King  of  England  and  the  Palatinate, 
-{the  onfy  Means,  in  my  Way  of  undtrflanding,  to  bin- 
der thofe  great  Dangers  that  do  threaten)  may  rta£ij 
aetemmodate  the  Bufinefs,  without  fevering  himfelf 
from  the-  Convenience  and  Engagement  af  Bavaria* 
Then  I  would  reduce  the  Primt  EliifoTy  that  was  em  , 


£mmfif  4o  At  Git&aife  if  ^e  Cbid-A,  -^  ireid-  **•  n  >iMr  t 
^  ^  ^Mii  (K  the  Eiiip&n^s  Cattrt  v/hh  Catielit        '^1> 

The  Bjifinrft  h  i^tt  ihi  DtJkuAia  grtittir  than 
ftrchimct  have  betn  vt  t^  ether  Cafe.  I  have  found 
tK^faUigeditreprefiMKi^oymrMaj^,  mdfitaU 
Jhiwi  if  jaxJheH  ammamd  ntt^  what  I  thifik  fit  fit 
tbr  ^fi^g  if  thtfi  1%a)^,  to  the  ^eat  Mtnijert 
that  yeur  Mt^efty  hatb.  I  hgpe^  uiith  the  partiadaT 
^9*iie  tf  thefe  Thingii  and  all  being  helped  with  the 
gead  Zeal  of  the  Cande  de  Gundamore,  it  nurf  he  God 
will  epen  a  Way  U  a  thing  fo  much,  far  hii  andymf 
Jiiaf^s  Serbice.  . 

*  hi  -Wm  obfehred,  by  rcafon  of  the  psrtfneM 
Qgtrilion  moved  by  the  Lord  Chamberlain  y  that 
4ieA'  Letters  ifrere  ^litten  when  Pffrirr  was  iA 


^  lias H\^at{sTem!tmhenA,di3,t'SiT Salter  A^elt 
Was  ftcUck  mute  M  the  reading  of  thefe  Letters; 
for,  upm  the  D«ith  'x^  the  late  King  of  Spain,  ti 
and  Sir  frandi  Cattirigtui,  going  fttiRi  our  Miaftef 
tb  ifce  Kini^ttt-now  ia,  to  know  hifl  Mind  ctin- 
cenuRgthe  Treaty  isf  tlie  Marriage,  received  ftoni 
Aat  lUng)  and  ratumed  it  tb  hit  Maiefly;,  That  h* 
was  very  filrry  that  he  had  not  die  Honour  to  be^ 
{in  it ;  but  now  he  woiiM  purfue  it  with  all  Ala^ 
cnCy.  It'webt befbre  in  his  Father's  Lifetime;  it 
^m  nm  adw  :  Then  it  had  leaden  Heek ;  h» 
Imnktaow  give  it  Wings.' 

And-  hidierto'  oxtends  the  Aird  Part  of  die 
KakKativk^' which  comprehends  the  treatiet  of 
^  Marriage  and  R/^tutim,  as  united,  and  now 
to^qiracally  fabordiiwtcd  the  otie  to  the  odier. 

•Pl^.  -The  PliiNci's  RfeTORN  y^-om' Spain. 

*  And-  now  die  Prinze  returning  for  Bnglmd,  be^ 
ii^  engaged. ta  leave  hi9'PtDxy,.did  de^Ktfite  thfc 
fame  in  the  Hands  of  die  Edri  of  Bridal,  whd 
was  tO')^^  it  as  hls'Pfd6tor ;  that  is,'  u  he  fhbulil 
necive  his  Highnafs^s  I>iiT£lfon  fmfi  Time  trt 
.    Vo?..  VJ.  P         .  Time, 

5©  tbt  Tartiameataiy  HisxbitV 

a.11  jMBol.Time,     His  Order  for  the  |wcfcht  wis,  ThMif  i 
•*»!•  Confimiation  came  from  Remti  dear  and  efittrej 

which  it  did  not,  then  within  fo  many  Days  h* 
thbuld  deliver  it  to  the  King  of  Spaim  A  lecond 
Diret^ion  was  fent  unto  him  1^  a  Letttr,  which  hit 
Highnefs  fent  unto  him  between  his  Departure  firom 
the  Efn&ial  and  his  €cming  to  the  Sea-Side;  to 
this  £St&  V  That  for  fear  a  Monaftry  ftlouM  rob 
hiiD  of  his  Wifet  he  {bould  Ray  the  Delivery  of 
the  Powers  until  that  Doubt  was  cleared  -,  and  that 
his  Higbnels  Ihould  fend  bim,  in  the  Premi^,  fonte 
further  DireOioiii' 

'  Here,  becaufe  my  Lord  of  Brificl,  in  his  Let* 
ter  of  the  firft  of  Novem^er^  1623.  (which  follow* 
anon  in  this  Difcourfe)  doth  prefs  fo  vcfaeoieiitly 
the  Prince's  Faith  not  to  nstrafi  hts  Proky  ;  ana 
that  Stricoy  the  Secretary,  had  inierted  fuch  a  Claufe 
in  the  Inftrument,  figned  and  fealed^uthen^callyj 
the  Lord  Keeper^  in  his  Report  in  this  Places  (Toi- 
leted all  thofe  Parts  of  the  Narration  wludi  tni^it 
ferve  Eo  clear  this  ASt  of  his  Highnefs  ;  and  added 
fome  Reafons  to  maintain  the  fame.* 

*  Firjl,  The  Prince  avowed  openly,  before  hwh 
Houfee,  That, he  had  never,  by  Oath  or  Himoiir^ 
cflgagsl  hitafelf  not  to  Tcvote  the  Powers,  moM 
than  by  the  Claufe  A  hut  revBcaidt  Proairatavi 
infertedin  thcLiftrumeht.itfelf.*'  1 

'  Searultf^  His  Highne&  added  in  thi  U|^ef 
Houfe,  That  when  he  himfelf  iirft  heard  that 
Claufe  read,  he  Humbldl  at  it ;  but  was  amfwatei 
again,  that  it  was  hut  a  Matter  of  meer  Form,  and, 
though .«lS:ntiaJly  of  no  binding  Power,  yet  ufiiall^ 
it  is  thrull  hito  every  Qich  loflrument/  ■   '■■   . 

*  ^irJij,  The  Lord  Keeper' faid,  and 'applied 
therein  to  all  the  Civilians  attendant  iit  that  Houfe^ 
That  it  is  lawful,  by  the  Civil  and  Common  LaWf 
for  any  Man  to  revoke  his  Proxy  for  Marriage, 
notwit^fiai^ing  it  ttath  the  C£l(tfc  <^  leit.  nsiciite/r 
PriiCMret^^i  iuferted  W'jJt;  .yea,  and: this  may  b« 
doqc  wMhout  a^y  foleton  Notihcdtion  thereof] 
^nd^th^icipr?  he  <:onGliid^.  that  the -Ear)  of  Brif* 

_   /V.  iai^atgip^  thkuRi>adife'PiHice,-hai  thewin, 
,;■;,. ;~  •  forgot 


if  U  NG.L  AND.  ^ 

fergot  kitditelf ;  and  that  his  Higtuiefs  mMit  juflly;  Ak.  •■  >iiw>. 
honourably^  and  legally,  riot  only  hare  Sopped  aii       ''**' 
he  did,  but  withall,  if  he  had  (o  pleafcd,  abf^utdjri 
have  -revoltfed  his  own  Pioxy;' 

And  thus  much  of  thc/owti  Part  of  the  t^AJtA. 
iiATiVB,  Of  atxPritte/i  Rjtum  fmmSpaia. 

v.  The  SuBssqjjENTPifociBDrNfis  */■*»/: 
M.'Ajiitx.  laiBlBKe  Ti-eaiiti,  find  ihi  Re-' 
turn  ^  hii  iiighnefs:      ' 

*  And  here  the  Duke  told  *i  hftw  the  Princej 
it  the  laft,  by  the  Meicy  of  God,  and  iys  own 
wife  and  judicious  DeiYieanoi^  came  to  Ro<^Ki' 
and  made  his  Relation  to  the  King  of  all  that.  had. 
pafled.  Hts.Mi^efty  ^s  glad  of  this  exaA  Car-' 
riage  of  his  Soit  iri  jo  great  a  N^;Otiatton,.and  told 
his  Hignefs,  That  he  had  a£ted  well  the  Part  of-a 
Son,  tftd  now  the  Part  of  a  Fathei;  muft  come  ™>n 
dK  Sts^;  which  was)  to  provide  with  dl  Cir-. 
ctimfpeaioA,  that  hit  only  Soh  dould  iwt  be  mar-  ^ 

ried  with  a  Portlop  of  Tean  ib  his  .only  Daughter; 
and  thcrefofp  his  Majcfty  commands,  by  an  expref^ 
Difpatch,  that  a  Stop  be  put  to  the  Proxy  in  thc£vl'  " 
of  Br-^efi  Hands',  until  he  had  fome  better  Affu-. 
lance  of  the  Reftitution  bf  the  PfUtiAate.,  Here-, 
Upon  the  I.rord  Keeper  gbferted;  That  this  is  no  up^. 
fbrtorfpringing.Condi^tion,  but  that  the  very  fame. 
was  offered  by  Oli^res's  blank  Papers  to  his  High-. 
BdSi  and  preQed  by  his  laft  Aniwer  to  OHvarts. 

His  Maj^y^  L  t  T  T  E  r  Jb  the  Earl  of  Btyfoli' 
Oli<Aer  8th,  1623. 

n^E.h«ve¥tmvedjutrs^  hrsught  as  ly  Grcyfleyji 
'  and  tht  Copy  ofyauTi  to  eur  dear  San  :  Andvx 
tannei  ftrbear  to  let  yeu  havJ  how  vitll  vie  efftiM 
yaw  Jutifid,  difcreet,  and  judicious  Relation-  Pali 
bitmilf-  4Awt  to  turfelf  and  tur  Son,  tahereufoti 
having-  righUy  dtlHerdied  >  witH  ourfeifi  and  cem-' 
mmiaittd  with  bur  dear  £m,  nw  have  refdvtdf 
vdtb  ikt  gPtHi  Liiihg^  of  our  Sm,  to  rejl  upm.  ihaf^ 
.    ■     \  '  D  2  ^ecurityy 


^  Tie  PatSaiuntai^  Hi&Tcv;tr 

1.  iifaBN-t.  Sftta^y  Olid  IS  fnint  ef  Deait  of  the  iMfiM/'tni- 
*'  "W  "  rtiipoas  Ordtr,  wbicb  ytu  in  y»we  Judpimt 

mnAmtit ;,  «v  havtfwtlMr  tbnight  mut  It  give  yM 
KnewUdge,  thtn  it  is  owrfpecial  Dejirt^  that  du  Be- 
tr^img  ef  tie  Jkfaraa,  vith  Wards  dc  pnelenti,  ' 
fimildhe  open  sne  »f  the  Dfft  in-  Chriftraas  New 
Stile,  thai  holy  md  joyful  Time  beji  befitting  fa  Ratable 
^/f^-hUffid  on  J&ieit. 

Sutfirji  we  will,  thatyau  refair  pr^etOiy'  to  Aat 
Xing,  and  give  him  Krmuledgt  of  the  fafe  Arrival  of 
our  dear  San  at  oar  Court,  fi  fatitfied  and  taken  with 
the  ■great  Entertatnment,  perfaKid  Kinduefi,  SavSur 
axd  Re^if  be  hath  received  fram  that  King  amt 
Caurt^  at  that  he  feems  mt  aUi  to  magn^y  k.fi0- 
aaaly:  We  toiil  thtrefar-e,  that-,  ifMlt  p^UMeant- 
jou  ekdeavour  to  exprefi  our  Thml^hufi  tathat-King^ 
Jimithe.refi-te  whom  it keltngi,  ix  the  i^'  aysifn(ift 

Attd  hereupen  yau  may  toie  Octafiin  te  let  tbafi 
Kiug  itm(^i  that,  atetrding  to  pur  an^ant  j^Uiiti$f 
.  H  taake  a  firm  and  indi^haik  Jmtty  ■  between  emP 
Families,  Nations  andOawtu,  (and  not  to  fitm  t» 
eAerndtn  our  Momooo^,  nor,  at  the  fame  Teitu  We  grvt- 
Jay  to  eur  enfy  Sen^  to  gmf  our  only  Daughter  hen 
FortioK  in  Tears)  by  the  Aime  of  that  King's  Ar^ 
ia^dors,  who  kxue  offered  thetiifehet  at  aur  Goimfil^ 
tors,  we  have  entered  into  a  Treaty  aneermng-  tbt 
&£fiitution  of  the  PaktiiDrtcv  at  will-  Tuare- partitit- 
Urhf  tayeu  appear^  iythe  Capies  herewith  fenP. 

Now,  wi  mufi  remember  yau,  that  we  have  tmdar- 
Jlood  and  expfHed,  that,  upon  the  Marriage  of  our 
Sen  with  the  Infanta,  rifie.  Jhotfid  hope  a  tlear  Refii~ 
itttion  of  the  Palatinate  and,  Eieittral  Dignity  to  our- 
Son-in-Law ;  to  he  really  procured  by  that  King,  accord- 
ing  to  the  Oblation  of  hii  Stun  Hanour,  as  yak  jiiMf 
ladl  exprtjfed  in  your  Rstafins  why  the-  Per&tf  ef  out 
Sm-in-Law  Jhotdd  not  be  left  out  of  tb*  Treaty,  iM 
that  the  Eaperor' ^oald^find"  out  fame  great  liiie,-  M. 
hy  encret^g  the'-  Number,  of  Ele&otal  'fiW/jy  v^t^ 
vndi  to  Jatis^  the  DitiK  p^^vaii*.  We  th^ef^ 
mail  require  ym,  tbatp-eJeHtiyi  in  put:  ft^'AUdiiUti^ 
gau  procure  from  tiatKing  a^  pttn&^i'iAt^io^  w/lM' 
•      ■  4  ■:     i  Coutft 

,^  ,BNG  LAND.  «    ' 

•Cm^  he  n^ itAtfir  Oe  Kifiitw^m^^  PxIati.-JlM.ii  Jm4I 
nate  and  Electorate  to  ur  Sarp-m-^na;    amdt  ht  ****"»■ 

tOife  tbat  a^r '  the-  Ea^mr  or  the  Dukt  ^  Bamia 
■Vnll  ^ptff  at^  Part  af  the  txptSed  Rtfirtutimy  wiu 
^ievrfi  tot  King  wiil  ioh  ta  give  mt  JffiO'aiui  far  aar 
iCoKtmt  m  ihtU  Pdta  whaxif  nv  reqiarr  yimr  frt- 
feirt  Atfwtv  ;  and^iat  you  fifrefi  EitfittS/fwn  h/rdtf 
that  we  may  tagetbrr  remove  tkg  fiiB  Jtj  rf  tttt.  it 
Oiriftnub  :  Rgflhtg  t^n  that  fia^^  Ddtgena  ^ 
'jmrt  wt  have  approved  ai  dl  yaw  Seraite,  ihoufv^ 
Mbuifi  pii^  dx  httfij  vie  an/f  remember  td  yea,  mi 
a  goad  Gromid  far  you  ta  vidrk  an,  that  ntr  S^ 
■did"  wniw  '.tpda  m  nd  of  Spain,  That  the  Ki>tg 
■vmid  gioe  Ki .  a  Blawiy  ht  ■saUch  vx  imgU  fartt 
at^aam  CamCttMS  eomeeranig  /£r  P^lstinatei  Mtml 
ibejame  mr  &r  eonjirmt  tetto  us  nma :  ff^xit  Ot- 
faraatian  aitJ  PerfwrnMCi  that  JSng  tttiB  taah, 
me  Ttqmn  jau  ta  exptrft,  emd  ta  gioe  is-  a  J^^ffly 

Givm,  fiff . 

■!babcKd>dieDtilM!ddiradttftDoWerTei*d)  ' 
ilie  J^^tnQ&PigceediiKv;  wnd  if  vte  found  dibm  noc 
ffiU  tD  be  btnlf  upon  Gettcnis,  without  any  ohe  iS- 
tind  sr  cartun  particular  Obligcmentt  tie  Wtoald 
ackaowto^iB  Us  own  Weakhds  and  Inc^podty  of 
dicrfe  Afiivirs.' 

*  You  woultl  ooiic^vc,  laid  the  Dii^r,  that 
vpon  dus  'Di(|latd^  the  Eari  of  Briflai  «oaId>Iay 
MA  upon  all  the  Hints  and  ewetgent  Ocodions 
ta  pat  off  the  I)erpon£iTies,  mthout  diis  rcqinrod 
Affiirance  of  Anns'  fiHt  obt^n^ : 
But  the  Tntth  i>,  hedidtiaelb.'    For, 

/»y7,  *  Tlie  Confinnatkui  catne  ftoBr  Ramet 
clogged'and^taang^;  and,  kdead  of  challenging 
them  theitupon,  he  laboure,  with  no  finaD  Strength 
f£  Wit,  to  hide  and  palliate  (&c  fame.* 

Seean^t  i  When,  Jn  tfae  temporal  Anidcs,  tlie 

Portion  was  altered  from  600,000/.  in  readv  Cafli,  • 

tooidjBo^ooA   in  Money,   a  few  Jewels,  and 

»  peiyiaB  ?f  20i00q  t  far  Akhom  :     InOoBl-  af 

D  3  ^uar- 


The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  t  o  r  y 

•  I'quantlling  this  main  Alteration,  he  feems  tq  aps 
prove  and  applaud  the  Pavment.' 

mrH/y^  i  For  the  Alfuntnce  of  Reftitution  <rf 
'  the  Palatiftattj  the  main  Foundation  of  both  Matclf 
^and  Friendlhip,  he  is  lb  Jar  from  providing  for  i^ 
befbi^,  (whidi  wfu  t^e  Method  prdcribcd  him  by 
.the  King)  that  )ic  leavc^  it  to  he  mediated  by  tie 
Infutta  after  (he  Marriage,' 

Laftly^  "r  Inftead  of  putting  off  the  Contrafl'^ 
as  any  Man  ih  the  World  (upon  the  Difpatch  iiom 
Ro^on)  would  have  done,  he  is  come  'to  prefix  a 
precifc  Day  for  the  Defponfarics.*        •     ;' 

•  Thefe  Things  appear  very  pljunly,'.  by  the  Let- 
ters of  the  a+th  of  OSehfr,  and  the  ift-  df.  -NS'. 
•.vimbtr,  1623,  which  follow;' 

May  it  pleafe  your.Mofi  Excellent  Maj^y, 

/HAVE  rfce'ivtd  your  Majtjiy's  letters,  tf  the 
Sth  of  Qflober,  6k  the  2  \Ji  of  the  fame  Monti^ 
fime  Hours  within  Night ;  and  ha-ue  tho(igiit  ip  fit  to, 
iUfpatcb  this  back  to  your  Majefly,  with  all  poJphU 
Speed;  referring  the- JHfwer  to  what  your  Mdjefty 
hathf  hy  thefe  Letters,  tommanded  me,  fa  a  Pap  thdt 
■  JJhall  purpofely  difpafeh,  when  IJhgll  have  negotiate 

t,id  the  Particulars' with  this  King  and  kit  Mini/iers -, 

wherein  {Gsd willing)  all  poJf&U  Diligtnce  fimU  he 

ufed.  •  ■.'•-.. 

Bui,  farefmuch  as  /  find,  both  hy  ymr  Majfflfs 

faid  Letters,  and  litiwifi  hy  ■  Letters  which  I  have 

:  received  from  the  Prinze  hit    Highnefs,  that  you  cort- 

ttimieyour  Deftres  of  having  the  Match  praceeded  in; 
J  held  it  my  Duty,  that  your  Maje^y  Jhauld-ie  inform- 
ed, that  though 'I  am- fft  free  [in  as  much' as  caneern- 

.  eih  thrlnfantefs  entering  into  a  religiem  Order)  for 
delivering  the  Psivers  left  with  me  hyhit  Higfinefs  ; 

.yet,  by  tbis  new  DtrefUm  I  haw  received  from  your 
Majeftp  That  the  Defpenfaries  fljould  be  deferred  till 
Chriftinas,  the  faid  Powers  are  made  altogether  uft- 

.  Ufi  and  invalid ;  it  being  a  Claufe  in  the  Bedy  af 
thtfcrid  Pckvers,  that.they Jhall  only  remain  in  Force 

.pnW.Chriilmas  and   m  Ibngtr ;   as  .your  Jlptjefiy 

■  ..-..^  ^     .  nun 


af  EN  G  LAND.  ^j 

aunfit  if  a  Caty  ^ thmt^  totich  I  ftnd  herein- 
tlapd.    ..  .  »*»^ 

Tour  Majeftj,  I  tanabot,  wiil  be  ef  Opuuan,  that 
this  Sufpm&ng  of  the  Exeaifiait  if  tht  PnuerSj  until 
tbt  FtfCe  tad  faiidily  if  them  be  expired,  is.  a  dire£t 
and  effeSuel-  Revciiitg  lof  them ;  whidfy  -Mat  to  de, 
haw  far  bis  Highnefc  it  in  bit  Hamiur  ett'^fdt  yaur 
Aia/ejiy  xoill  be  be^.tdtU  ta  ju^e,  by  viewing  the 
Pa%eert  themfiitifi. 

Fiertber,iflheDateaftft^  Pawen  ^  «flr«, 
{bejuksthe  Breath  af  lite  Capituhtiam)  eiUbmmt  the 
Mttlch  itfelf  jbmdd  mt^  by  Jtalaufttt  and  Miflriifis^ 
be  baiardedy  yet  the  Prince  birtoming  inta  Eflzlind^ 
the  Spri>^  uu7  be  aUns/himp^le ;  ftr, .  'by  the  Time 
tbatjueh.itea>  Camnajfioni  oW  Pawen  JbaH  be  '-'of^ 
C\in9aia&\  gratOtdb^  the  Prince  as.  may:  ii:t»  the  Sa- 
■tiifaitieH  ^  bath  Partieti  i.cakcmie,  fo  tauh-Vf  tfA 
}ear  uiiir^ /pent,  thai-it- niOI  .U.intpaftili  fir  the 
Fleets  and  ather  Preparmtimt  ta  be-  itRem^nefi  agat^ 
the  Spriiig.:'  to  be  imagined  that  they  wiil 
here  proeeed  fa  effeSiuaUy  ■utiih  Preparations^  tmtH 
they /hall  bf  a^ed  af  the.Defpanfiriet;  efpecially, 
when  tb^fitaU  have  fien  them  feveral  Times  defer- 
red an  the  Prince  his  Part,  and  that  upon  Preteitts 
4bat  are  nat  new,  nar  grew  fince  the  granting  af  the 
Pawerty  but  were  bifii-e  in  being,  and  aften  under 
Debate,  and  yet  never  were  injified  an.ta  make  Sttn 
»f  tht  Bufinefs  ;  fa  that  it  will  feem,  that  they  might 
better  have  hindered  the  granting  af  then,  thou  tht 
Hxecution  of  them.  NaWy  if  there  is  no.  Staggering 
informer  Refahttiom,  "the  which,  althaugh  really  there 
is  OBt,  yet  it  eannat  but  be  fufpeHed ;  and  the  Clearing 
~af  it  between  SpvaandKn^hni^vjilltaJl  much  Time: 
I  mti/}  humbly  erave  veur  mojejly' i  Pardatt,  if  I  write 
unto  you  with  the  Plaiattefs  af  a  true-hearted  and, 
faitfful  Servant,  wha- has  ever  co-operated  haneflfy  l» 
your  Moft/ly'i  Ends,  if  I  knew  them.     --  ■  ■ 

J  inaw.your  Ma'jefiy  hith.  hng  been  af  .Opiman, 
that  the  greateji  JJJkraac^.'you  could  get,  that  the 
King,  af  %fa\R  vjauJd  tffeStially  labaur  the  entire  Re- 
■Jiituiion  af  the  Palatinate ^uwj,  that  be  really  pra~ 
■  Utded.  ta:  tht  effedt^  the  Match: ..Jnd  my  In- 
U  4  Jiru^iant, 

*i..ti]in\t»l.J)ruSions,  luftiir  ysur.  Jlfif^t U^mk,vjtr*  it  Ji^ 
<?»>  upon  the  Rejioringof  the  Prince  Palatine  ;  but  natjik  . 
to  or-Htu  U  to  if><  Treaty,  as  that  ihffehy  the  i&tck 
JhouU  be  iaxardid;  far  that  y»ur  Maj^y  jienud 
a>»fident,  .that  ibej  here  ivsuld  never  grow  to  a  perfeS 
Coiiclujiw,  -wUbcul .  a  fettled  Refeiuthn  te  givt  ytn* 
M^jifii  Sgttsfaaian  hi  the  Uufitufs  of  the  PalatUMttc. 
The  fame  Caurfe  I  ebferved  in  tkt  Carriage  of  Uufiw 
nefs  by  his  Highnefs  and  my  Lard  Duie  at  their  bttt^ 
^tre ;  .  who,  tbQUgb  they  tnfifted  upta  the  Bt^uft  if 
fiiw  Palatinate,  yet  they  held  it  ft  to  treat  af  ^em  Mf- 
fin£ily,  end  that  the  Marriage  fmiid  prauei  at^  « 
faad  Pawufv  the  Hilar, 

Since  their  Departvrtj  m  Ififd  AmbagiuUry  Sir 
Waiter  Afton,  and  foj^lf-,  have  mtua  preged.  U 
have.this  Kiff^i  RtfibttioH  i»  »^ritimg  emeenmgilt 
f  aladnatci  a^d  the  DiJ^a(tkts  which  your  Mcg^ 
vnll  receive  herewM,  catcemixg  that  Bufbufiy  wtfe 
written  J^efert  the  Receipt  if  your  M^'ftf'i  Letters  : 
•jfnd^  dttitlefs,  it  is  now  a  great  Part  ef  their  Care^ 
that  that  B^inefs  su>y  he  well  ended,  hefere  the  Itf 
fanta's  (orifing  te  England  :  And  hit  ilighnefs  will 
well  remember,  that  the  Cende  d'Olivares  epen  prBr- 
ttfied  the  Neceffty  of  having  this  Buftnefs  eatnptund- 
■ed  and  fettled  before  the  Marrimge  \  faying,  -other- 
viife.  they  might,  give  a  Daughter  and  a  Wftr 
withintbree.Menlhs afier,  if  this  Gretmd  taid  Shi- 
jtSi.&f  '^rrel  JhmldpU  be  left  en  Faei.  The. 
fame  Laugaage  he  hath,  evir  held  with  Sir  Wdtcr 
'.AAon  and  myfelf  and  that  it  was  a  firm  Peaet 
■  -and  Aauty,  as  much  as.  aay  AUiatue,  which  they 
■feugbt-notth  bis  Majefty.'  Sf-  that  it  is  net  tt  be 
doubted  but  this  Kingy  cancluding.  the  Match,  refill, 
etb  to  employ  his  utmoji  Pnwr  for  yaw  SatisfaSiim, 
in  the  the  /"««*  Palatine.  The  S^uef- 
.tioK  mw  will  be,  IVhethtr  the  Buftnefs  ef  the.  Prince 
Palatine,  having  Relation  ta  many  great  Princes  tkaf 
.etre interefied  therein,  riving  at  great  tiififOKe,  and 
htittg,-  fof  the  Condition  and  Nats(re  ef  tie  Bufi- 
-w/x  it/elf,  impoffibie  ta  be  ended  but  i^  a  fertnal 
Treaty,  ■which  ^  Neee0Jy^  vail  require  great  Length 
■tf  Tmti  the  Cmchfion  sfthi  A^rt^  Jbaiieny  Wiaj 
,,.  ^  :    '-  depti^ 

Mive.U  hg  fiur/hm  j9vr  Mtg^'t  AmmAM;  fir        'U*l> 

M^  «^iA^  tbai  «qr^  Aow  pantiatiar  hta^  Ib 
tSt  Priiut  Au  r^pwtanv  winvuvW,  fr  jDnWf  W* 
-hit  matduMg.  with.  S|Mtin.  -  ^»<  thuiv^idi'  J  ttnttn^- 
Jbxdti-ht  -yat4r  Afi^^t  Jian,  h  mlf  tt  imn  l^ 

•^  .Ettngantxt  ax  -oik  h  praairrd  ffmn-  fibt  jIBm^ 
Arihtjcmng  ,wJ^>^  i^Jfyi  *ot»*ij  in  4^  tfy 
gt»d  i^Ui.  fir. .  tit.  Mlirt  Rt^ii^  '^f  tb*  ¥fAsl^ 
nate,  but  otbermfti  if  Need  require,  of  his  Maj^ft 
Jffijmu  htrtiiH  J-^ivt^ek.m^ Bvfipi^{aitur~ 
td'viilk  aU  Eam^fiii^  emd pncmtd  tb*  gin^s  fmhr 
ikjnfuieri  iwifcJv  I  oitaid^  ii  n^aheitf  and  J 
Jhali,  uMSnti^^Ei^  im/ it M  fiMd%>' ym- 
Maj/i/fyi  as  JiifiOJ^ M^itat^  PiyMkuMf  tbhicb 
SoOi-ie  put  in  ]m^  MmtU.-  jtad  _^  hh  f,ii  fyiL. 
thtr  tt-.t'i^ktjMtr.  ^^^t- ft^  Pirtaitn%^ 
froemiwg  tht  l^i^t  DaitmatiMt,  m  «iif««  StPt  ymr 

fire  ReflittttieH  of  the  Prirue  Palatine.  Butf  ltm> 
i4w^  ^ itit  ytur.  Jifitft/lji'i  fyttmiaH  thM Iffttuld 

fn  the  whole  &$&h^  atd  ktw  hi  wUt  he  a&^mi 
wO*  jtMtr  Afij*/iyt  n  tffe  ^T-  the  Smferoi^t  cr  ^ 
Ihiit  of 'i^mat^  Ja^im*fs-i  Md UMalfi»uldJiti4  ' 
ttiayamr  Ji^/t^y-  aj^  «oaw  «j«»  yottr  Aafiotf^ 
M9r4  IJ^ver-Ae.  fiotvenfor  tbt  Deffonfarin ;  tfo 
Match  would  ^irtiy,  tf  lut  bt  haxariUd,  yet,  { 
itn^iite,  tht  ItfM^s  goiifg^^  at  Spring  vKuid  be  rtmr 
4»ed  a^ozglh»r  impede ;  far^  jfpon  Arrival  of  iht 
Pop^a  j^rfiattMit  /  (oitiitt  r^dt-  them  ijtt  tip*n 
finu  GrtuHd.  If  laik^  ymr  MnjiM'  ^»P*  of 
halving  the  Defponfariis  deferred  -  imtii  Cbriitmaa, 
ibey  Jhmu  at'vftii  fs  agi/^  that  Ms^Highnff^i  ^"'9 
ii  then  out.  of  Beta  bffiAis  tbt-v^nging  of  rib 
Capilulaiiaiiti  and  they  vnil-  jmtge  it  at  d  great 
Sam  putuftotubii  Kiitg,  wh*,  [ivtr\fiiKe  the  Prine* 
kit  gpantin^  ^  hit  fi*a/ttis)  halh-talUd  bimfelf  tht 
htfiiadi  D4pff>f^-%  «i^  fv^thtatffifa,  the  Frimt- 


'  j8  ^  'Par^ammtafy'  Wish  ok  y 

lb  •xfipw.l-  iufiS  imV  uMa  hi^in  fame  »f  his  Lttten,     BtfidtPf 
f**l*  it  will  be  hM  a  Paint  of  great  Dijhatww  unto  the 

Infanta^  if  the  Powers  ealUdpr  kf  her.  Friends  j>MtU 
ie  detained  bj  the  Prince  Ins  Part' ;  ■■  and  wheever  elfi 
may  have-  dtfervrdiU^  fite  eertmnfy  hath  neither  de~ 
fenud  .DtfrtfpiS  ntr  Difitmfort.  Further,  uftn 
tit/  Rifuftd  U  deliver  the  Pewtrs,  all  Preparations^ 
^uhith  new  gaait  cbtatfitlfy  and  a-paa,  vnilbtjtaye^i 
^ndAhere  will  enter  mfi  mkck-Difirti/},  andfi  mai^ 
JtakuftSf  that  if  the  main  Bs^iH^irun  net  Hazard 
Jy  tbem,  at  leajt  miub  Tlstu  wiS-be  fptnt  to  tiear 

■  J  tm^  tbere^rti-in  Difdtarge  gf  im  Dtttyy  itO 
,ymr  J^efiy,  fiat  ail  jmer  -A^efi^s  Bstfiatfs  her* 
is  in  a  fair  Way ;  the  Mattb  and  all, -that  is  capitei' 
iated  therein  they  prxfefs  fnisamlfy  it  perform^  .  -' 
,'  Jn  the  Bitpup\iif  Ae  Pakdnaliv  they.pneteji^  ift^ 
jnfinitely  defire^  endwill,  ta  thentnt^  ef-theii- Peuurt^ 
'  fitdeaviurta  praskr«  yaiir  M^efiy.&attsfe&isn. 
..  ThePritietisUieJobmieama/hknFtnosa  andwertbf 
hady^  andjeha  mutb  lavttb  hiMi  ;■  ajvtallTiiHgie^ 
Jepending  upon thif  M^S,  art iit'^ttid.  wnd  btp^ij 

This  is  new  the-.prefenl  EftateLtf  yam  Mt^*^ 
jj^airs,  as  it  .uppeareth  ta  mt  and  Jo.  Sir  Waleor 
'/Aoa;  with  wham  I  have  ammkmcated  this  D^ 
•.petcbf  ai  1  dfi  all  iTtings  elfe  ancermtig  ytnr  mee- 
)je/iy's  Servief,  And  I  tms/i  claarfy  let  yomr  Mi^^y 
nnderjland^  ThMy  J eaaccive,  hyrtiasning  the  Pawtn 
,when  the  King  ^11  call  far  ibem,  and  offering  it  dt^ 
ftr  the  DefpenfOries  untti  ChiiiliBas^  west  pur  Mit- 
jtjifs  Bufinefs  vmU,  run  a  great  Hazard  i  what  by  tb0 
Dtjlafles  and  Di^ufie  that  wiUM  raifid  here.,  andl 
■,mAat  by  tbe  Art.^nd  Indn/iry  of  theft  wbicb  are^ni- 
\mti  in- the  Aiaicb,  where^  every  Cturt  tf  Cfariihmx 
6afD.  hath  Plenty. 

That  iherefeteLwbicb  1  prefsime^  with  all  Hiimili' 
.tyt  to  offer  to  ytnr  M^e/iy  ij,  Tiat  you  would  ie 
■fleafed  It  give  me  Order y  vnth.all  poffible  Speed, 
■thai  when  the  Bufinefs  fixM  come  cleared  from  Rome ; 
fiH^that  the  Powers  of  the  Marriage  JhaU  bt  dtr 
■jnatded  of  mt  is  Mtba^  rf  this  King  j  that  I  nuty 
'      .  dtl'ver 


<f   E  N  e  L  A  N  D.  19 

fUlhur  themt  atii  m  wey'tfiet  te  interrupt  ar  j^^tad  A»  %i  JmdmIi 
'  tht  Deffmfaries,  but  ajfyi  eald  helf  te  a  ptrft^  Cam-         J^' . 
fiuji9n  sf  the  Match. 

■  And  that  fir  the  Bujimfi  of  tbt  Palatinate,  /  oHf 
frnuemj  earntji  andfaithfui  Eitdeavaurs  te  n^gttiii 
King,  tif  far  as  jbaUht  ptffiUt,  heth  fvr  tht  Jm»g  ail 
nod  Offcts  far  tht  Palatine's  intin  S^itrntateyos 
fiitwifi,  for:  this  Kin^t  Deriardti/Miif  Jg^amti  Am 
fofe  the  Emperor  er  tht  Duke  of  hasxcafiiaU  afp^e 
^faid  Rejiitatim  ;  Herein  I  tuiU  net  fail  toufeaU 
poffihie  Means  ;  and,  I  conceive,  the  Difpatth  if  the 

■  Matfh  vjiU  bt  a  good  Pawn  in  the  hs^efs  ;  and  the 
Heip^nd  A0ame  which  this  Court  (the  Princefi  hi- 

'  ing  imce  ietretheJ)  would  he  akU\ie  give  te  aU  your 
Majejtfs  Bi^intfi,  would  ht  of.  goad  Confidetatisn. 

'^^e,fiaringl  hatie  alreadji  prejamtd  fe  far  tn  j/Oir 
Mije^fi  Patience,  /  Ausnify  erflve-  Leavf  of  ymr 
Majefif  ^Fardan,  and rezamnumi ytu  to  the  htlf-Prt~ 
feilien  of  God,  refting 

'uidiid  i^6&\  Your  Majefty** 

^^^•3.        '  I  foo^  humble,  and  &idi&J 

fiubra^  and  Senant* 

The  Earl  of  BRISTOL  to  bis  M^e%. 

May  it  plcaCr  your  Majefiy*  : 

/FIND;  i^m  the  Newt  that hnvteeeme from dft 
Xitiie  (j^Paftrana,  thaf^  Pope  has  tltwrfyftf- 
■fed  th<  Bifpenfatieny-  which  is  now  hourh  exfeaed 
here,  ^ert  is  ein  Intention  ii  call -prefentfy  upon  ine 
for  the  Prhuis'Pewertfer  the  Marriage  left  in  mj 
'  Hands,  the  vMch  I  htow  not  upon  V//»a  Ground  $r 

■  Rjeafin  to  detain ;  the  Prince  hmmg  engaged,'  « '&e     • 
■faid  Powers,  tht  Faith  and  U^rd  of  a  Prina,  no  way  to 

revoke  or  retrd£l  from  them,  ha  that  they ^ould  remain 
in  fill!  FeruMntil  Chn^aasi  and  dekverediinta  ^y 
wsih  puhlif-^eelaratiott  of  his  Pieafure,  that  uptm-^ 
Cemingeflhe  Hif^enfattan;  I Jf/^ddvlelivtr  tl^M  un- 
to the  Kingy  that  they  might  be  put  in  due  Exectitius. 

■  Jnd  hereof  Skewife  was  there j.  by  Sttrrtary  Sefica, 


.6p  Tbe/'Ta^ame^aiy  Hi«T«sr 

»rsr {•>•<•  m.a  PatEt  Notary,  ail  h^nmewt  irmmtt  att^idif 

If  Ifltaa  alUdge  jaur  Maj^/s  PUKfictr,^imaf 
-tiv  i^ariagt  i^errtd  w)im  me  ^  fbf  unfisias 

imptffibUt  fir  tit  Powtrs  wiO  Am  it  MfirxJ.    If  I 

\Kii^  eiuAihtrfitt  Jabrrd  hii  Afimr -,  mid  itwiU 
ifmuAwMdtr»dat,whyShatJbcKldi9  mv^oAU 
Ifir. «  CntJiiiMi  Jtf-  the  Marriagt,  having  Avr  kkim- 
la  hati  treauS  at  a  Bi^hufi  ^^lOFt^  ^W  tuu  w  At- 
-  iitg  at  fif  groHit)^  tf  the  fad  Ptwirt,  and'  hath 
-ieen'tfitH  under  Dttetti  ittf  aifvar  ^aifiedy  aw  tk 
Paoftrt  dilivtrwd  spm  XSmJhum  tf  iunKg  am^i  frA 
Ftmtfiyi  eUareti,  Ad  J  mujt  aliffi  mtr  ymr 
Migifiu  I  KmiafianijMliMK^viiAAt^  aaiilhai 
4Mi^  Dttda^  vMA  haib.  ieem  ftUT'^i^biird  im  ttt 
-fiOr  ^ti^^i  Jehmsy,  the  Pemtrt  earn  it  ie^md, 
imhfs  there  fieidd  appear  Jane  war  tmergeKt  Ca^ 
fmce  the  gratiaig  V  tfmat-^  viberivfi  n  j*ty  I hei^ 
(m^fik^  ■  lidngythertfare,  ink  to  he  At  fit- 
ftammmt,.  bf  vdmfi  JSoKtk  any  Thit^  fitxtdpafi  Aat 
adgb  haoeAeitt^  RtfleiHm  apMpto'  H^efifi  or 
Ae  Princes  Hmair,  whidt  IfiaS  ever  store  valae 
than  a^otim  Life  or  Sifef^  \  md,  jii^ig  it  iHmtifi 
to  eandmt  mare  to  your  Service  ;  and  affiirit^  ^fi^f 
that  your  A^efi/f  ioe  Dtre^Hm^  ta-iaue  AeMr^ 
Mt^  wptmome.^  Ae  H>U^  tm  OuiAoOs,  loasfir 
•rmi^^  dv  h^rtutmi;.  tht^Ai.Poi9irt*Mmlimm 
ie.o^e4:  Ihaae.tkt^flymA.AoJidaiutfSir 
WtSbu  A^,  to  Tvifs  ttt  Sergio  ixthe  DeBvery  aT 
^AtfiadPouimi  hta  do  atttttd^  vheaAty  >btf  it 
v^Kredf  to  pajiom  ta  tht  thmhtalim  ^  afr^xei 
£t^firtiel>09idiinaoi  Ihaaghljht&emdemanr  to 
■.■d^  the  TtmeutOa  Itattf  b*  aduoH^ ^  jour  I£t^ 
•ji^'-x  PUaftirty  ifitMojf  UtaitbinAt^ma  efttaaitf- 
.fimrBajt\  andvtiUlahaKrtafiadfomhaiiiJhmtamd 
fair  Qccafimfir  Afdtf^ritig  rfti^  wit^Ktalk^ 
n^  -mi^  DireAat  rf  Aaf  Khalfharyiitt-  Mi^efy  «r 
.At  Prince. 

.     Tit  Rtafintubf  Ihavt  tbm^  it  fi  U  t^i  Ai* 
Rtfebaiatt  are  : 


^  E  N  G  L  A  N  a  4^ 

FriMWs,  thmpw  ht/Kt  h  t»  frtatd  i»  the  Mm"'        *Hj; 
fid^i    and  ft  t^  Pi&P^' jmf  Mi^e/lf  md  th 

mg  U  t^Jh/l  Memmu,  ty  ramving  llwt  Scrufk  rf 
jA»  htfmoa's  n^rntg  iiOt «  reSgwa  OrJir  vbefeiftm 
they  v/ere  onlf  fu^en^t^- 

Secondly,  Yitir  Mt^J^s  Letarmdimtite^  iJf  a 
Dtfirty  Mil  a  Dire^int,  i^  having  the  Marriagtt^tn 
mutftht  SttfAiyt  in  CKiiftmas  ;  mMHtH,  I emc^, 
it  »  ie  umbt^ml,  if  it  mafiaiit  ahd  fioh^fy  befo% 
mU  ifthm-flaUbi  mh^tmij  dsenin^  if  rmtjm 
vf  the-Mpiring  ef-flft  Pewen  fa^,  Otd  thaf  tiff  I»^ 
teioini  if  iMfing  it titenfitkid hk  Mert^nwit tktrOyi 
whiH  fttm-te^fi^f  thai  what  yim-  Majlffy  writttk, 
kfir  mna^diie^  Ii^fnatkn  ef  tbt  Gat^  4/  B»- 
ftratim  ^t&t  Power's. 

TKuxDy,  Tf;^  Mt^Jhi  uptMihiJi  Rafiasi  and 
fiub  at  I  ht/tie  fariruriy  mdgat'  utilt  ytur  Mt^ifyi 
JbtnUi  Iff'/  m  ut?  dauit  titt  jMf  Mt^tfy  Willi  g^* 
me@¥^fir  ^fnfeiiffrK^etUn^  M  the  MtwYiagti 
yet,  apm  my:  Miifltg  the  PbOumi  and  aUf^tag  yMf 
M^^j  W  the  Princ^t  Direftiin^  {akkbi^  ^Ht*^ 
mards  tSl'-TSingtJbmiid  te  cieirtd)  it  weald  ta/TJim 
'  Kind  of  ^erfiin  mid  'ftalaufj  open  nk-  SimeHp'  »f 
yew  M^ePfs-  or  iht  Pnttafr  Pncrtdiiigs :  CM- m 
tentrafy  Stde^  if  year  M^tUft  Iraentimi  te-  vet 
tv  fTKted  inwr  Makhi  wiere^  t'fie-  ne  O^-iUlj, 
the  Intimation  af  that  may  be  as  vitU  a  Mtiith  btHtt 
at  aaw :  And  1  judge  it  a  Duty  tn  a  Servant ^  ej^cialfy 
ik  a  Bufiaefitf  ft  hi^b  Qnfepieike,  and' i>htt^ 
ytw  Ma)eftj.bathffientft  natch  'Utrt,  tegivt.bis  Maf- 
ter  Lafvrtto  repa/rnMH  bit  fecmd  Cagitalimr.  i^re 
he  do  any  Order  that  may  everthrow  «/. 

This  I  effet-y  with  all  Humility,  unto  your  Majef- 
tft  v^fe  aiid  ]ufl  Canfidtr(^9n-,  and  hefieih  you  -ti 
mate-  mtrpretation  of  iny  Preceidings  hertia^  aecerd- 
tng  to  n^  dutiful  and  xeahus  Care  of  ytur  Horm^ 

I  have  efpurftfe  tSJj/atched  this  Pa/t  with  AWi 

.  Letter^  te  the  end  J  may  receive  ywr  M^^tftfs  Di^ 



4ft  ^  lMat»(niiry  Htsttfut      V 

B.  ai  Jiiani.  f«9rW*  >V  f ^jV  PartiiHlary  viith  all  peffibje  Spt^i 
«M|t  iiAithJhiift  fiitill  be  pprnetd  iSreSif  to  tkt  Afor-. 
r^f«.  jBctar^ng  U  tht  CopituUitifnt  |  ^dF  fi  tf  irde^ 
'all  Thing! fir. the  Prinetft's  Jtumtf  jh  tht  Sprii^l 
jbidy  fit-  ib*  palatinate,  Jti^  Majtftj  may  bt  t»t^- 
Jtnt  there  fiieU  ie  _ali  Diligtnct  «ftd  ;«  pretMri/fg .« 
Jpeedy  and  gad  RefalutiBn.  Sty  &CJ 
AMrid,  No*.  i»  0.  Si  i6»Jj     .- 

'  Now,  &om  this  nSh  ibcjAg  of  .fbe  Day  of  the. 
Defpon&rics  in^Spaifi,  which  icras  coiitroUed  ^lift, 
by-  wi  Expreis  from  hence,.  ^  nniiecefiafy  ,Dif~ 
courtdy  vn»  put  upon  that  King,  andj.  In  a  Man-^. 
net,  wantonly,  by  the. Earl  of  Brifteli  from  that 
proceeded  a  greater  AfFronc  put  upon  the  Prince* 
the  taking  airay  the  Title  of  La  Prlntega  fiaia, 
the  Infanta ;  and  the  debarring  of  our  A«ibaiIadori 
from  any  fiirther.  Acce&  unto  her  PerTon,  a^  her 
Servants  (ind  Attendants:  And,  with  thefe,  th^ 
greateft  Difcourttfy  of  all  put  upon  the  King  our 
Mafter,  that  when  they  returned  unto  us  a  poor, 
lean,  and  meagre  pit^tch  concerning  the  Relti-^ 
.  tution  of  the  Palatinate^  yet  the,  Exrl  of  Bn/itt 
accompanied  it  with  this  Jtem,  That  they  wefc 
^in  to  ante^Up  the  Paper  for  their  Honour's  Sake  ; 
or.  elfe^  if  they  had  taken  Notice  of  the  Stay  of  the 
Q^ponlaries,  tbey  had  fcnt  it  ten  Times  'worfe, 
you  will  not  believe  his  LoidOiip  when  you  have 
«*l,it.'     ... 

lite  King  of  S  p  a  i  n's  A  n  s  w  b  R,  of  the  6fh 
of  DwffliifT, -1 623,  to  the  Ambassador's 

'  'M  B  M  o  R I A  L,  toncbing  the  Bulinds  of  die 

n^H  AT  which  his  Catholic  Maj^  hath-  temmaTuie^ 
■^  fiouid  iegivm  in  anfwtr  ta  the  third  Memoritdf 
w^ch  the  Earl  of  Briftol  and  Sir  Walter  Afion^ 
jttnhajfaders  Extraordinary  and  Ordinary  te  his  Jl^a- 
j^  the  King  of  Great  Britain*  dtUvertd  unta  fnmf 
iewhiag  the  Bnfii/ft  tf  the  Palatinate,  », 



'  ^liel  hi'i  Mt^tftj  hath  fitn  the  ihtrd  jt£in»W  Xjt'ii 'jiMi  f, 
toWcA  thty  dtltvtredj  toutbing  t^  Bufiufi  tf  tbi  »••!' 
Palninate,  mi  that  the  Anjweri' which  he  hath  if 
tote  ctmmandid  Jbtuid  ht  given  vnte  the  reft^  vihich 
tht^  'haw  deOvered  in  that  Bufinefi,  frtfttppoftd^  as  k 
femUd  tt  hiiBy  that  tbtrt  tan  he  nt/thing  /^  in  anfutet 
It  that  which  they  Hew  prefent;  Jhee  the  Jnftvef 
therein  required  it  Hot  ntctffarj  until  all  that  it  tbtrt 
frtpotmded  an  the  Behalf  af  the  Caunt  Paladne  bath 
jirji  taken  EffeSt ,  and  that  be  bath  endeaveurtd  tt 
•  give  the  Enferer  SatisfaSieHr  ij  the  Demonftratiant 
and  Satif/a^onttbtretnmeiaimtdiAr  that  it  wtrt 
I^afiice  in  his  Cathalit  Migefty  tt  fi>tw  any  Diftr»fi 
^the  Etnftrm't'UndtfiMU.U  ntt  ufe  bit  Menj  and 
Clementjy  and  give  the  King'i  Mt^ejiy  tf  Great  Bri'- 
tain  all  ftffOle  Satitf^itn,  in  cafe  the  Count  PaSk- , 
tine  ptrftnmdfut^  ASt  af  Sihmiffini  and  A£itrancet 
as  in  the  Jaid  Memarial  are  propettuded^  effteialfy  ht- 
ing  actampanud  with  the  Favtur  and  Intetceffim  tf. 
hii  M<gejtjy  which  is  and  ever  flail  bt  inurp^idfar 

the  effecting  tf  it;  attdihat,  in  doing  etherwife,  hi* 
Majeflyflteuldlijt  the  Pawer  which  he  hath  as  an  Ar~ 
hitrater  and  MeSator  in  this  Su/inefi,  in  accmau-i 
dating  it  It  the  Ccntent  and'  Satisfaititn  tf  his  Ma- 
jtfty  the  King  tf  Great  Britain,  as  he  much  defirtA 
md/baRendeavavr;  andladoubtsftheejatingtfit 
fty  feemtth  te  bis  Adiljeffy,  were  la  injitn  the  EntpertTf 
■ctnjidering  ibeir  Amlifand  gead  Cvrrejpondence^  and 
the  cenfidem-  ^trance  hi  hath  af  his  Interuffian  wtdb 
Attn.-  jfnd it  -liiiwifetfOpinitn^  that^  talheendtht 
gaed  Offices  which  his  Majefiy  Jhall  da  in  litis  Bu^ 
fuj^maj  Ukt  tie  gt«d-Efe£}  which  he  wiflietb^  and 
that  the  King  tf  Great  Britain  may  receive  all  Sa- 
tisfc^ian^  it  it  ft  that  hit -Catbaiic  A^ofejly  flmuld  nat 
maiehimfelf  a  formal  Party  in  it^  as  it  is  prejfed  hy 

-■  Madndt>  Dm.<  6;  't6z3. 

>  >>|Ieic  the^Prince  bbjcrved,  That  whereas  the 
£iDg^'5^am  faith  in  this  I^per,  that  he  hath  no 
•Power  OTeE.AeEnipcror,;yet  in  other  Treaties  h« 
tpek  upon hiiBWhavc much PpTTW over himj  fothat 


^  The  ^o/^atfuttfor^iiisfotLV 

m,  utawl' J^  Hi|]ui^'.£ucly  Ht  wrUy  bs)ieTel^  he  hid*-  iltd 
-    **Jt"       1>m1  Bqt,  ft»wer  xt  his  Fleabin^ '       ,  ,. 

*'  tVell,  for  all  that  Sravado  wd  Menace  .iqMfll 
tbdr  former  Di^afcih,  thejr  have  ukea  their  Pen  19 
H^advs^N]  and  haw  ^t  to  his  M^efty  a  Prc^^ 
<^  H  L^eTi  the  which,  if  his  Ma^e&y  fiialh  nialM 
«aJa»)tarioii  to  that  'ESoi^r  iha^l  be  feat  uiiM  hi^ 
Majcfly  fronrthe  Ktngof  SptiM-^  and  tb«  httsef 
if  ,dic  fitrtalu  PiUars,  ifiid  the  lt*iii/  n/mi  in  oU-thit 
Ntf^stiatioB  of  th«  PalattMU,     , 

Dm  Kr'Air  de*  SMncA*s  LiTTtfRv  f«At  with  tiw 

dr^^rtljfr'  M  5.-tlK(isKi]^t!t}cPAi;ATlN-XTK. 

-»<'  -K  A^  EJiuUatioil  tvbitA  ht»  iSi^ffij  tueketb  J^ 
"  ymtr  V'4«tt  atdSir  WaTttt  Afton,  «»/  ^ 
tbk  ti*frt  hi  Am*  #»  ^^^  ***  hfiM/m  /m  havt 

Brikya  m  l^br  £m^^  of  the  Ptiytu  Psdatime,  ^ 
Uth  etttdt^Mi»A  t^euKtt; .  iut  tbh  flmH  bf  ikkt 
v^t»  ym  Jhad  iriitg-  enf  jMttt-s  ffm  the  Kiitg.  9/ 
Gt«at  Britain  HHUkmg  tk*  Jkid  BkfiOifi  y  and  htKOf 
id  lie  mta^TmfyeotimBtitdtd  nu  li/ntntyau  MfG^tf 
whidt  u  t&r  At^titr  tuhiih  iii  Afy)efiy  leHtHat^lk  U 
irgiv*»»-  tbtU  wkitb  wn  /9S  pr*fitm^  by  ydu-H 
AatBt^fiiOMlihiHvAtMjDufifaitkril^  thtjfii 
latter fifm  tb*fmdKiiii,  thtnth$  Origiitaitfthikiwg 
mii  Majitr  Jhall  hi  tUiverU  tmtt  ft*  tuttb  a  grtat 
^i^t/ghni^/uUSati^aie*.     6«dftefirv*  yMf 

The  Ki'NO*8  AKS**-!*  aWiVeirttn*Mtedi: 

thtrte  delivered  tmtt  me^  Uutfxiig  the  t 
iBt  Bi^iufrtftht  Priua?^ii\a.<Aati  enillMoiti^nla^ 
huvbn  my  D^e  and  IntettmK  beftiit,  ■  ituy'hevrtgA 
tf  laUi  aiith  inach  Eante/h^  fiUtUld  -wa  aw-  ift 
tbrei  Ptmtj  fjdltvuiig :  ■       ■■    .-: 


JfjAVlNG  ghftt  Anfwtr  t»  ynr  M» 
*^  bajfadtrsj  andttJw^AIaimitUiaiH 

■  y  E  J<;GL  a  N  13.  6s 

¥he  firft;  That  Ifixttld  do.  <ai  gwid  Offim  of  Me^-  A*,  i »  pmm  1 
iltioTi  with  ihe  Emperer,  U  ihetnd  he  may  yitld  unio        '"'' 
ihe  Prince  Palatine  the  entire  RefiiMm  tf  his  Pof- 
Jeffiom  and  Digri'tiei'.     -  .         . 

7i>  fecbhd,  That  a  fimitid  Time  he  apfbinted  fir 
the  negotiating,  <.iy  itfin  of  Mediation;    . 

The  tWrd,  That  ijxiuld,  jwthwith,  declare  m^felf^ 
that  the /aid  MediatiSn  tut  taking  E^eli  within  the 
Time  limited,  I  xvDuld  etnpley  my  Arm  againji  the  Em- 
peror. . 

Tauching  the  firft,  yattr  Majefiy  may  refi  affured, 
ihat  I  am  ready,  really  and  effe£luaSy^  ta  a^  yaur 
Majify  itOthihe  htft  Offitii  1  Ml  be  abU,  ta  the  end 
yau  may  receive  entire  SaiisfaStien,  the  Prince  Pala- 
tine performing  the  due  Suhmiffions,  and  tvhet  elje  is 
reqmfed,    ar  haifi  'ihn  fatd  tn  STiy  former  Anfwtn  \ 

Imchiiig  the  Alliance  and  Security  on  hit  Part ;  and 
that  I  ivill  eeiUiniie  the  fgid  goad  Offices  until  the  final . 
Conclujionof  the  Bufln^s:- 

Asfar  the  feCond  Paint,  I  arh  well  ctnttnted  that 
there  be  d  limited  Ttme  appointed,  betV  ling  the  Offices 
of  MeSatieh  art  ti  endure ;  but  fad  the  Bufmefs,  _ 
cannot,  without  af<>rmal  Treaty^  which  cannot  be  Init 
in  thefr  Pgrii,  yauf-  Afaje/y  (taking  fuch  Term  af 
Time  as  jhaU  be  reqidfite  for  fo  great  .arid  diffifttlt  a 
•  Bu/inefi)  may  agree  M  it  there,  either  with  the.  In- 
fanta my  Aurit,  ir  ■ivilh  my  Ambaffddors,  atid  I  do, 
frotn  Tinfi-  ti  Tilke,  approve  ihert^;  and  fo  your 
Aia/e/fy  may  give  Order  that,  without  Lifs  of  an% 
further  Tirne,  the  Treaty  begin  for  the  accontmodating 
the  Bdfinefs  ;  lOherei/l  your  Majefiy  may  likewife  maka 
fuch' Propofitions  for  the  fatisfyir^  the  Dake  of  Bava- 
ria as Jhailfeem fitting,  -■ 

Concerning  the  third  Part,  vAereiit  f  am  intreatedi 
in  your  Maj^fs  Nalne,  by  your  Ambaffadors,  That 
I  would  farthtuith  declare  viyfelfi  that  in  cafe  the  Me^ 
diation  take  na  Effelt,  I  would  employ  my  Arms  againft 
the  Emperot<,  aUhoUgh  I  am  mafl  certain  find  confident^ 
'that,  by-  y4ur  Majefty's  and  7ny  Interctfiion,  toge- 
-ther  with  the  Subtm^n  sfthe  Prince  P^atine,  and 
'  the  Pef^frtnmcetf  what  ilfe  ^aii  be  neceffory,  as  is 
eMefaid,  the  Emperer)  my  Uncle,  will,  -without  all 

Vol,  VI.  E  -        doubt. 

,L.(  Kittle 

^  The  PaHHuilmidry  Hi  ST o%Y 

**.  it  Jnki  t  Airff,  Jheta  hit  CUmentj^  «W  ft*  jrtJT  Jl£rf^  «i- 

tient  A«^i  (^  iV  iumv  ttkertmt  lm  ^  lift  Pnotr 

•  ei  Arbitrator  and  Medietar  in  tbf  SafiH(ft  bf_maiiH^ 

myfilf  a  fermal  Party:,  it  wire.  Hiiwifi  *9:  give  jufl 

Occafan  of  bfftnct  to  the  EMtni',  jlif  VvUj,  *utd  ta 
ftH  in  that  due  StefpeS  wbta>  k.^ig  tjfitiild  fiitw 

tnaarit  }xm^  if  1  flmdd  Mitmfai^  iht  Offitt_  of  a 

Me4iaticH  vjim  Meiutta  tf  Ahm%  ia  *a^  M^J^ 
^  may  be  confident  that  I  vnU  frstwe^  by  aU  Mean  ftf- 
'pieviith  the  Bufehrj  that  this  B^iti^  mfhitf- 
feitad  to  -yoar,  M^Jft  ftM  &^if*fiim\_  ifiithta/ 

drwilag  my  Haiid  frtit  ity    tuoil  that  it/hieh  ytut 

Majefty  defrtih  be  amMBfUfiei. 

>TUi  Letter  lus  Ma^efty  Wb  alnady  Jc^ened 
to  a  %11aI)U:,  and  fupnofti^  finne  Viitu«  n^ht  be 
iixVctStKA  from  that  Pbrdl^  Jiftw-  i»  Mfim^  and 
the  King  will  not  take  his  MaiAfftm  fff"  Ulf  Buiir  > 
itefs  until  our  MzfleribftU  tafeive  fi<rti)&di(>n  { 
hie  Majeftr  fetit  tb  Ihe  ifmfit  AvibiiE&4ors,  Men 
«f  gmt  UnilerftancKng  immI  Qygl^*  fox  X  Key  «r 
a  CoRumnt  tt>  Open  AcfiuAsj.  ■  Aih^  Whol4k  tbit 
h  ^1  thev  return  back  to  Ms  Mt^^t  partake  off 
bis  mala,  i.  e.  He  wOI  onpli^,  m&Mit  Inlciinif- 
fion,  his  iKft  OAces  to  ^tocun  «  Satts^^^icm  to  his 
Majeny :  Anii  htAcrto  diM  HaiwI  t£  MediuLok 
hxtk  proved  bnt  an  ualiidc]r  Uxnd  ia  all  thn 
Bufincfs.'  .  ,  , 

*  Here  the  Lord>Keq>er  reified  (amewhtet.  that 
«^  deHvwed  by  Don  Arw  to  tb«  Barl  of  Bri/M, 
at  the  rajne  I*fiaiU  wkb  tluc  P«^e3.«f  the  ;[^ttcr; 
as  Mr.  Ciarif  who  was  dien  {MVMiki  taA  told  the 
0tflcc  of  Btufuii^tmln  VHu- 

*  Thatw^erau  die  Kihg«f  ^c^^  feuad  hit 
ErpcrrAvnng  cA  fo  feA  vith  thjo  Treaty  of  de 
MMCtt,  iil^orehe  had  timed  ttKTi>e^«f  the  R»> 
ftjlutipn  of  the  PedHtinaHy  he  is  im>  r«[»W^,  t9 
iftVRthls  Mctbodf  atad..t«  pciA^  ^  Treaty  ttf 
Vhe  Reftituttoa  of  the  Ptlatil»l»t  .M>fe  he  wi^ 
^tfbetd  any  fuither  it)  tbarBf  ih^Mwiuifa.'  _ 



t}   EN-OtAND.  67 

*  ^  the  two  Titatfes,  tt  ihey  move  in  5^tfnt,  *"■  *i  Jwm* 
frenow  (|uit  one  with  thC  other;  as  fermcHly  the        **■!• 
Treaty  of  the  Mari'isgc  did  guftle  out  the  Treaty 

of  the  Palatinofe,  fo  now  the  Treaty  of  the  Pa- 
^(atrnate  hath  quite  excluded  tht  Treaty  of  the 

*  Am  here  my  Z.ord  Duke  acqtiainting  us,  as 
Admiral,  with  an  AdVertitcinem  he  had  received  «f  ' 
the  Fleet  prepare]  in  Spain^  the  Arreft  o(  fame  of 

our  Ships,  and  the  coming;  over  of  Padre  Afiji/frty 
made  an  End  of  the//?*  Part  of  the  Narra- 
Tivs  J  which  contained  the  fubfequtht  Procttdintt 

_^  his  Maj^yy  ty  a  feleft  Committee  of  Counfel- 
lors,  in  both  thefe  Treaties,  fmce  the  Retam  of 

.  his  JHighnefi  from  Spaiu. 

,VI.  The  Stating  af  the  QjJ  iar  10  v  /uptr 
tctam  Meteriom.    , 
This  Qpeftion  the  Duke  ftateg  after  this  Manner: 

*  My  Lords  and  Gentlemen  all,  Your  fpeeifX 
.wu]  faithful  Advice  (;ancernins  this  laft  Difpatcb* 
which  implieth,  in  the  VlaiA  JUiatues,  i^k  £du- 
.C*t^  of  the. Prince  Palatine's  Son  in  tlie  Emper- 
or's Court ;  and  proitiifeth  nO  Ailiftance  by  Arnia 

.  to  retover  tlte  Palatinate  ;  i's,  That  his  M^elly  ex- 
peScd  from  both  thcHoufcs,  at  this  Time,  Whether 
this  Projed  of  2  Letter,  being  die  fall  Efica  anJ 
Produceof  all  the  Negotiittions  which  I  have  open- 
ed to  you,  be  fuflicienc,  fuper  iotatn  Materiam,  for 
Ikis  MajeAy  to  rely  upon  with  any  Safety,  as  wdl 
for  his  Marriage  of  his  only  Son  as  for  th^  Relief 
ef  his  only  Dat^hter  ;  or,  thefe  Treatiet  fet  afide, 
lus  Alaj<%  were  faeft  to  tru(i  to  his  own  Sueti2;tll, 
alid  to  ftand  upon  his  own  Feet  V 

*  And  fo  his  Gnxs  ended  with  this  Cmtcflalion, 
That  if  bringing  us  from  Darkneft  to  Light  did 
ddVve  any  Thudts,  we  owe  k,  and  muft  aicnbe 
It,  to  the  Prince  his  I^bnefs.' 

After  tbe  Loid^Keeper  had  finiflied  this  long 

Kepoit*   the  Duke  of  Buckingham  ftood  up  ana 

E  2  acquainted^ 

•68  *The  PiwSemint^  HisTftRY 

hn.  »ij>mei  I.  acquainted  their  Loh^Oiips,  *  That  Comi^aint  'vnA 

*"3'        made  againft  him  for  tleiivcring  fomewhat,  in  his 

NarrathtL,  which  did  fo  highly  touch  the  King  of 

The  Dafce  «rf    ^P^'"  '"  his  Honour^  that  if  the  like  had  been  ut^- 

Bdckinghtfn'i     tcrcd  b^  any  Subject  of  that  King  againfl  his  Ma- 

N«THkniefcnt-je(^^  it  coutd  not  be  othehvife  expiated  but  with 

X3X5r^tbe  Lofs  of  his  Head  that  fpolte  it.     Whereforct 

the  Dulce  defired  their  Lordfhips  to  take  into  Con- 

lideration,    whether    he    could  have 'justified  the 

leaving  out  any  of   the  Particulars  in  the  Niirrtf 

tim  ?' 

The  Lords,  in  generalj  did  commend  the  fair 
Proceeding  of  the  Dulce  therein,  and  :^reed,  , 
*  That,  as  his  Grace  deferved  all  their  Thanks  for 
the  fame,  fo  he  had  doiie  ill  if  he  had  concealed 
any  Part  of  it.  That  their  Lordlhips  did  conceive 
that  it  was  an  Afpeifion  laid  upon  thtir  Houfe  by 
this  Complaint ;  becaufe  it  concerns  their  Lord-* 
ihips  nbt  to  fuffer  any  Thing  to  be  puhlickly  fpo- 
Icen,  in  their  Hearing,  in  Diftionour  of  fo  great  a 
•Prince  in  Amity  with  his  Majcfly.  And,  they 
ctmceive'that  nothing  then  delivered  did  concern 
that  King  particularly,  but  were  the  A<5b  of  his 
Officers  and  MinJllers  only.' 

Butt  f<»^  ^^  ^1  electing  of  Ms  Grace  in  thb 
Matter,  the  Lord-Keeper,  by  general  Confent* 
put  it  to  theQueftion,  *  That  the  Duke  did  deli- 
'  ver  nothing,  in  his  faid  NarratUn,  but  what  was 
fit  for  him  to  do,  and  what  the  Matter  led  hith 
unto;  which  was  unanimoully  agreed'  to.  And 
'  their  Lord&ips  alfo  agreed  to  fatisfy  his  Majeity 
herein  by  a  Ctmimittce  of  their  whole  Houfe;  and 
the  Prince  was  delired  to  intimate  this  theii  Requell 
to  the  King,  and  to  let  them  know  when  his  Ma- 
jedy  would  be  plcafed  to  admit  them  to  his  Prefence. 
The  Lord-Keeper  to  be  their  Speaker.' 

Then  tl}e  Houfe  was  moved  to  take  into  their 
.Copfideratton,  how  the  Spanijh  Ambaflador  cam* 
to  this  Knowledge :  But  the  Duke  requeued  ihelr 
Lordlbips  to  defilt  from  that  Enquiry  ^  for  that 
-  he  only  ddired  his  own  JuiU^tiun,  and  no  Re- 
venge. ■  -  . 
. :         .  But, 


ef   ENGLAND;'     '  69: 

Bvt  the  Ixmls  were  Hill  more  a£live  in  this  Aa.  >!  pma  m,  ■ 

Miitter,  and  Tent  a.  Mefl^e  to  the  Commons  to       '    '*' 
this  Effeai  ■". 

'  Wbereas  dieir  Loidlliips  are  informed  that,' 
Complaint  hath  been  made  to  his  Majefty,  by  the 
Spa^  Ambaffador,  That  the  Dulte  '^^BucUng-  ' 
fyrtti  in  his  Narration  to  both  Houfes,  had  fo  tugh- 
ly'touched  the  Honour  of  the  ICing  oi  Spalrh,  that 
it  couli^L  not  be  expiated  but  by  his  Head  :  1*heir 
Ivordihips,  taking  this  into  their  Confideration,  do 
lind  this  Complaint  to  lailen  an  Afperfion  upon 
themfoJves  alfo;  and  have,  by  general  Vote  of' 
their  Houfe,  acquitted  his  Grace  thereof;  and  have 
determined,  by  a  Committee  of  their  whole  Houfe, 
to  (atisfy  his  Alajefty  therein  :  'And,  to  the  end 
diat  their  Lordlhips  may  ever,  according  to  theii'- 
Delire,  hold  good  Correfpondence  with  their  Houfe,' 
they  have  thought  tit '  to  Hgnify  it  unto  them.' . 
Sut,  tjie  Meilengers  {layiAg  long,  Che  Lords  j^reej 
to  adjourn  to  the  Afternoon. 

At  which  "Xitae  they  received  the  fol  lowing 'Both  Ht*fi»}d'- 
Anfwer  to  their  MeAage  from  the  Commons  ;■     ■    •''J  '^  D»»a.  ^ 

*  That  .their  Houfe  had  confidered  of  the  Mef-' 
fags^  and  do  find  the  Complaint  to  afperfe  them 
alfo,-  They  have  acquitted  the  Duke  of  Bucking-^ 
hflm  of  ar^y  Thing  whidi  he  faid,  touching  tha 
Honour  of  the  King  of  Spain.  .  They  attribute' 
much  IJoi)our  to  the  Duke  for  his  Narration,  and 
give  his  Grace  Thanks  for  the  fame ;  and  they  ren-' 
dcr  like  Thanks  to  their  Lordlhips  for  this  their* 
good  CorFefpondency.'    .  ■,  \ 

.  Tothcend  the  Lords  might  truly  ftate  the Quef- Further  PreeeeJ- 
tioa  upon  the  great  Afiair  they  were  to  advife  the  ingi  inralMmita 
King  about,  they  required  to  have  the  forcgoing^in  jp^"*"  ■ 
Letters  frt^  Sfam  read  unto  them  again.     Afteri 
which  the  Attorney  Genera]   read  the  following 
Letters  from  the  Earl  of  Srj^fl/.- 

May  it  pleafe  your  Moft  Excellent  Majefty, 

^ Received  your  Majefty' i  Lettefi  of  the  <fth  of  Sep- 

■f-    tember,  and  the  2^d  of  the  fame   Month,  and  , 

iy^bift  underjltttid  that  your  Majejiyhath  r<cti-uej 

...  E  3  '  mttci 

jro  The  PanJiaHenhfy  BIi*tc1r* 

■t»3K  t^yofir  Majefliff  both  ameatting  the  R^itudon  tftki- 
Princt  Palatine  ;  ai  likewiftt  ef  this  King's  jUfdu- 
^fut  te  preeetd  io  the  Corulufian  &f  the  match;  but 
that  yonr  .Mujeftj  findi)^  tht  Ej^&t  verf  uj^uitaiU 
balb  hj  ^  Profee^ngs  eM  finiflct  and  in  tht  P^ati> 

natc  1  as  alfo,  by  whatjuu  undtrfland  fiam  Romei 
by  Mr.  Gage,  ef  the  Pope's  Dematds,  J  ho^,  bf 
lit  Arrival  af  Mr,  Cottington;  your    Majefly  tutU 

have  reidved  Satiifaiiion,  Injeme  Meafurt  at  t^ 
Ittf/J,  that  there  hath  been  no  Time  or  Diligence  'smh' 
f«4,  eii^r/er  the  riAreffi^  af  any  Thing  that  Aofti- 
htm  amifSf  or  far  the  advancing  of  jtur  Majefift- 

The.  very  D.ay  I  reeeived  your  Mojefiy'i  tettm-t., 

-  IJiAt  a  Gentleman  Peji  to  the  King,  {wh»  vJas  goal  U- 
I^El^urial)  te  erav/ Leave  te.  a'ttemdhim,  vikii^Rt' 
fr.efeittly  granted  tru  y  and  I  repaired  ii»iher  le  him- 
upm  ti^  3i«f  0£bbw,  the  Cende  de  Gondank>!r» 
being  Ukeunfe  commanded  U  wait  ufert  the  KiMg,  P 
Ittf,  there  wdi  received ;  tmdprefmtl^  ufw  my  Arri-^ 
val,  the  €mde  d'Olivaros  came  t»  tne  t»  tht  LtinHgt- 
liAiich  were  appointed  far  tne  tt  rtfi  in  ;  to  him  I  He- 
^e7{edfvUy,  in  the  Pre/end  of  Sir-  Walter  AftWl 
aad  the  Cendt  de  Gottdamoccv  what  J  had  f »  negnti'tttt 
^fh  l^K  Kiitgj  bffth  in  the  Btt/hufs  if  the  Meteh  atut 
tf  the  I^^atii»te. 
'  Iv  tlie' Ma/th,  I refrefint»d  hviv  muth- it  impert-' 

■  td  y&ur  Mf^ejiy.  that  a  fptedy  Hifilutitk  rn^it  b* 
l^ie/t  therein,;  bath  in  r^ard'lf  the  Prinee,  being 
yaur  Majejlfs  only  Son,  now  'arTi>iMd-  io  the  Age  of 
tiotnty  twa  Tears,  and  for  ihefeitling  yaur  Afiars 
in  England  :  /  repeated  it  him  oH  tht  P'offsget  i'» 
this  Treaty  j,  horn  nmny  Tears  had  been  already  fphit^ 
«t  fV,  and  that  efter  fo  kng  an  Expeihitim,  the  J5>f- 
Ugtnce  ufed  in  Rome,  for  obtaining  the  Difpenfiiten, 
$aJ  vjrought  but  frnall  Kffe&,  fmci  ihe  Pspc  W 
lately  made  fuch  Demands  as  vjere  altogetiur  inrpa&bU 
for  yaur  Maje^  to  candefiend  unto  ;  and  therefore, 
your  Mejejly  feeing  the  Bufnefs  jHU  delayed,  held  y 
fit  thaifomAJuib  Courfe  might  be  taken,  that  your 
Mfjejly  might  fpeedily  knovi  tohat  ytu  henv  to  fru^ 
unit  i 


^  E  N  O  L  A  K  a  7f 

mfvi  anithrrhfm  iiad almmttdtd  tnt  tijipi^  mhUAm.  %tj»mm1i 
this  X?i^»  jwtrr'  iOmifi  ReJ^tOwtt  hew  far  ytk  **H* 
MioU  etndifteMdy  gti  Ftka  of  Rthgitn,  tsUvriU  what 
ibe  ^ope  tkmmdej.  And  If  hmwith  Aii  Xwy 
etuid  he  fiakfitd,  yur  M^^^  dejtred  that  we  imghl 
frscttd  H  a'/uui  and  fie^  Coiithiflm  ^  ttberuiif^ 
aMtt  Or  jpt^  Hhw/ifi  uMubi  chtnrly  detlare  himjtifj 
that  jtv  Mufejfy  might  Me  w  mart  'S^me  m  the 
jfiA(i%f  of  the  PHnaym-  9en.  Hereuttti  the  Catde 
dXflivahib  onfiomd  "Oiilb  fane  2.aigth,  th  Siih- 
Jlame  wherevf  /JiaS  utfy  pr^me  toftt  dawrm  ytmr 

'  l^t^aftffid  4  foKere  fiiteiitini  tnd  HeMution  in 
^s  JUngii'wfA*  the  Abteh^  and  that  Kiere  Jh^U 
not  he  one  bdj  lofl\  far  that  the ^edy  t>iJptUeh 
ikereaf  haperied  tfim  at  unKbat  yeur  Majefly  }  and 
nthe  endmTtinefnuld  he  lejf,  this  King  had^  tht 
■Buy  t^fhr  the  Death  af  Don  BsltsKU  de  ZviHgi^ 
^Mtted  Don  FcrdiAanlo  ie  Gyron./w  hit  Pu^t, 
tit  his  C»mmt0fn.  '■  That  fir  the  going  ef  Mr.  Oagje 
^rsm  RtinK,  and  At  Popi^  DtmanA^  ihiywereaf^ 
•ftbitdj  ignirant  tf  them  j  thai  the  Jtfng  had  dme  tU 
Wf  /  jh^deP;eifar  thi  Redref  ef  thli  £rr«ri 
■that  I  might  itJRrt  y9ttr  Mt^efy  that  yon  ftould  fend 
here  alt  Stnaftty  and  clear  Proeeedtng,  and  wititM 
ah  Hetir*!  Deioj  mere  thcm^  of  Neceffity^  the  Nature 
■if  the  Bupi^  reftared. 

At  for  the  Bafinrft  laf  the  V^Ktaatc,  Treprefented 
^  lafgtt  the  Merit  ofyaar  Majeliy't  ProeeeMngif  emd 
-the  many  Prom^gt  trade  from  hence  j  jrrf,  HefUMfh- 
Jtandiitg,' whif/l your  Ma/e/lj  1WI  tnalirrg  at  Bruf- 
•lAs,  HddTcbeijJi,'  ex^  ef  the  three  Plater,  wliii^ 
■were  eafy  teftt  and  wheri  your  Majefiy  had  Gani- 

jftsj,  was  bilged  h_  the  Archiidti  Leopdld  ari4 
M^nfttur  Tfllr:  That  this  King' hath  -cvithdravm 
hit  Faxes,  anifi  exfejed  the  Patatinate  ^fekttelytt 

the  Bmperot  and  the  Duke  ef  SavBria.  The  Cende 
^\ytintes  anfiiiered  miy  hy  aekmwtedging  how  -muSb 
yme^  f^ej^s  PreeetAws  had  defen/ed  at  the  £ittr 
•fertt^i  mid  this  Kinft  Hands ;  that  -whatever  ytttr 
ifegefty  conld  expert,  or  had  heev  atony  "hime frtmif- 
'tdj  fiicMidij  this  King  he  really  perfermed. 

E  4  Tba 


j%  fhe  .PafMarf^tery  H'l  s.-t  o"«,  v 

:»sijagiql,  -  That  the  Prince  PaJatine's  euttt' Cearji  bttbtttu 
'(•*"    ,,     pad  been  the  unly  Hindrance  of  (he  effeitingof  it. 

■  That  he  referred  ii  to  your^  ^'P'f^f'  '^'' JH^ 
'  Judgment,  ■whether,  the  calling  ef  thit  K^n^i  fercef 
put.ef  the  Palatinate  ware  withany  ili  f^enlioH,  «f 
^erelyfor  the  P'^eifce  ef  Flanders  j'  i%hich\  other- 
svUe,  hgd  he(n  put  in  gv'ot'.  H^zari^by  Count 
Manpfielfi,  as  yotir  Majijly  favj  iy  mh^l  hfid  rtally 
pajfed:  That  the  Siege  of  Heidelbferg  was  no  way  by 
thi  Cenferit  sr  Knfvjiedge  tf  the.  King,  or  any  of  hif  ' 
JUini/lers,  hut  was  generally  ■difappre'ved  by  them 
all.  -.-■,-.-.  .  ■    ■ 

/  told  himj  I,  conceived  that  was  nothing ;  fir 
that  your  May^y  had  engagtd  yeurfelf  to  this  Kir^^ 
iThat  in  cafe  your  Son-in-Law  viould.  not  conform 
bimfelf,  you  would  alt  only  forpkt  him,  but  declare 
yeurfelf  agaipff  hinj^  and  give  the  ^tpperor  Afff^ 
tancefor  the  jeducing  qf  him  te'Reefon  i  and  that 
yow  .Majejly  could  not  but  expf^  a  likf  -feciprocaf 
Prottedipg  frpm  this  Kipghis  Mqjler,  tie  anfwered. 
Tour  .Majejfy  fijould fee  this  Ki>^'s,  Sincerity  by  the 
'Effiefs,  and  that  tf  Heidelberg  /boHld  he  taken, 
tmd  the  Emperox:  refufe  ta_  rtjhre  it,  or.'cendejeend-io 
fucb  an  Acc»mmtdatipn  as  Jbould  be  held  reafvnabhf 
'this  King  ■would  infallibly  eff^  your-^ajejly  -with  his 
Forces,  ■  Afid  th\^  he  fpake  with  great  'Affuruncf.^ 
and  vAjhed  me  to  dejsre  your  Majefty  tt  be  confidentf 
'^you  would  find  nothing  b^t  real  atid'fincere  PrS- 
^feedipgs  frjitn  heme.  "  I  jva^  then  prefently  called  fir 
.to  {he  King,  to  jt^hom  /  fpoie,  firfi,  ■  in  the  Bufuujs 
ef  the  Match^  and  .delivered  him  the  Contents  there- 
of in  ff^ritiffg  ;  which  I  have  fent  to  Mr.  Secretary,  ■ 
.1  received  from  him  the  fapie  Ar^wer,  in  effeii,' ai 
■from  the  Conde  d-Olivkres,  Tkfi  -}'.  defired  tfte 
Match  m  left  than  your  M^efty  ;  ihati  on  his  Part, 
jhere  Jhould  be  no  Time  Injl  from  the  Beginning  of  it 
to  afpecdy  Cpnciufioti.  In  the  Bftfinifs  of' the  Pala»- 
tinate,  Ifpoke  unto  the  King  withfome  Length,  rtr- 
peating  many  Particulars  of  your  Majefty's  Proceedr 
■fngs,  end  how  much  your  Honour  was  Hie  tofuffer; 
>,     frh<&  »w,    whiyi  you  were  treating,   Heidelberg, 

* "...     .  ..<Hf''H 


'  .,  »/.E  NGL  A  NX).    -  7j 

J^en4fd  ^   your.  Garrifiin,    was    like  U   he  taken.  An.  ii  JmMJ 
^A*  King  anfwered  me,   tL  would  tffehually  tahour  '*'J" 

that  your  Majejly  Ihould  have  entire  Satiifaifion-i 
and  rather  thah  your  '  Majejly  Jhould  fail  thereof^  he 
Uiouid  employ  his  Armi  tg  effeil  it  fir  you.  Mj  Li¥d 
AnAaffadofr  ^'i"  Walter  Afton,  accompanied  me  at  ' 

7^  Audience,  and  was  a  Witnefs  of  all  that  pajftd^ ' 
as  weU'wilh  the  King,  as  with  the  Conde  d'OHvarts. 
ff7thmfew  Days  after,  the  News  of  the  taking  ef* 

'Heidelberg  came  hither ;  "whereupon  I  difpatchtd 
again  to  the  Kitfg,  in  fuch.firt  as  I  have  at  large  ddr- 

'yeriifed  to  Mr.  Secretary  Calvert.  The  Effea  &f 
my  Negotiation  was.  That  they,  en  the  i  yh  of  Ofto- 

;  ber,  difpatched  Letters  away  to  the  Infanta,  ta  flop 
the  Smpf^r's  and  the  Duke  of  BavariaV  Procetd- 
ings -,  but  prejpng  them  further,  in  regard  their  for- 
mtr~l.e^Urs  have  wrought  fi  little.  Effeli,  they  Jiave 
given  nte  a  fecond  Difpatcp,  which  iMve  fenf  to  ikt 
Infanta,  und  ^hereof  Mr,  Secretary  viill  give  your 
Majejly  an  Account ;  which,  I  conceive,  will  pro- 
fttre  your  Majejly  better  SatisfaSfipn,  than  hither- 
to you   have   receive^  f'"^'"    ^P'    Emperor  -  and    hit 

"Party.  "'.''" 

For  the  Bufmefs  of  the  Match,  .  1  have  written  ta 
J^r,  Secretary  ■u^hat  is  to  be  faid  at  prefeni,  and  will 

'finly  tfdd,  Thcjt  aj  I  Jhould  not  willingly  give  your  Ma-- 
jefty  Hopes  upon  uncertain  Grounds,  fi  I  would  not 
conceal  what  they  profefs  ;  which  is.  Thai  they  will 
give  your  T^jefiy  real  end Jpeedy  Satisfaition  therein} 

jpid  if  they  intend  notj  .they  are  faljer  than  all  the 
iHevtlsin  Hell,  far  deeper  Oaths  and  Protestations  of  , 

'Sincerity  cannot  be  .made,  ■     '  .' 

"  Jt  wi(l  inly  remain  that  I  humbly  caji  myfelf  at 
your  Majefiy's  Feet,  with' that  Addition  af  Title  where- 
with it  hath  pleafed  you  to  honour  me  and  my  Pojie- 
rity.     My  Gratitude  and  Thanhfulnefs  wanteth  Ex- 

~pre£ion,  dndjhall  only  fay  to  your  Majejly,  That  as 
all  I  have,  either  of  Fortune  or  Honour,  I  hold  it 
merely  af  your  Bounty  and  Goadrufs,  fo  Jhall  I  ever 
chearfully  lay  them  dowt,  with  my  Lxfe  into  the  Bar- 
gain, for  the  Service  of  your  Majejly  and  yours,  Sa 
'  '■    T  with 


«,4  ^ Faf^hanentaty  Hibtokt 

M.  MjiwflwiVA  ffjr  hwiMiJIfraj^efipr  the  HeatA  and  Bra^ 

j^  /o  Gid't  h^  fffiteBim,  atidre/t^ 

ifii|.  .moft  h)fB)l)i«,  and  ^Aful 

SuMed  and  Servant, 

Thefe  (setters  l>Mng  read;  tie  Lords  a^ounic4, 
tiJAhitumy  to  <lcWe  i^hat  they  fiipuld  aqyire  the 
KtDgt^  do io this  ^ufuijefs,  An4,'|«cau^fi'i&M^ 
ieffy  I»m1  refiuiKd  to  have  tbe  Advice  of  Ijotli  Hou- 
(es,  theytHovght  it  iiot  fit  tpprqc^ed  further  ifl|t 
?t  that  Tire?  ;  tut  to  iav€  a  Conference  with  the 
C^nmone,  and  to  confider,  '^i^.  What  %9  PT'^PP^ 
tp  thcin  at  their  next  Meeting, 

Ffbruarj  j8.  TfTie  Aff«r  w^^  ^'H  i*A'rf*4  r?-^ 
latiiigto  ^tMatcbviiiiiSbamj  ai^thf  Recovery  ilf 
the  P^ihairuitei  and  'U\ou£h  (lie  tords  generally 
9£riMd,  *  That  tKejr  cannot  advife  abo^li  one  yith- 
<Mit  the  other ;  vid,  ^fo,  that  diey  tiki  lb  far  de- 
clared ttiemfelvcs  here,  that  it  is  not  fafe  fiji*  ^ 
K<i)e  to  continue  the  Treaty  on  either,  noi:  ti~ 
Be£l  the  H^itution  of  the  p^atiiurte^  bv  any  other 
Ajleans  th^nthcSwordj  jet,  their  Lorduiipsdb^in 
thinlc  it  not  fit  to  deliver  their  tih^te  Ady'icc,  fiut 
firll  t9  cpnfult  Ae  Commons  ;  and  wlien  the  two 
Heiri£s  have  agreed  thciwn,  jjien  to  (d^.vcr  ttie 
^me  jointly  to  ftis  Majefty.* 

After  which  a  long  tJehate  an^,  what  fa  dfc- 
pofe  to  die  Commons ;  and,  at  laft  It  wu  retot^etli 
That  there  was  no  N^c^ffitj^  to  treat  of  the  'Mitteb 
ini  t\x  Paiftinatt  i«scther.  At^o^^^tXcimliips 
ven  of  Opinion,  *ni3t  his  Mi^el^  rely  n^  ^^ 
any  further  Treaties  3  except  they  fliajl  Jiear'rPoAi 
the  Commons  better  Reafens  for  it  aC  fhe  COhf^- 
,  fence.  And  a  Committee  was  appointed,  of  vmAt 
_  the  Puke  was  the  Chie^  (o  fearch  for  f  ifcccdfcnts  of 
fooner  Treatiesand  Supplies  to,die  K^ing  in  ^ERtcb 
of  this  Kind.  Alfo,  the  Swing's  Servants  Wcre'tb 
bring  them  all  fuch  papers  and  DiQ>aKheS}  out  of 
Spain,  as  tfacy  fhould  requite. 

•/  E  W  ©  L  A  N  D.  7f 

■  B^fdiz.  TbeLordstfrerepuciti  Mindof  diur'An,'>i  J«^M[, 
Itfft  Mefl^e  to  ^  Canmnons,  touching  the  Duke  ''*!■ 
of  Buei>h^hah ;  and  the^  thought  eood  to  explain 
thahfe)*c3,bT3iKiUierMe%ge,  on  Sieir  K«fbIutioB 
m  ^vc  the  Ci^  SidsfitdiDn  that  the  Dufcc  it  dear- 
e^ahd.aoiuttte^bydiem,  ofthat  which  the  ^n{/!& 
EiWbafedor  complained  of.  Therefore,  a  Mcflkg* 
Wat  fent  to  the  Z^wer  Houfc,  to  cxprefs  their 
LdrdAip)  Doubt  that  their  Meaning  was  not  M\j 
iimJt^ftboJ  i  far  di^t  they  Jq  think  it  moft  proper, 
as  tfke  Jiarratim  was  maae  tD  both  Houlcs,  fo  both 
10  join,  if  th^  ft]  {)le^  in  their  Juftification  of 
k  to  his  Majtftv, 

■  After  fimie  Time,  the  Commons  fent  an  An- 
fwcF  to  the  Mej&ge,  That  they  were  defirouc  to 
c«mfef  «riT}i  their  Lordftnps  about  it,  by  a  C«»- 
inittee  of  hoth  Houte  j  die  Time  and  Plaqe  was 
left  to  their  LoTJftfaM  Option.  The  I^rd*  ap- 
potated  the  Painled-Cha/nhtry  and  tKe  Time  to  be 
prefefitl^i  Accordiojulf^  the  fajne  Day,  dc  Afcfa- 
bidiop  oF  Cartierbury  made  the  following  Report 
of  this  Conference  to  the  whole  Houfe, 

'  *  Tliat  t^e7  had  conferred  with  the  Commons,^ 
•boat  this  CoHipbirit  of  the  Spanijh  Ambal&dar  u^uSI^Ab. 
aiS^nft  the  Duke  for  his  ^TTCfun^   and  that  the  lent  to  tbg^lHiii 
<^nipoits  were  lb  much  of  one  Miod  with  theoi,  '^  AfpnU- 
»  if  botfiHoufiM  Were  Twins.     That  they  *>igh>^  p^,^  l2w«. 
approved  of  what  the  Duke  had  done ;   and  that^ 
he d^vered  nothing  io  his  faid  Narrathn,  but  what 
hc'was  led  onto  by  th&  Itlatter  itf^j  wherein  his 
Orart  wa^  fe  ft":  tronrv'tiWgrefliiig,  that  he  dsfcw^ 
d  T^nnks.  and  Honoilr :  That  they  were  d^rout 
ta^jia  wHh  thfir  Lofdihips,  by  a  Committee  of 
ch^ir  w4ij)le  Hntife,  to 'fig^ify  as   much   uhtb  his 
Jf&jcfty.     Ait*  a^'J'M.'Ruw  fenlible  theywere that     . 
anj-  UflW^rttw,  Perf(*i  fliould  relate  •  their  Secret* 
a^Mad,  an4  dcfired  thatk  whoever  it  was,  he  mjght 

Ih  areftirthern'oceediMsof  thisDaj»th©Duke  " 
df  !Btuiiwhtm  put  the  Lords  in   mind  of   the 
A^ao^x^jJ^;  ajid  thu  a  fpecdy  Refolation  wa> 
■  ■     -  .  veiy " 

{«)  Sec  BMtt  of  thii  in  theifUtof  tliiiMMUh. 

Ih  JParHammaTf,  |}i  s  t  Q  R  v 

» I-  fery  neceffsLry  in  it,  bccaufe  Tibic  ip^  P^WOT^* 

■  which   the  tnemy  would  not  pretermit ;    axiA^  if  _ 

they  JDiouId  lofe  the  Benefit  ofthe  Spring,  it  would 

be  irrecoverable  ;    Therefore  his  Grace  moved  the 

Ho'ufe,  Th^t  a  Coinmittce  Ptoul4  be.  appoint^. ta> 

UK  win*  '"O'^^^"**'   ^^  Stores  of  Myiiltion,  and  to  make 

Armt,  Mnpi-     fuch  Provifion  for  a  Supply  therenf" a^lhey  {tiould. 

tiai,  itt.  oT  tl)c  think  fit,     Accordingly,  a  Committee  u^u  then  ap- . 

S^rt""''  pointed,  tp  take  3  Vifvy  pf  the  ^lagazines,  Store?, ; 

A"^s,  and  Munition  1  to  confider  about  the  Tranfr^ 

portation  of  Ordnance  ;  of  the  Forts  of  the  Land,,. 

and  the  Weaknefs.thcreof  i  of  Ireland,  and  of  all . 

Other  Things  incident  to  thefe ;  to  piefcnt  ,thcir- 

Opinio|fs  to  th^  Ffonfe  ef  what  Defe^  they.fiad^ 

?nd  the  Means  to  redrefe  the  fame,  '  .  *. 

March  ?,  ,Alter  ari  ^djournntent  of  the  Houfe,. 
ad  Liiituma  the  ^ttqroey  general  read  another 
Letter  to  the  King  from  tfie  Lord  Di^by^  ^tcf^ 
wards  Earl  of  Briflfl,  in  thef?  Wo^ds  ;  ■    ,       ' 

Lord  DIGBY's  Letter  to  the  KING,'  . 
Mod  Gracious  Sovereign,.     ...  ■■    '        .^ 

JT  may  pleafi  your  Majfft^',^e  rem/mber,  Tbat^  at 
•'    mjr  coming  out  ^  Sp^'H^    I  ftgnijied  unto  puiff^^ 
Jtdafi/ly,  haw  far  the  JDuie  of  Lerma'  had,  upon  Je~ 
■  ■  vera!  Occa/ions,  iniirfiateU  utitB.  nft  an  extraordinary  , 

Dejire  if  this  King  ond  State  for  not  tnly  "M  intimate  ^ 
Peace  and  Amity  vjith'  your  Ific^efiy^  hut  tohy.hild^ 
•-'§f  aU  Means  that  might  be  offered,  for  the  nearer _ 
uniting  of  your  Majefiies  and  your  Crowns. :  And^. 
from  this  Generality,  he  had  defcendfd  often  to  bavt- 
Difiourfe  with  me  ^  a  Match  W'^h  toe  Pr/tf^  hiy^ 
fighn^fs  wilb  the  fiund  Daughter  of  Spain  ,  ^ffur-*. 
ing  me,  thai,  in  this  King  and  his  Minijlers,  there,, 
mas  a  very  forward  Difpo^tion  thereunto,  Butfra^  i 
me  he  received  no  other  AnFwer,  but  to  this  EffiH i'^ 
That  in  the  Treaty  of  the'  former  Match  for  the' 
late  Prince,  '1  had  received  fo  Jirange  and  unexpe£lfd^ 
Anfwer  from  them,  and  that  their  Demands  atd 
feemed/o  improper  and  unwHrthy,  that,  I  canceivedj^f^ 
your  Majejjy  had  little  Reafon  ta  be  induced  again  ,<^ 
give  Ear  to  any  fuch  Overture,  er  that' I  ^uld  en~ 


■   Y  E  NG  LAND.  ^7 

'ttr  again  into  any'fuch  Treaty,  much  Itfs  to  he  the  ^'  »i  J"""  t 
'  Moiiener  thereof;  although  I  would  confefs,  that  if  I  "*J' 
■  Vfere  fully  ferfuaded  of  the  Sincerity  of  their  Inten- 
tions, and  of  a  PoJJfbiHtyef .  having  the  faid  Match 
effe£ted,  I  inovi  not  any  Thing  -wherein  I  would  more 
willingly  employ  my  Endeavours;  but,  ai  the  CafenvOi 
Jioed,  I  was  certain,  that  if  I  Jbould  hut  make  any 
fich  Motion  in  England,  IJhould  but  draw  aft  Im- 
putation ef  much  Weaknefs  upon  myfelf,  and  no  whit 
■aduance  the  Caufe;  for  that  your  Majefty  and  yoiir 
Minijiert  would  maie_  no  ether  ConflruHiBn  ef  that 
Motion,  hut  that  it  was  only  to  ahufe  your  Majejly, 
und  to  divert  the  Match  of  France,  which  was  then 
treated  of:  For  that  your  Majefy,  who,  hut  the  Year 
before,  had  received  fo  ttnpleafing  and  unequal  an 
Anfwer,  Jhould  now  be  perfuaded  that  there  was  hert 
fo  great  a  Change  as  that  a  Match  was  really  defir- 
'  ed,    there  would  now  need  more  than  ordinary  Af- 

furance. But  the   Diiie  of  Lerma,    continuing 

fevr^al  Tmies  in  the  fame  ProfeJJion,  and  telling  me 
■  -iefdet.  That  the  greatejl  Cafe  might  be  altered  by 
GircUpiftances,  and  that  the  Age  of  this  Prince  whs 
much  mare  proper  than  that  of  his  Brother,  I  freely 
Jet  the  Duke  hiow,  that  in  cafe  I  might  be  fully  of- 
fured  that  fuch  a  Match  was  really  defired  here, 
and  be  able  to  propound  unto  my  Mafter  Conditions 
ef  fo  much  Advantage,  as  might  certainly  put  Imn 
and  his  Minifiers  out  of  doubt  that  this  Overture  was 
not  again  revived  from  hence,  either  for  DiverJieH  or 
'  winning  of  lime,  I  would  then  willingly  intimate 
unto  your  Mejefiy  the  Inclination  and  Deftre  I  found 
here,  of  hdving  a.  Propojiiion  for  this  M^tch  ona 
again  Jet  on  foot.  _  The  Duke  told  me.  That  he  w»i4d 
■have  further  Conference  with  me ;   and  that  he  n» 

•  ways  doubled  'but  then  to  give  fuch  Satisfaitien  as 
'  might  well  affure  both  your  Majejiy  and  ypitr  Minif- 

•  ters,  that  fheyfimerely  deftred  the  Match  in  generaly 
Vnd'would  omit  noihing  on  their  Side  fir  accommadal- 
■  ing  every  Particular  that  tnight  give  Furtherance  unto 

'■_  it.      But,  the  very  Night  before  the  Duke  had  ap^ 

•pointed  a  Meeting  with  me,  there  came  a-  Poft  dif- 

'  faiehui  eut  of  ^tig\^i  from  the  Spanifh  Amkaffadar^    ■ 

...  I  upon 


^8  The  PtirSamentiiry  Uft-rofiY 

la.  itjtaml.  uptu-tbe  Arrival  ^  Sir  Thoowa  Edioondi  in  £af* 
ifai.  Jand,  whahnaghtWtriihataMatit  mnth  Franc* 
wesiabjebtiify  aatchtdti^  axd  thet  vMUm  afnu  Daft 
h  urn  <§  if  piitmbed ;  jubefet^tn  tie  Ihti*^  at  aifr 
Mtethg  tbt  tifxi  Merm^-,  Uld  au  that  k  juauM  he 
vteMeft  nova  U  dtfcend  ta  ag  P^tiathrt  in  the  Sufi- 
tup  toherttf  tot  vttrt  tv  treat ;  Smx  thtf  had  n^rfv 
reteivtd  Aivtrt^emmt  that  tki  M^h  with  ^nxax 
viatfuSj  ctncbaUd.  And  thus  fir  that  prtf^t  Mff- 
Ur  r^tdfamt  five  er  j£r  ff^Ms  9ptr^  4iieiU  toU^' 
.Tim  1  ivai  ta  ga  into  EnglMu! ;  and  Jo  ta^ng  Zmtvc 
tftbt  Dttht  be  afitd-nUi  Whtthtr  1  jtfid  nat  re- 
imttd Advtftijemttd  ttfit  theMMch <K»tb  Fnacetuar 
mlpnhmhtdf  I  ttid  him  at,  ^  tkfit  1  had  ter-  ■ 
tainfy  beard,  that  it  wfii  ngt  ytt  fuilj  tentUaUd: 
WheriUfim  ht  tntrtattd pu,  tbgt,  in  ea^  Ifivndimt 
tie  French  Jdatib  in  fueb  iier^iardtafi,  4ii  it  tiaJd 
itethefittjtd,  I  vmU-Ut  himiima  tfiti  and^iat 
if  Ifiuddfet  mjkind  9f  -Po^iiiy,  tbat  tbt  B^fi- 
tie/swehadJfoitaf-lbigbiig/Heiifiotf  Iwmddad- 
verlj/e  Urn ;  a»d  that  thertiipen  h*  mvmiU  firttuid  ia 
ibaft  Patticaiartf  vibich  he  ^ermtr^  inten^t^  fir  ipj 

Herewith  I  aapiointed  itur.Ataj^^  tmd  ^ndiiig 
HMthf&^T^.Ambalfador  in  Eng^d  b»d  iiatife 
fnm  tbt.  Dale  of  our  firmer  Pratttdingty  and  Qraer 
it  further  tbetn  hy  aU  pap>U  Me^i  he  catddy  ejpe- 
Mally  if  be  Jbauid  undtr^und  that  jmr  M^j^  sven 
not  fully  rtfohed  ef  the  French,  i^i^b  \  I-  tb»ught,it 
/l,  ^  his  Means,  tt  kt  tbeJiuie.imderfiand  in  vdiat 
^aU  Ifcmd  ibis  Bufimfs  in  fwbad ;  and  tbire- 
'  upan^  with  fovr  Maj^fi  Pt/m^an,  wfett-a  f/ttttr 
io  bim'tt  this  EfieS : 

'  ^timt  nltbpiigb  it  were  true  ik^'bf  )Hie0ch  ^tb 
Fcance  bad  iten  trtated  ef  wfth-.piiub  £arnf0ntji 
en  both  Sidet^  and  vtitb  great  -l-ifiiUheid  ff.  ^^mg 
tmeluded;  yet  there  deify  artfe  j«  nvOq  V^piitiet 
and  nevi.Ca^er  ef  Ddaj^  that  Jju^td  it  Jar  pum 
.40^  perfeSJQKichtfieH;  neitbep  ^  f  ^  ,Ct^/ir4b- 
fJatefy  ta  d^ar  af  the  Bn^s  .whitb  ^tO^Hpei  Mad 
■iiaendtd,  unitfs  At  Dif^atktei  ^  i^  iPntJ/titns 
fimvU  vMr  k  d^ttptt  i-  fa*  if  tk^t  ^3>k».jillliid 



nT  ENGL  AND.  79 

^frtftSed  if  Spain,  v/btcAinllK  Treatf  fir  thtlalt  *»'  *t'j>mm 
Piiut  ^/tre  MtumdeJ,  it  weft  tetter  by  much  lut  t»  *^^ 
X/»tW  the  O^l^fs  i  than  iy  unfittirtg  and  unbecoming 
■PrMititki  Ki  ttiker  Si^'  tt  p'oe  Diflajlt^  or  l^n 
0a  ^rien^pvihich  imv  i^t  htttvixt  ynir  Mt^eftia. 
Atul  AfT^^rt  I  t)At^ei  'that,  in  Spain*  they  bistiht 
ft  fBtdent  TbithJiuB  Cih^ttont  at  year  Mej^y'tmgi/I 
ftdng^  and  eonvenitntljf  yield  antOf  and  aH  tAer  Ox-' 
tim£t  Princti  were  willing  t»  content  then^tlves  wi'tfi  ; 
f'neiAerfaw  Caufe  to  kipefir  good  Sucee/s,  nor  Rea^ 
fantt  j^the  Treaty  on  foot ;  bid  in  cap  that  I  m^ 
ituw  Sm  the  Candiiiimi,  in  Point  of  Religion,  hiigfy 
ie  puh  a%  I  Jhiuld  fet  a  Pt^ibility  of  your  Mejejlft 
aiUtlctnding  to  tbtm^  I  JhouU  htfarfrom  iefpairing 
^fiHu^od  Efftil%  fir  that  I  inow  divers,  not  of 
the  mean^  nor  Uq/t-Petuer  with  ymr  Maje^  wert 
ihereiait*  weU  intuneJ,  and  would  give  their  ielping 
Ha^dt^  &c.' 

Serevpen  the  SpanHh  Jhntj^dor  dtfpaicSed  iG& 
fecretarjittta  S{>ain,  and  received  Anfwer  from  fit 
pnie,  Tha  he  fiittdd  put  me  aU  AJ^rance  that 
there  was  here  a  great  Deftrt  and  fnclinatim  to  fit 
pudit^  a^  the  Match ;  and  that,  at  ng  Return  inti 
§fan%  they  no  witfs  diuhted  hut  tftx^  receiite  fuA 
■fatufiaiJion  at  Aoald  maie  it  appear,  that,  en  their 
r«rtt  thvefiould  he  nothing  wanting  fir  the  iffeS'it^ 

.  It  rematneth  that  I  naw  Jigniff  ta  your  M^efly 
p/hat  iatb  p*0d  hereht  Jkxe  vy  laji  comiiig  to  thif 

J  arrived  here  in  Madrid  ti^  a  Day  tr  two  be- 
ftre  their  Chri&ius,  and  having,  fame  fa  Days  ef- 
ter,  nq  [Au^enif  agisted  hy  the  King ;  vubiM  1 
PMis  in  aviithdraviig  Chemhtr  expeSling  the  Kin^t 
mming  firth,  the  3uh  of  £.erina  tame  hither'  t» 
tear  me_  CM^ianyy  end  after  many  refpeilful  T>e- 
rtiani^i^'yattr'iidufift^  '«  ^">t%  """^  Princ/t 
ittaitht  andfimtfiw  Comphments  unto  myfelf  can- 
tering ng  ffelcwme  again  ta  the  Court,  bi  fell  ta 
^tfii  af  the  faMe  Alarmi  we  had  in  England  con- 
ttKWg  a  Spantfli  Armada ;  feeming  much  ^leafed 
tiasnj  Cr$^  Jbadd  ia  ^iven  U  any  Thing  fa 


idi  fie  Parh'amm4fy  "H  r  s  t  S  r  ^ 

Ak.  i|  Jfiiei  i.  much'td  his  Maker's  Dijhanaur  and  wattt  of  Fl'detityi 

'6"3'        ks  be  termed  it ;  hut  yaur  Miijefty^  hefaii,  Sdnever 

believe  il :   Aid,  itjeemj  be  had  heard  of  fame  pleo- 

fanl  Anfvb'er  your  Majifly  pimld  make  ft  fme  one  of     ■ 

your  MinifierSi  that  in  grlhi  fleflf  carhe  tb.your  Ma^ 

■     j<fty  vjhen  yeit  were  h  Huntitig,  bHd  told  you  that  the 

'  Spahifli  Pled  has  in  the  Sleei/e:     Fratn  this  he  ea^ 

iered  into  grtiit  Brotejiation  of  the  Siriterity  ef  this 
King's  AffeSlians  and  Ihtentims  towards  yeui"  JyfajeJ^ 
iy  J  telling  W,  ^at  t  Jboiild  now  fee  how  much  they 
defired  to  work  a  greater  Nearnefs  and  Uniting  be-, 
tween  your  Majejiits ;  and  that  particuliHy  as  to  the 
principal  Bujmefs  (of  tuhich  m  former  Time  be  had 
fpoien,  meaning  ihe  Marriage,)  he  ivaitldfliertly  fpeai 
•    '  with  me,  but  it  mufi  be  at  more  Leifure.     la/tJtuereH 

him.  That  I  Jhouui  not  fail  Jhortly  to  watt  on  him} 
and  that  hejhduldfind  Me  anfweTabU.  to,  the  Phfef-  ' 
Jions  I  had  made  ;  which  was,  t^at,  bein^  inmiceS 
thereunto  by  fucb  fuffieient  and  good  Gi'puKds  as  mighty 
fatisfy  any  Mafter,  both  for  the  Cenveniency  hnd  Fit- 
iingnefs  of  having  fuch  a  Treaty  to  be  fet  on  foot,  and 
likewife  might  take  away  all  Objections  of  their  Intent 
if  entertaining  and  diveriing  your  Majefty  hei-ehy,  I 
would  be  as  ready  to  dt  all  good  Off  as,  andgivt  Fur- 
therance to  the  Bu/mefs,  as  any  Mtnijler  the  King  if 
Spain  had.  And  this  was  all  that,  at  ourfirjl  Meet^ 
ifg,  />#'' '"  'f>"  Baftnefi. 

Moutfohte  eight  Days  afier,  I  having  not  dll  this 
Time  fiirred  oiit  of  my  Houfe,  under  Colour  of  be- 
ing indifpofed,  though  the  Trufh  was,  indeed,  to  .  in- 
form myfelf  ef  fome  Particulars  which  concerned  your 
■Jidajejiy's  '  Service  before,  I  would  Jpeak '  with  the 
Duke  i  he  being,  as  /  fmce  undefftood,  femewhat 
troubled,  that,  in  all  this  Time,  I  made  no  Meant 
to  come  unto  him,  one  Morning,  by  Nine  of  the  Clocf; 
very  privately,  came  to  my  Houfe,  without  advertif- 
ing  ef  his  coming  (as  the  Cufiom  is  here)  until  hit 
Coach  Jiaid  M  r/ly  Gate  j  and  then  he  feni.  a  .Gentle- 
man  to  mej  telling  trie.  That  the  Duke  iwtf  there  tt 
Jjieai  with  the.  WheA  I  had  conduced  thi  Dukt 
into  a  Room  inhere  ive' wei-e  private,  he  fell  into  thi 
eforefaid  Malteri  and  in  the  Manrxr  ai  J  fixM  "hen 

fit  , 

B,o,i7-<iT,Goo^le  I 


8/    E  N  G  L  A  i^  Oi       ,  8 

fk  down  unta  your  Majeftjy  without  making  eivj  Btfar  An.  «»  J" 
Pretence  Us  ihe  tntettt  of  his  Coming,  er  without  uf-  ''*■ 

!«?,  in  the  Spaa  af  ah  Heitr^  any  Speech  of  any  ether 
Bupieft.     ,      ,        ,   ^      . 

After  Tome  feivj ^ejihm  ef  yaur  Alt^efty  ardthe 
^ueen,  he  began  to  aji  many  Things  of  the  Prince^ 
hs  of  his  Agf,  his  Stature,  his  Hcelih,  bis  fnclina- 
Hen,  to  vjhat  Sports  he  was  chiefly  giiitn,  and  then 
fuddenly,  as  it  Were  ttiith  a  pa^ionate  Exprefjien  of 
'Affe&iens  he  defired  God  te  iUs  hSm,  and  to  make 
htin  the  Means  by  which  yeur  Majijiy,  might  he  cm- 
joiHiH  in  H  nearer  Alliance,  and  your  Kingdoms  inper- 
.Pelhal  Amity ;  faying  to  fne.  That  he  was  eut  of 
Doubt  ef  tny  good  Inclinations  h  this  Eufnefs,  how 
iy  what  hadfoVmerfy  paffed  helwten  us  on  ibis  Sub* 
je£t,  as  likeWife  hy  my  Prcief dings  in  Ehglani],  where* 
sf  he  had  heenpilty  informed  hy  the  Spanifh  Amhaf- 
fador ;  ^nd  therefore  be  would,  in  a,  few  Words,  deal 
with  rue  with  much  Freenefs  and  Cleamefs,  ajfuring 
himfeif  he  Jbould  receive  the  like  Meafure  from  me  j  . 
and  thereupon  entered  into  a  folemn  Protejiatien,  how 
mtftift  the  King  dcfirid  the  Match  ;  and,  for  bimfilfi 
he  foUrHnty  fwere  there  Was  tia  one  Thing  in  the  World 
he  more  dejired  h  fee  before  he  died,  than  the  effeS- 
itig  thereof:    Bui,  rtly  Lord  Arhhaffador,  faid  he,  you 

■  ^ufl  deal  dt  jiiftly  with  tiUi  ie  lei  me  underjland  tuhe- 
theryou  tenceivi  the  like  Deftre  to  be  in  the  King  of  , 
England  6nd  hit  Minijleti,  arid  then  I  /hall  proceed 
id  /peak  further  unta  you,  /,  attfwered  the  Duke, 
That  I  ever  ijleef/ud  more  the  Reputation  of  a  Man 
ef  Truth  and  Integrity  than  of  Skill  and  Subiilly  j 
isjhich,  I  did  hope,  he  would  well  perceive  by  what  I 
was  to  fay  ;  for  ihat  I  WSs  much  there  defirous  fairly 
to  go  off  from  this  Bufinefs,  than  eafily  ta  enter  int9 
it ;  and  therifai-e  if  he  would  have  me  fpeak  rrry  Qon- 
feiente,  I  did  not  conceive  that,  either  in  your  Majef- 
ty,  or  any  of  pur  Minijlefs,  there  wai  any  Kind 
if  Inclination  ihereLnta  ;  for  that  they  havrnf  for- 
rturly  given  fo  refelute  and  difiafleful  an  Anfwtr, 
your  Mcjeflj  had  juji  Caufe  never  again  to  cafi  fo  ' 
n^eh  as  ysnr  Thoughts  ihii  IVay,  and  though  it  might 
be  aUedged,  That  the  Fitnefs  of  the  Prince's  Years, 
Vol.  VI.  F  ■  and.        - 


82  the  Fark'aOfttta^  it  19  to  A  It 

a.  iiJuBtti- and  athfr  rivil  Regards,  might  caufe  nnu  RffilutiBtiit 
»**J'  yet  the  Differences  of  Religian  were  Jijll  tht  famei 
,  and  the  fame  were  the  Tenett  and  Opiniens  of  Di- 
vines in  Matter  of  Cohfdence ;  and  therefore  it  could 
not  hut  be  a  Thing  of  great  Difficulty  to  perfuade  jam' 
Majeffy  and  your  Minfjfers,  that  a  Match  fhould  ht 
hearkened  unto,  much  lefs  defiredfrom  hence,  hut  upott 
the  fame  Terms  ;  the  very  Thought  and  Remtmhranct 
thereof  is  yet  unpkafing  /»  England  ;  So  tlsat^  to  deal 
plainly  ixiitb  him,  I  neither  found,  either  in  your  Ms- 
jefly,  or  in  the  Council,  any  Kind  of  Thought  or  Im- 
agination of  any  PoJJihillty  (f  having  any  juch  Motion 
again  ;  but  this  I  found  hot  to  grow  from  any  Diflike 
or  want  of  AffeSlion  in  your  Majejly  towards  Spain, 
iw  that  many  of  the  greatefl  or  principalieji  Perfans  in 
England  judged  not  the  Nearnefs  and  AlUance  with 
Spain  equally  valuable  with  any  other  in  Chriften- 
^om  ;  itit  that,  out  of  Diflq/lefulnefs  of  the  former 
jfnfwers  given  from  hence,  all  Expectations  of  any 
Buftnefs  of  this  Nature  were  ahfolutely  extinguiftied  ( 
arid  therefore  again  to  revive  it,  there  would  need 
more  than  ordinary  Endeavours^  or  ordinary  Aj^antel 
But  as  I  inew  this  Match  would  neither  want  tVelf 
Willers  nor  Affiflers,  and,  for  my  awn  Pari,  I  would 
freely  make  Prafi-ffwn,  that  no  Man  more  defired  it 
than  myfe^,  or  would  mors  willingly  employ  his  En-' 
deavours  for  the  Furtherance  thereof;  when,  by  def- 
tending  to  Particulars,  I  fhould  fee  that  both  in  re- 
gard to  the  Conditions  and  Affurance  of  ftneere  Pre-  . 
cteding,  the  Motion  was  worthy  and  proper  fir  a 
good  Servant  to  offer  it  unto  his  Majltr  ;  neither  Hten 
■  fhould  I  be  wholly  out  of  Hope  of  good  Succefs,  though 
J  could  not  hut  ejieem  It  a  Bufin^s  of  infinite  Dlff-  '■ 

The  Duie  replied,' That  any  Courfe  I  thought  fit 
herein  fhould  be  condefanded  unto  ;  for  that  ell  Time 
was  hji  that  was  fpent  in  Generalities  ;  and  there- 
fore, if  I  fi  liked,  he  would  move  this  King^that 
fome  one  ar  two  befides  hlmfelf  might  he  appointed  ta 
have  Cinferenee  with  me ;  for  that  if  he  Jbeuld  re- 
tain it  in  his  oivn  Hand  only,  it  would,  by  reafon  if 
his  many  Occupations,  have  a  flower  Pregrefs  thait^ 


%  wi/hed  i  hut  if  Vm  SVOiiid;  h^  way  tf  Cenferiiue,  A"-  * '  j^n*  '• 
Bgeft  the  Di^euHhs  into  ffeadi  and  Particulars,  he        '**i- 
Wauld,  as  often  as  He  couid;  U  prefent  at  our  Meet- 
ings-, ind,  for  his  otvn  PcH,  he  jaid,  he  apprehend- 
kdfriv  DigSculiiei  would  Ortfe  b&tfrm  Difference  of 

I  told  the  Diiie,  Thai  {  very  tvetl  approved  of  the  ■ 
'defcending  into  ParliculijTs ',  neither  jhottld  J  refufl 
Conference  with  any  herein  tvhoM  the  King  Jbould  ap-  . 
point  in  fpeak  ivilh  me  ;  Bui  if  his  Meaning  ivercj 
that  ihefe  Pirfms  Jhould  be  nominated  or  joiited  by 
way  of  CommiJJioni  I  thaiight  fit.  to  ret  hiht  under^ 
flAnd,  that  T  neither  had  any  Time,  nor  did  I  at  the  - 
prefent  fpeai  of  ihij 'Sufmefi  eithet- by  Order  or  Di- 
teilioA  \  no,  not  fa  much  6s  eVen  by_  your  Mtijejffi 
Privity  :  But  at  a  Mmijer,  that  defired  to  lay  hold 
in  all  Occajions  for  the  cmreafirfg  of  further  Lave 
and  ^eamefs  betiuiilt  his  Mafler  and  the  Prince  bf 
wkom  he  is  eniployed-,  I  Jhould  he  gladf  to  the  utmoft' 
if  my  Power,  io  advance  arid  further,  this  Caufe  ;  at 
that  whici  I  apprehended  to  be  the  greaieji  which  the 
fforlJ  now  affordeih,  for  the  firm  uniting  of  your 
Mm/li'!  and  pur  EJfates. 

The  Diiie  told  me.  That  ihis  King  wotdd  make  ni 
Scruple  to  declare  his  good  Inclination  and  Hifire  t» 
have  the  Match  proeeeded  in  ;  and  that,  for  accom^ 
hiodaling  the  Difficulties,  he  had  already  ufed  divert 
Offices  and  Diligences  with  the  Pope,  as  Hiewife 
hvith  the  greaieji  Divines  of  this  Kingdom,  thereof 
he  named  fame  u'fita  tne.  Whom,  he  faid,  he-  found 
bery  well  inclined  to  the  Match.  He  told  me  alfo 
he  would  be  glad  they  might  fpeai  with  me,  fo  then 
I  might  truly  underhand,  by  them,  all  Kirid  of  Scruple 
that  could  be  alledged.  I  dnfwered.  That  I  difired 
nothing  more,  and  that  I  (ouldnol  but  approve  of  theft 
Courps  hi  prefcrihed,  ai  the  mofl  probable  to  produce 
it  good  Bffeil ;  and  that  t  hoped  God  would  give  a  ■ 
happy  Succefs  to  the  Bi^mefi  :  But  I  jhould  be  bold  in 
one  Thing  to  dHiver  my  Chinipn,  which  was,  no  wayt 
to  intereji  our  Miners  herein,  linlefs  by  the  under- 
Jianding  Und  clearing  the  Difficulties  on  both  Sides, 
there  fituld  be  a  great  Appear anct  and  Probability ^ 
F  2  that 

84  The  ParHaminfary  HisTorI' 

L  xi}VK*Vthai  tht  Bufatfs  wBuM  take  EpS-,    fir  if  thnf 

»'*J-  }fames  jhould  bt   theriln  ufed,    and  afttrwards  tht 

Treaty  Jhnuld  not  hi  fucctfiful,  it  would  but  exafperati 

itnd  briid  a  greattr  I}ifiajle  betwixt  yeur  Ma}eflie\ 

the  Duke  told  »«,  He  mijliked  not  my  Opinion ;  the' 
he  /aid.  However  the  Bufmefi  fuceeeded,  yet  yen 
Jbeuld  have^  Reafin  to  accept  hndfy  this   KingU  gout 

intentions  \  fir  that,  if  it  mifiarried,  it  fhould  ap- 
pear not  to  be  through  their  Default ;  hut  that  they 
hadjlretched  at  far  as  Hsno.ur  or  Confcunee  woula 
give  th^m  leave. 

And  thtis  rnuih  he  /aid  1  might  ivrite  te  your  Ma- 
jefty.  If  I  thought  fit,  or  to  my  imfidtnt  Friends  tn 
£nglan<I,  his  Word  and  AJfurance  ;  and  fa  telling  me, 
that  he  would  prefently  appoint  tbofe  that  fiwuld  confer 
with  me  in  this  Bufmefi,  we  then  parted. 
.  Within  tzua  Days,  after  I  "went  to  the  Duie,  and, 
after  I  hadfpoken  to  him  ef  the  Bufmefi  efi  Clcves,  ' 
according  to  my  Inflrutiions,  whereof  I  gave  an  Ac- 
count to  Mr.  SecTftary,  in  a  Difpateh MreStd  tohiniy 

■  we  fill  again  into  Speech  of  the  Match. 

The  Duie  told  me  he  had  well  conftdered  of  that 
which  I  had /aid  unto  him,  and  much  approved  it^ 
Net  to  interefi  our  Mafiers  in  the  Bufmefi  till  we 
Jbould  fee  fime  Liielybood  of  good  Succefi. 
.  And  for  that  he  fuppofed  the  Difference  of  Religion^ 
lite  to  prove  the  only  Difficulty  of  Cenfmeration-,  he 
■  tlMUght  it  fit  that  it  Jhould  firjl'  be  cleared;  and 
iherefire  he  would  break  the  Matter  with  the  Car- 
dinal of  Toledo,  and  the  King's  Confeffor,  and  with 
them  Jhauld  be  joined  another  /earned  Man,  one  Fa- 
ther Fredrick  ;  who,  fince  J  underjland,  is  a  Jefuit^ 
but  truly  hath  the  Report  of  a  moderate  Man.  Thefe, 
the  Dukefiaid,  fiould  have  Orders  to  ccnfier  with  mt, 

,  efftd  Charge  to  go  as  fiar  as  might  be,  referving  fafe 
the  Grounds  and  Sincerity  ef  their  Religion.  I  an- 
fwered  the  Duke,  That  I  was  well fatisfied  herewith  1 
and  that  if  their  Demands  were  fuch  as  would  content 
any  other  Catholic  Prince,  I  ficuld  hapf  of  good  Suc- 
tefi;  if  othertuifi,  I  Jhtuld  yet  judge  it  an  Happinefi 
to  be  put  out  of  Doubt  and  Sufpenfi ;  andfo  we  paf" 

fed  from  this  Subjeil, 



eT  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  85 

iprefume  U  jil  down  tg  ytur  M'lje/y  all  the  Paf-  Sa.  h  Jroa  I 
ySr^w  »f  thii  Bii/intfi,  with  fi  much  Length  and  Ful~-  »'*>■ 
M^,  (for  that  I  ne  vajs  dart  adventure  to  affer  to  your 
^  Ataiejiy  any  Opinian  or  Belief  of  my  swir,  either  for 
the  Fitnefs  of  the  Match,  or  for  the  Sincerity  of  their 
Intention,  or  the  Poffiiility  of  accommodating  Diffe- 
rences in  Religion)  that  your  Mejojly,  feeing  iinSf- 
guifedly  all  tf^ri  hath  hitherto  paJfeJ,  with  every  Ctr- 
tumflanc(,  may  be  pleajed,  out  of  the  Confideratio^ 
and  Krt-miUdge  of  thefe  Particulars,  to  frame  unto 
yourfelf  fuch  a  Belief  of  their  dire£i  Meaning,  att4 
fueh  a  Refolution  for  the  further  proceeding  herein^  as 
fiall  ie  mojl  fuitable  to  your  Majeftfs  Wifdom.  Onlj 
IJhall  think  it  fit  tofet  down  further  to  your  Majejiy^  , 

the  particular  Ends  which,  it  may  he  concei-md,  they 
aim  at,  by  fitting  this  Buftnefs  on  Foot  at  this  prefent; 
in  cafe  they  fhould  not  intend  really  to  perform  it.  The  ' 
firft  may  be  to  divert  and Jlagger  your  Majefly's  Trea- 
ty vjith  France.  The  fecond,  for  the  entertaining 
your  Majejly  with  fair  Hopes  and  Pmmifes,  thereby 
to  ke^p  you  from  declaring  yourfelf  oppojite  to  them  in 
theprefent  Bufmefs  a/"  Juliers  a»./CLvesi  which  it 
Jiill  remaining  unfettled. 

But  ibis  being  JO,  your  Majejly  may  be  pleafcd  to  ««- 
derjland,  that  though  they  may  ferve  themfilves  ivith 
this  Occafion,  yet  that  there  could  not  any  fuch  Thing 
be  primarily  in  their  Intention  j  for  the  expreffsng  of 
their  Defire  tt  the  Match  was  the  laji  Year,  long 
before  thefe  Differences  happened. 

Further,  the  Duke  of  Lerma  would  be  the  mqfl 
falfe  and  'dijhonourable  Man  living,  without  Chrif 
tlanity  or  Soul,  if  he  would  voluntarily  fo  deepfy 
damn  himfelf  with  Oaths  and  Protejlutions  of  a 
Thing  be  fincerely  meant  not ;  and  truly  ht  would 
deal  contrary  to  the  Wifdom  of  bis  other  Proceedings, 
wherein  He  layeth  all  /if ions  of  Diftafte  or  Difcour- 
tefy  upon  other  inferior  Minifters,  labouring  Jiill  ta 
ilear  himfelf  of  the  Imputation  of  them,  if  in  tbit 
he  Jhould  make  himfelf  the  Author  and  Inflrument  of 
fo  indireii  and  unyujl  Proceedings  between  Primes  : 
But  the  Courfe  «/"  moft  Security  and  Caution  is,  that 
ymr  Mojefiy  fuffer  none  of  your ' other  Refoluttins  to 
*■  3,  ** 

S$  S%e  ParHantertt^ry  H  i  s  t  o  n  V 

4p.  »i  jMtnl.  he  interrupud  by  this  Overture ;  wi^,  if  ytur  i^- 
**»Jr        jefty  hepleafedfer  a  while  it  entertain  andfufpend  the 
Canelujien  of  the  Match  with  France,  J  conceive  it 
can  be  but  little  to  your  Majeftfs  pifadvaniage. 

Itf  laflly,  mw  remsineibi  that  I  become  an  humblfi 
Suitor  to  your  Majtjly  for  your  clear  and  full  Direc- 
tions in  this  Bufinefi  j  deffring  that,  if  yeur  Maje/ly 
will  have  it  further  entertained,  I  may  have  amph 
Jriftruif ions  from  your  Majefty  ;  both  that  I  piay  inti-r 
piate  what  may  be  expected  in  paint  ef  Dowry,  and 
in  all  ether  Things  to  be  required  by  your  Majefly,  aj 
liiewife  hetufar  I  may  proceed  in  fatisfytng  them  in 
point  of  ReUgion  ;  fir  it  is  not  to  be  fuppofed  that  they 
will  proceed  with  that  Freenefs  and  Direifnefs  whicff 
•  is  to  he  wifhedfor,  unlefs,  in  a  fitting  Meajkre,  thef 

fiallfie  me  likewife  ahU  and  willing  to  declare  myfelf 
in  fuch  Points  wherein  they  may  exfefl  Satisfe£liou, 
I  intend  not  hereby  to  move  far  a  formal  Commiffitu 
to  treat,  but  only  a  private  tnflruSlian  for  my  Dire(~ 
tion  and  U^arrant  bow  to  behave  myfelf  (is  may  be  mofi  , 
advantageous  to  the  Catffe  and  your  Majefly's  Ends  : 
So,  humbly  befeeching  your  Majefiy  to  cdmmand  this 
Bearer  to' be  difpatched  bad  with  all  convenient  Speed, 
I  recommend  your  Majefty  to  the  holy  Prete&ioH  of 

and  Servant,    . 
Jp.  DIG  BY, 

After  hearing  the  Contents  of  this  I/Ctter,  tbo 

^  M  U^'    ^"""^^  '^San  "  deliberate  on  what  fliould  he  ddi- 

ffaeKJnftakRik  vered  to  the  Commons,  at  a  Conference  that  Aftcr- 

off  the  Treitiet    noon,  concerning  the  Grand  Affair.     And   it  was 

withSpwn.  agreed,  that  the  Lord-Keeper  fliouId   fcegin  with 

an  Induction,  out  of  the  Duke's   Narration  ;    ati4 

then  acquaint  the  Commons,  That  the  Opinion  of 

their  Houfe  was  to  advife  the  King,  fuper  toiam 

Materiam,  That  his  Majefiy  cannot,  with  the  Safety 

tf  his  own  Honour,  or  Conventency  of  Religion  ank 

the  State,  proceed  any.  further  for  the  Treaty  of  the 



jT  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  Sj 

PrtHet's  Match,  nar  rely  any  longer  an  that  far  the  A«.  ii  JwwL 
Heeiivery  ef  the  PaJatinate.  »*»1- 

It  was  alfo  agreed,  that  the  Lord-Keeper  fhould 
ddiver  unto  the  Commons,  bv  way  of  Supple- 
mcnt,  firft,  concerning  the  Treaty  of  Marriage^ 
That  it  appeared,  by  the  Earl  of  Brljuri  DJIpatdh, 
of  November  2f  1624.  That  the  firft  Motion  of 
it  came  from  Spain,  vi^  from  the  Duke  of  Lerma  ' 

into  England,  2,  Concerning  the  Treaty  of  Re- 
Jiitutiony  That  the  King  of  Spain  hud  prpmifcd 
Affiftance,  by  Arms,  in  cafe  a  Mediation  AiouM 
not  prevail  ;  though  now  he  denied  it  again.  This 
appeareth  out  of  another  Difpatch  from  the  Earl  of 
Brijiel.  3.  Concerning  an  heroic  Saving  of  the 
Prince,  *  That  when  it  was  noifed  he  ibould  be. 
detained  a  Prilbner  in  Spain,  he  fent  Word  by 
Grymet  to  the  King,  Thai  in  cafe  Neyis  Jhauld  come 
hither  of  bis  Detention,  his  Majejiy  would  think  no 
more  on  him  as  a  Son ;  tut  refleSi  all  his  royal 
thoughts  en  his  Sijfer,  and  the.  Wellfare  of  his  own 
^iates  and  Kingdoms' 

The  reft  of  this  Day  and  the  two  following  a  Conferane^ 
were  chiefly  taken  up  in   the  Conference  between  1i"«opoii- 
the  two  Houfes,  about  this  Grand  Affair^  as  the 
Journals  call  it :     And, 
■  March  5.    The  Archbifliop  of  Canterbury  made 
a  Report,  briefly,  of  what  had  pafled  at  it,  and  de- 
livered in  the  fteafons,  in  Writing,  from  the  Com- 
mons, to  fortify  their  Refolutions  to  advife  his  Ma— 
iefty  to  proceed  no  farther  in  the  Treaties  with  Spain: 
Which  were  thefe  : 

I.   »  It  is  obfcrved.  That  the  State  of  Spain,  not  The  Coauma] 
content  with  their  ordinary  Provifions  for  the  Ex-  '^"1™**°^ '' 
ercife  of  the  Roman  Religion  by  the  Infanta  and  her  L^d^d».' 
Family,  which  other  Princes,  in  like  Cafe,  would 
have  demanded,  ^d  which  his  Majefty,  with  great 
Reafon,  might,  at  the  Beginning  of  this  Treaty, 
have  conceived  they  would  have  been  contented 
with,  have,  with  great  Vehemency,  upon  the  Ad- 
vantage of  having  the  Prince's  Perfon  in  their  Poflef- 
fion,  prefled  agenerd  Connivance  for  his  Majefly's 
Subjei^  of  the  Roman  Religion,  to  the  great  Dif- 
F  4  honour 

SS  '  The  ParUametititry  H  i  s  t  o  x  t 

$.  >■  Jinei  I.  honour  of  Almighty  God,  in  the  Sincerity  of  hit 
»'*J'  Service  in  this  Realm  ;  and  to  the  apparent  Dimi. 
Dution  of  hisMajefty's  Sovereignty,  by  eflablifliing 
a  neceflary  Dependence  for  Proleiiion  upon  a  foi 
reign  King  and  State  ;  and  tothe  great  Derogatioit 
of  the  Laws  of  this  Kingdom  i  and,  lafily,  to  the 
Grief  and  pifcouragement  of  4II  his  Majefty's  well-r 
fSeiQ^  Subjed^,  from  whofe  genera)  Difcontent 
.they  expected,  as  well  appeareth,  a  Confequeocc of 
no  fmall  Mifchief/ 

II.  *  It  is  obfeivedi  that  during  the  Continuance 
of  this  Treaty,  and  by  reafon  of  the  fame,  the  Por 

Silh  Faction  have  exceedingly  increafed  in  thii 
Lealm,  both  in  Multitude  ^d  Boldnefs;  and 
whereas,  heretofore,  they  haye  been  divided  amongft 
themfelves  into  the  Party  of  Jefuits  depending  upr 
on  Spain,  and  the  fee  ular  Priefts ;  othen^ifc  they  are 
generally,  now,  firongly  united  together,  depend-:- 
ing  no  Ids  upon  Spain  fer  tempoiaf  ReTpe^,  than 
from  Rome  for  fpiritual ;  which,  confidering  the 
Houfe  of  Spdin  hath  been  always  a  capital  Enemy 
to  our  Religion,  to  encreafe  their  own  Greatnc&j 
.  by  extirpating  the  Proteftant  Party  in  ail  Place* 
vwhetc  they  can  prevail,  cannot  but  be  of  moft  dan-: 
gerous  Gonfequence  to  the  Safety  of  the  King  and 
this  Realm,  unlefs  Jiemedy  be  provided  with  Speed 
for  abating  that  Party  her?  at  home;  which  canr, 
not  be  during  the  Time  thefe  Treaties  are  oji  Foot.* 

III.  *  It  is  obferved,  that,  by  Advantage  of  thefe 
Treaties,  and  thereby  keeping  his  Majeffy  in  hope 
of  general  Peace,  they  have  conirarily,  under  Pre?i 
tence  of  affiftirtg  the  Emperor,  opprtslTeil  by  the 
Proteftant  Party  in  moft  Part  of  Ch-ijitndom,  being- 
the  ancient  Allies  and  Confederates  oi  this  Crown, 
to  the  endangering  not  only  of  the  whole  State  of 
the  Reformed  Religion,  but  alfo  againft  the  common 
Safety  of  all  the  Profeflbrs  of  the  fame.' 

IV,  '  During  the  Time  of  thefe  Treaties  of 
Love  wjth  his  Majefly,  they  have,  with  all  Kind  of 
Hoftillty,  fet  upon  bis  Majefly's  Son-in-Law,  the 
Hufband  of  his  only  and  moft  Royal  Daughter  j  in-  • 
V^^dhis  Towns '^^ Territories  ifi  all  Places;  and, 


^ENGLAND.  89 

in  fine,  difinherited  him;  with  all  that  Royal  Off-  Aa.  ii  Joom 
rpnng,  of  alt  his  ancient  patrimonial  Honours  and        '^* 
Pofleffions ;  to  the  great  Difhonour  of  hjs  MajdW,' 
and  the  extreme  Grief  of  all  his  well-aiFeftcd  Sub-    - 
jeds  ;  and  now  alfo,  at  the  laft,  when  they  fliould 
have  come  to  mi^Ee  good  the  Hope  of  Rdtitution) 
thev  have  laid  new  Grounds  for  endlefs  Delays, 
ana  turned  pretended  Difficulties  into  apparent  Im- 
pcAbilitics  i   not  forbearing  alfo  to  annex,  as  a 
Condition  to  the  weak  Hope  of  their  uncertain  and 
imperfed  Reflitution,  that  the  eldefl  Son  of  the 
Count  Palatine  Aiould  be  brought  up  in  the  Em- 
peror's Court :  So  reftlefs  are  their  Defires  to  work 
^e  Overthrow  of  our  Religion  by  all  poffible  De- 

Lefthi  *  It  !s  too  apparent  how  many  YearS| 
from  rrime  to  Time,  they  have  deluded  and  abu- 
fd  his  Majefly  with  their  Treaties ;  how  fmatl  Re- 
aped they  have  fiiewed  to  the  Prince's  Greatnels 
^nd  Worth  {  what  Indignity  they  offered, 
figain  and  again,  to  his  IFlighnefs,  by  importuning 
fiim,  uponall  Advantages,  to  forii^e  his  Religion) 
pmtraiy  to  the  Cuflom  of  ^1  Princes,  and  contrary 
%o  the  ancient  Laws  of  Honour  and  Hofpitality ; 
who  ought  ta  have  been  ufed  there  with  princely 
freedom,  and  preOed  to  nothing  to  which  he  was  ' 
^-difpofed  I  confidering  withal,  with  what  Confi- 
dence, being  fo  great  a  Prince,  he  had  put  himfelf 
within  their  Powert  although  it  pleated  God  foto 
guide  and  fortify  his  Princely  Heart,  that  he  cOn- 
muitly  withAood  all  their  Attempts  and  Machina- 
tions, to  his  own  immortal  Honour,  and  the  un- 
fpeakable  Comfort  of  all  gooA  People  of  his  Fa- 
tiler's  Kingdom  1  whereunto  may  be  added  the  in- 
finite Advantageoufnefs  and  endlefs  Delays  in  their 
Treaties,  inviting  ftill  to  new  Treaties,  and  turn- 
ing all  to  the  Advantage  of  their  own  particular 
Ends;  being  truetonothing  buttheirown^ound-  ' 
cd  Maxims,  with  which  neither  the  ^a/c^  nor  ^^ 
^ilatim  of  the  Palatirate  can  poffibly  confill,  but 
upon  fuch  Terms  as  threaten  to  our  Eflates  an  in- 
curable Mifchief ;  and,  for  a  further  Jultification 


if.  II  Jnml,  of  tl»a  Charge  of  Infiivxrity  in  ^  dwir  Proceed- 
\%%^.  ings,  tbe&iPiuticuUis^DfuioSiamoogmaayqtliers, 
pi^  ba  produced,' 

'  ^r^.  In  that  Treaty  concerning  Princ^iftBrj-t 
ftfter  many  fpecioys  Motjona  on  rficir  Part,  tt  was 
followed  with  difavowing  their  own  Ambafladorst 
and  a  fcornful  Propofition  to  the  King  for  that 
■  prince's  altering  his.  Religion,' 

'  Secondfy,  In  the  Treaty  of  BruffiU,  wherein  Sir 
Richard  iVtfieu  was  employed,  he  found  tMthing 
but  Delays  and  Deceits ;  and,  after  divers  peremp- 
toiy  Cofoniandsi  from  Sfain,  fqr  his  Maj.efty's  S^- 
tisfa^ion,  fbey  wrought  no  oth^r  £]Fe3  than  die 
^iegc  ni^  taking  of  Hfi^HergA  1~  lb  that  be.  was 
forced  to  return  with  a  Proteftation.' 

*  Thirdly,  When  Baron  Bafitt  came  thjtbet  to 
continue  thejr  fprmer  Treaty,  the  firft  News  we 
heard*  was  the  Tranilaripn  of  the  Eleflorate  tQ 
(he  Duke  of  ^avaria ;  of  which  both  the  Baron 
and  Don  Carloi  proteftej  Ignorance,  pnd  that  die 
King  of  Spain  would  let  the  World  fee  boW  much 
he  refented  fuch  an  Affroritj  yet  it  plainly  aj^ear-r 
eth,  by  the  Letter  of  the  Co^t  tfOiivareiy  giroii 

•     to  the  Prince,  that  the  St?te  of  S^/ii'n  both  had  Inr 
telligence  of  it  befoic,  aqd  c^pe^W  jt  tp  bg  e^^e^d 
^t  that  Diet.' 
,  f  Fiurthfy,  When  t|is  Higbpefs  was  ip  Spala  tb? 

Count  4'Olivifre!  flicwed  him  two  letters,  by 
which  it  plainly  ap|ie^^  that,  till  his  Cqmjng  thi^ 
ther,  there  was  nothing  re>dly  Intended }  which 
they  were  not  aibamed  di^e^y  to  xtQVf  to  the 
prince  himfelf,  and  f^at  after  (he  Re^«tal  qf  dx 
faazardotis  a  Journey,  and  fuc^  tm  extraardinary 
TntA,  When  a]I  Arfipl^  v/cn  anjji  condudod, 
they  &>t<tid  a  new  Shift,  by  a  Juncto  of  PivieeSi, 
to  let  the  Prince  come  borne  without  Uje  Lady  \ 
.  for  whole  Perfon  his  HigjjncJj  ii^d  chiefly  putbun- 
,fclf  to  that  Hward.' 

*  Lajilyf  When  upoa  his  Highn^'s  bappy  R^t 
turn  hither,'  we  had  jiiQ  Caufe  to  «xpe^  the  utmofl 
they  would  do  in  rell^nng  th$  Pakiiftatt  j  die 
fai^ul  Promifc  of  w;hich  yfa$  tbe  QOly  Caulf  dnC 

,  '  ■  '  the 


jfENOLAND.  (^i 

^  Prince  yielded  to  that  Jun£to  <^  Divines,  tHe^^  ?■  Ji^ffpTt 
Perponfaries  being  prefcntly  to  follow ;  tlic  Btr^  ^}' 
jiat  was  to  be  delivered  to  the  Elector  of  AfntZj 
■  being  won  by  the  King  of  Spain's  Arms,  arjd  Part 
of  it  then  in  Poffeffionof  his  own  Miniflers,  con- 
trary to  anexpreTs  Article  in  the  Treaty,  conclud- 
fed  by  Pon  Carlat  and  the  Baron  of  Ba/eot ;  whersr 
in  it  was  particularly'provided  that  no  Alteration 
Was  to  be  made  in  thefe  Treaties^  til)  the  generji) 
Treaty  wiis  at  an  End.' 

Thefe  Reafons,  with  the  cpnfcqucnl  Advice  tp 
the  King  annexed,  being  read,  the  Lopds  approved 
of  them  by  a  general  Vote  of  the  Houfe,  Ntmine  £f- 
fentttnte ;  and  a  Committee  of  the  Lords  was  ap- 
pointed to  join  that  of  the  other  Houfe,  in  order  tq 
go  and  prefent  them  to  his  Majefty. 

M«reh  8.  The  Archbifhop  of  Cantfrbwy  report- 
.ed  to  the  Houfe,  That,  on  the  6th  Inflant,  the  joint. 
Committees  of  both  Houfes  waited  on  hjs  Majefiy, 
at  Thtsbalds ; .  at  which  Timi:  tie  dejivered  himfelf 
to  the  King  as  follows  ; 

May  it  pkafe  pur  Afaft  Excellent  M^tftj^ 
\  1T7  E   are  come  unto  you,    employed    from  The  AddreA  ef 
'    W    your  moftfoithfulSubjeas  and  ScrTants^^''^|^^^ 

*  die  Lords  and  Comowns  alleinbled  in  this  prefent 
5  Parliament. 

^  And,jj&/?,  They  and  we  do  give  moQ  humbly 
'  and  hCMty  Thanlcs  unto  Almighty  God ;  that, , 

*  out  of  his  gracious  Goodnefs,  he  bath  bem  pleaf- 
f  ed,  now  at  lafl,  to  difpel  the  Clouds  and  Mifh, 

*  which,  for  fo  many  Years,  have  dimmed  the 
'  Eyes  of  a  great  Part  of  Chr'^endom^m  theBufl- 
?  nefs  whereof  we  do  now  confult. 

!  Aii^i  fecondhi  W'e  acknowledge  ourfelves  moft 
'  bound  unto  your  Majefty  ;  that  you  have  been 
'  pleafed  to  require  the  humble  Advice  of  us  your 
'  obedient  Subjefls,  in  a  Cafe  fo  important  as  this, 

*  which  hitherto  dependeth  between  your  Majefty 
'  and  the  King  of  Spain ;  which  we  jointly  offer 
i  from  both  Houfes,  W  mt  Ptr&n  thfre  dijjeniing  ar 


92  Tie  Parliamentary  History 

'  £{agrtting  from  the  rift.     And  it  is  upon  matum 

*  Confideration,  and  weighing  many  Particulars  of 

*  fiindry  Natures,  that,  finding  fo  much  Want  of 

*  Sincerity  in  all  their  Proceedings,  vic,fuperMam 
'  Malfriam,  prefent  this  our  humble  Addrc&  unto 

*  your  Majefty ;    that  the  Treaties,  both  for  the 

*  Marriage  and  the  Palatinate,  cannot  any  longer 

*  be  continued  with  the  Honour  of  your  Majefty, 

*  the  Safety  of  your  People,  the  Welfare  of  your 

*  Children  and  Pofterity,  as  alfo  the  Aflurance  of 

*  your  ancient  Allies  and  Coo&derates.' 

To  this  Speech  from  the  Archbilhop  the  Kwg 
returned  this  immediate  Aofwer : 

My  Ziords  and  Gentlemen  all, 
'•  jHAVE'Caujifirnto&ankGid-fmthBUmjHiart 
■*  and  all  the  Faculties  of  mf  Mind,  that  mj  Speech, 
whiih  I  dtlivtred  in  ParUammt,  hath  taken  fe  good 
Effe£f  amongjl  you  ;  as  that,  with  an  unaniimus  Con- 
Jeia^  you  have  freely  and  ffeedily  given  me  your  Ad- 
vice in  this  great  Bufmefi  i  for  which  I  aifi  thank  you 
all  as  heartily  as  J  can, 

I  alfa  give  my  particular  Thanks  to  the  Qenflemeif 
«f  the  Lower  Houfe  ;  for  that  I  heard,  when  feme 
would  have  cafl  feahujus  and  Deuhti  between  me  and 
my  People,  they  prefently  quelled  thofe  Atolinns ;  which 
eiherujife  might,  indeed,  have  hindered  the  happy 
Agreement  /  hope  to  find  in  this  Parliament.  Xou  giv( 
me  your  Advice  to  break  off"  both  the  Treaties,  as  Well 
concerning  the  Match  as  the  Palatinate  :  And  nevt 
give  me  Leave,  as  an  old  King,  to'propoun4  my  Doubts^ 
and  hereafter  to  give  you  my  Anfwer. 

Firfl,  it  is  true,  that  I,  who  have  hen,  all  the 
Days  of  my  Life,  a  peaceable  King ;  and  have  had  the 
Honour,  in  my  Titles  and  Impreffes,  to  be  filled  Rex 
Pacificus,  Jhould  be  loth,  without  NeceJJity,  to  embroil 
tnyfelf  with  War ;  far  from  my  Nature  and  from 
my  Honour,  which  I  havte  had  at  home  and  abroad, 
in  endeavouring  to  avoid  the  Effufion  of  Chriflian 
BUod;  of  which  too  much  hath  been  Jhed,  andfomuch 
againft  my  Heart :  I  fay,  that  unUfs  it  be  uponfucS 
a  Nt- 


»/  E  N  G  LAN  D.  95 

ft  iftci^t  that  I  rnajtaU  it,  eifanu  faid  tturrify  Afc  »i  J«m»  l 
9f  JVtmen,  Msdum  neceflarium,  IJhcuId  bt  lath  U  '  l* 
tnter  intt  it.  And  I  rnufl  liktvAft  acquaint  jw«,  that 
I  bavthad  no  fautU  Hefegivm,tne  *f  obteintng  hftler 
Cen£tism  for  the  Reftttutien  of  tht  Palatinate,  and 
that  nen  (hut  tht  fitting  down  of  tht  Parliamtnt : 
But  he  not  jealous,  nor  tbini  mtfuch  a  King,  that  tutuldf 
tatder  Pretetut  of  a/Ung  your  Advice,  put  a  Scorn 

M  ytu,  hj  difdaiBtitg  and  rejeHing  it :    For  you  rr- 

nber,.  that  in  my  firfi  Speech  unto  you,  for  Proof 

of  ny  Love  to  my  Piofle, '  /  craved  your  Advice  m  thtt 

great  and  weighty  Affair ;  but,  in  a  Matter  of  thtt 
ff^eight,  I  mufi  firfi  conftder  how  this  Ciurfe  may 
agree  with  itrf  Confcience  and  Honour ;  and  next,  ac- 
cording t»  tht  Pkrable  uttered  by  our  Saviour,  after 
I  have  refohed  of  the  Necepty  and  Ji^neft  ef  the 
Caufe,  to  tet^ider  bow  lfi>aU  be  enabled  ta  raife  Forces 
for  this  Purpofe. 

As  concerning  the  Caufe  of  my  Children^  I  am  now 
old;  and,  asM.o(tsfaw  the  Land  of  Promife from 
an  high  Jidtuntain,  though  he  had  not  Leave  to  fit  his 
Foot  on  it }  fo  it  would  be  a  great  Cemfurt  ta  me,  that 
God  would  but  fo  long  prolong  my  Days,  as  if  I  might 
not  fee  the  Reflitutien,  yet  at  Uafl  I  ought  be  affiared 
that  it  would  be  \  that  then  I  nught,  with  old  Simeon, 
yiy.  Nunc  dimittis  Servum  tuum,  Domine,  &c. 
Otherwife  It  would  be  a  great  Grief  unto  me,  and  I- 
fliould  die  with  a  heavy  and  difiomfarted  Heart.  / 
have  often  faid,  and  particular^  in  the  laft  Parlia- 
ment, and  JJbaUever  beofthat.ATind,  That  as  I  am 
not  ambitious  af  other  Mens  Goods  er  Lands,  fo  Idefirt 
not  ta  enjoy  a  Furrow  af  Land  in  England,  Scotland, 
or  Ireland,  without  Refttlutian  of  the  Palatinate; 
And  in  this  Mind  I  will  live  and  die. 

But  let  me  acquaint  you  a  little  with  the  Difficul- 
ties af  this  Caufe.  He  is  an  unhappy  Man  that  jhall 
advije  a  King  ta  War ;  and  it  is  an  unhappy  Thing  to 
feek  that  by  Bleed,  which  may  be  had  by  Peace,  Be- 
Jidei,  I  think  your  Intentions  are  not  to  engage  me  in 
JVar-,  hut,  withall,  you  will  conftder  how  many  Things 
are  requijite  thereunto, 

I  omit 


14  ^  Paritamenta^y  'ti  i  s  t  b  k  V 

i.ii]«ifleit  I  mtit  to  fpeai  af  my  own  Ntcefftties.  they  art  i^ 
'**J-  'will  Hown.  Sute  I  am,  t  hahe  had  the  lenjl  ke}^ 
in  Parliament  of  arrf  King  that  ever  reigned  over  yiiti 
this  mahy  Team  I  mvjf  let  yau  inmV  that  my  Dip 
abilitier  are  increajed  by  the  Charge  of  my  Son'i  your-, 
ke)  into  Spain  ;  which  t  wes  at  fir  hit  Hehawr,  anj 
ty  Hon/mr  6/ this  tfatiin  !  By  fending  ef  Ambaf- 
fadiri.  by  ^maintaining  if  my  Children,  and  by  af~ 
'  fif"*S  "f  '^'  ■  Palatinate,    /  have  intitrttd  a  greaf 

Debt  to  the  King  of  Dehmark,  whith  I  am  not  able 
yet  to  pay, 

The  Low  Couhtries,  toho^  in  regard 6f  Hjeir  Nea-' 
nefs,  are-ftttefl  to  help  fir  the  Reco\)ery  afthePal:i- 
tirtate,  are  at  fi  low  an  Ebb,  ihat,  tfi  a^  theni\ 
not,  they  ore  fiara  able  to  fubfj/i.  The  Princes  of 
Getmahy,  that  fiould  de  me  any  Good,  are  hll  poari 
tveat,  and  dijheartened,  and  db  expeS  J^fyianee  fionl 
hence.  For  Ireland,  /  leave  it  to  you,  whether  that . 
he  not  a  Bsck-Door  to  be  fecured.  For  the  Navyi 
I  thank  God,  it  is  in  a  better  Cafe  than  ever  it  wai^ 
jet  more  muft  bt  done;  and,  before  it  can  be  prepared' 
as  it  ought  to  be,  it  will  require  a  netb  Charge,  at 
well  for  its  oion  Strengihy  as  for  the  fecuring  of  thi 

My  Children^  I  vtw  to  God,  eat  no  Bread  but  hf 
nty  Means  j  /  mujl  maintain  them,  and  not  fee  thetn 
want.  Jn  the  mean  Time,  my  Cufioms  art  the  btfl^ 
,  Part  of  my  RfVinUts,  and,  in  effeit,  the  Subftance  of 
all  I  havt  to  live  on  ;  all  which  are  farmed  out  upoH 
that  Condition,  That  if  there  be  a  War,  thofe  Bar- 
gains are  to  be  difannulled ;  which  enfotce  a  greaf 

Suhfidies  afk  a  great  Time  to  bring  them  tn :  NotVi 
if  you  afftft  me  ihat  Wcty,  I  muff  take  them  up  before- 
hand upun  Credit ;  which  will  eat  up  a  great  Pari 
ef  them.  This  being  my  Cafe,  to  enter  into  Waff 
without  fufficient  Means  to  fipport-it,  were  ia  Jbtw 
my  Teethf  and  da  no  more.  In  the  mean  Time,  t 
beartify  thank  you  fir  you^  Advice^  and  will  ferifuffy 
think  upon  if  i  as  I  prey  yau  to  tmfider  of  thofe  othef 



^  £  N  G  LAND.  95 

j|^.7rA^itf«^  it  v^fe  Offitt  it  apptrfeim,  fiaU  *9,  »i  J*feM  It 
mirt/K  kr^t  i»^m  yeh  ^  theft  Tbingt  that  emterH  ****' 
mf  Efiate.  7iutfrt»if  iu  laptm  mf  Htart  Uttfo  ytu; 
and,  having  jaur  Hearts^  I  cavnol  want  your  Helps  j 
f»  it  is  lilt  Uedrt  ih»t  tpeiKlb  tbt  Pnrfit  mt  the 
Purfe  the  Heart.  /  tetil  detd  frattHy  with  yvu  ; 
Jbew  mt  tke  Aleanshew  I  may  dawhatyMttMuidhavt 
me,  and  if  I  taie  a  kifalutim,  by  yiur  Adviet,  tt 
tfUer  into  a  War,  then  yourfthes,  by  your  eton  De- 
futits,  fhaU  have  the  difpa^  tf  the  Money ;  I  will 
net  meddle  with  It,  but  you  fhall  appoint  your  own 
Treajitrert.  I  fay  fut  this  with  a  Purpofe  to  invite 
you  to  open  year  Purfesi,  and  then  tt  flight  you  fo  mut^ 
as  net  to  follow  your  Counfil,  nor  engage  you  before  I 
htnie  engagid  fnjfiif.  Gite  me  what  you  will  for  my 
rum  MtaHt\  bi^-,  J  froteji,  none  of  the  Moniei 
vAUh  you  Jhall  give  for  ihofe.Ufii,  JhaB  be  iffiied  hM 
for  thofe  Ends,  and  by  Men  ek^ed  by  yourfehes.  If, 
■  t^  your  Q0ir,  Ifiiail  find  the  MeHns  -to  make  the 
War  bcmwible  and  fttfe^  andthfit  I  rrfoht  to  em-- 
brace  your  Advite ;  then  /  fra^^e  you,  on  ^e  IVord 
of  a  Klngi  •  that  abbott^  War  and  Peace  be-  the  pe- 
tuliar  Prerogatives  of  Kingo,  yet,  at  I  have  advifed 
with  you  in  the  Treaties  en  wiid)  the  War  may  enfue, 
~  fo  I  will  not  treat  nor -accept  of  a  Peace,  without  firfl 
acquainting ytu  tuilh  it,  and- hearing  your  Advice; 
andtherein  go  the  proper  Way  of  Parliament,  in  con- 
ferring and  cenfuiting  with  you  i  and,  haply,  theCm- 
ditioKS  of  Peace  will  be  the  better,  when  we  be  pre-- 
pared  for  War,  according  to  the  old  Proverb,  that 
Weapons  bode  Peace. 

Tour  kind  Carriage  gives  me  much  Content ;  and 
that  cetpforume,  which  my  Lord  of  Cinterhury  faid. 
That  there  was  not  a  contrary  Voice  amongft  you 
M;  Hie  the  Seventy  Interpreters,  who  were  led  by 
the  Breath  of  God.  I  am  fa  diftrous  to  forget  all 
Hents  informer  Parliaments,  that  it  Jball  net  be  tit 
»y  Default,  if  I  am  not  in  Love  with  Pailiaments, 
and  call  them  often ;'  and  Jdejire  to  end  my  Life  in  that 
Intercourfe  between  -me  aHd  my  People,  fir  the  tnaihtg.  ■ 
af  good  hovjs,  reforming  of  fuch  Abufes  as  I  cannot 
be  well  informed  of  but  in  Parliaaunty  and  nsaintain- 


p^  9h  ParUamem^  HistorV 

Ak,  it|«tee»t  tng  ib*  geid   Gimenunait  »/  ilit  Cfmmnt-lFeami 
ii*i.         Thirefm  ge  m  chearfuUf;  >m4  admfe  tf  theft  P'ehHii 
ind  n^  RtfBhdimJbtiU  thttt  he  diitartd. 

Several  fiflls  had  been  no'w  read  tty  the  Lords^ 

,     and  otheis  fent  up  l»  the  CoTtitnons,  that  this 

great  ConhcU  of  the  Land  might  not  be  ^hc^ly 

tfkcM  up  widi  the  Spmi^  Matth  and  the  Rcftitu-'' 

tion  Qf  the  Paiatinate:  .        , 

Tbt  Lot^  coo^     Mareh  m    Tlic  Lords  to6k  into, Cohftderatiorf 

«a«  £e  Stiu  of  the  ^aite  of  the  Nation  j  which  the  horA  Treafur- 

the  K.MO.        g^  j,j  fl^  gjj^g  ^  Account  (rf  to  the  Houfe :  After-* 

wards  a  Meilage  was  agreed  bpoti  to'  bfc  fefit  tA  th^ 

Commons^  to  this  Purpofe  :    , 

*  That}  according  to  his  Majefty's  CoAimand,* 
9  Relation  of  his  EAati  bad  been  fflade  by  the  Lonf 
Treafuter  linto  them  ;  and  they  hoa^ine  the  like' 
hath  been  done  in  their  Hoafe,  by  feme  Membei^ 
of  it  there :  TlierefoTe^  as  this  i&  like  to  be  the 
Foundation  of  thefe  Endcavoarsj  which  muft  firft- 
arife  from  them,  left  foihc  Doubts  fliould  be  llarteJ 
in  that  Houfe,  as  there  had  b«en  among  the  Lords,' 
(which  by  all  Means  they  do  labour  to  aVoid)  their' 
Lordfhips  delire  a  Meetings  whh  all  AoitTcnienf 
Speed}  where  the  Prince  will  be  pleafed,  in  his  own, 
Perfon,  to  clear  fuch  Doubts  as  have  arjfen  iri  thiv 
Bulincfs.'  This  was  agreed  to  by  the  Commons  ^ ' 
the  Place,  to  be  tbe  Painted  Chamber  y  the  Time/ 

March  12.  After  the  Reading  ai  Come  piAAvi - 
and  private  Bills,  the  Lord  Prelident  of  the  Coiui- 
cil,  the  Vifcount  Mandeviltf  reported  to  the  Houfe 
what  pafTed  at  the  Conference,  Yefteiday,-  with' 
the  Commons.     He  faid, 

*  That  his  Royal  Highnefs's  Speech  wa^  framed 
upon  two  Doubts  ;  one  ftarted  in  that  Houfe,  an<f 
the  fecond  js'opofcd  by  himfelf  j  and  diat  he  ufed 
an  heroic  Speech  at  the  laft^    His  Highnefs  tolJ 



*   V    E  D  G  t  AMD.  97 

tffeih,  Yhat  the  Lord  Treafuret-  had  delivered  td  JU.'iiJumI. 
«« liords  the  prefcntNcceffity  of  the  King's  Eflate.        *"l* 
And  a  Doubt  arifing  amongft  their  Lordfiiun,  what 
the  King's  End  mizht.bc  in  this,   hia  Highnefs  . 
Ihought  fit  to  give  hfs  own  Sentc  thereof;  and,  ldl| 
the  like  Doubt  mi^t  alfo  have  arifen  aOioAgft 
them,  the  Lords  had  comttianded  him,  as  his  tligh- 
itefs  was  pleafed  to  lay,  to  declare  thus  much  unto 
Aem :    *  That  the  King  did  not  intend,  hy  that 

*  Dedaration,  that  we  Oiould  prefently  enter  into 
'  Conftderation  of  relieving  die  King's   Eftate; 

*  but,  to  let  us  fee  and  know,  that  he  could  not,  of 

*  himlelf,  and  upon  his  Eftate,  maintain  the  War 

*  that  might  enfue  upon  our  Advice;  but  intended 

*  that,  in  the  firft  Place,  we  Ihould  provide  for  the 

*  Defence  and  Safety  of  the  Kingdom;  and  when 
'  *  we  had  refblved  upon  that,  then  it  jhould  appeu 

»  a  Thing  of  no  great  Difficulty  to  fettle  the  King's 

*  Eftace  in  his  own  due  Time.'  Tliis  was  for  ^e 
Relblutiop  of  the  firH  Doubt. 

*  Another  Ddubt  his  Highneft  moved  tif  him- 
fUf,  That,  it  might  be,  fame  might  feU'  and  im^ne, 
that,  when  thefe  Things  Ihall  be  fetded,  the  King 
would  be  {low  to  call  us  together  a^tn.  For  this, 
his  tSghnefs  urged  them  to  call  tb  Mind  the  latter 
IVt  of  the  King's  laft  Anfwer,  '  That  it  fliould  not 
'  be  his  Fault  if  he  was  not  in  Love  wifli  Parlia- 

*  ments ;,  and  that,  having  Occafion  latdy  to  fenfl 
■  unto  ^e  King,  he  found  his  Majefty  willing  to 

*  call  us  often  to  meet  in  Parliament.' 

:  *  But  three  Thin«  his  Highnefs  wilhed  us  chiefly 
to  conlider :  firfi,  How  far  this  Bufinefs  was  gone 
DB  already.  SaonJly,  How  far  the  Year  was  run 
on.  Ana,  thirdly.  How  far  we  have  exafperattd 
thofe  whom  we  may  conceive  to  be  our  Enemies. 
.Three  good  Items. 

"  ■  '  Therefore  it  was  fit  to  ufe  Expedition,  and  Cq 
M  provide,  that  we  might  not  only  Ihew  our  Teeth, 
.  and  do  no  more ;  but  ifo  be  able  to  bite  rthenthere 
fli^  be  Caufe.  Something  more  the  Prince  added, 
b  fellows ;  but  this  he  told  them^  they  muA  tak6 

Vou  VI.  G    ^  » 


9S^  ^ffap^'i^eatta^  ^i^T^r 

A^.  »ij»«««i.,^,  fpQiwn  from,  hjrafelf::    Ami,  ^f^ 
"^?:.-      Frincipf  JlgKupi,  a  inQft,herfiicSp?ech.' • 

Gentlenieii,  .       .      ' 

TPRJTymi  thini  fifhii/^  '/  tUs  Sp^fii-_t§f^ 

.  iut  irmg  Difitim^  up^an.yifvfih^ :  Suf,  ifju^^m 

Bujinefi,  youjk^l^i.ohUs^.M^  ua^.,y9fiiifVft  4^1 
wBKeysr  fsrgf^t  i(.  hereafter  ;.  and,  wfifM  K^^fpA 

Bffimed.  \    .  -       ■    •  ' 

.  Which  RpjMft.thpIrfitd^xefidfn^oa^q^tbv*!' 
*  ThisCoijcW)Siftu\4/otateus,,tiia^iitrcai]jJ¥ijp4 
QoA  to  h\e&  hu^,  as.weha^  ju&:C!aH^,^^h^)<19U» 

When  dw.  l^ris  haui  l^ewd  t^ie  I^d  -  P«fiA«>*'» 
Repoirt,  they  r«civ«d  a.  J4(iffagF,  £(T»ft  tta.Q^fel 

'  That  they,  M  cejtain  Ipt£VBWlJP!J.<rf  "fiWHf 
Sumsoi;  Gojfifobeitraijlparted  b^flndSffw,  »ij(y 
as  they  coDj^ii|cd,-_bj(  tiji /*^ij«j;,-  'Wibfeeft^ 
tbey  tfio,ugi^  ^ff^  tp^aM^aiat  their  Ifpr^ft^fs,:  ia 
jvhofe  Pow£]i  it,,is  tq  [ecfcela  the,  fume,,  th^,  t^» 
may  take  fu^ch.Qfi^ciJivein  a^  thcij  Lprdl]^iipf.,thifik 
good.'  The.Loi;(ts  an^Mjefed^Tb^  tbeyVp^WiW"- 
inediatelj  enqw^e.  'about  that  Mattel ;  [  wii^:.  the 
Lord  PrefuJsnFB.^^.Ou^eof  ^uck^ltgbavl,  tkfi,^^4 
MflTJhol,  TCK^  tl>e  £aq1  of  Smilfafnfiten^  -^qi^afi? 
pointed  ^  Cwnipiiiee  for  that  Purpofe;      ^ 

'Soon  after  camp  another  MefTage  f^fip,  th^,Q5ft7 
mons,  importing,  'That  the  I^ni^tt,  ditj^^if 
■ixii  B^reeffee  having  t^ken  inta  mature  De^bwa- 
tion  tfec.  King's  Anfwcr,  given  unto  the  Advice  fff ' 
both^ouf^s<H^^t7^1afl^th£  5th  of  Aiareh,  tiuff 
luve  refolved,  with  ereat,  Alawity  and  un^niisom 
Confeht,  to  give  his  Majeily  A^ancc  :  Ao^,  bj 
r^afon  of  the  Co^efg^dence  between  b;^  ggiifes, 

f 'E  I*  ox  Ai^  ft  '  '^ 

Plkce;  at  thtrfrEofdftiips-Appomtrnfcnt.''  '**3'' 

Til  atifWcT  to  this- the  tortte  named,  prefetttlv",  «_ 
Gortiwtittee' of  (tx  ffortieacK  Btnch  to'  attend  'thw^  confe,uw 
Cortfe-ence,  that  A-ffifrnoort  ;    xnA,  becaufe  fomc  thereupon. 
Emwgetirfes'nray  Happen,  wHrdh  will'  irftafibn  the 
jWVfcCof  rtie  Houfei  they  argced  tb  fic  at  thefathe 

■  F^M^idmh.    TfieConWnittctfo^Lofdsbetng    - 
rethfHttJ  ftfliri  the  CtJnffcttirtcc  witH  tlic  Commons, 
tBtf 'An:fitiHlio[j  oF  Camifbuiy  irtade-  the  Report  of' 
iif*)'Hte-Wfio!c'FJbuft,  tfa  rWs  Sff'ea : 

'  *  Tl^at  tHe  Cbrhriiittee  of  the  Commons  ac- 
qnilnilE'd  ttiera^  That  they  rfere  firfV  ctmimandtd  to 
return  the  h^aWj*  Thanks  of  their  whole  Houfe  to 
tHbf^ncc'forKK  Highncfs's  Speech  tlnto  tHeirCom-' 
iiiift*-,  atf  tfieir.'Jkft  Mtetlttg-j  -vfrhercin  they  took' 
mticft'-Jbr'and  Comfofr;  and  to  affifr^htm,  that 
tffi^=wtH.  Itt'ever'vcfy.  twAler  of  His  fiighnefe's 

■  *'niat  they- had; doiiciifrtd',  with  one  unanJmbu*' 
GiWinf,  to'tftfe  A'fljftaficeofhis  Majefty,  whenfo- 
c7if  ie^ffrafl'bepJbafcH'todecJan:  himrelf  t^uch^ng 
tIte'Hwalrihg'off:  thdt*o  Trtatlts  with  S^iw/w; 

'  "TBat  th<fy  H^i}*itt*nup  a-Mbdel  oFthat  wKcH 
tHcy  (Tfienrf  ttr  pttrfent?  to  his  Majefty  j  attd,  Usi 
good"  Corrfefp6Tlil[;(h.'y»  they  had  brought  thfe  faitiC 
to  lie  MlhWrtf  dP  here^  with  fuch  Amcndmehts,  itt- 
tHtlfltrodiiffloM-  only,  as  theft  Ldrdlhips  ffiould 
fnffflC  tit. 

.Then  the. Attorney-General  read  th<f  Dedara-  "^ 

ticffi;  irtd'tHtfEorrfs  gaTe  their  Confent  totheSub- 
fttncer  of  it,  by»  general  Vote  of  the  Houfe ;  but 
agrcctf  to  mend"  the  fame  in  the  IncrodiiiStion,  be^- 
c&^iltit'was  in  thf  Naiiie  of  the  Commons  only..' 
Thfe  Addition- the  (fther  Committee  ailented  to;  ' 
afldj  wWeh  itw'as  aPf'finHhifl;  it  was  agreed  to  btfprei' 
ftftfed  to  (he  King,  by-a  Conlmittee  of  both  ftoufes, 
afrfiich-TIffrc  as  hisMijcfty  Would  picafe  tb  admit 
titentto-his-Preftrfce-.  >■  ■ 

Th^'j^ffWa/rof  the  Cormiions  arc-  very  defec- 

tifrtfit  Acir-firftAteonnt  of  this  Scffion-of'  Parlia- 

G  2  ment, 


joo  The  ParliatrutUary  History 

9.  3 1  JuM  L  nieitt,  called  The  Originals ;  but  this  is  fu[qdiecl  by ' 
'  ■'■  a  fubftqueni  Account ,  much  fuller  than  the  other : 
And,  M  tbofe  of  the  Lords  are  lb  prolix  in  the 
Trials,  i£c.  now  before  them,  we  Ihall  benn  witht 
the  Commons  at  this  Period,  to  avoid  Kepetitions.-- 
What  we  find  molt  remarkable  in  them  is,  that, 

March  It.  The  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer 
reported  fome  Particulars  relating  to  the  King's.' 
prelentDebt^  occa^ned  by  fome  late  Expencea, 
and  particularly  the  long  and  deceitful  Treaties  he . 
had  entered  into,  *That,  from  the  Year  1617,  the 
>te  ef  ^  King  had  expended  145,000/.  in  Enteitaioi^^t 
"«■•  **''»«'*  of  Ambal&dors  fent  hither ;  Charge  of  the  naval " 
Expedition  againlV  the  Pirates ;  on  Ships  for  the, 
Prince's  Journey ;  Money  taken  up  by  the  Prince  . 
in  Spain,  iSc.  That  there  was  Scooo  /.  due  to  ttic . 
King  of  Dtnmari,   with  Intereft.     Towards  all 

thefe  — Here  is  an  Hiaha  for . 

what  had  been  given  towards  it.  ,  And  he  next . 
proceeds  to  acquaint  the  Houfc  what  Saving,  in 
f  tbepublic  Expences,  had  been  made;  as,  *  That, 

for  IrelanJ,  an  EUablifhment  was  begun  there,  both  ■ 
for  Church  and  Conunon- Wealth ;  which,  pur-  , 
fued,  would  fublifl;  of  itfelf:  For  the  Navy,  bdldes 
the  King's  Timber,  it  coft  50,000  /.  a  Year  j  re- 
duced thefe  laA  five  Years  to  30,000  /.  and  ten  -. 
new  Ships  built,  beHdes  many  Houfes  fbr  Man- 
zines :  For  the  Forts,  a  CommilEon  was  given  uis 
laft  Summer  to  two  Perlbns,  who  have  made  %  . 
Certificate  of  the  Charge  j  which  may  be  feea  - 
wrhen  the  Houfe  pleafes.* 

The  next  that  fpoke  was  Sir  Benjamin  Rudjran^ 
whp  proved,  in  the  fucceeding  Reign,  a  great  Ora- 
tor iit^c  Houfe :  he  faid,  '  That  Want  of  Parlia- 
tnqiti  W6(p  the  principal  Means  of  the  Growth  of 
Crievances  in  the  Common- Wealth :  That  tiie 
King*^  Propolitions  to  us  now,  were,  how  to  make 
good  thitt  Breach  which  we  advile  him  to:  To  . 
prepay  for  their  own  Security  :  To  intrea(  the 
I/ords  to  join  with  them  In  a  Commit^  of  a 
Council  of  War,  to  devife  the  fitteft  Means  to  6- 
/  cure /«/aiK/j  our  Forts,  fit  out  our  Navy,  and  join-, 

.''  ■  ..  with 


9f  ENGLANa  loi 

with  the  Ltvi  CoutOrm :  Alfo  to  prefent  the  King  *».  *' J**>|  t 
with  fome  Relief  for  himfclf,  to  fweeten  hinii  hf       *    ^ 
fides  the  Provifion  for  War.' 

There  were  many  Speakers  belides,  m  thefc  Af- 
£iirs,  all  tending  to  advife  the  King  to  dilTolve  the 
Treaties ;  and,  at  laft,  it  was  reTolved,  upon  the 
Queflion,  *  That,  in  purfuitof  their  Advice,  upon 
his  M^efty's  Declaration  to  break  the  Treaties, 
they  would  be  ready  to  affift  him,  in  a  parliamen- 
tary Manner,  with  their  Fortunes  and  Abilities.' 
This  was  carried  without  one  Negative  Voice : 
But  the  Refult  of  all  thefe  Refolutions  will  appear 
in  the  Aibfequent  Proceedings  of  the  Lords. 

March  13.  After  Ibme  public  and  private  Bills 
were  read,  his  Royal  Highnefs  acquainted  the 
Houfe,  That  his  Majefty  was  pleaTed  the  Com-' 
tnictees  of  both  Houfes  Ihould  attend  him  the  next 
Day,  at  ffTiitehall,  at  Two  In  the  Afternoon,  in 
order  to  deliver  their  Declaration.  And  a  Preamble 
to  it  being  thought  ncceflary  by  the  Lords,  the 
lame  was  communicated,  by  Meflafe,  to  the  Com- 
mons, and  approved  of  by  that  Houft.    ^ccorij- 

Jifarcf'  li-  The  Arc^biOiop  of  Canttrhury  (a.), 
who  had  been  appointed  to  deliver  thcTe  Matters  to 
^hp  King,  waited  on  him,  at  the  Head  of  t^e 
.Committee  of  both  Houfe;,  and  fppltc  as  follows : 

May  it  pUafe  your  Sacrtd  Majefty^ 

*  \T7  ^  ""^  come  unto  you  again  from  your  moA  ~j^  jj^.     . 

f     iTf     feJthfal  Subje<S3   and   loyal   Servants,  the  of  boih  Houfa 

*  Lords  and  Commons  in  this   prefent  Parliament  to  »friil  hi)  Ma- 

*  aflemblcd.     And,  firft,  we  humbly  let  your  Ma-  ^l'  ".P«'hi« 

,    ■   n      ,  1  Li_ijri  1.  I  "ilolvmn  of  the 

*  jefty  know  how  much  we  hold  outlelves  bound  Ticitiei  «itt 

*  to  Almighty  God,  that  he  hath  fet  a  King  to  rule  Spiin. 
'  and  reign  over  us,  who  is  pleafed,  in  the  greateft 

'  and  weigbtieft  Caufes,  to  fpeak  and  be  fpoken 
'  unto    in  Parliament,    by  his  good    and  Ioviii_j 

*  People;    which  maketh  a  King  to  underftaml 
'  them  over  whom  he  beareth  Rule,   and  them 

*  again  to  underftand  him.     It  is  a  true  ^nd  that  > 

G  3  '  lieth 

t.)  Gmp  AUr- 

The  P^Hamentary  History 

.  *  .tieth  the  Heart  of  3.  Sovereign  to  a  Svbji^,.  and 

*  xif  a  Subjeii,  reciprocally,  to  their  Liege  X^rd 
"*  'and  Sovereign. 

*  Nfxt,  we  rejoice  that  your  Majeftyhaslbewn 
*"  yoijrfeLf  fert(ib!e  of  tKe  Infincerity  of  that  Peof^, 

*  with  whom,   of  late,  you  have  had  a  double 

*  Treaty,  and  of  the  Indignities  ofTered  by  them 

*  to  your  blcfTed  .Son,    the  Prince,  and  to  yowr 

*  Royal  Daughter ;  and  that  your  Kingly  Heart'is 

*  filled  with  an  earned  Defire  to  make  Rep»ratiqn 
'  to  ber  nobte   Confort  and  herfelf  of  the  Pa/^ti- 

*  note,  their  Patrinionaal  Poffeflion ;  whidi  is  agrer- 

*  able  to  Juftice,  and  unto  all  the  Laws  hafii  of 
'  God  and  Man- 

'  For  the  effecting  whereof,  to  tcflWy  with  what 

*  Alacrity,  and  with  what  Ejipeditcnefs  and  Uro- 

*  formity  of  Heart,  both    your  Houfcs  of  ParJia- 

*  ment,    in  the  Name  of   your  whole  Kingdooi, 

*  have  borne  ihemfelves  unto  your  Majefty,  with 

*  Offer  to  give  you  their  real  Afliftancc  j  we  have 

*  digefted  it'into  Writing,  kfl,  by  the  verbal  w 
'  vocal  Beiivery  of  anyone  Perfon,  it  may  mif- 
'  carry,  or  riie  Expreffion  of  our  Zeal  be  we^en- 

*  ed  and  diminjflied  ;  which  we  humbly  pray  your 

*  Majefty  lo  give  nje  Leave  to  read  unto  you.' 

The   ParIiameQt''.s   Remonstrance  or  Decla- 
ration to  the  KING. 

May  itpUafiyour  Maji  Excellent  Majefly^ 

*  \T7  E  your  Majeftv's  moft  humble  and  loyjl 
'  W     Subjefls,  the  Lords  and  Commons  In  tbjt 

*  prefent  Parliament   aflcuibled,  having  lately  r^- 

*  ceived   and  taken  into  our  Confideration   yoijr 

*  gracious  and  prudent  Anfwer,  given  to  the  una- 

*  nimous  and  humble  Advice,  prefented  to  your 
■*  Waje%  in  the  Name  of  both  Houfes,  (That  tljc 

'  two  Treaties,  one  of  the  Palalinote,  the  oth^ 
'  of  the  Marriage,  might  be  diilblved,)  do,  in  ajl 
■  Humbfcnel!,  rer^der  to  your  Majefty  our  moft 

*  dutiful  Thanks,  that  you  have  been  pleafed  tp 
'  take  in  fo  good  Part  the  Manner  of  our  Pro- 

3  'cccdings 


if  fi  N 'O  L  AND.  io^ 

^  cWdil^E  in'ttiat  Wagfiity  BuW^-,  as,  lik'ewlfe,  Ao.  sijunw 

•  ^racioufly  to  intimate  your  Roy  at  Inclination  not 

•  to  I<q*ia  that  Counfel  which  ydlirfelfSvas  ^leafed 

•  m-m:;  ind  which,  iccordingfy,  hath  beeh  ofFer- 

•  W  to  yotfE'  M^^  in  the  NMie  Of  both  the 

*  Ahd  H^Kttlas,  ih  yonr  printrdy  Wifdofn,  ydii 

•  Iftrf^e  ikrtomi  to  is.  That  yotir  own  Treafurc, 

•  ^y  -tkiSdn  bf  'ytiUr  fcjftr&ohiihary  Charge  and  Ex- 

•  tHMA  At  (iiiS  Tnfte,  is   fb  itiDch  eithaufteii,"  that 

•  ydfir  Mi^efty,  by  ytwt  crtvn  Mea'ns,  carinot  fup- 

•  feat  k  War,  iWiich,  haply,  may  ftrflow  on  &i6 

•  Sitfceh  of  thefe  TrcMits  i  We  do  therefore,  Inoft 

•  ftuflibiy  ittti  ^hcftiy,   brftech  your   Majefty^ 

•  ftKt  fttftht*  tlrat,  n*  2JM  cMher  Confideration. 

•  Vaify  hin'diir  yoto-  pfttfeftt  Refohitidn,   fbf  whicK 

•  fft«  hftttGiff  iiJoft  cfiearfulartd  univCrfal  Aclvicc; 

•  -aAd  #e  do,  wifh  (httrful  arid  teslotis  Affi;£tions, 

•  bbkro  youT  Riajt^,  ajifl  herehy  ^ftanifbft  a:nd  de- 

•  eldrt)'  ThatiftPtrririit  of  our  Advice,  updn  your 
«  RefoJution  made  to  diffave-  the  fald   Treaties, 

•  (the  Deferring  whereof  may  prove  dangerous) 

•  w«  friU  ttt  rtadyi  in  a  PirHamcntkiy  Mangier, 

•  with  our  Perfons  and  Abilities  to  affiuy6u.' 

Mr.  Rujhworth  hath  given  us  l^eArchbiJhdp'sPrt- 
tmihUy  the  Parliament' s  DedaraUsn,  and  the  Kingfi 
B^er  to  them,  at  this  Time  [o] ;  but  hofc 
Mady  difi^rent  froiti  thofe  above,  taken  from 
Ae  LWt!*s  Jeu'rttals^  will  appear  to  any  who  will 
gyt  tfiemielvES  thfe  Trouble  to  compare  botii, 
Thii  itttrada£lary  Spiech,  indeed,  is  fretty  exai^i 
btttt^g  Dtcktfatioh  in  klijhworlh^h  a  <]uito  difr 
fcitnl  Thirtgi    bfiiti'g  die,  i  .ww 

BitaitotheKiHg,  fotn^  I  n  his 

AiMi#«r  to  tbft  Jjednratidn  ;  11  funj 

fctfitSetiatl.    TQieJCm^'i  ft  cle* 

ftffivft  in  talany  Pfeies  j  v^  being 

Aitlitted,   and  oth^  fftari.  ManJ 

ftor?  MHiakes'^  of'tfc'iii  Ka  fid  in 

G  4  that 


304         ^  PofUMttfUary  HtrTOKV 

Ao.  (iXMinl-tJui:  Gentleman's  Celle3iitii,    in  the  Frogrdit-af 
''*3;         thcfe  Enquiries. 

It  is  to  be  noticed  alfo^  That  his  Royal  High' 
twls's  Explanations  of  fome  Pailages  in  hisFatbar^s 
Socecht  w^r^  not  made  at  the  Time  when  tbft 
King  fpoke  it ;  but  when  the  Attoriiey>GeiKnl 
vras  ordered  to  read  it  again  to  the  Loids.  Otber- 
wifc,  as  it  ftands  in  Ru/hvarthy  it  looks  at  if  tbt 
King  bad  placed  the  Prince  and  the  D  uke  at  his  £!• 
bow,  to  explain  his  own  Meaning  to  the  Comout'' 
tees, — This  has  induced  us  to  collate  every  Spttcbf 
Remenflrartciy  &c.  in  his  CelUffioK,  with  the  jeiir- 
so/f.— And,  to  prevent  the  Imputation  of  not  do* 
ing  Mr.  Rujbworth  full  Juftice  in  thi«  Affitir,  his 
Omijfans  are  dlAInguillied,  by  being  pnnted  between 
Cretchtti ;  and  where  there  are  Veriaiiant^  aulu  wo 
have  given  the  Text  as  it  ftands  in  the  t>or4i  /w^ 
nah,  and  Mr.  RMftiwartb'i  is  added  by  way  of  Note.— 
A  Caudota  highly  ncceflary  where  the  Cafe,  orln- 
ieg^ty,  of  fo  celebrated  a  CalUHor  ts  called  in  Qjiefi 
^on.— — — But  to  proceed. 

To  &e  forgoing  Rmmifiramt  bis  Majefty  an« 
fwered  as  fellows : 

My  Loi^  and  Gentlemen  all. 

The  Rtwrt  «f  7^A^^^o*^«S  *'fi^  '"  thtPrtamblt  of  ny  Lord 
the  Kiif'i  Ab-  .  J^  CanMrbury,  but  that  be  intimated  fometbing 
bm.  in  It  which  I  never  fpoke  (p) :   Fsr  whereas  bejaidt 

*  I  haveJbewedmjfelffenfihU  cf  tbt  Infittceritjaf  tbefe^ 

*  vntb  whom  I  bad  lately  to  dtal^  and  of  the  /adigmty 

*  effertdtemyChildrtn:'  In  this  ymmt^  give  nuLeavt 
ta  tell  you,  that  f  have  not  egfreffid  tiyfelfte  he  either 
JenJ&U  ar  inJen/tbU  of  tbeir  good  or  bad  biaUng : 

Stuiingham  hath  made  a  Relation  to  you,  by  my 
^  Ccnnmandment,  which  you  are  to  judge  upon^ 

but  I  never  yet  delivered  my  Mind  imon  it.   When 
yupittr  Ipcua,  he  ufes  to  join  his  Tlmnder  to  it  {, 
and  a  King  fitould  not  Jpeak,^  except  he  maintain 
/'.'  •      ■        '  •       .  "it 


-.  ^  E  "N  G  L  AN  D.  105 

hby  Afitonff.)  At  ftr  tht  Matter  of  thtir  Dt- A».*t}mml, 
tbratiam  tmta  mf  Danandsy  tohidt  you  have  coutbed  '"!■ 
H  that  Pap^Tf  whith  I  ntw  htard  read  trnte  iru,  I 
m^/j,  it  it  viitbtut  E:tampUy  that  mtj  King  hath 
haafHth  an  Offtr.  And,  with  y»w  Favaury  I  need 
fear  nothing  in  thit  fftrU,  hami^  fs  mueb  the  Htgrtt 
^  ntf  PeapU.  Far  the  Jorge  Qffrr  ^  Affiftance^  I 
lf»U  it  i»  be  mere  than  JiSilliani  »f  Subfidiei  i  and, 
indeed^  it  it  an  ample  Rtvmrifer  Sit  Truft  and  Fret- 
item  which  I  have  ufed  with  yen. 

Bat,  vtf  Lards  and  Gentlemen^  pu  mt^  pv*  mt 
fMUftf  m  tht  ether  Side,  la  tanjider  the  PeffibUitj  tf 
the  Ailitn:  Fart  '*  this  Cafe,  Jmit/l  de,  as  a  Mom 
thai  maketh  a  Ftrtification^  vAich  muft  have  Out- 
Warkt  and  Ix-fForis ;  fa  I  muft  nat  deal  anfy  with 
my  ewn  PeopUy  hut  with  my  Neighkturs  and  Alliet, 
ta  aJM  me  in  fa  great  a  Buftnefs  at  the  Recavtry  af 
Ae  Palatinate.  And  in  thit  Cafiy  it  is  nat  Juffcieta 
U  have  the  Hearts  af  my  SnhjeUt,  withaut  the  ^tlp 
tf'my  Neighbaurs  md  Allies.  On  the  ether  Side,  ttn- 
ttfs  particular  Meant  befet  dewn^  it  will  neither  bt 
a  Bridle  ta  eur  Enemies,  nar  a  Cemfert  te  my  Friends 
vJk  fiiaU  jain  with  me,  'General  Wards  will  nat 
tarry  it ;  thertfart  I  tmtft  refart  ta  pariicnlar  Meaniy 
tmd  fellow  tht  Ceunfel  af  aur  Saviaur  Chrift  in  the 
Gajptl,  befare  I  begin  a  War,  ta  fee  haw  lean  main- 
iain  it.  Gad  knows  it  it  a  hngfame  Wari,  yet  I  de- 
fire  viitb}Aoies,  at  I  faid  befare,  but  ta  fee  the  Land 
tf  Premije,  iheugh  /  live  nat  till  it  be  recavered.  But 
imleji  particular  Means  be  Mfcavered,  it  is  little  ta  the 
PamI  •  Therefore,  fince  you  give  me  fueh  fair  general 
Prarmfes,  I  will  deal  freely  with  yeu,  I  will  tell  jati, 
ht  partiailar,  the  Way  I  will  prepofe,  either  by  way 
tf  Subfidies  ar  atherwife  ;  which  besng  dene  in  Par" 
kament,  it  a  Parliamefttary  ffay,  I  weuld  require 
you  te  be  pleafed  te  be/law  ufian  me  five  Subfiles,  and 
twa  FifteenAs  ta  every  Suhjidy,  far  the  War  :  Axi, 
far  mine  own  Hecejftties,  my  crying  Debts  arefe  bea- 

(^1  Siifiimnrlh  hu  it  thiu,  Ii  o«i  Buckinglun*!  Sr^litt  It  ym 
wtutieiuhtdiiftnilf  hmt  it  mdt  me  btir  it,  Mr»»t(  Jupiur  fftA 
tbttiOitiVt^tttJfeiiiitlifirtdHml^mk  airf  jti  Thiig,  1 
^ai^tA  »  wi'fi  that  Ktajm,  awiiait  it  wilt  list  Ptwr,  wtiti 

<«6  Tbf  (P9rIiameva(y1Rt%Tnn.Y 

B.  SI  patn'L  Vfif  that  m  Jidan  aft  Jher  thf^i  vn&  -H  grmtir  Oiil^ 
tO»f.  '  ^f  iitarty  and  Stmg »/ Ctf^ftun^  lian  Ibamtdau^  ' 
vnd  do :  And  I  »*w  frevtiHg  M^  wa^  it  gM  A 
jie  a  Meant  f»r  the  feOH/yii^  if  Hg  Deitt  ^^it  1 
ftt  out  of  lb*  Wbrid ;  Atii,  fw  this  Bhdt  I  dbjfirv  ijwk 
vmutd  give  me  etu  Stjffldy  4x4  bw  F!/iei»tl^t  jm4fi 
^ntii  my  Debts  he  paid. 

Herf  thrPrincehisHighncfttakingNotiCe  bfaft 
ObjeiHon  -madej  that  this  mig^t  feerti  contridi^ory 
to  that  which  his  Highnefs  had  told  tft^  'CommitteS 
of  both  Hoiries,  That  the  King's  Msjefty*ould 
aflc  nething  for  his  o*n  Particular  till  the  Wkrt 
■Were  pTOTidftt  for:  The  Prince  faid.  That  tht  Dukfc 
of  Buekingham,  in  his  Abfence,  hath  fflovfd  (hi* 
Doubt  unto  the  Kirtg. 

.  Whereupon  the  Duke  affirftirf,  that,  fteaiihg 
vnth  the  King  about  h,  his  Mai^y  was  plcafe^  Gtt 
fey,  If  wc  wou^d  add  one  Subfidy,  and  two  t)f- 
(tens  to  make  it  wp  fix  Sabfidies  and  twelve  !•»£- 
twBs  for  the  War,  bt  was  well  content  to  <\\a.t  that 
which  he  had  afkcd  for  his  own  Necdlhies. 
'  T-be  King  proceeded  :  If  this  may  be  deiu^  tr  that 
/  may  fie  etfeur  W^ay  fer  it,  f  mliftlku)  yimr  JU^ 
tice  i  for  1  Kiuld  ntver  henfe  ofked  ysttr  jidviee  t» 
■  rejeH  ity  or  to  put  a  Seom  ufsn  ym.  For  thelvi^t^ 
»f  thefe  Subjidies  and  Fifteens,  I  wou^  have  y9u  t* 
fonfider  hoiiu  to  dear  tbefe  two  Difficulties.  '  If  ytii 
levy  them  too  fttddenfy,  it  may  be  heavy  hr  the  PeHpk  i 
if  you  Jiay  too  long,  it  will  not  ferve  the  'turn:  Sia 
this  T  leave  to  your  Confideratian.  And  fmce  /  hank 
it  to  yOtirfeive)  ta  receive  the  Money,  and  exptiid  A 
ly  your  own  Cemmittets  of  both  Haufes,  ytu  miff  ht 
Vfe  mere  fecure.  And  yet  J  would  not  have  ytu  ta  ht 
too  hafly  in  the  levying  of  it,  that  na  Extremity  hi 
^evaed  ta  my  People  by  impoftng  too  heavy  a  Burden 
n  them,  which  God  forbid.  On  the  athtr  Side, 
— -  Bufmefs  will  net Juffer  too  long  lingering ^abttft  it. 
f  told  you  i'efsre,  I  ha^,  in  this  great  Bufineji,  to  look 
tb  my  Confcience  and  Honour,  as  well  as  to  the  Means : 
for  the  Means,  1  mujl  have  it  from  you  ;  my  C«- 
faejla.  and  ihtttttt  it  mj  awt^  af  whith  I  hoot 
-  thoaghl^ 



./   E  N  G  LA  NO.  107 

thought^  and.da  thwik  daily,  and  hatv  I&all  be  able  U-h^  u  J*bih  I 
^fcbarge  them  as  a  King  ought  te  do.     In  this  Toint        '"'i- 
I  am  already  refolved  in  a  great  Part ;  but,  if  aiiy 
Scruple  (hall  remain  with  mc,  I  will  ^quaint  you 
with  It,  and  not  only  fe^k  hut  follow  your  ad«icc(r). 

Here  agMn  the  Prince  faM,  He  Wl  -^wfetn  with 
tts  Father,  totnow  of  him,  whether  ^e  were  fa- 
dsfied  -in  Honour  and  Coiilcience  that  4>e  mipht  in 
4aiii  Cafe  ■UBdertAe  a  War ;  and  Aat  Ws  Majtifty 
mufwefcd.    He  was  alresij  fttisfied  and   rcft^vcd 

■  ^Miein ;  but,  for  the  Manner  of  piMifting  it,  he 
wMid  take  your  Advice. 

Tiien  *e  Duke  of  Buefingham  faifl.  The  Rea- 
fon  why  his  Majefty  ufed  thefe  "Words,  was,  that 
having  formerly  fpoken  erf  his  Honour  and  Con- 

'IciaDCe,  if  he  fhoutd  now  .have  left  them  otit,  it 
wight  have  been  thought  that  Money  oHy  had 
4i»vm  htm  to  it.  But  the  King  faid  he  was  aJrea- 
4r  firt«fied  and  refolv«d,  yet  -would  h«ve  otv  Ad- 
vice for  die  Manner  of  declaring  it. 

The  Kia£  again  proceeded.  ./  taid  jib*  ^fir>t 
iitgd^h  was  tie  f^ay  to  make  mi  in  Leiie-mith  Par-  , 
iiaimwU:  AiuL,  te  fitew  mne  huliitatigmfa  ettitimte 
tbemJ^U,  nrf  RefoUitiait  is  to  make  this  a  Sej^anfir 
the  P(flJiitg  of  as  numj  goad  Lauis,  as,  in  eaiivmi^tit 
Tipte,  may  he  prepared;  and,  at  Michaelmas,  tr 
ifti^^tn  a  few  Days  after,  to  have  a  new  Se£ieK,  and 
another  at  the  Spring.  And,  in  the  mean  1'ime,  jm 
may  go  down  and  acquaint  yaurfeiues  with  -the  Grie~ 
•nances  of  my  People.,  and  you  Jhall  fee  my  Care  t» 
make  good  Laws,  ^d  to  reform  Almfes  ;  that  fi  my 
SiAjeSts  may  find  the  good  Prvits  if  Parliamentiy  and  ^ 

r^K*i»tbem:  And,  Iprotejl,  as  I  have  afk»d your  , '.  , 
,^dv(eeJftthefePi)iiat,uihiib  I  needed  tui  to  have  ^nr, 
fo.J  wiil  mvtr  eitUr  into  any  Agreement  or  TreeUy  of 
-Ctr^tfoion  for  Peaccy  -which  is  the  Endof  IVar  (elfe 
it  it  mffufi  md  unchri/Hat)  n/hiout  yaur  Aehite  :  Ami 
Imti  keip  ym  tny^lfy  if  vt  ettiir  ntis,  <  //^,  t» 

■  ft)  la  Rafivartb  it  it,  Yil  lit  viitbtat  laking  Help  ef  yur  M- 
wa,  iiitiib  I  viauU  afiitr  tavi  mm'4i  "nieji  I  iai,  jucjtnt  it  fd' 


io8  The  ParUamentdty  History 

■•  *J.  !•■*•  '•  maie  it  aUtwablt  (a  the  World,  and  benaurahkfar 

Several  Days  palTed  after  the  ]aA  Date,  without 
any  Thing  being  done  by  the  Lords,  or  fent  up  by 
the  Conimoiis,  worth  our  Notice  (j1,  until, 

March  2a.  When  the  Lords  received  a,  MefE^ 
from  the  Lower  Houfe,  importing,  '  That,  iince 
they  delired  all  Expedition  to  be  made  in  the  grat 
Bunnefs  of  the  two  Treaties,  and  had  taken  inta 
ConfiderattonhisMajefty's  laA  Antwer,  they  h«ve 
thought  on  a  Proposition  to  be  made  to  him  toticb- 
ing  dtofe  Af^rs ;'  wherefore  they  defire  a.  Confer 
rence  with  the  Lords  about  it.' 

This  Conference  was  accepted  by  the  Lplda  ; 
and,  when  their  Committee  was  returned  &Qm  U, 
the  Report  wai  made  by  the  Arcbbiflic^  of  Can~ 
terbury.  That  the  Commons  bad  delivered  to  thcjtii 
their  n'opofitions  in  Writing,  and  had  left  a  Blaolc 
for  their  Lordlhips  to  be  named  with  them,  if  th«y 
thought  fit.  Then  they  were  read  to  the  Houie, 
and  the  Queftion  being  put,  it  was  ^reed,  by  all, 
only  one  X^rd  diiTenting,  to  fill  up  the  Blank. 
But  afterwards,  theJ^orda  taking  Exception  againft 
one  Claulc  about  Religion,  mentioned  in  the  imi, 
PropoCtion,  the  Commons  agreed  to  leave  it  out;  . 
but  not  without  a  DiviTion  of  their  Houfe.  The 
Propofal  itoai  the  two  Houfes  therefore,  as  it  was. 
delivered  to  the  Kii^  by  the  Archbifliop  of  C«|k 
terbury,  was  in  thefe  Words : 

MbJ}  Gracious  Savfretgn, 
theP^iMWBfi .  .*«  E  your  Maiefty's  moft  humbje  and  ioyal 
{S^j;^*-*   W    SubjeSs,  the  lords  and  Commons  in  thit 
tiB|aS«Frlj-      '  prefent  Parliament  afTembled,  do  firft  render  ta> 

*  your  moft   Sacred   Majelly   our    nioft    dulifii] 

*  Thanks,  for  that,  to  our  unfpeakable  Coinfert, 
'  you  have  vouchlafed  to  exprefs  yourfclf  fo  wtiH 

*  fatisiied  withour  late  Declaration  made  untoyouT 

*  Xiajefty,  of  our  general  Refolution,  in  Purfuit 

*  of 

the  Canunau  Jtm^ub  «■ 

o/  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  109 

^  ^  our  huDpble  Adviee^-Co  affiA  your  fJiaft&v  inAt>  m  |*wil>. 
»  Parliamoitaiy  Way  with  our  raSooa  and  AIh-       ***!'  > 

'And  whereas  yourMajefty  (in  rour  great  WiT-' 
dom  and  Judgment,  forcimng  toat  it  will  nuke 
a  deeper  ImprelBon,  both  in  the  Enenuct  of  that' 
Cauie,  and  in  yoar  Friends  and  AUiet^  if  they 
iballnot  only  hear  of  the  chearfiil  Offers,  but 
alio  fee  the  real  Peribimaftce  <^  your  Subje&i 
towards  ^  great  a  W(}(k]  was  gracioully  pleafod' 
to  ddcend  to  a  particular  Pr(q>orition,  for  the 
advancing  of  this  great  Bufuiels  :  We  therefore,' 
in  all  HumbleneTs,  molt  reaify  and  willing  to' 
give  your  Majefty,  and  the  whole  World,  an 
ample  Teitimony  of  our  fincere  and  duti^  In- 
tentions herein^  upcm  mature  Advice  and  Deli- ' 
bcration,  as  well  of  the  Weight  and  Importance' 
of  diis  great  Afi^ir,  as  of  the  prefent  itftate  of* 
this  your  Kingdoni  (the  Weal  and  Safety  where- > 
of  is,  in  our  Judgments,  apparently  threatened,  > 
if  your  Majefty'e  Refolution,  6ar  the  diflblving 
of  the  Treaties  now  in  ijueftion,  be  loager  de-  - 
ferred ;  and  that  Provifion  for  iWeBce  ^  your- 
Reafan,  and  Aid  of  your  Friends  and  AUies,  be  - 
not  feafonably  made}  have,  with  achearfiil  Con- 
lent  of  all  the  Commons,  no  one  diflenting,  and 
with -a  full  and  chearfiil  Confent  of  the  Lords, 
refolved,  That  (uppn  your  Majefty's  public  De- 
cbration  for  the  DilTolution  and  utter  Difcbarge 
of  both  ,the  faid  Treaties,  of  the  Marriai*  and 
of  the  Palatinattf  in  PurTuit  of  our  Advicp  there- 
in }  and  towards, the  Support  of  that  War  whicb 
is  likely  to  enfue;  and  nu»e  particularly  forthofe 
lour  Points  propo&d  by  your  M^efly,  namely, , 
for  the  Defence  of  this  your  Realni,  the  ftcvu*-  . 

ing  of  Irdandy  the .  Affiance  of  your  Neigh- 
bours, the  States  of  the  United  Prfuinas,  and  . 
.other  your  Majcily's  Frici^  and  Allies,  and.  for 
the  fetting  forth  of  your  Royal  Navy)  we  will 
grant  for  the  prefent  the  greateft-Aid  which  was 
evcrgiven  in  Parliament,  [to  it  UvUd  in  fajhart 
a  TV/mr,]  that  is  to  fay»  Three  entire  Subildies, 


Jin.  gr)»iM>»>"«'  irtd'tJBW)  Kft«Ut«ftg>.ft)  -  bfl  all  ^u«  W^AfH ''M 
**''  ■       »-  C<MAf«f**f'  one  '*hole' Year  aftdr,  youi*  iHSjcftj' 

*  Ihall  be  plcafed  to  make  the  (mA  Declaratioif ;  tktf 

"  li^'tHe  Dite^oif  «#  flwh'  C«inmiitees  of  G(Mi- 
**  mllS«iWff^  Us  btMaftn  ftaU>be  a^eed'upeH  a^ 
'^  tMb  praftiVt'iSeffiAnro?  Parlbmcnf, "  ' ,' 

*^  tf  {£r^cfti0\'Va  aeewf*  «f  rfitfe  Fitfl-FlrultB  of 
•*  o»p  hteity'  06l3ti<Mi,>  (tijdicated-  ta'  *Hat'  WijA,* 
••ftcfciiture  flrt«>dy  dWWe  riiay  prd^  fi«(fW 
'•H^anced^  an^  fof  (iK'ftit«F«',  to  reft"  cenfi- 
•'dcirt^aflukwf,  Tfial  fj^>sir  p^  fe  eHgitgtifitf 
"a  ieinl-0h-}  wey  your  loyaland  ]*Win^Siib5«ah,' 
f-wiliirtWrfttfj  inal^rtiJttwentary  Waj*,  tO'dBfl' 
*yofar  Rfejtifty  iW  to' Rby*t  a'Dtifigii'i  whweln" 
•yobr  own  Ifcrttrarj  artff--the  HMiour  of  your" 
*'inri^il€lbftSonjithePrthc*;  the  ancient RtHot*^ 
*-of  *is'N*tioii'r(he  tV%lfirt,  an*  very  StiMift- 

*  enee-orybtir  noWt  and  only  tfeugftttr*,  and  Her' 
'-GonfOFf,  and  tfeeir  Pofterity;  the  Safety  of  janf 
<  own  Kin^dMndnd'Peopte'}  and  the  P»dfp«ri^  of* 
*'y«Nr  NnghHettb  add' Altkfl)  afV  fo  i^^'  en-' 

*  g^y'  ■■,.'■,.  ■    ■  ■  ■ 

Th    u  MorfcT      Jtfaivfi'ij:    Oftg  ThtHtiit- MfT&f,-   Hating  pre-' 

Mri^bm  pn-    femtd'aPfctiiten'te-KRe'Hbirfeofllordsi  M^y  rt-' 

ttflicJfot  letlw-  flefting'  on  tfte  llotd  Kctper,    for  fcftne  iiidit*a* 

^  OB  th<  L*d  i»fa^^.  agsftifr  Wm'  kl'  the  Star-Cfutnter ;  ^rH^ 

^'  ^tttvixeS:,  iwktflng'a«*'dyperHng  nfadyCo^s' ft-' 

broadt  The^fiidi^^f^igi'WSscall^liefcrfftheBoure' 

te-anfteertMe-ffittie'-,    and^  after  a  ftiH  Hearing' o^ 

Ms- >3tegati<m»j  bdfftving  Kltnfdf  very  imprnf^nfly' 

u  tttt^BiB-^tK  was-,  by  esnnii  Cottftnt,  femencvd^ 

h  *'Tftattttw-feidf*tM« -^enVyflian,  fijr  Ks' 
gttiM  0fie«ee^  bt  im^lfoned  in  the  FUet' AiB\og' 
tHe-Pleaf»rfr«F"thc- H6ufd' 

IV  *  TSat  he  ftriltifldwgoi  totbeKingj  a^te 

IH.  '-ThatheffiaHftind,  mthhisNeekiifthe 
Pilfoiy,'.  in'  d*»(T^,  witW  one  of  the  fad  INsitioili 
uvoifhlrHead^  at  Sev«R  iQ  Uifr-Forene(»>.* 

IV.  *  That 


4tfl  ip Cbtnmii^,  iiaiftitk»Iioid:GMf«ii,  thaitift 
&m-ofi  nvttiTons.' 
One  David  tfattrhattfi,  who  had  peBiiBd'ihafitJ 

foftipoJr  dunngi  HfafiicKy  fifo-  "^^  Btinter,  woi 
ibmHTe'inialflifdi  buttin-anflttet  Hbgtaku 

Ate*A<24<  Tin:  Hosjb  of  Laids.wutupOD  X 
AMJm  JuftifimitiM  of  tbs  I>iike  o£  Bmiuibtrnti 
iffiioB:  ite  Komflmat  otiiu>Spaufik  Ambafiaitor  t« 
tilR'KSng.  And)  ihoo  having,  faces  a.  Hetnorial 
prefented  to  hh  Majefty,  by  both  BaA»  of  Rw- 
]m9thbt  cbnanBiingil;  vxonlng  tQ-2n.OtdBC'Of  the 

Itopnntafjiltwafcilu^to.theHbtifethis  pay,  bf 
tllrili«rd'Saq>cr,'vntbthDEang'<&Aiif\wr.t*  it^  M 

'"TUrOWA  Mig9*7's:m«fc  loyili  Subjeflm  the  BaAHo«fti«e. 
V:J|t  Ltir4>Spiti*w4uii'I3enipfnl,thcKt^^s,  ibittotbc  Kk^ 
^■Ci^Se^  aiMl:Bwge&«-Kl&iRblni4  atehia  Ti«^,  »  """o^-i » 
«-.ifc  bptfeHoufooTPtrfaBMnt,  being  iB£aaxKd{^^t^f 
f-^iAC^npUial-Miikl  tdi  VMU'  Mofl   fixceUent  Buckintbi^ 

*  Aft^lOyft'jQaii^tbc  Iavii!l>Bt£  of  B^cHngfrnm, 
V^ta*  imhe^li^brB*.  Wlich^  by  ynur  MajeC' 

*  ty's  CcHDinaxu!,  be.  loads  to- bota  Siufes,  tb« 

*  24th  of  February  lafl  pafl,  he  fliould  let  faU  fome 
^-i^Sig^x  picvoiia  .tattd'Honour  of  the  King  of 

*  Spaiih  '•"^  inferred  to  be  of  fo  high  a  Natare^  u, 
Vif;tb*Xk».  fcadboW'  Svfajedof  that 
f'K)^  *gfa1ii}ftmK^  Mj^eStvyit  Trouldinot  hud 
*'btcni«l^ctvniee3qitalBd«.tfiaavith  the- Lo&  (4 
•■luitfisadithRtipalKjik:  Talcing duimoithdr fen 
*-'ridUi  Coo&lemtktti  andcowxiwii^that.thi^  Ac- 

*  cu&ltan^thyinanoUi^eiLiDe,-iae&anan.AlperM 
^'ficnfwoii  thenUillvea  alfo«  do,  in  allj  SubmifGoa 
*''aoil:HtiaiiNlit^  makB<tn  yoar  Majefty  a  thtedbH 
*-B«|ffrf<nltitiqa;  '  Fie^  Caaccmiog  that  great 
^lSm§t  Siiatu%i  CouBeinii^  that  emiiwnt  Locd. 
\STnrdljt  CoDcerning  tbeoUelvUi  ■, 

,L.(Ki'^le        "~ 

9%e  Parliaahaaj  tti  s  t  o  »  v 

*■  unaniinous  V«te  <a  both.  Hmifes,  abTohiteiy  afrc 

*  quit  and  clcn  the  Lord  Dafcc  irom  ktthig  fidl^ 

*  any  Words,  at  all,  derogatory  to  the  Honour  oi 

*  that  King. 

*  For  mefatfndy  that  concenia  my  Lonl,  they 

*  do,  in  the  like  Hiunilite,.  atceft  imto  your  moft  ' 
'  Sacred  Mqefty,  That  if  my  Lord  the  Dukehad^ 

*  omitted  any  MaKcr  r^mited  iuit*Tthem  diat 
'  Day,  he  had  for  fo  much  failed  in  the  Petfctm- 

*  'ance  of  diat  Duty  and  Fideli^  which  he  oweth' 
'  unto  your  Mi^efty,  to  the  BuJinels,   and  unttf 

'  *  both  Houfes. 

*  For  the  hft,  which  concemeth  tiicmrelves, 

*  diey  make  bold,   in  like  Humility,  to  re^>refcnt. 

*  unto  your  Majefty,  That  they  do  much  honour - 

*  my  Ixird  the  Diike  for  &at  Narration,  and  do 

*  render  unto  him  all  poffible  Thanks  for  the  Fj-. 

*  delityand  Induftry  exprelled  therein;   and. iOj 

*  without  your  further  Trouble,  do  humbly  beleech 
'  your  Moft  Excellent  Majefty  to  interpret  hit  of 

*  Ais  the^r  Reprefiuitation,  which  they  held  them- 
-  <  ielves  bciund  to  oficr  unto  your  Majefty,  for  ^ 

*■  clearing  of  To  eminent  a  Porfon ;   -who,  as  the/ 

*  verily  believe,  hath,  in  tfait  Ncgotiuion,  wdl'de-' 

*  fervcd  of  your  Majdly  and  the  Common-Wealth: 
<  So  tbnr  heartily  pray  unto  God  long  to  fttSartt 

*  your  Moft  Excellent  Majefty.* 

This  ended,  the  Lord  Keeper  proceeded  thus  in 
bis  Report ';  - 

*  Now,  my  Lords,  concerning  his  Majefty'^ 
Speech ;  it  is  not  to  be  expiefled  orTcpMted,  ht^ 
icftufe  it  is  a  Speech  of  AScdien  as  well  ai  of  Nttr- 
ration,  not  poffible  to  be  uttered,  but  in  the  £untf- 
Words  it  was  delivered :  Therefore,  unlels  a  Mart 
had  Myron's  Art,  ^i  Jnimu  Heninum  Jtpiaxi0 
Seitur,  who  could  paint  to  the  Lifo  the  Souts^  and 
Afiiedions  of  Men,  he  cannot  do  this  as  it  Ihould 
be  done  J  for,  as  Liv]r  laid  of  Cinm,  MkmdtH^M 
Gteronem,  aittn  dctrmt  opus  j^,  there  had  ntd 


-«/■  E  N  G  LAN  D;  113 

^  be  inodter  Cicero  to  undertake  the  commending  *■■*'  J»>nM!(., 
of  Cicero ;    fo,  fureJy,  he  ou^ht  to  have  as  large  a         *"?'   . 
Heart  as  our  gracious  K^ing,  that  will  report  his 
powerful  and  gracious  Expreflions.' 

'  I  will  therefore  crave  Pardon  of  the  Houfe  for 
delivering  it  in  Writing,  very  near  the  Words  anj  .  ^ 
Syllables  in  which  it  was  pronounced  ;  and,  firi^, 
to  be  read  once  or  twice,  if  your  Lcrdfliips  pleafc, 
to  the  Houfe,  and  then  to  be  entered  in  the  'Jour- 
uttl  Baoi,  as  a  Record  of  no  fmall  Comfort  and 
Confeqiience  to  the  Puljlic :  For  I  may,  without 
Flattery,  which,  for  ought  1  know,  1  have  been 
ever  free  frpni,  declare,  That  fuch  Servants  ;is  thcfc, 
fuat  Injirumenla  boni  Sarcult,  are  Tools  End  Inftru- 
ments  to.  carve  out  a  brave  and  happy  World  to 
eufuing  Poftcrity,  as  Symmachus  writes  in  one  of 

This  £ti(t,  the  Lord  Keeper  read  his  Majclly's 
Speech,  out  of  a  Paper,  in  hat  Verba  : 

My  Lords  and  Gentlemen  all, 

/M IG HT  haw  Rtafon  to  fpeai nothing  in  regari^",^'^'* 
Bf  the  Perfin'^b,reef  you  fpiak,  but,  in  re^arJ^'*^'^"'^ 
af  ytur  AfetitHf  ti  were  net  civil;  fsr^  if  Ibe  Jiient^ 
I fiiall  wrsng  Tfiithermyfelf,  nor  that  Nobumtm  vjbich . 
jtH  novi  fpeak  </",  becaufe  he  is  well  knoivn  ta  be  fuch 
m  one  m  Need  of  a  Prolocutor  y  or  lide- 
Jullor,  to  undirtake  far  his  FiJvlity,  or  tuell  carrying 
of  hii  Bitfinefs  :    And,  indeed,  to  fend  a  Man  upon       \ 
jo  great  an  Errand,  lubortt  I  luas  not  refohed  ta  tru/l . 
far  the  Carriage  thereof,   loere.  a  Patdt  in  my .  Dif- 
cretion  fcarce  compatible  to  tin  Live  and  Tru/i  I  bear  . 
him.      It  is  an  old  and  true  Saying,  That  he  is   a  . 
happy  M^  that ferves  a  go()d  Maftcr;  end  il/ 
'  left  'truth.  That  [le  is  a  happy  Mafti;r  that  enjoys 
a  faithful  S^nrant.  ,  ■  . 

The  greateji  Pault,  if  it' be' a    'Fault,  or  at.leaj}-  . 
wife  the  greateji  Error,  I  hope  he  fhall  ever  commit 
a^aiafl  mt,  was  his  iefiring  this  Jufllfiration  from 
ytUi  as  if  he  Jhogid  have  need  of  any  Jujfijicatian  , 
fram  others  towards  tne ;    and  that  for  tbefe  Reafns : 
Vol.  VX._        ;  H  \  ^Firft, 


IJ4.'  ^^e  Parli^mntah  HYsToftY 

K  iljiopejl."    Tiim,  Bec^fi  he,  heing  rny  Dijiiple  and  Sth*lari> 
'**3'         may  be  ajfured  I -ujin  tr^ft  hh  own  Relatian.   ■ 

Secondly,  Becaufe  he  made  the  fame  Rslathn  unta 
WW,  which  he  did  afterviards  unta  bath  Haufis  ;  _/» 
as  I  ■ivas  formerly  acquainttd  both  with  the  Matter 
and  Manner  thereof -y  and  if  t  fl>ould  net  trufl  him 
in  the  Carriage^  Itvat  ahogelher  umvsrthy  <^  fuch  a 
Servant.  He  hath  no  Intereji  of  Ms  own  in  the  Bt-. 
finifs :  He  had  ill  Thoughts  at  home  far  his  going 
thither  with  my  Sen,  although  it  ivai  my  Command^ 
as'  /  told  you  before  :  And  note  he  hath  as  little  Tltanii  ' 
fer  hif  Relation  en  the  other  Part ;  yet  he  that  fer- 
veth  Ged  and  a  good  Majler  cannit  tmjianj  fet'  all 

I  have  noted  in  his  Negotiation  thefe  three  remark* 
eible  Things,  Faith,  Diligence^  and  Diferetion )  tffbere-' 
ef  my  Son  hath  borne  Record  unto  me ;  fet  I  eeomat  ■ 
deny,  but,  as  he  thought  to  do  good  Sen/ice  to  his  Ala^ 
fier,  he  hath  pven.ill  Example  to  Aitttaffidars  in 
Time  to  come,  hecaufe  he  went  this  long  yaamey  sifen 
his  awn  Charges.  This  would  preVe  an  ill  Example^ 
if  many  of  my  Jmhaffadars  Jholild  teie  it  fir  a  Pre'^ 
tedent.  He  ran  his  Head  into  the  Teke  wifh-ihe  Peopl/ 
here  fir  Undertaiing  the  Joumej^  /mi  when  he  therf 
JP.ent  about  forty  or  fifty  theufand  Pounds,  never  §f- 
fered  his  JecounI,  nor  made  any  tietnani  far  the 
'  fame,  erevir  will.  I  hope  other  Ambe^ders  Uiill  df 
ft  no  merf.  I  am  a  good  Mafler  then  never  deuhted 
tf  him  ;  /Jr  /  htnu  him  to  he  fa  geod  a  Scholar  ef 
mine,  thai  J  fay,  without  Vanity,  it  will  net  exceed 
his  M^er's  Diifatts  i  and  I  trtjft  the  Report  not' the 
Vjof-fe  be  made,  beeat/fe  it  is  approved  by  yon  all;  yet 
I  believe  an  honejl  Man  as  much  as  all  the  fVtrU,  and 
the  rather,  hecaufe  he  was  a  Difciple  ef  mine.  1  Urn 
glad  he  hasfo  well  fatisfied  ytu,  and  thank  yM  very 
heartily  fer  laiing  it  in  fo  geod  Patty  ^- 1  find  you 
have  dent. 

.  When  this  Anfwcr  of  the  Kihg^s  vMs  'l^fb  ftad: 
to  the  HoufR,  and  was  ordered  to  be  eitt«red  ih- tbe 
Jeurnah,  the  Duke  of  SucHnghant  flood- up,  sftd" 
gave  unto  the  Lords  his  moft  hearty  ,11i&[iIe8  ibr 

S  P^* 


•  "^-fi-.ttGL  AMU.  ■  (tj 

ftB^WM  >^otolltiey  hail. done  him;  and  profef- Aa.  i,  ji.p«i.' 
fcdf  tfa  ftrelt  tofd^ips,  V  THat  -jAcy.  &ac(.  abrJlutcW-       "^*J- 
br^ae^  him  fo£  the  Time'  ti>  t^hiei  'to  ttinploy  m 
Hk  raWe^  ah^FiVoar,  wiRich  Ke  haditi  his  Majef- 
>yS'SmicWTor  fli«  ^iitlicGood  6f  the  Kiiigdom, 
antlfoi'tftgSei^'ite'dF  ^efy  one  of  th?ir  Lordfllips,  The  bula  itf 
iA'tfitttciifai-;  tthdiOjouia  haye.btrarioh  tii  Kiak^ ij"^',^^'*^^",'^^ 
ifi  of  hfei;   '  CoAc'ii'ninI  ills  Journey  to  Spam,  l««ii  fot  Owit 
fl  (flfthofCiiSrhim't&ftiXich as liis Maje!^  was  pleaC-  J"*i&.tiBa  <tt 
6d  «  hrfn\(( ;    yet,  whatrgever  It  war,    he  might  *^* 
Very  well  expeitd  .it.  iA  his  Majefty  li  Service,  beiiig 
feut  tte'ft'Wii'ct  rif  Ms,  feoijhty  ah'd  Gobdhels  to- 
ward* hl^.     Afrdj,'  If  'his  Majeily  fhoiiJa  extend 
fiis  Libertstty  roany  6'at  of  his  Atnbaflkdoirs^  in  lb 
Jaf|i  a,  pKSpoftibfiV  they  w-Ould  be  veiy' unthahic- 
M,  if  ^if  did  not  do  is  inuch  for  him  as  he  had 

aarici*'  „ 

:    TAtfDtft*  ftlift^t  deciaredi  '  "tliat  it  Was  hi's 

Jlajeifty's  Intent  io  fend  a  prefcht  j)ifpatch  into 

Spm/ty  ift  order  to  brtakoffthe  two  Treaties  of  thi 

M^ci  ^ittli  IPd/iiliTfatrt  as  was  retjulred  bj'  Pari 

G^ehf,  ■<tfil\i  tile  Reafohs  moving  ^tn  ^'eireto.' 

.   Th'^Lofiisftofiioner  heard  this  lafter  Partof  ths 

Duke's  S[>ee(:ht  than  'tt<cy  fent  a  MdlTage  to  the 

Commons  to  delire  an  immediate  Cotifti^t^c  With 

khem-,  in  order  to  C  ompiiitiic  ate , this  pleating -News 

to  thaC  Houfe.     And  jiiyful  News  it  'V3&  tb  all 

ih^nJ.  ait  Well  as  (6  the  i>ariiameht;     The  City  P»tik  R 

bf  Zen&rf,  '^jkverih  tells  uS,  teftificd  tlidr  Ap^  "p  '^~ 

,ing  of  Bells^  and  j. 

Stitj  as  it  Is  torn* 

6  eiult  tob  much, 

in  this,  they  eit- 

by  tfie  following 

le  Kiiig  had  pub- 

th  with  Spain  the 

S-ejoicfrigs.  And^ 

KgBam  fignified  to 

making,  fiontires^' 

Declafation,  fom« 

mbanador  looking 

Wli  itt  thcin,  were  very  uncivilly  ufed*'     Thorefora 

Ha  his 


ii6.  Ih  Pto-UanuHtaij  HiSTQJtY 

An.  It  Janet  I.  his  Grace  moved  their  Lordlbips  to  take  &at  tnt% 
'•"J*         their  Confiderarion,  and  redrcfs  the  Wrong  done 
to  a  foreign  Ambafladoj*. 

TheHoufe  approved  we}I  of  the  Dulse's  Motion, 

and  agree^,  That  if  th^y  cpujd,  by  ftriQ  Enquiry^ 

.      ,,  which  they  intended  to  iiialte,  find  out  the  Dffend-  ' 

crs  therein,  they  would  caufe  them  to  be  puiiifll'- 

*.■  ed,  according  to  the  King's  late  Proclamation,  f^- 

._  '  bidding  any  ABufes  to  be  ofFered  to  Amba0adors. 

And  they  further  agreed  to  figni'fy  (his  to  the  Cpm- 

mons  at  the  next  Conference, 

Match  25.  The  Feitiyal  of  Ea/ier  now  draw- 
ing nigh,  the  Lords  agreed  to  a  itecefs  of  Parlia- 
ment t\\{  thurfday,  April  i,  in  that  Week.  In  the 
mean  Time  they  appointed  a  Committee  of  theit 
HoMfe^  fo  allift  the  King's  Secretaries,  in  that  V^ 
cancy,'iri  drawing  up  aManifefto  of  ^s  great  Af- 
fair i  of  which  tliy  alfo  agreed  to,  inform  Ac  Com- 
mons. '  ,  ' 
The  lame  Day,  a  C^mittee  of  Lords  being  lie- 
turned  from  a  Conference  with  the  Commons,  the 
Lord  Prefident  ^ead  the  King's  Declaration,  whicli 
he  riiade  two  Days  before  to  a  Committee  of.botk 
the  Houfcs  i  which  was  in  thefe  Words : 

My  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 

The  K{m-<  Oi-^H^  kft.  ^"'^  I  {pake  ta  ytu  anent  this  grtcf 

eUwiionftttAM  ■*     Bujiaefif  I  told  y'eu^  whaty  in  my  Opinion,  tvaf 

•'"^"'•■^  titujjarily  required  fir  (he  beginning  ef  tt,  the  Rta- 

-    ,,,.'.     '■  fins  whereof  you  have  truly  fit   dowfi  out  efmy'lefi 

Speech-,  wherein  1  Jhewed  yeu  what  Good  it  luou^ 

da,  and  what  Harm  -it  might  free  us  front^  to  ex- 

prefs  particular  Aids  at  this  time  as  well  as  general 

Promifis.     It  ii  true,  I  muR  ionfefs,  that  h«w  fir 

you  declare yoiirfelves,  is  fiffcieniftir  ifie' prefent  £n-. 

teranci  into  the  Bufinefs,  though  a  great  deal  fiort  of 

what  I  told  you  it  would  require.  B,ut,dsGoditarsmt 

Record,  and,  I  think^.  the  Hearts  of  all  my  living 

Suhjeeis  will  tejlify  for'nie,  'ineaer  did  fid  for  JiAr 

ney,  but  enly  dejtred  yeii -fo  itedr  yourfelvet  fy  Parti' 

tulars,  that  I  may  fie' how 'I  may  be  able  tagt  tbro'fi 

■■■■■'..        ,    ,  .^?? 


^ENGLAND.  117 

great  a  Matter,  at  Uofi  to  make  a  goad  Bmitmng  of  f^n.  n  jmki  L. 
tht  War  ;  for  vjhat  the  End  will  be^  God  Jnmii.  »S»j. 

So,  »n  tbt  ather  Part^  I  gave  yauThanis  far  jeur 
general  Offtr^  hy  which  yau  did  engage  yaitrfelves,  in 
yeur  Lives  ami  Eftates,  which  is  more  ihanfarty  Sub- 
fidies,  if  you  had  named  them^  and  mare  warth  than 
a  Kingdam ;  far  the  Strength  af  a  King,  next  under 
the  Prateeiian  af  God,  Jlandi  in  the  Hearts  af  his 
Peaple.  And  ImUft  needs  fay,  in  this  Particular,  it 
is  witbaut  Example,  that  evur  any  Parliament,  far  a 
Beginning,  gave  ta  a  King  fi  great  a  Supply  to  h: 
levied  in  fa  Jbart' a  Time,  This  may  well  ftrve  far 
a  Preparatian  :  And,  for  my  Partyfirjl,  con/idering 
your  general  Offer,  (which  is  ten  Times  mere  to  me 
than  all  Subfidles)  and,  next,  confidering  that  thefg 
Particulars,  coming  from  you,  be  as  much  as  at  once 
yau  are  able  to  pay  in  fo  Jhort,  a  Time,  being  within  a  , 
Tear,  and  as  much  as  may  be  well  exptiled :  There- 
fire,  ii/ith  as  much  Lave,  and  as  great  Thanks,  as  a 
laving  and  kind  King  can  give  to  fi  loving  and  du- 
iifttl  Peaple,  I  thank  you  far  your  Offer,  and  da  ac-  , 
tep  it. 

I  told  yau  heferty  that  I  wauld  never  have  craved 
your  Advice  to  rejeit  it,  andfo  put  a  Scorn  upon  you: 
Think  me  not  that  Man. 

It  is  true,  I  think  no  wife  King  can  undertake  f» 
great  a  Bargain,  but  he  mujl  well  bethink  himfelf  he- 
fere-hand:  And  I  account  it  better  that  a  King  ad- 
vife  well  before  he  take  a  Refotuiion,  than  advtfe  rajb- 
h,  and  after  repent.  Therefore,  my  Lards  and  Gen- 
tlemen,f  declare  unta  you.  That  as  I  am  willing  to 
fallow  your  Advice  in  the  annulling  and  Breach  of  the 
two  Treaties,  both  af  the  Match  and  of  the  falati-  ' 

tax.t\  fo,  en  the  other  Part,  I  affure  myfelf,  you  will 
wake  goad  what  yau  hirue  faid.  That  what  you  adrixfe 
me  unto,  you  will  afjyt  me  in, '  with  your  Wifdam,  and 
Council,  and  Farces,  if  need  require. 

I  pray  you  have  a  charitable  Opinion  af  me,  as 
you  are  to  have  ^>f  a  King  who  hath  ft  long  ruled  anct 
gtvemed  over  you  ;  and  I  may  vaunt  myfelf  thus  far  ■ 
to  have  dtne  it  with  Juftice  and  Peace  :  But,  as  I 
-tald  yau  befare^  all  my  Forbear anct  hath  hetn  for 
H  3  fparing 

Ii8  The  Parfiame^af^  "^if-m^f 

Jfl.  xjjimat-Aaring  ihe  Effufun  tfChrifitim  ^kid*  1W<',  *?  *fc 
■  '*»?■  ^  M_/5  imdfrohabU  Way  for  reeovfTm  the  paJa, 
tjnate  ftr  my  Children.  ft  fs  tTHfxJ  W'SM^'*  fi' 
long  delayed  and  payed  ■uiitH  Gtner^h^  thtj^-.f  Of/re  naf 
knger  iruft  xpto  ttietpj  ^hjch  qi^e  ^nc  enjoiij  ■ 
Bueiingham  to  make  (/}  4  partict^tr  ^eloi^n  tint9 
you  of  all  that  Buji^ejs,  ((ind  i  qptfur^  pifk  «B  Ad 
eatint  ■aiamuver  befaregiyen  jn  Parlotffieiit)  thif  iheri-c 
^  you  may  know  what  to  tfufi  to.  I  cenld)  fu  thi/ 
yafiy  have  rephtd  myjilf;  It^ift^  I  thufht  it  foitJd  na( 
6ut  be  both  a  Strength  aifd  JtoMifr  ta^  fo,  hfpif  t^t 
^dvlce  of  my  PeopU. 

My  Lards,  in  the  late  Parliapttat-,  I  tktK  dtflare^ 
it  unto  you,  Thafl  was  refohed,  vflihmt  Refpe3  of 
Friendjhip,  or  Jlfatch,  or^liatfoeveTf  tohgvetheP^^ 
iatinate  one  Way  or  other.     /  hope  you  remfmifr  (t. 

God  is  my  Judge  and  Saviour  I  nevp"  tl4  ifl^  ether- 
End,  and  it  is' Pity  IJ^ojild  Hve  to  ^mve  <ifa  ^er 
End ;  and,  for  my  Party  except^  by  fuck  Mifffi  «( 
God  mtiy  put  into  my  Hands,  I  may  reetvtr  the  Px- 
fatinat^,  /  could  tvijh  never  it  haVf  been  itnu  I  am 
eld,  hut  mine  only  Son  is  young,  and  I  will  prompt 
fir  myf elf  end  him  bothy  that  no  MeOHjhaU  be  H,mJe^ 
for  the  Kecavery  of  it.  ^"^  this  I  darefiy,  as  old  at, 
f  atx,  if  if  might  do  good  to  tie  Bn/jt^y  /  ojfuid  ga 
in  my  own  Perfon^  an4  think  pty  %Aht,ur  ^ad  Treivet 
well  he/lowed,  tho'  I  ^oul4  end  wy  liayj  thfre  :■  Far 
if  Ifiould  fpare  any  Means  p^\hl(  fir  the  Rutytry 
tfit,  then  Ut  me  be  thought  nofv/orihyp  reiga  over 
you  i  andy  in  good  Faith,  /  nfver  r^ol^d  tf  livt  wilit 
ether  Mind.  And,  IwHl  f^  ^fre^tbtr^  Vfotneven^ 
arij  Enemy  if  my  Ssn-in-taw,  .v^ith  whom  I  talt'4  ■ 
of  that  Btf^efs^'  or  any  that  tW  /  /p^  ^t^  *f 
\he  fame,  which  'did  noi  fay,  dn4  cpnfejfy  /  h^d  Rea^ 
fin  to.  have  the  Palatinate,  one  Way.  or  ttbtr;  vferf 
phen  they  fay  that  it  is  good  RMfin^  at^  i/}eimfehn\ 
allowed  it,  it  is  a  good  Spur  to  ipe  t^  thin^  ""it. 

My  Lords  apd  Gentlemen^  thuf  f^r  ^w*  f^V-- 
fehes^  J  will  ^0  chearfiflly  ^ut  it, .  (4  frtpare  a0  . 
■         „        thi^gt 

(t) -In  Rif/twwi  thui :   TnS  mmk.  ttatirbutK^twi  err,  TN 


/ENGLAND.-  119 

ft«yf  ffffUt  fvr  it;  and  as  ysubavtpnai  wu  tbi  tm.  siJumiI. 
HMOiUf  fi  wiiil  tmplay  them  touiard  it.  ,*^}* 

la  lie  ntxt  Dtgrtty  I  hipe  jm  vnli  tMtti.  if  me ; 
hn  that  I  ieavt  to  yaur  eton  Cmmfel  and  Canfidera* 
Urn  :  Bia,  Iprstefi  to  G»d,  a  Penny  af  thit  Maiuy 
fiiaU  net  be  beflovied  biii  aptn  t&is  fferi,  and  by  ytur 
nm  Caoumtten:  Atuiy  I  affitre  tayfelf,  you  wiU 
t^nA  xrf  me  for  a  douhlt  Reafin,  my  Citftsms  art 
Skely  tefaUt  \y  Ocaijmaf  the  fVat^j  attdmy  Chargn 
htereafi  j  but,  uitdertaUng  the  War^  I  mufi  go  tbr** 
with  it  w  Way  »r  tther,  though  Ifili  my  jfewels  "^ 

In  the  neiet  SeJJign  you  will  con/idtr  how  thit  hath 
hem  hu/bandedy  andj  according  to  that,  thni  vihat 
it  next  40  be  done  ;  and, it  wiUfptir  yen  the  mtrt  l» 
tnablt  me  for  the  reft,  vjhereef  I  ffeak  to  yak  bt- 
fuv.  J  will  clear  you  in  feme  Thingt  (fir  I  will 
wH  deal  with  you  in  any  thing  but  fairly  and  dearly 
or  a  Kimg :)  'Though  I  have  broken  the  Neeii  of  ihrf* 
ParHamMtlty  me  ^ttr  another^  I  h$pe  that,  in  thit 
Parliament,  you  pall  be  fi  refilved  of  the  Sincerity 
if  ay  Heart,  and  of  your  Duties  and  Affe&ions^ 
that  tbisfiiall  be  a  h^fy  Parliament,  and  mate  m$ 
greater  and  hi^ier  than  any  Sing  if  England  evtP 


Inmy  lafl  Speech  /  frimfid  you.  That  I  acttfied 
ymer  G^eTy  I  would  fiUew  your  Adoice,  and  u/ould 
mat  e^ttr  hearken  to  any  Treaty  of  Peace,  without 
Prft  acpiaittting  yaw,  and  requiring  your  Advice  j 
#n^  /  tiiewife  promifid  nothing  finidd  be  fpent  of  year 
iibmet  bat  by  ytur  own  Cimmttets ;  But  I  dejire  you 
U  underftand,  that  I  mufl  have  a  faithful  fecret 
Gtumil  of  War,  that  mufl  not  be  ordered  by  a  MuU 
*'"**♦  {f*""!'  "V  ^"fiV"  f"^  *'  difcovered  before- 
hand) and  mo  Penny  of  this  Money  Jhall  not  he  be- 
Jiomed  hut  in  Sight  of  your  own  CommHeos,  Sul 
VAere  /  Jhall  find  twenty  th^ufand  Pounds,  of  teM 
tboujand  Pounds,  whether  by  Sea  or  Land,  Eajl  of 
Woftt  by  Diverfion,  or  olherwifi,  by  Invajion  upon  lit 
Bavatiui  ir  Brnperert  you  mufl  leave  that  to  your 




I20  TTx  Parhamentary  History 

Akii  JiuM  I.  .  A^rt  fturjihtt  wy  Jitiay  bitberta  wai  upon  Hepi 
W*!*  l3  have  gotten  it  without  a  War.  1  htld  it  hy  a  Hairy, 
hoping  to  have  gotten  it  bj  a  Treaty  j  hut,  finte  I  fit 
m  Certaintf  that  Waj,  I  hope  that  God,  who  mh 
put  it  into  yaw  Htart$  thus  to  advife  me,  and  into  m^ 
Htart  to  follrw  your  Advice,  will  fa  blefs  it,  that  I 
fiiall  cliar  my  Rtputation  from  Obloquy ;  and,  in  def- 
pight  if  the  Devil  and  all  his  Injirumtnts^  fhew  that 
I  never  had  hut  an  hetteft  Heart :  And  I  defire  that 
God  would  biffs  mtr  Labours  for  the  happy  RtJlitutiSH 
ef  rr/  Children  \  and  whofoever  did  the  tVrangt  Idt' 
Jerved  better  eit  their  Hands. 

• .  Which  Declaration  being  ended,  the  Houfe  wai 
adjourned,  according  to  Order,  fo  thciiift'Day  of 

On  that  Day  the  Lords  read  feveral  pi^Uc 
and  private  Bilb  ;  after  which  the  0uke  of  Suei- 
iagiam  informed  the  Houfe,  '  That  be  bad  htca 
to  t^e  a  View  of  the  Navy,  aa:ording  to  bis  Place 
AnoDtit  of  the  °f  ^^'g*'  Admiral.  He  told  them  likcwifc.  That 
preptnc^oni  on  he  had  Certain  Information  from  abroad,  that  the 
■.tbtH«tofSpan.  j^j^g  of  j^,'„  had  then  in  Readinefs  a  fer  greater 
and  ftronger  Navy  than  that  in  1588:  That,  at 
Dunkiri,  he  had  already  built  100  flat  Bottoms  : 
Tliat  they  had  taken'  many  of  our  Men  upon  our 
ovn  Shores,  and  out  of  our  own  Harbours :  There- 
fore he  moved,  *  That  fmce  the  two  Houfcs  had 
agreed  to  give  a  Supply  to  the  Affiftance  of  this 
great  Bufmcfs  in  Hand,  tho'  the  Grant  thereof  be 
not  yet  paffed  into  an  Af^,  that  the  fame  m?y  be  fo 
bandied  as  to  be  ufeful ;  which  wil)  not  be,  if  the 
Time  be  now  negle^ed,  or  this  Month  and.  the 
aom  overflipped  :  Wherefore  the  Duke  funbcr 
moved,  That  a  Meeting  might  be  in(lantly  prayed 
with  tji?  Commons  to  propofe  to  them,  that  ceN 
t^n  tnonied  Men  might  be  dealt  with,  to  dj(burfe 
fuch  a  Sum  as  was  requifita  for  the  preient  Ufe,  the 
Repayment  of  v/hich  to  be  fecured  by  Parliament,  ■ 
out  of  the  Subfidjes  intended  in  the  Grant,  accord- 
ing to  what  had  been  heretofore  done  in  thp  IJke 
Cafes,  Concluding,  T^at  he  doubted  not  but  (bme 


■tf  EN  G  L  AN  D.  iji   . 

Vwffitd  be  found  to  difturfe  the  fsune  upon  that  S&  An,  *  t  Juw  1^ 
curity.'  '**i* 

A  Meflagc  was  immediately  difpatched  to  the 
Commnns  to  inform  them,  That  the  Lords  had  a 
Biifinels  of  Importance  to  communicate  to  (hemt  ^J,*  V"^'  ^^ 
and  therefore  defired  a  fpeedy  Conference.     Their  regarjtrS^eSun. 
Anfwer  was,  That  they  would  attend  their  Lord-  p'y- 
fhips  Pleafure. 

The  Dulce  of  Buck'iHgham  ac<{uainted  the  Lords, 
*  That  the  Spamjh  AmbafTador,-  being  lately  at 
Court,  his  Majefty  bad  declared  to  h'tn  the  Dija~ 
lutien  of  the  ttiK  TrtatitSf  and  that  he  had  fenc  a 
Difpatch  into  Spain  concerning  the  fame.'  Tt^ 
Lords  agreed.  That  thefe  Matters  be  figni£cd  to 
the  Commons  at  the  intended  Meetiiig. 

The  fame  Day,  the  Committee  of  Lords  being 
returned  from  the  Conference,  the  floufe  received 
a.Meflage  from  the  Commons,  importing,  '  That 
they  had  taken  the  Propolition  made  to  them,  at  the 
laft  Meeting,  into  ferious  Confideradon  j  but,  be- 
caufc  many  of  their  Members  were  not  yet  conui 
to  Town,  and  the  Matter  is  of  fuch  Importance, 
they  have  deferred,  for  a  Time,  to  come  to  a  Re- 
folution  ;  but,  as  foon  as  poflibly  they  could,  they 
would  attend  their  Lordihips  with  (heir  Anfwer.'  ■ 

April  2,  This  Hay  the  Archbilhop  of  Canterbi^ 
[cported  to  the  Houfe,  That,  in  a  Committee  ap- 
pointed [o  examine  the  Stores  and  Aminunidons  oi.  ■ 
War*  fome  Speeches  had  pafl,    the  Day  before, 
which  concerned  the  Honour  of  a  Lord  af  thaf  TlwLorf  Tta- 
Beufi  i  and  that  the  faid  Lord  delired  Examinations,  JfXfei''" 
might  be  taken,  upon  Oath,  for  the  cJcaiing  thereof. 
Whereupon  the  Houfe  ordered,  That  a  Sub-Com- 
mittenftiould  be  conftituted  to  take  fuch  Exami- 
nations, and  the  Witnefles  to  be  iworn  in  Court. 
The  Lords  alfo  ordered.  That  the  following  Of- 
fcers  of  the  Crown  {hould  be  fent  for,  to'  be  exa.' 
mined  on  Qath,  relating  to  this  Affair,  viz.  Sir     ■     ■     " 
Udward  IVardQur,  Clerk  of  the  Pells,  Sir  Robert 
f-fty    Sir  Raheri  Maunfen^    Sir    Tbtmas   DaUifan^ 
^.Ridjord  A^rrifittf  Sir  '^hn  KeytSf  Sir  Arthw 
..."  '  .     "  /"- 


Ill  ^tbe  PapUameMary  H  i  s  t  o  it  r 

*.  **Jw»t  Jngrmi,  SMThmms  Coti,  Sir Tfcirtw  3Amj,  Cleit 
***J-  ,      of  the  Ordnance,  airfSir  John  Male. 

jtpril  1.  After  reading  fome  Bills,  the  Lorda  re- 
ceived ft  Mefl*^  from  the  ConHnoiw  to  this  Efiefl ; 

*  That  they  ddfired  a  Conference  with  their  Lord- 
Ihips  about  a  Petition  they  had  drawn  Bp  to  be  pre- 
fi»ited  to  his  M»efty,  touching  Pefii^  Kecufantt, 
to  which  they  defired  the  Concurrence  of  that 
Houfe.'  Hereupon  a  Committee  was  ai^ieinted^ 
uid,  bdng  returned,  the  Petition  was  r^  to  the 
whole  Houfe ;  but  their  Lordfliips  took  Tioie  ta 
eonfider  of  it,  before  they  would  come  to  any  Re- 
folution  about  it. 

Ths  next  Day  this  Bufincb  wu  refumed ;  uid, 
to  the  end  the  Zx>rds  might  mors  freely  debitt  the 
Matter,  the  Houfe  was  a^oumed  ad  Ltbihim,  the 
Lofd  Keeper  r«noving  to  hii  due  Place,  on  rite 
Earls  Beach  :  And  die  Preface  to  die  Petition  be- 
ing again  read,  the  Lords  debated.  Whether  a  fltort 
Induoion  was  not  fitt«r  to  be  ufed,  that  the  Rea- 
fbns  for  the  Petition  might  be  a  Part  by  itfelf,  and 
not  delivered  at  all,  unlefa  his  Majefty  demanded 
the  fiune,  as  was  ddivered  in  the  Adnce  to  the 
King,  the  5th  of  i4areh  laft,  to  di0<dve  die  two 
-  Treaties.  The  other  Parts  of  the  Petition  being 
klfo  read,  it  was  debated.  Whether  any  man  was 
lequifite  to  be  defired  of  his  Majefty  dian  the  Exe- 
cution of  the  Laws  now  in  Force  againft  Recu- 
^ti,  left  it  fbould  be  nM&d  they  were  beginning 
a  Perfecution ;  but  they  came  to  no  Re^ution 
about  it  at  this  Time,  only  agreed  to  defer  the  fiir* 
-tber  Codrideration  of  it  till  next  Day.  ThePeti- 
tioa  itfelf,  as  drawn  up  by  the  Commons,  followft 
in  theft  Words : 

A^  it  fkafe  yuir  i^Ji  BfctUtnt  A^tftfj 

*  ¥T7  E  your  Majefty's  rooft  humble  and  loyal 
-^  Petition  *   ^^    Subjcas,  the  Lords  an«l  Commons  in  tnia 

£2^  Ren-      *  prtfent  Patliament  affembled,  having,  to  our  ftn- 
tv^,  '     *  gular  Comfort,  received  your  princely  Refol«i 

*  tioi>>  upon  ouJT  hwoblc  FetHioo,  to  <w>lve  dtt 


^  E?N<J£.  AND.  ia5 

'  and  having,  pi^  ^ar  JParta,  with  all  Aleoity.  and         •*)• 
'  KwadjinJii,  tiwnUy  ofleied  our  Affiftuics  w  ytoiir 

*  Mi^<%  (9  ^ntltin  the  Wu''w)}icb'inaf  enSui 

*  tl^craipo!) ;  .YxCi  .vitb&l,  feti&iiy  fiading  w4iAt 

*  Sf  i}idofis  tni  tnthfirow  Pofitioiu  tbole  Jncehdia^ 

*  n«s  oJF  ^«ny,  wkI -piiifeftil  SJiginssof  £jhi»t^the 
'  Pric^  9n^  jQAiJts,  linCvfe  into  TOUT  natunl-^Mtm 

*  $i4^j^]^vt)M  NiMnbera  ttwyium  fedund,  and 
--dp  44%  fB(U)C4,  tQ  nofcc  their  OtpcB^ct  on  the 

!.  «&I)t^Hus  to  yMir  M^cAy  Ai»r  Ciege  Lord) 

*  wh^r  d»ily  Re&irt  ef  PrUiU  anj  fc^^it*  '""^  7°"^ 

*  KiOgdtme  I  whfU  CtMKourja  of  i'l^jj^  AiKuuBU; 

*  4Bi|cii  inofv  than  ufual,  is  now  in  and  ibout  tb^ 

*  City  of  Ltndffit  i   what  Botdnels,  yea,  wlMt'Iii' 

*  toieiKy  Hatj  lute ^ifeovered ostof  the  Oiunioa 
*-  coqonv«d  of  iheii  fprcign  fWonagc ;  what  pu« 

*  blic  Sefoftto  MaSa,  and  odier  EkckuTos  of  die 

*  Pafifi  Raligicui>  in  thn  Haafes  ctf  bnign  A^aT- 
t  fiidon  dnHViis  c^tly*  to  the  gr^  Grief  and  0f- 

*  ftnce  of  your  good  Subje£bi  what  gw»t.-Pic- 
■  pa^atiow  are  made  in.%na,  fit-far  an.itrnfionj 

*  the  Bent  whtn«f  j>  sspFoba^k  to  beufron  fiund 

*  Partof  your  Maj«Ay's  Donioiona  a«  upon  aui^ 
t  o^er  Place  j  i^M  Eacoaragemant  that  aacf  oe 
'-to  your  £aanies,  nd  the  Enemies  of  your 
'-iCfomi,  to  have  a  Part*,  or  but  the  Opiiuoajof 
*r  a  Party*'  vi&in  your  Kingdomt,  who  daily  m-; 

*  crcafe  and  corabmc  dwmfelMs '  together  for  teC 
(.Purpoie  i  irttat  (tiOwaiteniiig.  of  jour  good  and 
'  Wing  SubjefliT  w^en  thBy-&aU/eeinope  Cmifd 
<  of  F«ar  ihMta-th^r  fidfe  hearted  Cauntrymen  af 
^h«ne,  than  fiDBa  Aeir  pnd^al  Advufiuie*  a-' 
^  broiid  i  «rl)at  aj^xtrenC  Datuers,  h^  God's  IVovir 
f  drtOE  and  your  Mne^y's  Wlfiktn  and  Gciodne6,* 
f  tht^  ttwe  irery  )atuy .  e&apcd,  which  Ae  loi^r' 
^  CoiitamnafiQ  i^ohthe(eTTcati«a,'up(M  fiidiun- 
'  firrinL  rgndirinnr,  frnnratddby  yau;  own  iU-af- 

*  fcOed  Suli^ada,  would  furely  have  drawn  upon 
f/ytntf  M^afiyi-indyQUrState;  do,  in  all  Hum-' 


^  124  5^  FdrJfhmekttuy  H  Te  t  d  R  r 

WU. a» jMiwi.I. <-hteitds,   ofer  unto'your  Sacred  ,Majefty  thde 
ic*j.        <  tjj^ij  hoinble  Pctirions  following :' 

I.  *  That  all  Jefuits  and  feminuy  Priefts,  and  all 
'  others,  having  taken  Orders  by  any  Authority  de- 
^  rived  from  the  See  oi  Ramt,  may,  by  your  Ma- 
-*  jsfty's  Proclamation,  be  commands  forthwith 
'  to  depart  out  of  this  Realm,  and  all  other  your 
'  Hig^ocfs's  Domtniotu;  and  neither  they,  nor 
f  any  other,  to  return  or  come  hither  a^in,  upon 
^  Peril  of  the  fevereft  Penalties  of  the  Laws  now 

*  ia  itaoe  a^inA  them ;  and  that  all  your  Majef- 

*  ty's.Subjem  may  hereby  alfe  be  admonilbed  not 

*  toscccive,  entertain,  comfort,  or  conceal  any  of 
f  ^t  viperous  firood,  upon  Penalties  and  Fotfei- 

*  tur«,  which,  by  the  Laws,  any  be  impofed  iipori 
»  diem. 

1  II.  *  That  yotn'M^efly  would  be  pleated  to  give 
*-  ftrei^t  and  ^leedy  Charge  to  the  Juflicesof  Peace 

*  inalTPartBofthiffKingdom,that{acC(Hdingtothe 
.    *  Lawa  in  that  Behalf  tnadc,  and  the  Ordefs  t^en 

l;b}r'yourMiycfty's  Privy  Council  heretofore  for 
^  iF^licy  of  State)  they  do  take  fron  ati  PtffJhRe- 
Vcufants,:legally{»tivi£lcdj-or  juftly  fufpefled,  alf 
^  fudv  Armour,  Gunpowder,  and  Munition  of 
*^^any  Kind,  as  any  of  them  have  either  in  thrir 
V'^vn  Hands,  or  in  the  Hands  oi  any  other  for 
\  t^m,'^nd  to  fee  tbe/ame  fafely  kept  and  difpoT- 
V-edaixrbrding'tothe  Law,  leaving  for,  the  necef- 

*  lary  Defence  of  -  their  Houfc  and  Peilbns,  (q 
*:  lAuch  as  by  the  Lxw  is  psefciibed. 

t  HI.  ^  Thatyour  Majcfty  will-pleafe  to  com- 
V  ouLod  all  i^^i^  Recuunts,  »td  ^1  others,  who,' 
y:bj  any  Law  or  St^ute,  ace  prohttrited  to  come' 
■.-toi  the  King's  Court,  -focdiwitii,  under  Pain  c£ 
*- your  heavy  EHfptstfiirc,  and  ievcxc  iExecutian  of 
*,  your  Laws  againft  them,  to  retire  themftlvefi,^ 
S'  their  WiycB,  and  families,  from  or  about  Lmt&ny 
*.  to  their  fovcral  Dwellings,  or  Places  j  by  your  Laws' 
*.  appointed ;  and- there  to  reiiiainjoonanad  widiin' 
*i  hye  Mdes  of  their  Dwelling-Blacas,  accordtag 
*~  to  tlte.  Laws  of  this  yout  Rc^tnt; .  And,  for.  tlukC 

^     ■    ,    ■    ,  *  Purpofc, 


8f  E  NGL  A  ND^  105 

Purpole,  to  difchugc  a]]  by-paft  Licences  gnmtcdAik  «■  JmmiI. 
unto  them  for  their  Repair  thither ;  and  that  they       *^*^  - 
preTuinc    not  any  Time  hereafter  to  repair  to 
Landen,  or  within  ten  Miles  of  Lpnderii  ot  to  fha 
King's  Court,  or  to  the  Prince's  Court  wheie-i 
(bcver.  .  .   ^ 

IV.  *  That  your  Migefty  wpuld  forbid  and  re- 
ftrain  the  great  Refoit  and  Concaurfc  of  yotin 
own  Subje£b,  tor  the  heuingof  Miifs,  or  qtb^er 
Exercifes  of  the  Rsmijb  Religion,  to  the  Hou(e& 
of  foreign  AmbaSadors*  or  Agents,  refiding  hete, 
for  the  Service  of  their  fcveral  Princes  or  States, 

V.  •  That  where  of  late,  in  feveral  Counties  in, 

this  Realm,  fome  have  been  trufted  in  Places  pi,  ' 

Lord  Lieutenants,  Deputy^ieu  ten  ants,,  Com-^ 
miffioncrs  of  Oyer  and  Terminer,  JuAJces  of 
Peace,  and  Captains  of  their  Country,  'which  ^ 

are  either  i'l^^/i  Reciifants  w  Non-Communi- 
cants,  by  the  Sp?ce  of  a  Year  laft  paft,  or  whid^  , 
do  not  ufually  refprf  to  the  Church  to  divine  Ser- 
vice, and  can"  bring  no  good  Gcrtificate  thereofV 
that  your  Majefty  would  bepleaffd.  t9<tifchar^  ,  .  .  .^ 
them  from  thefc  Places  of  Truft,  by  which  they.  ..  ,, ' ';  ,  .  * 
haye  that  Power  in  the  Country  where  they  live»  .  ,4 

as  is  not  fit  to  be  put  into  the  Hands  of  Perfons" 

VL  '  That  your  Majefly  would  be  pleated,  ge-'- 
nefally,  to  put  the  Laws  in  due  Execution,  Vhjch- 
are  made,  and  ftand  in  Force  againft  Popijh  Recu- 
fants  i  and"  that  all  your  Judges,  Juftices,  and 
Minifters  of  Juftice,  to  whofc  Care  thefe  Things 
are  committed,  may,  by  your  Majefly's  Procla- 
mation, be  commanded  to  do  their  Du^  therein. 
VII.  '  That,  feeing  we  are  thus  happily  deliver- 
ed from  that  Danger  which  thefe  Treaties,  now 
dt&lved, '  and  that  Ufe-which  your  ill-afi^^ed 
Subjects  m«de  itwreof,  would  -  certainly  havft 
drawn'upon  u^jahd' cannot  btit  forefeeand  fea^ 
left  the  like  may  hefeafter  .happen,.  »nd  imeviubly 
bring  f«ch  Fftril  to  your  Majcfty's  Kingdoms  ^ 
we  are  moft  humble  Suitors  to  ypur  gracious  Ma- 
jefty,  to  fecure  &e^  Hearts  of  your  gocd  Subje^ 

■,G(Ki'^le        -^ 

i2»  ^  i^^fflto^jrWs^b'eV 

ta:  Ir'JMttT.-^  W  tfi6  Uh^gefftcnt  of  yM^Sofaf  Wof(i  dift^ 

»•»!■'       t  ^^^  tjjaf^  ^n  rtd' Occafltsh'df  Mafria^tf  o^ 

*'Trt«y,  '(St  flfh^Rftiueft  in  itt«  fietisif'  frbta  ^t 

*  'fortigH  Pfiflct  Or'  Sfaiie  wKatfdfeVef,  ybli  Wilt  tiia 

*  offer  riadteh  The  'EiecQtiiJh'of  your  taws  agiitff 

*  /•««»!&  jRccufants.  ,  ,  '  '   ' 
*  To  willed  oar  litimttiPrffriortV,  proceeaing 

*  front  ouf  nioff  hivKf  arid  dfiyirtH  'ArfVaiaHS  tb- 

*  «ahf  Jrdar  Majdiy,  biir  Cart  df'out'  Ci»/ftUj'a 

*  Good)  and  oilfconfi(ffintPeKiHafidn' that  thii  Will 

*  mucll  advance  *he  Glory  of  Altftfgtity  Go.i,  the 

*  everialline  Horioui'  of  your  Rfajefty,  the  Saf^, 
'  of  foat  Kingdom,  and  the  EncoiiragetnehJ'  of 
•■  all  your  good  SubjCiJts,  wh'A  do  (ftofthuiribly  tie-^' 

*  ftech  four  Majerfy  to  vouchraic  a  gracious  An- 

•  fvfcf;'    ■  ■     ,  , ; 

..Mr;  RaJhtuaHh  ihthxIuccS  this  .teiitioh,  tft  hi^ 
^d/jVifftVflij'widi  the.followitig'tvetter'  fioiA  Kihg 
jWi  t6  ^cctzti^'CeWiva^  «fi>ut  it{ffj. 

ntKIa^>t«t-^  T t)oubt not  hiil  you  have  h'ara,  what  a Jisngtng  ri-^ 
temtbitOcn-X  ^■^■g„  aedin/tihe  Papifts,  ?*«'  iaiv^r  flba/J  (SAfl^ 
*"•  fent  to  the  Higher  fteufi  ihu  pay,  -that  they  might 

jtintly  prefenl  it  linta  me.  Te{\-ltneWy  my  firm  Sft- 
feltftionas  net  to  maie  thit  a  War  cf  Religien  -^  ehdi 
feeing  I  wiuld  he  letl'lo  )>e  Conycatched  by  my  .People. 
I  pray /lay  the  Pojt  that  is  going  la  Spdh,  (;?/  / 
tneei  ivtih  my  San,  who  will  be  here  Te-tnoffoVi  Ufafn'^ 
ing.  Do  it  iipon  Prtlexf  »f  foihe  mfrt'_  Lett&s  ye  arf 
to  fend  by  him  :  A«d,  if  ht  fiouid  W_foiu, '  bapn  af-, 
Ur  hlmiojlay  him  ufonfemifucb  Pretei^.  And  let 
none  livirtg  knovi '^ihis  asy9u'levt,me,    Aiidyh^i'i 

^f^agthi  SjMlIi  Dif^tittti,  rrtnntiwMtt  m  '«t  na^t  )tt*t.,^iA 
fiJl*  tTccrtiined  by  [he  AmbwiOr  of  tlifi  Jafiqli.     It  *VWm,^ 

dieiV,  t}iactiicDd»  <it  Bia;*^^  litt  SMM  ^- «^i  tim^ 

the  firll  qf  jifrit,  hvg  VHyi  before  thE  ContiiMiM  hid  defir^  ■  Cpaf 
firente  vl\fh  the  LOtii  about  then  Pi^riori;    AM  ttMflgft  Mr  ^(7- 

/bhitd«(«tJtthEChitd«f  Jlfril,  ttei»Kke«f  tUflAiuMaiMl 
«I  the  leal)  Inltnutlon  Where  thEy  hid  di«  C^  of  a  UtW  WTOMi 
frith  fo  |ieit  to  Ail  of  Sccttcj'  and  Troft> 


if  El  M  G  L  A  M  1>.  it^ 

Tf6§  m  At  Aptnrnn  TV-fRffYvw,  ytu  Jbattt  tM^Mtf  M.  if>M*lk 
Fmilf  btarfHm  m,     TttetnL  '"^ 



When  the  Lords  had  heard  the  sbove-mcntiooed 
Petition  I'cad  a  fecohd  Time,  tjiey  difpatched  Mdf- 
I&igerstotheCoWiirtonstoirtftwmtlieirt,  Thattbfcy'      ' 
hsatdkeh  it  into  their  Confidenition,  and  <lidho^'   . 
to  be  rcadr  hy  the  next  Day,  to  fend  te  dton  for  a'  -  - 

It  now  appears  viho  the  VcMt  Lotd  was  Whole' 
Condaa  was  objcaed  to  in  YeAer^'s  Ptttceed- 
ings;    for,  fome  Ordew  being  made  ffli*  Dayv  re-  ' 
hldtt^  to  the  Sittings  aT  the  CMAmittee  oa  Mbiii- 
tions.  Stores;  ftfir,   we  are  told,  by  the  ^titrnalf 
*e  Lord  TreAfer  fte<»d  utr  and  &id,   T&rf  *'Tfc.L-i  t 
iimddi^t  m  Fi^vtr  bkt  EffeMlitH  ;    and,  u4»i  ^^^mpuT 
fi^  hmtiMUt  ^j  Lordfiip  VMtM  fiinu  0  daHgertJu  it »  flat  *fi^ 
Phtt  Ceitfiiretj,  und  CmUmtien  agah^  him ;  ttfSft*,"*^ 
if  k  viatfmffierA,  ia  Aiait  tuitiU-  bt  th  Safttj  lA  Us 

Afrith.  Some  ptlbfic  and  ^iVkEeBiSsbeliitfMMI, 
de  Archbifhop  of  Ctnaerhury  ret>orted  AtOA  .tHe' 
Committee,  on  the  Vtffitioti  againft  R«ctt&Att,  9^. ' 
That  they  had  Otodtdlisd  another  Petttiotl-  out  oT 
the  ftmter,  wtiich  the  ComAOtis'  defired'  Ml^tf  bo 
Wdfefltterf  to  his  Majeih',  ibith  a-  &oit  Intrddt^on : ' 
Thit  their  LordAipa  had'  thought  fit  to  leWe'  <iut' 
tke  whole PrewiMe'of  ^  otfier,  with  dteRetfToKi ' 
A*  the  Tod  PetiBbn,  and  oiilytci  be  delivered  if' 
the  King  fbotird  deihand  if.'  .  Agreed  to  fend  a' 
Meffiige  t«  ttie  Cotnmons,  That  the.  Loitb  »«' 
ready  to  enter  into  *  dxStttnst  with  theffl  prfr<^ 
fimtly,  ifitAWwididteir  Gonremencci  Aneetl' 
alTo  to  inftiiin  the  CMntnoo)-,  That  this  Hou|b' 
^adi  hot  ahnedtbe  SubSmeevflAe  PttitfWi  from' 
thdrt,  bur  only  ebntnaicd  t^  "fiiiM  ', '  And'  dflto*' 
Oeir  Lordfli^  have  left  oOt  tli«' ReSAnv  lir  die' 
PteMiMef  jk  they  tbtillc  fit  td  hawtbem  ii  RciA- 
dinic&f  if  HNMajeftv  tetitilft  any.  ,'  ,    ' 

Kit  <^  iWuEtf  aiT  End'  n  tnft  BitniMRif  becsnin 
afi -Al6ur  ^  «  dificrent  Nttuc  ii  comiiig  oq.  which 


I2B  lie  Taf-Uamatiay  HiaT&RY 

Aa.  »i  Jmxt  l.will  require  aregular  Progreffion : — Tht  Lordtf  and  . 
iSi4>        Commons,    after  many.  Conferences  aboiit  it,  «C 
lengti)  agreccl.tijxi^  the  following  Petition  inftcsd 
of  the  former : 

"May  it  pleafe  your  Mofl  Excellent'' Majejty, 
Thtjoint  Prtiti-  '    j  T    having  pleafed  your  M^e&y,    upon  our 

r  B^'l"'"'^  *•  '    humble  Suit  and  Advice,  to  dilfeJve  both  the 
for  ExMuuon  of  ■  .  ■  j  ,-.       > 

the  Uw«  agiinft  .-  Treaties,  to  ^ur  groat  Joy  and  Comfort,  we  your 
jtruiu,  ic.  '  Majefly's  raoft  feithful  and  loya!  Subjefts,  the  i 
'.Lords  and  Cdfnmons  ^emblt^  in  Parliatnent, 
'  dp,  in  all  Hu;jiblcnefs,  offer  to  yoyr  Sacred  Ma- ,. 
'  jefty  thefe  two  Petitions  following ; : 
.'  f(fy?.  That  for  the  more  Safety  of  your  ^ 
'  Reaims,  and  better  keeping  of  your.Subjcfls  ia  ; 
'.  their  diie  Obedience,  and  other  important  Rea|bn^ ' 
•  "of  State,  your  Majefty-will-))?  pi^afed,  by  fi?lne^ 

-  .■  .  f  ; . .   -  ,  *  fuch  fcourfe  ,as  ytjur  Majefty  fhall'  think  iir,  ta , 
.-  *  give  prefeit  Order,  That  all  the  J,aws  be  put  iffy 
*'dup\£icecvi\ipii,,  t^at  have  been  made,    and  do.. 

*  (land  in  Force  againft  Jefuits  and  feminary  Priefts,  ■. 

*  gjidall  pdim- thai'h^e  .taken  Orders  by  Autho- 
*.,fily_jJerived  fromjhe  See  oi  Rime, anA  genCTally 
'  ^i^iiiJl  all  Ppfifi)  Recufants  j  and  as  for  difarnjr. 
*'  uig  them,  thaf  itmay  be  accqi;ding  to,  the  Law*,^ 
'.icnd  acconiing  ^fprmer  AiSs  and,  Directions;  pjf. 
*.State  in  th;  like  Cafe':  ^nd  yet,  that  it  cnay^ap- - 
*-.p^ai:  to  all  the  World,  t^efavo)|ir,iUi.4^effleaqn' 
*^yaur  Majefty  ufeth  towards  all  your  SubjeCtei-  of  ; 
'  what  Conditiofi  fQevcr }  and  tp- the  rbttent;th^,i 
*jjefuits  and  friefts,  now  in  the  Realm,  may  not: 
*..pretcnd  tobe  furwiled,  chat  a  foee4K  apd  certain., 
* .Vvf  may  be  prcm4^,j)y  yourMMefljj'jS.Pj^ 

*  fmatiop,  (t^or?,  Y^Iuch  Day  they  mall  depart  out'; 
*j^-of  ypur  Rqaln^-  ajid  all  other  yoyi;  .Highnefs^^, 
•^pmipion»i  a^  neithei;.th^-jior  any  other,. ;tOLi 
*-,retiw>  Of,  coone  ■Jii^i'^r;  again,  upon  the  fevercft; 
'.Pfn^ties  of '^he.Laws  now,  in  force  a^inft;; 
*,t!bon.^  aiui'thajt-.,^li  your  Majefty'^  S^bje^ta  b^y\ 
\  be  thereby  aim  a^^oniflied  ootto  reqei-ve,  e^-'j 
*,jtcrtaiff,  coinfpii^'.or,,cGi9'cea]^yof  ti^%  up^n 

4;>  , 


■  e'^   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  129, 

*  thePeiialtics  and  the  Laws,*"-  Mj'sml,- 

'  may  be  impofed  upon  them.  ""♦•    ■ 

*  Secmdly^  Seeing  we  are  thus  happily  delivered 

*  from  that  Danger,  which  t.'eie  Trt-auts,  novr 

*  diffolved,  and  that  Ufc  which  your  in-affciSed 
'  SubjcfSs  made  thereof,  w<«ild  cert^uuly  .have. 
'  drawn  upon  us ;  and  yet  cannot  but  forui'ec  and 

*  fear  leaft  the  like  may  hereafter  happen,  which 
'  will  inevitably  bring  fuch  Perils  into  your  Miijef- 
'  ty'a  Kingdoms,  we  are  moi^  humble  Suitors  to 
'  your  gracious  Majefty,  to  fecure  the  Hearts  of 
'  your  good  SubjciSs,  by  the  Engagement  of  your 
'Royal  Word  unto  them.  That,  upon  no  Occa- . 

*  Ron  of  Marriage,  or  Treaty,  or  other  Requifite 

*  In  that  Behalf,  from  any  foreign  Prince  or  State 

*  whatfoever,  you  will  take  away  or  flacken  the 
'Execution  of  your  Laws  againft  Jefuits,  Priefts, 
'and  Pepijh  Rccufants.     To  which   our  humble 

*  Petitions,  proceeding  from  our  mofl.  loyal  iind 
'  dutiful  AfFeiSions  towards  ybur  Majefly,  our 
'  Care  of  our  Country's  Good,  and  our  own  con- 

*  fident  Perfuafion  that  thefe   will  much  advance 

*  the  Glory  of  Almighty  God,  tbeeverlaftingHo- 
'  nour  of  your  Majefty,  the  Safety  of  your  Kiag- 

*  doms,  and  the  Encouragement  of  all  your  good 
*-Subjefls,  we  do  moft  humbly  befeech  your  M»- 

*  j^y  to  vouchfafe  a  gracious  Anfwer.' 

This  fecond  Petition  was  prefented  to  the  King 
by  a  Committee  of  both  Houfes,  on  the  23il.of 
April;  and,  the  next  Day,  the  Lord  Archbifiiop  of 
Canterliitry  KpOTted  it  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords;  and 
that,  after  his  Majefty  had  heard  the  fame  read,  he 
gave  them  the  following  mofl  gracious  Anfwer  to  it ; 

My  J^rds  and  Gentlemen,  T    , 

jfLthau^h  I  cannot  hut  umtKtnd  your  Zeal  in  offer~  _,       .    , 
■"  jnz  this  Petition  to  me  ;    ytt,  on  the  other  Sidi,  J!^^^"*'*  *^* 

/  cannot  but  hold  myfelf  unfortunate^  that  IJhould  be 
(bought  to  need  a  Spur  to  do  that  which  my  Confiience 
and  i)ttlj  hiiidi  m  unto:  What  Religion  I  am  <f 
my  Booki' do  declarty  my  ProfeJUon  and  Sehaviaw 
'  Vol.  VI.  r  '  -ditlf 

,L.(  Kittle 

13<S  fhe  ParUaiOentMy.  f}  t  s  1 6  *  *• 

%•  tiJiMiLdtthfiew;  and,  I  hi^i  InGH,  I  Jbull  twvtr  livi^ 

'* "**•  te  thtught  Bthervj'ife  ;  fiiri  I  a^  I ^U  never  deferyt 

it :    Andy  fir  my  Part,  I  wip  it  may  be  writUn  m 

Marble,  and  remain  fa  Piiflerity  as  a  Mark  ufen  me^ 

I  tuhin  I  fiiall fwerve  fram  my  ReHgtan  ;    for  bt  tha^ 

drth  diffemhie  with  Gad  is  not  ta  be  trnftdaf  Men. 

My  Lerdi,  fir  my  Party  { priieft  be/are  Gady  thai 
tny  Heart  hath  bUd  wtxn  I  have  beard  of  the  Increaft 
af  Popery:  Gadis  m/yudge,ithath  beenftuhagreai 
Grief  ta  Die,  That  it  hath  been  as  Toarm  tn  my  Efti^ 
tnd  Pricks  in  my  Sides  i  and  fa  far,  I  htn/e  been,  ana 
fitall  befram  turning  any  other  Wayi  And,  my  Lordt 
and  Gentlemen,  yeu  Jhalt  be  my  Confeffars,  that  if  I 
knew  one  Way  bettei'than  another  to  hinder  the 
Growth  of  Popery,  I  would  take  it ;  for,'  know- 
ing what  I  do,  and  beine  perfuaded  what  I  am,  I  « 
could  not  be  an  honeft  Man  ^d  do  otberwile  (x)/ 
And  thii  I  may  f^  farther.  That  if  1  be  nat  a  Mar- 
tyr, I  amfure  1  am  a  Confeffar  i  And^  infime  Senfe, 
I  may  be  called  a  Martyr,  at,  in  Seriptare,  Ktac  war 
ferfeeuted  by  Ifiunael  by  macking  IVords  (  far  never 
King  fuffered  more  by  ill  Tongues  than  I  have  dme^ 
and,  I  amfure,  fvr  na  Caufe;  yet  I  have  been  far 
fram  PerfecutioH,  far  I  have  ever  thought  that  n* 
AfiJy  more  en&eafii  any  Religion  than  PerfecutitHf 
according  la  that  Sayings  Sanguis  Marlynun  eft 
Semen  Ecclefia:. 

2^aw,  my  Lords  and  Gentlemen^  far  year  Fefitim^ 
1  iuill  nat  anly  grant  the  Subfttnte  if  tuhat  yett  erave^ 
iut  add  foTnewhat  mare  ef  tity  euitt ;  far  the  two  Trta-* 
ties  being  ah-ea^  annulled,  (as  t  have  declared  them: 
«  be)  if  nec^arily  foBnus  of  itfelf  that  which  yau  dt^ 
fire  J  and  therefore  it  needt  no  mare,  hut  that  I  da 
dtelare,  by  Proek/mation^  (whifh  Tarn  ready  ta  d») 
that  edl  Jeftdts  and  Priefts  do  Apart  by  a  Day  ;  ha 
■  it  canhat  be,  as  jeii  dtfire,  by  our'Preclamation^  ttlt 
oat  of  ail  my  Dominians  ;  fir  •  PrtdamatisH  htrt  tx" 
ttnJs  but  to  this  Kingdtm. 


(a)  la  Xtfiiwuti it  pmt that!    One  fftif  tr aia' ie  ttib  i«(sin 

Dtfin  U  binder  tbt  Grmtb  if  fff^TJ  i  vi  I  fm!d-Mt  tt 

Ma,  •fJfieiUtavidnHntimijt, 


Jjlif^'Ji  n^tti^  gi'titir  Ciraitts,  is  het  tht  ftmu  ****• 
fiim^if  J^  fatting  tM  ihr  taw  in  Ziittutiin  againji 
jtHufanfty  as  tb^  ivetr  wont  to  da  hrfori  th^  Trea~ 
iiis\  for'the  Lewi  arejiill.ttt  FarUt  and  Wire  never 
iSjfliAfia bniS ^.Tkt:  Gti,  it  il^  7»^f »  '^O*  "w* 
i»rt«r  jjEr  iraenHfd  6y  'ike  j    >«(,  as  I  md  pu  in  tbt 


..  -  --        .  _^_ -..  ,, .- .-  I  ntedi 

Mtlti'ng'  Ktf  )^  Det&raien  j  pnd^  fir.  the  tSjarming 
'^  timi  tfrf  (J  ttfreai/f  [prtvided  fox]  hy  tUle  Lawu 
Vttdfii^  it.i^ni  h  yid  iefred:  Andmre,  IwiH' 
Uit  O^Af  pr  ike  J>ameflil  bifirder  of  the  r^orting. 
''X'tiif  $ilji£it  h  dUfireign  Amha0mrs  \  fir  tiiil 
imtl  a^fi  lehh.  mf  Comcil  hew  it  may  it  iefi  rifgnti~ 
iai  Jl.i!.Mie  thai  the  Mou/ei  fff  JmiitJSdBrs  are  pri', 
vikge^ptxeii-;  df^theugnthncannBtiah  them  oHiff 
ifcir  Hiufif;  Jet  'Hje  hard  Mayor  and  Mr.  Rtcarder 
tf  London  Ai)>  take  fgiiu  of  them  ai  they  cenu  /rent 
aeiicei  dtt^tmAe.  thai  Exatt^r.  Amxher  Pirn  I 
vfHt  add  cUfcernhtg  the  Edtiation  tf  their  Children ; 
1^  which  1  have  ha4  a  ^ncipaf  Cai-e,  at  r/ty  Lord  of 
CaJiter^my,  ^^eBi^^^Vi'MvA^^T^jandt^hef 
itrdt  ^  mytawn^l,  [and;  indeed,  all  my  Goimcil] 
lite  ^ar  nie  tuitri^Sy  with  whom  /  have  advi/ed  about 
yi/isBtiJimrsiJ^-,  inmdFaithi  H  it  A  Shame  their 
fj^idrtn'fio^  1^  Pred  hire'y  ds  if  they  were  [brought' 
tip  m.Madrid  or]  ai  Rome  i  So  I  do  grant  net  enhf 
fair  ^efkc^  itatlurt.  Im  firry  twas  netthefirji 
Mnhr,  of  iiie  yo«  ;  tUt  had  yag  net  dine  it,  t  weuid 
fete  dtne  it  tnyfi^. 

.  l^uf,  fir  the  ficotid  Fart,  of  your  Petition,  yeti. 
kmit  firt  pvm  me  the  heft  ^dvice  in  ihe  P^orld ;  for 
h  it  ^^^the  Rule  of  PPifdem  thai  d  King  /hould. 
fyfffT  aay  of  hit  Siibie^t  to  be  holding  and  depcnd- 
n^  cUi' ally' other  Pritlce  than  hinlfelt}  for  what 
bttb  aoy  Khlg  to  do  with  the  Laws  and  Subjects 
of'  MKIttief  Kiflgdditt  (V)  i  Thertfore  ajftre  yeur- 
,  ,      I  a  fehet, 

(jfi  Ik  Jb>Mnd. Jttti  ^e»/jp^itiUmi  h  ^  t<i*>"4h  'f 


i^z,  The  Pariiamefa^ary,  Hi  ST <tM.r 

A,.  11  Jimej l.y*c^«^  th0.  By  iht  Grace  if  Gtdy  1  tutQ  he\citf^l 
•"»♦•        tbatnofuch  Conditlom ,  be  faifled  In  upon  any  ether' 
Treaty  ■uihatfoever  ;  for  it  it  Jit  my  SubjiUs  fioaid 
Jiand  or  fail  by  their  own  Laws. 

-^^,  .  ■'fpril  8.  We  now  begin  with  an  Affeir  of  aWry 

pinftih^^Uf  cj^^i'^ordinary  Nature,  ■  wherein  one  of  th'e  princi-; 

lAiMitfa,  Lord  pal  Officers  of  the  Crown  was  charged- widi  Very, 

Hi(kTreafuiCT.  high  Crimes  and  Mifdemeaiiors ;    which  Inftance,;. 

with  fome  forc2oi,ng,   evidently  {hews.   That  no, 

^an  was  then  fo  gteat  in  himfeJf,  or  fo  powerfully 

fcrepiied  by  the  Courts  but  a  Parliamentary  Enquiry 

would  reach  bim.     We  fliall  make  no  Apology  for 

the  Length  of  this  Trial,  fmce  the  Rarity  of  ic,  and 

ax'traordinaj-y  Incidents  in  the  Proceedings  therein, 

niuft  recommend  it  to  the  Public;   elpecially  ai 

neither  Wilfan   nor  R^Jhwarth  have  gi\^  us  one 

Cn'gle  Word  of  this  Matter,  nor  any;Other  Hifto- 

rjan,  excepting  Sir  IViUi^fn  Dugdaie,  -hy  a  flight 

.  Note  upon  it  in  his  Bannage  ef  Eiigland. 

■.  The  ficft  Notice,,  i;lie  Lords  received  from  the 

Comjinons,  of  this  Bufmefs,  was  on  the  8th  of  J(ftW/, 

when  they  received  a  Me(&ge  from   them  to   this 

.    m^a-.    .  _     .  ■       , 

.  ?  That  whereas  they,  Yeflerday,  fei^t  to  defire  a 
Qonrcrcnce  with  them,  fqr  the  hetter  accommo- 
dating the  Bill  of  Monopolies,  to  be  this  Morning 
^  mne,  which  their  Houfe  intended  ta  have  done 
accordingly ;  but,  that  now  a  great  and  weia^ty; 
Affair,  as  ever  yet  came  before  them,  intervenmg  i 
^nd  many  of  their  Committee  being  employed 'in'  . 
ihe  Examination  and  Enquiiy  t'herCof,  who  wer* 
formerly  appoi;ited  to  attoid  their  Lordflyps  at  thii , 
Conference  j  they  humbly  -defire  to  be  fpar^'  at 
this  Time,  and  they  wtl]  attend  at  any  other  which. 
(heir  Lordfhips  Ihafl  appoint.' 
\  April  ^.  The  Houfe  of  Lords  being  rtoiiiided  of 
the  Words  ufed  by  the  Lord  Trealurer,  ^pril  ^, 
of  a  dangerous  Platy  Confpiracy^  and  CctKiinetim 
ogain/lhim;  and  bccaufe  the  Words  were  doubtful 
&nd  generally  fpoken,  his  Lordlhip  was  required  to 
Biune.tbe-rartiea '^t  h^  lb .ccmbutcd  and' c«n- 
■■     fpirc^" 


of  EN  G  L  AN-D.  ■      '  13J 

J{Mred  againA  him ;  for,  otherwifc,  an  Imputation  Aa,  m  Jim«  I- 
might  reft  upon  that  Houfe;  orfome  of  the  Mem-;         '^*** 
bers,  there  being,  at  that  Time,  a  Committee  on 
Munitions,  flfr,  fublifting, 'who  had  taken  Hvers 
ExaminaticKii   concerning  .Ms  Lordlhip  as   Lord 
Treafurer.  ' 

Whereupon  his  Lordfhip  flood  up.and  cl^red  the 
Houfe,  abfolutdy,  from  aiiy  Cojnbinatioji  at  afl 
againfthim;  and  he  further  proteiled,  at  that  Time, 
diat  he  did  not  name  or  mean  any  Member  of  th^ 
Houfe  ;  which  Proteftation  he  reiterated  to  them. 

Nothing  nlore  occurs  of  this  Matter  till  JpfU 
(he  raih^  when  a  Melfege  came  from  the  Cor)%  < 

mons  titf&fe  Lords  in  order  to  put  ofF  the  inteiided 
Confertnce  again ;  beca'ufe  they  faid,  That  a  LoriJ 
of  that  Houfe  had  defired  to  he  h^ard,  by  hif  Coun^ 
fel,  m  theirs,  in  Ac  Afternoon  ;  rsrhich  they  had 
yielded  to.  -  ■       .  '     ,-      '  '\ 

■  On>tbis  a  Motion  was  made, to  confider,  th'a^ 
it  might  trench  deep  into  their  Priviieges,  fof  a 
Lord  of"  that  Houfe  to  anfweran  Accufatioft  in  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  cither  by  his  Counf^l,"  or  by, 
fending  hw  Aiifwer,  iii  Writing.  But,  upon'  the 
humWc  Reqiteft  of  the  Lord  Treafurtr,  the  Hbufe 
gave'him  LeaVe  to  fend  hisAhfwej  to  the  Com- 
plaint of'AeCommons  If  he  pTeafed.  However,' 
aa.Oniefi  was  made,  TTial  rm  Lird  of  thai  Houfe 
^ii,  htreafter\  withut  IScenti,  anfwer  any  Com-' 
piaintiktM-HfufeofCf/TiminSf  either  in  Perfin  or 
by  his  Cattf^U^       ' 

/  T>Enr-jSe^rchbiftop.faf'-Gwi?lfr>ary  reported  to 
the  Houfe,  Thata  Committee  being  appointed  to" 
cbhljderAfttie  Stores,  Munitions,  &f.  fomewha;t 
\aA  happeh'ed-in  their  Ekamiriation  thereof,' which 
torched  itbe  Honour  oE  the  Lord  Treafurer; 
Whereupon-  the  faid  Lord'  defired,  that  the  utmofl! 
Trudi  ^ei«of  might  be  enquired  into  and  examirt-; 
ed.  Accordingly  Witnefies  h^d  been  fworri  here»' 
sud^  SahrCoijcimittee  appointed  to  take  -their  Exa-J- 
minations  ;  which,  being  reduced  into'Writing,* 
bis  Grace ddivered  to-be  read. 

I  3  But, 


134      ^  ^P^fiim^m  l?i5TfliRf 

4n,  a»  jflM^t  But,  before  that  y^  done,  -thelxir*  K(Wp^%- 
■  »?«•  "'pific^  to  the  Hoiiic,,  that  he  had  recBvedaPciitiQ^ 
from  Sir  Thomas  DalUfin,  delivered  uot»iii[fi  ^^.s 
Menifecr  of  thjs  Hoyifc,  iwli()  defied  jt  pight'  M 
Kad  t>eibrc  the  laid  |Uport.'  Wbtdi  Pct^ttOfiiii^ 
in  thefe  Words  ;'  " 

To  the  Rigtit  BoppMiable  tbe  Lords  Sptctt^  Ht4| 
Tejiipanl  ia  ^^lianiqit  u«(ihl<)d- 

The  Humble  Petition  pf  Sir  Tierrm  VaUffify  &>(( 
,  of  Sir  £0^^  Z)a/^yf'n,  Km.  and  ^art.  4^ceafed. 
jM^  K£  Je  £  M  there  «wf  on  Exammttnt  *5/*«* 
t'^  a  Committee  of  yata:  Heneuri,  UMttj-aini- tbi, 
X-otdsof  hh'  Jiaid.  Fathtr,  cnj^ttndMd  far  tuitk  m 
Lord-Trea/urer  ;"  whereupon  iberi  u  «?|  jtctatpft  ffvai^ 
ia  your  'Lordjhift^  ty  enf  Ma^le,  «  Sfrivettert  *H  bir, 
J^trdfiiip't  Behalf^  0/26,609/.  or  thereabuits^  U  hi, 
'ei  Mxyli,  reporteH.'  ""■■'"■'         ■    '      "  ' 

i^ey/f  for  Ipet  ihfs,  fttmmti  opi  bit  Mffbtr  ptrt^ 
torted'eut  of  ihnr  Mftatt  tbfrtin  by  bit  t'rrd^ip  fiii. 
\i  very  JmaS  JUrtter,  iy  etlgur  a/hii  Jlffi^ffifj  Ex- 
i*nt ;  arid  it  iaj>b.  tt  make  ^edr  "ip  j»ur'  JUerd^fr, 
ihat  t^ere  hath  tfat  heih  much  mare  lion  ^If  tb^ 
Sum  of  3;C,ooo/.  reaJfy^  inthtr  m'M>mey,'tf:  MMtft 
Worthy  givmfir  the  fa»tl>j  hii  Lir^finf  j  imd  ftr, 
that  tbefaidLanisare'i^fiir  greater  Vaiiti  a»4 
this  Petitioner  ou^ht.,  iif  all  E^uitj^  ifi  haw  the  Bt^ 
-  ifeft  of  ampouwiing  his  Fath^s  Debts,  tmd  the  Bt^ 
T^   that  fimii  aante   by    ^  Sw^lufiige  rf  fif 

Efiatt:      ■       ■"■■    ■'    ■"■  -"  ■   ■  -  "■     ■•'    '  "• 

He  msji  btfijibfy  defirtth  your  Henm-s  U  Jta^  tb»^ 
'  S-eport,   and  graitt  yaur  Petitiater  a  Ctpy'tf  thi, 

Jccount  before  •  the  fanu  paft  from  the  Ltr.dt  -vf  the^ 
Cominittee-;  and  that  your  Petitiiiter  majt  bf  alkto^ 
.  ed  to  make  Juih  jufi  Exctptlotu  tbereuhUi.  is  to  ibe_ 
hamcurabU  Lords  «f  the  Comtmttet  Jbail  fttm.  rek^ 
JoBaile.'  '  jfnd  ht  fhaU  tvtr  ^ay  far' ytiir  ift-" 
raurSf  &c.  ..    .    /        ,    ^ 

'"      ■  TliOMAS  pAIXiaOK. 

"  '  -      -  A  Mo-_ 

yENOLAND;  ijj 

A  Motion  was  made,  Wbethpr,  by  the  Orders  An.  « jin«» 
pf  Ac  Houfe,  the  hotdwTzeafunr  may  be  prefent         ■"♦* 
when  the  Rtpcrt  is  read ;  beckufe  the  faqie  con- 
cerns his  Honour  f  It  wiis  agreed,  That  he  might  be 
pcefent,  at  the  iiiA  Reading,  but  not  when  th9 
Ume  fliall  be  debaM  bf  the  Houle, 

Thtitt  the  Attorney-General  read  the  Report  « 

fit  St  ATX  tf  tbt  BusiKBSS  reftrrtd  4t  tbt  SuB- 
CouMlTTEt  Jir  MvHiTlOHS,  f^e. 

ON  die  ?8th  of  Jl&jr,  6  Jae.  1608,  a  Privy- 
Seal  was  directed  to  theXord  Trcafurer  anS 
Vnder-Trcaftjrer  of  the  Exchequer,  fiw  the  Tnne 
Mtig)  for  the  ifTuiag  but  fuch  Sunu  of  'Maaef 
pot  exceeding  60DO  /,  fer  Antum^  as  by  Quarter* 
.  pooks  {hould  appear  to  be  due  to  the  Office  of 
prdnance,  for  Wages  or  Provifions, 

*  The  AUewance  was  duely  paid  until  the  ift 
ftf  ^rtl  1614 }  but  then,  or  fliortly  after,  by  the 
pc&ult  of  Sir  Rner  DalUfin  and  me  Officers  ttf 
the  Excjiequer,  wxiAxy  fxjtaaa»  were  unorderiy 
made,  wiicreby  the  Ofice  was  unfiimiflied ;  and 
J)aOJJin^  who  had  received  thofe  Moneys  and  not 
lemployed  them  as  he  ought,  became  indebted  iq 
fttCat  Arrears  to  bis  Mzjefly.' 

*  Upon  Complaint  whereof,  in  Nevemttr  1617, 
^is  Majefiy  made  a  Reference  ts  divers  Lords  df 
^Counal)  who,  in Z>ffmi^  161^,  ictumed  un- 
der dieir  Hands  a  Propofttio]!  of  Supply,  efHmateii 
pt  54,078/.  8s.  id,' 

*  In  FtbrHory  i&ig,  his  Majefty's  Commiffion 
>ras  awarded  to  the  Cotniniffioiiers  for  the  Navy, 
whereof  the  now  Lord-Treafitrer  was  one  of  the 
chief,  to  liirycy  tl^e  Qffice  of  Qrdnance ;  Atid  theiu 
\n  Jufy  1620,  made  a  Rettfrn  hereof  to  the  Counc^'lt 
Wfth  their  Opiniofi^  how  the  Magazines  might  be  « 
fiiTniflicd  with  a,  prefent  Supply  of  13,640/.  14 1. 
fiia  id.  how  the  ordinary  Allowance  of  6000 7, 
ptr  AnnuTHy  might  be  reduced  to  3000  /.  and  how, 

W"  titftine-  (W   nytoy  unneceflivry  Charges,    and 

I  ^  «ti»r 

,L.(  Kittle 

I  j6  *JTx  Partiamentvry  History 

ji.  11  >inetl.  other  Means,  his  Majefly  might  have,, yearly  near 

,'**♦•         10,000/.     And  thofe  Propofitions  made  by  them, 

in  JUhhaelmas  Term    1620,    received  Allowance 

from   the  Lords,  and,  at  laft,    from  his  Majefty 

"      ,  himfdf.' 

■'  '  tn  December  1620,  the  Lord  Vifcouiit  Mart- 

iivUle  became  Treafurer  ;  and,  in  May  xblly  a 
Privy-  Seal  was  drawn  by  the  Officers  of  ihc  Ordr 
nance,  for  fettling  the  faid  3000 /.  yearly,  and  Tor 
i'ayincht  of  the  faid  13,640/.  1 4  J.  and  zd' 
But  the  Gune,  b^iiig  confidered  of  by  the  Commif- 
.fioners  of  the  Navy,  was  rejeiScd,  becaufe  it  fwerv- 
ed  from  their  Propofitions ;  and  fo,  the  Lord  Man- 
.deviiU  leaving  the  Treafurerfhip  about  Michaelmas 
1611,  nofhing  was  done.  In  Oiloher  1621,  the 
,EarI  of  MiddUfex  became  Lord-Treafui;ef,  and 
■having  continued  in  that-  Place  two  Years  and  fix 
"Months,  in  all  that  Time' none  of  the  three  £(la- 
iilifhments,  wz.  that  of  6°  Jacobi  by  the  dofniant 
Privy-Seal i  that  of  1 61 7  by  the  Lords;: nor  thay 
-of  the  Commiffioners  of  the  Navy  in  1620,  have 
been  obferved  }  whereas,  if  that  of  the  Commit 
fionijrs  of  the  Navy  (being  the  leaft  chargeable  to 
his  Majcfty,  and  in*  which  the  Lord-Treafurer 
'himfelf  was  principal  Agerit,)  had  been  -obferved, 
it  is  conceived  that  the  Stores  had  been  in  muc^ 
better. Cafe,  and  aCoiirfe  had  therein  been  fettle^  Co 
have  retrenched  a  needlefs  Charge  of  near  10,000  /. 
per  Annum,  as  aforcfaid.'  ,       . 

*  And  whereas,  in  JprU  162 1,  a  Contrafl  was 
'made  with  Mr.  Evelyn,  to  ferve  his  M^efty.  yearly 
with  80  Lnfts-of  Powder,. at  7  d.  per  Pi»und  :,  '^'he 
'Want  of  the  Payment  of  about  500  /.  a  iWonth, 
'.hath  deprived  his  Majefiy  of  the  Benefit  of  that 
Contract ;  which,  for  twelve  Months  of  thp  Time 
'fince  that  Contract,  hiith  been  forborn  for  Want 
'of  Payment;  which  twenty  Months  Proportion, 
if  it  had  been  kiv.eA  in,  there  would  have  been  in 
Store  at'tliJs  prefeiit  above  260  Lails  of  Powder, 
'befides  60  Lafis  of  Salt-Petre,  which  woiild  have 
made  80  Lafis  of  Powder  more ;  But,  by  the  Want 


„  «/   E  N,G  L  A  N  D.  137 

of  due  Paymfnt,  not  only  the  Store  is  unfurnilhed  in.  i*J*am 

xiffoconfiderable  a  Proportion  1  but  his  Majefty,  it  »'*♦* 

is  conceived  further,  hath  loft  the  Benefit  of  3  rf. 
in  every  Pound  of  80  Lafts,  which  hath  been  fold 
to  the  Subje»S,  amounting  to  4050/.  or  thereabouts.* 
*  And  whereas  it  was  intimated,  that  the  Lord 
Treafurer  hath  made  other  Payments,  lefs  import- 
ii^  the  Public,  to  the  faid  Office  of  Ordnance  for 
old  Arrears.;  which  havTe  a  Dependency  upon  an- 
other Point  referred  to  the  Sub-CoAimitlees,'  touch- 
ing the  Lands  and  Debts  of  Sir  Rcger  Dallifon  :  It 
appears  that  28  July  ibzi,  which  was  about  two 
Months  before  the  Earl  of  Middhfex_  became  Trea- 
furer, he  made  an  Agreement  with  .the  Officers  of 
the  Ordnance  for  buying  their  Extent  and  Intereft 
■jn  the  Lands  6f  Sir  Rogtr  Dnllifan  and  Sir  Thamas^ 
Mounhn,  which  they  had  by  Affignmenl  from  hii 
Majefty,  .for  a  Debt'of  13,062/.  and  thereby  his 
Lordlhip  did  agree,  fo  Ibon  Ss  conveniently  h« 
might,  to  do  his  beft, Endeavour  to  procure  from 
his  Majefty  a  certaiii  Aflignrticnt  and  Order  for 
the  Payment  df'the  Sum  of  8oco/.  to  the  Ufe  of 
the  Servants  ahd  Creditors  of  the  Office  of  Ord- 
nance, before  the  larf  Day  of  Navemler  ntxt,  for 
and  towards  the.Kijment  and  Clearing  of  all  fui^h 
Sums.of  Money,  as,'  l;y  the  Pay-Eooks  of  the  faij 
Office,  fbfiuld  appear  60  be  due  unto  them,  ovej 
and  above  the  faid  Sum  of  13,06a/.  And  his  Lord- 
lhip was,  before  tht  fame  laft  of  November^  to  pay 
them'  ko62/.'  and, 'at  the  Annunciation,  in  the  Year 
■  '1623,  500  A  and  ;  afterwards,  50b/.  half-yearly, 
till  the  13,062/.  tvere  paid:  But  his  Lordfhip,  be- 
fore the  prefixed  laft  oT  Nnvember,  becoming  Lord 
Treafurer,  did  fiot  procure  any  fuch  Order  01;  Af-  , 
fignment  from  his  Msjefty  ;  but,  by  'Warrarit  o^ 
the  firft -mentioned  dormant  Piivy-Stal  of  6*  Ja- 
'cobl,  did,  in  the  firft  Afichaebnas  Term  after  he 
became  Treafurer,  and  the  two  Terms  of  Eafiir 
and  Mtchatlmas  following,  (being  all  within  a  little 
more  than  a  Year  after  his  becoming  Treafurer) 
pay  to  them  9 1 31/.  of  Arr^s  due  to  the  Office  \ 
"'''■"'  and 


Iji  ^iPatHtmetttaj  Hi&Toftr 

L  ts  JuMa  !■  and  ha^,  at'  other  Times  luice,  paid  tg  dient  o^ef 
ffff*  Sum*;  whjdi  make  up  the  former  Pj^piefit  (^ 
'  19,034/.  8  J.  Iiii^  whereof  W23  paid  ^|)£?  the 
fej^inning  of  this  Parliatnctft  2480/,  11/,  ztf. 
And  touching  the  Payment,  which,  by  the  afofcr 
iaid  Agreement,  his  Lordfhip  was  to  maiie  untq  ' 
tfiem  of  hf!  Cfwn.  Money,  it  ;^^)eareth  that,  upoi| 
a  fecqni]  Payment,  thofe  paymcii'^  ^^^  ^"^"^  hiin 
arete  airdf^rged  ;  and^  ill  lieu  thereof^  bis  Lordfliip 
l^gncd  to  them  his  Part  in  the  Petty-Faims  <£  ths 
Wines  and  Cutrants ;  which  they  dtimatcd  to  ba 
worth  for  the  firft  ^o  Tears  i090 1,  per  Jtuitau 
9nA  for  feycn  Years  afte;:  1400  /.  ptr  Jntiumy  an4 
pdd  Pounds.  It  alfoappeareth,  that  about  tbefamf 
Time  when  he  made  ^e  faid  Agreement  mth  die 
Pfficen,  he~  bargained  with  Sir  "Thom^t  Mtiunfm  fbv 
bjs  Inflate  in  D^Sfatt's  t>ands ;  for  which  he  agreed 
to  give  hfm  3000 1,  ifi  Money,  thp  making  of  li^ 
Baronets,  and  fonic  fit  Suit  from  his  Majefty  wliei;^ 
$ir  ^T>ema3  could  find  \t,  This  3000  /.  V3fi  duly 
said  by  his  Lordfhip ;  and  then  it  was  agreed  th^ 
the  Baronets  were  not  to  proceeds  hut,  in  lieif 
(hereof,  his  Lordflijp  gave  way  to  a  Suit,  whiclf 
$iT  fiomet  made  tP  his  M3Jefty>  fo|^  the  Benefit  c^ 
compgundiitg  widi  th<e  Copy-holders  of  WaieStU^ 
for  reducing  their  Fineq  %q  a  Certainty;  which  his 
Jxtrdfliip  did  eHimate  at  2000  /.  and  prpmifed  hiiq 
jtirther  Recompence ;  yet  Sir  'thtmai  Maunfm  af^ 
&ms,  He  had  neither  Benefit  thereby,  no^  nirtbe^ 
jRecompence.  In  this  Bargain,  neverthelefs,  thers 
are  (boio  Things  byourahle  for  the  Lord-Treafui;- 
fr,  c^iecially  two,  ftrfi^  That,  by  this  Bargain)^ 
jiis  Majefly  is  fteed  ftoax  all  future  Demands  froo^ 
^e  Officers  of  the  prdnaocc,  concerning  the-Debt 
'     of  T3>^^  A  owing  by  DeU{&B ;  whidilus  Majeft 

feupon  the  affigiung  thofe  Extents,  had  cove- 
ted to  fatisfy,  in  cafe  the  IncuoibEra^tces  fiioul^ 
hinder  it^m  of  Satis&dionj  and  tlus  ;ipp<eareth  tq 
pe  true.  SicmJfyy  Some  tntiptat^  hath  been, 
tfiat  this  Bargain'  yas  no  Bargain  of  Advantage 
\m  «f  Lob  to  ^  Leid-Trcafiircr|  vf^  tb,cK« . 

I  few  ■ 


#  E  N«I.  AMD.  lif 

fne' niit'f*ioM4e  ittM  bcttiouUhKveiinjertAni,Aa.u,^llfq^ 

^JwJus  Mi^e^B  Service,  ind  die  Good  of  the       f*H< 

pficr.    An4  tqfidmig  Ais  Point,  itit^tearv,  by 

|Ebe  gMrf  T-«ftimony  ^  Sir  Tkmas  ^aS^n,  doL 

bdiareAe- Troubles  t>f  his  Father,  the  Lands  aj4 

IfOifts  beine  (tf  tbopt  Ibcty  Vc;^s  to  come,  boug^ 

»f  the  XionTTreaTtiTCrl  wererBfifetl  tt  1500/.  ^ 

jjfp^MRR,  Of  tlieresbcmts ;  wtwc^  tfie  Zjnfe-Lindt 

^lTc  ab)Mjt  30Q  /.  ptr  Amum :  And  that,  beti^  thi 

itecoBwdiKe^von  to  the  Officers  of  Ordnance  and 

Sir  SwMf  AAiutJiff  tfiere  is  «llow''d  to  him  and 

im  Mfitlief-  for  dtarifig  their  Intcrdfa,  200/.  p^ 

j4h>u^^'thar Lives:  But.Sir^Jjir  JW<»n«f. 

feretli  «^  l(«  die  wttole,  for  forty  or  fifty  Years^  or 

iwyadief  iwadehable  Time,  at  j  lOO  i.  ur  Ankwn. 

JM<  H  ss>peKrt;  br  ths  T^inMiy  of  faim  xnd  Mr^ 

"M^it-,  duit  4)k  Lands  were  incuitt'beted  w^  att 

AHmifty  fif  200  i  per  ^mtm  to  Mr.  $eMi^fitU 

for  Life ;  for  Which,  atid  the  Anexn,  kbou^  1 300  A 

|uth  ^ecn  given,  by  way  of  Gem0Dta.tion ;  ai^ 

^tfe  t^t&l.  ta  Mr.  SmA  fat  Life,  for  which,  and 

tfic  Arrears,  haA  bem  E^ven,  by  vtay  of  Compo^ 

fitkii, 'aboutthe  Va]o9^8caA  and  with  anKfr 

France,  on  Ae  fart  of  ^fi  Rich^i  Smith  9X\i  Sic 

|W»  Z>«vr,  for  whidi  is  to  be  ^ven  3000  /•  be- 

fides  many  other  Incumbrances  inot  yet  Drought  in. 

But  Cbe-Certainty  tttereof  appears  not,  nor  diat 

.^  of' tftem,  of  any  confiderable  V^e,  an  prcr 

wknt  t«  Sir  Ra^ ^>fBifii(s  bc^oaoog GSat' 

Tk$t  S^ptrt.  htai^  read,  Ae  Lord  TreaTurer  put 

AeHoiife  in  mind  of  ^e  Impuntton  laid  cm  him  by 
Sir  Jtfl^  Pye,  fotae  Time  fmce,  towhing  the  Ejc- 
ieat  of  Sir  Aager  D^lifirfi  Lands  1  and  iSsaX  therei^ 
Ubiitf  haS'defirad  Witncffes  to  be  &rtotk  inA  cxa- 
iua^f  and'he  hoped  he  had  luUy  fadsficd  thrir 
Xwdfiips'  tn'riiat  CauJe'.  'But,  as  for  any  other 
Matter  fe^tyig  ^o  ^e  prdntnce,  Munitions,  i^t, 
thty  never  came  into  his  Thoughts,'  aa  yet,  what 
J^*lfw«rtemBkei  wherefore  he  drfired  be  might  have 
i  ^:<^  tJiwcof,  ia  Writi»s,  >i'ilpj'^iberty  to  exa-. 


1^0  7^1  Farliamentary  H 1 8  t  b-R  y 

Aik  »2  James  I.  mine  his  Witneflesi.  and  he  would  anfwer  the  fame 
■*  ■  ****•.  fiUJy  in  Writing.  He  alfo  defircd  that  his  Aaion» 
might  not  be  examined  by  Pieces,  bat  totally  and 
together;  and  then, be  doubted  not  but  that  his 
Care,'touching  the  Store  for  Munitions,  Ci^t,  would 
appear  to  be  fuch  that,their  Lord&ipe  will  clear  hit 
Ifonour  therein;  This  being  faid,  theLordTrea-, 
furer  left  the  Houfewhilll  die  Matter  of  the  Report 
was  in  Debate.   ■  ... 

After  fome  Time  fpcnt  therein,  it  was  agreed, 
Xbat  another  Cconmitt^  fiiould  be  appointed  to: 
draw  up  the  Heads,  pf  a  Charge  againd  the  Lord 
Treafurer,  out  of  a  Brief  of  tie  lafl  Rffirtt  and 
Examiuahora  taken  by  the  former  Qotnmlttee. 
_.i^f  othing  was  done  by  the  Eords  -(except  reading 
^  palling;  feveral  Bills,  of  noCoi^fequencetO  thew, 
Enquiries)  until  the  ifthj  when  a  Meflage  was. 
'brought  from  tbe  Hpufe  of  Comicons  by.tbe  hotA. 
Gaveft4ijb,  and  others,  to  this  EtTe^ ;  ,  :  '...'. 
'  ,  *  That  wliereas  they  had  rec,eived  diveft  and 
(un^nrComplaintfagainftaMemberof  that  Ho«&, 
whtcn  are  of  high  and  grievous  J*I|ature,  they  deflr^ 
,  *  Conference  thereon  ti^  impart  the  fame'  to  their 
Lordlhips.'  This  was-agreed  tobytbeL«rds;  the 
pacci  the  Great  Ha3l!at/fl&/(fA«//l  -ftfld  ,tbe  TJihe," 
aj;;Three  thatAftetnoon.  .,,..,, 

/(pril i6.   T^e  J-ord  JCpapetr,  acfWSliiJ&toOr-' 

der,  reported  the .faid  Opiiferf nc^  bjMd.dw.DajB  be-: 

^re  itffTiitebiuJf  between  tbctwQ  Ho^fts^  ifltbia 

"    Manner ;     "" 

Heportof  iCflo-     -Af  this  ConfiHtncet  Sir  Mdwpr^  Cay;  *■  die 

fovnoebeiwRn   B«haif  of  the .  Commoi||Y  -'fliewed,  ■  *:That  thfe 

ct  ^M '.""  '  K^is)''^'  CitiMji^-piid  Burgpdes,  allsmbled  in  Patn 

piUftthcL!^    Uamcnt,  are  always  file^e^  ^c  Kiiigbts  by  .the 

TiwfurB.  Cou;itics,  theijitiaensbythceiweji^ndtbc  Biir- 

g,ejrcs  by  the  Burroughs  pf  this  Kii^om;    That 

your  Highnefs  a»d  my^Lords  do  enjoy.their  Flacci 

by  Blood  and  Oefcenl;}  fome  of  your  Lordfliipc  by. 

Creation,  and  the  Lords  Ecclefiaflical  ))y  .Succef- 

ilon}  but  the  Members  of  theHoufe  of  Commons. 

by  free  Eledion :    They  appear  for  Multitudes^ 

bfid  bind  Multitudes,  and  therefore  they  have  no 

" '      '  Proxies ) 

-^  E  KGL  A  ND.       ■  f4i 

PnAies;  lor  all  the  People  are  prefcnt  in  ParBa-^  mJmw 
ment  by  Perfrns  rcprcfentarive;  'aad  therefore,  by'       **■*• 
the  Wifiloin  of  the  State,  andhy  Parliaoient  Ordare, 
the  Commons  arc  appointed  the  Inquititors  Gene- 
ral of  th<!  Grievances  of  theKiiigdom  ;  and  that 
f»r  three  Caufes.* 

.  •  I.  Becaufc  they  have  bcft  Noticefrom  all  Parti       *  '     ' ' 

*  a.  Theyafetaoft  fenfiblc  itis.n<rt  yourLord- 
Hxips,  but  the  weaicefl;  Connnons  that  go  to  th« 
>Valls.'         ■  - 

*  3.  As,  in  a  natural  Body,  not  the  Difeafe,' 
but  the  Ncglea  of  Cure  kUleth  ;  -N"fl»  Morbus,  ft4 
Jfarii  wegUifa  Curatia  interficit;  fo.thc  long  Delay- 
of  Grievances,  Gerpui  Politiaim  intirficit ;  and  this 
would  happen  if  thay  were  not  itbund  out  by  ths 
Commons.'  ' 

,  *  In  thrir  InquiHtion  they  met  with,  what  they 
feuce  ever  found  before,  many .  great  Exorbitancies 
V)d  heinous  Offences,  againfl:  a  Member  of  thia 
HquIc,  the  Earl  of  MiddUfix,  the  Lord  Treafurer  j 
%nd  they  found  him  guilty  alter  a  Jlrvige  Manner ; 
^r,  in  all  their  Houfc,  not  oat  Man  UiA  Ne,'  buC 
<oncl^ded  ag^oft  him  Ntmim  cffntradicenti' 

That  Sir  Edward  Coke  faid  further,  »  The 
^Hilc  had  appointed  him  to  prefcnt  three  Enormi- 
ties to  their  Lordships,  much  againft  his  Mind ; 
Others  being  far  more  fufficient, .  as  well  in  regard  df 
^s  great  Years,  as,  of  other  Accidents  j  yet,  bt  , 
'  £ud,  he  would  do  it  truly,  plainly,  and  Jhortly.'    \ 

*  There  were  two  great  Offences  in  general,  whidi 
they  had  diftfibuted  into  two  Parts;  one  of  wfiich 
Qtould  be  reprpfented  by  him,  and  the  other  by  hir 
Colleague,  That  which  he  fliould  fpeak  to  was  to 
confift  of  two  Charges.'' 

.  *  They&j?,G?ofB  and  fordid  Bjibenr.  Tbc/«fl*ia; 
For  procuring  t{ie  good  Orders  of  the  Court' of 
Ay  ards  to  be  altered :  For  that  this  was  done  by  h\» 
principal  Procurement,  to  the  Deceit  of.  the 
K^gi  OpprefHon  of  the  Subjei^  and  the  Enrich- 
ing of  his  own  Servants.  He  would  begin  witR 
^efcn^ng  to  their  X^rdflups  .the  Bribery.  Hero 

''***  fmu;  GkkcviUhiKE^j:  &)r€iicaijiftuK«m  Thhigi^ 
fe  £ttdt  wareitfcs  Shidbm  to  Pi£hi«s)  ta  fet  i^etttf 
wt'm  Mia  Rc^efiditatiotn  i  but  h««lit'  h6  ph>£ 
Ini&L'tt  bbfeiw  ikflM  "Siitfikic. 

^  J^"**!.  D  cernpd  fais  Skill  properly  whifch  Wras  Kfoiclto* 

KlSr<l0e)^I<«*^<>f  the  Subfiayabi  laipcrfEt  o£  (h^ 

Gohik  fniiu^WntttwUlcttt&lbaPJB«Krt«ftltt?Htt]|(> 

Fann,   jfniis   H  .  j^dr.  at  44,60b  /: .  ycarl]''  Uetitf 

Wd  fda  50,ooaA  Fihb;  with  a  Cw^aht  frdtil 

tiic  Kihg;  th«£  no mo^  Impoft  flioiildbe  lald^iu^ 

ilig  dieir  I>ea& ;  bccxtafe  tfaat  ^w]*  ^tflw  tlut'  ll(A 

'     Sopolt  would- cWBTtkrow  UieU  Traile. 

'  Yet  the  Fahnoa  wei«  hot  coittetir.  wltli  tMT 
Covenaht  for  tljeir  Money  ^nd  thdr  Tmle,  ('fit^ 
Maabr  IB  thels  Plbwj  anX  Trade  didr  Lift)-  tHew 
<te£i«  tlw  Addition  of  tbc  Ifing^s  Word  fbr  thS 
Cereikant.  Accradingljr  they  h&d  AceefV  ttf^  dn# 
ICt^^  and  ds  CovtBaat  ma  oohfiaaed'  asd  n»3 
geotel  by.  fatnv  T^r^  Jt^d,  id  die  PMlwice  of  ttu» 
bwd  Tieafurer.  Ttacil  di«y  dtoughti  tbcndkli'e* 
in  Tulst  anddnt  tb^  did  iii  Fef4»  lamg^  fi«# 
feHn  all  StnnbB  and  TempefEk;^   ' 

*  Bat  bdioUi  >M  iGai,  the  Arft  Thitig^  Hiji 
lirfod  did  in  his  Office^  wu  the  layiAgof  vM.  cjcttemtf 

inpcA-  of  %l.  f€r  Ton  upott-  the  A'Mcft  Witeu 
tttudi  the  King^  ^i  tvitx\  of  hit  CowHant;  coiM 
ttot^amlj&y'imAliofbisWwdi  WtmM  flat  Atftiy 

*  this  ltafi£v3Loa  ms  ^alnft  ^offiew  die  6<>< 
tenant,  and  dtelt<ffiour  of  die  Klfig.  The  Kii^ 
fitrely,  had  he  been  rightly  Mbrtn^  v«uU'  tove^ 
liavc  done  ii' 

*  tTpon  dn«  the  '  fiuik,  ahddK^  becatse 
Suitors  te  Mb  Lordfhip  for  Rdififj  for  teii  iSBatlS:^ 
together ;  but  with  00  SnccsA/ 

*  In  Aiiehathnart  1612,  they  petrtioned  MiLord^ 
&ip,  that  the  trade  vras  overburdened^  and  theio^ 
fclvcs  quite  undtme.     It  is  a  Rule^  that  a  GoBUno^ 

'  dity.  oretbttfdeaed  enncbetti  not  the  Kbi^  bui 

L.(KH^|C    . 

^Iiile  deftrmth  the  Tiadt;  hut  boeof  thejrhare  Ai>  Biitdn^ 
fcoSucceli/  *'•* 

<  Then  &ie^  pvfer  a  Bill  of  Ridit  a«uoft  the 
King  in  the  &afacquef»  becauie  M  the  nreach  of 
Covenant :  But  to  this  the;  covii  obtain  no  An^ 
fwer  in  Jtdiehaeimm  Teroo.  The  King'i  Attorney 
knew  well  enough  of  the  Bill,  but  could  nut  fof . 
his  Heart  devtfc  an  AnArer  fiu  it.' 

*  In  Decemier  21^  162a,  'the  Term  is  oit* 
fhey  axe  out  of  tiieir  Mone/i  and  tlie  Tradi  ta 
gone.  Tbeyrwpeaiy  theicfoiCi  to  the  Fountaia 
of  JuHice,  the  King's  Majefty.  The  King  is  very 
gracious  to  them,  and  uid,  G«d  forbid  that  tM 
Men  fixuld  hfi  hy  him.  }{»  inewn  othing  of  this,  it 
toat  the  Lord  Treefurer^f.  jiH  and  Devici,  And  lb 
his  Majefty  allowed  them  »  JDedu&ion  of  9500 1, 
to  be  made  to  diem  in.  nine  Yean  Time.  Well^ 
Ferba  fuM  bac  \  thefe  were  but  good  and  gncioua 
Words,  but  filled  not  their  Purfet :    Thejr  mufi 

,  have  a  Wamnt  from  the  X^rd  Tirafurer  to  pte 
this  Favour  of  the  King's  into  a  pubTic  Ad ;  andr 
tiiis  they  could  not  obtain  from  Diamier  to  tt|c  En^. 
of  ?(">'■  The  Men  underfiand  themielvas  vsrjr 
well,  and  loc^  about  them  how  this  Stay  comes  : 
One  of  them  tells  another^  The  Bufincfs  fltckn. 
my  Lord  looks  fer  Ibmewhat :  And  the  Man  waa 
ift  the  rig^t,  for  fo  the  Sequel  proved/ 

*  Five  hundred  Founds  Bribe  was  pail  to  Jaah 
for  my  Lord's  U(e,  and  ftraightway  all  was  well } 
the  Warrant  went  current,  and  all  wu  pa£ng, 

*  One  Thing  remarkable ;  This  was  takes  onC 
of  the  Fet^  Fannsi  let  down  uKthcir  monthly  and 
jeaily  Booksj  and  called  a  Gratuity  j^mj/Er^w  A»> 
tana  Culpa.  Scnne  great  S^ce  after  this,  therv 
Was  a  Voice  of  a  Parliament  (  Oh !  £ud  Sir  Edwatdf 
F^liaments  work  wofiderful  Things,)  Then  dis 
Lord  Treafuier  began  to  caft  a  Circle,  and  fitll  to 
his  conjuring.  He  calls  ugonjaah^  and  com- 
mands himto  transfer  it  to  tbcGrreatFarm.  Hoo 
tras  oblerveda  That  Su^rt^  Vtn  isj  io  Law>  an 
ArevBKltt  of  Guilu' 

?  Bert- 


144'  Tbe'^arUdmetttary  History 

ia.  la  Juiw  *■  *  Here.  Sir  Edward  alfo  obfervcd,  (in  a  Parert*' 
'6»4-  thcfisj  That  it  is  a  bleffed  Thins  of  thofe  that  love 
Parliaments ;  and  that  furely  thisLord,  of  all  others, 
loved  them  not;  becaufe  he  cafl  himfelf  into  dark 
Mifts,  when  he  fhould  meet  them  ;  Nefiio  qvid 
Peccati  portat  tfta  Purgatis.  This  argues  much 

'  Then  ht  nominated  his  Witneflcs;  which,  he 
faid,  were  withgut  Exception.' 

'  This  Bribe  is  proved  by  Hide,  Daws,  Bijhaf, 
and-by  Abraham  Jacob:  The  laft  is  a_Witnefs  with 
a  Witnefs.' 

'  *  For  yacab  blanched  his  Bribe  as  well  as  he 
could,  and  was  taken  in  three  notorious  Falfities.' 

1.  *  Beingcharged,  that  dieMoney  wasddiver- 
ed  to  him  by  Hide,  he  vowed  he  had  never  received 
itj   yet,  being'confronted  with /fii^ir,  he  confeffci 

■      it:— There  was  one.' 

2.  '  He  pretended  he  had  received  the  Money, 
bnt  gave  his  Bond  for  it.  Hide  affirming  to  his 
Face,  the  Bond  was  for  other  Money,  and  no 
Bond  at  all  for  this;  then  hclikewifcconfefled  thisr 
-There  were  two.' 

3.  '  He  faid  he  never  had  any  Warrant  to  enter 
the  fame  in  the  Petty  Farm ;  yet,  afterwards,  he 
avowed  he  had  : — Arid  this  is  the  third  Falfityi*- 

*  IJere.Sir'  'Edward  obfcrved,  That  yaceb  was* 
my  Lord's  neceffary  Creature  and  petty  Chapman, 
and  had  a  Son  that  was  his  Secretary ;  and,  becaufe 
hewas-a  Jacahi  that  is,' a  Siipplanter,  he  defired 
their  Lormhips  tg  take  good  care  of  him.' 

'  About  the.  Beginning  of  this  Parliament  my 
Lord  fent  for  ihhyaeoli ;  alked  him.  If  he  had  en-' 
tered  this  Monev  m  the  Petty  Farm  ?  he  faid,  Yea. 
Then  (aid  my  tofd.  Go  aboUt  it  prefently,  and 
fee  that  the  Cfecquets,  and  all  Things  elfc,  be  fup- 
prefled  in  the  Petty  Farms,  and  that  this  Money  bp 
removed  to  the  Great  Farm  ;  for  I  would  have  all 
hid  and  fuppreffed, '  Here  Sit  Edward  obferved. 
That  fordid  Bribery  is  like  Adam,  and  would  fain' 
get  fome  Fig-Leavesj  if  it  coiild  teH  but  where  to' 

■     '    3  «  Up©9 


-^HN  G1..ANB.  I4J 

t   *  Upon  th^Dclivay  of  thi?  Charge  l»»  Was  Je-  An.  it  J»»m  : 
Bred  by  his  Friends)  to  the  Lord  Treafurcr*  they,     "  **'♦- 
of  the  Houfe  of\Cominons  cxpeAed  an  Anfwer  of 
fame  rare  Wit ;  for  fo  this  Ki^leman  was  repute^    ' 
in  that  Houfe:  Bu\his  t^nUhtp deceived  their  £x- 
pC^ation  {'  for  he  d^dared  it  was  utterlyi  in  ev^rji 
-  Point,  he  would  not /ay  falfe,  but  furely  iintTu«.' 

*  Four  Things  he  denied  ast  he  was  a  ChriJ}ian\ 
Rnd  thefe  Were  all  dire£Uy  proved  and  made  good 

■  againfthim.' 

*  And  (b  miich  was  delivered,  agajnft:  the  firff 
Bribe.  The  fecond  Bribe  was  of  a  ftrange  Strain : 
And  both  th^fe  Bribes  were  received  i>y  him  in  th« 
Quality  of  a  Treafurer.' 

'  The  Fanners  of  the  Great  Cuttoms  were  to 
'  r^new, their  Farms,  and  put  in  Security  of  4S,obO'/. 
Rent,  July  29,  1622.* 

*  Here  Sir  Edward  (i^iA  he  woula  not  enlarge 
hiihfelf  i  ^  the  Bujinefs  lay  in  a  .narrow  Koomi 
The  Bribe  is  "the  Point.' 

*  I^Iy  Ix)rd  liked  the  Sureties  well ;  butYorae  of 
Aem  fell  aSj-  and  my  Lord  would  not  accept  of 
the  reft;  andysooA  of  the  RantwaS  referved  ftw 
*  Yearand  aQftatter.  After  Delay  of  their  LeafeJ 
and  500/.. in  Goad  paid  unto  him  by  the  Hands  o^ 
yacetf  th^n  the  Security  formerly  reiefted  was  now 
acG^ted :  Which  A£t  of  his  Lordlhip  the  Knight 
confuted  by  thi£  ^llogifm. 

*  The  Sureties  were  fufficknt,  or  infu^t^ient;  if 
fufficient^  the  Brihe->#as  too  much,  and  the  Farmers 
opptefled  ;  if  infufficient,  the  Bribe  was  too  little, 
Rn4  the  Kin^  was  cozened.' 

*  The  fecond  Bribe  was  proved  by  ff^ol/ienhelme, 
Garrawaj,  ^lliams,  and,  |f  you  pfeafe,  Jbrahgm 
Jacth  i  and  (b,  much  of  thefe;  two' Bribes  taken  iri    . 
the  Capacity  of  a  Treafurer.* 

*  Now  he,  comes  to  the  Court  of  Wards,  and 
Ibewed,  That  the  Lord  Treafurcr's  Offences  here- 
in areof  a  rate  Strain.  Firft,  the  Knight  noted,  by 
way  of.  Preface,  Thai  HonoSt  the  Honour,  muu 
be  given  to  him  that  defcrvcd  it.  All  the  sp94 
'.  -Vol..  VI.        ■  K  Atllice 


I4<i  Ti^  ParBa^erttary  Hi9'^o-4v 

I.  i»  Ja^T.  Artifice  iwfeafi^tfl^e^  Trjafiirer  Salivary.  tTlCM 
*'**•  Were  Amcfts-ipvefiteiJ  ttet  he(ped  the'King  toiU 
his  Revenues,  and'tie^  the  Officers-  ro  tiicir  owH 
Fees  and  Places.  ,  "t%t;  King's  Revenues  prolpa^ 
well  then  :  An3iliefe  Aitidesj  by  the  Advice  lA 
ttrc  Judges,  wwe  corifihrtcd  pnder  the  Great  Sed;* 
■*  \Vhcn  this  laft  'Lord  came  to  be  Mafter  of 
that  Court,  (for  now,  faid  the  Knight,  he  is  not 
chained  as  a  Lord,  hut  a  Maflerl  he  complainiij 
he  had  no  Eibow-Rootn  for  thpfe  Articles;  h« 
was  too  muchbourid'by  them ; '  (and  Sound  he  tWs 
indeed)  and  therelbre  he  ptwjeSts  new  Articles! 
And  tliefe  new  Articles  are  charged  wHth  high  Ex- 
tortion ;  for  in  tfaem  arc  raifec!  double  Fees :  QnC 
Fee  the  Surveyor  fotpicrly  had,  and  ftill  retains  jiift- 
fy,  another  paralJel  Fee  to  this  tny  Lord  hdth  riSfeii 
unjuitiy  and  oppreffuigly.' . 

*  For  ExtortioTi  jsr  a  grievous  and  conAitnlng 
Enormity  in  a  Common -Wealth,  h  wis  'tIA 
greatefl£vil  the  High  God  could  forefee  would  befS 
the  Enernies  bf  Go^."'  Let  the  'Ex^irttMer^  anfimu 
vjhat  he  bathy  anJ' the  Stranger  tlfKikr-'iHt  Lt^mrl 
Pfalmcix.  ver-  lO.'  '       ^    / 

*  In.thefe  Articles"  his  Lordfiiip  rrcktcd  anew 
Officer,  a  Secretary.  Thechief  Prtccedings.thCTe 
go  by  way  df  Petition.  In'the- fortner  Aitlcks 
Ihefe  Petitions  were  reteived-by  flieCtJurt,  and  m- 
iered  by  the  Clerk  without  any  Fee,  and  fo  werfi 
ta  be  found  on  Record :  But,  in  the  new  Articles, 
this  new  Officer  is  to  receive  thefe  PetJtioii.Si  and 
may,  for  any  Rule  to  the  contrary,  fupprefs  than; 
and,  .for  Jus  Fee,  he  taketh  what  he  plea^th  y  and 
Jt  is  proved  he  hath  taken  lO  /.  2o7.  4  /.  5  /.  three 
i>iflies  of  Silver,  and  the  like  :  He  is  -altogelhe? 
unlimited,  unlefs,  peradventure,  his'  Oath  doth  1h 
mit  him.' 

.  *  Anotbei:  Chaise  in  this  Court  is  this  Abufe,  vix. 
Tbe  Lord  Treafurer's  Place  requJKS  a  whole  Man^ 
and  fo  doth  the  Mafterfliip  of  the  Court  of  Wards  j; 
.whereupon  his  Lard&ip  was  ^in  (as  unaUe  to  weiU 
thofe  two  great  Places)  to  invent  a  new  Bericc,  a 
Stamp  e\'en  with  hit  ovrn  Name,  AUddUJix :  Now* 


this  Hand  midvo  iaid  piiies  the  Seal  Qf  '^  ppuik  An.  9t>*iiiH')^ 
^^d^M«r«,  bemg  ^ricl  by  fhe  HaB^  (7k  yoiing         ^"*- 
SccreUry^  nlsy  Dfodpn  ftoiW  Coiffuuetices.' 

any  K[>ig  A^S  t\i^T  A  5ubila  to  uft  a 

'  Olil  Loir^  Scirf^' Tirx^  z  S^^p,  bocaufe  of 

*  King /fo»y  Villi  bad  aifQ  a  Stamp  i  :6ur,Jbfr 
ftrttw  Ufc  W'  cmifliWM'^inbtlwr;  aif  Aft  tf  Par- 

*  ,^  *wil<i  colitJ^  vnmone  Exa^ci 

ff-i.  WaHbe  hat'fi^jipd  wfthiri  one  Yeir;  hip  is 
fwutcdconccalfi'i  andfo  fiJIsWhiri  HW"'x))fpoIS 
**  Mie-M;**  of  thtf  Cbuit  of 'Wards :  ?;(bw,  by  tlw 
Secretary's  Jcecpbig  of  jhis  Snynp  ^d  pftitioris, '  m 
i^  fo  ca^' tic  WMtcrj'tliat  any.Ward  miiy 
Hw&cwicedea ;  arid  Hm  U  p-ttietnaK  PoftiJHtf. 
He  brougbt.  riJs  Ini^wj  4  poft  a4  tffe'. 

*  MyLmra'i'Sxrrarvhatb  put  to,  and  ufed ^his 
S^^-for,  the  dp  ftriM  (if  wi  CJfi^te  for  Haifa 
YFjr^;  Mjd  jt  !s  AeiTt^  goipSJc  Ir  may  be  .dpni 
Bw  a.ytttJe  Year:' 

5'-  *^The  I^nlgbt  fejd  he  never  krtew  any  Man  be- 
Ibie  ttiift  a  Stamp,  ifl  the  Hand  of  another  l^atu 
dcM|>tnand  t^e  King'f  ^eV^niie.     ' 

*  He  concluded  this  Pbfnt;  with  this  ^Jbftrva^ 
tipn,  "litM  Tp.y  Lprd  was  a  ^rt  raifcd,  vcty  high  j 
^  yerjf  lately;  ^d  "fSf  TExf^eftatiop  pf  Service; 
*n«4t  ,the  Kin^  hid  been  veiy  teneficl^l  xo  him : 
^aa^fiir  Him  to  be  fo  fiip5ne  in  the  King's  Revenlie, 
'4^  fpyii^ant  fa  JtTs*  <o4ni,  iit>is  the  ihighcft  In- 

-  fitfi  itgrtrtmft  Srtrht  aiBnia  daifii. 

•  "*  Here  the  Enight  prefled  itpgti  him  tus  Thvgc 
Oath's,  taken  as  Miller  of  the  Wards,  as,ChanceU 
Iar>  iuld  as  Lord  Trcaftirer.'  ,     ■  '         , 

J.  As  Mafter  of  the  Vfaiiiy  Teu  flmll  well  and 
k-mtf  ftrfe  tbt  Kits  and  Pe^. 


J  48  72r  FarKamettt^  H  i  b  To  R  T 

TaaJhaUtruhf  eiunfil  tbt  Kii^. 
He  did  not  fo,  witnc&  the  Articles  of  O^tt&oth 

'  You  fiall  ^  Right  U  all  Men. 
Impoffible  )k  Ibould  do  fo,  with  the  Stamp,  add- 
thefe  Articles.      - 

2.  The  fecond  Oath,  as  Chancellor,  Ttu/baK 
hoHejiiy,  {agood  old  Wordiyw)?/^,  taU  trulj cna^4 
tbt  King,  '.''■• 

Not  So,  in  this  Itojwikioii,  which  -came  alMie 
out  oT  his  Qiiiver;  and  was  advifed  i^ainft.dic 
King's  Covenant,  and  the  King's  Word. 

3.  The  third  Oath,  as  TreaTurer.  ■  YsufiiqUvKtl 
and  truly  ftrot  tbt  King-ami  People.    . 

He  doui  not  io  that  deniex  or  delays  dieSi^ed  j. 

for  every  Delay  is  a  Denial. 

,  An  old  Canon  of-  the  Llw  is* 

Null!  vtmUauSy   nuBi  mgahmaiy  -nnB   SfftTtmut 
Teujhall  truly  counfettht  King  in  t£  Things,    ■ 
Ju(^,  your  Lordmips,  whether  this  Lord  did  lb| 

that  gave  him  Counfel  to  break  bis  Word.    . 

*  Sir  Edward  Coke  {a)  (this  learned  Knight)  taH, 
That  all  this  he  Ipake  by  Command  ^  and  fo  he' 
pr^ed  their  Lordfhips  to  weigh  it  well,  with  due 
Coiifideratipn,  and  to  give  Judgment  acc<»djiOS-to 
the  D^ciits  of  the  Caufi;.' 

Sii  Edviin  Sandys  {h)  proceeded  to  this  £fie£l,  viz. 
Ami  iMondtdbj!  ^  The  Knights,  CitiztCns  and  Burgefles  in  Ae 
Si[Z<jwinSaiid7i.XK)Wcr  Houfe  of  Parliament  affembW,  had  com- 
manded him  (undefirous  of  any  fuch  £m|doyincnt) 
to  fecond  this  Charge  to-thcirXoidfliips:  Th^t  he 
was  undefirous  thereof,  for  he  hxd  rather  ddehd 
the  Innocent  than  difi^ever  the' Ciiilpabte;  yet  be 
was.tbeSon  of  Qbedtence,  and  muH  perfornv  wbat, 
'by  that  Houfe,  he  had  received  in  Command.    , 

*  To  decypher  out  this  great  Lord,  uponwhoiv 

'  '  ,      the 

{ai}  Itii  runirkable  tbat  theft  Mfo  C«BtteilMn,'>i>poVitU't» 
jbii  ChU{e1|iiiill' ths'Lord'Tn^riiiKT,   fiftliguilhci^  tliunU*(S 
'    gtutly.'in'thcii  OppofitioB  to  tb  COott. 'iq'tba  lift.  FMimcob 
SteVol.V»p.  jij,  6.  ... 


jf  ENGLAND.  t^4 

iiW'Charge  lay,  he  wcniU  give  of  him  this '  Cha-  *•• »»  /»«*  *•' 
rafter  to  your  Lordflii|R.'  ■  ***♦• 

Nifcia  Mens  Hominum  ejl,  Fatique  tgnara  futurif  \ 

Etjtrvari  Modum  Rebui  fuhlata  ftainMs. 

*  The  Want"  of  Mcafijrc  and  Moderation  moff 
Men  complain  of  in  this  great  Pcribnage/ 

* /That  he  would  make  his  Entrance  with  two 
Ptoteftatiptts )  which{asyouknow)are£xclu(ionit' 
not  intended  Conclufions.' 

'  *,Hisfirft  Proteftation,  That  in  this  Crimination 
againft  new  ImpoUtions*  and  Impofitions  uppn 
Impofltioas.— -The  Houfe  of  Commons  intended 
not  to  queflion  the  Power  of  ImpoCng  claimed  by. 
the  King's  Prerogative.  This  they  touch  not  uppn' 
ROW ;  they  continue  pniy  their  Claim,  and  wheo. 
they  Ihall  have  Occafion  to  difpute  it,  they  will 
do  It  with  all  due  Reganl  to  his  Majel^,  Statute, 
and  Revenue.' 

*  For  this  Time,  he  defircd  the  Word  Impn/ttios^ 
mig^t  bcforbom,  and  the  Word  OppreJJan  Vits^ 
Up  in  lieu  thereof ;  yet  wirfi  a  Reference  to  the 
Lord  Trcaftjrcr  only,  but  in  no  Means  to  the  King,'- 

*  TTie  fecond  Pftjtcftadon,  TTiat  they  intend  to. 
lay  none,  no  not  (he  leafi  AfpeHion  upon  fhe 
Councti-Tabje,  or  any  one  Member  diereof,  the 
Lord  Treafurer  only  excepted.' 

*  The  Houfc  of  Commons  temain  fblly  fatislied 
<Aiat  be  was  the  Sa^  Propoundcr.' 

*  Thcfe  Proicftations  p'remiled,  he  branched  the' 
Oppreffiohs  into  three  Natures,  ufed  in  the  Wines, 
Sugars,  and  Grocery- Wares." 

'  And  he  promifed  to  ufc  this  Method  to  difco- 
ver,  firft,  foifae  General  Matters,  then  fall  to  Par-: 

The  Generals  are  two  '■  ■  ,      ■ 

,  *  The  firft,  Th?  Ho^fe  of  C^punons  conceiye, 
dut  my  Lord  Treafurer  cannot  be  ignorant,  that. 
in  the  Lay  of  the  firft  ImpoCtion,  in  the  Time  of 
tbe.Earlof  fa/t^Stfr^,  it  was  promifed,  inrbcBanr 
^ucting-Houfc  at  Whttehed!,  That  his  Majt^y 
would  never  lay  any  more  Impbfirioh  upon  Com-i 
roodiues,  without  the  Coolent  of  the  People.'' 

■      ■     ■   .  K3  /      *Th«' 

*.sibiMiI.  *  The  ffcpnd  General^  That  my  l«rd.  |JWf 
'^H'  fiirer  kheiir  well  that,  in  that  AfieOibly  of  I^i 
liamcnt,.  Cornplaint  was  made  ia  the  (.owefHoiirc, 
that  the  Overburthenln^  bf  fraclc  was  the  Pc;Ar%y- 
iag  it  {.  and  that  he  was  himfclf  employed,  fay  tfia 
Houfe  tb.the  King  to  pegptlatt  ior  ^^d[s,theit4 
in  i  and  he  prpmiftd  tber^  that  he  would  fna^ 
\i  his  Mafter-Wort,'  '  . 

'  ^uid  iHgnupt  tanti^farit  hU  PramjMr, 

*  The  I^e  of  all  was  this,  foi  hi?  Lord^blpiQ 
dtevife  new  Butdiens,' 

*  Thefe  were  the  two  'Genefalsj.  from  thefe  tjw 
Knis^t  defcend«d  to  Paiticulan^  and  hegao  vrit^ 
die  Wines.' 

'  *  tie  put  thur  IvOrdiOirps  in  KmemheraBi;*,  ■  ^^ 
the  Merchant  Had  the  Kinsfs  Covena|it  under  Seali, 
and  Promife  by  his  Koyal  Word,  to  l«jt  no  further 
iinpdttiorts ;  They  had  H.eafon  to  ifcfire  it;  for 
,they  p^d  a  great  Fine  -and  Rent  for  the.  Farm, 
which  your  Lordlhips  knew  beft ;  yet  for  jl_  d»f 
li^yanuarii,  19  fatebi  Migis,  there  i£iicd  forth  2 
Privy  Seal  of  impofing  3  /.  pef  Tun  on  the  Frmch 
Wines  i  a  grievous  Imposition  in  the  Mattery  yet 
worfe  in  the  Manner :  For  if  it  ^ad  h^n  juft,  yet, 
in  Equin;,  it  {bould  have  been  laid  beiorei^e  V^^ugift 
undettklLeii,'  and  the  Vintage  made  |  then  Jt, had 
been  Icnowniandi  if  linowiit  the  Merchants  {as  they 
a^med  i(i  die  Houfe  of  ConHnons}  had  &yed  at 
|lome,  deferted  and  given  up  Trading.' 

*  But  this  Impolltion  was.  not  laid  tUl  ayoo  ThU 
df^  Wine  ^ere  arrived  in  the  Ri^er  of  Thames-;,  and 
yet  the  Lord  Treafurer  gave  Command,  that  no 
Entry  thereof  be  made  in  the  Cuftom-Ifoufe  until 
Seciiritywas  taken  topay  this  iotoleraWelmpcfiiicn,* 

*  He  left  your  Lordihips  there  to  conlidur  thdr 

*  I.  Ships  all  laden  wiUl  tiiis  pcrifhing  Coei*- 

'2.  Great  iindexceffivelicaking^  b]^bet|)gUpgft 
^  River,  and  Ahufc  in  liiB  i^jfage.' 

*  3-  Thirty  Shillings  fur  Tim  formerly  impofej 
by  the  JJwAifcrj.' 

:    ,;  *4. 'Twenty 


«/•   E  N  GL  A  N  D.  liji 

*  4.  Twenty  ShiHJBgfcJrr  Tua  laid  by   tlie  An.  Hi*<^- 1.*. 
Mnchaats,  for  cbcii' &v«WApparel  uk«n  away  %        ''°^ 

,  the  AxAf/fTi.''  .-^ 

*  5.  This  3  /,  ptr  TuA  to  All  1^  die  Me^uie 
of  their  Affli£tionfr.' 

.  :  *  Yet,  tnfbsd  of  Compafion  in  thit  Extremity, 
i»cfa  las  refufed  to.  pay,  *ere  o^fled  at  double 
tike  Impdb ;  others,  wfao  could  »ot  put  in  Bonds, 
9&a  .Aipericy  »f  Latigu;^,  and  ^icipnuig  to  the 
King,  were  committed  to  PurfuivafU*  l  yet  ths  _ 
King's  Privy-Counotl  B&d  the  Merchants  honour- 
aUy;  for  they  Teat  for  the  Viiltners,  and,  to  help 
the  Merchants  ^^  ruM  the  Wine  a  Penny  ina 

-*-Notw>thftanding  thii  llie  McrchaKts  fell  int? 
the  Hands  of  Cuflooiers,  who  ufed  ibem  rigo-  • 
roofl^,  .and  they  loft  great  Part  of  their  Princi|»I;, 
Firft,  They  paid  balf  of  this  ww  Impofition  in 
hand,  and  gave  Security  to  pay  the  other  halfi 
aftdr\^ai'iis,  the  Payment  was  divided  into  three 
Parts,  and  fecured  by  UtA  M^n^bAnU  aoGordiHgly. 
On  the  20th  of  Juguji  following,  WMtbet'  Privy- 
Seal  Was  iflucd  to  determine  the  former ;  yet  40  s. 
only  of  this  Impofittoti  waj  takes  off  thereby,  and 
30  J.  laid  on  the  French  Wines  partiaUy.  and  with- 
out Limitation}  vi%.  20  i.  the  Tun  iof  Londeiif 
and  13X.  and  4^  for  the  Out-^orC%  whereof 
the  Londoner  complained ;  and  it  was  in&ited  in  thfc 
Privy-Scd,  to  be  at  the  humble  and  vQlitntary  , 
Aflent  of  the  Merchants ;  which  ia  abfolutBly  de-, 
lued,  for  they  only  confented  to  pay  20  r,  the 
Tun,  until  the  RemaindCT  of  the  former  Impo- 
iMDn,  fo  fecured  as  aforefaid,  were  paid,  and  no 
laager ;  yet  they  were  haunted  by  Purfuivants  till 
they  had  pud;  and  they  complain  they  areundone> 
iinlefs  their  Bonds  b&deltverad  up.  They  furdier 
complain.  That  they  do  pay  for  their  Trade  CM. 
ptr  Cent,  and  (hewed  the  Particulars,  viz.' 

'  One  Merchant  had  p^d  800/.  to  the  King  /or 

his  Part  in  a  fhort  Tin»e,  and  now  UsaWe  to  pay 

Wy  nmre,*— — Here  the  Knii^t.laid,   That  he 

K  4  would 


J $i'  ^  Parb'ementary  Hi s a? o n v 

4n.  II  jjim^i.  would  willingly  fuppref&^lutfi^ovs,  for  Aten 
i^  bity  pf  Speech  is  nq  ^teVAer  sf  good  Blood :  But . 
ffae  Commons  had  commanded  him  to  fptak  it, 
and  to  declace  fWther,  That  'th6  Merchants  com-: 
pared  their  Sufferings  under  thefe  Impofittons,  ti^- 
the  Sufferings  of  the  old  Ifratlitu  in  Egypt,,  T^hen 
they  were  commanded  to  rtaks  Brick  with  left- 
Strav^ ;  and  generally  confefs,  that  they  would  -' 
dHve  twice  as  much  Trade,  if  theip  Trade  wen  - 
pot  overburthened.' 

*  Hereupon  they  thought  they  had  fuffidcnt  * 
Ground  to  complain  I  this  being  diflienmirablc  to  ■ 
the  King  and  oppcdSve  to  the  People,  the  King's 
Promife,  Word,  and  Covenant  being  violated; 
thefe  Impofil^ons,  double  the  Value,  being  giievoU^ 
to  the  Subje£V  and  fearful  to  Pofterity ;  for  befides . 
the  old  Impofttion,  by  Statute,  upOn  Wines,  thax 
arc  three  more  upon  one  another.' 

*  Ml  qvis  erat  ^odu^y  of  feeding  ^ipon  Trade,' 

f  Hare  ended -the  Complalpt  touching  ths  Impor 
,    f  tion  on  WineSk*  "  ' 

*  Then  he  prooceded  to  the  Complaint  of  the  • 
Jjtafe  of  Sugars  procured  .  by  the  I^rd-Trea-; 
/urcr,  viz.      -    '   • 

'  -That whereas  Gtmrge  Herriet  hdd  the .  FartQ  . 
of  Sugars,  upon  a Rentof  10,000  Marks  ptr  An- 
pvii,  the  Lofd-Trcafurer  procured  'him  to  furren^  - 
der  that  Leaie,  and  obtained  a  pew  Leafe  thereof, 
unto  two  of  his  Lordlhips  Servants  to  his  own 
pfe,  at  2C00  /.  fer  Annum  for, the  fame.' 

^  What  Merits  had  bis  Lordlhip,  in  the  great  tx~ 
tretne  Want  of  Money,  as  to  draw  from  his  M*t  , 
jaftyfogreata  Rtward  as  4000/.  per  Annum  fat. 
2 1  Years  ?  But  the  Commons  Complaint  herein 
is  of  a  Kigher  Nature,'  .        ,       . 

*  Thatthie  King  having  granted,  that  thS  Met-., 
chants  importing  any  Merchandize,  and  payingthe 

•    ,  Duties  for  the  fame,  if  thev  export  the  fame  within  i 

13  Months,, 'th'eir-tihpofition  is.reftowdi    .This  is; 
obferyed  in  all  other  Mefchandizea  fave  that  of  Su- 

^.  E  N  GL  AND.  153 

ffm,    TbeReafonispIuniifjrourXiOKllliipslEDOit  Ak  m^uiI.. 
who  is  the  Farmer  (tf  it,'  .  '*M» . 

_  *  The  Con}inon$  further  coiqplained.  That  the  ■ 
lyord-XreaTurer  had  turi}e4  the  Compolidon  for 
Grocery  it)to  sui .  Impofltion  ;  which  bu  Lordihip 
■did,  tfidiout  any  Warn[ft>  iv))cret>y  be .  ufurped 
Kegal  Authority.' 

*  That  the  City  of  Lmdtn  had,  yielded  to  a. 
Coinpofition  for  Grocery,  but  the  OutrPoru  re* 
filled,  and  e^teciajly  Hbp  City  of  Bridal;  and  that 
ID  the  Lord -Treafurer  SaUJoury's  Time,  Jnno  ii, 
yacehi,  that  Qity  had  a  PecfC^  in  {he  Exchequer, 
^at  they  (hould  be  freed  from  any  fuch  Compofir 
fion,  upon  condition  to  yield  to  Purveyance  itf, 
Kind}, when  the  Kin^  or  Queen  conies  within  20 
Miles  of  tlieir  City;  which  Purveyance  cofl  them^ 
9oo/.  when  the  QgRn'$  Majdly  was  thqre. 
Neverthelefs  the  Lord-'Treafurer  had  dire^ed  hisi 
Warrant,  to  levy  a  Compolttion  upon  the  Mer- 
chants of  that  City  and  the  other  Out-Ports, 
again^  their  Will;,  with  Commandment  to  ftay 
(hJe  Laiviing  of  their  Goods  until  it  be  paid.' 

'  And  this,  he  faid,  was  the  SubAance  of  their 
cryittg  Complaint ;  wliat  more  can  they  fay,  but, 
with  wife  King  Sobmtn,  If  ibsufeeft  the  Opprejfun 
ff  the  Patr^  andviolent  Perverting  of  JuJ^nt  and 
jtifiice  in  a  Provina,  marvel  rut  at  it ; ,  for  he  that 
ft  bightr  tba^  the  higheft  regardtth,  an4  there  he  higher 
t^  hti  Eccl,  V.  f.' 

*  Their  Complaint  is  of  an  high  Lord,  the  Liordk 
.Treafurerj  bijt  your  Lordfhips  are  higher  than  wej 
^e  King  higher;  apd  God  higher  than  all ;  whofe 

Juftice  your  LordQiips  execute. This  Juftice 

fhey,  hitmbly  and  in l^antly,  demand  ofyourLord- 
jhips  againft  thefe  Oppreifions.' 

This  Riport  being  ended,  the  Lords  took  into 
their  Cqniideration  how  to  proceed  in  the  BuTi- 
ncfs,  and  then  referred  the  Examination  thereof 
to  tl)e  Sub-Committee  on  Munitions,  i^c.  adding 
tft  thj£  feiij  ^pmniiltee  the  Lord- Keeper,  the  Lord- 
Steiwrd,  the  Biflwp  oi  Bath  and  IVells^  tde  LonJs 
■.  ■; 'fFent- 

^^  5!&f  Par^amntaty  History 

'  aL-W  j««il./^5Wi»9rtA  and  Spmctr:  Tint  their Lordfliips  xmf 
»***•■  divide  thanfelveg  into  fcveral  Committees^  if  tfeejr 
pleaf^  for  expediting  this  Buiinefa  ;  and  trUj  tebd 
far  ztiy  Witnefiea  to  be  fworn  here  in  Court,  A« 
ttiay  conduce  to  the  Examination  thereof, 
■  JfpHl  17.  We  hear  mo  time  of  the  Lord-Trea- 
furer's  Afiair  forfome  Tipie,  the  feveral  Comtnk* 
[.  tees  of  Lord*  being  bufy  in  examining  Witneff&s, 
ifl  fupport  of  the  Charge  the  Commons  had  cjflii- 
bitetj  againft  him.  But,  this  Day,  another  Confe- 
rence was  required,  By  a  Meflagc  from  the  LiHds 
to  the  Commons,  in  order,  -at  they  &id,  to  cJeaf 
tSme  Doobts  that  had  arifen  concermi^  the  Bfetcb 
pf  flie  Treaties,  This  MefG^  was  agreed  to, 
and  the  Cohfereticp  lir^s  ^  be  jn  ^e  Fainfed  (Acm- 
fvt  hninediatdy. 
'  Upon  thjs  the  Dtdte  of  Brnttingham  ^t  up  ftnd 
— — owa's^  acquainted  ^e  HouJF  with  a  LeH<ir,  wrttten  from 
«f  ImUwI,  Ac  I<onl-Dq>utv  of  Irthntdf  unto  the  L<h4  fSiif 
chtfttTy  concerning  the  Weaknefs  ahd  imminent 
pznger  of  that  Kii^otn :  And  alfo  With  tMeU 
iigence  fron  Mr.  Trtanhett,  the  King's  Agent  at 
Bruxihj  concerping  the  Vaynf  "nd  Threats  «of 
the  Adv^ary,  nw  (Trace  alio  opened  to  their 
tionlfllips  the  Danger  of  2  War  in  Irr{fhul\  and 
that  the  fame  may  be  prevented  by  a  War  of  Di- 
verlion  in  the  Enefny's  Country ;  and  ^t  tbe 
Couftfel  given  his  Majefty  t6  break  f^  the  Treaty 
wjU  [irove  dangerous,  if  he  be  not  f^ppHcd  «wt 
Means  to  undertake  a  War. 
' "  J  TTic  l-ords  agreed  to  acqu^nt  the  Common* 
with  this  Bufincfs,  and  that  t4ie  King  had  f«nt  t, 
Di^Kiteh  into  SjPa/n,  according  to  his  Majel^'s  Ibt^ 
ifiM  JntJmttion,  for  the  Difloliition  rf  the  tWft 
■  Treaties. 

April  2«.  The  Houle  of  Lords  was  adjourned 
itvdi  Smurday  the  17th  to  this  Day,  on  s  Motion 
of  the  Prince,  becaufe  the  Funeral  of  llie  Dak*  of 
RMhnmd  was  to  be  performed  on  MMdef.  Thi« 
Lord,  who  was  Coufm-German  to  the  King,  died 
oh  the  ftrft  Day  of  this  Parliament,  as  hia  '4teDll 
Wort  related. 



^  ENGLAND;  tjj 

f^  ^nl-Treafwer's  CMfc,  tcbdnng  Aith  Mm-        )4^ 
ters  as  (hsdl  be  dniuided  I7  t|te  Houft<,  or  tny 
Committer  i^>p(4nwd  V  4m&     Andj  die  Mxt 
Da^i  feventfui  more  were  fWom  on  the  4aie  Oo- 
gaTkUi,    Nothing  inoce  if  Mttiunt  WM  doHti  tSEt 

.  Ob  that  Day,  after  fwearin^  twenty-^^  MoiW 
WitQeScs  in  dw  Trexfirer')  Catife,  »«  rcati^  lie) 
Ktil^sAnfwer  to  the  Petition  agaiait  Po^^r,  ftb^ 
ajreadv  gjvcn  t  the  ArcfaUfliop  of  Cniin^itf^  lew' 
p«fted  to  the  Houfc,  That  the  CobtmilKeia^ppeiM^' 
Pi  to  examine  iato  the  Codiidauit  ajMinft  iheL^it^ 
Treafurer,  had  ttxtt,  and  examined  4rers  WhAeS^^ 
who  f»cre  fwom  bete  in  die  Hocfa^  ^uid  lad  ttiaUt 
a  CoUc^on  of  Pan  of  dv  Gud  Chat^ »  irfifdt 
^,  Attamey  read  in  the  Foin  ibttmolng  i 


fi  ^HE  Farmers  of  die  PtttjrFkrtnsirf  Wine* 

J  ?nd  Currants,  having  fidhitifed  great  Lo&  ' 
)*  thdr  Fanns,  by  an  Impoft  of  3/.  per  Tiin  rf 
Wines  newly  ftt,  were  long  and  inftam  Suitx>rs  to  die 
pord  Trcafurcr  for  Relief  >  but  finding  fiohe,  ei- 
Ubited  dicir  Bill  into  the  Exchequer,  arid  after- 
.^nrds  a  Pcdtion  to  die  King,  for  Reparation  of  thcic 
^fsi  to  which  having  received  a  gracious  Ari- 
ficer  from  his  Majefty,  the  Lord  Trealiirer  agreed 
Wtd)  them  upon  a  Recompence  of  9500  /,  to  be 
ddidlced  by  1000  /.  per  AHHuiti  out  of  tHcir  Rent  i 
yet,  after  this  Agreement  made,  he  [Irotra^led  their 
Warrant  about  fix  Months,  and,  ill  the  End^  tpofe 
of  theOi  a  Bribe  of  506/.  fbr  their  Difpatch,whk:Ii 
was  fet  upon  the  Account  of  the  Petty  Farm** 
But  fince  tHe  Summons  of  the  rarlianient,  tho 
feme  was,  by  fats  Lordfhip's  Dti^£liAri,  politd  to 
die  Account  of  die  Great  Farms." 

H,  *  The  LdH  Treafuttriieihg  prefeitted  wftfe  t 
Tun  of  Wine,  by  die  Faitticri  Of  tfle  Petty  CikT- 


jj6  TU- Pa^dmentary  HiSto«y 

k  ««. JuMf  !•  ^lOfn^i  was  jiot  contented'  therewith,  but  ex^ed 
I4i4<'        Money,  of  them  allb}  wbotwere  thereupon  drafriv 
tQ  give  himiioo/.'  ■■: 

l\\,  f.  The- Farmers' of  &e  Great  Farm-having,' 
'  hy:  their  l^eafe,  covenanted  to  givie  Security  for  this  . 
Payilient  of  their  Rent,  divided  .;heir -Farm' into- 
32  Parts,  appointing  every  Partner  to  give  Secilrity' 
tti.  1500  /.  for.iencry  Part..  Ffve  of  the  Partners 
i^IInqui&ing  their  Parts,  the -Security  fell  fhort - 
lyipl-  'Wbeieupon  the  foiir  Patentees,  refuming- 
t^fe  £ye  Parts  to  themfelres,' .  tendered  their  owa- 
Sfic^rity  i  which  his  Loiddnp  agreed  to  accept,  yet ' . 
pioti^cd  -about,  ^irce  Quarters  of  a  Year,  until ' 
^eygwehim  soo/.forhisDifpatch,  And  where-  . 
a«  his.I/Ofrdllup  pretends,  hy^  AnTwer  to  the  Houfe 
Qf.tknnmonSy. that  he  had  this  500/-  and  the  other' 
5130  /.  Brft  nwiaianed:  ih  one  entire  Sijni,  for  four- 
thirty-two  Parts  of  tiiat  Great  Farm,  it  appeareth 
his  Lordfhip  iad  no  Parts  at  all  in  that  Farm,' 

IV.  *  George  Herriot  having  the  Fanfis  of  Su- 
gars upon  the  Reiit  of  1000  Marks  per  jfrtnum,  the 
Ijord  TreafHTer  procured  Herriot  to  furrender  -diat* 

'Leal^ }  and,  to  efTe^  the  fapie,  gives  Qrder  for  tfie 
Payment  of  14,865/,  Aac  to  jlerriot  for  Jewdsj- 
all  which  was  paid  between  the  15th  of  December^ 
1621,  and  the  10th  of  January  following.  Th^ 
Leafe  was  no  fooner  furrendered,  but  the  faid  Treaf  ■. 
iurer  procures  a  Leafe  to  twoof  his  Servants,  by  In*', 
denture,  dated  Jen.  13,  1621-  for  21  Years,  at 
.2000/.  ^vnt  per  Annum;  Which  Rent  hisLor^Qiip 
paid  fo  flowly,  that  there  having  only  4.000  /■  t^ierc^  - 
of  grown  dae  fince  the  Leafe>  3000/,  thereof  was, 
paid  on  and  llnce  the  31ft  of  December  lall ;  And 
whereas  the  Merchants,  importing  any  Merchan- 
dize, and  paying  the  Duties,  are  freed  to  export 
\pithin  the  Year,  without  any  new  PaymerftSi  that 
Ciiftom  ■  was  obferved  in  all  other  Farms,  but 
deriied  in  this,  for  the  laid  Lord  TreaTurer's  Bfc, 
nefit.'      ■        , 

V.  *  The  Cjtyof.Zfln^  having  yielded  tp^a 
Cdlnpofition  for  Grocery  Ware,  which  tjie  Out-i- 



*/  ENGL  A-NIX      :  .157 

PoHSt  portkulariy.  the  City  of  Brifitlj  reAifed^i  4a.  **  Jueil. 
upon  .l<Hig  peb^ue  and  Advifeinent,  in  the  Time  ■*'*** 
<tf  the  TieaXvitT ^Salifiury,  it  was  refolved  they 
Ihonld  not  be  prellcd  thereto :  Ncverthdeft,  ^ 
. Locd  Treafuier  bath  given  Warrant  to.tevythat 
CtMnpofition  upon  the  Mercha«a  of  the  Otit-Ports 
againft  their  Wilis,  or  elfe  to  ftay  the  Landingof 
their  Goods  j-whicb  hatb  been  ^ut  in  Execution 

'  VI.  (  In  Deamher,  1618,  his  Majefty,  upon 
.great  Deliberation  and  Advifement,  did  fet  forth 
InftruSions,  very  fitting;  and  neceflary.  for  the  well 
ordering  of  the  Court  of  Wards:  TheLord  Trea- 
surer becoming  Mafter  of  the  Wardsj  and},  for  his 
own  privatp  Gains,  aiming  at  an  Akeration.  of 
thofe  Inftruftiofls,  iirfl:  procured  aKeference  to  di- 
vers of  the  Council  to  c'oniider  thefe^fr-yetait^ 
.waved  that  Reference;}  and,  by  hisi^ji  Power 
.and^reatnefs- with theOfficers of  thp-pow«,  {th<f 
muc^  agiunjl;  their,  Wjlis)  and  by  Mifinformati(>ii 
;of)  his  Ai^ajefty,  ^thp^"  much  to  the  Difadvantage  of 
the  King  and  SubjeA)  in  the  Year  1622,  prgci^rcs 
j)ew  Inftru^on&i  -  thereby  taking  thp  Petitions  fropi 
|the  Clerlcof  the  Co^rt,  and  appropriating  them  to 
himfelf  and  his  Secretaiy,  who  takqs  great  Reward? 
of  the  Subject  for  pflocuring  Anfvfcrs  to  the  fame^ 
-and,,  by  Colour  of  th<jfc,newInftruftion8,  he  dou- 
bles Fees  of  Continuance  of  Livencsj,  and,  having 
ccoicealed  the  himfelf,  he.  may  eafily 
'  'make  Waidihips  congeded  by  the  Courfe  of  the 
new  Inftrn^ione-'     ,  . 

..;  - '.  Alfo  he  Irath  made  a  Stamp,  and  delivered  tbp 
,£une  tohisSecretarytobetifedi;  thereby,unlawfully, 
-rating  into  die  Hands  of  his  Secretary  the  gre^teft 
.Part  of  the  Ppwar  apji-Truft  appertaining  to  theO^- 
*  fice  of  Mailer  of  thp  Wards.  TJbis,the.Spcrerary  hath 
ufcd,  ftamping  therewith,  in  the  Abfenca-  of  the 
Mafier,  Tenders,  Contint;ances,  Warrants  to  the 
X}reat:Seal,  Gpantf  of  Waidftiips  apdlseafes,'  In- 
;dei^res  of  LnveriesJ  £^c.  And  v(hereas,  hya 
■.PdvvSeilot  i-'iJacobi.  there  wassn  Allowanoe  > 

,.  ■'■    4     ''         .         '      fetti^ 


i^a  §&  PiifkaHentiry  ttlSToit^ 
4fc*0^^teftM4br4hedFdiQariFoFtlieOSceo^  OMtn^ftxTi 
■"'  whictl,  beW  put  out,of  Order  inthe  Time  ofSJr 
lhg&  paiSfinf  in  Aiaie  1617,  the  Lords,-  iipsW 
lUferehceftomhisMf^tftyjfct,  uilder'tfierlr Hafi^i 
« t*i3pf(rtloi^  both  for  prefeht  SupjJy  attH  fotijie 
^^'(^dtl^brttikt Office;  But  his  Lohldijp,  hf^tig 
Tiw^erfertRc  Space  of  two  Yeara  and  a  Hw* 
%«4i  dbfervnl  tione  oF(hdeProport!ons  or  Efeblift- 
Incnts  {  ^hereby  the  Stores  arcj  in  efied^  Wh^iy 
%nfiimi«tedi^  '    ,        '^  "  

*  And  tkete  ^tii^  a  Goiitrajl  made  vnA  Mr.  Bv^ 

Mhipifelf  and  othjr  Commiffionera  for'  hfel 
i  ftr  fcrving  his  Majcfty  with  Gun-Powdcil^ 
l»riiig  a  B^gaiti  of  high  i^oHfequeiiCe  to  harebccil 
kept,  his  Ldrdfliip  hath  alio  m^Iefted  ahd  brofceii 
that  Bargain,  to  ^c  Hazard  of  die  l£ing;dotn  and 
Prtjudice  Of  the  King/  ,        ' 

*  Ifie  hath  alfp  made  oiilaWKil  Sarg^tis  ^  itie 
Landi  of  Sir  Ji«f^  pa^^  ;  ^betciil^  for  eboi^t, 
fing  thoTe  Lands*  he  hai  contracted  to  dp  h^  £n'- 
tdc^noor  to  procure  Pa^tnent  of  8000  i-  0/  <i|d 
Anean,  (w^h  he  perfonned  when  he  b^cXmii 
^reafUrcr)  and  tb  pay  fol-  the  Land  with  mknijl 
tfi  BuoBcts  and  Suits  to  the  King  ;  aAd,  iti^xcj^ 
cular,  a  Suit,  for  compounding  With  ras  MajefWs 
Cop)%oldeK  t^Waiefidi\)f  hiOi&Sf,  mor^  iotio/i 
And,  having  agreed  with  Sir  Therms  ^alUfiti  apjl 
tf^e  Oflicen  ^f3ie  Ordnance,  he,  to  gain,  indiredly^ 
dndhv  opprtiTtve  Means,  an  Eftate  which  Sir  iitf^ 
nr  BalSfiH  had  paOed  to  Sir  Rhhard  Smi0  9xii 
Sir  %Aff  i)OTji,  he  fetteth  on  Foot  an  Ottdawiy  of 
Wv  ^trefr  baOiftnt  anJ  diereby  (lifp«aelte\h^ 
fiiSan  Smilh  and  Sir  Jokn  Davy,  vnio  had  ^fieeH 
'^n  Pogeffion,  by  a  Trial  at  LaW ;  ufing  the  Powv 
fif  his  Place,  and  Countecance  of  lite^in^S'Se^ 
Vice,  to  wiieft  thpm  out  of  a  Leafe-and  J^tne  o^ 
great  Value.* 

After  the  Reading  of  this,  it  was  ordered,  ThJi 
flie  faid  Part  of  the  Lord-Treaftirer*s  Chai^  fiiou^ 
he-fvn  unto  him  To-Dayi    And  t&at  be  be  vam^ 



nf  ENGLAND.:  f|9 

cdtoHf^NMrhereM  AeBaf,  an^iW/dGiittba  ^^Ht-a^Jmrnk 
InfyiM,  »t  Mint  in  the  Momiae,  id  vitam  ib       *^**< 
UMw^*  if  b«had  Witnefi»«ob«emiiiiii4,  ]«  Jhi  Lori  tm*. 
IW^  imftm  l^ir  NanntothtHouJe  to  b^  £koAi  |^^^,^^  ** 
betif««HtM«  uid  (hcliupepi^.    And  tkh  is  ,&id  auuft  ^linft 
to  V^<^  9^  ^  ^barp,  be^nfe  ihfre  Mvatlu*  >>»• 
T)iing»'t^j^flfi  himvhwfa  or  VctinExamiutjwii 
and,    when  reported  to  the  Houfe,  he  iUl  li^ 
<}Migc4''^fa:e«4ttiT  «f  tkoiiglit£t. 

J§ril9!b.  ThcMdreDgniCbsitvmfinttodai 
Hm-  ^  Cham,  (fit,  tAiA»  Lond^Treaifiirer,  dp* 
eWed  i}»y  kal doneit}  iiut  lie  give  no  ocfaei  An* 
^irar  to  then  ihaii,  A  »  wU. 

ifprHi'j,  After  reonving  eight  BiBs  frow  tht 
CsiWBene,  and  doing  ftune  other  Bufincfe,  a  Pev 
dtion  fmoi  tbs  L«r£-Tnafurar  wv  «ud  im  Iuk 

To  the  Itjloft  Hdnounble  AJl^bly  of  the  Lords 
'   Sptrituil  ttAd  iTeinpDr^  in  tlic  flig^  Court  of 

Tb«  HuKff^  Petition  of.  ffae  L{«o-T)»A.r 

I       '    SDKSK  of  Epglail4' 

*^r*  Hm^  ^  Namtt^^&dT^fiM  (by  Ax  £^  WitndTo,  0«». 
A&  ii)M/«v<iJ  M  ibt  lJrprr^aS»r»  JnuMhlj  deJmJt  ''^'  '^• 
mof  ht'futmaitdeicammtdfir  Gifiovay  of  lie  Trtib, 
Mfogfiitk  j^iltf  as  b*  Jbili  gxmbit^  iadnttg  tbijit 
Vtral  Matters  cantmrud  in  that  Part  .cf  bis  Chargr, 
wHAiaibeen  dthver*d4Aiim.     Fw  mhub  Pwtpefi 
be  bimikf^r^eih  Ju^  Warrmt  pr  lalBtginifUfi       ,-,,  ;    ui 
ff^kk^tsy  andfuti  Hhers  as  iefimgiae  Ktticreftt 
fk  Gtri  rf  the  ParUamnty  jk  Hu  (Form  ^tiit  ^i 
Ceurtreqiurrth.  .  '.  .-i 

jMfii^ball,  bwittiffmpuMlftbutbeCaafithDh 
titH  »f  tMi  rni/i  htnomraUe  Ha^e,  ff^hetbtr  ,yaw 
L»rifi>ips  t^U  tlxnk  fit  te  fraceid  tt  Examn^n 
tf  ffiltiuffes  to  he  produeed-enhit  PsTt^  bejore  be 
Mb  made  bit  Anfaur- ;  tvbereif  it  may  prfi  appear 
Uyatt  Ltrt^ps  what  Tbir^  he  vM  dory  atid  vAat 


■Ma,k*itm^aiififi-Md  tntaWf  m4  in-  ielM  Memur  bev4U 
*•■**         gVffWtbt'fame  i    mptn  whicby  ai  upm  I^ijoinedi  kt 

■'     ■"  way  particularlj    iK^aahu  hii .  Witniffist  attdf  ifUr 

Ctpitt  af  ^1  Depofituns  iahn  hotb  par  and  ^ainfi 
iuo,  tot  Cmfe  may  be  prepartd  far  yeur  l^dfinpt 

•  hoMonAk  jHigrniOi  ^  -whiA  he  pntffieib  tafw- 
ibir,  ekbis  Parti  to  a  Hearing  with' all  ptjgHU  Ex' 

Ladly,  histnoji  bumblt  Stat  i'l,  Thaiy  inr^£l  ef 

■  ^  Naturt  and  MuUiplidty  ef  the  Matteri  t^iStd 
againft  him,  which  d$  nectffi^tly  require  tb*  AffyUaut 

•  efleamed  Catt^il^  this  meft  henettrahle  Cturt  wiU 
hefUaJtd  t»  ojfign  the  foUnuing  Getulmen  U  be,ef 
Cnmjel  vjiti  him,  in  this  Cauje  tf  Wei^  ft  natch 
anceming  him ;  viz.  Afr.  Ihiior  jSt^ward,  A^. 
Richard  Hide,  of  tie  Middle-Temple,  Afr.,  Wil, 
liam  Hackwell,  of  Lincoln's-Inn. 


Then  follow  the  Names  of  near  forty  Witnefe. 

This  Petition  being  read,  the  Lords  appointed 
a  fpecial  Committee  to  cbnfider  what  Anftrer 
fhould  be  made  to  it,  confining  of  the  Lord-Pre- 
fident,  Lord  Vifcount  JUhfard,  the  Biteop  of 
RsSeJitr,  and  the  Lords  Wentwortb^  Haujard,  and 
Say,  Thefe  Lords  having  withdrawn  themfelves 
IbmeTime,  and  being  returned,  the  LoAl-PitCdent 
,  reported  to  the  HouTe   the  Anfwcr  agreed  on,  in 

thele  Words :  ,  , 

T&eOriaof  dK  '-  That  Warrants  ftiall  be  given  fcff  calling  in 
B,  of  fuch  Witnefles,  whofe  Names  fhall  be  «mbi- 
ted  in  Writing,  and  thought  fit  by  the  Houfe  to  b^ 
examinedj  thelnterrogatoriesandWitncflesNamei 
K>  be  fent  to  the  Houfc  To-morrow,  in  the  After- 
noon, and  the  Wttne&s  themfelves  to  appear,  that 
luch  of  them  m^y  be  fworn  and  examined  as  th^ 
Houfe  (ball  think  At.  2.  The  Houfe.  fees  no 
Caufc,  when  the  WitncfTes  Names  and  Interroga- 
tories are  fent  in,  why  the  Examination  of  them 
-  fhould  be  deferred :    But  the  Day  for  his  App^arT 

■  anoe  and  AnTwsr  was  to  hold.     3'.  His  Lordlhip 
i.  niay 


»/    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  i6i 

may  ufe  what  Council  he  pleafes  to  advifc  for  his  An.  ji  J^bmI. 
pefehce ;  but  it  ftands  not  with  the  Orders  of  this        '**♦" 
Hpufe  to  allow  Council,  at  the  Bar,  in  Cafes,  of 
this  Nature. 

This  Anfwcr,  being  read  and  approved,  was  fent 
to  the  Lord-Treafurer.  A  Memorfrndtrm  is  madei 
That  the  Earl  of  Bridgewater,  one  of  the  Com* 
mittee  to  fearch  Precedents,  Wr.  reported,  Tliat 
they  could  find  none  where  2  Member  of  this  Houfe 
tid  anfwer,  byhisCounfel,  to  a  Complaint  exiiibiied 
again H  him :  fiut  that  divers  Members  of  this  Houfe 
and  others  had  anfwered  in  Perfon  and  not  by  Coun- 
fel ;  and  that  Counfel  was  denied  to  Michael  dt  la 
PaU,  Lord-Chancellor,  ^nna  10,  Richard  11. 
when  he  required  the  fame. 

April  ■^.  The  Lords  being  informed  that  the 
Witnefies,  whom  the  Lord  Treafurcr  defired  to  be 
examined,  waited  without  for  that  Furpofej  they 
ordered  the  Uflier  to  go  forth  and  enquire,  whedier 
any  from  the  Lord -Treafurcr  attended  with  Inter- 
rogatories to  be  exhibited  by  his  Lordfliip  to  the 
Witnefles.  And,  being  informed  there  was  none, 
the  Lords  agreed,  for  gaining  of  Time,  to  fwear' 
the  faid  Witnefles  according  to  the  ufual  Oath. 

Soon  after  this  came  another  Petition  from  the 
Lord-Treafurer  to  the  Houfe,  which  was  read  in 
bac  Verba ; 

To  the  Right  Honourable  Affemblv  of  the  Lord» 
Spiritual  and  Temporal  in  the  higher  Houfe  ef 

The  HuMBiE  Petition  of  the  Earl'of  Middle- 
sEXj  Lord-Trhasurer  of  Sngland, 

IhfO  S  T  humbly  fliewithy  Thai,  acnrdirig  to  jtur  ,^^  j^^  y„^ 
^'^  Lardjbips  DireSlioni,  in  Anjvjtr  to  hii  Prtilieh  furer'i  Peiition 
bumbly  prefmud  Te/lerday,  hi  had  afteintei  the  fVit-  "  <o  '""^' 
Rtjfts  there  namtd  to  attend  the  moft  homurable  Houfe  ^"ij^''^^ 
this  Afiemetny  ie  befviern  le  anfwer  futh  InlerrogO' 
taritt  Mf  en  his  Behalf y  ^11  hi  exhibited, 

v»i.  VL  ;,  Sut, 


l63  The  ParHcmnt/^  H I  s  T  o  K  Y 

D,  St  Jof*  L  Bitty  viitreat  jnir  Lerdfiipf  diJ  further  dhtO 
*•*♦■  thtit  tht  faid  hUrrtpitoriit  /beuM  bt  frefenUd  iinz 
Daj  \  he  m^  btmibiy  defirit  ymr  LwJpiifi  U  he  trufy 
ii^mrmedy  that,  having  neglaSed  m»  Time  fitue  he  rt' 
£eivedhL  Charge  to  frepai-e  bis  Anfuxr,  he  fads  the 
Matteri  objt3edJii  mmiy  and  cf  fitch  divert  Natia-es^ 
'  that  he  eanttat  ytt,  poffMj,  furni/b  the  fatnty  in  ^uh 

fevfeif  emd  futrtictdar  Adamer^  as  he  ottght,  end  de- 
fires  t9  dtf^yair  Lordfimps  btfl  SatiifaiHM,  and  the 
elearrvg  the  Matters  laid  to  hit  Ciwrge  in  ail  Points, 
And  therefore^  hit  Jfifisxr  being  notyelready,  ttpan 
'  which  off  the  /nterregaiories  tmJt  preperfy  he  grdtrnded^ 

emd  without  which  your  Lor^ips  yudgtnettts  »f  fhl 
Peftirteneies  if  the  Interragalwies  emaiet  be  riffitJy  !b~ 
fsrmcd^  he  bumhiy  befeethetb  ymir  Lor^xpt  ta  rejpitt 
ti)etn,  and  as  Joen  as  his  Arifiver  it  finifieJ  he  VliB 
fifrrvard  than  ivi)b  ali  po^C  Speed. 

And  be  dtth,  omee  agaiH^  hmtnify  prvpMnd  ti  the 
Cmj^deratim  *f  ihii  mfifl  honestrabie  Hot^  (betaufi 
therein  year  Lordjhips  have  nst  been  ^eafed  te  give  . 
A'^'er  tad*  bisfsr^ier  Petitim}  nAmW-  ysir  I^d' 
/btpstioM  net,  sn  your  MabSe  yn/ace^'fennit  him  t» 
toTie  Ctpies  ^  Ae  Defefiliwi  takea  aud  A  he  tedtett 
in  this  Caaje,  «n  b^A  Stdet,  without  vdmh  he  fkdl 
be  tdterfy  difabUd  tv  make  that  js^  Defence^  vohieb 
^Cai^e,  0j  ^at  Impartanee  H  Nm^  dab  ti^t^rilf 


Tlw  Lords,  upop  rpa^ic^  this  Petition^,  did  all 
agtve,  *  That  it  is  agalnll  the  Order.^  t)us  Comi, 
at  wdl  as  of  all  odicr  Ctwrts,  for  a  Deliuqyent  to 
iajm^  Ca^ks-  of  tbc  Exaountbon*  beTore-  he  aH- 
fwa*.'  AttAt  M  to  the  reft  of  tbe  PcQtWD,  die 
fa/Hovfiag  AnlWer  w^s  agreed  on  lo  it. 

*  TIte  LcyrAe  cKpeSeil  to  he-  ahe^  snd  tJM  to 
bw«  been  dke&xi ;  dnd  boU  ^  a  DiMj^  unfit 
rile  Houle,  That  Witnd&s  flioul<^  ie  pradMfe^ 
aai  (worn,  smA  no  IntBrroj^iorie*  fim  wkereea  to 
txamine  than  m  was  feqiimd;' 

'  Th£  Copie*  of  Depdidans  iSteaif  taken.  At- 

Pnuf  of  ^  Charge^  was  not  due^j*  pmjwd'  in 


^  E  n-  <?'■  I,  A  N  tf.  -"  >6^ 

tMe'formei*  Petltiohi  thMt'6te  it  was  nbi  precifel^AW  aij***'* 
ajirwered  ;  b6t  it  is  fouHKt  a  Dcfire  that  the  Lorils;         '"*' 
thmt  the  Prtitioner  ill-advifed  to  make  fucH  a  Re- 
tiuefl.     Arid,  attofdihg,  to  the  former  Gl^CT  of  the' 
Hbure.tKeLords-eKpedt  tht  tord-Trcafurer-s' Ap-' 
pearahce  To-inortow  Mofnlngi  to  hear  fucli-  An-  . 
iWcrrs  as  he  fhail  matt.' 

^ril  It);  Ariothdr  Petition  from  ihe  Lord- 
't'rta1\lrei'w'a&  jirefenbd  to  the  Houfcj  and  read  in 
8di  Verba  ■;  diretfted  as  before  : 

ThfO  S  T  humbly  Jhtw'in^^  That;  itfidtt  the  -weighty  Tlie  Lori  Tra«- 
■^*^  Cart's  of  Mind  which  now  do  lie  upon  hitn^  by  JlTtlT"^ 
the  ehaM'hl  f^aiH  retiivedfnm  that  rnoji  hmourablt      ^"^    "^ 
Houfe,  he  is  fallen  into  fueh  an  IndifpaJitioH  ef  Body^  , 
«/  he  is  once  mare  tHforeed  to  befeech  your  LerdJijipSf 
in  your  nohU  ^^if^iee  and  Favour,   la  grant  him  f 
farther  Day Jai' .^refeHtijig  his  Anfiver  arid  hterroga-  \ 

ttries,  •uihicnfaU\  out  to  be  much  tsUger  than  he  him' 
ftif  expiS'ed]  li  being  nb  ffnall  Adttithn  to  his  Sar- 
rinvsy  thai,-  lA  d'  Cafi'  fo  Htarly  concertUng  inm,  ht- 
atrntoi  cViiieivS' by  theit'  Loy'd^ips  form&  Anjwers  tx 
his  ferm^  humb/e.  Petition,  that  they  ^urpofid  to  el- 
iiui  him  Cifielaf  th'e  DipopiinS,  whereby;  after  his 
AHfwer  delhefid' in  Writing,  he  Jhall  prepare  himfelf 
for  Usjiift  defence  agaitift  thetiedring. 


jTo  back  this  Petition,  his  Royal  Highnefs  the^ 
I*riifta\moVed  the  Houfe,  '  That  in  refpea  of  riie 
tora-TrtafUfef's  gteat  Office,  and  Sicltnefs  prc- 
tthdty'by'his'Lordftipi  he  minht  have  a  longer" 
iWVT^^n  tiim,  ahd  thit  Day  to  be  abfolute.  On 
wfifel?  (fitff&Uowlng  Anfwcr  to  the  Petition  was 
igr*'ea''6h:  -  - 

»  That  the  Lords,  only,  in  refpe^  of  the  Lord-  whWi  >■  pMtrf 
'fifeafirfey's  Indi(t)ofition  df  Health,  are  plcafed  to  hin. 
itel^itfe  hiif  Ap'fteafailce  this  Day ;  but  to  enjoin  that 
tIaSMt'day  itttct;  May  i.  at  Nine  va-  the  Morn- 
iiig'f  if  his  Health  fo  permi:,  he  bring  bis  Anfwcc 
.'•■  Li  2-  accord- 

.164  ^fie  ParUamentary  HisrotLY 

♦«.  »ij»n»»l. recording  to, the  former  Orders  of  this  Houfc {  if 
*"***  not,  that  then  he  fend  his  Anfwcr  to  his  Charge  in 
Writing,  and  all  fuch  Interrogatories  as  he  wo«1d 
have  his  Witnefles  examined  upon.  Likewifc,  the 
Lords  do  peremptorily  a/Ttgn  Friday,  the  7th  of 
Afay  next)  at  Nine  in  the  Morning,  for  his  Ap- 
pearance in  Pcrfon,  and  for  the  final  hearing  and 
determining  the  Caufe.* 

This  Concetlion  of  the  Lords  was  gained  by  a 
Xetter,  which  the  Tre^urer  had  wrote  to  the 
King,  to  tntreat  him  to  intercede  with  them  for 
longer  Time.  The  Letter  itfelf  is  too  cunftftent 
with  this  Defign  to  be  omitted. 

The  Earl  of  Middlesex  to  the,  KING  {dj. 

Sacred  Majefty  and  my  moft  gracious  Matter, 
MU  irtterw  (ht  y*0  UR  Goedne/i  is  fuch  to  me  your  opprefed  Str- 
^*  &  '*'"  r  *""''  '"  '^''  *^  ^"^  "f  Perficulien,  as  I  ikotif 
not  bovj  to  exprefs  my  Thonkfulntfs  j  etbtrviife  than 
by  pouring  fartb  my  btimhU  and  hiarty  Prayers  to  thr 
grtat  God  of  Htaven  and  Earth,  te  grant  yaur 
Majejiy  all  Happinefs  hert  and  tverlafting  Happinefi 

Between  Five  and  Six  of  the  Clock  on  Saturday 
MI  the  Evening,  I  received  my  Charge  from  the 
Lords  affemUed  in  Parliament,  with  an  Order  by 
which  I  am  commanded  to  appear  at  lie  Bar,  en  ■ 
Thurfday  next,  by  Nine  of  the  Cleci  in  the  Morn- 
ing, with  my  Anfwtr ;  and  in  the  mean  Time  te  ex- 
>  amine  my  Witnffes. 

Ibis  Charge  if  mine  hath  been  in  preparing,  hf 
examining  Witnijfes  on  Oath,  and  etherwife,  twenty- 
three  Days  i  and  hath  hem  weighed  by  the  Wifdetn 
of  bath  Heufes  j  and  doth  concern  me  fe  nearly  in 
Point  of  Honour  and  Faitb  to  your  Majefly,  te  an- 
fwtr well,  as  I  value  my  Life  at  nothing  in  (emfari- 

1  may  grieve,  tboiigb  I  will  net  cemplain  of  atry 

thing  my  Lords  Jhall  be  pltafed  te  command  j    bsit 

do  hapt  that,  upon  a  fecond  Canjidtration,  tbey  will 


ifli  CataU,  otUjptrim^  Start,  ltctV<A,%iit,  f:\9t. 

e^   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  i6j 

set  think  three  Days  a  filing  Time  for  me  to  mfike^^  >»  J«»ii* 
my  AnfweTy  and  to  examine  Witneffti  in  a  Caufe  ef       ''*** 
frch    Impariance  and  fo  nearly  <oncermng  me,    when 
twenty-three    Days   have    hem    fpmty    almoji  from 
Mtming  until  Night,  inprepanag  my  Charge. 

I  know  theHmj'e  (whofe  Judgment  I  Jhall  never 
dejire  to  wave)  is  the  prtprr  Place  far  me  ta  move  It 
he  refolved  herein  ;  and  therefsre  jhaU^  an  Wednef- 
day  Morning,  make  my  humble  Motion  there,  to  have 
feven  Days  longer  Time,  ■■  as  well  to  mate  my  Anjwer 
and  Appearance,  as  ta  examine  my  WitneJfeSt  woe  art, 
many,  and  upon  feveral  Heads, 

But  becaufe  the  Prince  his  Highnefi  and  many  if 
the  principal  Lords  are  now  with  your  Mojcjfj  at 
Windfor,  my  humhU  Suit  to  your  Mayejly  is,  that 
you  would  be  pleajed  to  move  them,  on  my  Behalf,  to 
yield  me  fo  much  further  Time,  that  my  Caufe  may 
notfuffer  Prejudice  far  want  of  Tinu  to  maie  myjuji 
Defence ;  thai  which  I  have  propounded  being  at  mo- 
derate as  is  poffihU. 

IVith  my  mfji  humile  and  -hearty  Prayer  to  Al- 
nighty  God  for  Cantinuanft  of  your  Health,  witb  all 
Happin'efsy  /  humbly  iifs  yaur  Majeftft  Hands,  and 
will  ever  reji, 

April  »«,  Your  Majefty's 

i<>4-  mod  humble  Subject  and  Servant, 


Togo  on  with  tfliryourrM: — The  fame  Day, 
April  zc),  die  Attorney  General  read  fome  addi- 
tional Articles  to  the  Charge  againft  the  Lord  Trea- 
furer,  in  hoe  Verba: 

•  I.  He  undertook  the  Office  of  the  Wardrobe,  j^jj;,;,^  ^^ 
in  the  r6th  Year  of  his  Majeftv's  Reign ;  and  con-  tkiet  tpinti  th* 
tinued  in  die  Service  of  that  Place  from  Michael-  Lord  Ttearsrw. 
nm,  Anne  16,  to  the  fame  TInif,  Anno  19.     This 
QfEce  he  took  upon  him  under  Pretence  of  doing 
ais  Majefty  fpecial  Service;  and,  for  thatPurpofe, 
obtained  a  certain  Affignment  of  i0-,0OO  I.  per  Ann  ^ 
or  .thereabouts,  which  was  duly  paid  unto  him  by 
way  of'  Impre^.' 

.  L3  'I"-   - 

i66.  The  Tariiamentary  H is t-^j r y 

4a,  iijimal.  *  Ififtead  of  doing  Service,  -he  had  btought.that 
'^  Place  into  DJforder  and  Confufion  ;  he  lia,th  Vot 
duly  ferved  the  Warrants  which  he  fhould  haie" 
fervcd,  nor  paid  the  Workmen  and  Credjtijrs  i  ho  - 
hath  neither  kept  orderly  Accounts,  iior  yj.el|^ 
any ;  but,  under  Colour  of  pretended  ScryiCe  of 
great  Importance,  hath  procured  Gifts  irig  DiC- 
diargesqf  ^reat  Sums  of  Money,  whicij^cre,Seiv- 
ed  for  the  Execution  of  that  Place,  and  fur  the 
Queen's  Funeral.' 

*  IL  Whereas,  in  the  former  Charge  deljverej- 
to  bis  Lordfliip,  it  is  tnco^pned  that  Merchants, 
importing  Sugars,  have  been  denied  to  expbrt  the 
fame  without  paying  new  Duties  j_  If  iiCT^^rs, 
upon  further  Coiiiideration  pf  that  Bufineis,  ThaJ 
tbe  Prejudice  the  Merchants  have  fuft'aihed  con- 
cerning' their  Sugars,  is,  tt>at  they  have  been  tle- 
liied,  upijn  Exportation  of  Sugars,  ^'e  Impofts 
paid  on  Importation ;  whit;h  is  contrary  to  the 
Direftion  given  by.  his  Majefty's  Letters  Patents 
5  Sept.  8  fac' 

A  Copy  .of  this,  figned  by  the  Cleric,  wa;;  fent 
to  the  Lord  Treafuref  by  Mr-  Serjeao't  Davis  ^lhA 
Mr.  Serjeant  Pmeh,  ■ 

Mt^  I.  T^is  Day  the  Lord  Treafurer  fent  jwt 
another  .fwiriofl  to  the  Lords,  .with  his  Aftlwer  to 
bis  Charge,,  an^  the,  Interrogatories  to  four  Parts  of 
the  fame  i  ft'hich',  being  read,  were  referred  to  a 
Committee,  who  were  to  report  to  .the  H6ufe,v(hat 
Interrogatories  they'reUdt.  '  The  Tenor  o^  tjie 
Petition  wiis  as  follows:  ! 

To  the  moft  Honourable  Aflembly  of  the  Xords 
...  Spiritual  and  Temporal  in  the  Higher  Houfe  of 

-  Parliament.   ;  ■      - . 

Hi.  further Pe-   CT'NE  Lard' Treafurer,  with  mofl  humble  Thanks,,, 

titioo.  -*      acJuiBUiUdgeth    the  '  hstwurahU    Favour  of   tbfs 

'    Houfe-,  by  their  noble  Order  made  in  this.  Utiufe   e» 

Thurfday  laji;    and  dath  mjl  humbly  takf  hold  of 

the  Liberty  thereby  granted  him,    (in  rej^eif  of  his 

Indijpofit'ion,  vihiih  yet  tmtinueth)  miji  humbly  to  fri- 



y   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.     •  167 

Itnl  to  yur  Ltni/Inpj  berrwith  all  hit  An/ioir,   in  A».  i«  Junw^L 
ffritittgt  as  well  to  the  Charge  he  received  the  l^fh         ''*♦" 
•/"  April,  as  to  the  jfdditions  thereto  which  he  received 
the  29/i  ef  ibefame^  together  with  as  rminy  of  his  h- 
terregatiries  fsr  Examination  of  IVitneffes  as  he  could 
peffihly  n/ake  ready  by  this  Time,  which  are  full  and 
farfea  fur  four  of  the  Articles  of  his  Charge ;    m^  ■ 
hsanbly  dejiring  Monday  Marning  at  the  Sitting  tf 
the  Cwrt  far  tHe  bringing  in  the  rejl;  and  that  ygfif 
l.ordJhips^  will  pardan  the  Length  of  his  Anfwer  ;  the 
Variety  and  Multiplicity  af  the  Particulars  necejarily 
requiring  it^  as  well  for  fbc  readier  Informing  vfyov 
Lard/blps  fudgments,  as  for  Relief  of  his  own  wtak  ^ 

J^morjy  whom  as  yet  you  hai^  been  pleajed  ta  appoint 
to Jlaifd edone  without  Counfei  at  the  Hearing:  Me  ■ 
doth  withal  humbly  explain  hit  M^anutg  in  theformtr 
Petitions f  which  were  not  to  dejire  Copies  of  t$f  D*~ 
pojitions  hifarehis  Anfvjer  werefut  in,  andaU  ff^tt- 
m^s  ftt-aadagtpnfimm  fuSy^eieetnined:  Buty  when 
that  JbaH  he  dme^  he  hepfs  if  wliijland  with  the  Hp- 
,  nour  and  'Jujiice  of  thai  mojl  hoaourabU  Jimfe,  to  «/- 
Jow  him  Copies  ef  the  CUpafaiom  aft  both  Sides. 


The  Tenor  of  the  Lord-Treafmer's  Anfww  to 
his  Chaise  followetb : 

He  Humble  Answer,  of  the  Earl  of  Middlefez, 
Loiu3-Tr£Asueer  of  Engbfld,  to  the  Part  of, 
the  Charge  whith  was  delivertd  him  from  Ih* 
tnaft  honturable  Court  of  the  Higher  Houjt  of  Pari-  ^ 

Mmutsty  an  Saturday  the  2^b  of  Aprils  1624. 

TO  the  firfl  and  diird  Anicles  concemine  tlie    .    .  ,      ,_ 
two  pretended  Unbes  01  wo/,  a-picce,  «- iin (.a pat  rf ' 
ledged  to  be  taken  by  the  Lord-Treafurer  f«r  i^e  the  ^AMv  *- 
fcveral  Caufes  mentioned  in  the  (aid  Articles :   His  !•»*  ^^' 
,  Anfwcr  i*.  That  no  fuch  feveral  Sums  were  ever 
,  piii.  unto  him,  nor  any  Money  at  all  for  any  of 
the  Caufes  mentioned  in  the  faid  Charge ;  but  he 
acknoifrledgeth  that,  the  27th  of  yune  laft  paft, 
bsi  ity.iuii  Servant,  did  receive  at  die  Hands  of 
L  4  Mrabfin 


1 65  ^  Parliameniary  HistoVy 

\Ae.  tz  Jimtt  t.  Abraham  yacai,  one  entire  Sum  of  a    ioooA  in 
-     *>fi=4-  cQiifideration  of  his,  the  faid  Lord-Treafurer's,  In- 

tcrefl  in  fbur  31  Parts  of  the  great  Farm,  which 
he  had  fgrmerly  rcfervcd  untohimfelf,  upon  fettling' 
thenewLeafe  thereof;  and  for  no  otherCaufc,  as 
he  hath  truly  alledged  in  his  Anfwer  to  the  Houfc 
of  Commons:  And,  for  better  Satislaflion  of  this 
.  moft  honourable  Houfe  therein,  he  hath  here  fet 
down  a  true  and  particular  Declaration  of  the  State 
and  Carriage  of  that  Bufmcfs,  as  foUoweth  : 

'  He  is  very  well  afTurcd,  that  as  his  general 
Courfei  in  all  Bargains  of  the  like  Nature  ^r  tJis 
Xing,  hath  been  to  look  to  his  own  Duty  and  the 
King's  Service,  as  the  Huiband  of  his  Majefty's 
Eftate  J  fo  in  this  particular,  touching  the  9500  /. 
allowed  to  the  Petty  Fanners  in  rccompcnce  of 
their  Lof?cs,  he  carried  himfelf  fo  carefully  and 
fo  ftriaiy  for  the  King,  as  he  could  no  ways  ex- 
peft  (b  muc^  as  Thanks,  much  Icfs  any  Gratuity 
or  Reward  from  them:  For  thotigji,  at.firft,  they 
demanded  of  his  M^efly  a  vcr;'  great  Stim,  pre- 
tending, that  the  Interruption  ihey  complained 
■  of  was  10,000/.  Difadvantage  to  them  in  their 
firft  Year  only  j  yet,  upon  good  Reafons,  fliewed 
by  the  Lord-Tr^urer,  on  his  Majefty's'  Behalf, 
they  were  brought  to  accept  of  9,500  /.  wheixof, 
though  they  earnellly  prefled  to  haw  prefent  Satif- 
fadion,  yet  he  over-ruled  them  to  take  it  in  nine 
Years  and  an  Half,  (which  was  not  worth  more  , 
.  than  50CO  /.  in  hand)  and  that,  alfo,  to  be  in  full 
.  SatisfaiSiun  of  all  their  Demands,  not  for  one  Year, 
but  for  the  whole  Term  of  nine  Years  and  an  Half; 
fo,  as,  in  that  Particular,  the  Lord-Treafurer  was 
^  '  fo  far  from  doing  tliem  FaVour,  that  he  thinks, 
they  have  malif  ed  him  ever  fmce,  rathtt  for  hold- 
ing them  fo  hard  to  it,  than  for  any  Regard  to  the 
King's  Service.' 

*  And  for  the  Great  Farm,  the  faid  Treafurcr 

faith,  That  the  old  Farmers,  becoming  Suitors  to 

:  renew  their  Leafe,  propounded  to  leave  the  SiHc- 

Farm  upon  his  Majefty's  Hands;   and,  withal,    tO 

have  an  Abctement  of  the  Rent  they  then  paid  fiw 



»/  ENGLAND.  1*9  . 

Ae  Great  Fann :  Whereupon  the  Lprd-Trcafurcr.  *■■  i>  Jwnw  It 
"finding  how  much  that  Offer  tended  to  his  fAzKRy'a  *'•*• 
Difadvantage,  defired  Si!"  Arthur  Jtigrapt^  by  hi^H 
fetf  and  his  Friends,  to  get  a  better  Offer  inade  0 
the  King,  which  was  done  accordingly  i  and  there- 
by his  Majefty's  Rent  was  not  impaired  [at  at  fiift 
was  propofed)  but  incrcafed  4000/.  per  Annumi 
and  the  Sitk-Fann-Rent  was  alfo  made  good] 
which,  ptherwife,  tp  have  been  lett  by  itieif,  would 
nr>t  have  yfeld^  the  old  Rent  by  5,  or  6{>po/.  p^ 
Annum ;  b  that  the  Bargain  was  better  to  die  King 
'  than  the  old  Farmers  firft  offered  by  (),  or  io,0oo  T, 
pir  Annum:  Notwithf^ndlng,  Ttwas  thought  iit 
by  his  Majefty  that,  the  old  Farmers,  coining  to 
me  Rate  offered  by  others  within  a  ipoo  /.  p€r 
Annum^  fliould  have  the  Preference  of  the  Bargain. 
But  withal,  the  Lord-Treafurer,  to  gratify  tho^ 
who,  by  their  faid  Offers,  had  done  the  King  Ser- 
vice, by  advancing  the  Rent  as  aforefaid,  <hd,  jit 
the  Inllance  of  Sir  Arthur  Ingram,  on  bis  and  tfaejf 
Behalf,  referve  certain  Parts  of  the  faid  Farm,  widi 
no  other  Intention  but  to  difpofe.  (he  fame  among 
thein  ;  and  then  gave  Ordpr  for  the  %^k  to  pppr 
ceed  to  the  Patentees,  who  werefjamed,  ifi  friij^ 
for  themfelves,  'and  all  the  Partners.' 

*  And,  afterwards,  the  laid  I^ord-Treafurer  did 
.  difpofe  of  th^  faid  Parts,  rcferved  to  the  faid  Sir 
Artfjw  Ingram  and  others,  according  to  the  firft. 
.'  Intention ;  four  of  which  Parts,  the  Parties  whicji 
.had  them  did  afterwards,  at  feveral  Times,  eive  up 
'  to  the  laid  Lord-Tre^urer,  and  left  the  fame  3t 
;  his  difpoGng.     Some  Months  after.  Sir  PAt/tt  Ca- 
.  r<y,  who  had  one  of  the  I.ord-Treafurer's  Partj, 
and  fome  others  placed  by  the  Farmers,  upon  Tome 
Millike  of  Carriages  of  that  Farm,  did  alfo  relin- 
quish  and   give  up  their  Parts ;    upon  Occafion 
whereof,  the  Lord-Ticafurcr,  being  put  in  mind 
by  Sir  Arthur  Ingram  of  the  faid  four  Parts,  which 
were  returned  unto  him  by  thofe  to  whom  he  had 
'  formerly  dlfpofed  them ;  and  being  a/ked  what  he 
would  do  with  them;  did,  upon  "huti's  next  ctxn- 
*  ing  to  him.  aflc  him,  Ho\y  the  Farmers  memt  to 

J!^p  7h^  ParUffmeptaiy  lUt*"^ our 

*sja«a  Lufehim  forTiisT^yr  thirty-twoPaits  of  the  Fana' 
*>•*•  -Ue'infvcred,  TTiat  bccaufc  his  Lordi})ip  ha«]  fcf- 
merfy  figned  a  Warrant,  &r  the  King's  Security  (^ 
iati  the  thiify-two  Facts,  aiid  faid  nouing  of  tbofe 
four  Pahs,  they  thoughr  his  LopJlbjp  had  waved 
them  \  hut  he  would  Ibeak  ^yith.the  JVtfiers  aboat 
It,  aod  the;)  give  him  a  full  ^nfw^r,!  Within  tiew 
Pays  after,  Jtunl  ret'urped  to  K)m,  ^d  very  free- 
•|y  offered  a  ibooA  for  his  Pajts,  accordipg  to  the 
Kate^hich,  hefaid,  tbey  had  lately  given  to  Mr. 
Chincelidr  for  liis ;  which  tl(e  Lprd-Treafurcr  wai 
contented  to  accept :  And  yithin  four  D*ys  jifW, 
be  tcdd  Mr.  Chancellor  whajt  Bargiiin  he  had  nude 
with  the  F^rmers^for  his  Intercit  jn  four  thirty- 
two.  Parts  of  the.^reat  Fann,  viz.  That  be  h^ 
fold  them  to  the  Farmers  for  a  looo  /.' 

*  This  Agreement  being  thus  inatje  with  "Jactby 
'and  the  lOpoA  paid accordingly  j  it  fjlls  out,  by 
that  which  was  Imce  difcovered.  That  he  and  his 
Partnere,  which  (bared  thofe  four  Parts,  agreed 
"'.tpgether,  to  e^e  themfdves  of  jh^t  Money,  (which 
"fh3uld'havebeenpirp[)e^lyf)9ri)epppii  their  own  prr- 
-  wte  Accounts.)  by  l*ying  the  fapie  vpon  the  gener^ 
(Accpunts  of  the  Great  and  Petty  FarpK;  (them- 
'fclves  being  Farmers:  iii  boA)  and  thereupon,  tbe 
1000 /.  as  is  fmcf  4ii]i:pvered,  was  by  them  divid- 
ed jntp  two  Parts ;  the  one-flalf  entered  upon  (he  ' 
Books  of  the  Petty  Farmery,  ^ nd  the  otber,  upon 
the  general  Account  of  th?  Oij^I  Fprp),  4?  Gra- 
'  tuities  to  the  Lor^-Tr^afiu'er  ;.who  liftl^knew.^f 
^<heir  tinjuft  Proce^ings,  both  with  hjihfelf  ^tjd 
their  Partners,  until  about  Chri/imai  laft;  wfa«n 
he  had  firft  Int^atioi)  of  feme  fuch  Char^  I^d 
'  upon  the  Petty  Farms,  not  hearing  then  that 
^  ^hich  was  done  upoii  the  Great  Fan|i$  Account : 
HereHpon  he  gfefently  fcnt  fgr  yacsby  and  was  much 
offended  widi  him,  that'  he.  fliould.  luffer  any  fuch 
unjiift  Thing  to  be  done ;  who,  at  firft,  denied  it ; 
'  but,  .the  next  pay,  eonfefTed  Itj  and  faid,  it  was  ill 
^one ;  and  faid,  he  v/za  over-ruled  in  it ;  a;]d  pr(^- 
'  mifed  to  fet  all  flralght  again,  Recording  to  the 
Truth  ai)d  Right  of  the  Qale :  which,  tbe  Lor^- 


..  /.  p  ff  0  J.  A  N  p.  lyx 

Xpesi(ui;er  undcrftands  was  dpne  accordingly^  npt  Ap- "  J«»«  i 
l^^ftingjhe  sboA  from  t^ie  fittWJP^'s  Ac?  ■  t«it-  " 
cottnt  to  the  Great  Faijn's, .  i)i^t  by  dir<:l:|aigj^e 

both  upjuft  .Chacges  out  of  bpth  Accounts ;'  ;d>e 
Patentees      ■     ''       v   .,_  .l    «rf  <:-.._   j.. 


Eentees  returoing  back  die  ^oiie^  whu^  th^ 

i  taken  off  ^e  Petty  Farmers,  .upon  tb«  Lonir 

'T'rcafurer's  juft  Exception  then^oj^  p^.'alfo'm^- 

"     -  '='--  Rcftitut"—     -'■  '■-"-- —  *'----'"-  -«--:_ 

Ing^i^c  ReftittitioQ,  of  tbcir^wn  Afqord,;to  theif 
^jUUieis  in  the  0<^it  Farm,  whom  tljey  )iad  like- 
Jtnje  wr6nged ;  whereof  .the  Lord-Tfeafurei  faeai^ 
nt^ttig  till  of  late ;  Stf,  he  hopes,  the  ,Prpofs  ^ 
Vn'a  Caufo  will  ipa^e  it  evidently  appeal,'  that  alj 
.^is  Scandal  ha^h  .&llen  upon  biAi,  by  thi^  und^r- 
Ban^  working  ©f  At  Patentees  for  Jheir  oy/n  pri- 
^aie  Gain";  fy  v^i)gfully  charing  .^Jr  Pftrtijeij 
.  II)  .)}oth  F^rtns^  to  eale  themfelvesj  without  th; 
Ijorrf-Tce^iirei^s  Privity  or  Kiipwledge;.  And  th^' 
^le  Patentees,. tpmakctheirowp  Tale^ood,  hayp 
.lately  denied  that  the  X-orJ-Treafurcr  had'  ^ny  Parj 
ta  .the  Farm  ^  yet,  it"  will  manifeftly  appe^.  upoa 
sProof,  by' the.  Oaths  of  Men  of'^ood  Reckoningj 
.diaC  ttieihfelves  have  acknowletjtgedj  th^*hisLorar 
'ftiijp'hadj;ef«rveiJ'Patt  of  that 'Farm  at  his  difpif 

^lig.'   '■  '  ■        '"    '';'■-."'■ 

',  For  the  ipoA.andtJie  Tun  of  Wine,  allcdgcd, 
in  the  feco;id  Article,  to  be  received :  Tht 
Ttuth  is  this,  TiidX  AbrahapuJ^cob  beit^  wl^ 
die  £<ord-Treafurer  about  qther  BulinfiB,  tohl  him, 
^That  the  Farmers  of  t^e  Petty  Farms,  h^id,'  <ff 
aid  intend,  to  prefent  hini  with  a  Ttin  of  Wipc^ 
for  a  New  'Vtar's  JGift.  T^e  jLord-Treafursr 
'*tben  anrwerfii)  him  merrily.  That  other  Ldrd[- 
'Trea(urers  bad  Iraen  better  refpeif^d  by  thpfe  Far- 
'^eOL^  and.^athejvouldh^ve  ^onpof  rfieir  Wiflej 
and  ftiortly  aft^r,  Bernard  Hyde  brought  him  ap  ' 
'KpV.  for  a  New  gear's  G"^  .onl/a  apd  fq.r  up 
other  ,Caij.fe.' 

, .  *  To'the  fourth  Article,  conpemlng  George  Her- 
^f!?«'i(lecj£0pirte'arid  the  Sugar  Fann,  the  Lord- 
^T'reafijrer  .qiajces' this  Anfwer,  'That  in  1620,  a 
f^nCc  was  gtai^d  to  George  Hfrriti,  of  the  Impoft 
li^O^  ^ugars  fpt  .t^ec  Years,' not  aj  .the  Rent  of 

■'''  '        '   '^        ■  !-■■...  10,000 


17a  ^7>e Parliamentary  Histort 

1.1*  j««hI.  10,060  Maries  ptr  Amaan^  as  is  zUedged  in  HiK 
*^*¥        Charge,  but  at  {cisbjr'a  jooo/.  per  Jtrntm^  vie. 
5666/.  1 3  J.  4^  Rem." 

*  Afterwards,  the  17A  of  Jfovemher  1620,  in 
Ae  Tipie  the  Lord  Vifcount  AiandevUU  was  Trea- 
furer,  Htrrtgt  obtained  a  Pri»y-Seal  of  Affiganient, 
frbereby  h«  had  Power  to  pay  himlclf  out  of  the 
St^TrFarnif-Rent,  by  ^ay  of  Rebuncr,  a  Debt  of 
13,089/.  ji>i.  form^^  due  to  btm,  v/z.  for  bis 

'  Free-Arrcar  in  the  £^hequer  187/.  lOi.  an4 
Bpon  fix  Privy-Seals  for  Jewels,  formerly  Itougl^ 
of  luni,  12,902/.  6j,  in  which  Privy-Seal  of  Af« 
^lunent,  ^here  was  one  fpecial  Ctaufe,  That  if 
the  faid  three  Years  Rent  would  cot  fuffice  to  pw 
the  whole  Pebt,  by  rcafon  of  Defalcations  whits 
ifiight  ^1  out  upon  the  Farm,  the  refl  fhould  be 
made  good  out  of  the  Exchequer;  and  afterwards, 
'  }n  M^  and  Auguft  1621,  in  the  Viltount  Mandt* 

vilU'i  Time,  Herriat  obtained  two  other  Privy- 
Seals,  for  two  other  Debts  due  to  bim,  amounting 
tx>  196a  /.  15/.  whicb^  being  added  to  the  former 
Debts  by  Privy-Seal,  makes  up  the  great  Sum  of 
14,865/.*  mention^  In  the  Loid-Ticafurer's 
.    <;harge,' 

*  And  whereas  it  is  alledged,  that  this  whole 
Sum  of  14,865  /•  ^"^^  P^id  to  flMTiot  by  the  now 
Lord-Treafurer's  Order  within  the  Space  of  z6 
pays  ;  the  Truth  is.  There  was  not  one  Penny 
paid  at  all  in  Money,  but  HerrUt  being  indebted  to 
bis  Majefty  7799'.  upon  account  of  the  Rents 
vA  Profits  of  the  Sugar-Farm  until  Cbrtftmat 
1621*  the  fame  was  allowed  in  -difcharge  of  lb 
much  of  his  Debt  of  14,865/.  v\%.  5666/,  13;, 
and  4^.  which  he  had  Power  to  pay  himlelf,  by 
virtue  of  the  faid  Privy-Seal  of  AlBgnment ;.  and 
2132^1  6/.  and  %d.  which  was  done  by  him 
upon  hif  Account  before  ^  Lcafe  of  the  Sugar- 
Farm  began.  And  whereas  be  might,  by  the  laid 
Trivy-Scal  of  AJEgnmcni,  have  paid  himfclf  the 
other  7066/.  withm  lefs  than  I5  Months;  the 
Lotd-TreaTurer  did,  by  Herrioft  Confent,  tranf- 

.  ier  the  £une  to  be  paid  out  of  the  Tobacco-Farmt 

«/•  E  N  G  t  A  N  a  ,    iji 

'*«.  ^bCX)L.ztMitbaelmat  i622j  and  die  reft  atAa.a*Jww 
Jl£t^elniat  1623;  which  was  a  longer  Time  and  .»'»4> 
more  advantageous  Affignment  for  the  King,  than 
rite  former  was :  So,  although  there  were  feveral 
Orders  figned,  as  if  the  Money  had  been  paidim* 
mediat;dy  out  of  the  Exchequer:  yet  that  was  done* 
of  Neceflity,  to  enable  the  Arildng  Tallp,  for  the 
Tellers  Charge  and  Difcharge,  as  the  Form  of  die 
Exchequer  required,  without  ifluing  any  Money  at 
all :  So  that  it  will  appear  upon  Record,  this  Charg« 
'  upon  the  Lord-Trcafurer  is  wholly  miftaken ;  and 
that  he  was  fo  fu  from  paying  fo  much  ready  Mo- 
ney zs  he  is  charged  widi^  that  he  paid  no  ready 
Money  at  all,  but  by  Afl^nment;  which  he  made 
at  longer  I^ays,  than  it  was  formerly  fetded  in  his 
Predeceflbrs  Time.  And  thereupon  Htrrlft,  hav- 
ing his  Debt  thus  fetded  and  paid  to  his  Content^ 
did  furrender,  up  hisLeafe;  which,  he  had  procured 
to  no  other  End,  but  to  fecure  the  Payment  of 
theDebtsowing  tohi^by  theKing.  Afterwards, 
it  is  true,  his  Majelly  granted  a  new  Leafe  of  d>e 
Sugar-Farm  to  the  Lord-Treafur's  Ufe,  at  the 
Rent  of  2000  L  per  Annum;  in  the  granting  where- 
of his  Majefty  was  truly  infonncd  of  die  State  of  ^ 
t^  &me,  ana  particularly  made  ^cquiunted.  That 
die  ^d  Farm  of  Sugars  might  be  improved  to 
£000  /•  ptr  Annum^  though  Herritl  had  it  but  at 
j666A  iji.  4ri/.  it  being  his  Majeity's  Pleafure, 
out  of  his  own  Grace  and  Goodnefs,  tojrant  the 
fame,  in  Form  aforefaid,  to  the  Ixtrd-Treafurer,. 
for  his  many  Services,  and  for  Coniideratiom  bell 
known  to  himfelf.* 

'  For  the  flow  paying  his  Rent,  it  is  true,  that 
one  of  the  3000/.  was  paid  three  or  four  Days 
after  the  Rent-Day,  and  the  other  two  Half- Year* 
Rents  were  forborn  in  refpe^  of  feme  private  Oif- 
burfements  of  his  Lordfliip's  for  the  King ;  upon 
Bills  of  Exchange  to  the  Commiffioners  for  Irt~ 
land;  and  other  Engagements  for  his  Majelly } 
which  his  Lordfliip  intended  Ihould  be  difcharged  . 
and  cleared  by  the  laid  Rent.* 

,  •  And, 

■,G  otitic 

i^4  ^  fiir^dfit^a^  Ai story 

LM|iifi«i'I^  «  AniJil^y;  .THe'LibertyoftranlpftrtmgMer-' 
**4-  chatiti  SagaVs,  forrfierly  imported,  remaineth  now^ 
iH  the  finrie  Eftete  aild  Condrtion,  without  any  AI-* 
tfemldli,  frrltethcLord-Treafurer'sLeafc,  asitditf' 
at  ahy  Tiffltf  brffofe  j  neither  is  there  any  fuch  Se- 
ftraiijt  ot  Dentil'  mlde  by  hini^  or  under  him,  ttf 
tfte  Merchants  Prejudice  <Jr  his  own  Profit,  as  is.' 
^lelJged  in  the'Chatge.' 

,  •  To  the  fifth  Article,  touching  the  Compo^ 
(ilioft  for  Gfdcery-Warfis  in  the  City  of  BrtflsV 
and  the  Out-Ports  j  the  fafd  Lofd-Treafilrtr  faith,; 
TTiat  CotApIaint  being  made  untb  him  oHliis  Ma- 
jrifty*S&sMf,  That,  the' faid  Compofition-Monfi/ 
being'  rto  lefs  due  in  the  Out-Ports  than  in  the  PortT 
d^  Lotuhn^  no  certain  Courfe  was  fettVd  for  .thtf; 
receiving  of  it,  or  brii^ing  it  to  account  for  his' 
MajeffyV  Ufe,  fo  as  little  or  no  Benefit  thercbl* 
I  c!amc  to  the  King  :    He  thereupon  thought  fit  td* 

ftnd'a  general  Warrant  to  the'  Out-Ports,  to  au-' 
^orize  .^dihiAj^ii-tf^' totake  care  of  that  Co!-' 
le£tion:i  and'  receive  fuch  Duties  of  that  Natufej' 
aJf  hatf  been'fomierly  ufed  m  have  beeri  paid;  to" 
the  end  ths  whole  Colleftion  thereof  might  cbtntf 
in' upon  orie'Man's  Account;  with  no  IntetftioH  td' 
T&ile  a  ne<hr  Charge  upon  the  Subjiet^,  but  oftt}'  ttf 
iittlf  (he  CoIleaioflS  of  the  King's  Budes  in  OfdCi^i 
And;  asfoonas'  the  faid  Lord-Treafurer  hadnb- 
tfce,  Thar  the  Citizens  of  B'tiftol  YiiA  fofthtHy^ 
yielded  to  fut^ifh  his  Majcfty's  Hbufhold  wiffli' 
,  Grotfety  ih  Sf'ecity  upon  Purveyance,  at  the  Kitt'g's* 
Cbnring  into  thbfe  Parts;  arid,  thereupoiV,  Had'ob^ 
tained  an  Order  in  the  Exchequer,  to  eittmpt  ^enT 
from  rtic  PaymtnC  of  the  Cbmpofition  ;  the  "LorA- 
Treafurcr  did  prcfefltly  difchargethe  fonher  Wai*-' 
rant  fent  thither  before;  and  referred  the  IVfei"-' 
chants  (who  acquainted  them  with  it)  to  Sir  Simbif 
Hanief,  one  of  the  Officers  of  the"  Green  Cloth,;. 
who  c^iiied  his'Lordflfip,  thathe  had agfeCd  Vriltt* 
tliem  to  their  good  Contetitment.' 

*  To  the  flxth'  Article,  concerning  the  Bufitielf 

of,  the  Court  of  Wards',  the'Lord-Tr«afafcriniikeif 

dris  Inimblc  Aafwer,  That  in  Detmitr  1618,  his 


c^  tfiCfCdUrtbf  Wafddj  WMcU  0MleH  iMe  (U        ****• 
fcrth  by  die  ProcurHnMtit  tlld  Solidcifdon  of  fcxM 
of  dkc  0{Eo6r9>,  ^iKMlt  mc  Pn»ity  dT  die  Lot4 
Vifeount  U^alSm^dm^  tflsA^,  and  feme  othek- 
«f  Che  CouncH  of'  tHst  Cdnlti  arid  Ae^  Aaat  t&t  * 
Taie  sf  Ms  Loi^i^»  UMa%  iHt  V\m: ;  Hmxa 
of  wUcti  Artkleij  tended  to  Aft  AbrM^eliieat  flf 
the  ^deilt  AitAotity  audi  Proitts  of  tht  Mafltt^ 
PliLce,  and  for  die  Pni^  o/ dCfaen  of  tfte  eWwrk    . 
of  the  Court.'  - 

•  VfUtrntpm  t*«  Ldrf-Treaftn**-,  BAig  iHaA 
'MiUfer«  wu  aA  iiUffiM^SutortbrfatsM^sfty  td'Ri^ 
flore  }^  to  dte  fonner  Rights  of  the  Place,  t^  ak 
lerirtg  the  (m£  Inftra^cMM  i)t  lb»w  Poifttt,  not  prc-- 
Micial  to  Ms  M^cAy*!  PiuAts,  normeVOAs-tolft 
8(^e^ ;  ujxMz  wUcft  it  ^eafed  kis  M^eAjr  tv  |«- 
fcf  the  fiunc  tofome  Privy  Cou*fe]loWi  a3  is-itaeit- 

.  tSantcT  in  the  Cbai^ ;  dfter  wHkh'  Tirtu^  Jtttl  be^ 
Ave  aiif  Aiii^  tras  done,  OpbA'  the  baibGfe  Mo^ 
tfAft&f  tfULord-Tretifu^r,  ht^M^fff  trdl'^iam 
«»  dire£tt  That  the  Mafi^r  and  Officen  fflttlKf  (M 
confer  an^agnee  (tf  dtc^cbuld)  vuMl^lftHhJMV^  ' 

and  refort  to  tbe  Referees;  if  they  igrtfcf  iflor: 
'WherewoM  Ae  UFa(l(H' aOtf  dF  ^  0>^%tf;  upote 
Aadiy  MeetingB- and  Debating;  agreed'  dmoog 
tltanr^vesJbr  the-oen'-  Edft^ffiOrtts,  aAd  theresilcu 
M>tufUlri)y  fubfcribetfthtirr  Names:  Therb  WaG  «i 
Miluifonnaticm  ufed  to  lus'  Majefty-;  nettfter  aHe 
Ac  P«inK  contained  in  (he  ncwlnftra^diig'dilrad- 
vantagethis  to  thc^  Kfag  or  Subjefb  more  than  &Bt 
Urtaer,  and,'  in  Arte  PbiMs;  of  mudi  idoM  Act 
vantage  both  to  the  King  and  Subjcl^' 

•  Touching  the  taking  Petitican  fromthe^eHc  • 
of  tlie  C6urt,  acd  appApriatitrg^  fhem-  ta  hittirdf 
and  the  Secretary,  s^  isdiarged  widi  takiti^giett 
Revaids  for '  procuring  k^^mts'  to  the  fetSe,'  bb 
fakS  That,  until  the  find-  lafiittflfohx  of  rtri#, 
a&  Petitions  vere  dt^nved  to  the  M^fter;  wUc^ 
by  the  laid  Inffirli^ons  of  l6T9,weR':(to  thereat 
Prejudice  of  the  Subjefi;  and  Betay  <»■  hte  M^- 
■*f»  Service)- deUvei^  to  tlie  Cftrk  ef  tiw  Coint, 


■i^netl.  who  was  to  pTcTent  it  at  the  Sittinffof  thO  Couh' 
'v**  cilj  which  could  be  only  in  Term  Time  j  where- 
as, by  the  former  aiicirat  Courle,  and  by  the  lafl 
Inftni^ons,  the  Petition&  being  delivered  to  the 
Mafter^  be  only  giveth  Order  for  finding  and  -re- 
tumine  an  Office,  which-tnuft  alfo  be  entered  with 
the  Clerk ;  and,  the  Office  being  returned,  the 
Giant  is  nude  by  the  Mafter  and  Council,  at  the 
Cotincil  Table.  By  this  Cdurre  the  Suitor  hath 
Expedition  at  all  Times,  and  the  M»fter  no  Profit  at 
aH ;  and  the  Secretary  neither  hath  taken,  nor  ex" 
a^ed,  any  Reward  of  the  Subje3  for  procuring 
Anfwers,  to  the  Knowledge  of  him  the  Lord-Trea- 

*  Touching  the  doubling  Fees  for  Continuance 
of  Liveries,,,  by  the  new  Inftru£lions,  he  faith. 
That,  ever  till  the  Inftru^tionof  1618,  the  Suitor 
might  continue  his  Livery,  either  with'  the  Mafter 
or  Surveyor;  and  the  Mdler's  Fees  for  fuch  Con- 
tinuance was  ever  ten  Shillings.  The  Inflru^ions 
of  t6l8  appropriated  the  Continuance  only  to  the 
Surveyor,  which  was  an  Encroachment  by  the  Sur- 
veys: upon  the  Mafter;  now  the  new  Inflfu£tions 
enjoin  the  Continuances  to  be  with  bothj  forwhii:h 
the  Mafter  taketh  no  other  Fee  than  ten  Shillings, 
which  was  the  ancient  Fee  for  Continuances  taken 
by  all  Mafters  before  him:  And,  for  Tenders,  the 
Mafter  doth  now  take  b^t  Jive  Shillings  j  whereas 
the  ancient  Fee  b  ten  Shillings.* 

*  By  .the  Continuance  before  bothHoules,  Men 
•  ve  rather  forced  to  fue  out  their  Liveries  to  Uie  Be- 
nefit of  the  King,  and  Good  of  fuch  as  have  Caufe 
to  fue  againft  them.* 

*  Touching  the  having  of  concealed  Wardfbips, 
and,  to  that  Point,  thitf  the  Mafter  may  eaiily 
Bialce  Wardftiips  concealed  by  the  Courfe  of  the 
new  Inftni£tions,  the  Lord-Treafurer  faith.  That 
altho'  he  hath  the  difpoiing  of  concealed  Wardlh  ips, 
yet  the  Benefit  of  them  is  to  the  King's  own  Ufc ; 
and  it  is  not  in  his  Power  to  make  a  concealed  Ward- 
{hip :  For  if  dw  Petition  fliould  be  fuppreffed,  or 
not  anfweredj  yet  it  i«  ao  Conceakuent,  by  the 



If  1  M  0  L  A  N  b.  .77 

mrw  Inftrti£Kon9i  if  afif  Smt  be  tftarie  for  it  with-  An.  iibmaj*'* 
lA  »  Yemr  afttt  the  D^tb  of  the  Tenant ;  neithet        *•*•• 
i*  the  %wi  TrtiaiWer  ehtrged  to  hare  donCt  or  fo 
much  M  to  bave  ittetiipted  any  fiich  Afl/ 

*  Teucdfngthe  Sdmp,  which  ife  ji  charged  wttlf. 
liMrbig  AtlYltteA  to  the  Secretary,  he  doth  humbljr  - 
aekAm»le^ChefaQWi  but,  withal,  defireth  your 
Iiordlhips  to  takei^to  Confideration,  that  the  whole' 
Vittbolt  and  Scope  of  doing  thereof  was  only  for  the 
■mfett- Di^at(!h  of  Suitors  ix  ordinary  Matters  oi 
Q^M/^a^  MidferfucbBufinefsasconMiiotheelic^tcf) 
fay  fkeSbmp  alone,  without  the  Affifhince  or  joining' 
of  olhef  Oftcerb  (herewith,  either  before  or  after 
putting ((rtSttmp:  And  the  Lord  Trcafurer  was  ra-' 
tmt  in&iKtA  t-a  give  way  thereto,  bccaufe'  he  Jiatf 
undnfloAd  (hat  the  Lord  Burleigh,  when  Lord* 
TnS9lfUim,fAadeufeof  thelike;  andferthatStamps 
aft  kl  lift  iA  other  Offices  at  prefent :  Yet,  if  the 
liOrd  Trtaftira-  had  ever  conceived,  or  been  in^ 
hrmed,  that  it  had  been  unlawful  or  unfit,  Yif 
fttWldAothaveafed  it:  Allb  he direffly  afirrticth, 
Ttety  by  the  Uft  thereof,  Neither  die  King's  Ma' 
Wtjf  niCM'the  Subjed,  hadi  hitherto  any  Charge  of 
n^udke^  ■  but  nAich  Eafe  hj  their  IXifpatch.' 

*  And  as-  to  t>alUfin'i  uKfettling  the  Office  <St 
(MiUutcet  Itet  fell  out  eight'  or  nine  Years  fiAce  i 
9ki  tite  Sh^I^  fef  down  by  the  Lords,  j^nt  1617, 
W»  few  Yenr^  btffbre  the  Lord  Treafurer  was  iif 
Office  ;  neither  did  the  Commiffion  of  the  Trea* 
lat^-i  not  his  Predecefibre,  purfue  any  Point  thereby 
MAed }  but  it  1^  wholly  neg^aed,  and  hvat. 
only  revived  againit  the  Lord  Treafurer,  who  nc^ 
W-AMrit6ut  IB  this  ParHament:  And  for  th? 
Woe/k  mode  up  W  the  Contmiffioners  of  the  Navy^ 
i»  Ami  t6ao^  for  Supplying  the  Stores  and  futurfe 
UjplwWCg;  df  iut  Office  of  Ordnance,  (tho',  being 
ih«  kft  of  Ae  dlree  Settlements  mentioned  in  the  - 
Avfti^e*^  it  mi^t  t>e  fufficient  to  fufpend  both 
At  Ibtttcr}  k  was  lb  far  from  being  an  Eflablilh-'' 
neiH  to  govern  the  Office  by,  that  ail  the  Officeri 
Jtaftf  uid  ftiU  do  oppoie  it,  and  pr»teft  againit  it 
tk  Aiic  Dtt ;-  (b  «>-  thoe  being  oalv  Prwolitions 

Vei.  VL  M  with- 

lyfi^  the  PivUamntaty  Hi«to«y 

I.  tt  Janet  I.  Without  Rclbliitions,  and  no  fettled  Rule  of  Efta^ 
»'a4-  blifllment  and  Direiiion,  why  ftiould  the  Loi'd 
Treafurer  be  bound  to  keep  it  ?  .Or  why  the  Breach 
thereof  be  made  his  Fault  now,  when  it  was  bro- 
ken and  negle^ed  in  his  Predeceffot's  Time,  who 
,was  then  the  only  proper  Officer  to  have  put  it  in' 
Execution,  the  now  Lord-Tre?fiirer  being  but  on« 
of  the  Propounders  of  it  ?' 

*  Notwichftanding,  he  humbly  conceives,  and 
hopes  to  prove  clearly^  that  there  hath  been  no  fuch^ 
wilful  Negligence  as  is  alledged ;  for  tho'  it  be  true,'- 
that  the  Officers  of  the  Ordnance*  always  oppofing 
that  Book  of  the  Commiffioners,  would  never  fue- 
out  the  two  Warrants  thereby  required,  the  one  of 
13,640  /.  14  i.  2  d.  for  Supply  pf  the  Stores,  and 
the  other  of  3000  /.  per  Annum  for  the  Ordinary  j 
yet  there  have  been  other  Privy  Seals  of  the  fame 
Nature  fued  out,  whereupon  hath  been  ilTued  to 
that  Office,  fince  that  Book  of  the  Commiifioneri 
was  delivered,  as  follows,  »;«,  for  the  Supply  of 
the  Stores,  11,096/.  171.  iid,  which  Sums  want 
^ot  much  of  the  Commiffioners  Preparations,  con- 
fidering  that  the  ordinary  Quarter-Books  are  yeC 
unpaid  for  a  Year  and  a  Quarter  j  all  which  argue 
tio  wilful  Negligence  in  the  Payments,  howfoever 
the  Officers  have  difpofed  of  the  Monies ;  nor  any 
great  UnfurniDiing  of  the  Stores,  which,  if  they 
have  lefsProportion  of  fome  Stores  of  Provifions  than 
were  fet  down  in  the  Commiffioners  Books,  yet 
they  have  more  of  other  Stores  of  Provifions,  which 
have  fmce  been  thought  more  uieful  and  more  ne* 

As  to  what  concerns  neglecting  the  Supplies  for 
Gun-powder,  the  Lord-Treafurer  faith,  '  That  the 
£argains  with  Evelyn  were  made  in  the  Lprd  Man~ 
dtvdli'i  Time,  who  continued  in  the  Office  the  firft 
five  Months  after  ;  in  which  Time  Evelyn  ferved 
in  Powder  for  the  firfl  three  Months;  but,  getting 
po  Money  for  it,  made  a  Stop  of  his  Delivery,  9c- 
tording  to  the  Liberty  of  his  Contract:  So, that  the 
iame  was  broken  in  the  Lord  Mandevill/s,  Time^ 
auid  left  wholly  in  Diilra^Uoa  to  the  now  Lord- 
4    ■  "  !   ,    ..Tki- 

Y.i?r:  E:N  G  L  A  N-l>.:-'  Iff 

^tttxGint;;  mlit  l  Debt  for  three  Months  Pbwder,  *«;■»»  jtarffc 
delivered:  as  ^oreTaidj  his  Predeceflbr  not  paying  ta^t 
•tie  Peony  upon  that  GontraA  in  ^1  that  Time,' 
■  .  *  Niamer  did  -that  Bargain  with  Ev/lfn  (uSep 
any  fmall  Interruption,  by  tht  continual  Com-^ 
pIuHts  iRrtirad  up  agaltsSt  hm  by  Mr.  Sadliri  and 
jiew  PnqjofitioBs  ilAiide  by  him  for  fettling  the 
Powder-mftking  otherivjifei  whereby  ^w^yaV  Con- 
tract iloodt  under  Qilcfttoni  and  both  the  Lord 
Treadrer^  and  Mr.  Chancellor,  and  the  CoiAinir<k 
fi(aifc*8.(>f  the  NaVy,  had  feveral  Times  the  TrouUe 
MffKfVnlfiQrthe  faoiej  the  Lord  Treafurer  hiwing 
a  Pwrpofe  to  bring  Eviljn  to  Account  for  (he, Pro- 
fit, tnbde^himf  of  the  Surpla&ge  of  the  Priceof 
the.Powdw  put  to  Sale :  By  this  Means, 
reafon  of  Qtber  Mi&apSf  of  blowing  up  the  Powder- 
Mills-by^^re,  £&fr^K  grew  difcouraged ;  in d  die 
Servicftwaa negle^bqd,'  .tjl^  S^elltr's  Sugg^tons  were 
found  frtVoloLis,  ^hich  was  near  a  Year's  Interrug- 
tion-of  Ae-Servi«e.*'.  ■  .  '  , 
-  *  Besides,  wbf»i  the  ItOrd  Treafurer  entered,  he 
found -in' the  Stores  but.'; one  hundred  and  lixteea 
]l.afts  odd  hundreds  of:P(lwder;  and,  the  20th  of 
Morcb  Uftt  ;'he  left  iri  ftofe  above  one  hundred  uid 
forty.  o&eL^s,  nDtwtthftatldipg  the  great  Expencc 
of  Pewdei'4  upon  Extraor^iaqries,  in  the  now  Lord 
Xreafilitr^siTinjct  whkh  alfolnighthavebeenons  .  , 

bufl^^  ^4ety  four  Xja{ls,  ifi  the  Lord  Maji^evUU 
kadf^ttledAu maintained theContradtilthiaTime*  ' 
by  A4d>tioa  of  his  live  Mouths  Pravifiod,  and  the 
threp  Months  which:  he  left  the  now  Lord  Trea- 
surer to  pay  for)  whereas  the  whole  proportion  (^ 
GttO-i*owtlcr,  afljgnedby  thoCommiffioriersof  the 
^avy'd  Ppolt  to  b«  in  ftore,  was  but  one  hundred 
and  forty  three  Lallsof  Power  j  and  good.ReafoAs 
■gitfefl-.^^afcfore  thtre  flaould  ba  nb-niQrc,'    '' 

*  i^V^'  ^"'^  appe*!"*  byicoraparing  the  Quan- 
tity »fo]^fjwder,  paid,  fw  by  the  now  Lord  T'tPafur- 
l!e*i.-wi:^:thB  Time  befofQ,  that  his  Ldnifttip  hai 
faidfof-a^qiuch,'^&ort  Tenn.of  twb:Year» 
«iiil  a  Half»  as  hath  been  paid  for  in  chefiextf.fevcA 
y«ars  beforei  fo  as  npverj  in,  the.  Kind's  Time.' 
,\  ■: ;    >  M  2    ,  were 

%99  ?Zir'  Tariiamemary  H 1. 1  t  oit  r 

n.M)ttictl,^gmrefh«  Stomfowttl  funufttei  «^  Fswtla- ft^ 

*^^       Quantity' aid  Ooodnsft,  at  thnroM  Sow  {'SaA  yet 

never  more  miit  of  M»n0f  ui  »•  &MlkeqMV  tme 

twentv  Yeus,  dl«i  ludt  been  in  Ac  lUW*  Lonl 

TrBi«iror*9  Time-' 

To  t^  laft  Artiek  t/S  di<  Cb«^  ^mn  tfi«l»< 
gain  for  iW  LMd  which  wU  Sir  Sttgtt-  t^fiifSi, 
the  Lord  Tr«afufe#&kls  'Tlurbe  luMb^iRwmri* 
iny  uniawfb}  fiargtin  for  the  tiind*  <l*!  tbe  bid 
DvUifimt  mithnbidtbe  {taid  At  tlw  fidd  Londi 
iMitb'  making  <rf  BarollMs,  ep  freehi|  Cbpftuiim»t 
W  any  odxr  Suit  t*tlw  King,  a»by  fthC  AftMfe  l» 

CJtcttded  }  hut  bai^  realty  paid  k»  A*  &tM  in 
oney  aita  MoM^wofth,  out  ^Us«vAl£*a0(t 
to  the  fuli  VafuB  df  the  LaiHlft  ui4  tnMe:  A<mI« 
fee  mora  fuH  DEcfarfttioA  <rf  die  Ttudl,  be  fiUab» 
That  (be  Mi  Sir  Jtk;^  DalH^  being  iA<ll(ltt«d  ttt 
r  die  King  in  13,063 /L  4i>.  lO^A  «Atfri)t)#  9it 
f^amat  MiuHfut^  hi»  Surety,  was  feuflA  D^*M* 
3100/.  the  faid  DaUifon's  Lands'  wer» exvihdad'  fttf 
9^64/.  4x.  coi:<i  thereof,  and  Ibe  filid  Sii<  Helhar 
i^unfo^i  Lawk  fev  tht  faid  Jioo/i  and'  theft- (b 
•xtsiuied,  togethoi-  with  tke  Aiid  ftvci^  DAte^ 
wcttf  gnanted  by  bis  M»)e^'»  Letters  ^«tt  Che 
lOthi^  7i^  1%'JacM  iUph,  nntofi'Mtii'JIiifi^ 
rut,  andother  OAcen  and  Oidilora  oF  dw  Crd^ 
aan«e,  far  13,062  A  ixwing  fo  them-  by  his  M^ 
}efty;  with  a  fpecial  CoffimaAdte  the  Lord-TfMH 
fiuer  and  Chutcdior  of  the  £]Kheft«Mr.  to  ttiotoft 
out  Tiich  Writs  and  Proetih  f6r  Ac>  (aM  EMtt  tt 
flioutd  he  n^iMd  ;  and,  #ith  aCAMniM  oft  A* 
King's  P^  thai  if,  iy  reafen  trf  iMctMthRnww^ 
.^yoouldnotrecmve  the  June  in  convenieftt  Thfw^ 
then  it  fhouid  he  paid  unto  thoB  ant  of  tbe^  Sx- 

«  Thefe  Lands  of  die  faid  Sir  Xiger  DaW/itf^ 
yrert  h  incumhered  by  fbnner  Charns>  dlat  the 
laid  Oftcefs  and  Cteditor*  of  the  Oidntncc  CduU 
«ot  raife,  by  the  faid  Extent  diereof*  near  fo  ittuA 
as  the  hare  Iniereft  of  the  faid  9962/.  4  J.  iftx*'^ 
Parcel  thereof'^  and  thereforsdid  not  cenccirtf  hOW 
it  could  ^ve  SatisftAion  trnte  dtea  fw  tbe-iUi 

(^  E  N  G  I.  A  N  0.  i»i 

9961 1,  due  DdK,  long  forborne  i  |Mt  dut  dley^*- »>f^\ 
mvA  of  K««A^  have  Recoarfe  to  hu  M^e%  '^^ 
a^n  for  thdr  bettor  Satis&£Uon,  according  to 
hM  Majtfty'g  Covcnmt  coittune4  in  ^  faid  Lcafo, 
■ttdeootttdwa  jatb;ttB«^a]fs  and  ^«t  riiirc  ww 
aoMag  dowed  to  niieve  the  poof  Jjflrafled  X^y 
of  lkc&id8irJityirZM!i>a'i  utdlwrS«n:  whcte- 
UfM  ifaB aov Lord  Tieafitrcr^  in  >/n  t62i,  be-  / 
l^gthmbatMKcrf'faifiM^efty'fiCoininiffifinen  for 
Iwilcbtt,  wm  ande  aoquiinte<l  by  the  (aid  FrMfcis 
Mimiu,  mA  odier  the  &id  Oficera  «nd  Gr«diton 
tftheOiteuiee,  of  tbeir  Intent  and  Purpodet  and, 
Wiv  vriUii^  to  ^  his  Mtjefty  tfae  beft  Service  he 
could  therein,  after  divers  Conference*,  did  come 
to  an  AgTeement  with  them  for  t^eir  Intereft  in 
i/bm  fold  Euents,  and  to  moke  them  Pafment  of 
(he  ftM  iT^tAti.  for  t)te  Imk,  n  follows,  o/x. 
(o4t^.  b«Ubie  the  laft  Daf  ef  N&vewittr  foUowiaz 
«6s<,  and  dw  reft  bjr  500/.  every  fee  Months,  K 
and  sfter  (be  Annnncittion,  1623 :  A(ur  whfch 
AgNeoKnt  taadefor  Ae  £xteatf ,  he  not  percdving 
hoir  he  oudd  make  any  Ufo  thereof,  luilefs  he  cmn- 
|»andcd  ^fo  with  fiicb  as  had  tilw  Inheritanoe  and 
xAntf  Eftatcs  m  the  fiud  DtiSiMt  I^andt.  did  d^nl 
>iritb  (boK  of  tfieni  for  the  iuae  1  and  dien  came 
40  a  fecoiid  Agreement  with  the  iaid  Frgttdt  Mer~ 
fiuy  and  the  tak  of  tiu  Officers  and  Ci«iitorE  of  the 
Ojdnancc,  to  convey  to  tbem  an  EftaM,  which  he 
Aen  had  for  nine  or  ten  Years  to  ctMne,  in  the  ' 

pMty  Ftfms  of  Currants  and  Wines,  of  ^  ycady 
Valoeof  1400/.  (and  worth  yoooL  and  more,  t« 
Iw  fi^^  which  he  did  grant,  and  they  did  accept 
infollSatisfodiooof  tbefaid  i^,«6aA  4f.  tOtd.  < 

and  for  their  Intcrefls  in  the  SnA  Euents.  accord- 

'■  Not  long  afbrwards,  the  I<onI  Treafurer,  be-  ' 

inrdellrous  to  free  himfelf  of  any  further  Trouble 
•r  Care,  by  leafon  of  otany  other  the  Incuanbrances 
urttich  were  upon  the  Gud  Lands,  did,  in  01  about 
Navtmin-j  ifizi,  agree  with  Sir  Arthur  Iitgramt  to 
deliver  die  fud  Lamls,  with  othw  Land*  then  of 
huDtbe  bid  Lord  Treafurfr,  ia  the  County  of 

rji",i-,Go(.i'^le      .^ 

IBi  The  Parliamentary^'^t's^oiiV 

Jpi.  i^j»m«l.  )V^,  unto  thefaidSir^Aw/n|;f«B,lnExdiang» 
■  ■  ^t*  for  other  Lands  of  hU,  and  to  give  unto  hitn  9000  /, 
in  Money,  for  the  compounding  and  treeing  tils 
feid  Ellate  and  Incumbrances,  which  vkn  .upuk 
tile  (aid  Lands,  late  Daltifan's,  snd  of  adMaJe  ho 
had  of  one  Ambony  Meers,  of  other  Lailds  rihter-* 
mixt  with  the  fkid  Dallifin's  Lands,  efteeftied  of  the 
yearly  Valueof  400/.  ^n'j^i'm;  of  which9000/> 
the  faid  Lord  Treafurer,  afterwards,  in  Fthnafj  and 
in  March  1621,  by  the  Confent  of  the  faid  Sit  Jr^ 
thur  /ngrtirff, did  pay  unto  ^IrTbamai  Motmpn^Knt, 
,  for  his  Intereft  in  Dallifin'i  Lands,  the  Sum  of 

3000  /.  befides  the  freeing  of  his  the  fajd  Sir  thamas 
'Mounfaff-i  own  Lands  of  the  laid  other  Extent,  for 
the  (aid  3100/.  andall  thcRefiducof  thcfaidgoboi  . 
he  the  faid  Lord  Treafurcr  haA  paid  and  fatislkd, 
3S  it  hath  been  required  by  the  faid  Sir  Arthur  ttt- 
gram  accordingly ;  which  faid  fevcral  Sums  of 
''joooL  and  900O/.  amounting  together  to  i6,ooo^ 
jtnd  more  than  the  f^d  Leafe  and  Lands  are  worth, 
at  and  from  the  Time  of  the  faid  Agreement  for 
the  Exchange,  fo  made  between  the  faid  Lord 
^reafurer  a/id  the  faid  Sir  Arthur  Ingram:  And- 
thereupon  the  Lady  DaUifin,  and-  Sir  Tbtmas  DalUr  . 
■Jittf  her  Son,  upon  a  Compofition  made  with  them 
'by  the  faid  Sir  Arthur  Ingram,  did,  in  February  i62l> 
make  an  Alignment  of  the  faid  Leafe,  to  certain 
Perfons  named  by  the  faid  Sir  Arthur  Ingram,  in 
truft  forhisUfe;  and,  fince  the  faJd  Agreement  and 
that  Time,  the  Lord  Treafurer  had  no  more  to  do 
therein  than  as  the  Duty  of  the  Place  requires,  and 
(as  he  hath  been  advifed  by  his  Majefty's  learned 
pounfel)  convenient  and  fir  to  be  done  on  his  Ma- 

■jefty's  Behalf:  And  therefore,  as  touching  the  reft 
of  the  faid  laft  Charge,  That  the  Lord  Ttpafurer 
having  agreed  with  Sir  Thcutas  Daliifitt,  and  the  Of- 
ficers 6{  the  Ordnance,  he,  to  gain,  indircflly,  and 
by  oppreiEve Means,  an Eftate  which  &hRfgfrDai- 
Itfin  had  pafled  to  Sir  Rkhard  Smith  and  Sir  Jolm 

■  Davy,  did  fet  on  Foot  an  Outlawry  of  Sir  Mcger 

J)allifon's,  and  thereby  difpofleffed  Sir  Rifbard  Smith 

end  Sir  John  Dih)y,  who  had  been  in  PoffflSDO, 


.,j^.  E  N-GL  AN.P.  J83 

ty  a  Trial  at  Law,  uibg  the  Power  of  his  Place,  Aa.  mJumi^ 
and  Countenance  of  the  King's  Service,  to  wreft  '"♦• 
them  out  of  a  Leafe  and  EAate  of  great  Value,  the 
Lord  Treafuter  faith.  The  fame  is  wholly  mifiakcn ; 
and  that  the  Truth  is.  That  the  faid  Sir  RUhard 
Smith,  having  a  Conveyance  of  all  the  Freehold 
Lands  which  were  the  laid  Sir  Richard  DalUfen't, 
ia  Scoitea,  as  a  Mortgage  for  Payment  of  1300A 
and  the  faid  Sir  yahn  Davy  having  an  AfGgnnienc 
of  the  faid  Leafe,  as  a  Mortgage  for  the  Payment 
of  600  A  by  Year,  for  ten  Years,  upon  a  very 
hard  Contrail  for  Money^  he  the  faid  Sjr  Riehart 
Smithy  long  before  the  faid  Treafurcr  had  any 
thin^  to  do  with  the  faid  Lands  or  Leafe,  was  di^ 
pofleued  of  Freehold  Lands,  by  virtue  of  the  faid 
Extent,  for  the  King;  and,  after  fuch  Time  as 
the  faid  Lord  Treafurer  had  fo  bargained  and  agreed 
with  the  faid  Sir  Jrtbur  Ingram,  and  tfad  left  the 
laid  whole  Bufinefs  Xp  him  as  aforefaid,  it  W^S  found 
that  the  faid  Sir  Rager  Dallifin  flood  outlawed,  afc> 
ter  Judgment,  atdjver^  feveral  M^n's  Suits,  where* 
by  the  fame  I^eafe  and  Intereft  was  in  his  Majefty  ^ 
by  Me^s  wlj^i^^f  fome  Difference  grew  betureett 
the  fajd  Sir  iij(W(/ SffK/i,  Sir  Johnliavf,  ajifl  the 
(aid  Sir  Arthur  Ingram,  which  the  feid  Trpafurer  ufed 
thcbefiMpans  becoidd  to  reconcile;  andj  to  that' 
end,  endeavoured  to  have  th^  fame  arbitra^d  ani^ 
en4ed  by  Sir  T^^mt;  Savage  and  Sir  Nichaias  I'^n 
Ufcue,  Knights :  But  their  Travel  and  Pains  there- 
in taking  i^o  Effeft,  aftef  fome  Suits  in  the  Prero-: 
fatiyc  Court,  the  Exchequer,  and  Common  Pleas, 
etwecn  Sjr  Rickard  Smith,  Sjr  John  Davy,  and  Sif 
Arthur  Ingram,  in  Conclufion  (by  and  with  the 
Confent  of  all  Parties)  the  faid  Differences  were 
heard  and  ended  by  Sir  Henry  'Habart,  Kniglft  aud 
.Baronet,  Lord  Chief  Juf^ice  of  the  Comn^oii  Pleas, 
and  by  rfie  reft  of  the  Jufiices  qf  the  fame  Court  t 
hy  wbofe  Mediation  and  Order,  there  is  to  be  paid 
to  the  faid  Sir  Richard  Smith  and  Sir  John  Davy, 
in  fatis^Aion  of  ttieir  Eflates  and  Interefl  in  the 
iaid  Lands  and  Leafe,  over  and  beCdes  other  grea^ 
^utq;  of  Money  by  them  formerly  received,  the 
M  ^  Suni 

ii^  The TM^amentary  ^\%r  oi-t 

AD.  91  jMnnl.  gum  of  3000A     And  touching  Ac  Chn^  )af  tk* 

'***'        C«itrad,  a4>o«t  payingAe  8000/.  old  Arrean,  the 

Lord  Trw/urcr  faith,  That  »J1  tie  8000  /.  ww  n«t 

Aid  Arrears,  as  is  pret^ded,  far  l^at  3,Soo  /.  there* 

of  was  ihcn  newly  due  by  (Xiiut«:r-Boo]cs,  for  cei> 

tain  Quarters  ending  at  iiSdjummtr^  ihe  nexHiefoi* 

the  (aid  Year  of  our  Lord  i62r.     And  aMb  fwth, 

Y'hat  his  Promile  therein  was  made  before  be  Ve* 

«me  Lord  Treafurer ;  and  that  Pcomile  was  but  to 

4o  his  Endeavour  to  get  the  BoooA  paid  j  the  &sM 

leing  a  juft  and  due  Debt  ovigg  to  atwut  TOO  poor 

families,   whofe  [ve^g  NeceffitieB  would  bav» 

lerced  him,  after  he  camcto  thePlaceofTneafori- 

«-,  to  have  given  theni  Satisf^otj,  if  he  had  made 

irm  fuch  uncertain  Promife  before ;   an4  the  fxA 

Pebt  was  paid  at  thirteen  fcveral  Tioies,  by  &vera) 

portions,  as  Money  could  be  bcft  foamed,  between 

/^arcblb^l,  and  3^1623;  and  aie  King's  Ma* 

jefty  was  fo  far  from  being  prejudiced  by  the  Lord 

Trcafurer's  Dealing  in  this  Bar.gain,  rfiat  his  Ma- 

^efo  was  thereby  eafcd  from  Ae  repaying  of  the 

laid  13,062/.  41.  JOid.  according  to  the  laid  Cot 

venant :    And,  to  make  it  appear  that  no  <^pre(i' 

^on  «■  Power  wa5  ufed  in  this  Purchafc.  for  any 

«riv3te  Benefit,  or  otherwife,  nor  that  tJie  famt; 

■was  paid  for  by  making  of  Baronets,  and  Suits  te 

4he  King,  as  is  pretended,  the  faid  Treafurer  wiM 

undertake,  and  freely  offeredi,  that  the  Lands  {bait 

be  conveyed  again  to  whom  this  Honourable  Houfe 

fhall  appoint,  upon  Payment  of  the  faid  9000/, 

vnd  Teafiiiring  of  his  faid  Leafes  and  Ipterefts  in  dv 

faid  Petty  Farms,  with  Repayment  of  the  Monie* 

received  upon  the  fame.     It  wing  alfo  ^parent  by 

his  Declaration,  That  if  any  fuch  Suits,  Oppreffions, 

fw  other  hard  Meafure,  had  beoi  offered  touching 

«he  faid  Lards  or  Leafe,  as  is  alledged  in  the  faid 

Charge,  the  fame  were  no  Way  done  by  the  LonJ 

Treafurer,  or  by  his  Privity  or  Dircflion,  or  whilft 

Che  faid  Lands  remained  in  his  Hands,  which  wat 

dot  for  above  five  Months  ;  fo  as  the  faror  can  Iq 

BO  Manner  concern  the  hori  Trcafwer,  neither 



V  E  wot  AND.  its 

iiotb  lie  know  Qf  any  ^ing  Jofte  herein  hjptf*^  a%t$m% 
pfher,  fait  wl^  Iwth  teen  juft  uiA  lawful,*  ****• 

*  Aai  as  to  dtrBiwMieta,  the  iiune  nod&iog  it  aft 
ctmcemttlt  tbu  iMxttxr ;  hvt  vns  a  Grace  of  tbtt 
King's  Majefly^  (upon  tbe  Suit  cf  a  No^lnnaiv 
«4io  m?  soBftedt^  the  Lord  Treafurer)  which  1^  , 
«vap  finfci  to  confer  vpon  5{r  T^nnf  J/oui^,  iff 
t^rd  oF  thp  Li^  of  nis  Office  -of  Havriccs  j  ai)4 
tlie  Giine  taking  no  EjFed;  his  Majefr^,  upon  ^ 
(aifl  Sir  Thm^  Muai^U  l«fe  Petidon,  mu  pleale^ 
in  llni  of  ^c  Baronet!  fbmiedy  intended  Aim,  t# 
grant  anot^  'Suit  for  ^  comppunding  vith  cer- 
tain of  tfic  Copyholders  in  Jl^ff^h/Ec/iC  forcheVaJue 
pf  50/.  by  the  Yeari  whereof^ai  yet  he  badin* 
ceii^  no  Fruit  at  all.' 

7%«  HyMB«.s  AHtwss  «^  tbt  fiiJhox.^ 
TaiAsuR«R  to  the  JtUitiM^fittCii AtMt. 
rtttmd  from  tht  Mp^  Hamyrmt  Cttut  ifthi 
Ht^htr  Houfi  of  ParUanuHt,  t*  TimnHay  «b 
ag/Aj/April,  1624. 

TO  that  Part  whiA  concmw Jiiin,  af  h«  ««#  --.,_, »__ 
Mafter  of  the  Great  Warfcobt,  the  Ciid  wT^Sl 
Treafurer  faith,  *  That  he  hcAd  that  Office/orthe  «t 
three  Years  mentioned  in  the  Chai^  and  that, , 
within  that  Time,  he  did  receive^eordinary  Affif n- 
fnent of  20,000/. prry^«m,ortl)erealx>uts;  where« 
in,  be  concctyea,  he  did  no  ill  Service  to  ^  Xjqc 
when  he  did  Tcduce  the  vaft  Chaj;ge  qf  that  Office 
to  2C,ooD  /.  per  Annum ;  and,  hy  three  Y)suv£ib> 
perience,  to  ibew  his  Majeftythp  Means  how  Ihji 
tto,ooo  t.  mi^t  be  again  red^iccdto  i^^ooo/.  -ik&di^ 
he  coHceives*  is  no  Argument  that  he  hatfabFOu^K 
that  Place  to  any  Difordcr  or  Con&iHon,  as,  to  * 
Gencr^ity,  is  objeficd.' 

*  It  is  true  that  he  inailE  110  Account,  for  )i{s 
Tinie,  neither  for  the  WardTDhe^n^rftH*  the Quce^ 
Tuneral ;  neither  W3«  thete  any  Caule  my  Jtf 
Jhould  fo  do.  for  that,  by  tUs  Majefty'i  Contra^ 
with  him  for  the  Wardftdte,  he  was  to  dilchvw 
ttie  oc^oary  Char^  tttenof  fiir  26,000/.  at  ^ 


^11  jaoKiJ.piyji  Hazard  ;  acid,  for  the  fiud  Funeral,  havinC 
■•  «*H*  Warrant,  by  Privy-Seals,  to  receive  20,000  /.  he 
xeedved  but  the,_Sum  of  13,503^.  and  yet-  favcd 
Tome-  Krt-iliereof,  belides  wbjt  he.yearly  faved 
upon  the  ordinary  Allowance  of  the  Wardrobe,: 
With  all  which  Savings  he,  from  Time  to  Time, 
truly  and  particularly,  acquainted  his  Majefty, 
not  being  willing  (o  gain  fo  much  by  the  fame  ai 
lie  found  he  did,  wi£out  his  Majefty'a  Privity  and 
gracious  Allowance;  who,  being  rightly  and  truly 
informed  of  all  the  Particulars,  did,  upon  the  fald 
Xord  Treafurer's  voluntary  furrendering  of  that  be- 
neficial Contrafl  for  the  Wardrobe,  for  Advance* 
ment  of  his  Majefly's  Service,  having  therein  an  ' 
EAate  for  his  Life,  grant  him  a  general  Relcafe  and 
Pardon,  by  Indenture  under  the  Great  Seal  of  Eng- 
iandj  for  all  Mattprs  concerning  the  faid  Office  of 
the  Wardrobe  and  Funeral  aforefaid,* 

He  further  faith,  *  That,  in  thcTime  of  his  be- 
ing in  that  Office,  he  paid  divers  extraordinary  Sums, 
which  were  not  within  his  Bargain,  upon  f^veral 
Warrants  and  Privy  Seals;  as,  3000/.  to  the  Earl 
of  CariiJJe,  about  2000/.  for  new-furnilhing  £ly 
■  ■  ■  Houle  for  the  Sptinijh  Ambaflador,  above  loco/. 
*■  •  for  a  new  rich  Sarge-rCloth,  and  other  extraordi* 

.,  nary  Difhurfements  of  about   1000/.  more;   for 

all  which,  amounting  to  7000  /.  or  thereabouts,  he 
never  yet  received,  or  demanded,  any  Allowance  j 
and,  if  any  Man  hath  any  thing  owing  tohim,  irj 
the  Time  that  the  (aid  Lord  Tregfurcr  Was  Officer, , 
(as  he  is  well  afTured  there  is  none,  except  fomc 
fmall  Remains  upon  the  Foot  of  fome  private 
Itcclconings)  the  fame  are  no  way  chargeable  upon 
the  King ;  the  Ikjd  Lord  Treafurer  being  their 
proper  Debtor,  and  bound,  by  that  Indenture,  to 
difcharge  the  fame,  which'  he  hath  been  ever  ready, 
upon  their  Demand,  to  do  accordingly;  it  being 
acknowledged  by  the  Creditors  of  the  Wardrobe^ 
that  they  have  been  better  paid  and  ufed  in  his 
Time,  than  either  before  or  fmce.  And,  concern- 
ing the  Charge,  of  his  not  duly  ferving  the  Lord 
Ch^mb^r|ai^'s  Warrants  for  Supplies,  it  njay  wc^ 

\..^ ^ 

te  that  fome  few  Parcels,  in  Ibjne  Warrants,  which  A"-  ••  J**" 
f:ould  not  then  be  fuddenly  pipvided,  were,  upon  '  **^ 
that  Occdion,  or  hy  fome  Faplt  or  Negligence  of 
his  Servants,  trufted  in  that  Bufinefs,  left  unferv- 
ed :  But  that  neither  hath  been,  is,  or  (hall  be,  any 
X^fs  to  the  King;  for  he  acknowledgech  it  to  be 
juft  and  fit,  that  he  Ihould  provide  and  furnifh  the 
fame  at  his  own  Charges ;  tho'  the  Negleft  of  that 
Attle  is  no  great  Matter,  confidering  he  has  difbutfed 
io  much  for  his  Majefty  in  Extiaordinaries,  as  aforcr 
4aid,  for  which  he  never  yet  had  any  Allowance.'. 
'  Xo  that  Explanation  of  the  former  Charge, 
concerning  his  not  repaying  the  Merchants  the  Im- 
jK>ft5  due  unto  them,  upon  the  Exportation  of  Su- 
gars formerly  imported,  according  to  his  Majefty's 
Xetters  Patent,  of  the  5th  of  September^  l6jD» 
the  Lord  Treafurer  faith.  That  the  Ufage  in  that 
particular  is  fuch  now,  as  hath  been  ever  Itnce  the 
Impoft  was  iirll:  laid,  without  any  Alteration  by 
him,  or  any  for  him,  in  his  Time;  neither  did  anv 
Merchant  bring  his  Certificate,  and  make  his  Dc- 
Qund  for  that  Allowance,  according  to  the  Fonn 
prefcribed  by  thefe  I-etters  Patent,  as  the  Lord 
Treafurer  is  informed  by  thofc  that  farm  the  Im- 
"pofts  of  him :  And  therefore  there  could  be  no  De^ 
/lia!  when  there  was  no  Demand  made.  And,  be- 
c^de^,  this  is  fo  far  from  being  a  Matter  of  Senefit 
to  the  Lord  Treafurer,  that  the  Farmers  of  the  Im- 
poft  under  hjm  (who  fliould  have  that  Ptoiit,,  if 
there  beany)  have  been,  and  are  willing  to  give 
the  Merchants  Content  jn  their  Defire,  if  they  will  -  ' 
petition  his  Majefty,  and  fue  out  a  Privy  Seat  to 
warrant  it  j  without  which,  it  hath  ever  been  un- 
derftood,  it  could  not  be  done  in  refpeift  totheKing's 
Intereft  therein,  "and  in  regard  it  ntver  hath  been        .  ' 

^owed  heretofore.' 

,  *  All  which  the  faid  Lord  Treafurer  doth  averr 
to  be  true  iii  all  Points,  and  (hall  be  ready  to  juftify 
and  maintain  the  fame,  in  fuch  Manner  as  this  Ho- 
Jiourable  Court  {ball  award.' 


i    _  .:..-.  ^^„ 

iM  Tie  ParBanmamy  tli«T«]tr 

Ag.a»|Mnl,  AftertheftAffiun  were  afltai4ttlK  Lords  ncttri 
^*»^  «I  s  Meffi^  from  lite  Commom*  idow  «rith  bH 
Bills,  iiiq>wtiDfl;,  *  That  the^  defired  m  CoaftreBC^ 
with  tbetr  Jjormaph  on  the  Sulijeft  «f  two  .ether 
Bills*  then  before  dirm ;  and,  tt  the  frme  Tiaw^ 
they  prefentad  a  IVthiop  to  ^k  Hmfe  froni  dtmf 
Merdnnts,  whofe  Names  are  thcretmto  fiibfcribe^ 
Contiiuung  a  Com^iaist  ^araft  dte  Lord  TreaTne;^ 
for  an  Impofotoa  on  Bc^n }  i^idi  Coiii{4aM 
they  liuniUy  lefcrred  onto  tbetr  Lwdfliips,  ani 
compaced  the  fanje  with  sn  Impofttion  (aid  ea 
/WniA  "Wines,  even  when  ificir  Merchanfifle  was 
in  tiK  River  of  7!>a»Kf ;  And  afinneJ  that  tIA 
lud  doubled  the  O^ipn&fm  vn  ^  Meicfaants ;  fer 
Uiat  the  Archduchcfs,  out  of  wfaofe  Covntiy  dm 
dope  came,  d>d  tbereupwi hjr  new IsrogfitiDnsw- 
en  the  Manufadines  v  thn  Land.  l.^ftty,  Tw 
Commenu  conceire,  thff  this  new  Irapofitton  oB 
Hops  was  laid,  withofit  any  oAqt  Warrant  Am 
the  Iiord  Trca&irer's  LettfT. 

This  Petition  tinm  the  Meithants  was  offered 
to  be  read,  and  was  contained  in  theteWwds: 

To  ike  Howur^le  AflcaaUy  of  the  Cvnimm 
Hottle  af  Parliamcv^ 

Tbe  HvMVLE  Petition  of  (yndn'  MwcH*im 

wfaofe  Names  arc  here  under  hAfcribed, 

TteUnthwb    JL^O  ST  humify  fine.  That  whertai^  In  ^  Reign 

MiM  i|ita«  ■/«  ifthelaU  ^ett  Elizabeth,  ntttimiaBft  a«d 

W^  until  tie  favid  Yiar  tf  the  Kin^s  Maj^'s  ktipi 

that  ntw  iu  Htpt  were  rated  jhr  the  Ci^tm  thtngf 

0t  Tvehe-penee  per  every  Hundred  height.     J^ttr- 

warAf  in  the  Time  v^ten  the  Barl  tf  SalUbuTjr  m^ 

hard  Treafwer^  there  wai,  impojjsd  m  Hm  Six-pem» 

lOaa  every  Hundred^  whuh  i»m  dont  r/  Qnmtt  wf 

H>e  Mtreimti ;  iu>hi<h  faid  Cuftom  gad  Infyl  hetb 

tomimudfeKKUlOSsatiCT  tf>2a.. 

At  tbe  Ttrntf  vuhtntmir  P^tientrt,  fmt  tthirty 
hud  iraught  iMo  ihis  Xingdem,  and  ittta  the  Siver 
Thames,  great  ^mtitiei  ef  I^pt,  the  now  Lutd 
Tret^urer  wrtte  hs  Letter  u   thi   C^«ii<Ab/^. 

-V  BN  GLAND.  199 

Dimegt  tf  tbtfini  H§ft  i  vAicb  wtt  inn  imtint 
juir  Pttihmert  KnnaleJgey  tbty  mttkhif  mflri^ing 
M^JilM  ChmMIMm  {  fr  nMt  mptt  IMT  Ffttumtrt 

fortut  Upajtm  Sinews  fn-  ntry  Umind  «f  H^i^ 

,  93m  tGwn  S»m£tn  tf  FlMctb,  ad-  ttha-it 
it«W  r4ca»i4  i/f  tJMr  Gmit  upu  Btiultt  h  ^"^ 
4fllttJ^hAt^f^AniMSMl»ai  bid  £vm.rfikm 
Ainarwl^  fiadtbrir'  Mmiu^  Ktr  trntrtd  up^ 
Wt  ttff  ikm^ihet,  i»9t  gnm  firth  m  S.p*^\ 
noanthjiania^  tht  PtlHivMrt,  mofi  af  ttmu  wtn 

tttimfgrf^mi/  i»t^tnbU  LA  md  UiMdtramt^ 
mitArr  bmn  ttttrtd  im.  BMbJir  iiijmu,  toM 

ii»94^i»tn^  0id»tt»f*,  at  ^i^id,  tttiet  wat  if 
frtat  laift/i  laid  m  in  Flandtrir  (»/£«  Archdutbeft^^ 
CMOUttf.  fi"^  i^tu^  itbt  Jad  Baps  camtt  up$n 
Fufiima  md  ttbtr  ^  our  nettvt  Cmmoditin  \  which 
itotkanUlhtigrreafMf-  tf  tkt  PetititaA-Xf  tndtt 
Ikt  trmHanmtdpt^itdietitf  the,  Qmrnu^JVulA 
i»ff*triHi.  andtf  m-  SmtAn  hit,  Mgf^/er  tlu 

C'fmt.  \.  ftf  that,  Jina  Ms  ^eat  btf^imt,  that 
•i^iiM  ttiiu^.kithtP:ilm  twmtiith  P4rt  tf'tSi>/i  Gtm^ 
mmMa  atptmrffn 

.  Tht  PaMiamrs  hmnhlft  mMmT  the  Hnmraik  Af' 
fimifytauAt  CmfOti^atiM  rf  th*  Pr*ii^J}is,  MiU 
*-«  htcatu  mm  hit  Mt^M  ^  HieJaidPttitieiitrt 
_^aiayhr^d  thtfiU  MuUf  fi  inoilU;  md tbai, 
At  bnfafttvpmat  I^asiftrtfiiid,  nMAartfiiU 
amtiimMt,  ma/  h  itJuetd.  imu  th*  futiur  RaU  tf 
£^fhUt>i-ptmt  upm  wgry  hbmdred  Wtigbt  tf  tht 
fiadHapfi  whartif  jivr  Petitiaiurt^ntay  he  tbehttttr 
aMhUdtt  tiMiHut  their  Tradt,  nhiA  itbtnoift  thtj 
mmfi  rf  Nte^hf  deflrt.  jhdfmrthtr^  that  thfir 
BimAf^ftfwterljiealrrMiiiittt  mafh^rtrdiSvtrtdmta 
Ittn  tt  ht  tanttHtd, 



JU,«»jiiwl^  ^'  A&y  3.    After  'fomcbther'-BniJuers  Aonehf^ 

i«»4*        tords,  another  Petition  "from  the  Lord'TrCafure* 

Was  exhibited  to'  tiiat'ikurej  and  read  in  the^ 

Words:      ■  ''-  ■     '  '  '  '^ 

To  the  RigheHonountde  Afl«mbly  of  die  Loida' 

'  Spiritual-and.TemponU  inthe  lii^cr  [foufcoC 

,  Parliament. .  V'l.  ■■  _  7,  ■ 

CfHE  Lord'Treafurtr  iaih  hereviifh  mjl  hutiAff 

wXiST'  P'-ffi"*  "  yo«r   Lord/hipt  fuch  IntnrGgannes, 

ta  C<^  of  tl«  concerning  -the  reji  of-  his  Charge,  as  hi  humbly  d^es 

■DtfaO^  »-     lit  U^tneJJii  vmj  it  txarmned  ufon  ;    as  welt  thaf* 

,  ffrmerly  deltVered  te .  the  majt  tionourablf  Heufty  «r 

ihafe  whofe  Names  he' now  humbly  frefenmhto'that 

'Purpofe  hereunder  written, 

■  And fince  your  Lordjhifs  have  apfainted  Yniif  thf 
*]th,  peremptorily,  for  the  Hearing  of  his  Caufe,'Ut 
mo/i  humhh.Suit  is,  to  know  thtPleafurt  ef  this  ma/I 
Honourable  ^oufe,  concerning  the  Cefiesef  the  Dep»^ 
'Jhions,  if  hi  rtiay  receive  thtth  in  fame  cetrvenieM'nme 
"hefhre,  whereby  ta'frfpare  htmfe^for  knsjaji  D^tnUt 
iBSainJt  the  Day  appointed.  ->    5, 


*■■  The -Names  dt  die  Witn^f  annexed,  and  dit 
Xnterrogatorica  beiiig  alfo  rcad^  itwas  ordei^.  That 
the  Lord  Treafurer  Ihould  haVB  Copia  of  all  De* 
^fitions,  t&keft  dn  his  Part,  two  Daj^s  befdre  th<? 
Hearing^  Th«  Lord  Keeper  mdved  theHoufe  'Tb 
^onfider  of  the  Lord  Treafurer^ '  fOwfler  PetlriOB 
for  Copies  Vf  the  DepofitiO¥ii  CDncemiftg  him, 
VMch  were  denirtlb^ufc  they  Were  untefifonabljE 
rt*red,  his  own  Wimefles  not  being  then  examinaH 
wid  whether  their  Lordfliips  wiUnotnow  think  k 
fit  that  the-  Lc*d  Treafurer  fhal!  hare  Copies  of  aN 
Depofitidnrbefote  his  final  Anfwcri  and  the  rathes, 
becaufethis  mayprove  a  leading  C^feto  PofterityV* 
The  Lords  referred  the"  Confidcration  therecii( 
ynto  the  Lords  Committees  for  Privileges,  fit, 
who  beirtg  Withdi^wn  upon  it,'  and  returned,  they 
^ave  itt  meir  Anfwr,  m  At  t«  be  entered  forto 
Order.  ...,...:  1 


■  f  E  l^G  L  A"J4  t.     "  i^r 

-TlSrt  in  aU  C^t  it  ix  thought  fit  and  jufl^  *)*f  ■^.  i«  Jiim«» 
PtMcatim   ht  mad*  a  reafanahUTmt   brfar't  the        •'**■ 
Party  accufed  maki  his  find  Anfwtr  j  and  that,  tffl'fl-'wUch  it  gnii* 
Putlieatien,  he  may  have  Ctfies,  fr/ily,  of  ali  Jrli'-f^'. 
veffti,  as  vjtll  agat^  him  ai  far  bim:  '' 

May  4.  This  Day,  amongft  other  Bulinefs,  Jiis^ 
Royal  High)iB(s  the  Priirire  lignified  to  the  Lbrds, 
*  That  his  Majefty's  PlealuM  was,  the  wholff 
*■  Houfe  (bould  wakon  him.  To-morrow  at  Two,  . 
*-  lo  the  B»iqiieting-Houfe  at  WHtihall,    And, 

May  J.  The  Lord  Keeper,  removing  from  hi^ 
Place  to  his  Seat  on  the  Eari's  Bench,  made  a  Re-- 
port  to  the  Lords  of  his  Majefty's  Speech  to  them;^ 
on  Wednefday,  the  jth  of  May,  in  the  Afternoon  :i 
But  becaufe  the  faid  Speech,  he  faid,  was  inimi-', 
table,  hia  Lordihip^lefired  that  he  might  read  the. 
lame,  which  he  did ;  and  alterwards  the  Clerk  reatlt 
it  aifo  in  thofe  WonJs ;  ■  ■** 

His  Majesty's  Speech  at  Wlntehall,  to-thcXfp*! 
'  per  Houft  of  Parliament,  May^,  i6a4t  cdn- 
.  cerning  the  Lord  Trbasvker.  -     '      '7 

.■My  Lords,    ,  >  -,1 

f\  F- Merry  and  of  judgment  beiht   my  Lordi,  m^'-^)yg  kj„,., 
^^  Speech  ^11  be  unto  yeu.     There  ira  grtat  0^cer*Spech  to  ilw 
«/"  mine  ^rtty  to  come  before  y9u,  accufed  of  divhs  Lwdi  con«min|  ' 
Mifdioteanoru     I  am  the  Judge-  in  viofe  room  yoii^^^^^^' 
are  to  extreife  Judg/ntnt  j  for  as  I  am  under  God" 
in   this  Throne,  ft  you  are  under  me:    Thertfwe  P 
have  been  defitouS-  t*(rt  /  might  open  tnyftlf  unto  you^ 
hnent  this  Matter  and  Occajion  ;  and,  as  I  have  onci- 
faid  in  a  Parliament  before  to  you,  fo  tvlil  I  pnmiji- 
tajhewyou,    as  in  a  Cryflal,  my  Heart    out  of  mf 
Mouthy    in  ftteh  fort    as  no  falfe  Heart  or  TiAgUf- 
fiall  be  able  to  blemijh  what  I  fhall  reprefent  unie 

Ttimg  fudgmeia,  next  under  Go£,  whieijou  are 
fa  extrcifi  at  Ait  Time  ;  and  therefote,  as  a  Judgi 
infiruSs  the.  fury  btfo^t  the  Prifoner  diparlsfrvm  the 
SoTf  fo  it  becomes  me  to  tell  you  how  to  &^rf  yoiir-\ 
■..  ..  fth/ts 

(t)  dtM  s^  5.  vu.  r.  f .  !>{•    • 


19a.  51^  iPdrJRrtiiwiftffy  HisTfl»y 

b  u.  Jtmtt  JtymOfiltat  in  liur  grtM  B^Ms  v  atft  tit 

^  /ml  tfymf  Carruv'  ^^  t  M  'ff^  Jm^mU^ 

jMd  fali  tarOfmy  tf  m  JffniMioMf  Jpnufi  » 
Ged  it  vMuld  be  a.  gnat  Miftrf  »  mt,-^  and  a  gnattr  ■ 
Gtkf  mtt  ytlo'  Utmlt. 

B4fm  tit  1^  ParlMmmt  Inntr  favr  mij  Pn^ 
t§4em»f  tkit  Jiatur*.:  he  tbt  kfi^  *gait^  aaathtr 
gjrttM  Vfietr  tf  mint  thert  MeJeJm  Mnmilitt^fitm' 
mtt  hitmifiyt  iWRcwi  Gmiit«rtn«;  fri  tlm  tkr' 
Ft&tjfiMds  ufn  hh  Im/Ufiettitm  j-  and  thmfmv  yt 
hav  moift  lited  t*  Im  <m^  txandiu  i*  iotU.  'FhtFr 
iti»DMthtaHiff<fjmr4lif^yt^i  jmttwrm^- 
ifym  mMf  b»^^>  thfrefi  art  luhk  ky  titir  Phtety 
jeu  Art  iht  mqft  hdntKrabie  "Jtiry  tf  Y.n^Bii\  war  d9 
I  inlimi  fmt^ir  it'  ai^uS  fim,  tim  ta  gi*t  ^mt' 
Mpty  many  Eytsfei  fmft  mat  mii  fimt  Lr^t  imf 
tbii  Mater.  No  King  is  the  ■anrfifor  AiMmttaf 
Us  Cauncil,  mr  Jhail  you  it  ftr  rtctiwng  mf  Aitnsi 
mmf  Ji^raOitn. 

■  bt  alt  Matter  t  of  I'rjei  itAert  an  Dnidlt^  tkrt 
Thing!  artfpeciaUf  t«  he  tmfidn'tdf  the  Wtritf  ^  tbt 
FaS,  and  Grtatntfi  of  the  Guilt. 

For  thefirjiy   Tom  cannot  be  too  £Sgttlt  tti   tlv 

duilitcsre  quam  ImtftKntetB'  damnue'. 

tf  At  Ogetme  i  fity  ^  jHw  Pmnfimtnt  btjm  infii» 
ritr  t»  At  Crimt^  tf  »  m  Invitarimt  It  mmmt  mtm 
Offtnttt.  Andf  ^  itbe  «vtr  and  t^avt-lH^  Ofineoy 
it  it  flaiH  h^iet  aitd  Tyremtif:  thtrefie*,  yea^ 
PiMiJbmMf  nutfi  bt  tvtf  btUiaUd  itt  Iihafgft  and 
Mtdtratiity  aectrdiy  tt  the  ^iiality  of  th  Ofikttji 
YoH  viill  doy  I  am  firef  tvhat  «■  fmy  dotK  fif  ff^ 
havteAenagrtoHr  Oathliainheyi  ^•■htiejkHni^ 
■tfmjwr  HmiVt  tt  mt^  hy"""  Cinfiieiutyfitvgrd^ 
t  God. 

-  Jnd^hn^d l/lMtgi^07mai  of  mtlHiim^ JMIf 
XA^AtaitfUt  Ptrfm  of  tht  Man^  andOm^ 
mOfiilie»tf  tbtQtttrJi  v/Athpuart-U  i$i^imy»ii^ 

■  ftr 


-^  E  N  G  L-A  NDv'--'  193: 

■  P4r  iht  Ptrfin  ef  the  MM  \  ■  thtfirft  Ait^intanA-a^.^  JrtWfc 
that  I  hadvntb  him  wat  hy  the  Lord  of  Northamp^'.      !**♦• ' 
ton,  {loho  it  with  God)  Uiha  a/ien  brought  him-  uiBo 
me  a  private  M4h,  before  he  waifo  tnuch  as  piy  Ser- 
Mutf .      He  then  made  fa  many  Projeffifor  my  Profit^ 
li{u/ Buckingham  ^//t»  Liking  with  him^  afUriht-^ 
Earl  »f  Northampton's  Dtathy  and  brought  him  inta  t 
mjt  Senife,    far  I  profefs  it  here  openly,  and  I  am 
^adheitnot  by  to  bear  me^  Thatt  be/idesbim,  Ituvtf^-       < 
fmojttmg  Ciiunier  thai  careful  for  the  Xing'*-  ' 

Prefiif  without  aify  ^htiJ,  as  Budcingham  wat.\ 
Htfotiitdthit-^wfifludiaui/fr  my  Profits.,  thatbt.. 
iatied  him  hg^^  lr*a.t  Ptrfinagis  and  Mean f  with-,, 
tttt  fearing  any  Awn.  Buclu5ghaih  laid  the  Qcaundi^ 
ati  bare  the  Eavy  ;  he  toei,tht  laborious  and  mini-i 
fterial  Part  upm  himy  and  thut  he  tame  up  to  hit  i^rv-''. 

/  wat  ebceii/id  if  he  was  not  a  good  Officer ;  ht  wat, 
OK  Infirument^  under  Buckinghaniy  f^r  Rcformatisa-\ 
«f  the  Haiijholdt  the  Navy  and  the  Exchequer  ;  Buck- . 
itlf^iam  fitting  Urn  on^  and  laiing  upon  himfilf  tht-. 
Emiy  of  all  the  Officers.  Jnd  he  himfflf  protefled-^ 
mat^  a  Time  to  me.  That  he  had  not' bteti  able  to  da- 
me any  Service,  in  the  minifttrial  Part,  if  Bucking*^  , 
h)dn  bad  not :  hoiked  him  init.:.'  Hereupon  I  thoupit 
him  the  fitteft  Man  for  this  Place. i  behadfeen  befort 
tht  Abujtsin  the  ExchequeTf  injkte  Navy,  and  tn  a 

thoujaiid  other  PaHiculfrs, 
,  /  mu/i  there) 

thtrefore  put  you  in' mind  of  one  Thing,  and: 

yufliceforceth  me  fo  to  de :  Hi  calinat  but  have,  ■ 
mai^  Enemies  j  all  Treafurers,  if  they  do  giod'Str^K 
ifce  to  tbejr  Majiers,  muft  be  generally  hated,  <^i 
Monf.  Rofne^  luai  in  Franc?,  'And  a  Tridfurer. 
cannet  oblige  me  more,  than  when  I  find  Suitois  big\ 
fr»m  mty  and  fray  me  net  to  f(n4'.f>y-  Reference  to-  tbf- 
Trtv^urer,  betauft  he  gives  them  jia^tod  A"]'^^*"^'  * 
,  Tws  KtHdi,of  People  are  fontiniialfy  hated  ItLGfurt^X 
Tseafurers^  and  UJhers  \  beceufe  this  latter  muji  of.. 
Netejfiiy  ptd  fUfgrifces  upon  Men,  and  {he  :%-kajurtr$\ 
f«^fi-/i»tp..tbe.%i^gfrem,Importiit}iiy  ef  niTiyiiliitapnk 
J  pray  judge  net  by  the'  A^(liiim,;^^4hi\Piepfe\'^i 
hy,  f^  Hatred  */'  the  People ;  ycu  muft  aymid  Utk 
Vol.  VI.      .  N  thefe% 


10+  Thi  ParUaiunhry  Mietblt^' 

^•VL^mUAtfi-,    Md  ihtrtfire    Ju^ts  if  old  wiri'^enU^ 

*tht  fieond-  Thing  frereminend.U  yeur  Cm^Aefa*' 
tun  is,  Tf>^l  yi'i  'm*  upm  afiund  Tria/y  fi  that  the 
Offtna  he  dear ;  and,  in  the  next  Pkat,  when  flM 
pU  a  Coufe  ef  Pumpmttti,  let  it  ht-  within  mi  mt' 
V^^ta  the  Limits  of  his  Defert. 

}iov}  I  fiall  rtfotnmmd  to  yeu  Jiirie  GenA'-ah ;  n»t 
.  ft/rbii  lUfpea  ar  Pdrtimlm:,  but  tny  Kvn,  my  Sifn't 
Md,  Pafieritfs,  Jmd  ysttf-  awn,  my  Lords^  whtfr 
Parf  Gtd  timvs  when  it  may  fall' unit.  Lit  rio 
Man'i  fartscuiar  Snds  bring' forih  aPrtc'edgttti  that 
may  k  prejudltini  tt  you  all  emd  your  Hfiri  t^tr' 
yiu  ;  Preeedtnts  ihert  Wt  ntHtef  many  TtarSi  Ufifi't^ 
this  ohA  the  hji  Stffiom.  The  Inftrhm  WW  aSB'- 
Lower. Haafe,  mdtie  XJpfer  HeSff'MretA^-yudgtf.' 
Jj^  the  jitcujation  came  in  by  the  Party  wronged^  theit  \ 
.  jUi  have  a  fair  Entrance  far  Juftue;  if  by  Men 
that  ftarch  and  hunt '^fia-<rtbir  Men' i^Lifses,  beiAarV- 
tf  it,  it  is  dangtroMS  j  /(  may  be  yillt  twn  Gafi  Aia-  • 
ihtrTimt.  Na  Men  sanjand- itpr^f*  hefire  &sf- 
d»d  Mont  if  every  JH^  hisjhaii^  be  en^irid  iif-^ 
tefy  mid  haunted  eta  by  evety  Min,  vhi^ghit  csH^Hf- 
ibn  net.  '  .  .  •    '■ 

The  main  Grattnd  inan  Inf*rmati<m  it  thii,  Thi^ 
tkMf  atnpleining  flxuU  fry.  This  tf^dn^  he  hath 
dmunt;  if  he-hai>  nrrupted Judictetwt  in  Jiii.'g~- 
fnentf  of  taken  a  Bribe  te  lie  Hurt  ef  ffn'  Inkettnt  j 
^,  in  Sxtartien^  he'  hath  turefied,  by  Viidtk^,  frvm 
the  Party';  here  ii  nfetfi  Grlund  far  an  Mtufitim, 
Sat  for  every  hufy  Ftlitto  ta  turn  hifuifieris  a  ?*mf 
it^fferable;  how  far  it  faUt  thus,  inthisPOrfiae- 
iar,  I  inow  not.  Bribery,  as  I  wskld  dUfne  it,  if 
VBhm-e  a  fudge  recavei  a  Reward  egmnfi  the  Imta- 
'  ant;  Extartim  it'dagi,  when  MtAey  is  ivhaig from-  " 
Iifo  Suijea  by  tht  Greatnefs  ef  a  Man's  PeiWtt,  and 
"  .  .  .  ^  y^  ^  a^dtmeamr  is,  ^hen  a 
,  and  tfprejftth  the  patr  St^ 
,  ^  d  this  Point,  and  I  da  net  doubt 
kit,  when  ht  tomes' btftrt >«»,  31U  will htar btm mith 
Tfiiatr  Old  Putinutr 

$  '  ■;■■'■■  ifm 


tffe  Subjta  by  tht  Greatt 
iy  the  Denial  of  yuflia 
Mm  abufeth  his  Place,  . 
Jtffs.     fhavt  £fouged  i). 

■   'M*,   irvf  L»hJs(  Yfi>ek  far  Jufticn    !/  ih!i '^a-'nj'"''* 
.Pbrlyh^eioittk,  dfitrjkchart  ElainpUJh-ewidtbe  !;'f-    .. 

i^SS^\  hisFaittli'/^Heifirhg  iamt  in  iipm.      .  '".'..-  *■ 
it  itfj^rmttMi  and  ht  dtfi^yitni  ike-ViMipHtihi  if        '  .     ■  -  ' 
Uheri:     This  /  would JSy  ia  fou,  if  I  was  to' die  ihi's, 
Hour:  krr(ribyikifiakinz,Gadf6t^}dihat-jfouJbeuld 
he  f^jgi^iVi  i'»  veitfitring  miVi\    tut  Errors  that  (tri 
ioiifiSf  /pare  Hem  not:  •  ■  > 

Some  et^stii  Men  ifS'J^/aVi  peradiJ/^hre^  hhigb/i 
H^ePrnttr,  hive  Joni  hitter ;  but  th'ii  it  not  eri- 
Wmal  in  him :  Sttii/,  Vf  Befeit  and  Co^tngge^  by, 
i^ittg  ilihfolf,  hehath  _hinHe'red  fny  Bjlate,  he  ii 
\derfe  ihah  a  DivH.  .  ^t-ea/ur/rs  eanust  be  barred 
frm-fiteing,  afni  the  }&nfs  Liieraiify  no  Mm  can 
tontrvui.  Jf  he  hM'-l^lped' him/elf,  with  the  Kifi/t 

■ 'i-t^fffyy- there  are  l^^s  Things  laid  to  hh.'Ch<2rgei 
^ii^kh 'wtf^e  Sme  lA/iih'  fm  Knowledge  and  Ap^roba- 
HiHji  #f  him  hedr  no  'Charge  for  that,  for  that  it 
tHifiey  ^nd  I  mufi  bear  ii.  For  if  you  ,queJ}ioh  hirh 
fir  tWtJ  fach  Thing,  you  piirtijh  me ;  if  any  ihitti 
teae^S  kpoH  hihi  iti  thin.  Kind,  either  huddle  not  with 
(f,  *_^fl^,  ^d  htdw  the  P^erifyfrtfH  he.  '  I  loVe  my 
^ef^mts, '  God  is  my  mtntfs,  but  it  H  oMjfor  Virtue'! 
fcrfc }  mrf  he  it  an  un?Jappy  M^^tr  ilxil  doth  not  Itv^ 
a fkii^  Servant.  .But,  if  there  appear  in  my  af 
teh*  FaifliMii  and  Treachery-,  akd Deceit  uriderXr^/t, 
H^  Love  is  gone,  ift'^l  ^^  Angel,  lie  bf^opie  a 
Devil,  Iwfllifever.exci^  hint :'  t  will  Htvtr  mafn~ 
tainAnyManinaitidCaufei  '         '     , 

■  "tiie  Report  of  th6  Kiiig  s  Speech  being  itiade^ 
*fhi6h  fefcms  to  fcrte  as  an  Introduflion  to  the 
TriaT,  tht  tx>rd  Keeper  obferved  furflier,  *  That 
llis  Majtfty  fald^  he  did  hot  "deliver  this  Speech  out 
of  any  Sufpicroii  of  their  L'ordfliipsj  but  only  in  EKft 
tharge  of  his  Duty  arid  Cojirciehce.'  Which, th« 
ilotrfe  oriered  to  be  entered;  ,      , 

The  Lord  Treafurer  being  to  apjiear.  this  Day 
te  the  Bar,  it  ^as  firft  agreed^  That  when  his  Lord-i 
6iip  came  he  fliould  kneel.  And  being  brought  tff 
flie  Ba^,  by  theGelltleinalitJflier,  not  having  his 

N  2  '  titatF      . 


a  96  ^  Parliamentary 'tits  Tof.r 

An.  11  JuDBl.  Staff  In  his  Hand  sts  Lord  Treafuter,  he  Icn^cj- 

'**♦•        until  the  Lord    Keeper  willed  him  to  ftand  up4 

Tbe  Lord  Trt«-  Then   Mr.  Serjeant  Crav  came   to   the  Clerk't 

J™^'"  Table,  and  opened  the  Charge  againft  him-tt.  this 

■Whew  the  At-  "TpHE  Conjriions  of  £»^</,  being  the  gener4 

dj^thfcwi,'   "      iBquifiton  of  the  Sores,  and  Grievaijces  of 

ifiinft  him  u     the  ICingdom,    have   prefented   chcir   Complaint 

Maft"  (rf  tb«     agair.ft  this  great  Lord  artd  Officer ;  wt^ereof,  and  <jf 

*  other  MiiHemeanors,  thur  I^rdfliips  bave  before 

talcen  Cognizance.     That  he  is  to  charge  him,  the 

,^rd  Treafurer,    with  Violation   and  Breach   of 

Truft,  in  defrauding  the  King  who  trufted  himi 

and  with  Bribery  and  Opprcflion. 

"    '  That  he  would  begin  With  his  Lbrdfliip's  ftlifT 

demeanors  in  the  Office  of  the  Wardrobe  j   and 

fliew.    That,  heretofore,  that  Office  being  very 

expenftye  to  his  Majefty,  by  reafon  of  the  Chai^ 

and  Provifiofi  of  the  King's  M^efty,  for  the  Que^n, 

for  Prince  Henry,  the  Queen  of  Btbttmay  mid  the 

Prince's  Highriefs  that  now  is,  he,  the  faid  Lord 

Trcafurer,  inform^  his  Majefly  of  theGreatnefs  of 

his  Charge,  ard  that  he  would  fave  his  Maj^fty  a 

Seat  Part  thereof;   whereupon  he  procui;ed  the 
ffice  to  himfelf  J  but  he  ftood  charged  with  i\or 
thing,  fave  the  ordinary  Provifion  for  his  Majefty.* 

*  He  is  madeMaftcr  of  the  Wardrobe,  S^t.  14. 
'  Anra  16  yae.  Regis. 

*  And,  Dtc.  26.  Jnm  18  Jae.  the  King  recit- 
ing,   '  Whereas  we'  had  certain  Notice  tiiat  Sir 

*  Lierul  Crmf^U'i  in  the  Execution  of  the  faid  Of- 
"  fice,  hath  (0  direiUy  and  carefiiHy  performed  the 

*  faid  TruH,  in  that  Behalf  committed  tohim^  at 

*  that,  by  the  fmall  Time  of  his  Service  there,  great 

*  Sums  of  Money  have  been,  and  are  likely,  y«ir-> 

*  ly,  to  be  abated,  in  comparifon  of  former  £»•. 

*  pences  therein  for  fome  Years  paft;  andalfo  that, 

*  by  tile  Continuance  of  his  Care  and  good  Endea- 

*  vours  in  the  faid  Service,  our  former  great  yearly 

*  Expencc  of  the  Wardrobe  hath  been  reduced 

*  \viihin  ibe  Sum  of  zc>00&/.  uid  yet  with  tbe 

'•  Main- 


tf    RH  G  LAND.  107 

*  _Matntenancc  of  the  former  Sute  thereof :    And  An,  ,*  juM*lr 
'  that  of  20,000  /.  aiHgiied  for  the  Queen's  Fiuie-        »*M-  - 

*  ral,  he  had  received  15,500/.  and  ao  more ;  and 

*  that  the  faid  Sir  Lionel,  by  bis  difcreet  and  careful 
*.  Performance  of  that  Truft,  hath,  with  the  faid  . 

*  15,500  /.  difcharged  the  faid  Funeral  honourably, 
'  and  in  fuch  Sort  as  was  requifite,and  hath  brou^t. 

*  the  faid  Charge  within  the  Sum  of  15,500/.  and 

*  yet  there  were  black  Cloths  and  Stuft's  to  the  Va- ; 
'  lue  of  2000  /.  or  thereabouts,  and  fbffie  Part  alia 

*  of  the  faid  Money  faved :'  The  King,  thereupon,i 
grants  him  all  that  he  had  faved  of  20,000  /.  for  the 
Year  ended  at  Michatbnai,  1&49,  and  for  another- 
Year  ended  at  A^chtulmai,  1620,  the  ordinary* 
Charges  dedu£bd  ;  for  which  Sums  he  agrets  to 
difcharge  the  ordinary  Charge  of  the  Wardrobe  | ,  _ 
and  the  King  grants  the  black  Cloths,  StutFs,  and> 
Monies  unto  me  faid  Sir  Lifstl,  remaining  of  the . 
faid  15,5007.  fisr  the'  Funeral,  for  the  Dilburle- 
ments  for  the  Ordinary  of  the  Wardrobe,  for  which 
he  was  to  account  i  but  not  for  the  Suiplulage- 
which  he  faved  of  the  20|000/.' 

*  Dec.  27.  ^nne  iS^Jae.  the  King  makes  the 
fame  Recit^,  ut  fupra;  and,  having  given  the. 
Surplufage  for  two  Years  before,  doth  now  con- 
tinue it  for  Life,  yoirly  at  Michatimas,  upon  his' 
Account,  for  the  Wardrobe,  the  ncccflary  Difburfe- ; 
ments  dei^u£ted,  and  gives  him  the  Surplufage  with- 
out further  Account,' 

*  Jan.  ji,  jIbiio  i^Jacahi  Hggit,  the  Lord 
Trcafurcr  furrenders  his  intent, 

A^rt,  He  got,  in  thefe  three  Years,  a*  fliall  ap- 
pear hereafter,  8000/.  ptr  Jmum,  and  had 
0000  /.  given  him  at  his  Farewell.  Jh  toUy 
30,000  /.' 

*  yan.  18.  ^fim  ig  Jae.  Regis,  the  King  par- 
dons him  all  Sums  of  Money  received  by,  him  for, 
the  Funer^  or  Wardrobe ;  and  he  covenants  to 
difcharge  the  King  of  fuch  Debts  aS  were  due  by 
him  for  the  Wardrobe.  By  this  it  appears  how 
the  King  trulls  the  Lord  Treafuier,  being  MuAer 

■  N  3  -  of 


i|9^  ^P^riiapteafafy  HiiT oTLV 

jiA*t  J^npT-'of  Ac  Wardnobe,  and  what  Expcftat'ion  ttieKlog 
'^^'  had  of  hb  extraordinary  Service)  that  the  Expence^j 
(hould  be  much  ab^te^  and  djminifhcd,  and  yet  the. 
State  of  the  Wardrobe  maintained  by  competont. 
and  lulficrent  Supplies,  and  that  what  the  Supplies., 
were,  Oiould  appear  upon  Account;  and  tocre-t. 
upon  thp  Account  was  the  patent,' 

*  And  now  Ice,  iny  Lords,  hpw  the  WariJrobe, 
Is  brought  into  Confufion,  and  how  far  it  (s  frotq^ 
the  old  State  thereof ;  which,  by  the  Patent  of  niy, 
Lord,  fhpiild  have  been  maintained,' 

'  •  *  And,  in  this,  will  appear  unto  your  ^rdfitip^. 
lilatRly,  1. 

Breach  of  Truft  and  Fraud. 

*  The  Warrants  to  bf  ferved  for  the  Wardrobe,  _ 
Cttrw  from  my  Lord  Chamberlain,  from  the  Maf- 
Xer  of  the  Houfhold,  and  from  the  Qroom  of  the 
Stole.'  ■        ■'   ■■  ,.       ■     ■ 

f  The  Warrants  apd  Einptions  th^eupon  were 
uAially,  heretofore,  entered  .in  the  Clerk  of  the;. 
Wardrobe's  fiooksj  that  th^  ftovifions  and  Parti- 
culars fiipplied  might  appear.;,  but,  in  my  Lord' 
jTreafurer's'Time,  no  Warrants  are  brought  in  oc 
entered  ;  no  Emptions  entered,  nor  Book  of  Ex-i 
|jences  kept  b'y'tlle 'Clerk,  as  it  ought  to  be.' 
■  ^  The^Glerk  fiiould  have  furveycd  the  Parcels  i 
bnt  could  not,  thro'  my  Lords  Default ;  neither  is 
fhere  any  Account  mads  as  ought  to  have  been :  ^ 
ifind  all  this  is  contrary  to  the  Patent,  to  the  P^c- ' 
judici  of  the  King,  and  o(  the  Officers  and  Wortt 
jnen  in  ^c  Wardrobe.  And,  to  the  end  his  Pro- 
<:tedings'in  that  Office  might  not  be  difcovered^ 
^liis  enf«ed  further  upon  it,  That  the  Warrants 
.  ^ere  ferved  ftiort,  and  many  not  ferved  at  aJl ; 
(hofe  that  jyere  ferved,  were  bafe  and  illjfiufFed  withi 
great  Delay  and  long  Stiit  j  and  yet  the  Suitors  foi, 
■  the  fame  were  (lighted  by  my  Lord  and  his  Officers.* 
*  And  although  my  Lord  had  his  Money  impref- 
fcd  to  him,  yet  he  made  iTicIc  and  fl^w.PayiinenpK' 
^th  great 'Abatements  of  the  prices  formerly  'al- 
^  Ipwed.  "Arid,  "at  niy  tor'd's"aeparting"frDm'the 
^fficc,  in  January, '  Jnn't'n)  Jac,  he  gets  a  Pardoi^ 

-^^  r._.     :'  L.(KH^Ie 

9^  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  199. 

fiir  4II  h(f  faatli.  received,  wi^iout  any  Account,  tsii  An.  *i  Jim«k 
pbcained  a  Iieafe  of  the  Sugars,  for  a  Bccontpencv  *** 

of  his  Sarrcoder-of  that  Office,'' 

Mr.  Serjeant  Crew  having  thui  far  <>pfliwd  the 
Charge;  the  Qerk,  by  bu  Direction,  read  th« 
Pepofitions  of  Witnelles  ulten  here  to  pcoye  the 
Iftine,  vi*. 

fh«  BfOmlHotitH  9/  Sir  Bens  TniLWAt,  Xnt. 
Uiitn  the  2t>tb  af  A^rWt  1614.  ' 

Ht  deptfetbiB  thefirfl  ^iflim^    *  What  Moijey  Depofiba«  »! 

*  was  afforcd  for  Provifions  .for  the  King's  Service  ^^^^ 
'  in  the  Wardrobe,  ordinary  and  extraordinary,  du*  .y^, 

*  ring  the  Timt  die  Lord  Trcafurcr  was  Mafter 
f  there  ?  I  lay,  that  I  cannot  certainly  inform  your 
f  Lonl&ips;  for  that  the  Warrants  for  the  Empti'- 

*  ons,  tha  were  ufually  entered  in  the  CWA  of  tbc 

*  Wardrobe'sBookjweTenothroDghtinatallbythc 

*  laid  Maflerof  the  Wardrobe,  during  the  Time  of 

'  my  Service  in  the  iaiA  Office,  at  ftoi^d  have  bsen.  ~ 

*  For  the  fccond  Part  of  the  Charge,  Whether 
'  uiy  diing   wve  put   upon  the  Extraordinaryv 

-  *  wkich  was  heretofore  ufed  to  be  furnifhed  upon 

*  the  Ordinary?  I  cannot  tell ;  for  that  there  was 

*  no  Account  made  by  the  faid  Mafter  of  the  Wwxl» 

*  Eobe,  (wbich  fltould  have  been  done)  tho'  he  wat 
f  very  oftcq  folicitcd  by  me  fo  to  do,  and  feemed 

<  not  to  believe  me,  that  he;  by  the  Courfe  of  his 

*  .Office,  ought  To  to  do  )  for  that,  as  he  laid,  he 
f  had  agreed  wjth  the  King's  Majefty,  at  a  certain 
»  Rate,  to  fijrnift  the  Wardrobe, 

*  For  comparing  the  Expences  of  the  laid  Lonl 

<  Treafurer,  for  Ordinary  and  Extraordinary,  yilk 
f  Ae  King  only,    with,  the  Expences  of  foimw 

*  Tiqiej,  I  cannot  make  any  dired  Anfwer ;  for 
f  diat  the  faid  MaAefin^e  no  Account  as  he  ought 

*  to  have  done. 

*  To  certify  how  the  King's  Houfes  were  fi»- 
«  wfticd  during  the  Time  the  l,ord  Treafurer  was 
'  M*ft«*  of  iJw  Wardrobe,  M)d  hQ¥  miff  h  wotfc 

N  4  '  than 

fTbe  Parlianuntary  HisTOR-V 

'■ '  than  in  fomfet  Times,  I  cannot  cotainly  w^na 

*  your  Lordihips. 

*  To  certify  the  Charge  of  the  Funoal  of  Queea 

*  Anncy  I  cannot  inform  your  LonUhips  thereof; 

*  W  that  it  was  before  my  Time,  and  there  waa 

*  no  Account  made  thereof,  nor  Entry  thereof  a< 
'  heretofore  was  wont  to  be. 

*  To  certify  whether  all  the  Provifions  of  die 
-*  Wardrobe,  during  all  the  Time  the  Lord  Trea- 
'  fuTcr  was  Matter  thereof,  are  paid,  I  heard  dia; 

*  divers  of  the  Ccedicors  are  tiot  pud ;    but  how 

*  much  is  behind  will  beft  appear  hy  the  Examiaa- 
'  tions  of  the  Creditors. 

*  For  the  Abufe  of  the  Wardrobe,  committed 

*  during  the  Time  of  the  Lord  Treafurcr  bdng 

*  Matter  there,  I  fay.  That  he  h«th  Jtcred  th? 

*  Frame  and  Courfe  of  that  Office,  to  the  Prqu- 

*  dice  of  the  King's  Majefty*  and  the  Artificen 

*  and  Creditors  that  fumimed  the  faid  WarJrobe  y 

*  and,  as  I  conceived,  to  the  end  his  Proceedings  iA 

*  the  faid  Office  might  not  be  difcovered. 

*  And  where-  riiere  was  fome  Doubt  made  by 

*  the  faid  Matter,  of  fome  Things  concerning  the 

*  faid  Office,  I  did  endeavour  to  give  him  Sadl^ 

*  ia^on  therein,  but  could  not  without  the  VicW 

*  of  fome  Books  of  Accounts  of  the  faid  Offic^, 

*  which,  by  his  Dire£Kon,  I  brought  unto  him 

*  long  fincc :    Thefe  he  commanded  me  to  leave 

*  with  him  to  perufe;  but  I  could  never  have  them 

*  again,  though  myfelf,  and  my  Servant  in  thai 

*  Office,  very  often  attended  and  fdicitcd  his  Lotd^ 
'■*  (hip  for  them, 

* '  For  the  Proviftons  to  be  employed  in  the  laid 

*  Office,  by  letting  on  Work  of  Arras-Mcn  and 

*  Taylors,  the  ancient  Ufc  of  that  Office  was,  That 

*  the  Clerk  fliould  take  Account  of  all  that  wia 

*  brought  in,  and  keep  the  fame,  andfeeitemployetf 

*  for  the  King's  Service  by  the  faid  Workmen,  and 
"  fee  what  Time  they  began  their  Work  and  left  it^ 

*  but  the  faid  Mafter  took  away  the  Key  of  that 
■  *  Room  where  thofe  Things  were  kept,  and  com<- 
-*  mitte^tbelameto  oneKrnry^^f),  his  Servant; 

*  who 

-  ;i^T^  N  G  U  A  N  D.^  Sox 

*  who  le^'tlie-riune'duijngtbe  Time  of  his  be?  Av>-»jMMt^ 

*  ing  M^er  there  j  To  »  I  could  not  perfbrm  the        .*,'"♦' 

*  Service  I  ought  to  have  done  in  that  fkhal& 
,*  For  the  Abufes  of  the  Queen's  Funeral,  I  <caa 

*  by  nothing  of  my  own  Knowledge,  for  it  yna 

*  before  my  coming  into  the  Office ;    hut  have 

*  beard  that  the  Cloth  that  was  provided  by  the  (aid 

*  Matter  vnp  had,  and  much  complained  of  bv 

*  many.  .  ,     '         . 

%.  LtHalK,  C.  S.  Thee.  Hevun-d. 

G.  Ctmt.  Fra.  RuffiU,  -     r 

^%a.  Gov.  (£  Litch.  Hemy  Damjtrs. 

^Arthw  Bath  tf  WtUu         Rshtt-  Sptnetr. 

S%t  Examhuliw  ef  CHAfcLSs  Staklby,    Cieri 
to  the  /aid  Sir  Bevis  ThelwialU  takm  the  fami 
■     Day.  •  ,       ',. 

*  An  Eftimate  of  the  yearly  Liveries  pqt4  by 

*  the  Lord  Trcafurer,  witn  Feei  and  annual  Pcn^ 
.*  JKHi^  with  the  Arras-Meii^cfs  and- other  Wo'rk^ 

*  men's  Pay,   yearly  payi^tc  out  of   the'  Grev 

*  Wardrobe. 

/.     s.'-.d, 

.^liiyencsl^  virtue  of  Letters  Patent        35    ,0'.  4 

.*  Lixtrie»>hy  virtue  of  , Warrants  1„oa,  „  '  g. 

E(onii«it      .  ',       .'  ,     ;*«'7  »7    0 

*  Fees,  V*?ft'J[*?t?>  *Q'i  annual  Pei>- 1  , 

iiona  J  ■■  .      f 

*  Arras-Menders  Pay,    and    other"]'  .     ,        '   '■  ^ 
I     ,   Wortmen's  Wages,  with  the  ?  540     o,    9 

Stuff  for  one  Year.  "J 

Sum  Total    3811    3  ip 

•  As  to  whfit  Nwnies  was  otherwife  difburfelby 
*  the  Lord  Treaiiirer,  for  and  towards  the  Charge 
'  and  Expeiice  of  the  PiDviiions  of  the  Gita^ 
'  'Wardrobe,  1  know" but  in  'part  j  t>ut  the  CredU 
'  tors  can  b^  fatisly  what  feveral  $ums'  they  havp 
'.  teceived ;  ■  aiid  his  Servants,  ^a^a  3aro»  and  Mr. 
4    '.  *  Catthmty 


^  '^'^*'  *  ^""^'V  t^^"  ^^  *^'  "'*'*'  ^""^  pf  W*wf  wer< 
"**"        '  received  for  the  PrQvlfion  of  the  GrtatWarSfobei 

*  an4  what  was  pddbtit;  for  they  received  aJl,  and 
^  paid  allj  for  ought  I  know, 

■    *  what  Warrapts  ttc  received  I  know  not,  ii(4 

*  what  Was  furniuied  for  tbein,  either  for  ordinary 

*  Service  (rf  extraordinary ;    but  his  Man  Ci&tci 
(  Ihoutdbeftcertify  whorecetyad'tIieWfa)Tantc,anA 

*  m^  the  Frw^iOQ  of  th<^e  IThiiigs  tha«-weit 

*  fefved, 

<  For  thefcrnKblng  of  the  King'^flpiiic  \  fcnC'fr 
f  nothing }  but  the- Kocpers  6f  the  feverai  Stan4^ 
f  ing  Wardrobes,  amTdie  OfEcers  of  tlte  ll.emo,vinC 

*  Wardfotw,  cw  be(l  certify  wbat  wat  iepuA  bjr 

*  him. 

*  For  Hat  F^end  <^  0ie  late  Q^nn  ..rfbw}  a«  I 

*  bsvc  heard,'  he  had  an  AHowanceof  90,500^ 

*  which  my  Lord  Brui.,  as  I  fuppofe^  can  b^  cer- 
f  tify,  who  was-tiien  Chancellor  of  tbfc  ^xchequer^' 

f  Apd  of  i3,iooJL  or  near  thereabouts^  I  know 

*  was,  by  him,  diflmrfefl  fbrtheTaid  Funeral,  anq 

*  more  I  know  not  of;  for  that  Part  of  the  Pt(^ 
f  viAons  waB  provided  by  himfclf  and  Servants, 

♦  For  the  Provifion  <lf  Canvas,  Leather,  lofl 

*  Thread,  with  other  needful  Neccflaries  for  _th« 
f  mending  a;^  lining  of  ticb  Hangi:^  of  An^ 

■    A  and  Tapcfiry,  w^ich  came  from  any  of  hip  Msr 

*  jetty's  ijoulfcs  to  be  mepded  or  lined  in  Places  de- 

*  leAive :  For  the  Charge  thereof  I  cajj  (ay  Qothkig 

*  for  thcfcthrpe  Years  j  for,  Vfiica  he  cacfiefir^tQ 
<  be  Mafter  of  the  Great  Wardrobe,  he  cauled  oaa 

.  f  Hvry  Jftji  Ifis '  Servant,  wro;igfuIly,  to  tdce 
f  away  the  Key  of  Oie  StOR-houfe,  wlwrein  f*ronT 
f  fions  of  Cafivas,.  Leai^her,  Tlircad,  and  other 
f  Neceflarieq,  were  kept,  frotn  the  Aci;^  Cleilt  of 
f  -t  uxlrobe  i  who  yearly^  with  hi% . 

t  I  leceflb^  cvfx  nxd  the  Cu^idv 

1  a  ut  of  all  Neceffiuics,  i^  JEOptafif 

T  J  at  Suits  of  Hangiiigs  came  to  bib 

i  (I  hat  Neceflaries  was  needful  to  bSj. 


e^  E  W.'qfL  AN-p,  .   _  .1^  '. 

f  jii  all  this  Time,  fo  tb»  %d  Acc*unt  thereof  coifld  An.  tiji^  \, 

*  not  by  the  Clerk  be  kept,  'according  to  the  an-        *'»4» 
f  cient  Cuftom  of  that  Qffice,  the  ^rd  Trea^rtf 

'  had  digvcflcd  trom  the  ancient  Ctiftams  of  th^ 
f  Qffice,  and  furniOiciJ  things  hiin^f.  ipd  reni(4 
^  tijejn  without  the  Privity  of  the  Clerlfj  who, 
f  according  to  apcient  CuQoij),  flpuld  have  thft  ' 

*  Vitw,  with  the  rating  3n^  prizing  oi*  them,  with 
f  an  ^llo^ancc  of  d!  Necel^ies  feryod  for  hi^ 
^  {^ajefty's  yfe,  to  be  dcfflaoded  by  the  Ci<edtCora, 

*  hy  yirt^e  of  Warrants  iigncd  by  the  King'a  Ma^ 
^  jefty }  which  my  Lord  Trealiirer  paid  tb/sa^ 
f  without  Warrant,  by.  the  Creditors  own  Bills,> 
f  contrary  to  the  af^cient  Cuftom,  of  that  Office  y 
f  and  which,  till  thU  T'^^t  was  ever,  t»r  all  fwf 

*  in?r  Matters  of  the  Great  WardrebCfOueryedi  by 
i  t^^ying  WwaflU  drfl«!n  ev^ry  Half-Year. 

pijARLSS  9TANLpr,   ■ 

Iffl  Cant,  -      Sre*a.  Mmard. 

^.  Line.,  €.  «j    .  /V<7.  Jbipli. 

Jfrtbm-^at^&'^tSf,   ,       ffi_6t^  Sftnctr.  \ 

fkt  Exapus^^  ef  John  Baroh,  tPh»  tbt  * ^ 
.^  April,  163^.        I,        .         * 

7&  &^  Exav^ntfnt  Jftdk^  *.  That  ^^tuk  i^» 
J  now  Lord  Trcafurer  was  Mafter  of  ^'VVwi-' 
!  flebe,  thje  ^xantinant  did  {ceep  a  Boctk,  wb^n 
f  were  entered  his  Lordlhips  Receipts  and  Paty-  " 

f  ments,  «a  wdl  of  fi^  Things  aa  coootned  tbd 
f  Wardrobe,  a^  for  fuch  a^  djd  (AbcnvaysouiGVid 
f  his  I^ordthip..  Jnd  faitb^  ^ecaufe  h  ^ffia  coq-* 
f  ceived  bis  Lordlhip  held  that  OGfice  upon  Cor-i, 
^  Ixinty,  therefore  there  was  no  Diftinflion  made, 
f  nor  ceitua  Account  kcpt^tti^t«^ohcon¥riie4 
*.  tbfiWardroSe,  divi4e^  froiv  hift 'Lwdfl)ip*S:Q$))ei 
f  Bufit)c&.  Andfaithy  Tbftt  tbe-^d.;^kli9  eow 
i  ipthe  Ij(}fd  Tieafitr55's,.j(id.(^pt^.lJiifcE3«ffli,; 
..  '  "  *?»«'» 

204-  ^  ParUamntar)  H  i  s  t  o  K  r 

*"  ^'X^**  ^'  *  "™^'  Cuftody ;  nor  iuth  been  in  this  Exanu" 
*^*         •  nant's  Cuftody  ibr  two  Years  and  a  Half-paft. 

G.  Cant.  Rehrl  Spencer. 

H.  MmJevilU.  Pf^.  Sitf  (f  Seal 

The.  tyitntunrth. 

Tbt  Examuafien  ef  Richakd  Colbbscic,  taken 
the  ibtb  ef  April,  1624. 

The  /aid  Examinant  faith,   *  That  he  ferved  the 

*  Lord  Treaflirer  in  the  Biifiners  of  the  Wardrobe,, 

*  ^d  that  in  afl  tji*  Timt  his  Ixtrdfliip  was  Mafter 

*  of  the  Wardrobe,  there  were  no  Accounts  made. 
■  by  his  Lordfhip,  nor  kept  for  him,  pf  the  Ex-, 

»  •  pences  of  the  Wardrobe,  neither  *ere  there  any 

'.Book  kept,  wherein  were  entered  the  Expencea 

*  of  the  Wardrobe  j    the  Rcafon  wheresf  was, 

*  becaufe  this  Examinant  hesrd  his  I<ord{hip  waa 

*  riot  to  hold  that  Place  upon  Account ;  but^  faid 

*  this  ExaminanI,  did  buy  Provifions  of  Mercers 

*  and  others  for  his  XfOrdlbip,  and  then  delivered 
'  fuch  of  tl^em  a;  viere  to  be  deliyeral  for  th^ 

*  King's  Ufe  into  the "  Wardp)be  ;  and  when  tlus 

*  Mercers  and  others  brought  their  Bills,  he,  this 

*  Examinant,  prefented  th?  {amc  to  his  I^ordfiitp 

*  w4»o  took  Order  for  their  ^atisfadioii.      And 
"  foith.  He  thinkctfa  that  fome  few  arc  yet  unfatis^ 

*  fied  in  part  j    as,  n»raely»  Mr.   Hffijha^i,  Mr. 

*  Ferreri,  Mr.  Latham;  but  doth  not  remember 

*  any  others. 


C  Cant.  Rabert'Spttutr. 

rhQ.  Cm.  (it  Litdt.  J^,  Say  \g  Seat,    - 

Arthur  Bath  ig  fTtOs.  Thta.  Hvward. 
Tht.  fVtntumtb. 

•-  To  prbve+he  Defofts  in  ferving'of  Warraijts,' 

I.  a  true  Note  of  fuch  Wardrobe  Stuff,  as  remMneih 

iinferved,  \)y  the  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  of 

MiJdMix,  L<»d  TreaAti;er  of  England,  in  the  TTtDc 

-  ^        ■  of 


p/E'NGL  AND.  205 

ef  h»  being  Mafter  of  the  Great  Wardrobe ;  which  Ao.  *x  p^ 
Stuff  was  then  commwided  by  Warrants  for  hU        ***♦• 
Majefij's  Scrvicev  and  <  are  now  much  wanting  i 
for  die  which  his  Lordflup  is  to  be  anfwerable  unto 
his  Maje&y.' 

Xtrntviiig  Witrtb-tUj  p^  Wttrrihtt^  ietti  m  June,^ 

*  Ji^Jnit,  Chars  of  Velve^  garnilbedl 

with  Gold  Lace  and  Fringe  j  '■' 

*  /taM,  Cuihtotw  of  Velvet  fuiti^le  fitj 
'  lUiMj  High  Stools  fuitable               .      .  -   .    iii> 

*  .htm.  Counter  Points  of  Tapeftiy  '       ,  xxxiii^ 
*J>A)i,  Bed-Ticks,  and'thenew-drawingi 

of  them,   with  Augmentation  of?       xyij 
Feathers  .       J      . 

!  IttMy  One  Pair  oS  MUan  Fu&ians  foci.  ..' 

the  Kio^s  Bed 

*  htm.  One  Pair  of  Cloth  Blankets  . 

*  If  an.  Tenter  Hooks  '  cii^ 
«  Am,  Foot  Stools  fuiuble  ....  .  '  ij, 
•-  htm,  Hammeis              ^  xrin 

*  A«w,-' Writiiig'^BoDks'    '  '""         ij 

*  Ittm,  Reams  of  Wridag  P^ier  iiij 
• /it«i.  Black  Jacks                    ■  «j 

*  JttiiL  Brails  Candlefticks  iii> 

JOHN  CQ'n'ON.  ' 

Jtimving  fVardrcbt,  in  June  162I1  per  ffarrmU. 

*  Imprimis,  Window  Curtains  tii-ThfoaSk:  V. 

*  Item,  Small  Carpets  of  rwifj- Inakiiftg    "       xix" 

•       -JOHN^TTON, 

SfaaJiiig  IFarirtht^  Hampton-Cour^  per  Warraa, 
'-  "  dati/Junuiry  i6zo. 

mi.  Four  Pair  of  Fuftiuis  for  the  1  .„  ■ 

,Xing'.Bed  }         "i 

•  lum.  Quilts  of  HoUand  azid  FniUan  1         .... 

fiUed  with  Wool  J         "V 

*  Ittm, 


Sd6  fherPt^iamhifarf  fii«.f  6*V 

fcitJwMil.t.Jifls,  One-Pair/of  large  Kvii^flbfor}     .; ;  u 
*^        ■       the  King's  fed         '  "  J .  .  v  -^ 

*  /(«B,  Cjoun^MPffingofTapeftry; ,  jp(j| 
<  ftm.  New  Beds  of  Brlffds  Tiak,  w  be  i  ,^^ 
'       filled  With  ■FealScis'                          ]  ^ '^ 

*  item.  Pillows  of  Down  xV 
*.//flB,  PiyoWrBcers  ^,    :,      ,     -  ^"' 

*  Ite^  Bare  ffi<tes  c^  t3x  t>euiu!t- 

JOHN  WlNVAltb.^^  , 

Thebbalds,  ptf  MW«i«,  «»  M^y  i6zi*    ">.  » 

■  /ffl^nm'j,SniallCarpe^  ofTitr^maltini^  ^  -pk 
«  AiW,  Traveriiei  of  Crimlbn  Taflety  '  J:3 
yitemj  Jlw:£^ry  Stools  of  Velvet  tt>  bel      f   "^ 

- '  '  ganiffied'~with  Fiinge^afid  La£e  of  f    .      ij 

Gold  and  Silk                           .  J     ',       , 

« /f««,  Wihdbw  Cuftwns  of  Sillc  .  "  tl 

•//««,  Bare  Hides  (rfOjc, father  ,  ,..  ...■,- ^ 

*  i?rt»,  Hammers                 "  "  ■     -  .■  .  '      .A 

*  Afin,  Bruflies  ^> 
*}«>«,  Tenter  lioob  ^  ■  '     *»> 

•  All  the  Parcel*  rfjove-ijientlonei  to  be  irtifety-^ 

■  rfj  ate  Parcels  of  the  Ordinary  of  die  Office  W 

*  Warftdbc.-   '   ■ 


G.  Cant.  ^ta>  ttmari.    - 

tffts.  Cw;  4?  XiVf*.  HtnrjbmrMrit 

Fra.  RugiiL    „  Rtbtrt  Sptnttr* 

JrtbMfSati&^tU,:  '■ 

'  •  To  prmii  fliat'his"i.orfitip  'lerVed  in  bafc  Mict' 
fl^ht  Stuff,  and  'that  his  Lord&ip  Jlighted  and  dfr^ 
larat  die  OSxaa,  that  tofi  to  have  the  WarAuit*' 
o(-thc  Lord  Chambedwi  ferved  for  the  Kill's  (W 
ordinary  yfi^s^.'    .  ■ 


^'iiMMhiNsM^  jdii^^e»aciif;-  MmMtai/^  \L^* 

«  Taue  .flWi  Lord  TrwftirefJmP.  Maftw  of  tfab 

*  .Kcmbv^Wardrdbiv  aA^  Vrtf  )dif)4>  yet,  Kesper 

',._;6trfi,  Thatrthp  W4rnit«*i-Ji«(W^-  wffc  fcnt  ift 
'  iBitTiirtbytheUr(l.GJlft»Uwri>Ui,  for  NffiB^ 
*.  i&rio<  ORi(^  wUch  this£,)[juiu« 
*:iBint&ncd:rri^'weie'biit  wrj.^pd  yet  a:grc^t 

M»tk3irirHDU  thto:«tf,K6tll!Gmb«4)V.thuJ4^ 

*  ink«aMrAad:thpfc:irfUch:iw«-fim^4»''"'^f9'' 

■  the  miA-PjAti:-  fer^d-.lwidi  boiv  and  m^^^^. 

■  Stuff  than  had  been  accuftimw^it  Jnd  jiiiA^ 
«  ThallJUshsdi.maikyiia'b^thJimcs  made  Suit 

*  to  the  Lord  Treafurcr  to  have  Warrants  ferved, 

*  but  could  n^  pttvaU.  with  my  Lord ;  who,  for 
<  the  moft  Part^  .pot  R  ofF  to  hit  .Man  Co/if fif. 

*  And  ibit.Baamiimt  firtAtrJeittj  That  Coitecik 

*  did  not^tu'it  was  iit,. give  Difpat^  to  the  Ser* 

*  vice ;  whereupon  this  Examinant,  and  thofe  to 
*,  "WhiCT^  it  afltwrtaiMy  ^P^  inftant  Suit,  but  ta 

*  vain. ,      '        .*..'■."■.■ 

■1.    ^  ■:-0  lo:.  .-.   '  ,,.  ^-^  ■■.-.■■  ■     .  ,y; 
G^.Cmtiv:.-- -.-fr  '  .  ,     thf^J^^ptt^inb, 
The.  Ceai.HrLikt,  .:    .  y  Thf-M^**^'^- 
Sahtri^tfit,  .-.    .1,  .j..W-^^  Seal. 

fhi  SxortSniitim  vf  bfrAttix  VTokslst,  uhti 

■  '      \*Jtf  i6(A^"Apri]>  1624.  J* 

72v  Jhid  Bxamauna .  Sntk^    >  He   hath    nuum 
*>  Times  aoquaiAted  tbfe  Lord  Treafurcr,  late  Maf« 

*  tcr  of  thelWardiobe,  with  the  WarranGs  which 
^  bad  been  diredled  fram  the  Itprd  Chamberl^ 
**  unto  the  Lord  Treafiuer,  wb&n  Mafler  of  iha 

*  WanLcob^  for  lervimc.  df  Ficrvi&ans  upon  tiis 

'   •  "  •  Oxd^ 

l..(Ki^le  . 

a<»t  fie  Par&tOentiiy  Hi s^ o>y 

B.  3sj*aK(l.<  Otdinaiynfl^-Office.for.  his  M^^efty^  Jfeuffa 
*"H-        c  2t  TbeobaWs ;  ajid  hytl^  fb  [mi(:h,  and  fo  often» 

*  prelled  him  tiiereabouts,  tlut  his  LonUhip  hadi 
«  told  this '£xatm%At, 'lie  wJu  in^xw&n^.    :;jW 

*  &>A,  That  he  hah",  afmut  a,  Weak  paft,  attend-' 
'edhim  th«eab**i*';'dn«l"hi<  Lardfliip  *«&  c^-' 
*-  feSeS,  that  thtrie-Dtffafb  ought  to  hefuppUcd  by' 

*  him  die  raid  "Lord  Treafurer.     Jnd  faitbj  The- 
'        *'  Defe^  aqtf>el[V  <in  another  Paper,  now  "Selivered' 

<  to'theL^sCcftnmtltces,  fublcribed  hy  this  £x- 

*  atriinitnt.-   jfiid  fikiy  He  via  once  threatened,' 

<  by  the  Gt'ooliU  of  the  B«d-Chan}ber,  to  be  feat' 
<'-toPr!fon.forflot  fittriilhing  thofe  Ncccflariesj- 
•■■Tffheftjiiijon  lio*'ttpai«d  to  the  Lard  T^xsifuier,' 
►but'vi'fls  (MhtetJ  bait 'bjf  him  «nd  ■hi*  gcixants.* 
<■  ^srf^fA,- Thatrtwfe'Tlimga,  ■tliat«cr«Jervecl,'' 
'  .trcre  not  of  that!  Goodtiefs  as  h»lK'l>daa'~accuf-- 
'tiJtMfid,  and  wat  fit.- .  .'•/■.. 
rlo  .              ;  OTTIWELL  WORSLEY^    ' 

G.'Gint.    i        '   'j    lil-J^Pa.  Jb^dl.-  I' r-i      ■  ' 
Th.'Cov.  f^  Liinh.      ~i  y  Bemy  Smeitrt.-  :z: 
jrthurBathii  H^Ut.      -Robtrt  SpiKa. ..  .  ' 

^t'Exttmsnatiari  ef  JdHKf  WHTYSHtD,'' (ftfm  W< 
-   -..-  a6r6^  April,  1624. 

Tbtfaid  Examiitant  faith,  *  That  of  fuch  War- 

*  rants  as  game  to  tb*  now  Lord  Treafurer*,  ^^ile- 

*  he  wa?  Maftcr  Of  ^le  Wardn4»*'.i3t;jS&Tnfte«- 

*  Ceurt,  B  great  Part  ■  is^  yet  unferved^v-dlfl  Partt. 
'  *  culars  whereof  appear  in  another  Note,  fubfciib- 

'  cd.fay.  tbit  ExiaapK^-^  qn4  -remaining  with  tho 
'  Lords  Committees,       jfitd /artlier  JaiJ,    That 

*  thofe  Proyifions,  wKich  were  ferved  upon  thofe 

*  Wanants',  w«r^,  mdny^of  them-,  uer^  iflight  and 

*  mean.     And  faith,'  Tbat  lie  huh  msoBf  Times' 

*  Importuned  the  l-'ard  Tieafiircr  for  (crving  vrhtiP 

*  remains  unfervcd  of   thofe  Warrants;    and  hi* 

*  £.oTdOtip,  from  Time  to  Time,  put'  hiih  ofF-t* 
*,GtiJhii,   -na.CaHed  mads  £xcufe:«^    but  tiiv 

:-  —  'ituffi 


if  ENGLAND;  209 

'  Stuffs  and  ProvUions  were  not  fcrvcd,  tho*  this  *"•  **  J»"ni  I 
'  Examinant  ufed  much  Inftance  to  procure  them       '  *♦* 
•  ferved. 
.     .  JOHN  WYNYARD. 

G.  Ctmt.  Robert  Spencer. 

Tho.  Cov.-iS  Liuh.  W..  Say  W  Std. 

iln.  Wsntwvrth. 

*  To  prove  (lack  and  flow  Payments,  ahd  great 
Abatement  of  Prices  formerly  paid.' 

Tbt  ExamncAtm  of  Benjamin  Henshaw,  takn 
the  %bth  of  A^r\^  1624. 

Who  ietofeth^  *  That  he  delivered  to  the  Earl  of 

*  Middiehx^  during  the  Time  he  was  Mafter  of 

*  the  Wardrobe,  fcveral  Sorts  of  Wares,  amount-- 

*  ing  to  the  Sum  of  2603/.  i6r.  34/.  or  there- 

*  abouts. 

*  Whereof,  as  near  as  I  can  rccol-  \     l^    t.     i. 

*  lefl,  there  was  2041/.  $s,  6d.  j 

*  for  the  Ufe  and  Service  of  the  ( 
•Wanlfobe,    s6a7.    10  i.  grf.f*^®3  "    3 

*  for  my  Lord's  own  Ufe,  botji  \ 

*  .which  amount  to     '    '  J 
*Whcredr  received  at  feveral  Times  1 

the  Sum  of  1  '9S<J     o     o 

*  And  fo  there  remunetb^  due  to  me      653  16    3 

2603  16    3 


G.  Cant.     ■  The.  Howard, 

Jo.  Lint.  C.  S.  Fra.  RuJeU. 

Tho.  Cm.  iJ  Littb.  Hmrf  Demtri, 
-Jrtbtir  Bath.  H  Wtlh. 


7be  VarUamenfsry  History 

t.         .  '     '  '    . 

The  Examination  of  OiiVEB  BrowN,   eru  ef  Idt. 
Majefi/s  Upha^ereri,  taken  April  2fi,  1614.     , 

Oliver  Brown  and  John  BakeRi  bis  iihjefifs 

Uphalfterers.  .      ■ 

Recditd  of  Lord  Cratifield,  July,  t6>9, 
aboutthe  End  oflh;  fane  Month,  14a 

•t  ■  about  the  ifithnf  Mtrtb,  itiig,     lOO 

Sig,     100  00  1 

{  74««»^ 

Received  «bout  the  End  of  Jutf 
pi    I  '  i^thof  July,  16101 

■  13d  of  Dicimhr,  i6k^ 
■  »  Fdraary,  i6tO,      ■ 

Obt  BlUi  from  Micbaclmm,    ifiio,  to  Uicid^ata, 

Received  about  the  4th  of  M^,  iGti, 

J ilflof  jK/p,  1*11,  i»  u  o 

-.1.    I  I    -ayth-irf  A'sirnniir,  i6*Ii  loo  00' 

■      II  14th  of  Diemiir,  i6»i,  100  «  O     - 

—I     I    I  iiih  of  jtlvU,  ifiii,    ^  150  O  O    _ 

—  ..„  lath'al- j^il,i6t4J'  9«  8  o      " 

At  the  fameTitne  my  Lc«d  *ppai«|Bd  Ut^ 

■  Stew«rd  to  pay  ni  [which  iiall  that  w^  i  145  18  ^r      ,   ".'  - 
'  demwd)  '  "  J  ... 


G.  Caiit. '  Theo.  Howard. 

Tbo.CQV^ii'Liuh.  .   S^rt  Spmftr.- 

Jrthur  Bath.  i£  fVelb. 

the  Exammtim  sf  Ralph  Canning,  taien  the 
xyth  of  April,  1624. 

The  faid  Examlnant  faith,  *  That  he  "is  th? . 
'  King's  Arras-Worker,  by  his  Majefty's  Lettei? 
'  Patent.  Jtid  faith,  That,  about  the  Time  when 
'  the  now  Lord  Treasurer  became  Mafter  t>F  the  " 
'  Great  Wardrobe,  this  Examinant,  having  made 
•  Sumpter  Cloths  for  (^  King,  brought  tiie  Ba^s 
3  '.         *t» 


.  e^.E  N  ci,  A  N  D.  at 

'  to  die  Mafter  of  the  Wardrobe,  who  abated  this  ^  ii  J»iretfc 

*  Eiamihanit  two  Shillings  in  ev^iy  Ell  from  the        •.**4*. 
'  ancient  Price  ttfat  had  been  evtr  aUow&l :    And" 

*  this  Examiriant  telling  him  how  Inng  that  f*rice 

*  had  been  aHuwed,  and  that  the  faid  Abaitemint 

*  was  fuch,  ^at  the  faid   Examtnant  fliould  fiot 

*  only  lofe  his  Work,  but  a  great  deal  of  the  Price 

*  of  the  very  Stuff  he-  bought  to  make  them,  'h^ 

*  told  the  Examinant  to  this  Effect,  Teu  that  he- 
long  to  the  Tffar-drabe  are  Thieves,  and  many  truer 

*  Men  have  been  hanged.     And   when  this  Exatni- 

*  nant  told  him,  he  held  his  Place  under  the  Grea^ 

*  Seal,  he  faid,  A  Fig  for  your  Patenti,  I  care  net 

*  for  thewiy  with  man^  other  harih  Words  j    info- 

*  mach  that  this  Examinant  told  him,  be  would 

*  never  make  mqre  Cloths  at  that  Price  j  and  yet, 

*  neverthclefe,  when  a  new  Warrant  came,    this 

*  Examinant  attending  him  thereabout,  and  tel- 

*  ling  him,  he  expeded  better  Payment  if  he  mads 

*  them,  the  laid  Mafter  of  the  Wardrobe  bad  him 

*  make  them,  and  he   (hould  haVe  Content ;  yetj 

*  when  they  were  made,  he  rhade  the  like  Abat'e- 

*  ment  as  before,  fo  as  die  Examinaitt  loft  bis  La- 

*  bour,  and  Part  of  the  Price  of  his  Stuff, 


G.  Cant.  Arthur  Bath  i£  Wilh. 

Hen.  MandevilU.  Henry  Danvtrs. 

Thd.  Cov.  ^  Litch. 

The  ExamimHUn  of  John  Pulford,  laien  the  i6ta. 
of  April,  1 624. 

Thomas  PutpoRD,    hit  Majefifs  Cofftt-Maker^ 
Jectgfed^  it  appears  ^  hit.  Beoi, 

'*  That  in  Ae  ftrft  V<Sar  of  the  Lord  "J     /.     s.     A 

*  Treafurer's    Accourit    of    the  j 

*  Gieat    Wardrobe,    viz.    from/        »     1    ■ 

'  Mchatimai,  1618,  to  Mcbail.}    33»     3     » 

*  mai^    i6i9>    the  Bills  of  Par- 1 

*  ccis  amounted  to  \ 

O  2  Brought 

^ ParHamtttaty  HiiToittr 

L    t.   , 

Brn^hl  «W  338     3 

*  That  in  Ae  fctxMid  Year  of  liis"i 

*  LordQiip's  Account,  v/x.  from  I 

*  Mcbaehuiiy   1619,  to  Michael-  >  438  15 

*  mat,  1620,  bis  Bills  of  Parcels  I 
'  amounted  to  J 

*  That  in  the  third   Year  of  his-l 

*  Irfirdlhip's  Account,  vix.  from  L 

*  Aftehaelmaiy  1620,  to  Mithael-  j    */ 

*  mas,  1621,  they  amounted  to   J 

*  Total  of  his  Lordlhip's  three  Years  1  « 

*  Account  is  J      *' 

*  Whereof  paid  (or  thereabouts,  fbr^ 

*  it  cannot  appear  certainly,  by  his  >  940     0 

*  Book,  what  he  bath  received]  J 

'  So  reds  about  107  ,  o    o 

*  The  which  207  /■  or-  thereabouts,  his  Lordfliip 

*  cut  ofF,  by  way  of  Abatement  of  l^e  Prices,  and 

*  would  not  allow  (b  much  for  die  Commodities, 

*  as  was  thought  fit  to  be  allowed  for  the  &mc  in 
'  the  Reign  of  Queen  Elhuibetb^  by  die  theo  Maf- 

*  ter  and  Clerfcof  the  Great  Wanlrobc  j  but  did, 

*  cbntraiy  to  the  ancient  Precedent  and  Cufiom  of 
'  the  faid  Office,  rate^nd  priz«  the  Bills  as  he  pleaf- 

*  ed,   and  to  the  Lois  and  Damage  of  the  £ud 

*  Themes  Pulford,  as  can  be  manifeQly  proved ;  but 
'  the  faid  7%cffuifP»^^<l^  in  his  Lifcdme,  gave  usQ> 

*  his  Lordfhip  a  general  Acquittance  and  Difchaige 

*  of  all  Reckonings  concerning  the  Wardrobe  Ac- 
'  counts  for  his  Lordfhip's  Time,  fo  as  his  Execu- 

*  tor  knows  not  how  to  charge  his  Lordfiiip  with 
■  the  Remainder,  or  whether  he  may. 


G.  Cant. ,  Thomas  Wentmrtb. 

Ths.  Cev.  tf  Litch.  Tbeo.  Howard. 

Arthur  Bath.  i£  ff^eils. 


•f   ENGLAND.  213 

7J/    Certifustty    upm  Oath,    ef  Sir  F  R  A  M  C I  S  Aa.  «»  T^oirt  |. 
G  o  X  T  o  N,  Knt.  one  of  bis  M^efl/i  Audiun,  ***♦• 

Maf  it  fieafi  jiur  HonourahU  Lort^ipSj 

*  There  hath  been  no  Accounts  made,  for  die 

*  Office  of  the  Mafter  of  the  Great  Wardrobe,  dur- 

*  ing  the  Time  the  Right  Honourable  the  Earl 

*  of  H^tiiUftx  was  Mafter  of  the  faid  Wardrobe  \ 

*  i^ich,  as  I  conceive,  was  for  the  three  whole 

*  Yean,  ended  at  Aiichatlmas,  1621,  Atmo  19  yac, 

*  R^git  i  for  which  Office  1  am,  by  his  Majefty's 

*  Lrtten  Patent,  one  of  the  Auditors. 


Hen.  MandevilU.  <Tha.  Wentwortb, 

Hen.  Sautbamptsn.  W,  Say  (^  Seal. 

*  Then  Mr.  Seijeant  Crew  obferved  to  their 
Lordfiiips,  That  it  appears^  in  the  Examination  of 
Oliver  Brewn,  that  his  Bill,  ta  Michaebnas,  1619, 
came  to  643  /.  whereof  the  faid  Oliver  was  paid, 
that  Year,  but  400  /.  whereas  the  faid  Lord  Trea- 
furcT  received  his  whole  20,000/.  in  hand,  for  the 
Difcharge  of  the  Ordinaries  of  that  Office.* 

'  And  alfo.  That  the  Pardon  granted  by  his  Ma- 
Jefty  unto  the  Lord  Treafurcr,  in  Januaryy  Anna 
19  yacabif  pardons,  him  all  Sums  of  Money  re- 
ceived, but  doth  not  pardon  his  not  accompting  for  - 
the  Ordinaries  of  the  faid  Office.' 

*  The.Scaeant  having  ended,  the  Lord  Keeper 
moved  the  Hoofe,  That  the  Lord  Treafurer  might 
anfwer  his  particular  Charge  touching  the  Ward- 
robe. His  Lordfliip  thereupon  demanded  Ink  and 
p£f>er,  and  had  it.' 

Then  the  Lord  Treafurcr  anfwcred.  That  his  The  Lwd  Tre»- 
Mt^ijiy  ufed  his  Service  in  many  Particulars  touch-  furar'i  Aorwet 
ing  his  EJiele ;  as^  in  the  Navyy  the  HouJhoM,  fl«rf"  »''«=  "wd- 
ff^ardrohe,  "" 

That  he  found  the  Expenca  of  tie  Wardrobe  of 
a  vaft  Sum ;  every  one  made  tvhat  Bills  they  wouldy 
end  didfrt  what  Prices  they  vjould, 

O  3  IVhen 

2X4  ^  ParUamentary  Histo*t 

ji:  II  ].>tw?  }■      When  he  was  Majer  of  tkcri  Offia,  he  knt  fw 

■    '*?*■         the  Jriifuers^  and  told  them.  That  he  wmldnot  %ok 

up'on  ivhat  was  fajt ;   but  that,' hereafter^  the  Pricet 

Ponld  be  reafonabh,  and  the  King's- M^Hy'Jkmld  he 

readjy  and  they  duly  -paid.  ',   , 

TBat  there  vjer'e  many  Fees  to  be  quaflerfy.  paid  im 
the  ffbrdrobe  ;  all  ivbich  vjere  duly  paidt 

Js  for  Canning  and  Pulford,  he  gavtytiem  2S» 
In  the  Pound  more  than  another  would  havf  fpld  for  : 
He  bought  Utile  of  thofi  of  the  IVardro^e,  But  chiefhf 
'much  of  the  Merchants  ;  and  had  a  good.Mffchmtt 
$h«p  ill  the  Wardrobe,  'ai}d  bought  of  the  hi/t. 

That  Pdford  complains  not  of  a  hard'  Price,  but 
that  he  bad  not  the  anoMit  Price. 

'As  touching  the  not  ferving  of  divers  Warrants, 
That  his  Bufinefs  being  ^any,  he  referred  thtfi  to  his 
Servant'  Colebeck :  77>at  not  above  the  value  if 
7  or  800  ].  remained  unferued ;  ■whereas  he  hath  latd 
out  6  or  7000 1.  upon  the  Extraordinaries  cf  that 
'Office  ;  as,  for  furnijhing  Ely  Houfe  for  the  Spani{^ 
Amhaffador,  a  rich  Barge-Cloth- for  the  King,  an4 
many  other  Things  ;  and  that  he  gave  the  Earl  of  Car- 
lifle,   his  Predecepr  in  that  Office,   300O  1. 

As  touching  the  Bufmefs  cf  the.  Stuff  ferved  in, 
He  defired  they  might  be  compared  with  thofe  fomurin 
ferved  in ;  and  affrmed  they  were  much  better. 
"  And  whereas  feme  complain  they  were  Jlighted^  when 
they  were  Suitors  for  the  Warrants  to  be  ferved,  hit 
"Lordjhip  defired  they  might  be  examined,  whether  they 
were  flighted  hy  Him  or  no. 

As  touching  the  Account,  his  Lordjhip  anfunered. 
Thai,  by  the  Patent,  which  was  read,  he  was  to  a,c- 
count ;  but  that  he  had  another  Patent,  if  he  be  not 
deceived,  without  Account ;  whifh  his  Lord/hip  deli- 
vered: And  the  Clerk  read  the  fame ;  and  alfo  hit 
Majefly's  Explanation  upon  the  Leafe  of  Sugfirj, 
•  ■  granted  to  the  Lord  Treafurer,  upon  his  Surrender  of 

the  Wardrobe, 

'  Then  Mr.  Serjeant  Crew  obferved  t<f  the 
Lords,  out  of  both  thofe,  That  his  Lor^i^ip  was 
to-accounc  for  the  ordinary  Diiburfements  of  the 

.-■■   ■/      ■  ■     *TIi 


-tf  E  N'G  LAND.  21S 

*  Tb«  Lord  Treafurer  anfwercd.  Thai  he  concttvtd  A"-  "  Jmmi  I." 
yvmsnelto  acetuni  :  That  he  firft  reduced  that  Of-  '*H- 
jktfrgm  the  vaji  Chtxrge  he  told  the  King  of;  and 
luieteat  he  wat  mllawed  20,000  1.  per'  Annum  for 
Hie  fetme^  he  told  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  rtwt 
TtttrsfitKe,  that  he  gat  tiro  much  thereby  ;  and  that  it 
Htqfit  he  dtfrayedfor  i2,oool.  per  Annum;  and  that 
'  he^  having  reduced  that  Office  from  30,  nay  40,000  I. 
per  Annum,  unta  i2,OOol.  is  a ^aed  Account. 

*  Hereupon  divers  Lords  prefently  affirmed.  That 
(he  Duke  of  Buckingham  had  acknowledged,  that 
the  Lord  Treafiirer,  when  he  was  to  furrender  the 
Wardrobe  to  the  EaJ  of  Denbigh^  did  acquaint 
his  Grace  with  the  Grcatnefs  of  Gains  in  that. 
Offlde  J  but,  to  Ae  end  he  might  have  a  great  Re- 
compenee,  firft  lie  named  4000  A  per  Annum^  and 
afterwards  8ooe  i,  and  that  this  drew  on  the  Leafe 
of  Sugars-to  his  Lqrdfliip.' 

'  '  TTien  Mr.  Seijeant  Crew  obferred;  TTiat  the 
GtlK^  againft  the  Ltird  Treafurcr  is  upon  Proof  •, 
his  Lordfeip/s  Anfwer  upon  Ave^njient;  which  he 
Itumbhr  referred"  to  tfteit-  Lortftiip's  Canllderation. 
And-  thus  ended  the  Charge  touching  thfc  Ward- 
»b*:'  '-  ■  ' 

.  ^ArtiftheiiAeLonlTreaiurcrwwwididrawti.*  -. 

•  TheLortilCecperFemovedttJtheEart's  Bench, 
•d  ftttsA'  «he  HoMfe  toucSipg  -tfie  Lord  'J'rcafut-er's' 
Spee*,'  Tfiar  the  Dtrfctf  of  BuckinfhmH  knew  of 
His  Gain^  in' the  Waftlhtbe;  and.  told  their  Lord- 
ihips,  That  he  writ  remembers',  that  ,whcn  the 
Duttfof  Buckingham  TTKYvei  his  Majefty  to  place. 
Sir  Liinei  Cranfield  Trnfttrer,  (which  he  defired, 
fho'  afterwards  he  feemed  unwilling)  that  then  the 
King  required  the  Surrender  of  the  Wardrobe  to  the 
Eai-1  of  Denbigh.  That  when  the  Lord  Treafurer 
heard  of  it,  he  magntfirtl  the  Profits  of  the  Place ; 

firft  to  the  Duke,  that  it  was  4000  /•  per  Annum ;  _  _ 

fecondly  to  theKin^;,  thacitwas  worth6or  7000/.  '    . 

per  Annum ;  whereby  he  got  the  Leafe  of  Sugars 
at  4060  /.'  per  Annum  lefs  than  they  are  worth  ; 
and  Mis  Succefibr,  the  Earl  of  Denbigh,  had  4000  /. 
per  Annum  lefs  than  his  Lord&ip  for  Bifburfe- 
O  4  menta 

2 16  7%e  ParKamentary  H  i  s  t  o  k  T 

An.  *j  Jimo  I.  ments  of  that  Office  of  the  Wardrobe.  That  A* 
'  *♦■  Duk-c  being  moved  at  this,  the  Lord  Treafurcr 
then  told  his  Grace,  that  his  Gains  in  that  Office 
bad  been  8000  /.  ptr  Annum ;  nay,  more  than  he 
could  well  tell ;  and,  till  then,  his  Grace  knew 
not  of  the  great  Gains  of  that  Office  \  and  if  his 
Grace,  who  had  been  ever  careful  for  the  Kin^s 
Profit,  had  known  of  it  fooner,  the  Lord  TreaAirer 
had  not  hel4  that  Place  fo  long ;  for  his'  Grace  is 
Amicus  ufque  ad  Aras.' 

'  Then  it  was  ordered,  That  the  Lord  Treafurer 
be  warned  to  be  here  again,  at  Two  in  the  After- 
noon, at  the  Bar.' 

*  Pafl  Meridiem.  TJie  Lord  Trcafurer  being 
brought  to  the  Bar,  as  before,  kneeled  not,  until 
Ife  was  remembered  thereof  by  ths  Lord  Keeper  } 
then  he  kneeled,«And  the  Lord  Keeper  willed  him 
prefently  to  ftand  ip.' 

.'  The  Kins's  Attorney  being  commanded  to 
QpCQ  the  lecono  Charge  againft  the  Lord  Treafurer, 
bis  I^rdpiip  faith.  He  was  unprovided,  in  the  M»m~ 
ingfor  the  Wardrobe ;  and  be/ought  tbtir  L»rdfi)ips  te 
taie  into  their  Cori/ideratianj  that  be  it  denied  Ctustfel 
if  Jpeakfor  him,  being  charged  witb  great  Mattert, 
far  it  may  be  their  own  Cafe ;  and  be  bath  Pricedeitts, 
as  he  ishtfermed,  that  be  might  have  Catmfel  aUnoed 
him :  Ibaty  betuever,  be  vjetdd fpeakeut  ef  hit  nun 
Strength;  but  defired  their  LerdfitpSy  tbat^  if  he  far- 
got  any  Thing,  no  Advantage  be  taken  agatnfi  mm  \ 
unto  which  their  Lordfliips  i^;recd.' 
HitLwdUrip'i  *  The  Lord  Treafurer  made  two  other  Requeft^ 
futiho  Ri;quefl!,  unto  their  Lordfliips ;  the  one.  For  that  his  Wit-, 
nejpi  have  not  fully  anfwered  touching  the  Wordrvie, 
that  he  might  have  a  Re-examination  upon  the  fame 
Interrogatories.  This  the  Houfe  denied,  as  not 
ufual  to  be  granted  in  other  Courts,  after  Publica- 
tion, for  that  it  might  produce  Perjury.  Hisl^ordi 
T~»  of  whith  fliip's  other  Requeft  was,  TIjat  he  might  product  hit 
j«,.^afM  by  Che  p^.^^p^  -^^  Records,  that  the  Worktiien  of  the  fTard-r 
robe  was  paid :  Which  was  alfo  denied  ;  for  that 
the  Non-payment  of  the  Workmen  is  but  an  Ac-: 
cidcnt  tahis  Charge.' 



-flf -ENG  LAND.     .  %iy 

.  ■  Then  Mr.  Attorn^  was  wilted  to  proceed  :*    'Ad.  h  J*aMi  I. 
.  *  And  he  proceeded  in  this  Manner,  viz.  *'**• 

*  The  fecond  Charge  wherewith  the  Lord  Trca- 
fiirer  is  charged,  is  for  three  feveral  Corruptions ; 
two  pf  (hem  di^guifed  iinder  the  Shadow  and  Pre- 
text of  a  fiar^in ;  and  the  third  of  a  New- Year's 

Concerning  the  two  former. 

^  It  cannot  be  denied.  That,  February  6.  Anna  .-___ 
17  Jacabi,  his  Majefly  did  leafe  unto  Sir  Nicholas  piieedToB^ 
Salter^  and  others,  the  Cufloms  andlmpofts  ofchuge  <t  Bn> 
/r«TfAand.RA«i^  Wines,  fiom  AUchaelmas^  1622,  **^' 
for  nine  Years  and  an  half;  and  did  covenant  with 
the  Leflees  not  to  Ictt  any  new  Impofition  upon 
the  Wines,  during  the  Continuance  of  that  Leafe, 
without  the  Afient  of  the  LelTees.  And,  yanuary, 
jlmu  19  Ifacehif  the  King  made  2  Leafe  unto  Sir 
yahn  fVal/ieitholtBty  and  others,  for  divers  Years,  of 
the  Great  Cuftoms  ;  in  which  Leafe  there  was  a 
Covenant,  on  the  Part  of  the  Farmers,  that  they 
ihould  put  insecurity  for  the  Payment  of  their 
Rents ;  and,  for  Performance  of  ^is  Covenant, 
they  were  to  have  the  Allowance  and  Warrant  of 
the  Lord  Treafurer,  without  which  the  King's  Re- 
membrancer would  not  take  their  Bonds,  yanu- 
ary 14.  Anna  19  yaeobi,  a  new  Impoft  of  3/.  ptr 
Tun,  was  fet  upon  the  Wines  ;  and  the  fame  be- 
ing done  without  the  Confent  of  the  Farmers,  and 
to  their  great  Damage,  they  were  to  expert  Re- 
compence  for  the  fame  upon  their  Covenant.  Upon 
thefe  two  Occafions,  the  Fanners  of  the  feveral 
famis  were  neceffarilv  occafioned  to  become  Suitors 
to  the  Lord  Treafurer  j  the  one  for  Recompence 
and  Reparation  of  their  Lofs,  the  other  for  Allow- 
ance of  their  Security,  and  his  Warrant  to  accept  it.* 

'  The  Farmers  of  the  Wines  began  their  Suit  to. 
the  Lord  Treafurer  about  yanuary  or  February^ 
Anne  iqyacehi,  and  continued  it  with  much  In- 
ftance  until  December,  Anno  20  yacobi,  ten  or 
^even  Months  together  without  Succefs ;  where- 
upon they  found  Means  to  have  Accds  to  the  King 

sit  TVAffFfiawMteTf  R^itTOxr 

■^«-'        Petitiaaf    wMch  Ms  KfejciSy  Mftfcwjl  taoflgrzA 

cionfij,  and  gxre  ftiah  Cbaipt  to  the  Lord  "Irea- 
f^mr  to  el<^  tfem  a  IJwcd^  Dl^Mtc^  urf  coacl^ 
«rtth  tbem  opcni  Todk «  Rccanpttoce^  as  ■  Honotf 
xnd  Jiiftke  vras  fit.  Anrf  AeiUlfw  A«nfar  31, 
1622*  th«  hm*  TraaftHcr  $U  f^itt  with  tbcn, 
that  they  ffaould  be  allowed  9500  /.  to  be  dcfalkM 
in  nine  Yean  ii\^  a  Half  'iat'  «f  ttietr  Rent,  after 
■  lix  Vi-Ati  of  iCnoL  per  jitnam.  This  being  ^reed 
oit,  they  WKff  «t^  iavK  his  Lordfiiip's  Warrant  to 
die  King'»  Attorney,  Sm*  drawing  a  Book  aocord*' 
ii^ to tt^ Agreement;  which  Warrantwas  ^teedfly 
jHvpared  and  draWtt  by  hb  LorMiip's  Secretary ; 
but  delayed  boat  Ihvtmier  31.  ..Anw  20  f^c,  nft- 
'til  yw(n4.  jAmi*  21  3^0^.  And  the  Famen  of 
tfse  Great  Cuftonts  having  divided  the  farms  into 
32  Parts,  every  of  which  Part  wa*'to  give  hk  M»- 
jcfly  Security  irf'  15C0/.  for  Payment  ci  their  Rent* 
they  prefotted  their  Security  to  the  Lord  Treafurer, 
vixo  allowed  and  gave  Warraftt  to  the  King's,  Re- 
inembrancer  to  receive  it  j  but  the  Parties  tilito. 
whom  five  of  thcfc  js  Parts  were  allotted,  fsdiing 
off  and  refinquifliing  their  Parts,  the  ftmr  Patentm 
of  the  Farm  refolved  to  lefume  thofe  ftrts  to  then-^ 
felves  i  aad  thereupon  lendeted  the  Lord  Trealhref 
ffieir  own  Security  for  thofe  five  Part^ ;  whieft  be 
agreed'  to  accept,  yeC  protraSed  them  tilt  "fitntx 
Anna  21  "JatiM' 

'  TheBufineil  of  both  Fanns  thus  delayed,  an4 
it  being  conceived  that  Money  was  expe<9ed,  tbc; 
Fanners  of  the  Wines  refolved  to  prefcnt  the  Lord 
Treafurer  with  500  /.  and  they  of  the  Great  Farm 
'  refolved  of  the  like  Sum  ,  and   Mr.    Ahrabam  'fo' 

tab  being  aPartncr  in  either  Farm,  was  entruittcd 
feveraliy  by  the  Farmers  of  cachFarni,  vik.  500/. 
a-piece,  to  be  prefented  to  the  Lord  Treafurer; 
which  tie  paid,  in  one  entire  Sum  of  looo/.  to  Mr,  . 
Catchmajy  the  Lord  Treafurer's  Steward,  yune  %j. 
Anna  11  faciAiy  by  the  Lord  Treafurer's  Ap- 
pointment i  and  thereupon-  the  Buflnefs  of  b«rih 


<  E  :ng  land.  219 

Fvtnfe  had  a  DiTpatch  hy.  the  Lord  Trea^irer's  An,  si  jimu 
Means,'  '6»4« 

*  But  to  palliate  and,  difguile  thd«  two  corrupt 
Gifts,  the  I^ni  Treafurcr  then  prefended  to  havp 
four  Parts  of  the  Great  Farm  divided  into  31  Partsj 
and,  in  hia  Anfwer  touching  thcfe  Corruptions, 
juftificth  the  talcing  of  1000  /.  by  way  of  Birgaln 
fot  thpfe  four  Parts  from  the  FannerG  of  the  Great 
CuAoms:  This  Anfwer  beingdtfproved,  and  it  be- 
ing nwdc  plain  that  he  had  no  Part  in  that  Farm,  it 
muft  needs  follow  that  the  Mon^  was  taken  cor- 
ruptly, for  the  Di^tch  of  the  Farmers  Bufinefs ; 
■od,  for  ManifefiBtion  hereof,  it  flands  proved.  -  .  . 
,  *  That,  uptMi  the  Treaty  of  the  Bai^in  for  the 
Great. Famif  the  Lord  Trcafurer  propounded  to 
the  Farmers  to  have  fcmie  Parts  in  the  Farnij  not 
for  his  own  Benefit,  but  to  difpote  of  amongft  his 
Friends  ;  but  this  was  ra|her  a  Propofttion  than  any 
(ettl«d  Refirfution  or  ConcluHon ;  For  the  Farmers 
doubting,  left,  by  this  Pretence,  fome  Partners 
.  might  be  put  on  tbem  with  whom  they  were  un- 
willing to  join,  delircd  the  Lord  TreaAir^,  that 
they  might  make  Choice  of  their  own  Partners, 
and,  if  dieir  Farms  profpered,  they  would  be  thank- 
ful unto  his  Lordihip,' 

'  TJiis  Thankfulnefs  -was  afterwards  performed 
on  their  Part,  for  they  raifed  his  ufuat  New- Year's 
Gift&om  1000  Marks  to  1000/.-  And,  upon  this 
Requcft  of  the  Merchants,  the  Lord  Treafurer  wa- 
ved his  Propofuion  of  having  the  Difpofal  of  any 
Parts  in  the  Farm  ;  which  appeareth  not  only  by 
die  plain  and  exprefs  Teftiinony  of  many  Witncfles, 
but  by  thefe  Proofs  following,  vn. 
,  I.  *  The  I..Baie  of  the  Great  Farm  bears  Date, 
Jan.  i..JaiiQ  iqjac.  between  which  Time  and 
^pril  29.  Anno  20  fac.  the  Farmers  divided  the 
whole  Farm  into  32  Parts,  allowing  to  each  Man 
his.  Part,  and  reduced  the  fame  into  Writing,  ex- 
preffing  therein  the  Sum  of  the  Security  which  every 
Man  was  to  give,  without  mentioning  therein  any 
Parts  rcferved  t9  the  Lord  Treafurer,  or  his  Friends ; 
apd  this  Writing,  b«ing  tend«red  to  the  Lord  Trea- 
:.  .  ;  furer. 


220  The  ParUamehtaty  Historv 

*■  "^*°" '' fii'^'j  April  i^y  i6a2,  was  by  him  allowed,  and 
«"4-        Wanant  figned  by  him  to  the  King's  Reracmbran-- 
cer  to  take  purity' accordingly/ 

1.  *  When  tbe  Partners,  to  whom  five  of  thefc 
Parti  were  allotted,  fell  ofF,  and  would  not  gjve 
Security,  the  Patentees  refolving  to  take  thofe  Parts 
to  themfelvcB,  tendered  their  own  Security  to  the 
Lord  Treafurer,  and  he  agreed  to  accept  it  j  and, 
though  be  protracted  it  long,  yet  he  did  not,  in 
that  long  Time  of  Delay,  challenge  any  Parts  un- 
til aboutVw'w.  1623. 

3.  *  The  Fanners  refting  fccure  about  that  Pro- 
poiition,  did,  aftet  the  29^  of  Jprily  1621,  divide 
the  whole  Fann  by  Indentures,  allotting  to  each 
Man  his  due  Part,  without  re&r^g  any  for  the 
Lord  Treafurcr.* 

4.  *  At  Chrijlmas,  162J,  the  firft  Year  of  the 
Farm  ended ;  and  this  Year's  Profit  was,  by  Ac- 

'  count,  in  April  1613,  divided  among  the  Partners^ 

referving  no  Share  to  the  Lord  TreaJfurer.' 

5.  '  But  the  Truth  is.  That  all  this  Time  the 
Lord  Trealurer  refted  t^uict,  and  neither  did  nor 
would  challenge  any  Parts;  the  Farm  being  of 
that  fmall  Expe^tion  of  Benefit,  as  five  Partners 

tave  over  their  Parts,  rather  than  they  would  give  . 
ecurity  ;  but,  about  funi  1623,  the  Farm  being 
crown  more  hopeful  by  the  Return  of  fbme  E^ 
In£a  Ships,  the  Lord  Treafurer  having  in  his 
Hands  the  Bufinefs  of  both  Farms,  which  he  had 
fo  long  delayed,  meaning  to  make  this  a  Veil  and 
Cover  for  taking  thofe  corrupt  Gifts,  then  pre- 
tended to  have  four  32  Parts,  which  he  had  waved 
fo  Jong  before.' 

6.  *  The  Lord  Treafurer  appointing  Catchmaj, 
his  Servant,  to  receive  the  1000/-  of  yatai,  which 
was  received  the  27th  of  June,  1623,  forbad  him 
to  give  any  Acquittance  for  the  Money,  but  to  leave 
that  tohimfelf  and  Jacob  ;  which,  had  it  been  paid 
upon  a  plain  Bargain]  he  never  would  hare  done.' 

7.  '  This  Money  was  entered  into  the  Account* 
and  Books  of  the  faid  Farms  ;  for,  in  the  Jour- 
nal Bfloks  of  the  Petty  Farms,  July  31,  1623, 



/ENGLAND.  a»i 

Acre  is  500  /.  entered  to  be  paid  and  prelcnfed  to  *"•  '•'  J""l 
the  Lord  Treafiirer,  by  the  Hand*  of  Mr.  Jaixh,  for  ***** 
3  Gratification  of  hts  Favour  in  accommodstinc 
an  Allowance  of  looo  I.  per  Amum  to  be  abated 
of  their  Rent  icx  the  Time  to. come;  and  the 
like  Entry  was  made  in  the  Ledger  of  the  fame 
Farm.  And,  DtttiiAir  %o,  1623,  upon  the  ge- 
neral Account  of  that  Farm,  this  500/.  is  put  to 
Account,  as  a  Gratuity  given  to  the  Lotd  Treafui- 
er,  and  is  bome  rateably  by  all  the  Partners  of  the 
Farm,  of  which  Account  many  Copies  were  given 
out  to  die  Partners  [  and,  for  the  other  500/. 
there  is  extaiit  a.  Warrant,  dated  Jufy  29,  16131 
fubfcribed  by  Sir  Jobn  fVolftmhabRe  and  Hmry  Gar- 
rmoayj  two  of  the  Finners  of  the  Great  Farm* 
directed  to  ff^Siamty  the  Cafhter  of  that  Farm,  to 
pay  to  Mr.  y^ceb  500  /.  given  by  him,  by  Order 
of  the  Fanners,  to  the  Lord  Treafurcr,  for  a  Gra- 
tuity, and  to  put  it  to  the  Account  of  the  Farm  ^ 
which  was  done  acccordingly :  And  thefe  Accounts 
Aood  in  this  Manner  tiH  Ftirtiarj  laft,  after  the 
PariiamesC  was  Summoned;  and  then  the  Lord 
Treafuref  caufed  Jacsh  to  procure  the  500 1,  that 
was  fct  upon  the  Petty  Fmihs,  to  be  altered  from 
dience,  and  to  be  charged  upon,  the  Farmers  of  the  j 

Great  Fiurm  ;  and  Satisfaction  to  be  given  to  the 
Partnn^  of  the  Petty  Farms  of  their  proportionable 
PartB  they  were  charged  with  for  that  500  /.  upon 
the  aJbrelaid  Account  of  the  zeth  of  Deeember ; 
and  as  many  as  could  of  the  difperfed  Copies  of 
that  Account  to  be  gotten  in.  Fie  alfo  procures 
yaceb  to  write  a  Letter  to  his  Lordfhip,  and  to  xa- 
tedate  the  fame  in  ytme  before ;  by  which  "Jatoh 
did  intimate,  that  Ac  lOOO  L  was  given  his  Lord- 
fhip  fior  four  32  Parts  of  the  Great  Farm ;  and 
faimlelf  made  an  Acquittance  to  Jacob  with  Ae 
like  Antedate,  acknowledging  that  looo/.  to  be  re- 
ceived for  thofe  four  Parts ;  which  indired);  Courfes 
of  changing  the  Accounts,  and  antedating  the  faid 
Acquittance  and  Letter,  manifdleth  that  the  for- 
mer Proceedings  were  not  fincere,  but  were  to  be 
eoiiverted  and  blanched  with  thcfe  Devices.' 

'  Touch- 


222  7&  jRBrfiftffltowar)^  History 

,4a.  3»ju6fil'  .*  Tooching  tiu  lud  Conniption,  ihatowtd  wt 
»*»*•  del  pretext  of  aNeW-Year*!  Gift,  it  ftaAds  pnlrcdi 
That,  at  Chrifttnas  ^,  1623,  the  Facers  of  Ac 
Petty  Cuftoms  prefcnl«d  the  Lord  Trcafarrf  witb- 
a  Ton  of  Wine,  intending  to  have  a 
Pipe  of  Canary  W)>e,  or  the  beftSack,:  but  the 
Lord  Treafurer  miflilctng  the  SitialAe£(  of  their 
Prdent,  uiged  them  to,  a  further  Grabiity  in  Mo» 
tier,  and  thereby. obtauted  frran  them,  hefides  the 
WJne,  100  A  JB  Money.' 

.  *  The  Chaise  being  thns  opened  by  Mr.  Atttk^ 
ncy,  the  Clerk  read  the  Proofs,  vix. 

7bt  Examinatim  tf  BErnaKd  Hyde,  iaten  t^ 
i^ihtf  April,  1624. 

EiuniBiiiont  eS  fie /aid  Examinant  fiath-,  *  Tliat  after  the  new 
WiiDeffia  that'  '  Impoft  of  3  /.  fer  Tun,  fct  upon  the  Wine*! 
opoB.  t  (j,ij  Examinant,  and  the  reft  of  the  Partners  in 

*  the  Farm  of  the  Win^,  being  greatly  datnnified 

*  thereby,  contrary  to  a  Covenant  in  their  Lea&^ 

*  made  long  Suit  to  the  Lord  Treafurer  for  Relief 

*  in  that  Behalf ;  and,  obtaining  none,  at  laft  ex- 

*  hibited  a  Bill,  in  the  Name  of  the  Farmers,  inCo 

*  the  Exchequer  Chamber,  for  a  Satisfa^on,  and 

*  defired  that  his  Majefty's  Attorney  General  might 

*  anfwer  the  fame;   and  to  the  Caufe  proceeded 

*  judicially :  In  the  End,  after  ten  Months  Delay, 
'  conceiving  it  iittefl:  to  make  their  humble  Suit  to 

*  his  Majmy  himfelf,  thereupon,  on  the  SunJof 

*  before  Chrtfiinai  was  Twelve-Months,  this  De-^ 

*  p<Mient  and  Henry  Garraway,  t<^ether  with  yBhn 

*  Harrifm,  delivered  an  humble  Petition  to  his 

*  Majefly,  either  to  hear  and  order  the  Bufineft 

*  himfelf,  or  refer  thpm  to  the  Council  Board,  and 

*  not  any  more  to  the  Lord  Treafurer,  where  thfiy 
^                     *  had  endured  fo  long  Delay.     His  Majefty  gave 

*  them  a  mod  gracious  Anfwer,  That  he  .would 

*  not  that  any  Man  ibould  beiiurt  or  damnified  by 

*  himj  but,  at  the  LoidTreafiuef  bcftunderdooa 


ff  ENGLANp.  m. 

*  tin  B«fincfi«  he  would  canmanJ  hiia  to  make Af  wJaanL- 

*  »  fpec^  End  with  them  J   and*.  c^U^  Mr..      ",**■    . 
* ;  Giuuic^or  f}(  the  Excheijucr,   Igr  him  rent  a 

*  Commaodmcnt  to  the  LokI  TicaJurpTk  ^"^  ^' 

*  fliould  jpecd  thrir  ttiCpatch ;  and  thereupon  tbej 

*  Lord  Treafuicfy  being  attended  upon  New- Vca^s 

*  Eve,  Dade  ae  Agreement*  tlut  t^ioe  iHonld  be, 

*  an  Ai^^wancc  w-g^ooJ.  nude  unto  them  fi>r> 

*  tfacar  Satisla^Ion^  to  be  paid  in  nine  Yean  and  a. 

*  Half:    And,  afcer  this.  Agreement  made,  they. 

*  did  long  and  i^ten  attend  the  Lord  Trealurer^  tar. 

*  hii  Wamuit:  to  Mn  Attorney^  for  paffing  AeUi 

*  Bo^    accoidiiig  tothe  AgKeineqt;'    but   his?* 

*  Loidihqi  ftill  dc&yed  the  iigiiiag  of  the  Warraat. 

*  The  Examinantbeii^  grieved  at.thc  D^y,  told. 
*_Mr.  Detva,'thaif  bf  maivelled  it;tbe  Detw,. 

*  find  tboi^ht  the^  ivas  fomcwhat  injtthatcauled^ 
'  J^^OBK  a  deiacjip^. ,  ■  To  which  Mr;  .Jjawex  an- 1 

*  Jwwif  Tliat  jher^tbought  they  nujll;  nfake  chof  > 
f.P^Eigc  by  Money:    And  thempoa.  they  pro-j 

*  pOUQded  k  to  th^r  Paitners,  who  appointed  one, 
*'{ which,  as  he  ^His,  was  i/ii.  ya(eA)-to  nuwe^ 

*  the   Lord    TisaTucec    tiiereaboutsj     hy;'  whom. 

*  Word  was  brosght,  that  500/.  muft:  be  given ; . 

*  which  was  agiee^  lo^bfL^given,  and  Dif ei^ion  g^-  > 
**  ^cn  ta  Richard  b0iBp,  their  Ca&iei;,  to  deliver 

*  fb  tDuch  MonryCo:  Mr.    Jaceij  or  his  Affigns;  \ 

*  it^ich  was  accordingly  delivered  the  31ft  of  yafy 
'  1^,  unljo  aSeri'aipt.of  Mr.  yacuFs,  in  Gold,  for 
'  lb  it  was  required,  and  the  fame  entered  in  the 

*  mondily  Account  as  a   Gratuity  to  the    Lord 

*  Treafurer.     Andjmih^  That  prefcntly  after  the 

*  Deliveiy  of  the  IVtonej,  the  Warrant  was  fign- 

*  ed  by  the  Lord  Tresfurer  ;  whcrei^x)n  their 
'  Book  paficd'  Ihortl'y    after.       hvt  further  faith^ 

*  That  December  20,  1623,  the  yearly  Account 
'  being  madie~ up  &r  the.  Partners^,  the'faid  500/. 
'  waa  there  alibjentefcd  in  this  Manner,  For  a  Gro' 

'  tu'ity givm<.ts.tbe-  Lsrd'Treaftirer  th  Sum  of  500  i  .  ' 

*  ,'whiffh  was  then  allowed  by  the- Anditors  of  rfud: 

*  .4^*^'*  9^  which  Mr.  pawn  #1^  one ;    and  . 




aa4  ^  Pdriiamffttary  History 

B.  SI  Janet  I>  *  the  fame  continued  accordingly  till  the  End  of 
■  1M4.  t  yattuarj,  or  Be^nnm^  of  February;  ind  then  Mr. 

*  jacab  Knt  for  this  Examinant,  and  propounded 

*  to  this  Examinant  and  Mr.  Grey,  that  the  faid 

*  Lord  Trcafurcr  had  told  him,  that  the  King  was 

*  made  acquainted  with  the  500  /.  and  that  the 

*  faid  TrcaJTurer  had  denied  it  his  Majefty  ;    and 

*  therefore  the  Account  maft  be  altered,  and  the 

*  ^o  /.    poftcd  from  ^e  feid  Account  unto  the 

*  Great  Farm ;  and  this  was  at  the  Houli  of  Mr. 

*  yatoi.     To  which  this  Examinant  faid,  It  might 
*■  DC  done  ;  butthen  not  only  the  Book  muft  be 

*  altered,  but  there  being  Copies  of  the  Account 

*  in  the  Hands  of  many  of  the  Partners,  they  muft 

*  be  gotten  in,  which  would  be  difficult ;  yet  this 

*  Examinant  would  do  his  beft,  which  he  did  ac- 

*  cordingly ;  wherewith  Jacob  was  well  fadslied^: 

*  And  the  fui  Alteration  being  made,  there  was 

*  Rcftitution  made  to  this  Examinant,  and  fuch 

*  other  of  the  Partners  as  had  no  Share  in  the 

*  Great  Farm,    of  their  Parts  of  the  faid   500  /. 

*  whereof  this  Examinant's  Part  was  about  40/. 

*  And  this  Examinant  did  always  take  it,  that  this 

*  500  /.  was  given  to  the  Lord  Treafurcr  for  his 

*  own  Ufc,  for  Difpatch  of  the  laid  Warrant,  and 

*  for  no  odter  Purpole. 


G.  Cant.  Tho.  ff^enlwertb. 

H.  MandtviHe.  Era.  RufftU. 

Hamihon.  H.  Danvirt. 

H.  Seuthampim,  Robert  Sptrurr. 

Theo.  Howard.  JV.  St^  W  StaL 

'  Tha.  Gov.  W  hitch.  Fra.  Brook, 
Arthur  Bath  W  IVelh. 

The  faid  Examnant,  u^  ff*^  $^J^^t   tht 
Day  am  the  Tear  above/hid,  faith,   *  T^at  he  doth 

*  well  remember,  that  beftdes  the  Propo(ttion  afbre- 

*  fud  at  Mr.  Jack's  Houle,  the  faid  Mr.  y<Kwi 

*  did,  aoodier  Time,  at  the  Cufiom-Houfe,  pro- 



^  DQWif  ^e  Alteration  t>flt^.  AcoaMitr'itntd  this  A&.  *>  J>nw«h 

*  Exa»ip(u«,  Sir  ytlm0^aihakuy  wiMr.  Oir-        »**^ 
*.  rauxai 


Tho.  Wtntwarth. 
Pra.  Ri0fH. 
■    H.  Darrveri. 
Re.  Sptneir. 
^Smbamptm.  fT.  Sin  l^  Seal*. 

flfl.  Citv.  is  Lilch.         '         ' . 

tju  Eiamination  tf  Berkard  Hyd«,   tahn  th« 
2010  ef  Api'jSj  1624. 

^Txfaid  ExamiiMnt  fahb,   *  That  he  doth  per- 

*  fcdiy  remember  that  about  the  End  of  yanuary, 

*  or  Banning  of  February  laft,  Mr,  yacBb  fent 

*  for  this  Examinatit  to  his  Houfe,  the  fiid  Mr. 

*  yaeeb  bdng  at  that  Time  not  well  in  Health  j 

*  and  the  laid  Mr.  Jacob  did  theij  tell  this  Exami-7 

*  nam,  as  from  tM  Lord  Treafurer,   That  the 

*  King  bad  Knowledge  of  the  500 1,  given  to  the 

*  Lord  Trcafurer,   which  was  charged  upon  the 

*  Accounts   ,of  the  Petty  Farmls,    and   that  his 

*  Loidfliip  denied  the  fame ;    and*  that  his  Loftl- 

*  ^p  ytu  angry  at  the  charging  it  on  the  Petty 

*  Parnn,  and  diereforc  would  have  the  Account 

*  altered.     Andjaith,  This  Speech  palled  between 

*  them  in  Mr.  yaeeb's  green  parlour,  and  that 
'  (bttts  were  in  die  Room  at  that  Tinjp,  Mr.  Himy 
'  Garrowayt  and  Richard  Bijhopt  but  is  not  certain 

*  whether  the  fame  were  openly  fpoken  whereby 

*  rilefe  two  might  hear ;   or  eiie  faid  privately  tq 

*  this  Xtafniaant,  to  the  end  to  make  him  more 
'  ■  foiwzrd  in  the  Alteration  of  the  Book  of  Ac- 

■  tountis  J  which  was  indeed  a  great  Difgrace  ti^ 
-*  (kdif  Bo(^. 


Tbe  faid'  Examinant  fiather  faiihy    *  That  at 

*  Chrifimat  lafi  ^e  Farmers  of  the"  Petty  Farm* 
-    Vofc.  VI.  P  .'  prefented 


226  ^tiePar^fomenfarf  History 

m.  >*  Jama  L  *  pRfeltCed  Ac  hoiA  TnaTurer  vidi  a  Tun  of 
''h*         *  Wine*  at  ibey  had  nJed  to  preTent  in  feimcr 

*  7'imes,  and  intetided  to  prefent  him  fimher  with 

*  a.Rpe  of  Canary  Wine  or  the  beft  Sack :    Biit, 

*  within  filoit  Time  after,  Mr.   Jat^  tcM  tfait 

*  Examinant  and  tome  others  of  the  FamMn*  that 

*  the  Trcafurcr  was  anery  with  than  for  diat  thqr 

*  had  not  better  regarded  him  bnt  widi  a  Tun  M 
<  Wine,  and  his  LonUhip  expcAcd  a  better  Grati- 

*  Jication  ;  and  that  his  LonUhip  had  named  300  L 
'.  and  in  the  end  the  Fanners  concluded  to  give 

*  him  100/.  and  this  Ezaminant,  by  dieir  Dircc- 

*  tien,  delivered  the  laid  100/.  to  his  Loidflup'i 

*  own  Hands>  and  the  fame  was  by  him  accepted  i 

*  which,  a<  Mr.  Jant  took  on  him,  was  the  radier 

*  W  his  Means ;  and  diereupon  the  Pipe  of 'fwcct 

*  Wine  wa*  forbore  to  be  fent. 


G.  Cant.  Haml^. 

Pembmie.  T.  HnuarJ, 
7b».  Cffv.  bf  Litd>.  F.  tbipIL 

H.  MandeviUe.  *R.  Sptnetr. 
H.  Snaban^tm.  F,  Brati. 

A.  Bath  if  fTtUi. 

.  *  The  'Examination  of  Henrj  Garrauiay^  taken 
the  17th  of  Jfrilt  was  to  the  lame  Efied  as  Btr- 
rutrd  Hyd*  in  his  firfi.  Examination.* 

Thi  EMmhutim  af  Abraham  Dawis,  tahn  tit 

Ipbe/Apnl,  1634. 

7be  /aid  Examinant  faiths    *■  That  alter  there 

*  was  an  Agreement  made  for  9500/.  to  beallow- 

*  ed  by  the  Farmers  for  their  Damage  by  the  new 

*  Impoft,  this  Examinant  obferving  the  Warrant 

*  was  long  delayed,  and  having  Speech  with  Mr. 

*  Btmard  Hydt^  told  him.  That  he  thought  the 

*  Bufinefs  was  not  well  underftood,  nor  a  ri^t 

*  Courfe  taken,  and  that  fomething  muft  be  given 
<  to  the  Lord  Tj-eafurerj    and,  flwitly  after,  tfiis 

3  •£»- 


-tf   ENGLAND,  tij 

*  Sxuninant  bmgone  of  tbe^udiconof  ttwAc-te*  »  juanif 

*  counu  c6nccrning  the  Fan^s,  and  finding  in  the        ***** 

*  Book  of  RJcharJ  Bijhop  a  Suni  of  500/.  fct 
■  down  tp  be  given  to  the  Lord  Treafuror   for  a 

*  Gratuity,  aflted  the  faid  Bijhap,  What  Vouchei 

*  he.  h;id  for  the  Payment  ?  who  faid,  That  he  had 

*  the  Hands  of  fome  of  the  Farmers  for  it:  And^ 
f  becai^fe  the  Time  would  not  be  long  before  the 
f  Account  for  the  whole  Year  Jhould  be  made  up, 

*  this  Examinknt  prelTed  no  further  at  that  Time^ 

*  l>ut  when  the  Year's  Account  came  to  be  made 
* ,  upt  this  Exapiinant  finding  the  £une  500  /.  then 

*  put  to  Account,  called  Biflitp  for  his  Vouchers, 

*  who  thereupon  fhewcd  to  this  Examinant  a  Note  - 

*  imdcr'the   Hand  of  Sir  Jahn  Wolflenholme,  and 

*  Mr.  Hepry  Garrawaj,  for  Warrant  of  that  Pay- 

*  mcnt.     jindfiirthtr  Jeiib,  That  this  500  /.  be- 

*  ing  afterw»^s  poftad  from  that  Account  to  the 

*  Great  Farm,  the  faid  Bijbop  told  this  Exami* 

*  nant  he  had  3  /,  odd  Money  for  him,  for  his  Part 

*  of  the  Money,  to  which  ha  had  taken  £xcep< 

*  don  in  the  Account  of  the  Wine  Farm,  faying, 

*  That  by  Oire^on  of  the  Farmers  it  was  ported 

*  to  the  Great  Farm;  and  that  the  Lord  Treafur-  ^ 

*  er  would  have  it  fo.     To  which  this  Exami-       , 

*  nant  anfwered.  That  would  be  prejudicial  to  this 

*  Exanvnant ;    for  his  Part  thereof  in  the  Petty 

*  Farm  was  but  3/,  odd  Money,  but  in  the  Great 

*  Farm  it  would  come  to  18  A  and  above,  ytfiJ 
'.*  fiith  tifen  Hi  Oath^  He  ever  conceived  that  500*/. 

*  to  be.  given  to  the  Lord  Treafurer  for  Dilpatch 

*  of  the  Wamnt  for  the  9500  /.     And  that  within 

*  Ihort  Time  after  the  Partners  had  paid  that  500/. 

*  the  Warnjnt  was  jigned  by  the  Lord  Treafurer, 

*  apd  t^eir  fiiifinefi  difpatched. 

■      ,,  ABRAHAM  DAWES. 

G.  Get^.  j '"/.'_  n  Cm.  &f  Liuh. 

r,  jyitirtvimh.    ,  H.  Damiers. 

W.  Sofi^.  S,aL  J.  Baih.  iiWtlh. 

N.  Mandtviili\  "  R.  Spmetr, 

f.Rupii. ., ; 


328  Tie  ParHMientary  HksToAr 

**  *i^r"  '  '^  ExaMwalim  tf  Johk  HahrhoK,   taien  th$ 
jyih  ef  April,  1624. 

Tht  faid  Examtnant  fatth^    *  That  after  fiidi 

*  Time  as  the  Fanners  of  the^*etty  Cuftomi  had, 

*  for  many  Months,    fued  In  vain  to  the  Lord 

*  Treafurcr,  forSatisfeftion  of  thei^Lo^^esfuftafn- 
*  ed  by  the  new  Impoll  of  Wines ;  upon  FetttiMi 

*  exhibited  to  the  King,  and  his  Majefty^  Refls^ 

*  ence,  by  Conunandment,  to  the  Lord  Treafiir- 

*  er,   on  the  laftof  Deceinber  1621,  iSoffn  was  a 

*  Cdnclulion  matft.  That  the  Fanners  fhould  btve 

*  the  Defiilcation  of  9500 /-out  of  the  Rent  ot' 

*  the  Wine  Farm  for  nine  Years  and  an  b«If,  iii 

*  Satisl^6tion  of  their  Demands ;    But  notwitli^ 

*  ftanding  that  Agreement,  and  thai  a  Wttrrant 

*  was  prepared   accordingly,  (which  Ais  Eitami- 

*  nant  knowe^,  becaule  he  faw  it  in  the  Hands  oT 

*  Mr.  Jaai  his  Lordfliip's  Secretary  j )  "yet,  for  five 

*  or  fix  Months  together,  the  hot*  TreafurCr  flio* 

*  intreated,  could  not  be  prcvMled  on  to  figh  the 

*  Warrant ;   whereupon  Mr,  Damts^  indmatin^ 

*  that  it  was  likely  that  the  Lord  Treafurer  cxpcc- 

*  ted  fome  Gratuity,   it  was  rcTcdred  to  prdent 
"  him  with  500  /.  which  500  /.  is  thus  ehttred  in 

*  the  Monthly  Account  of  die  Petty  Fftrms,  Bj 

*  fs  much  paid  to  tht  Lord  Trtafurer  ty  tkr  Handi  tf 

*  J^r.  Abraham  Jsicabyfir^temomdatim  efioooi. 

*  per  Annumy  50ol-     And  furtbtr  Jmth^  That  the 

*  faid  500/.  was  likewifc  put  into  the  yearly  Ac- 

*  counts  of  that  Fartfi,  and  thereupon  Copies  of 

*  the  Account  dilperfed  into  die  Hands  of  manjr 

*  of  the  Partners  ;    But  afterwards  Hie  fame  was 

*  altered,  about  a  Month  after  die  Sumbions  of 

*  the  Parliament,  and  was  poftcd  -ova  to  tticGreat 
'  Farm ;    and  this  Examtnant,  by  dte  Apptant- 

*  ment  of  Mr,  facolf^  did  call  in  divers  Copies  of 

*  the  laid  Account,  and  believeth  (.and  fo  ft  wak^ 

*  generally  conceived,}  ~  that  this  was  altered  by  die 

*  Lord  Treafurer's  Appointment.       And  fvribtr 

*  fatth^  That  befoK  the  faid  500  /.  was  reftJved 

*  tp  be  given,  Mr.  Jaak  did  affirm,  dut  titt  l.ord 

^  'Trea- 


,„«r:  ENG  J,  AN  p.  «a» 

.**  Tpt^iatt  m  Kffwft  fo  much,  as'  Mr.  /$'d!%  Aa,  u  Junn  (, 

*  pusa  t^aoafthat  T)m<>  91^  oftcntim^,  told  thie        ^^Ht. 
*£xajf^iB»ati  and  after  that  500/.  was  given,  tht 

*  Wuniit  was  £gned,  and  the  Bulineis  dirpatchedh 

*  nritVJTudi  £j^p^iU<Hi,  that  the  Boole  paJTed  the 
'  Sat  ^fithIn  a  Fortnight,  or  tittle  more.  Jnd 
■  Jaiiif  That  npon  Payntent  of  the  500  /.  oi|t  a( 

"*  ihe  petty  Farais,.  hii  Paft  came  to  3 1,  odd  Mo- 

*  ^tyt  but  if-  he  ihall  bear  his  Part  thereof  in  the 

*  Ofca^^ann^  it  will  be  about  15/.  Lofs  to  bim^ 


ff.  <V-  '1:    H.  MandtvflU.  '     ■■  ■■ 

H.' Snithamptn.  ■■  ■_  T.  Howard. 

^.  If^mtt^b.  Hamiitm. 

H.  Drnwri.  T.  Cov.  i^  IM^.    -    = 

.J8.  Spmtr.  ,        Pmireie. 

■     a2rfy,Apra,  i6i4.  ' 

'litfa!'^^amitHmrfaUi>,^{Y\)3X  there  wa«v,  an 
^  nAgF«0ineACtniade,  as  tjiii)  l^K^in^t  heard  Irom 

*  his  Paj^ti^ers,  and  tel^evt^  i!t  1:0  be  true,  by  the 

*  Lord  Tr^ureron  h^  Mi'tflV'^dt^lfi  to^^iow 

*  1900/.  per  Annum.,  untt)  the ^armus  of  die.Pctty 

*  Farm,  ir  Satisf9<EliQa  i»f;  thicir  Damagje  by  the 
'*  Imtmlition  lately  fet  upon  Wines :  which  Agrc»- 

*  meiUi    bang   made  on  New  Year's    Eve.vai 
.*  Twdvemonth,   and  continual  Suit  msde'  aftor 

^  for  the  Difpatch,  yet  for  thb  Space  of  about  iiK 

*  Months  ^ey  were  Suitors  for  the  Wairant  of 

*  Allowance,   but  could  not   get  it  until  500/. 
.  *  was  agreed  to  be  given  to  the  Lord  Trcaiurer'; 

*  and  this  Examinant,  being  Cafhier  to  the  Petty 

*  Fan|«,   recmved  Ord^r  from  Mr.  Jacob,  Mr. 

*  i^f^,  and  fpme  others  of  the  Farmers,  to  put 

*  the  fame  to  Account,  which,  according  to  their 

*  Dire£tion  he  did,  and  entered  the  faij^e  jn  h(S 
-  *  Joyttul;  Book  iq  thefc  Words,  H^July,  162J. 

*  viz.   7i*  Farm  of  French  Winei  nfftfi  U  rea^ 
■.  >  P  3  *  Manej 


ago  The  Parliamentary  HTsTdKY  < 

An.  »i  T  w»T'  *  Meney  the  Sumef  500/.  fald tad freftriil U  A$ 

»«»4*         *  £wi/  Treafurtr  by  tht  HmAi  af  Mr.  Abraham 

'  Jacob,  far  a  Grati&ation  fir  hit  Ler^ip's  Fair 

^'ikur  in  accommodattng an  Ailnaanct  of  iMib Ijer 

*  Annum,  tt  be  abated  iut  of  the  RtHt  for  iht  ^mt 

*  te  come.  Ifoy,  paid  to  the  Hands  ef  Mf.  Jacobl 
■  the  Sum  ef  500 1.     And  he  did  likewife  enter  the 

*  fame  into  his  Leidger-Book }  and  in  the  End  of 
,'  the  Year,  the  faid  500/.  was  put  into  diegene^ 

*  ral  Account  of  the  Farm,  as  a  Gratuity  to  the 
'  Lerd  Trcafurer;  and  thereby  the  Dividend  of 

*  the  Farpi  was  fo  much  the  lefs ;  and  the  fame 

*  Account  was  audited  and  allowed  by  Mr,  Hyde^ 

*  Mr.  Fletcher,  Mr.  Daweit  and  Mr.  fflSiam.   ' 

•  And  after,  in  February  laft,  this  Examinant 

*  received  Direction  to  antcnd  the  Account ;  aiwl 
t  thereupon,  the  zSth  of  February  laft,  this  Exa- 

*  minont  made  an  Entry  a>  fblloweth  in  his  Jour> 

*  nal-Boolt,  viz.  The  Jcaunt  of  the  three  Pttti 
f.  Farmt,  for  lie  Tear  ended  at  Miduelmis  Iqfif 

*  aweth  to  feveral  Jccsuntt  the  Sum  ef  500  1.  <m 

*  is  forfe  much  dividable  to  tht  PartnerSy  aver  and 
't'abovithe  Sumef  12,  lao  J.  12).  10  d.  former^ 
^'dividtdfor  tht  Frnpiaf  the  Ytar ended t^V&^ttx^- 
^  mas  lefl^  far  which  the  faid  Partnert  are  due  te 
'*  !>avt  atfallaweth;  and  then  did  enter  every  Man's 
"*■  Katne  with  his  Part  of  the  500  /.  belonging  to 
-*  each  Man ;  and  the  fitme  was  alfo  entered  m  ano* 
••  ther  Lctdger-Book,   as  appears  by   the  feveral 

*  Books,  containing  all  theafoivfaid  Entries,  fairly 

*  written,  and  now  (hewed  to  the  Lords  Commit- 
■*tees.     And'faiib,  That  albeit  he  had  Order  to 

*  have  razed  the  Account,  yet  he  did  it  not  j  but 

*  kept'  the  fame  and  the  Book  fair,  and  took  fo 
•'  much  the  more  Labour,  and  entered  all  fpecialljr 

*  as  afore&id. 

G.Cant.  W.S^^Seal. 

A.  Bath  br  IVeOs,  H.  Seuthampton. 

H.  MandruiUe.  F.  Break: 

H.  Spenetr,  ■     The.  Cm.  dftiuB, 



■6f  EN  GLAND.  231 

*  And  thefe  Examinations  were  reaal,  touching  *>•  njuanl,' 
ike  Bufinefi  of  die  Grwr  Anfu,  &c.  Ws.  '^ 

71&#  BxamnatitH  af  Hemry  Gaxkaway,  /n^nr 
/Af  17^^  April,  1624.  i 

7%r  fittJ  Bmmnant  faith,    *  That  the  Exami- 

*  nant  and  others  having  take;i   a  Leafe  of  th^ 

*  Great  Cuftonu,  in  fliort  Time  after  they  vr^t, 

*  mi  Iry-  Mr.  Jaeti,  That  Ac  Lord  Treafurei 
•'defiredtohavc  the  DifpoGtion  of  fome  Parts  in, 

*  that  Fahn,  but  nothing  was  conceded  tbcteoii  ^  . 
*- faving  that  Ais  Ebpnnin?nt  and  the  Patentees, 

*  told'  Mr.  yaeeby  they  wbuld  defir^  his  Lordllu[| 

*  to  girt'Aem  Leave  tb'  (fifpofe  of  all  theirParts 
*■  ambng  their  own  Friends,  and  they  would  be 

*  diankful  to  his  Lordfliip  ff  the  Farm  did  prof- 

*  per  (   and  accordingly  the  Farmers  prefented  un-. 

*  to  his  Lordfliip  a  Note  containing  all  the  Pait< 

*  nen,  and  Diftribution  of  all  the  thirty-two 
'  Parts  of  the  Finn,  to  the  Intent  his  Lordfliip 

*•  might,  according  to  that  Propofition,  give  War-         ,  - 

*  rant  for  their  entering  Security  to  his  Majefty, 

*  which  his  Lordfliip  accepted  and  allowed ;  and 
*-  gave  Warrant  to  the  King's  Remembrancer,  to 

*  take  Security  accordingly.  Whereupon  the  Far^ 
*.  mers  went  firft,  and  procured  as  many  others  as 
*.  diey  could,  to  go  after  to  Mr.  fFe^,  to  give  Se- 

*  curity  i  but  five  of  them  not  willing  to  proceed 

*  in  the  Farm,  fell  ofl^;  whereupon  this  Examinant 

*  and  die  other  Patmtces  thdt  had  undertaken  to 

*  give  his  Majefty  Security,  moved  the  Lord  Trca- 

*  furer  to  accept  Security  of  them,  and  they  would 

*  refume  thefe  five  Parts  to  themfclves  j  and  hts 

*  Lordfliip  fdd  he  would :  Neverthelefs  he  did  d&- 

*  fer  to  fign  any  Warrant  therefore,  but  did  not 

*  then, '  nor  long  after,  fpeak  of  any  Parts  for  him> . 

*  felf,  or  to  be  at  bis  Difpofal ;    neither  doth  this 

*  Examinant  canc«ve  any  Reafon  his  Lordfliip 

*  fliould,  the  Opinion  of  the  Finn  being  then  f« 

*  m«m,  that  live  of  their  Partners  fell  off:    But 

*  the  Warrant  fat-  Security  being  deferred  till  fome 

P  4  •  £q/i- 

A.  11  jiBM  I;*  Ba/l-IaJU  Ships  came  Ifi,  vbii^-ast^i'^iaxm- 

iSh-        *  nant  remembers,  was  about  Mayan^  /<'i*',.l6»|| 

'  and  the  Farm  then  growing  hopeful^  his  Lord- 

*  ihip  then  brgan  to  challenge,  the  four  ^tun.ths 
'  i^ann,  or  elfc  to  haVe  (^eciSmperice  for-mcume  j 

*  which  the  Farmers  thooghi  to  be  ve'ry  hard,  they 

*  having  upon  tbeir^rllProinifc*or.^^Vtjtfu]mls, 

*  and  in  Performance  thereof,  augmentq^tMS  jlioid^ 
«  fliip'sNewYearVGift,  which  formicHjr  jrrw  but 

*  1000  Marks,  and  in  the  Year  fpllov^ifg  yf»$ 
'  made  looo/.  neverthcle&  'his hoidQi\oiemaai' 

*  ed  looo  /.  in  lieu  of  bis  four  Part^.     This  £xa^ 
,•                 *  minant  and  Us  Partners  thongt)t,t)ie.pcmaiid  al-' 

*  together    narcalbiuble,     thejr   not  oynifg    aoy 

*  Thing  to  his  Locdflup,  nor  there  b^g  stnjr  Thing 

*  due  to  his  Xjordflup  tn  that  kind ;  for  tlut.  i^xin 

*  the  drft  waving  his  Claim  of  Part,  the  whole 
'  Farm,  long  before  this  fecond  Demaiid,  was  di' 
^  vided  b^  Indenture  amone  all  the  Purtqera  ;  yet 
'  und^ftanding  that  the  Farmers  of  die  Petty 
,*  Farms,  (whole  Bufmcfs  did  IHck  as  well  as  tbo 

*  Bufmefs  of  theGreatPann,]  werewming  topre- 

*  fent  59o/.  to  his  Lord&ip,  to  remove  the  Stop ; 

*  the  Farmers  of  the  Great  Farm  coilfentcd  to  give 

*  500  /.  more  i  and  both  of  them  employed  Sir. 

*  jaeti  to  negotiate  their  Bufinefs,  who  procured   ' 
^  a  fpcedy  Difpatch  of  both  BufindTes,  and  had' 

*  Allowance  of  500/.   out  of  the  Great  Farm,' 

*  and  500  /.  more  out  of  the  Pet^  Farms  {  which- 

*  Money,    fet  upon  the  Petty  Farms,  was  after*. 

*  pofled  to  the  Great  Farm,  as  in  bis  other  Exa- 

*  mination  taken  this  Day  is  fet  forth.  ■ 


G.  Cant.  H.  MattdtvilU. 

A.  Bath.  i£  Wills.  H.  Sautbamptott. 

^      T.  ffentwtrtb.  T.  Cnt.  Is'  Liuh. 

T.  Httvard,  X.  Spencer,.  .., 

H.  Danvers.  JV.  Sty  W  Stel.. 


%/>  'B  ■«  G  h  W'  'N-  b:  ijj 

■  I^»/Aprn,  1624.  •»*** 

ntJaUl  Mmmtkant  fiHt,   <  That  aftier  bis  Mk-' 
*.  'jtBtf  hftd  rinflM  dte  lafl  LesJt  ef  the  Great  Cut- 

*  BMiu,  ihiiW^Vvts  Setfiltitf  of  48,006/.  touefimr 

*  dtatF«»hittib4  given  to  hibMi^eftyj  which  be- 
'  log  AifMctf  tiltti  *hiny-two  Parts^  -eteh  Part  wis" 
*,ito  foouf*  t5B«)/.  Parcel  'of  fie  ilif  4,8,000/.^ 
'-'■ftiwwiftti  fhfc  Wattaes  of  df  the  Ptrtncrs,  and' 
*-dM£uMi&OKy'Wereto  fecuVC,  wqre  pot  into  one' 

*  Paper,  which  wm  tdlowcd  by  tfie  Lord  TreBfilt-' 

*  ev^  -'and--hW  'Kor^flitp  .underneath  lubfcribed  a 
'  Warrant  to  the  Kihg's  Remembrancer^  to  .^ke 
'  Security  accdHlihg  to  thw  Note.  •  ' 
'    *,B«t  ait«  five  of  the  Parts  fell  off,  Wftercby 

*  his  Maje%*s  Sccmity  fell  fliort  7500/.  and  thwe-^ 

*  upon  the  Faimeri,   willing  to  uniJcrt^  thollf 

*  Parts  th<«*iftl*te,  moved  the  Lori  Tnafurcr'  c^ 

*  accept  -t^tAi  Steirity  for  tbefe  Parts,  whiCft  ar 
'  this£xaminantwastoldbytheFanners,hi$Lord- 
'  J[bij?fajtlbe.w9ttUKCept;  yAtlkfanni'tBitnJike^ 
'  Warrant  to  tj^.  RepseoAi^mr  to  take  the  Se- 

'  ciuity,  from  September  1622,  until  9W<  or  "fuly 
»  laft,  and  thAi  giVd  Warvaii*  therefoK :  rtQ*Scit^ 
*-  Mt  Etetmintrnt  Ji^,  That  before  the  feme  Wir- ' 
*-KMitpaff!d,  th«  F^nn^rs  were  drawn  toyteldto' 
*■[»  Gratuity -of  ■■^560/'. '  *hi*  |*fe  Examihant* 
*-lefadWflth}  ■fta-  that  a  Strrant  of  Mr.  Jacoi  who| 

*  ^atd  rtw  Mfthey,  demandftig  AHowance  tberti9r,' 
*.  a^n  the  Account  of  the  Firm,  thw'Examintat* 

*  refufed  t©-giW--A)]ewancc  thereof,  utml  he* 
«  broughttothiiExMn&iariti  Warrant  figncdW 

*  Sir  fiba  JVt^T^lme  and  MV,  GefTOwayy  whicV 
•■  woa  now  (btfwed  to  him  dated  5^/)r  a^th,  16^.^ 
*-  And  ihWeupori  this  Examinaht,  '■  on  or  about  tflc' 
•.*th«fj*^ipf](dl,  gave  AHowance  thereof.'  Anit^ 
^faithy  That  heutlderftood  tfeat,  aboutfhat  Time,' 
•"-tte  Lofd  TVeafurer  hid  claimed  four  Parti  in 
•-  tile  fiud  Farm  j  whidi  fiemed  ftrange  to  this  Ex*-' 

*  minMitand  the  Partners.     'And  fiitb.  That  he'  . 
■*  hieifcif  -biing.  one  of  the  five  nained  in  the  firft 

*  Wammt,  ^ 


»3+  the pm^a^a^ary  Histoky 

a.  »i  JnM  !•  *  .Wamnt,  which  mvpc  up  tbek  Paits,  had  his  Part 
»'**■        «  from  and  under  Mr.  Htnrj  Garrawaj's  Quar- 

*  ter,  and  neither  he  nw  any  of  the  other  four  bad 

*  their- Parts  from  die  Lord  Tr^urer;  ncitfaer 
',  were  theii  Parts  toretum  to  the  Lord  Trcafiirei-.* 

*  Jnd faith  fwiheTf  That  upon  an  Account^which' 

*  benn  to  be  madcin  April  16231,  and  was  audit-> 

*  edjuljr  gtb,  1 623,  for  the  Year  ending  at  Chrifi" 
■  max  1622,  the  five  Parts  of  ^oTe  that  fell  off*,' 
*.  were  divided  among  the  four  Fanners;  and  tUs' 

*  Examinant  made  up  the  Account  in  that  Man-' 

*  ner,  by  the  Farmerg  Warrant.  * 

,         JOHN  WILLIAMS..  ■ 

G.  Omt.  HimidM' 

H.  Sautbamptmi  J.  Balk,  V  WtlU. 

T.  Hfwari.        .  ~  Jt.  Spnuctr. 

H.  MandewUt.  Pemh-oit.  ■ 

T.  Cev.  is  Liub.  T.  Wtntwtrtb, 

The  ExSmmam  af  Abraham  Dawes,  taktn  tke' 
"*o»  rf  April,  1624. 

71/  faid  Examinant  faiths    *  That  tht  Farmew  ■ 

*  of  the  Great  Cullonu,  havii^  agreed  upon  tak-' 
*j_ing  a.Lcafe  of  that  Farm,  they  amcMig  them-' 
■  felvo  divided  the  Farm  into  thirty-rtwo  Parts  j  by» 
*.  the  Partners,  of  which  Parts  proportionable  Se-' 

*  curity  was  to  be  given  to  bis  Mi^^ly,  amounting' 
'  in  all  to  48,000 /.  unto  his  Majefty's  Ufe  ;  and' 

*  the  Lord  Treafurer  made  a  Warrant  to  the  King'r 

*  Remembrancer,  /to  take  Security  accordingly, 

*  without  refcrvingjipy  Part  to  htmfelf,  or  any 
'other  than  was  nu^ntioned  in  that  Warrant;  but' 

*  five  of  the  Partners  falling  off,;  th«,  four  Paten-' 
*.  tees  relblved  to  accept  thofe  Paits  ^'r  themfelves,' 

*  and  to  divide  them  equally  amofig  them,  and  to* 
'  give  their  own  Security  unto  his  Majefty  for- 
•.thofc  five  Parts.  Aad  faiths  That  this  Exami-' 
*.mnt,  finding,  both  by  the  Accounts  of  the  Farm, 

*  and  by  Conference  with  Mr.  Jabn  Jfllliamty' 

*  that 


^  .EiNGL  ANB.  t^j^ 

*  that  50ioi.  yht  put  upon  the  Acqoyat  of  di«  A% ttjumt* 

*  Fann,  u  a  Gratuity  to  the  Lord  Treafiiree,  ^r       ■•*••- 

*  accepting  Security  for  thofe  five  Parta,  told  Mr, 

*  ff^iamSf  that  it  was  hard  and  unequal  that  500^ 
'  fiiould   be  (et  upon  the  whole  Farm,  for  that 

*  which  concerned  thofe  five  Parts  onlyj  which  tt|e 

*  four  Partners  took  to  themjitlvEa.      And  fetttk> 

*  That  this  CoflferefKe  was  between  him  and  X^ 

*  Hams  about  Jtdj  laft.     And  further  faiiht  That 
;*  be  hod  .a  Conference  with  Sir  John  H^a^ei$btim(* 

*  ybout  two  Months  paft,   what  Part  the,  Lbij 

*  Treafurer  had  refcrvpl  in  that  Farrn^  who  iai^* 
■*  he  propounded  at  fixfttahxvefomePartt  buttle 

*  Farmers  ^kmbting,  left  by  that  Means*  Sir  w£m^ 

*  Ingram  .might  be  put  upon  them,  intrcated  )4s 

*  L^fbip  .Co  permit'  than  to  difpofe  of  all  tfa^ 

*  /Pws«  and  th«y  would  be  dliankful  to  his  Lor4- 

*  fliip  fonie  other  Way ;   with  -which  his  Lordflup 

*  was  Satisfied,  aj)d  that,  (in  Performance  of  diat 

*  Promife,]  whereas   at  Chrifttnai  before  thcy.^ifc 

*  him  1000  Marksi  the  next,  Qa-i/itiat  they  |pye 

•  *  him  1000/.     .  :    r-'i  - 

,  .,    ABRAHAM  DAWES. 

G.  Cant.  k.  Southamten. 

■  Jl.  Beth,  y  1^4Us.  W.  Saj  £jf  Sw/. 

r.  Cev.iifllt(i>.  r.Hnvafi^ 

.Ptjnhroke'.        '■;  F.  Breot: 

T.  tVattwerth.   ' 

."TJu  Examinatten  sf  John  Harrison,   tahn  the 
iowef  April,  1624. 
Tbe/aidEumtinantfoitbt   *  That  a  little  before 

•  •  Cbrifimas  was  two  Years,  Sir  Jelm  Wtdjienhelmt 
'*  1^  this  Examinant,  that  upon  taking  toe  Great 

'  Farm,  the  Lord  Treafurer  defired  to  have  fome 
. «  Parts  therein  for  fome  of  his  Friends ;   but  the 

*  Farmers  fearing  left  any  Ibould  be  put  on  thein, 

*  with  whom  they  were  not  willing  to  join,  moved 
.  '  his  Lordfbip  to  let  them  difpofe  of  the  Farm  as 

*  they  thought  good,  and  they  would  gratify  him 
'  *  otbenrife »  which  his  Lordlhip  was  content  with. 

*  And 


It  i^jitottfc* >arf  i^  EiAiftAiiiha jmh^\fiun  .Tl«|t,.»b6uk 
-"^"  i  4»H;iTMtw*''¥Wrai  the.  riMi4»  dhidrt  the 
*  -^m  tntio  Aint^-'t^o  Pntib'  {tiofKatuMui^  t6 
imry  Mart' fbfeStidiinty  he  Wu  ^  tn  give  t6 
hw  Majefty ;  ^  Whtcb  tbt  Loid  Treafuret 
allowed^  «hd  )tgncd  a  Wanam  -t»  Mr,  X^, 
M  takft  the  Security  aceortHngly  j  «hSch  Wai*- 
nnt  thti'  IlximAnant  'c&ttied  to  Mr.  M^,  wtin 
|tttpar«(  a  Cbndrtien  eF  a  ■  Bdpd*  which  «^ 
penifed  &nd.  mad^  peifeA-  by  <Mr.  Atttaviejr; 
and  mofliOf  tBe  Pfartnen  tMonA  Bond  second 
ingly,  only  tIteKr  reMnxoCd  fite  Parti  unAaured. 

fbr  iMtrH]  utmr  the  Puts  acc<H^hg  Co  tfi*  Div£ata 
iilade  as  xTo^tM } '  and-,  cencernlttK  ihe  fivcJSbrts 
unrecured,.the'Pi^ii«eu,wbO'W0M(]  qocfaduijr 
Indenture  btit  to  fwch  aa  gxfe  SKWit^Co-tHe 
King^  took  thoTePniftg^otKemfelves,  sMd.ofief- 
ed  the  Lord  Treafarer  their  6*h  Soeuritf ;  bdt 
the  taking  thereof  being  long  delayed,  and  500/. 
liavmg  been  giren  to  the  Lord  l^na^fter  t^Mf. 
'Jaceby  whi^  the  Fannen  were  to  fee  refuid  fo 
Mr.  5^Tcrf  ;■  there  was  R  Warrant  given  to  Mr. 
^a6«  WiBgm^  the^Cafliier  of  that  Farmj  a|ul 
the  laid  Warrant,  being  fi>  to  be  written  by  wt 
Examinant,  Mf,  dirraw0)>  called  dlis  Examinant 
into  the  OMce  of  the  Ci^om-Konfe,  to  dim^ 
him  in  the  drawing  of  that  Warrant ;  and  ae- 
cordingly  required  him  to  make  a  Warralit  to 
Mr.  WtlUams  for  allowing  500/.  toMr.  Jaaii 
yet  fo  carried  himfelf,  that  he  anpeared,  to  this 
Examinant,  unwilling  that  this  Exarninant  fhould 
knowwhythe  laid  500/.  was  diAorfbd;  yef,  in  . 
the  end,  perceiving  that  he  could  not  wdt  hite 
it  from  this  Exaniinant,  he  plunly  told  ^ii  Bxk« 
mi^ant,  That  this  500/.  was  given  to  tbcliofd 
Treafurcr,  to  procure  him  to  take  tbtt  Pitenteis 
own  Security  for  thofe  five  Parts  that  hid  betin 
relinquiflied  ;  and  faid,  in  refped:  the  Farm  wAs 
not  fufficientjy  fecured  until  that  Ssctimy  giveH, 
he  thought  it  rcafonsMe  that  500  /.  fhould  be  pat 
upon  the  Charge  of  the  wholeFarna ;  aid  tbnt- 


*  fm  frBM  "^  ^nnuaast  lb  to  (Iraw  the  WftTf  Ah  M  JioM  1^ 
fitMt  but  ^Sr.£fi7jliil»w  pot  jittQ  the  Account  of       h^ 

«  (tegeaeraldnuvt  And  uupeupon  Mr.  j^^ 
*h^AJiamopc  OKKoCt  «>d  tiw50Q/.  nosput 
*.  iA^  ih*  Account  ^  th«  Fanp.      Aadfrnibtt 

*  f^^  That  be  hath  fisce  updfU'&Md  frotn  Sir 
^  Jitm  W^finihhet  tM.  a?  th^  pamutd  to  grar 
i<  4i^  «i«  Lonl  Tr^Fpr,  £u-  leaving  the  Clai^  ^ 

*  Uij  Fatti  iif.^  Fvini  fo  thejT  bave  per&imej 
^  b  fine*,  in  laifti^  ifae  twQ  Yean  pa^  bU  Nor 
«  yew's  CKft  fmi)  looo  Madt9  to  looo  l.  And 
'foMi,  Tbtt  alMxHi^  be  bath  b«ea  mucb  «mr 
'  pk^rad  Intbe  fiufinda  «^  tbat  Fana.  yet  be  doth 
<  vot  kwnr  aoy  thing  thatlfae  Lord  Treafurcr  had 

*  atf  Bij^  *r  E^ty  in  anv  Part  of  that  Faroii 

*  ma  dntClMntlMt  he  iitft  made,  and  after  f^ 
«  Knqniftad,  nn'onh  for  i«fonipi  ending  lamp 
«  EitoBd^  an^natforW&lf. 


G.  Omf.  a^.  Say  ^  StaU, 

FetiAr0kt.  ■      T.  Cmt.  H  Litek. 

-f^r  Etrminttian  •f  Sh  lonif  WoitTtKHOtVl, 
taitn  tht  Ijib  of  AprUt  1604. 

7Z«  filiJ  Exumimmt  Jiakhj   *  That  the  Fanne^  , 

*  of  the  Petty  Farm*,  finding  their  Bufinels  to  (ni- 
'  Sa  great  DeUy  ,witk  the  Lord  Ttieafurer,  did,  as 

*  this  Examinant   was  made  acquainted  by  M(. 

*  J^  and  MbeiB)  aefslvje  to  prafem  his  Lordfliip 

*  with  500  A  and  that  the  fame '  was  prefcnted  ; 

*  and  Mr;  yMeb  hinfdf  did  acknowledge  as  oiuch. 

*  jtnjht  furthrr  fittth-.    That  between  Chriflmas, 

*  ibitj  and  4^1/  29(h,  1622,  the  Lord  7realu~ 

*  rer  chdUcagcd  aPrcKVi&  of  the  Farmers,'  to  have 
'  four  Para  in  tbfi  Great  Farm  for  himfelf  and  his 
<  Frieods}  bntwonpfomile^f  Thaiikfijkers  from 

*  the  Faimers  m  the  Great  Farm,  was  contented 

*  to  relinquiih  thole  Parts;  in  refpe£l  whereof  Mr. 
■^  -y«(*^>  afterwards,   telling  theni  that  my  Lord 

*  Trea- 


TliePar^aiaattafy' U^T^^tr 

Tftaftihir  did'  expeft  thiir,  Thirilrfiilrteft  p  ft« 
Fanncn  were  content  to  adVsnce^is  N«w  YOBr** 
Gifrof  ioooM»rks  to  rdOo/.-fcy  the  Yeari 
And  liis  Lofdfhip/'bcing  agreed,  'aUTilfonifaid,  tA 
relinquilh  hts  I^arf,  upon  the  faid  19th  Af  AprH 
l6ai,  did  fign  a' Warrant  to  ^a  King's  Re* 
membrancer  for  taking  of  Securit]'';'  in  whicK 
Warrant  all  die  Partners, '  and  the  ftlli  thirty-two 
Parta  of  the  Farm  are  fet  down;  ahd  no  Part 
thereof  referved  to  fait  Eordfliip;  'after  which 
Warrant,  fifre  of  the  Partners  nam^d  in  diat 
Warrant  fyi  off,  and  would  not  proteedi  where*- 
upon  the  Farmcrt  themfelves  moved  his  Lord* 
fliip  to  accept  their  Security  for  thofe  Parts,  ia4 
they  would  take  upon  them  thofC'Parts;  and  b Ik 
Lordfhip  then  made  no  Claim  to-  thofe  Parts ; 
yet  delayed  the  Warrant  by  the  Space  trfa  Year, 
or  thereabouts,  never  claiming  any  Parts  in  aH 
that  T^me  ;  but  the  Eqft-India  Ships  afterwards 
c<»ntng  in,  whereby  there  was  apparent  Likeli- 
hood of  Gain,  his  Lordfliip  then  challenged  four 
Parts,  and  would  not  fign  the  Warrant  for  ac- 
cepting their  Security,  until  they  had  pFomifed 
or  given  him  500/.  And  this  Exarainant  and 
Mr.  GarrauMiy  figned  a  Warrant  unto  Mr.' ^Z- 
Hami  for  Payment  of  diat  500A  And faifh. 
That  when  he  figned  the  faid  Warrant,  he  had 
no  Thought  or  £xpe£btiot)  diat  the  other  joo  /, 
Ibould  ever  have  been  put  upon  the  Great  Farm, 
but  that  it  Ihould  itill  have  refted  on  the  Petty 
Farms. ' 


G.  Cant. 
T.  Hnvcrd. 
H.  MandevilU. 
H.  StHtbampten. 

T.  Civ.  U  Litch. 
A.  Beth.  »  fTdU. 
H.  Dattvtri,  ■ 
H^.  Say  W  Sal. 
T.  Ifmtmsrtk.- 
Jt.  Sfmtr.    . 


5^   Ei^  G  L  AND.  439 

'.        A  Warrdnt  to  Mr.  WlttlAMS,  ««.  ,  **  •»  Juum  I. 

«  Mr.  ^iliamtt  wc  pny  you,  pay  unto  Mr.  Ja-  ** 

*  ai  the  Sum,  of  500  /.  given  hun>  by  Order  from 
*.  the  Fannen,  to  the  Lord  Treasurer  for  a  Gra* 

*  tui^>  and  put  it  to  the  Account  of  Charge. 
^j!*  HEN.  GARRAWAY. 

*  This  Warrant  was  fhewn  to  Jtbn  William 

*  the  1 7th  of  A»*// 1624. 

G.  Cant.  H.  Seutbampton, 

H.  MamUviae.  T,  Hnaard, 

Htamhan.  T.  Wentumtb. 

Tht  Exammtim  tf  Abraham  Jacob,   ttAtn  th't 

jyth  o/" April  16244 

The  faid  Examnattt  faith^  *  That  upon  the  Con- 

*  clufion  of  the  Leafe  of  the  Great  Cuftoms,  the 

*  Lord  Treafurer  told  him,  that  he  would  rrfervp 
*ibme  Part  in  the  Farm,  nominatihg  at  iiift  fix 

*  Paita,  and  afterwards  four  Parts :  But  the  Farmers 

*  fearing  that  thereby  fome  Partners  might  be  put 

*  on  them,  with  whom  they  had  no  liking  to  join, 

*  entreated  that  his  Lordlhip  would  give  themLearc 

*  todiJpofe  thereofamong  theirown  Friendsi  and, 

*  if  the  Farm  did  profper,  they  woujd  be  thankful 

*  to  his  Lordfhip  :  And  his  Lordlhip  con^nting 
'thereto,  Jigned  a  Warrant  to  Mr.  Pf^tjtf  for  ta-r 
■'  king  Security ;    in  ■  which   Warrant  the  whole 

■  *  Farm  was  divided  into  32  Parts,  and  all  the  Part- 

*  nets  named,  with  each  Man's  Proportion ;    of 

*  which  Number  five  afterwards  fell  off*,  and  there- 

*  upon  the  Farmers  became  Suitors  to  the  Lord 
^  Treafurer  to  take  their  Security  for  thpfe  Partsj 

*  to  which   his  Lord&ip  condefccnded,  and  faid, 

*  He  would  give  Warrant  accardingly,  but  did  not 
■•give  Warrant  till  about   Junt  ^ft ;    in  which 

*  mean  Time  the  Farmers  and  Partners  did  diflr^- 

*  bute  and  divide  the  whole  Farm  by  Indentures, 

*  rcfenrisg  t&6fe  five  Parts  among  dienfTelves,  and 

•  the 


AB.'~a4  Jmw}.  *  the  Money  for.  fhe  firft  Year  «tas  4iiwk4  unong 

itef  ■      ( the  Parto«rs,  according  to  the  Indentures;  .But, 

>  id  tfw  kooni  Ytoj,  Oie  Fktk  pioTpertftg,  and 

f  lbin«  Soft  AMn  Ships  coining  In,  Ms  LwdSli^ 

*  a^B  challenged  four  P«ts  j  which  this  Exatni- 
<  Rant  thought  ftrange,  and  fb  told  hi*  Lofdflup^ 

*  for  that  hie  Lordlhip,  in  the  Beginning  b^  «•• 

*  ved  that  Claim,  and  had  giratfiis  WarnDtto 
«  Mr.  Jftjt  fvf  the  whole  3a  Part*.    To  tidiich  his 

*  Lordlbip  anfwcred  fomcwhtt  {bsrpljr,  and  fidd; 

*  That  wet  ial  an  Omiffitn.     Befides,  this  Exami- 

*  na!nt  told  him.  That  he  had  no  Ground  fiof  that 

*  Demand*  becauTe  he  defired  at  hate  it  fcr 

*  others.    To  which  his  Lordlbip  anfwered,  SJr 

*  Arthur  Ingram,   and  tbey  ta  wbmt  ht  wuoMt  it^ 
*had  lefi  the  Parts  te  himfelf.     Whereupon  this 

,  f  Examtnajit  a<id  his  Paitners,  not  knowing  how  M 

*  withftand  his  (<ordfliip*a  Will,  tiu)'  they  knew  no 

*  juft  Reafon  of  bis  Pemand,  wercdrtven  to  think 

*  of  fame  Ckiurfe  to  fatisfV  his  Lordlbip ;    aod  tbs 

*  Farmers  of  the  Petty  farms,  wbofe  Bvftnela  tat 

*  their  9500  /.  had  been  long  delayed,  haviiig  about 

*  that  Time  fallen  into  a  Refolution  to  pfc&nt  hi* 

*  Lordlbip  with  500  /.  the  Fanners  of  the  Grrat  - 

■  Cuftoms  alio  agreed  to  add  500  /.more :  And  tbW 

*  Examinant,   hy  Warratit  from  the  Fanners  of 

*  the  Great  Farm,  delivered  bis  Ixirdlhip  lOQoi 

*  500  /.  whereof  was  again  allowed,  upon  die  Gnat 

*  Farm  to  this  Examinant,  aiid  other  5CX)  /.  out  of 

*  the  Petty  Fanns  }  and  thereupon  the  Buiinefs  of 

*  both  Farms  had  a  Difpatcb.    Jnd  faith,  Tias.  the 

*  Farmers  of  the  Petty  Farms  did,  as  this  Depo- 

*  nent  afliiredly  believeth,  di{bui&  that  Money  for 

■  their  own  Bufinds,  and  not  the  fiufinefs  of  fbe  . 

*  Great  Farm.    Andfaitb^  That  the  feveral  Sums 

*  of  500  /.  were  {cverally  put  upon  the  A<;cQuRtB 

*  of  the  feveral  Farms,  apd  fo  ccoitinoed  till  ah^ut 

*  January  laA ;  and  then  his  LonUbw  bavifiK*  * 

*  It  feemed,  Ibme  Notice  how  thelc  Monies  wcic 

*  &t  in  the  Accooints,  alked  this  £x»ninant  tbar»- 

*  of:  And  this,  Examinant  taking  Tinw  till  (be 

*  Morrowi  iu>d  thji^  briogipg  word,  unto  hi*  Lc^ 



»/    E  N  t;  L  A  N  ,D.  241 

*  fliip,  that  500/.  was  fct  upon  the  Great  Farms,  Aa.  s»  jame*- 
'  and  500  /.   upon  the  Petty  Farms,,  hU  Lortjfhip,        '^*** 

*  in  fome  Paffion,  fkid^  Thty.hcrOe  dant  trie  ff^rmg, 

*  this  will  trench  upan  trtf  Henaur  i  I  received  of  yttu 
'  the  1000  \.  fir  my  Peris  ef  the  Great  Farm,  and 

*  it  had  ns  Refirenct  t»  the  Petty  Farm ;    and,  afte? 

*  confidering  of  it  about  two  Daysj  fent  for  ^(ul- 

*  Examinant,  and  dealt  with  him  to  ha/c  the  Ac- 

*  counts   mended;    which  this  Fxa^inant,  witit 

*  Confent  of  the  Farmers,  procured  j  yet  the  Lortl 

*  Trcafurer,  not  contented  therewith,    after  two 

*  or  three  Journies,  caufed  this  Exaiiviutit,  witk 
'  Confent  of  the  Farmers,  to  write  a  Lett^  to,  his 

*  Lordlhip,  dated  in  June  litft,  (by  A;nteflate,  tbo' 

*  written  in  yanuary  faft)  whereby  ^his  i^xa^iinanf   ' 
'  did  intimate  or  acknowledge,   that^  the  joflo  /« 

*  was  given  his  Lordlhip  for  tour  32   Part?  of  tht 

*  Great  Farm ;  and  at  the  Jame  Time  his  Lord-* 

*  Ihip  gave  an  Acquittance  to  this  Examinant,  with 

*  the  like  Antedate,  acknowledging  the  Re(»ipt  of 
'the  icooA  for  the  faid  four  32  Parts;   which 

*  Acquittance  was  now   delivered   to   the  Lord* 
■  Committees.      And  faith^    There  was   no  Ac- 

*  quittance  required,  nor  Receipt  taken  till  "Janu- 

*  ary  Jafl ;  but  the  Lopl  Trcifurer  fending  G/icA- 
'  wfaTf,  his  Servant,  to  receive  the  Money,   cgtn- 

*  manded  him  to  give  no  Receipt  nor  Acquittance 

*  to  this  Examinant,  but  to  leave  it  to  his  Lofd- 

*  fhip.     And  this  Examinant  paid  the  laid  lOOO  l- 

*  to  Catchmay  the  27th  of  ^Jum  laft.     And  further 

*  faithy  That  where  the  Farmers  promifed  to  be 

*  thankful  to  his  Lordfliip  for  waving  his  Parts,  if 

*  tb«r  Farm  profpered,  they  raifed  his  Ncw-Year*8 

*  Gift  from  1000  Marks  to  1000  /■ 


G.  Cant.  .  T.  ffentworti. 

Tbt.  Gov.  &  Litib*  Thei.  Hiiward._ 

H.  Southampton^  Henry  D^nvfm. 

H.  MandevHle.  W.  Say  ^  Sid 
Mrth.  Bath.  Isf  mih. 


»>  iiJiBMl.  «  -rhen  the  fiiid  Miwdattd  Letter  {ud  Acqufr- 
'^^  tuice,  mentioned  in  the  Examinsdon  of  ^ir^^Mv 
TiTfo^,  far  the  laid  looo/.  to  be  .paid  the  Z7th  of 
jttne,  1623,  for  the  faid  four  37;  PirtB,  was  read-  . 
And,  t6  prove  ^e  tfainl  Corruption,  Ibaddowed 
i>nder  the  Pretext  of  a  New- Year^sGift,  wererdaJ 
(tic^  Exdnktatiofis,  ime. 

4^  'ExamUJkkn  »f  AbKArXm  jAceB,  lb^£»  ttf 
20ih  of  April,  1634. 

,  The-pid  EuaiSmmt  fdith^  *  That  the 'Farmers  of 
•'the  Petty  Ftrnis  having^  -a.^  Chrtjhiias  Jaft,  prt-^ 
*■  ftlited  dje  Lord  Treafiirer  with  a  Tun  of  Wine  5^ 
V  ifaortly  alter  die  Lord  Tre^^urer,  midfting  tKere- 
*' of,  told  this  ExamiBam,  That  they  had  included 
,  *  three  Farms  in  One  Leafe;   and  tnat  tbe  Txfsi 

*  Treafnrer  ufed  to  be  prdented  out  of  alltbefit 

*  Farms,  yet  they  now  put  him  off  with  a  Turt 

*  of  Wine;   ahd  did  Very  much  exprefs  himftt£ 

*  offfelid&d  thereat,  and  did  let  fly  at  this  £x»ifi- 
*' naiit  for  the  fBs>e :  And  thereupon  this  EXami- 
*'  narft  moved  ttie  Farmers,  who  contented  to  giv* 

*  hhntioo/.  bat  the  LoM  Treafurcr  (aid  it  wab 

*  too  little.     Andfaithy  That  when  his  Lordfeip. 

*  declared  himfelf  offended  at  tbe  Smallncfs  of  tht; 

*  Prefent  fent  to  hiin  as  aforefaid,  this  Examinan^ 
'  told  him.  That  the  Fanners  intended  to  prdeirt 

*  him  with  two  Pipes  of  Canarj  Wines  ;   But  hii 

*  LordJbip  faid.  He  would  not  be  fo  ufed;  'aiiC 
,    •■^lighttdtheOfcr* 


1^.  Cottf.    .  Thea.  Howard. 

U.  ManJevin*.  The.  Cev.  fer  Litcb. 

HamiUon.  Jrth.  Bath,  tf  ^fllir. 

Pembroke.  F.  RuffiU, 


73^  Examtwtien  ef  Bernard  Htos;  tein  ti»  ja.  *ijijm% 
Jtrifrtf/ April,  iiSs4.  »6»v 

*  He  depofcth  to  the  Pretehtment  of  tlie  Tun  iJt 
**  "Wirie,  is  aforefaid,  to  tlie  Lord  Treafurerj  with 

*  an  Intent  alfo  to  prefcBt  hiin  ,wkh  a  Pipe  of  Ca- 
'*  tidry  Wine,  or  the  bcfl:  Sack  :    That  Mr;  JadA 

*  told  him  and  others^   That  the  Lord  Tre^urw 

*  was  angry  tl^at-he  was  not  better  re^rded  j  «nd 
*•  that  he  expeHed  a  Setter  (Gratification  j  and  that 
^  Ills  Lordfhip  named  200./.  That  therefore  l}* 
■*'dclivtred   100/.    to  the  Irf>rd  Treafurcr's  owii 

*  Handj  'but  the  Pipe  of  fweet  Wines  was  for-i 

*  borne  to  be  lent. 


*  HcMMri  AtWrtMjr  eddect  tke  CHKRCE'foT,  . 
jlie  faid  three  Cotntptioas.'                         ^ 

Thetord  Treafurcr  ■sftmed,  iha  ibe  grtafe/l  lie  Laid  iW 
S*art  nf  tbtfi  Prvsftfwear  tiH  that  thty  ef  t&  ^tttj  <"«"•»  Anf«ei 
^armgirve  him  the  $00 1,     that  it  ittruethe'OreiA'j^J^^l*'!> 
.Farmert  paid  it  to  hii  L«rdfi)if^  artrf  laid  it  eitthi  ■    ™^ 
Ptttj  Farntt  and  d*t*ivid  thtit  end  BbUfid  his  JUrd^ 
^pthtrtby.  ,'  ■ 

He  dtHud-  that  the .  Pttty  Farmers  ■axre  Saittn  if 
•kit  Aftfi^  at  Jveh  ftnu  iis  is  i^trmtd  i  but  tiityt^ri^ 
fitted  to  his  Lord^iip,  and  he  dirt&td  thtm  to  exbiblt 
their  Bill  inta'  the  Ejrdit^iur  Gkambir^  atid  or3er^ 
Mr.  Jiteriuy  le  ar^wA:  it :  Hat  they-  Uitd  it  ml  j. 
■hutf  if  feme  pawerful  Meant,  delivered  a  Petition  n 
the  Kir^x  {a  very feandidoHt Petitan  again/fhiiLarcf- 
Sip}^- which  the  King  referred  te  the  Oiimtaitar  tmX 
tufi^i^:  ■  Thai  they  demanded w  ytiirwanct-  mT  1 0,000  h 
■^Jtntlynade,  arid  he  allowed  them  hut  ^^obh 
Jto  be  paid  in  nine  Teart  atiJ  a  Half;  far  V^ieh'f^ 
Jtfirved  na  Bribe :  That  hit  Warrant  to  the  Jtitm^ 
tuas'delayed far  thefe  tuia  Caiifis: 
^  Firft,  For  thai  hit  Lotdfiip^  frtp^tadU  U>im9>iit 
^lfm:JFae!mfgrikf£ixg-  '■ 

,L.'(Hi'^le  . 

244  *I%e Parliamentary  History 

M.  s*-Jiatea  I.     Secondly,  Far  that  their  Warrant  was  nat  drnOft 
'***•      .  as  it  »ught  a  he. 

Touching  the  Great  Farm,  his  Lordfhip  (aid.  He 
VMuld  make  it  appear,  that  he  hod  referved  foMr  3a 
Parts  therein  far  htmfelf  and  his  Friends  \  and  eL- 
Udged,  That  thofc  Farmers  have  cmfejfed  that,  their 
Farm't  prafpertng,  he  thfreupan  did  demand  a  Reconk- 
'pence  for  hit  Part, 

'  Here  his  LonKhip  read  the  Heads  of  his  Prooft 
out  of  a  Paper,  and  then  required  that  the  Exai- 
OlinatioRS  taken  on  hii  Part  might  be  read ;  wh^d^ 
were  read  accordingly  by  the  Clerks  v/z. 

The  Exemnathn  af  Sir  Arthijii  Ingram,  lOit. 
taken  the  ^d  of  May,   1624. 

*  That  fome  Time  before  Cl^mai,  1621,  the 
«  old  Fcrmcrs  of  the  Great  Farm,  vix.-  iir'jeBm 

*  Wal^enhalme,  Henry  GarrMvay,  Abraham  "jMahy 

*  and  others,  -were  ^itors  to  the  Lord  Treafuret 

*  for  the  renewing^  their  Leafe  of  <he  fame  Fami^ 

*  and  made  Offer  to  give  hk  Majefty  fb  mncb 
*■  ye^ly  Rent  for  the  fame^  as  (they-alledged)  none- 

*  other  would  give  j   whereupon  the  Lord  Trea- 

*  furer  acquainted  this  Deponent  therewithal,  ami 
A  dcfircd  him,  for  the  better  Advancement  of  his 

*  Majefty'j  ilent  and  Service,  to  do  his  Endeavour 

*  to  procure  fome  fufficient  Perfons  to  join  with 

*  him,  to  malce  an  Offer  for  the  undertaking  of  the 

*  fiudFiiim;   and  thereupon  he,  this  Deponent,. 

*  dealt  vith  divers  Perfons  of  his  Acqusintance,  of 

*  good  Quality;  for  that  Purpofe ;  and  he,  toge- 

*  Uicr  with  fome  of  them,  as,  nametr,  Sir  Phil^ 
*■  Corn,  Mr.  Aldermui  Jahnfan,  Mr.  John  EWu^^ 
f  Wiiaimt  Rrrrrs,  £fq.  and  one  Mr.  Caaptr,  for 

*  tbetnfelres,  and  others  who  were'  willing  to  jcnit 
f  with  thenk,  did  make  an  Offer  of  lOoo/.  per 
'  j/nnuM)  more  than   was  offered  by  the  old  Far* 

*  men  j  which^  -v^hen  they  had  N<ttice  of,  then, 

*  and  not  before^  thejr  ofFoced-iKai  u  much,.  «r 


flf   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  245 

'  That  he,  this  Deponent,  was  afterwards  toW,*^  »>;««»  I. 

*  that  the  King's  Majefly  had  fignified  his  gracious         '  "*■ 

*  Pleafure,  that  the  old  Farmers  fhould  be  prefcr- 

*  red  to  the  new,  at  thatimproved  Offer  they  had 

*  made,  before  any  others ;  and  thereupon  he^  thts^ 

*  Deponent,  did  defire  the-  Lord  Treafurer,  that 

*  forafmnch  -ii  die  liid  Offer,  made  by  him  and 

*  his  Friends,  was  the  Caufe  of  that  Improvement, 

*  theref6re  h^  Lordfhip  would  refcrve  fooic  Part- 

*  of  the  Great  Farm  to  gratify  fucb  of  them  with- 

*  zl,  as  would  be  dcfirous  to  have  any  Part  thire- 

*  of;  for  their  better  Encouragement  to  do  his 
'  Majelly  Senrice  zTcerwards. 

*  "That  he  hath  heard  if  credibly  affirmed,  That 

*  the  fame  Great  Farm,  at  the  firft  Agreement  for 

*  the  n&W'-taking  thereof,  was  divided  into  32 
'  PartJT  whereof  fome  of  the  old  Farmers,  and 
'  their  Partners,  < had,  or  were  to. have,  fome  of 
'-  them  more  of  the  fame  Parts  than  others,  and, 

*  fome  Iflls,  AnJ  he,  this  Deponent  faith^  That, 
'  he  hzvlng  formerly  moved  the  Lord  Treafurer 

*  to  referve/ome  Parts  for  his  Friends,  the  rather, 
'  to  encourage  them  tojoin  with  him  again  in  any 
*.  the  ]i)ce  Service,  the  Lo^  Treafurer,  at  or  about, 

*  that  Time,  told  this  Deponent,  That  he  had  re-' 

*  ferVe4' fix  32  Parts  of  the  faid  Farm  to  hedifpo- 

*  fed  among  them  as  he,  this  Deponent,  thought 

*  good  ;  anti  then  he^  this  Deponent,  did  make 
'  fome  of  his  Friends  itcquainted  therewith,  name- 

*  ly,  Sir  PbiSp  Carey,    Mr.   Ferrtri,  Mr,  Casper, 

*  and  fome  others  ;  who,  at  the  firft,  fcemcd  wil- 
*•■  ling  to  undertake  fome  of  the  fame  Paru  j    but,  ■ 

*  afterwards,  perceiving  that  thereby  they  fhould 

*  enter  into  great  Bonds  to  the  King  for  the  Pay- 

*  mentof  the  Rent,  and  undergo  other  great  Ad-. 
'  ventUtVS}    and   yet  fhould  have  no' Hand  in  the 

'  managifigof  the  Bufmefs,  but  that  the  old  Far-    ■ 
'  tfio^  would  retain  the  Execution  thereof  wholly 
'  to riiemfeives,  as  formerly  thcyhad done:  there-, 

*  fore  tbole'his  Friends,  which  at  the  firft  feemed, 
'^willing,  did  return  Thanks  to  this  Deponent  for 

*  bit  Kiiidn«ffi  in  that  Behalf,  and  have 

Q.3  'any 

34^  *tbe<P^ttipematy  HtiTftitr 

$f,  ai  jun>  1.  *  an;  of  the  bxan  Fatts,  atallr:    Whwcufwi  thii 

»*»*^        (  Deponent   did  ihwily.'  after  wq^aiat  the-  leqid' 

f  Treafurer   with  fuch^thcir  Refufal,  ai)(J,,  giving' 

,  *-hU  I^rdlbip.  like  Thapjtt,  did  leav«rali  theim4 

'f  Parts' to  the  Lord  'Trcafurer  again  Wchii^tHK^' 

*'Fow%r»  to  be  he  though  fit. 


G.  Afowwii. 

iTie  Examinatim  of  Gltoiies  Lowl  ^£ond(%> 
.^l^i:^raf,  fafffT  M^  3y  1624.  in  hab  V«rW.'  ' 

*  George-  Lewf^  of.  LtnJen^  M«K;h%8it».  Vl3»dp- 

*  Urous  to  have- it,  Bart' i^  thaD  Qrcat  K^rpi*  a«<I' 
'  did  move  Sin  J^hn  J^CelJ^balmt.,  and  Mf.  Ufmj} 

*.&aw  a  Bart  with  ib«m,in  the  (aap  Fi«wt     Mir. 

*  GqttK9VHiy  ajjJVered,  T^iat  all  tb^  Pa^ntynftftr 
<  appointed  and'  dii^eA  of ;    but  fj^  .Ti^Pfe  tli^ 

'   *  I^rd:  Treafurec  bad  i;e&rved  tome  ^Mitli'  t»  U^ 
,    f  own  dirpofiog>  ai^d-ttni,  his.  J^rdjjbip  might  it 

*  me  have  apart,  ifhfiioplca^. 

GJXX  LOWlfe. 

jiemkr-oh.  •'-  >       E,  XciMeu^ 

E.Sh^^     .    .  R*.Bri^ 

TJh  Miefmhutima/  Richard  Vbnk,  ukm  the  yi 

,    *  I  was  twice  ac  thrice  with  Sic  jfo^  ^^«m- 
*herm»,.()OX  of  the  new- Patentefs^   tf  intmat  I 

*  plight  have  %  Partin^the  Great  Fann  wiUkhbi; 
.  '"and  his  Partijersi  wuh,  whona  I  hOp«i>/t«^u^ 

}  'prev»iled»  becaifle  I  had  ionoerly  bcw»  9  Pw«o«r 

f  wiih  him  in  the  Gfjeax  Farm,  and  ^.tW(Tisoc> 

■{  .and  ntm  fJi(3>  I  »ffi.  Partner  wtffe.  Aon  i*  thr 

;    .  ■■■-./:  :f.P«T- 


5^'  B  Iff  &  -t  A  N  to.  -a^ 

*^iiEflaa.weleall.(^Ur..  tut^  afpotntcd  me,  ifli^ldtrnl        *^ 

*  to  have  aPait,  I  muft  rcpair.untotkcLorcI  1jre»- 
^Antj.  .«ti£clt  aavedinglir  I  did;  Et  pJealed'hi* 
^^'Rttr  »e»  Xhat  he  vrcMJd  do."hiS 
^bcift:tq  hcJi>  mc  to  a.  Put,  fm-.  he.  bad  rdcnetl 
'rfeitaeJ^As.  A&cfwudft  upon  faaiJicr  Cooiidti- 
^ntina,  iBoowiitg  .tfa^  Msf kwC.  ibd|v«itdren.Aatl 

*  loft  the  one  Half  ci  their  Trade,  and.  tiu^  tbey 
'*  imfKHStfld  Uttlef^ff .  b|tf.  Spices  for  their  Return, 

*  my'felF  being  a  poor  Member  of  that  Company, 
I  *  and  that  tj^e^ii'.acnic^  chief  Hopes  were  ufton  the 

*  Ea^-India^Ti^;  X  ^^  attend  upon  niy.  Lord 
'  Trcafurer'^^dn,  anJ  prayed  his  Lordlbjp^  if  if 
'  might  not  be  offenfivc,  that  if  he  intend<^  iat 
Ka^Sfipr*  ^  swijWJbrfpw  it  elfswhere. 


^trnfmnit,  M.  Mtttlagu. 

■  ■''•      -   z^^f-H*^,  1I624.  .;   ■      ' 

^l^tibp  had)  np-  Bart  in  the  Great  Fann; 

*  but  upon  the  Farmers  talcing  a  new  Leafe  there- 

*  of  of  his  Majefly,  tt^n  the  £x2miiiant-4i4  ^^ 

*  neiVly  defire  the  Lor4  Treafurer  to  have,  a.  Part 

*  of  the  Great  Farm,   ^nd  EmployiQciii;  is^  ihf 

*  -CuftomiHoufe.  His  Loidlhip  proml fed  this "Ex- 
•aniipanf^  thaj  b?  fhsuU-  bwe  one  of,  tjie;  3^ 
"  Parts  in  iJjc  QkoX.  Farnj,  and  alfo  Employment 

*  in  the  Cuitom-Houfc.  ThJs  Examinant  often 
^  a^^ia^ng  hi^  liQid^b^  about  a  Iklqftth  ^id;  mow 

*  i»f;  af^ojypl^  iu3  pfiftrc,  hk  ^.ordfliip^tpld  bin, 
^bff  i^g^t^hMi^oiie  of  the  32  Part^,  but  na.Em- 

*  plt^mfiiVs  fflCtbe  oldfaroiie/sh^dtqJdhisLoid'- 
'^ib^  Tiiaf  they,  would  h»vc,  no  ncw.ll'lBix.ttt 
*'Cqgi$.  in,  ti)  fee  iniip  th^r  ol4  Accoimtt,  as  biv 

■•■■i-QBlibijjfa^;    Wh^retipoft  Ibis  Exwaipuitai^ 
U.,4. *.fweije^ 


24^8  ^Tbl^aritametttary  HisTdRV 

{I.  ji  jaiww  r,  *  fner«d,  He  would  haw  no  Part  of  the  Farm  with^ 
1^4-         '  o'ut  Employment ;  aqd  fo  relinquiflied  his  "Loii- 
*  ftkip  of  his  Promife.  . 

'■  T'heri  he  afterwards  ^cqwuntsd  Mr.  Jbrabaih. 
f  Jaiob,  one  of  the  Fanncoi,  with  the  (aid  'BNqueft, 
■»  to  the  Lord  Treafurer,  and-defircd  his^  FUrthei'- 
^  ance  therein ;  .who  replied.  If  my-Lofd  Tt^^ 
^  furer  have  promifed  you,  you  may  truft  oni  IntK 

*  til  IK^rtn  it. ' 


'■PunhroSe.  '  '     *  E.  Mmtagn.    '    '      ■'    ," 
E.  Shield,  ■  Kb:  BrtftnU^ 

G,  Meneven. 

».,!..  ;  . 

iThe  Examination  af  Sir  NiCHOtAS  FortesCoe, 
'""Knight,  taknvi^i  ■^ofMxy.,  1624. 

*  The  Lpfd  Trtaftirer  promifed  I  fliould'  bafe 
f  one  of  th?  32  Parts  pf  the  Great  Farm,  whieb 

*  I  had  entered  into  Bond  for,  as  oth^m  did*  by  his 

*  Lordlhip's  Appointment.     The  faid  Part  I  ftilf 
J  havefc.afld  did  eVfcr  penceive  he  did  apfwint  i*  foP  ^ 

*  me,  according  to  liis.Lordfliip's  Pfomife  about  the* 

*  Time  the  Great  Farm  was  fct.  ' 

"    "'  '  '         NICH.  FORTESCU^.      ^ 

Pembraie,  E.  Montagu.  ■    * 

E.Sbiffttld.  ■■   .      Re.BriJlo/l. 

G.  Mentvm. 

,..Tl*  Examination  of ' Sir  Philip  Carey,  Knig^x^ 
taken  the  id  af  y^xj,  1624. 

»    •  When  the  Farmers  had  made  thtir  Gontraa 
f*  with  the  Lord  Treafurer  for  the  Great  F«rm,  \ 

*  entreated  his  Lordfhip  that  I  tni^t  have  Tome 

*  Part  in  it,  in  rcfpefl  I  had  beeh  one  of  thofe  whb 

*  had  bidden  for  that  Farm,  and  been  a  Means  to 
*■  raifc  it  for  the  King's    Benefit.     His  Lordlhif* 

*  then  promifed  me  that  I  Ihould  have  one  of  tht 
i  3a  Parts.     Within  few!  Days  after,  meeting  with 

-'  *  Mr. 


•/ENGLAND.  ^49 

f  iSc  Airabain  JacAj  I  tdd  hlni  dut  I  had  beudi  Aa>  u  Jum  |« 
f  that  he,  ajbd  the  left  of  the  Faimera  had  conclu-r        '^*^ 

*  ded  with  my  I*ord  Treafiirer  for  the  Great  Fann, 
f  wharenpon  I  had  requcfted  his  Lordfhtp  for  a  Part 
f  in  it,  and  he  had  proatifed  to  rcTeive  one  of  die  31 

*  Parts  for  me.  Mr.  Jaiab  anfwered,  I  needed  not  to 

<  have  troubled  my  Lord  for  it,  for  thatlmight  have 

<  had  fo  much  from  the  Fanners  themfelrei,  \il 

*  had  detired  it  of  them.  I  faid.  That  was  nit^re 
.<  than  I  did  know.     But  vrhcn  I  undetftood  that  X 

*  muft  enter  into  Bo^d  of  1500/.  to  the  Kingi 

*  and  that  the  Maturing  of  the  Buiinel^  muft  & 

*  put  into  the  Hands  of  a  few  Coaimittees,  the 
f  Fcft  of  ua  litting  for  Cyphers ;  and  doubting  (hat 

*  die  Benefit  of  ^  Bargain  wquld  not  be  worth 

*  the  undergoing  thefe  Inconveniences,  I  refolved  ' 
^'with  myfetf  abfolutely  to  relinqi(ilh ;  andintreat- 

f  ed  "Sir  DtiMey  Diggs  to  fignify  fo  much  to  the 
^  Farmers,  tiwether  with  my  Reafons  for  fo  doing; 

*  which,  not  Toag  after,  he  told  me  he  had  done, 

*  and  thattheywer^coqtcntediaifdwould  forbear  it. 


faiArtke.  E.  MnUgK. 

•B.  Sheffield,  Ha,  Bri/iill, 

G.  Mtnevtn. 

7i*  Examma'ttn «f  Sir  Richard  Weston,  Chmr 
aihr  »f  tbt  Exchtfiur. 

*  That  I  had  two  31  Parts  in  the  Qreat  Farm, 
fand  that,  about  March  or  April  was  Twelve^ 

*  Months,  I  fold  thefe  two  vi  Parts  to  the  Fat- 

*  mers  for  500  /.  which  the  Deed  and  Bond  be- 
{  tween  th&Farn^rs  and  me  will  declare. 

*  That  about  Midjutttmer  lali,  going  with  taj 

*  Lord  Treafurer  in  his  Coach  to  Chelfia^  he  told 
*'me,  with  fome  Joy,  That  he  had  fold  his  four 
f  32  Part)  to  thf  Fanners  for  jooo V.  and  that  he 

^  .'had 

(..(Kittle  ' 

i'^©  theParSameaAa/y!  Mr fcr o^K V 

a- 11  J^r"^  ^.  f*  batt  made  ^at  B&rgun  aftar  ^  JUte-  of  auN^ 

*  Thefe  Ex^iiiations  bieifig  rtadj  Ibfr.  «7ffl(  (ihe 
fejrrf  Trt^fiiter's  aBcretafj-,  #bo  a^fttd  his  LonK 
^ip  !n  i^rting  his  Papers)  yA^»w  fainifdf -bf 
Cotttmanfim.ei^  of  the  Lords.'' 

'  Then  the  ,^ixl  Tre*&rer  made  a  brief  R^c-- 

,  fi}ipa,  of  his  ProofiF  of  his  tnterelt  fn  feme  31  Svrta 

of  the  Oreat  FSlm  }    atMJ-  took  BxoeptioR  againft 

tt>e  Tdtimoiiy  of  Mraham.'yKth^  for  it  variad'iti 

Time" of  Paytiiqnt.of  his  loOoV;  f«pi»  the.  Tcftr- 

Wony  of  ^tmarit-  B^it,     Art*  bi»  LpnUiip  af- 

Th«  LonJTm-'finned,  ?ji'^(  /fc,500,l.  was  ri^pUud byhijf,t&fatd 

^^£^J^^^^    'Abraham  jicob  dni  tun  mtre,  m  %Sif  JUanitmef 

y^^  lhi,P4t^J^:pvi^i^  whertai  be  receiwd  tie  fame  eiiif 

ffff  iit  Intefejf^  itt  'pur  32  Parti  ef  the  Great  Farm. 

'  And  as  touching  the  antedated  Lettef,  and  the 

antedated  Ad^ijttance',"-his  Lordfiiip  faid,  ^RiittSkf 

werejh  dane,  kjt  Alrrahftm  Jacob  JbotiU-  tBit  luii-ft 

hit  Tejiimony  he  loft.  .  '      .  ' 

Vf  Atttni«y'<       »  Unto  which  Mn  Attorney  replied,  That  it  i> 

■^^■*t.  fii^iently  prgyed,  that  the  (aid  Trcafurer,  neither 

\(r}ien  he  receive'd'^e  i^ooo  U  aa^  long  bcfeia, 

any  Right  to  the  ^td  3%  Partg  :  Aftd  thereupon  he 

ftat^  the  C^fe  as  before,  and  rehearfed  the  feven 

Reafons  by  hriq  fotvierly  alled^d,  to  pDovfttHat'the 

toi^d  Treafurer  hait  waveil-  His  P^dpoHtidn.  at  hav*- 

ing  the  difpofing  of  any  Part  in  tM  Gceat  Eantf  t 

ASd-fiiither,  h^direfted  theCWk'oj.^eaithisEje- 

amiiution,  t^keA  hereV^v  Parte  Scm^'Sb^MO'^  ntA 

IPke,  ^xqmnatm  of  Mf.  Henry  Gai^raway. 

vninivitiDM  *  Ta^t.  he  dorii  abHohitely  deny^  That  tho  I«pni 

t^VMntfoM,        ^  Treafurcr,  at  that  Time  <^  his  Demand  of  loool. 

*  whfcA 

frnincii>w^r«bout  the  'Kli4di»-of'  J^  !>§«  M-lna  Mu~>a  j^b»^ 
i^bcfi  BicineiBbraDcm,  bwl'  an^  lM«reA  or  Rijrtit  to'  t"4> 
>aiiy  Fdrtin  tho  Great  Fftna^  botding  tiis  Lord- 
f-fln]>  cKCmpted  from,  and  the  IVttnteoa  inveftttf 
*.  in,  thofet  P«te  fo  rdln^uKhtfti,  when  bU- Lord-' 
f  Slip  had  If^td  the  Warrant  to  Mr.  We/ti  liw  Mir 
^jcfty'sRsmpinbrancer,  toa«cept<)f  thcirSscaritTi 
•■  W  dw  faW /ftiwy  Gavjrauwjr  Gftrfcffeth,  That-h^ 
Sdoth-  wellr  ramtmW,  that  M<i  Tac^  did'  inti- 
^  matC' uiKo  hitrt,  and  to  thS'reA-of;  tbe-Ptatmtces,' 
^tbe  Lord  TfWufef'4-  Demand  of  tpooV.  under 
"Pretmoe  of'four3Z-PaFte  of'the  Farm;  but  not* 
'*-in-tbat  96uuiv  that-wc  fliovld'byy  them,  or  hV 
■  *-  IcU  them  to-us  y  which  Medort^  be  alfo  remem- 
*>bi«di.wdf,  dl^  entert&ined  vntli  a  great  deahof 
frlddignation  i  wondering  what  tMsLcffdfiiipflioulif 
frmttd,  to  lay  Glainvto  thct  be^d'bo  Il^nmer  ot 

•  Right  unto.  But-whm  this  I>eponcRtan4  ;Patt->' 
*ijwrs  &w  a^d-pcroeived'  b^  Mr.  ?m'ai,  that  ttie 

*  Lord  Trcafurer  was,  bent,  by  all  M«ans,  to  have' 
ribU  Wd1t;.'«fte*'fonie  fevc  Says  ^nOderatlon  of 
f  their  Bufine&  then  depending  with  his  Lordffi&tf' 
fi«tmel7,  theiigning  o^  the  Warrant  fdr  the  ^- 

•  compcnce  of  the  Daaiage  fuftained  by  the  Petty 
*-P»nn»^  and'-likewife  t^  Wanant  for  perfe&JQg' 

•  the  Security  for  the  Parts  of  the  Great  Fkrm^  re-' 

*  linqulihed  by  Mr /VwV/p  Cr«-^,  andotliera;  they 
■■rcfolved,  having  ^  Con  font  of  the  Partners  in 
*\lliR.Pttt)'*'awB9,  to  give  Liber^  W  My.  Jiali 

*  to  promifit- 4ris  IiprdCbip  looo-A  wheivof  5bo/.' 
f-mts  tobe'^^  b^  one  Farm,  and  500^.  l^  the 
'other;  blit ^wixhtiMt  any  Acknowlfcd^Kment  of 
*Righ*.  ^  . 

*  Tbat^ft'.  %c^lfadOrder  from  the  Deponent, 
*3nd  hi»PWtnW  in  the  Great  Firm;  foi-yioV 

*  and  from  Mk  ^fde  and  Mrt  -£>«awi),  and  other' 

•  Ptwtners  in, th# ratty  Farms, -fiJrotlier  500/;  td' 
*'be  given  to  hiS' £k>r(lftip,  as  a'  Oratuity  to  pi'efer' 
'*-tfaeir  Bufinefe;  but  not)  for  any  InCereA  to  any' 
*-Parts  irf  the  Great  Farm,  asheconceiveth. 

*  That  h©  conceived  it  ta  be  trae,  that  >(n  Jo^ ' 
'    f  foi-  paid  unto  the  Lord  TreaAirer,  in  one  entii* 



*5?t  72tf -Pd^iMw/rftwy  Hi?;T(jity 

■•  u  JvM|,l>-*  Aiy^^oCr  1000 /.  09  in  the  former  Depaficioiu  if 

*fH:        *  declared  ^.and  that  the  faid  Payment,  as  he  hatlr 

'.heard  Mr.  Jaab  fay,  was  about  the  latter  End  of 

*\Jwuh6.     That  prefently  after  the  Lord  Trea-^ 

*  furcj  bad  figsed  the  Warrant  to  Mr.  Jaht  Wtfti 
\  for  tike  accepting  of  their  Security,  .as  afbfefud,' 
\  wfuch  was  in  j^^,  1622,  to  this  Deponent's  belt 
i  Remembrance,  be  ^is  Deponent  a&d  his  Part-' 
\  necs,.  the  Patentpe*  in  the  Qreat  Ffinni,  gave  Or-- 
*der*o  draw  up  the  Indentures  fovthe  Dtvifionof' 
fc,the  whole  32  Parts  ;  which  .-w^  c^ne  long  be-' 
^;£wc  the  Lord  Treafurer  made. any.  Dcoiwid  of 
*;fix  Parts;  for»  ^4  this  Deponent's  beft'Rentem-' 
*bnuice,  the  Lord  Treasurer  di4  :not  ki^c  any 
^ pFioand  till  the  Month  of  Jme,,  j6a.j.  And  ar 
*[jto  the  Parts  divided  among  the  Patentees,  thir 
'Deponent  doth  nuke  Anfwer,  that  the  Divifior 
l^n  mads- was  as, follows,  vi%. 

->  To  Sir  Jthn,  WolptJulmty  five  32  Parts  aniJ' 
*-;(bree  Fourths., 

-,  ?  ,To  Mr. .  Jbrabam  Jatob^  foiy.  33  Parts  and 
'^thres  Fourths,    .  * 

_ .  *■  T«  Mr.  Merriu  Mhtf  four  3a  Part«  and 
*.lh^ee  Fpurths.  • 

^ .  *  To  this  Deponent  five   32   Parts  .  and  three; 

*  Fourth^.  ' 
.  *  Sut.^  the  Tirae  Mr.  yiuehm^ifs  the  Propo-' 

*.fit|on  on  the  Behalf  of  the  Lonl  Treafurer,  thene' 
'~w3if  rto'  new  Divifia.n ;  for  th^t  the  whole  thir^ ' 

*  two- Parts  ymc  3II  divided  long  before. 

*  Tharche  faid  looo/.  v/is  givco  by  Con(eot* 
*^of  ttiofp  thiat  had  the  Managing  of  ^e  BuJinefs- 

*  in  both  Farms,  as  is  before  declared  ;  and  it  was,  ' 
■  after  a  CoH/i}ltation  had  among  the.  Partners  of 

*  both  FainiS|ii§iid  pot  before  i   and.  the  Partners 

*  that, were  pfeff^tat  thofe  Confi^t^tions  were,  Sir 
'Jehn  JVoyitubfllmt^  Mr.  Abr«kam  JmK  Mr. 
^-Meraard Hy4*fM':  Abraham  Derwes^  Mr.  JWit' 
^■Harrifony  andthis  Deponent,  all  Partners  in  the' 

*  Petty  Farms,  and  all,  excepting  Mr.  Hydt,  inter- ■ 
*sfted  in  tb«  Gr^t   Farmj      but  whether  any 

-        '        .  ■      .  '4)tlicr' 


»/    E  NG  L  AND,  xf) 

*  other  of  the  Partners  were  prefent,  he  rememben  *^  ■!  J-a«t 
!"not.  rtN- 

'  That  the  Patentees  of  the  Great  Farm  did  ne- 
'  ver,  to  his  Knowledge,  demand  of  the  Partners  of 

*  the  Petty  Farms  any  Sum  of  Money  to  be  give^ 
'  to  the  Lord  Treafurcr  :  But  the  Partners  in  thj} 
*Petty  Farm,  without  Motion  from  the  Patentee* 

*  of  the  Great  Farm,  (finding  their  Bufinefs  for  lacjc 

*  of  Recompence  haid  fo  longftuck)  did  freelyj  anp 

*  of  their  own  Accord,  declare  their  Confent  to  gii^ 

*  500  /.  as  conceiving  their  Bufinefs  would  never 

*  have  an  End,  till  the  Lord  Ttcafurer  was-grati- 

*  lied :  .'And,  on  the  other  Side,  the  Patentees  of  the 
,  •  Great  Farm,  finding  thcmfelves  opprelTed  witk 
'  '  an  unjuft  Deinand,  were  willing  to  emertdn  dieii 

*  Offer  to'cale  thcmfelves  of  that  Part  of   the 

*  Burthen. 

*  That  hitherto  the  5,00  /.  charged  in  the  Ac-. 

*  count  of  the  Petty  Farms,  as  a  Gratification  to 

*  the  Lord  Treafurer,  is  not  yet  pafied  to  the  Ac- 

*  count  of  the  Great  Farm ;  but  he  a  .knowiedgeth 
•.it  to  be  true.  That,  at  the  Importunity  of  the 
^  Lord  Treafurcr,  made  unto  them  in  'January  or 
.*  Fihruary  laft,    when  he  alledgcd  thai  it  might 

*  entrench  upon  him  in  point  of  his  Honour,  if  it 

*  were  not  taken  off  from  that  Account,  and  paid 

*  unto  the  Partners  of  the  Petty  Farms,  the  Pa- 

*  tentees  not  being  willing  to  deny  the  Lortl  Trea- 

*  furcr  of  England  for  a  Matter  of  500/.  did  give 

*  their  Confcnt  to  take  the  Burthen  upon  them- 

*  felves,  in  equal' Shares  for  this,  vije.  125/.  for 
'  *  every  Patentee's  fourth  Part. . 

•  That  the  four  Patentees  of  the  Great  Farm 
'  then  (when  Mr.  Jacah  had  made  the  Propoficion 

*  for  1000/.    for  the   Lord  Treafurcr)  did  agree 

■  *  only  to  pay  500  /.  and  to  accept  of  the  Offer  of 

*  thePetty  Farmers  for  the  other  500/,  which  500/. 
*  *  fo  by  them,  the  Patentees  of  die  Great  Fjutji,  in 

*  be  given,  they  ever  intended  fiar  a  Gratification 
'  for  paffing  of  their  Security  1  and  the  Warranty 

- 1  which  did  order  Mr.  PfilUams,  their  Trrafurer, 
J  to  repay  the  (aid  500/,  to  Mr.  yaab,  dorh  make 

■  ■'  i    '  '  Mention 


aj4  7^  ParUamauary  H-i»To;Rt 

>■  11  jwKil'  *  Mention  that  it  -«(»  ^^r  a  GntificatiMj  as  ^r  M 
*"♦•        '*  (aid Warrant  it  dofli   ailid  may  appear;  the  laid 

*  Sum   of  j6o/.  Teauuning  to  ths  EW*  'in  the 

*  fame  Nature  it  was  paid,  without  anj  AKeiati9n^ 

*  It  is  true,  thit  the  four  Patentees  have  ^qiialW- 

*  divided  amoiig  them  the  Parts  rdin({uiflied  by  Sir 

*  Philip  Carey,  and  thcreft  ;  for  th^y  are  onW 
''  bound  as  Patentees  to  his  Majefe,  aad  the  reft 
■•but  as  Sureties  j  and  if  atlthereftof  thePartncK 
^fbduld  have  rdinquiflied,  they  'wcie  bound  t» 
'*  take  thi  liutK  upon'  themTelves. 


E.  Sh^ld.  Xji.  BrifitU. 

Q.  MetuvtHt 

*  The  Examination  af  Sir  Tm^  W^/Uttheki^ 
'Snight,  was  to  the  lame  £fie£t/ 

^3-it  EKttimuitim  cf  Abs-ahms  Jacob, 'finliR  eh 
Parte  Donsinl  Regis,  April  17,  1624. 

*  That  the  Lord  Treafurer's  Demand  of  die 

*  four  32  Parts  was  after  the  Farmers  had  divided 

*  the   FroJits  ther«of  among  themfeivcB,    for  one 

*  Year,  by  Indetltares ;  ana  after  the  Lord  Tre»- 

*  furer  had  waved  his  Claim,  and  had  given  his 

*  WarranttoMr./^f/9  for  the  whole  32  Parts,  C9'<. 
*i«/<<»tf<;i7,  (P.  040.) 

*'And,-as  touching  the  Lord  TTcafnrer'sExcep- 
j^on  to  the  Teftimonics  of  Abrabmn  7«*i,  ^ 
that  it  varied  in  Time  from  Bernard  HyJ*^  Mr. 
•  Attorney  fhewed,  that  Ahrab^m  Jacob  depofeth* 
That  he  -paid  the  Money  to  the  Lord  Treofiirer-oe 
the  27th  of  Jum,  1623,  by  Diredion  from  eke 
Farmers,  and  BtrnardHyde  fwears.  That  the  M«- 
iiey  was  delivered  to  ^01:0^  die  31ft  of  j'k^,  16^3 1 
which  was  by  way  of  Allowance  bade  agK>iii  ^i^ 
.     .    •»)  Contfadi^Uon  hctwc^  ihe«.* 


tf  E^<51.  A  N  a  «^ 

'*  nctMn  fhl-LoFd  TrtaftiRT  protdtcdt  7%M,  at  As.  ikJudc*]^ 
fuflkaitw^r  it  at  the  fearful  D.ay  pf  fudgmttlX,        '**•• 
■Ar  rkeived  that  ibool.  fir  no  tlhtr  -CM/tdtrMim 
HKnfir  kii  Shaft  in  thtfiur  ja-  ParU. 

*  Andastouchti^thc'tiiirdCort'uption,  byway 
of  a  New-YeaHs  Gift,  he  faid.  That  nothing  be-  The  UjA  rm, 
-kngs  to  the  Lord  2V^a*w-'j  Place  hut  201.    PW^^J^J^J^^l^^ 
Dicni,  the  SaUof  the  Pieces  when  they  fall,  and  the  r^"**"^ 
NeW-iYear'i  6ifi ;  and  denitd,  liat  he  ttrgtd  thru 
V  a»f  ctrtiifi  Sum, 

AUv^eh,  ^  ^id,  ht  Would  humblj  Itavi  <f 
^krir^Lord/bips  hmewatle  Cat^deratian  ;  and,  witb- 
tlf  requeued  their  Lcrdjhipt  to  forbear  his  further 
Atttridance  hen  till  Monday  ^exty  'becgufe  he  ha^ 
fftnt  his  Spiritt  fo  far,  that  hit  Cat^e  might  etherr 
•viftfitffer  thremgiBis  H^eahtefs.  And  fo  withdretf 

*  Tllle  Lonis.gMtfd  Ms  R^ueli,  and  com- 
manded the  GenUeman -U&er  to  figilify  fo  mucli 
to  his  Lordfliip ;  ^d  further  ordered,  that  he  fliould 
attend  their  Lortfoiip^here'rfgain  on  Monday,  next, 
at  flight  JR  the  Monfing,  atthe  B^.' 

*  Ail  Order  was  fcwd  tj-  the  Glerk,  accwd- 
-^ly,  and 'ftnt  to  the'Lord  Tieafuror. 

-May%.    Tbis  D^y  the  Lords  received  flDtli  ths 
Commons,  by  Sa  Edward  Coic,  Knt.'and'oebersa 
«ight  Bills,  along  with  this  Meflage,    '  That  the  —^  -^ 
£ommMi$  do  humbly  deCre  to  knowj '  what  Time  dcGn  ■  con^ 
'tfieir  LordflUps  wiUpIei^e  \0  appoint  for  a-Gonfo*  ""kch  1  fiiU. 
-.rehee.toochiflg  the  Bill  on  Monop^ies.  '1^'^."°'"^ 

'  They  do  alfo'deiire  a  Comerence  touching     ' 
■feoA  Accdattoo  ag^njlt'the  Lord  Biihop  of  Nor- 
*mA,^iinto  which  bia  Lordflup  has  not  yet  been 
4e]trdi  h'<Ambly  leaving  the  Time  and  t^law  to  (bcir 
.    AtipoiiKitoeAt. 

*  l\itd  tbiy  do'  carfleftly  fecoounend '  tQ  their 
-ZH>rdAiit>«  Cw^deratioA,  that  general 'Pcace-:mak^ 
^^'EtiglaiHti  ttie  Bi}l  of  CcMic^mcnts.' 

A^va^.  *  Tfef  JlfOfda  ha?e  appointed  a  Cohfer- 
rence  fonciAriijig.' Mompolies  tbi«  ititeFnoon>   aT 

...  '  ,      *  They 


256  77k  ParJtamekaiy  History 

Am.  «  Ji«*I.  «  They  have  not  yet  refolved  of  a  Time  for  the 
*  ***  Conference  touching  Accu&tiooE  againft  the  Lorfl 
Bifliop  of  Naruiicb ;  for  that  divers  of  the  Lords 
are,  now  abfent :  Buti  as  loon  as  they  cui  conveni- 
ently appoinra  Time  for  the  lame,  their  Lordihips 
will  fend  to  then  by  Meflengers  of  their  own. 
'  *  As  touching  die  Bill  of  Concealments,  their 

'  Lordlhips  have  taken  the  lame  into  their  isrttNa 

Confidcration ;  and  it  is  only  deferred  for  that  all 
the  King's  Council,  who  are  appointed  to  attend 
the' lame,  are,  at  this  Time,  otherwife  employed; 
But  their  Lordfbipe  do  promife  all  poffible  Expedi- 
tion therein.' 

May  10.  The  Lfird  Keeper  put  the  Houfe  in 
mind  of  the  Bufmefs  concemine  the  Lord  Trea- 
furer,  to  be  proceeded  in  this  Momine-  And  his 
Lordlhip  being  brought  to  the  Bar,  Mr.  Seneant 
Crew  opened  the  Charge  againft  him  oh  the  Leafe 
of  Sugartj  in  this  Manner : 

Quarto  Decembris,  /fitno  18  Jacobi. 
fntttiSatu-  T^HE  Kingleafcth  to  Georgf  Htrriet  the  Tm- 
IMaft  [be  Lord  X  poU  on  Sugars,  to  hold  from  Chriftmas  fol- 
TWnrerc^  '"» lowing,  for  three  Years,  at  the  Rate  of  5666/. 
iMfe  or  («»■  ,~  j_  ^^_  p^  Jnmm,  payable  at  Midfummtr  and 

Duedteimo  Januarii,  Anne  19  Jacobi. 
*  The  Lord  Treafurer  procures  George  Hrrritt 
to  tiuTender  that  Leafe ;  and,  the  next  Days  takes 
a  Leafe  thereof  from  the  King,  unto  NtcbtUt 
Harmon  and'Thamas  Catchmayy  (two  of  his  Lord^ 
fliips  Servants)  unto  his  own  Ufe,  at  2000/.  Rent 
per  Anrmm,  and  lets  die  fame  unto  the  FarmerB  at 
6000 1,  per  Annum :  And,  to  eSeSt  this  Surrender, 
idves  Order,  in  aTime  of  Scarcityx)f  Money,  for  the 
Payment  of  14,865  /.  due  unto  the  laid  Htrrttt 
I    .  for  Jewels,  which  was  paid,  between  the  isth  (^ 

December^  1621,  and  the  loth  of  yonuarj  f^low- 
ing,  in  this  Manner,  viz.  7000  /.  odd  Money,  out 
of  the  Arrears  of  the  laid  Gttrgt  fitrr'ut't  BJents, 

I  v4 


.  ^  E  M  0  L  A  N  b.        '     ±sji 

"taaA  7060/.  odd  Monftjr,  out  of  the  Tobateo  Farna-,  Ai.  i«  jmtti 
^r  wwr  of  Anticipation/  *'*4' 

t  The  Crime  objdAed  againft  the  Lord  TrtiaCu- 
.  irer  herein  is  this :  Had  l^rrisft  Leafe  continued* 
'HerriBt't  Debt  h«d  been  paid  out  of  bi^  Rent ;  ii\A 
tbe  laid  Trcafurer  has  not  only  caufed  the  laid 
Lcafe  to  be  furrendered,  and  procured  a  new  Leafe 
IJKEQofunto  his  Servants,  to  his  own  Ufe,  at  a  far 
lefsRent;  but  hath  laid  7000/.  ofthat  Debt  upon 
the  Fantl  of  Tobacco :  And  tliia  he  hath  done  iif 
a  Time  of  Scarcity  of  Money,  eVen  then  When  he 
caufed  the  ImpotcioRs  to  be  laid  on  the  Wines  for 
a  Supply  for  the  Palatinate :  And  further,  he  hattl 
|jaid  die  finaller  Rent  of  zooo/.  per  Annum,  very 
4pwly  unto  the  King ;  an  Arrcar  of  3000  /.  thcre^ 
of  being  paid  lic^e  the  3  til  of  Deetmbtr  laft,  after 
the  Summons  of  thisPariiament.' 

*  And  whereae,  for  the  Advancement  of  Trade, 
die  Merchants,  upon  Ae  Exportation  of  their  Met'- 
thandizes,  are  tepaid  their  Cuftomt  which  they 
ioaaialf  paid  upon  the  Importation  :  This  is  de> 
nied  upon  the  E^Kportation  of  Sugars,  to  the  Da-' 
toa^  of  Ae  Meechanti,  and  for  the  Z«ord  Treafu-* 
ttn  pnvaM  Gain.' 

*  Then  the  Clerk  read  the  Proofs,  w/z. 

tbt  Ctrfificati  efSir  R  o  B  E  ft  T  P  Y  E  and  Sir 
Edward  Wardooa, 

Mr.  Herriott*s  Dtht  dm  to  him  for  Jewehy  and  In  -_,;g_^  ^ 
tohet  Manner  he  wai  fold  the  famey  Between  De-  ^I^^Sm 
cemberi62i,  «/«/ January /fl//jM;/V^,  viz.  thcmpoo. 

*  December  17,  1621,  there  was"j       I,       s.     d, 

*  allowed  (by  Order  from  the  I 

*  LordTreafurer,ZJ«nnA<r-i5,l 

*  1621)  unto  Mr.  Herrlot  fori  792  13  6 
, .  *  Jewels  fold  to  the  late  Queen  I 

*  Anniy  in  part  of  Payment  of  1 

'  3584/'  idi-iod.  the  Sum  of  J  ' 

Vdl.  VI.  R  Br9U£hi 




Ithe  ParUamentary  History 

/.     1 

Braught  over  79a  I 

*  More  allowed  unto  him  by  like' 

•  Order  from  the  Lord  Trea- 

•  fiirer,    Decemier  17,    in  full 

*  Payment  of  the  faid  Sum  of 

*  3584'.  if>'-  lOd. 

3584  16  10  I 

'  11,180     3     2 

*  yanuary  10,    l6ai,    more  al-") 

*  lowed  iinto  Mr.  Herritty  by 

*  fcvcral  Orders  from  the  Lord 

*  Treafurcr,  for  Jcwds,    Wf, 

*  by  him,    at  fundry  Times, 

*  delivered,  and  now  paid  for, 

*  between  the  fsdd  i  Jth  of  • 
'  Dectmbtr^  1621,  and  the  lOth  [ 

*  of  yanuarj  following,  over  | 
'  and  befides  the  Sums  above  I 
'  mentioned  -J 

•  The  Sum  Total  of  all  the  Mo-  ■» 

^neyallowedbytbcLordTrea*  >  14,865 
*  furer,  unto  Mr.  HerrUt,  ts    J 

Tht  Manner  hovo  thtfe  Maniet  were  allowed  aruipaid 
unto  Mr.  Herriot,  was  asfoUowttb: 

•  Decemier  I5,  1621,    there  was-i 
I       '  >i  Tally  ftruck,  at  the  Receipt  I 

?  of  the  Exchequer,   upon  the/ 

*  Farm  of  the  Impoft  of  Su-y      2133  10     fr 
<  eats,  being  the  Remainder  in  1 

*  Mr.  Herriot'i  Hands  upon  his  1 

*  Account  for  J 

*  There  was  likewifc  another Tal- 
" ,  "^'  ly  ftruck  upon  the  Sugars,  for 

*  a  whole  Year's  Rent  due  at 

*  Cbriflmas,    1621,    then  next 

*  fblloViingT   ■by   Mr.  Herriot . 

*  foe  J 

5666  13     4. 



^  i  ^gLasH  D; 


7064  16  2 

,  -■:    .....  .-    ^rvghtvoer    ,,    ., 

*yanuflry:iOy  1621^  there  wert*] 

^  likewUe  ^ko  other  Tallies 

<  more   itruclc    upon   JftHiam 

f  on  the  TqImkxo  Farm  newly  ] 

•  *  lett,  to  d^ein  by  liCtters  Pa- I 

*  Ktit  dMai pec.  21,  itiifhy  | 

*  wajr,  of  Anticipation^  for  the 

*  Sum  of  ,  . 

14,865     o     o 

Thit  being  eUarfJ,  the  new  Grant  0/  Sugars  began 

the ef  January,  l6il,  asfiUowetb : 

^  Jamiafy  i^t  l6lli  the  Ixate  <^\ 
'Sugars  was  graiiteduntOjW- 

*  cMhi  Harmah.,   aftd  Thanias 

■'  *  CatS^i  by  Indenture,  da-    '  • 

f  ted  Jah:  23,  iSli,  Anni  tg.  .    - 

*  %(.'  bUi  they  paid  not  their  ■     iobo     o  '  tJ 
'  firft  Half-Yedr's  Rerif  imlil 

'  ^Jati:  ij,'  1&22J  which  was 

*  tJieh     paid --'fdr    the    Half- 

*  YcSr   ended    at  AfiJ/ummer, 

■      »  r6a4,  J 

*Paid  by  th^iri  fot  the  Half-1 

'  Year's  Rent  due  ztCbriflmas,  >     1000     6    i 

*  if)7.ii  \     ,     * 
^  More  paid  hy  Aeni  ^  laine  1 

*  Day  far  the  Half-Year*-s  Rent  >      lOOO    h    0 

*  at  Midfummer,  1623,  J 

*  Alfo  paid  by  them  for  the  Half-1 

*  Year's  Rent,  diie  at  Chriftmis  >     tdOO   >0     6 
'laft,  1623J  J-^-^ ^ ^ 

4000    O    d 

G.CaM.    ■    ■  Tht.  Cfti.  i^  LUa, 

'R  ManJeviiU.  A.  &ah.  tf  Wells, 

Hi  StuthaiMtmi  H.  Dahvfrt: 

3  10      '**^ 


26o  ■         ^  ParHamttMry  History 

'  »6»*-         The  Exmnitiaiiim  «f  Sir  JowK  WoisTESHolMe, 
Knight,  Abraham  Jacob,  «w/  'Hcnk V  Oak  -' 
HAW  AY,  tain  the  zytb  ef  Apn],  i'624. 

Thtfaid  Examwants  fay,   *  ThSt'  they  and  Mr, 

*  Mirria  Abhoi,  .and  Mr.  Dowts,  aW  Farmers  to 

*  the  Lord  Tre^urer  of  dw  Firm  of  Sugars,  at 
'  *  die  Rent  of  6doo  /.  per  Anmtm,     And  fay.  There 

*  is  not  any  Allowancs  made  to  die  Merchant^ 

*  upon  the  Exportation  of  Sugars,  of  die  Impbft 

*  which  the  Merchant  paid  upon  the  Importation 
^      *  of -the  fame,  according  as  in  the  Cafe  of  other 

*  Merchandize.      And  'thgy  fay.   That  paying  f» 

*  great  a  Rent,  they  may  not  allow  the  ImpoS  to 
^     <  the  Merchant,  loucte  they  havaithnr  Rest  ahatcdy 

*  or  that  his  Majefly  will  bear  the  Burdien.  and 

*  Charge  of  that  AUowancs.     Andfay^  That  they 

*  hare  moved  the  Lord  Treafurer,  that  an  AUow- 
,    *  ance  be  made  to  tb«  Merchant  feu-  the  Advance- 

*  mentjbf  Trade ;  and  his  Lordilup.taok  the  fame 

*  into  CbnjideratioH,  hut  hath  not  given  Dire^on 

*  therein.     And  further  fay.  That  fuch  as  ftrmcd 

*  the  Sugars  before  thefe  Examinants,  did  jiot  give 
<  that  Allowance  i  and  therefore  thefe  Examinants, 
'  following  the  fame  Courfes,  did  not  yidd  any 
'  Allowance,    more  dian  had  been  before  tbeu; 

*  Time. 


G.  Cant.        ~  '  ■  U.  Mar^mtle. 

The.  Cm,  ii  Uuh.  Ar^w  Sath,  t^  l^ilk. 

S',  UCmtVMrtb.  T.  HaiMrd. 

di-  Vanvtrs,  S,  Spencer. 

*  The  Exaaunatian  of.Gearge  Straud,  Gewgt 
Kendal,  and  .Ahrahgm  Dawes,  to  prove  the  fame, 
touching  the  Ihipoft  not  paid,  were  to  the  fefflft 
EfiiMa  is  die  above.'    " 


tf  ENGLAND.  261 

«  As  totWsl^art  oftlie  Charge  the  Lord  Trea-  AJi.Mj«nnl. 
furer  confeffed,-  That  the  Leafi  to  Htrriot  was  «  tHu         "*^ 
Rfnt  tf  $(>b6/.  t^i.  41/.  md  the  Lea/i  to  bit  otun 
XJJi,  [upan  thi  Surrender)  at  2000/.  Rmt ;  and  that  TV  L<«^  Tiw- 
be  bath  let  the  fame  at  booo  I.  pet;  Aiuium  ;  and  af- '^'"''' '^***^ 
firmed,  Ibat  his  Mt^ejly  mat  firft  acquainted  with 
ifi  and  well  allawed  thernf. 

*  Hereupon  the  Lord  Keeper  fignified  to  the 
Houle,  that  ttie  King  had  commanded  him  to  tell 
their  Lordfhips,  That  his  Majefly  undeiftood  that 
the  Lord  Treafurer  fhould  gain  by  his  Leafe  40D0/. 
fier  jintium. — So  there  was  no  further  Proceeding 
la  that  P«nt  of  the  Charge. 

*  The  Lord  Treafurer  alfo  confefled.  That  be 
fO!^  Hcniot   14,000/.  odd  Money  i    but  aifitmed, 

.  That  it  was  a  jujt  Debt,  and  that  Herriot  had  a 
Pmier  to  piri  bimfiift  by  a  Privj-Sealy  out  of  his 

*  His  Lordlbip  denied,  TTtat  he  paid  foool.  of 
that  JDeit  evt  ff^bt  7»haca  Parm,  fy  tony  af  Anti- 

■  tif>eaim;  imdfaidhe  miy  transferred  it  from  the  Su- 
■gart  la   the    Tei/uco,    and  ji^ified  the- Jam* }  far 

■  that  the  Sin^S  Mteiang  was.  That  be  fliould  have 
4000/.  per  Annum  out  of  the  Impofi  for  Sugars^ 
prefttitly  afop  bis  Surrender  of  the  fVardrohe :    And 

the  Kiryi  left  not  by  it-,  for  he^  the  Lord  Treafiirer,  had,         .     ' 
for  the  Dtjhirfements  0/ the  ff^ardrabe,  20,000/.  per 
AnKwm,    tabicb   be   bath  now  fettled  at  i6,0Qo/. 
per  AtUium,  and  yet  the  Kin^s  State  therein  main- 
tained, and  a  Noble  Gentleman  rewarded. 

*  Touching  the  flow  Payment  of  his  Rent,  he 
denied  it  not ;  but  faid,  He  had  difburfed  as  rrmcb, 
tr  morej  before-hand  for  the  K\i^  in  other  Matters. 

*  As  touching  the  Jmpoft  not  returned  ui>an  the 
Exportation  of  Sugars,  his  Lordfliip  denied.  Thai 
it  was  over  dtmanded  of  him ;  vid  affirmed.  That 
if  it  be  dite,  then  the  farmers  art  tied  by  his  Leafe  to 
them  to  repay  it ;  but  if  they  be  not  fo  tied,  that  then 
bf  wiUpay  it  all,  both  far  the  Time  paft  and  to  emti. 
And  thus  ended  the  Qiarge  for  the  Sugars. 



86?  ??tf  ParJlamenfary  H  i  s  t  o  r  v 

AO.MJMPMI.  G    R    t»    C    E    R    y. 

Tfc  -Oum  u  *  Then  Mr.  Seljeanf  Crew  opened  the  Qkaga 
I  u  Gnc^in. '    9gain&  the  Lord  Treafurer,  touching  his  Lordfhip'f 

"  Warnmts  Jp  levy  Ppmpodtions  for  Purveyance  o^' 

Grocery  in  the  Out-Ports,  ^fter  this  Manner,  viz, 
,  .'  Th^t  the  City  pf  Lindon  did  compound  wit^ 
^ King  for  Grocery:  But  the  Out-Ports  refufed. 
cfpccially  Brt/ioly  and  yielded  to  Purycyance  in 
Kind ;  and  that  Briflol  had  an  Order  for  this  iij 
the  Exchequer,  in  the  Time  of  Rabert  Earl  of  £177 
lijiiay,  late  Lord  Treafurer ;  Yet,  notwithHand- 
ii^  this,  the  Loix)  Treafurer  dire£ted  his  Warrant) 
to  levy  this  Compolltion  \  and,  although  it  was  n<^ 
due  to  the  King,  nor  any  fuch  Compofition  enter- 
ed into  the  Compting-Houfe,  his  Lordfhip  com- 
manded their  Goods,  then  Iti  ^e  Porta,  to  be  flay- 
ed, and  not  entered,  till  it  was  paid^  or  Bonds  given 
for  it  i  apd  [hj^reby  conftrained  foi^ie  Por^  to  pay 
'  it,  and  the  Mercnants  of  BriJIol^  who  dcnjea  it, 

to  attend  his  Loidihip  t^n  Weeks  together,  to  b£ 
difcharged  i  ai^d  yet  ^opds  were  cxaAed  froni 
the  Merchaif ts  of  ^rtjfol  for  the  Payment  thereof, 
after  the  Lord  Treafur^  was  acquainted  with  die 
faid  Older  in  tl)e  Ifxchequer,  even  tjll  the  Sum- 
mons of .  Parliament ; '  for  which  Mr.  Eeijeant 
Crevj  charged  the  Lord  Treafurer  with  Oppreffion 
and  Extortion,  contrary  to  his  Loidfhip's  Oath^ 
7a  da  Right  to  the  Poor  and  Rich  in  fuch  Things  as 
concern  his  Office.      '  '       '      " 

*  Then  Ui«  Glerlc  read  the  Prooft,  wfe. 

Sra*  BMamnaisan  »f  John  Qvy  and  Joi^N  Bac- 
ker, iaien  the  ii^  ef  April,  ihz^. 

The  faid  Exmusanls  fay,  '  That  ip  the  Time 
f  of  the  Lord  Treafurer  Sctlifiury,  a  Reference  was 
;  *  made  by  his  Lordlhip  to  the  Lord  Chief  Baron, 

^  and  Baron  Snigg,  touching  a  Compofition  thei^ 
f  demanded  of  the  Merchants  of  Brtfiei,  for  PuT; 
i  yeyance  for  Wines  and  Grocery  i  and,  upon  de-r 
■■  f  liberate 

5f   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  163  ] 

*  liberate  Hearing,  the  Officers  of  the  Hodhold  *fc«*  fi'w.t 

*  being  prefent,  it  was  then  refolved,  That  they        '^' 
'  '  fhould  not  be  prelTed  to  thofe  C.oaipofitions,  but 

*  fhould  fubmtt  to  Purveyance  when  his  Majefty 

*  or  the  Queen  came  within  twenty  Miles  of  that 

*  pity ;  and  accordingly,  at  Queen  Jrme's  being 

*  at  the  Bathf  they  did  fu  .  nit  to  Purveyance,  to  the 

*  Charge  of  800/.  yet,  in  Nflunnitr  was  Twelve- 

*  Months,  upon  3  Warrant  from  the  Lord  Tret- 

*  furer,  they  were  prefled  to  pay  Compolition  foe 

*  Grocery,  after  the  Rate  as  was  paid  at  Landan  i 

*  and  were  forced  to  enter  Bonds  for  Payment  or 

*  difcharging  by  a  Day :  That  hereupon  this  Cxa- 

*  minant,  John  Guy,  attended  the  Lord  Tieafurer 

*  to  be  freed,  .and  ihewed  him  the  Proceeding* 

*  before  mentioned ;  but  could  get  no  other  R.e- 

*  lief  but  a  Letter,  of  which  he  now  delivered  st 

*  Co[^  to  the  Lords  Committees,  which  Copy  this 

*  Examinant  had  from  his  LordOiip's  Secretary; 

*  ever  fince  which  Time  the  Officers  have  preyed 
"  die  Merchants  to  enter  Bonds,  tiil  about  the 
"*  Banning  of  the  Parliament :    But,   iincc  t)iat- 

*  Time,  the  OiEcers  have  accepted  the  Merchant) 
'  Words.     And  faith.  That  the  Copy  of  the  Lord 

*  Treafurer's  Warrant,  of  Letter,  dated  the  2orh 
■*  oi  Novembtrf  1622,  is  a  true  Copy  of  the  Letter 

*  which  came  to  the  Port  of  Briflnly  and  is  now  in 

*  the  Hands  of  the  Lord's  Committee* ;  and  fmce 

*  that,  they  have  attended  t«n  Weclts  at  one  Tim^      • 

*  and  have  had  Agents  for  the  City  of  Brifls!  three 

*  Times,  and  have  fpenc  above  tool,  in  Charges*, 
'  to  be  eafcd  of  this  Burthen.  And  they  furlhir 
'  Jay,  They  never  paid  any  Compofition  for  Winss 

*  or  Groceries,  until  the  Lord  Treafurer's  War-    , 

*  rant. 


Jf.  Mandtville,  Tbta.  Howard. 

"Jf.  Siutbamflon. 



S^  TbeParUaHeiOapy  HiS,torv 

A*.  u>«fiT'7%«  Infenrnttion  af  John  CftAPPSiL.   taim  ii^ 
»•*♦•  0-«i/A(29*A«jf  ApriJ,  1624. 

-    *  That  in  the  Cuftom-Hoiifc  of  the  Port  of 

*  Exeter^  there  hath  been  collefted,  for  the  Com- 

*  pofition  Money  of  Grocery,  of  a^id  from  every 

*  Merchant  which  hath  made  any  Entry  in  the  faid 

*  Cuftom-Houfe,    fmce'thc   x+th   of  Navet^ter^ 

*  l622»  by  Warrant  under  the  Hand  and  Seal  of 

*  the  Lord  High  Treafufer  of  England^    of  the 
<  Goods  following,  thefe  feveral  Rates, 

*  Pepper,    Cloves,    Mace,    Nutmegs,    Cinamon, 

'    '  the  C.  Wt.  xvilj  d 

»  Ginger  the  C.         —        xij  d, 

f  Raii^s  of  the  Sun,  the  C.        ^        lijd. 

*  Prunes,  the  Tun  ' —  ■  ■  xvi  d. 

*  Sugar,  in  Loaves  ■.     '■  vid. 

*  Almonds,  theC. vid, 

V  Currants,  the  Tuq  ■■  'i-—  ^s, 

^  Oil,  the  Pipe  — i     -  ■  iij  s, 

*  Coarfe  Sugar,  tiie  C,  *-"  iij  d- 

*  Figs,  the  Barrel  ''—  id. 

*  Figs,  the  Piece  .— —  __,  iiji*^' 

*  Figs,  the  Tapnet  —— ^  ob, 

*  Raifins,  MahgOy  the  Piece  —        id.  ob. 

*  Dates,  the  C,  viij  d. 

«  Rice,  the  C.  iiij  A.  ob. 

'*  Sugars,  Powders,  Whites  and  Mufcavadoes  xxd. 

*  Olives,  the  Tun  ■■■  iiij  d. 

*  Cajlile^  Venice^  and  other  Kinds  of  Cake  Soap* 

*  theC.                     ■  vid.. 

■*  Annifeeds,  theC.             —  ■   ijd. 

*  Sugar  refined,  theC.           — — —  vijjdJ 
^  Liquorice,  theC.               ijd." 

*  TTie  Merchants  Entries  in  the  Cullom  Houf^ 
'  for  any  of  thefc  Goods,  could  not  be  allowed  he- 
'  fore  they  had  compounded  with  the  Affigns  of 

'   *  Mr.  Abraham  JiKab^  to  pay  the  faid  Compofttion 

*  Money,  fpecificd  in  thefe  feveral  Rates. 

H'  MendeviUf.  Rt,  Sfencer, 

H.  Seuthamplm. 

S  Then 


rfENOLAND.  **S 

'  The*  were  read,  t»ieL*)rd  Treiftftt's  general  **-^l[r*'' 
W»rrtnt»  to  Jiraham  ^nrtS,  to  Icry  the  faM 
Cotupofition,  and  not  to  fnffer  any  Goddi  to  b« 
IfUided,  £^(.  mLendan,  and  the  Out -Ports,  until  the 
^\i  CompDfition  be  feft  iv\y  fittisiied,  and  paid  as 
hath  been  accuftomcd :' 

'  The  Copy  of  the  Lord  Treafurer's  Letter  to 
the  Cuftonrcrs  of  Brijel,  recitin?  a  Compofition 
for  Gfecetj,  imd  that  herewfore  divers  Letters  and 
WarrMits  have  been  fent  to  Brifiel,  and  all  other 
■prMtJ,  for  the  CoUeflion  thereof  by  the  late  Lord 
TfeatuKr  Drrjiti  and  tommandmg  that  no  Goods 
He  ^ennitted  to  be  landed,  i^e.  untU  theftidCom- 
-^fidwi  hi  paid,  and  to  be  aiding  ft>r  the  due  CoU 
kAi^  thereof,  according  to  the  faid  LeUer,  dated 
'At  iwth  of  Nnmnier,  1622 :' 

*  Tfce  Copy  of  the  Treaflirei's  Letter  to  the 
Cufl^ners  of  Sriftol,  dated  Fthruary  24th,  1622. 
WiiCTelfi  hn  Lordlhip  takes  Notice  of  an  Agree- 
ment rti*de  between,  the  fate  Lord  Treafurer  BiifiA  " 
Parj  and  them  of  Brijhl,  touching  the  CoTnpou- 
lion  filr  Spices;  and  requires  the  Officers  to  accept 
of  t&e  Merchants  Bonds,  with  Sureties  for  the  Pay- 
meM  thereof,  until  he  had  fully  confidered  of  the 
^d  Agreement :'  Alfo, 

*  The  Relation  of  Thmas  Griar  upon  Oath, 
That  this  Compolition  is  demanded  and  paid  in 
W^maath,  and'«ieir  Goods  not  fuffefcd  to  be  land- 
ed nntil  it  be  paid  :'  And 

*  The  Lord  Treafurer's  Warrant  to  Pwfr,  for 
iftc  Col]e£tiofl  <^  the  faid  Ctjmpofition,  dated  the 
Zifthofj^rf,  1622.' 

The  Lord  Treafurer  anfvrered ,  Thai  htre'm  Tb.  Lord  Tiw 
ht  aid  iut  his  Duty;  and  that  if  he  had  neglet!ed '^'^^^ 
it,  ht  had  net  dme  his  Duty :  That  he  reared  no- 
thing to  he  dine,  ty  At>  Warrants,  bat  -what  was 
0C<t^omed  in  ^leen  Eltzabetil's  Time,  and  in  aS  the 
KMg't  Ttme :  Thttt  his  Warrants  viere  accardrng  to 
the  ufual  Form,  md  genervi  ie  aii  the  Ports,  nat 
knowing  that  Briftol  was  -exempted  by  the  Order  in 
the  Lard  Treafurer  Salifbury's  Time,  uritil  after- 
if(W(g[( :  That  vihtn  h  haw  «fity  he  yielded  to  their 

2^  the  ParUammtary  History 

m.  M  Jmn  !•  R^qutji,   and  Guy  vrnd  awof  vjtU  fatifjud  with 
>#»*•         his  Anfwtr :  And  that  ntnt  bad  Benefit  by  the  Com- 
fofittent  tut  the  King  only. 

*  TheCleik  read  the  Examinations  taken  on  hla 
jLordflup's  Behalf,  viz. 

Tht  Exanfinatien  of  Sir  Simon  Harvey. 
f  That  Compofition    for  Greciry  was  ufually 
f  colle^wi  in  all  (he  Oitt-Ports  (lave  Exeter  and 
.  •  Briftcl)  in  the  Lord  of  Dtrfefs  Time  s  and  that 

*  himfelf  received  the  lame  for  four  or  five  Years ; 

*  and  that  they  were  but  for  petty  ThiogE,  for  the 

*  moA  part  Things  brought  in  by  way  of  Roprifal, 
«  in  the  Time  of  Queen  Elizaieth.      ThU  Mr. 

'  •  *  yacei  was  appointed  to  levy  the  £uae  fot  thp 

*  King.    That  the  Citi;i«n«  of  J?r^/ did  acquaint 

*  the  Lord  Treafurcr  with  the  Qrder  to  exsnpt 
,    *  them  from  Compdition,  and  the  Lord  Treafurcr 

*  lent  this  Exami^iant  to  treat  with  them  to  yiel^ 

*  to  Compolitioiu  which  they  denied :  Whereupofi 

*  the  Lord  ^reafui:er  anfwered.  Let  them  Jfand  to 

*  ih*  Earl  *f  Salilbury's  Order ;  other  Difcharge  he 

*  gave  thrai  ooQC :  f^n^  this  Examinant  thougt^t 
'  they  went  away  well  latisiied,   for  they  hurd 

*  what  the  L<*d  Treafurcr  faid.' 

The  Exitmwfiim  ^f1^Vi'»  C;>4B^Ef 

•  That  Mr.  "Jexab  was  appointed  to  levy  the  &nie 

*  Compofition,   by  Warrant  fronri  ^e  Lord  Trear 
'  furer }  the  Ground  whereof  was,  .became  die  re- 

*  ceiving  thereof  was  taken  away  from  Themas  B^^ 

*  ret,  the  King's  Grocer,   who  had  giyen  1200/. 

*  And  that  thofe  Duties  had  been  duly  levied  in 
'  fomeofthcOut-Ports,  but£;irrt«-andirj/?*/ftood 

*  out ;'  he  hath  not  known  any  of  thofe  Duties  t»- 

*  ken  lince  the  Queen  was  at  the  Bath ;  and  that 

*  there  is  a  Table  in  the  Cuftom-Houfe  pf  .4^u^» 

*  to  fbew  the  Compofition  for  Lendtn.' 

*  Mr.  Serjeant  Crew  replied.  That  there  is  no 
Table  in  the  Cuflcnn-HouJe,  to  ibew  any  Connto- 

I  fitioq 


.      ^ENGLAND.  167 

jSdtm  for  the  Out-Pom ;  uu!  cauied  die  Gerk  to  A*-**  Jum^ 

^lead  die  Examioation  of  Jthn  Giif,  on  the  Part  of        ***** 

dte  Lord  Treafurer,  taken  Aiof  ift,  16241  which 

agree3>   in  effcA^  widi  his  former  Exai^ination^ 

tuen  for  the  Kii^ ;  and  that  after  he,  and  others 

jof  ErifiiL  had  long  petitioned  the  I/ord  Treafiuo- 

to  have  tneir  jBond  cancelled  and  delivered,  viHifii 

they  had  ent^vd  for  the  Payment  of  the  iaid  Cwn- 

policion,   ^ey  could  not  obtun  any  thing,  lave 

lomz  good  Etepes  and  fair  Words  from  Sir  Sinun 

Harvty;  and  that  dieir  Bonds  are  yet  detained.' 

The  Lprd  Treafurer  affirmed  to  the  I^rdg,  That 
bimfelf  katw  tbi^Qai^afitfn  tt  bt  faiJ  by  the  Out- 
PeriSf  and  tbtti  Ini  Warrant  mat  anlj  to  Uvy  the 
faitUj  gfftrmirly  it  had  htm  paid ;  and  premifid 
■fa  find  BTOKCa  ^ttft  ^  finu  Netts  aut  of  tht 
Cempting-Hau/iy  t»  prove  the  fapntntj  thereof  here- 
fefore  by  the  Out-BarU.  Then  the  Lord  Treafurer 
fvas  withdrawn. 

*  Oidorcd  to  be  here  ^a^n  «  the  Bar  at  Two 
this  Afternoon}  and  agreed  to  have  a  Stool  whilfl 
^hc  Chai^  is  in  giving.' 

Pefi  JHeridieni,     '  The  Lord  Treafurer  being 

-  fcrot^ht  to  the  Bar  (in  maimer  as  before,  and  a 

iStool  fct  for  his  Z.ordmip, )  He  informed  the  Houfe, 

■That,  (accerdiHg  ta  hii  Promifi  this  Manungy)  Bar* 

St  it  ame  with  Actovnt  tauhtng  the  Grocery  paid  at 
riftol ;  and  it  was  agreed  that  they  fltauU  he  brought 
to  theKin^s  Caundl,  to  be  perufid.' 

*  Mr,  Attorney  General  proceeded  to  the  Charge 
concerning  the  0^«  of  the  Ordnanee,  and  the  un- 
lavjful  Bargain  fir  Sir  Roger  Dallifon's  Lands,  in 
this  Manner,  vix. 

*  ThatanotherChargewheteoftheLordTreafu- The  Cbif«e  •• 
rer  is  accufed,  is  concerning  the  O^ce  of  Ordnance,  ^j^*^  ^ 
and  the  unlawful  Bargain  for  Dallifon's  Lands  ;  R,^er  Dallifo*'* 
in  which  will  appear  that  the  Lord  Treafurer,  for  l-"^ 

his  own  private  Benefit,  contrived  and  profecuted 
divers  unlawful  Bargains ;  and  in  the  mean  Time 
ne^efied  wholly  that  which  concerned  the  Public, 
which  was  the  iumiihifig  the  Office  of  Ordnance' 

a68  Tbe^ParliimentaTy  Hi»toky 

^  sa  J*«Kil.  with  Empobns  and  Stores,   for  the'  Sa£^r  <4  t^K  ' 
'.  *'         King  and  his  Kingdoms. 

*  Concerning  the  Bargains,  it,  {bnds  prfwd. 
That  Sir  RagerDalUfMy  being  Lieatenam  of  tbc 
Ordnance,  became  indebted  to  tbe  King  in  9962^ 
/or  Monies  impreiTed  for  that  Office,  but  not  ra- 
.jployed :  And  that  Sir  Roger  Dallifim  and  Sir  31^- 

mat  Mounfia  w»re  indebted  to  tbe  King  by  £oiid» 
to  the  Valiie  of  3100A  which  Bonds  were  forfeit- 
ed for  not  bringing  ccitain  Stores  to  that  Office ; 
both  which  Debts  amounted  to  i^o&2.  and  tfac 
Lands  of  Paliifin  were  extended  for  9962/.  and 
•he  Lands  of  Maunfin  for  3100/.  And  that  ^k^ 
20,  18  "fac.  the  King  affigned  tJicfc  Extents  to 
Francis  Morrict,  Cleik  «f  the  Ordnance,  and  Others 
in  Truft  for  the  Officers  and  Credittws  of  diat  Of- 
fice, towards  Satisfe£Bon  of  fo  much  of  thdr 

*  The  Lord  Treafiirer,  being  a  Commiflioncr  (or 
his  Majefty*?  Debts,  July  28th,  1611,  19  JtaS 
'baVfained  for  thofe  Extents ;  and  by  tirc  Articles 
umtf  bis  Hand  screed  to^e  for  thnn  1062/,  in 
Hand,  and  12,000/.  tnore  by  1000/.  per  An- 
Kumt  for  twelve  Years,  beanning  at  X^a^Daj^ 
16231  and  alfo  to  do  his  bndeavov  to  prociue 
Payment  of  an  Arrear  of  Soooi.  more,  due  to  thtt 
Office  frQin  his  Majefty :  But,  bcfc«e  this  Bargai;i 
was  performed,  at  Asid^ttimas  foltowLng,  be  be- 
cajne  Lord  TrcafoFer;  and  when  they  expe&fid 
Payment  of  the  io62/>  and  Security  for  Uk  teA, 
he  propou;jided  that,  in  lieu  ai  the  j2,pop/.  t»  be 
fecured,  they  fbould  have  his  Part  in  the  Fame  «f 
the  Petty  CuAoms  for  i^nc  Years,  valued  to  be 
worth  1000/.  per  Jnmim,  for  the  two  firft  Yean, 
and  afterwards  1400^.  ptr  Jnmtx,  which,  sceor- 
dins  to  diat  Rate,  would  ^ield  in  niAe  Yean, 
11,800/.  but  coi^  bis  Lordlbip  only  3750/. 

\      *  Me  being  thep  Loid  Tre^urer,  on  wh^  they 

mufl:  depend  both  for  the  Payment  of  the  Atrean, 

-  and  for  future  FavowE,  they  accepted  it  i  oat  mcan- 

,ing  to  I0&  their  1062^   payable  Js  Handj  but  it  - 

4  \    ■  was, 


/,  ENGL  AND.  269 

imx  then  sgain  direaiy  amed  tfcey  flnuU  ba  t)»i  **•  •^^T*' 
their  Soocri.  Amarout  of  Iris  M^efty's  C(^r».'      •  *** 

^  In  JUriury>i6a.i,  Affmrancu  were  prepared, 
and  the  Creditors  required  to  feal,  being  protniM 
ta  have  xtitho- Scaling  ikarSbooL  Aman,  and 
o^oflii^' their  1061/.  from  tbs  Lonl  Tie^krer,' 
wbffreofthe^aevcrcoticdvoiiaDovbei  bat  (ofooit' 
xs  they  had  fedei,  the^ '  were  fent  avray  withouti 
any  Mtmc)^  beiagproiaiftd  to  tecdtre tbdr  8oooJ^ ' 
whin  thne  ar-EoiB-  Ihiyi  ftAef,  wtofa  wa>  Mt 
pcFfbnnfcthiD&ftdit  n  Time;  butwai^  after, fiaii 
in  A«cR  'fervial  Paymeats  out  of  kii  Majefiy'tf 
Money :  Bat  the  ie^^  wUcU  wu  in  have  cotne 
ftnasiuitai'df  was  afafol iltdy- denied,  ttie  Lord  Tri»<' 
finer  dSnain^  that  as  tvra  diat  fini.  as  thc'otbeC 
i2^ool wasallconcliided-and  recotnpenM  bytlw 
IntGR^irthE  Petty  Farms ;  who-aupoti  a  Mew  Dtf" 
brandegrava^nftthemi  Bst  in  the  end  they  wet* 
erifbrced^  m  l«u  ofdiatirtx/.  to  accopt  of  a  fiM^ 
thnJbeereft,  whidi  his LordDrip  had  in  the  Petty 
Vxma^  fot  an  Hal^year  aftn*  the  tune  Yean  were 
«^aMv  eibetncd  worth  not  jiwve  400/,  to  be 
fold:  And  it  -wtat  then  fuFCfaer  agreed,  that  ht«. 
Lordftip  &o«Ur  dian  pay  th«n'tmt  of  the  King's 
Money  4o*a/.  due  to  the  Ofice  over  and  befklm 
die  ionner  Sooo/.  of  which  4000/.  his  Lor^ip 
hMb  Jincecaufed  to  bejnd  vio^i.*' 

*  ■  But  whereas  die  Petty  Cnftomt  w«rc  rtluei 
lo  tiiem  tbAe  worth  for  the  fipft  two  Years  1000/. 
far  Jmmiii,  it  appeareth  that,  m  th«  two  tiiH 
Vearsi,  It  yielded  ttinn  but  1419/.  lyi.  7/  being 
dl  the  ftionef  thy  grewdne  to  iheni  out  of  the 
Peoiitsiof  thofe  Farms  at  Mtkaelmtit  laifl ;  vAKitna 
iff-Ao^  had  kept  their  Entents  of  Dallifii^s  -an4 
iUbniaiWj  Lands,  they  Ihould  have  receiv^  by  Lij- 
J^OayMfk  aknoft  7000/.  for  Part  of  theh-  Debt.* 

'  In  Which  Bargain,  (beTidcstheOppreffions-flnd 
Extremities 'put  on  the  poor  Creditors  and  Officers 
ef  the  Old  nance,  that  might  HI  undergo  a  Bargain 
•f  fo  much  I^fadvantftge  and  t^ofs,)  are  obferved. 
.  two  CotfuptionB ;  the  one,  in  bargaining  to  pay 
the  8ooe  /.  ArMore,  for  though  that  was  agreed  be-* 
-  fore 


a.  M  )aiii»,I.  fbre  he  V/ia  Laid  Tmilmtt^  jtt  he  t}ia)  was.  tnJ[flod| 

*"*•        as  a  Conunii&oner  for  tfacKiivg's  Debts ;  anif ,'  Bcinj^ 

after  Lord  Treafurerf  perfoMied  ditt  Corrupt  Agrn- 

ineiiit  made  before.'      ..  ,  ,,    ■   ^ 

*  TbcodKrGorri/ption'wtis;  in  agrteii^to  pay 
-  liie  other  4CX0/J  for  as  it  is  a  Corruption  in  a  Trea« 

furer  t6  pay  the  Rih'gVdue  Debt  for  Money  given; 
unto  himfelf  J  fo  it  is  to  pay  the  King's  Debt,  fat 
■  gaining  to  himrdf  a  Bargain  by  whrcb  he  eidicr. 
bad  or  did  expeA  Advantage  \  and  dmug^  d)eL<nd 
Treafurer,  in  his  Anfwer;  doth  |ret«Bd.  he  is  * 
Lofer  by  DaBfitCi  Lands,  it  is  certain  that  what- 
foevcr  his  Gain  or  Lo&t- prove  upon  itx.  other  Bar- 
gains fo^  the  Inheritance  of  the  Lands,  this  Batgvir 
with  the  Officers;  taken  by  ilfclf  alone,  was  bSie-' 
ficial ;  and  if  it  were  not,-  it  is  all  one  i  Foi  if  a 
Judge,  or  Treafurer,  bargain  for  a  BrSicj  thuu^ 
he  never  receive'  it^  he  Is : corrupt ;  for  it  ikilb  not 
what  be  had,  but  what  he  aimed  at  and  expededi* 

*  About  die  fame  Timd  that  the  Lord  Treifurw 
bargained  for  the  Extent  aforementioned^. u'z,  zff 
?*$>  19  foe,  he  coBtia&ed  with  iw  Thtmat  Miaif* 
fen,  for  the  Inheritance  of  the  fame  Lands.-' 

'  Ft>r_SirJ?9^rt-2)fl//^,  after  he  became  Lieo-' 
tenant,  of  the  Ordnance,  conveyed  the  tnheritanoe 
of  hisL^ds  to  fecure  Sir  7%)miii  Maunfm  of  diverr 
great  Debts  and'£ng;q;ethent3 ;  fo  as  the  Inheritance 
of  tbofe  Lands,  aner  die  King's  Extent,  was  in 
die  Difpofe^Sir  Thames  Maunfon-,  who  bargained 
for  it  with  the  now  Lord  Treafurer ;  and  upon  thaC 
,  Bargain,  the  Lord  Treafurer  agreed  to  ftee  Sir  Tha^ 
mas  Mounfon's  own  Lands-  of  the  3100/.  Debt,  to 
pay  in  30O0/.  in  Moriey,  and  to  procure  the 
making  of  h<&i  fix  Baronets  and  fome  other  At  Suit 
,  from  the  King;  and  when'the  Baronets  could  riot 

be  obi2in»!d,,th*f  Number  being  full  then,  the  Lord 
Treafurer  procured  him  another  Suit  of  2000^  Va- 
lue, as  his  Lordlhip  efteemed  it,  vix.  For. com- 
pounding with  the  King's  Copyhc^dcrs  of  Wait- 
fitld,  to  reduce  their  Fines  to  Certainty,  ita  which 
Suit  the  Lord  Treafftrer  was  a  Referee  from  the 
King;  and],  for.AccomptUbment  of  diis  Bargains 


■<f   ENGLAND.  tfjt 

made'  for  his  own  private  Gva\,  he  gave  way  to  t^&  JioMl. 
that  Suit  wheicby  fo  much  was  to  be  talocn  for  his  *^4- 
Maiefty :  Yet  there  refted  another  Bargain  to  be 
made,  for  Sir  thomas  Ddllfitti  the  Son  and  Heir  of 
Sir  Rager  DalHfm,  pretended  Title  to  thofe  Larids" 
by  an  old  Entail }  uid  the  Lady  Dallifin,  Widow 
(^  Sir  Reger  DaUifin,  claimed  to  have  the  third  as 
her  Dower ;  and  uia  Lord  Trcafurer  having  entred 
into  Treaty  with  them,  and  finding  their  Demand 
not  fuitable  to  his  Defires,  he,  tO  make  thsm  the 
more  compliant,  threatens  them,  by  his  Extent,  tO' 
keep  them  without  any  thing  for  an  hundred  Years  y 
to  Jay  upon  Sir  ^bamai.  Daliifm  certain  fbrfeitsd 
Bonds,  which,  upon  the  Agreement  with  the  Offi- 
cers of  the  Ordnance,  Were  transferred  to  him ; 
and  he  fends  for  Sir  yohn  ff^oi/ienha/me,  whofe  Soa 
had  married  Sir  .^%a>nas  DaU'ifan't  Sifter,  and  re- 
bukes him  as  an  Hinderer  of  his  Lordlhip's  Pro- 
eeedings  vrith  DaUifin :  And  by  tliefe  and  oAer  like 
Means,  for  anAnnuity  of  200/.  per  Amum,  pro- 
cures a  Relcafe  of  tlteir  Title ;  an^d  whereas  Ss 
■Rsger  Hailifan^  being  potTefled  of  a  Leafe  of  groat 
V^ue,  had  affigned  riie  .£une  to  Sir  fehn  Davis^ 
(at  Security  of  Monoy  owing  to  him  and  Sir  ^'> 
eiford  Stnithf  :whroh  Leafe,  for  Non-payment,  had 
brien-  long  forfeited,  and  the  Pofleffion  gotten  by 
Sir  yabn  Davit  upon  a  Trial  and  Recovery  at 
Common  Law,  which  Pofleflion  bad  continued 
divers  Years ;  the  Lord  Treafurer,  by  this  Agree- 
mentwith  Sir  7%)fRiu.Z>i>i/i/Qit  and  his  Mother,  by 
way  of  unlawful  Muntenance  and  Champarty, 
bought  tlieir  Titje  to  this  Leafe ;  and  having  hedged 
in  thofe  Lands  and  the  Title  to  this  L^fe,  ex- 
changed ^le  fame  with  Sir  Arthur  Ingram  for  othw 
Lands ;  and  then  to  gain  the  Pofle^on  of  thofe 
Irfeafe-Lands  from  Sir  f^a  Daois  and  Sir  RUbard 
Smithy  and  to  make  good  this  Exchange,  an  <Ai 
• '  Oudawry  againlt  Sir  Rager  DaUifm,  before  the  Af- 
£gDment  made  by  Hm  to  Sir  70&i  Davisy  ts  fought 
but,-  the  Debt  beiiig  many  Years  paft  fatisSed ;  by 
(»lour  of  which  Outlawry  and  the^Power  and 
CaHntenance  of  the  Lord  Treafurer,  this  I^eafe  was 

,L.(  Kittle 

fli7*  The  WgrUefthtt^^Hi  s  ?  o  ft  Y 

*^*^-       amT  ^   yii^   Davii  thnift   Mtt  of   Polsfilant. 
i«henu|MiQ  th^  endeavoMred  i».  revatdi  tb«  Oat-* 
Imny  oi  ik  CtmunoQ  Pleu,  and  die  batcr  to'ofif' 
fcCt  it,   tliitT  procttied  aa   Axbnuuflration  of  tbtf 
>  Gauds  of  Sir  S^er  DMlHfin  to  bs  uk«n  by  on*' 

/  Camh^  a.  Cro^tor  of  Sir  £^e/(j  to  th*  iattnt  thn 

ftfd  AdaMnifltatoT  sMght  foe  ta  rareriQ  tJm  Ont- 
lavny ;  bat  the  Lord  ToeajQwer  to  prcvcitt  thtnk 
tfaereio^  kucrpofotk  M  tbe  Kii^'a  N»ne>  tad '  in 
Im  Mt^ofty's  Bflhftlf,  fo  rcvdn  tbat  AdntiaiAni* 
tJQB ;  ead  tbs  better  to  .oHinMDUicc  tine  Bt^msA* 
fi«dsaCa&  so  ^e  King^  Ataotney: cmnuidcd  npo* 
•Aitr  N&tttrs,  wttboot  meniiotufl^  tbe  On^ynyt 
vbich  was  rile  chief  Thing  JA.qudtion;  ami  hnr". 
iBg  obtained  his  Opiniof)  in  tint  Cafe,  faoia  a  Wao< 
Koit  to  the  King's  Advooate,  to  proceed  in  iImXc^' 
«lefiafl>oai  Court  as  for  the  King  i  aad  in  a  Mattee 
anuch  ieuching  tke  King,  to  prooud  ftr  RsreiAl 
oi  the  Adnuniftrai^on ;  and  in  Ae  end,  J)^  fais 
Ueaoa,  tbe  A^tnifti^tion  wis  fevtdeed  ;  and  sf* 
lerunrds,  the  Mactcr  coining  ik  qnettioit  in  tbe 
Comtaon  Picas,  Aetc  aUb  be  interpofad  tuiafeif  f 
and  fisDt  to  the  Judges  of  diat  Court,  wherdnr  Sot 
Riehard  &mth  and  Sir  ^oi^  Duvis  mm  at  laft  aw 
fiircBdtoacceptofaCoaipofitiqa:  3Ami,  illTIKtl^ 
this  Matter  na  ways  concemod  tha  I^it^,  &r  dus 
Leafe  whg  iMver  exttimied  fcr  Dallijifis IJttbtt  and 
befeFc  Ihe  Lord  Treafarer  Hdaqiefed  in  the  Ecdo* 
faftical  Couix,  he  had  caufeda  Petkioai  to  be  mack 
in  the  Name  of  Sir  T&wndi'  DtMlfaa  and  bis  Mother 
CO  the  King ;  and  a  R«ftrence  tberoupou  to  hint* 
felf  tor  this  Leofe,  aoKing  other  Thinga  j  it  beiag 
&cietly  agEced  between  him  aiid  H^ijm,  tbtt  tiw 
whole  £ene&  of  this  Leafe,  when  his  Maic^ 
ibould  be  pica&d  to  pels  it,  &auU  be  at  d>e  £lifr 
pofe  of  the  Lord  Treatf'iiter.' 

*  And  whereas  the  Ltnd  Treafoter  would  excufl! 
thofe  Prooecdii^s,  at  bdng  after  he  had  tramfrned 
all'to  ^TiA'thmrlt^aM :  It  is  evident  that  the  (^anl 
TFcafurer  thus  tntapobd;.  which  muft  b^eiilKS' 
for  bii  own  Benefit,  to  fusion  hit  osm  Bwgriri, 


tf  ENGLAND.  '473 

tot  ittetrly  by  way  of  Maintehaiicc  j  and,  cilhef  *"j  «»  J«">««  *• 
Way,  his  Doings  arc  moft  unwamRtablct  to  ufc        '"•" 
fadx  Rieour  in  the  King's  Nune^  either  for  hitn- 
fclf  Of  Sir  Artkar  Ingram' 

*  Mr,  Attorney  having  th«9;(^ened  the  fomrer 
Part  of  thrs  Charge,  die  Clerk,  by  his  Dircdions, 
(■ead  the  Proofs,  lAx. 

<  The  Copy  of  that  Agreement,  made  the  l8th  .j^  f^^^ 
of  Ta//,  1621,  between  the  Lord  CranfitU  and  die  thereof. 
Officers  of  the  Ordnance,  delivered  upon  Oath  by 
Ffanth  Msrrhe,  the  3d  of  Affil,   1624  ;  whereby  — 

.the  Lord  Treafurcr  doth  promife  and  agree  with  the 
Officers  of  the  Ordnance,  fo  fmn  as  he  may  Con- 
veniently, to  do  his  bcft  Endeavour  to  procure  from  > 
his  Majefty  a  certain  Affignment  and  Order  for  the 
Payment  of  the  Sum  of  8000/.  unto  the  X,ieutenant 
of  the  Ordnancre,  or  his  Deputy,  to  the  Ufc  of  the 
XfS.^  Officers,  before  the  laft  Day  of  November  next, 
"towards  the  Payment  of  fuch  Sums  as^are  due,  over 
atad' above  the  Sum  of  13,062/,  for  Payment 
whereof  the  faid  Officers  have  the  Leafes  of  the 
I^ands  of  Sir  Roger  DoUifan  and  Sir  TIhuuis  Msun- 

Nele,  That  this  Agreement  alfo  pPovea  ri*  Baiv 
gain  made  by  the  faid  Lord  CroM/f/i^  with  the 
"Officers  of  the  Ordnance,  for  the  faid  Leafos 
of  the  Extents,  in  Manner  as  it  is  cited  by  Mr. 
'  And   the   Examination   of  Frarilis  Morria^ 
Clerk  of  the  Ordnance,  taken  the  faid  third  Day 
of  Aprii^  which  affirms  the  faid  Bargain  made  by 
the  feid  Lord  Cranfitid;  and  that  the  faid  Lont 
t>tfB;fe/rf  becoming  Treafurer,  the  Paymoit  on  his 
Part  did  not-proceed;  but  his  Lordflrip,.  upon  a. 
mew  Agreement,  didaffign  to  the  faid  Officers  cer- 
tain Leafes,  which  were  far  over-valued  unto. them 
ly  his  Lordfhipi  and  that  his  Lndfbip  did  nor  . 
procure  the  faid  Affignment  of  8000/.    according 
to  his  Agreanent,  but  hath  fince  given  Salisfeaioii 
of  ^  fiiid  8000/. -and  mofti  in  fSv^al  Payments 
«ut  of  his  Majeily's  Keceipt.' 

Vol.  VI.  S  *  And 


rSf4  ^  '^af^aOemiff  ^listonY 

•^.»*  immti.     »  Artd  thfH  wae  reaJ  the  Di^Gtiot)  ■of.i'TK^ 

•      ■''*»4'         TtfhS  C«rtw«Hg  a  brief  delation  of  the  Lord  Twa*- 

AirerV  P^aliflgs  wiifa  certain  Peiitiojiers  to  tus  Ma- 

jefty,  for  Debts  owing  to  him  in  the  Office  oifOf^- 

nance  j  whereby  it  is  alfo  proved.  That  the  faid 

Tfe^uffir  ,4'as  then  ^  Cominiilioiier  fbr'the  JCipg's 

,  Pel!6>  Vl<i  did  wiih  the  Xai^  Qfiicera  to  accwf  ^f' 

the  faid  Leafes  of  Sir  Roger  pallifia's  and  Sir  j^fta- 

^-     „      .  .■«»  Mvn^tl^^  Lands,  ts"*.  and  ftts  out  the  whole 

9f(K»liiO^-ofiiiel'trd1''f^{u^i:r  therein  al  Urg^. 

Aa4  <^e,  ^».muMion  of  ycie  f^eidier^,^  ^"'^'f^fePC 

'^  &id  -./VpWiItit*  ma'fle,  by,  the  "Lord  Cranfiefi^, 

i^d  ^  Pfoipiie  ^  procure  the  laid  ^ao/.  £ji|£^'  . 

The  Lort  Tru-      *  AfidiBOce Prooft  offering  ^ai»e  read,  thefc^ 

In^'t  AnTwci.  -Tfta'ftiJW  Ji*i^,  /(  is  ,trHe  that  hf,  beijig  a  Corvmif- 

JitMrfur  iit  Ktftg''  i^kt*i  '-did ^tidvi^  the  faid  Oj^jeeis 

•      lfi/M  Ordnmst  **.  act^  -^  a  te^e  iff  the  Landt-^ 

■Sir  iRogor  f^aUifQn  attd-Sir  Ttiomas  Mounron,  tx- 

Imded/trtbt  King  for  i^jctil.  m.  .     , :.;  . 

(^  Sir  Roger  Dallifok's  Lands,    txtendtd  ,fyr 

996»/.   md  of  Sir  ThoBias,M9uafon's  L^ndtfa^ 

31Q0/.  tad  •ibty  did  atc^  nf  tbeftt  far^mmep^j/ 

I  33,061/.  due  to  them  if  the  ^i«g,    vjitb  aCefii<^ap 

to  rtfert  t»  the  King.,  if  they  were  iaterrupte3~m.S* 


jM  that  if  did  tban  finit  that  ^trt  vtat  d»e  'tent* 
Uufaid  OgktTS.,  by  tin  £ii^,  abtut  20,000/.  ■ 

That  ^  find  Lfmdi  tf  Sir  Thomas  MavnCoa 
tuere  worth  1600/.  per  Annum,  and  tutre  tfrtended 
ixt  at  200/^  per  Angam,  £ir  Thomas  Mounfon 
ht^rtg  t»  have  had  the  Bemft  thtrtaf  far  hix^eif^ 
^  iflat,  bf  Sir  E(htar4  Coiie's  kide,  it  vjaipaMivg- 

tatht  CntHtsri.  That  Sir  Thomas  Moyiifoa^ft* 
fgtititmd  tbt  Sng^  and  hit  Miqejiy  referred  Sir  *p»q- 
ituas  MoudbD  te  the  Lord  freftdaa  aid  him.;  ^tTufi 
■thtj  treated  iuith  the  O0{ert>  who  anfwered^  Ithtf. 
rthey  relied  en  Sir  TbonuK  Mounlbn's  Land^,  faf 
that  Sir  RogKDTdlifon'a-Londt  vart  fa  muth  u^ 
mmiered,  that  they  would  yield  little;  yet  the.  Eic 
-ehefuer  CZamhtr  wtuUhaiu  rtiifved  Sir  Thon^aa 
Moaafotij  if  if  h«l  ^  tbl  Dtbt  ftr  T/^iiik  the 

5  .  i^^ 


imu  rdirttd'**  ^  K.h^  jw  RetUltptnie :  jind  tb«t        '"^ 

if  kit  tor^ip  ^Mud  1j»  that  Ctivtiwit,  by  hit  Art'- 

^otc.  Viid}  tlx  /aid  Qfiarf,  ft  U  te^s  bm^ui  to  ' 

■Ih  Mijtfy.     And  his  Prolni/t  19  ih  C^atri  t»  btip 

tim  It  ibtir  8000A    Jrftttr^   Mttg  a  ji^  l^eMt 

•Siui  hffart  ht  tvut  Tre»furtr',  ^dthat  it  is  Heattmt-' 

Gixsk  te.  hirnt  hewilis  Jhouidit  pr^uHiUd  to  tie 

*  lotiin-Mr.A«nni^ieplied(.aflJiiSnn(i!  tbeUr.AttHiirrM' 
Buooins  to  be  unlawful  ai  Won*  and  Ait  tboK  ?"",^£l°'"* 
«w  not  8000A  Airear  dile  by  tlta  Ktng  befcn  his  ^'^''•^      ' 
'fcor<tfiywaaT»eafu)jat;- and  than  pwcwJedtttflte 

rekAiw  <^  t^  <'f^c  Pioc^. 

*  lo  prove  uiit,  about  TVi^  i62l«'his  XjOrd-^ 
Aip  ccntraaod  tvkh'Sir  7&«w  Mbtt^tn  iM  fafB 
Lands  for  3000  /.  which  was  paid  hifit,  fer  tbe  n»- 
Lai£  of  lix  Siffontts,  and  a  Suit  tO'  tfaeKfhg ;.  tnd. 
In  lieu  of  the  BarOHctii  a  Suit  touahitw  the  0«pi|[- 
>alikts  df  Wakt^^   valtiea  ^<^  Ms  XatdOup  at 

SoooA  were  read, 

I.  *  The  IlxainiRatioa  of  Sk  Tbtmai  Mtumfmt 
taken  the  5th  of  ^/f»4  i624''         '  ■' 

a.  *  Tfa«  Sx&minatieit  of  Sir  Jrtbur  it^aitii 
token  the  kftih  of  Aprih  1624-' 

*  For  the  soooiL  and  that  he  flgnified  unto  Sir 
Uioimn  Mttet^iu,  that  the  Lord  Tnartuicr  wetdd 
4mdcrtaka  to  pr^ctue  him  the  Making  of  {ix3aia' 
Jwts)  for  that  thb  Lord  Traafi^rar  bad  told  bin^ 
he  found  the  King  inclinable  to  do  Sir  Tktmax 

■  3.  *  The  Copy  of  Sir  Themat  Mi«nf»t{s  Peti^on 
W  the  King,  for  reducing  the  Fines  «f  the  Copy-> 
iHiUers  c^  W'akcfieid  to  a  Certain^,  in  lidu  of  fonw 
Baronets  formeilr  granted  bim ;  and  the  Watrant 
thereupon,  figoea  by  ths  Lord  Treafuici  and  Sir 
Htm^ry  Maj^  (to  \uiiom  it  wa»relerrcd)  delivered 
upu^  the  Quh  <tf  Mr.  hriwfitr^  the'i6th  ofAfrilj 
1624,  was  alfo  read.' 

«  Aad  the  Etamination  of  Sir  Hrnifhrf  May., 

Knight,  CHancellqr  of  the  Duchy  .of  Lamajitr; 

.  '   S  is  t^en. 


■^^6  *{h€  Tarlimeiaary  fl  t  B  T  tf  r  r 

rlU.  IS  jwm'I.' taken  the  ^.th*  of  A/ay,    1624.,   eSe  Parte  thmm 

*****        ^ifaurarii.  That  he  was  prefent  *hcn  Sir  Arthur 

Ingram  did^  mi  the  Lord  Treafurer's  Bphalf,  bar- 

fJnwith  SiiThamai  Afaimfin  for  his  Lands;  whidi 
argain  was.  That  the  Lord  Treafurer  Djould  give 
Sir  Thtmas  Meunfm  3000/.  fhould  procure  him 
the  tnakina  of  fix  Baronets,  and  fiiould  extend 
DaUifotfs\j3ai»  unto  him  at  taool,  per  Annum  i 
and  afterwards,  the  Baronets  being  otherwife  dilpo- 
-  '  ftd  of  b^  the  King,  Sir  Thomas  Meunfin  petitioned 

'  -tfie  King  toiiching  the  Copyholders  of  Waktfitld'- 

*  Unto  which  the  Lord  TrcafUrer  anfwCTe^, 
That  he  never  fremifid  the  MaUng  of  the  Bareneii, 
mr  autherizei  Sir  Arthur  Ingram  tt  preptund  it.' 

*  Then  was  read,  to  prove  the  Lord  Treafurer 
ptcfled  Sir  Thamai  Dallifin  to  part  with  his  Eftate 
at  Undervalue : 

1.  *  The  BxuTtination  of -Sir  Thomas  DalUfon, 
Bart,  taken  "the  6th  of  v^nV,  1624. 

%.  '  The  Examination'  of  the  faid  Sir7^ff»i~ 
Dallifin,  taken  the  12th  of  ^r</,   1624.' 

3.  *  The  Examination  of  Sir  John  Weijitnhidm, 
taken  the  i6thof  ^jftriV,  1624..'  i 

*  And  to  prove  that  the  Lord  Treafurer,  having 
made  thefe  Compofitions,  fets  on  foot  ah  t^d  Out- 
lawry of  Sir  Roger  Dallifin,  long  fmce  iatisfied, 
tiiereby  to  wreft'  a  Leafc  of  great  Vatue  from  Sir 
Rithard  Smith  and  Sir  John  Davit,  interpofing  the 
.Power  of  his  Place,  and  the  Countenance  of  thfe 
ICing'fi  Service,  to  c^prefs  thein  for  his  own  private 
Ends,  thefe  Examinations  were  read,  viz. 

1.  '.  The  Examination  of  Sir  Thomas  Dallifin.' 

2.  '  The  Examination  of  Sir  Arthur  Ingram, 
<x  Parte  Domini  T/iefaurarii,  taken  the  7th-  of  May, 

1624,-  to  the  7th  Interrogatory.' 

3.  *  The  Examination  of  Sir  Ritbard  Smith,  ta- 
ken the  i6th  of  ^;iW/,  1624/ 

.    4,  *  The  Examination  of  Raherl  Eafion,  takeA 
the  27th  ofv^^r//,  1624.' 

5.  *  The  Cafe  brought  to  Mr.  Attorney,  by 
Mr-  Moik,  with  his  Dire^ion.' 



-  §/*  E  N  G  L  ATST  D.  2^7- 

.Meiturandum,  That,  in  th'at  Cafe,  no  Mention  *"»■■ »»  J*i»w  U 
'a  made  of  any  Outlawry  ;  but  that  the  King        '***" 
was  unfatisfied  o(  DaUifon's  Charge. 
.6.  *  The  Lord  Treafiirer'a  Letter  to  Di-.  ^;*/;,  ■ 
the  King's  Advocate,    to   revoke  the  Letters  of  -  ■ 

Adminiftration  of  DalUfon's  Goods. 

'  Thefc  being  read,  the  Lord  Treafurer  again 
aftrmed,  That  his  Burgim  with  the  Offiters  af  the  ■  ■  ■  ' 
Ordxatict  ivas  beneficial  for  the  King,  for  it  gained 
in  his  Majeftfs  Covenant  ^  Rifort  from  the  Offt- 
cirs.  And  laid  further,  That  ii  was  net  prejudicial 
to  the  Officers ;  for  if  his  fecond  Bargain  be  nat  as 
benefiaal  tt  tbem  as  the  firfl  /hould  have  been,  be  it  « 
maie  it  goad. 

jfndlhat  Sir  Thomas  Dallifon,  and  hit  La^M^- 
ther  htrue  Relief  thereby,  and  himfelf  a  great  Lifer,  it 
lef/t  4000/.'  having  taken  up  l6,ooo/.  far  it,  for' 
which  he  pays  Intereft  at  this  Day.  " 

And  bia  Lordfhip  denied.  That  he  drrw  ihi  Cafe,  The  Lori  Tret- 
delivered  to  Mr.  Attorney,    tf aching  the  Jdminijira- ^'^'' "^■"^ 
tioH  of  Dallifon's  Goods ;  and  faid,  He  deferved  ta  '^* 
hi  hanged  that  drew  it.     And,   having  fpoken  as 
much  as  he  could,  the  Clerk  read  the  Heads  of  the 
E^saitiinations  tak<n  <»i  his  Part ;  and  Mr.  Attor- 
ney confeflTed  them,  and  avoided  them  all ;  where- 
with his  Lordibip  icemed  to  left  fatisfied,  for  he 
did,  not  require  any  thing  elfe  to  be  read  :    But  faid 
further,  That  he  had  paid  Arrears  to  the  Officers  of 
t^t  Navy,  as  well  as  thcfe  of  the  Ordnance ;  which 
Jhewi   he   did  gel  fiay    them  by  way  of  a  Bargain 
ealy.     And  then  &ying,  He  would  add  no  mere,  hp 
was  withdrawn,' 

'  Then  it  was  agreed  that  Mr.  Attorney  fliould 
b^jin  To-morrow,  where  he  now  left,  with  the 
r^  of  the  Charge ;  and  that  the  Lord  Treafurer 
be  warned  to  appear  here  again  at  the  Bat  To* 
QtorrQw  Morning  at  Nine  of  the  Cloclt.* 

5  J  Mof 

jU:>i>>[DuT;  '  Mof  II.  A  Petition  (tf*  tht  Lord  TreafiiriH'  wM 
''*♦■        read,  m  Arff  r*rAfe; 

TiQ  (be  Mod  Hontmr^k  Afl^mblr  of  the  hoiia. 
Spiritual  and  TeiBporaf,  in  dte  High  Houle  c^ 
Parliameiit  af^mblbd, 

(bA,  I'?  'A«/e  ^antj  of  my  Cet/Je  imich  are  aireaOf  apentd^ 

I  em  new  mofi  htiniblj  la  hefetsh  par  Pardkn  of  mitu 
Jf^eranti  btfire  ycur  Lsr^pi  thh  Day-;  finMng. 
mfilf  f*  Jijitmfered'  in  my  Ba^  and  wf  Spiriu  fa 
'weakened  and  fpent,  as,  out  of  Necefftty,  mfircm, 
n^  ta  bt  an  humble  PttititAei'  unit  yeur  htrdjhififor 
thi  littli  Rgfpiu  of.  Ttmt  \  my  End  and  Dtjifs  hert- 
■  in-  being  tt  tpabie  myfilf  ta  obey  all  y«ur^Cemmen4t^ 
and  (^  h'ajien  the  End  of  this  Gaafi  ofrntnt;,  tohtre- 

,       '  «^/  douit  not  but  yeur-  Jterd/hip!^  in  a  true  andm-, 

•  ^  ill  Senfe  af  my  Caafiy  will  hsfieurably  fen/Siir  ac- 


A  Comnirtwe  of     *  The-  Houfe  hating  confidered  of  this  Fte^timti 
l*rti  jppoiaiea  appointed  the  Earl  of  5fflB/A<7»ij>/«9,  the  Earl  of  fi^^^' 
W  nCt  lum.        jjj^  B*ftop  of  Coventry  and  Litchfield^  the  Ei&op  of 
Sangor,  Lord  Grcmwell,   Lord  Say-  and  Seele,   ta 
go  prefcntly  to  the  Lord  Treafurer's  Hoirfe,  and  to 
take  a  Phyfician  with  tljem ;  and  to  Ggni^  to  hit 
Lordfliip  the  Difpleafure  of  the  Houfe,  tor  that  he 
hsth  iirfl>tafcen-Leave  of  himfelf  to  be  abfent,  am} 
now  craves  Pardon  for  it;  whereas  )hb  Lordflnpi- 
ought  firft  to  have  craved  Leave  te  bo  abfant.  And 
;iMb  tofignify  unto  hi»L<HdOiip,  (uhtefs  they  fii^' 
'  fee  Caufe  to  the  contrary  by  rea&>n  of  his  Sicknefs)' 

that  the  Pleafnre  of  th&Hoafe  is.  That  his  Lord- 
ihip  appear '  h^re  thi*  AfUniooB,  at  Two  of  the 
<Dlock;  and  that  if  his  Lordfhip  fliall  fail  to  come 
accordingly,  that  the  Houfe  will  proceed,  as  well 
touching  fuch  Parts  of  his  Charge  as  are  already 
»pcned,  »s  for  the  reft  of  bis  Charge  alfo.' 

■;,,■.      ■■     .    .      .  r  ,-  ■  ■  »  Thefe 


of  E  N  (5  L  A  N  D,  ^27$ 

■ "  •  ThercLordsbdngrctttmedfromC*r^tf,whercA^«»J*"^^ 

tfjcLofd  Treafurer  then  lay,  the  EaH  ofSeatbamp-        ****• 

tek  reported;  That  they  delivered  the  (aid  Meflage 

Unto  his  Lordfliif),  whom  they  fpnad  in  his  Bea, 

tiut  not  ftcic,  for  oaght  their  Lord&ips  or  the  Phyr 

ftdan  could  perceive  ;    neither  did  his  LordQiip 

pretend  any  Sicknefs.     And  their  Lordlhtps  having 

deUyeted  their  Meffage  unto  him,  he  ex^iriW  hS 

piit  atking  of  Leave  nrft  to  he  ahfeht ;"  for  tb^t  & 

iirf  «o/  ff^armng  t»  be  heri  thit  Morning  uMfl  af' 

Iff  lit  Hattfe  wai  rifen  the  hft.  Nigk;  andfime  th 

^leajiirt  »f  (A*  Hottp  ii  fiuk,    bt  tviO  attend  iha 

■Jfitrttmn^  if  hi  ieari  •««,   fiji  fimt  Mtjfage  fi-o^ 

Weir  Lerd^ips,  that  duy  mBhtfUafid  h  refiht  inm 

jili  Te-merraw  Mortiirfg. 

•  And  the  Earl  of  E_p»  made'  this  ftirthw  Rfl- 

fift,  vix.  Havmg_rfus  Day  delivered  to  the  Lord 
ceafurer  the  Menage  yte  were  ccunmanded  by  tht 
Houfe,  his  Lordfbip  (bcfidcs  the  Anfwer  that  haA 
been  returned  to  the  floaft)  did  let  fidl  tiiefe  Speeches 
in  Subftance;  For  a  Man  te  he  thiaMhwed,  Mpm-  to  whom  he 
fttg  and  Afiemxtty  flanding  eight  }^iir)  at  the  Bar,  J^'*'""^'*' 
tlSjinu  efAe  Ltras  might  fit  him  rtaifta  fall  davm;    ^^' 
tOiB  Lmoyert  agaiaji  him,  and  no  Jl^an  efiii  Part,, 
Viasfucb  Prae'eedingi  as  never  were  heard  af;  and  he 
ifiev/  n>t  what  it  meant,  for  it  wat  uncbriJitan-Uie 
and  vjitboui  Example  j   and  defired  they  would  dt^ 
with  him  at  be  would  deal  viUh  one  of  (hent ;  fir  it 
wot  his  Cafe  To-day,  and  might  be  thetrs  Tt-morretp, 
Thb  Aniwer  was  figned  by  thefe  Lords,  viz, 

fi.  SstabamfOm,  Lewis  Bangrr, 

Re.  E&r.  Tir,  CremmU. 

flio.  Gov.  bf  Litch.  fir.  Sof  fa  Stale. 

*  iV  }^tri£em.     The  Lord  T»afurer  bciii{ 
biDUgfat  to  tbs  Bar  (at  before)  the  Cfet^  read  diit 

part  of  the  Char^  agtjnfi  iiU  I^MtUhip  that  con-  ^ 

cvmed  the 

M   U    N  J   T   I   Q   N    S. 

t  Tl}e  |Lord  Keeper  moved  that  Mr,  Attorney  Th«cbii«i«»» 
4Q(t?ephin)ftlf  tQtbat  Churee,'  '«w. 



.zZo  Ih-  ParUamentary  H  hs  t  o  r  v 

^t  *2  Jine^l.  *  Mr.  Attorney  proceeded  in  this  Mannep,  fli's. 
***♦■  .  •  AsintheBargunfiandProcecdmgs  (whichwere 
opened  Ycfterdaj^)  the  Lord  Trcalurer  was  over  ' 
Ufiuch  attentive  to  his  own  private  Profit^  fo  in  the 
Supply  ofthc  Office  of  Ordnance  (a  Matter  of  high 
Importanqe  for  the  Safety  of  the  King  and  his 
.Kingdoms^  and  in  a  Time  when  all  Chriftendsnt 
befidcs  ourfelveg  was  in  a  Contbuftion,)  he  was 
wholly  renufa ;  For  whereas,  by  a  Privy-Seal  in 
6  yac.  there  was  a  ptivate  Eftabliflimcnt  of  6eoo4> 
per  Amtunit  for  the  Office  of  Ordnance^  which  be- 
ing put  out  of  Order  in  the  Time  of  Sir  Roger 
D<diifin,  about  i%  fac.  the  Lords,  of  (he  Council, 
in  November  1617,  upo?  Reference  from  the  King, 
iet  down  a  Propcwtion  of  Supply,  amounting  tQ 

f 4,078/.  8j.  id.  and  the  ftanding  Allowance  of 
000/.  per  Annum  tQ  contioue.     A,aA  after  in  Fe~ 

,  kruary  1619,  there  being  a  Commiffion  a,warded  to 
jthe  of  the  Navy,  t6  furvey  the  Of- 
^ce  of -Ordnance,   the  faid  CommiffionerS    (th« 

.  L/ord  Treafurer  him£elf  heing  ^  ch^f  Man  among 
them)  fet  down  9  Proportion  oi  Supply  amounting 
to  hut  13,640/.  14.X.  id^  and  a  yearly  Allowance 
of  3000/.  retrenching  it  to  ti^t  Rate  from  6000/. 
and  did  fet  down  a  Courts  that  thie  being  obferved, 
a  needlef?  Charge  of  about  ig,ooo/.  per  Anntm 
.fliould  be  cut  off,  and  this  was  allowed  both  by  the 
X'OtAs  and  by  the  King  himfelf.' 

*  The  Earl  of  Middle/ex  becoming  Treafurer 
about  Michaelmas  1621,  and  having  continued  in' 
that  Office  about  two  Years  and  a  Half,  did  obferve 
none  of  thefe  Eftahliihments  j'  whereby  the  Office 
is  at  this  prefent  both  unrepaired  and  unfupplyed, 
and  the  Kingdom  if  Ireland  defiitute  of  any  con,- 
fideiable  Quantity  of  Arms  and  Munition :  For  it 
;^ppears  by  the  Records  of  the  King's  Receipt, 
That  all  the  Monies  which  the  Lord  Treafurer  in 
'Jiis  Time  ilTued  for  a  Supply  of  the  Ordinary  6f 
the  Office  of  Ordnance,  was  but  13,034/.  ^c  Ilrf. 
of  which  8000  £  and  odd  Pounds  was  for  old  Ar^ 
r?ars,  3300/.  more  grew  due  of  latter  Time, , but 
were  piiid,  not  out  of  Puty,  or  Care  of  the  Pulj- 
■  -     ■  lii. 


./   E  N.G  LAND.,  sSj 

,  lie,  but  by  Bargain  and  Contrail :  And  moft  of  *■'  ai  J«inei  * 
thefe  Monies  iflued  (belides  oW  Arrears)  were  for  *••♦• 
Wages  and  Allowances  of  Officers,  and  little  or 
nothing  for  Stores  and  Provifiona.  For  upon  the 
.Quarter-Books  paid  by  his  Lordfbip,  beginning  ac 
the  Quarter-Book  ended  uiiimt  Junii  1620,  unto 
the  Quarter-Book  ended  ultimo  Decemhris  162a, 
therer  bdng' about  5500/.  paid,  4600/.  and  odd 
thereof  went  to  the  Officers,  but  the  Stores  und 
Prpvilipns  amounted  to  but  900/.  and  odd  Pounds: 
A  weak  Supply  in  fo  lonj  Time. 

*  And  whereas  in  ^pril  1621,  a-Contrmfl  was  '        ' 

made  with  Mr.  Eveh/n^  for  ferving  his  Majefly  with 
80  Lafts  of  Powder  yearly,  hy  monthly  Proportion, 
Bt  "jd.  the  Pound,  which  Proportion  being  kept 
would  have  yielded  a  plentiful  Supply  into  die  Of> 
fice  of  Ordnance,  and  the  Overplus  might  have  been 
Ibid  at  id.  the  Pound  profit  to  his  Majefty.  The 
Lord  Treafurer  (though  hcwas  continually  follicited 
.'by  Evelyn)  did  not  make  the  Payment,  which 
m6utd  have  &een  made  upon  that  ContraA  ^  where- 
by Evtiyn,  according  to  the  Liberty  that  was  alt- 
lowed  by  his  CoatnEt^  fold  his  Powder  to  otbeis'; 
jiid,  Jn  thirty-five  Months  after  that  Contra^,  Terv- 
-ed  into  the  Stores  but  fifteen  Month's  Proportion^ 
and  upon  Breach  of  this  Contract  did  enfuc  thefe 
IiKonveniences,  vix. 

'  That  the  Stores  which,  for  the  Service  of  g^ 
tiis  Majefty's  Kisgdomsj  might  have  hid  in  Rea- 
^.dinels  266  Lafts  of  Powder,  and  60  Lafts  of  Salti- 
Petre,  which  would  have  really  made  80  Lafts  ^ 
Powder  more,  (in  all  ^346  Lafts)  arc  greatly  iiK 
jured  by  this  Ncglcft :  For,  upon  a  late  Survey, 
there  were  in  all  but  130  Lafts  in  the  Stores,  and 
yet  Inland  wholly  disfurniflicd :  And  beJides^  hb 
Majefty,  by  Sale  of  the  Overplus  of  the  Powder 
alone  (above  the  Proportion  thought  fit  to  be  kept 
■hj  the  Coimniffioners  of  the  Navy)  might. have 
gained  31/.  in  every  Pound,  which  would  have  »- 
-mounted  to  4050/>  and  above,  all  which  his  Ma- 
jefty loft  by  this  Default  of  iJie  Lord  Tre^urej. 
And  whereas  hii  L<K<dfliip  cxo^feth  the^  -Things, 
4    ::  .  '  .  fcy 

r._      :-  (..(Kittle 

'px  Parliamentary  HisjoSr 

"  I*  by  pTsCtnce  of  SalUtr't  CbatpbinU^  it  x^fesKtk 
'  that  tfac^c  Complaints  grew  by  Occafion  of  ^Wi^'f 
fiittliDg  of  Powder  to  otbcrsi  not  to  the  King  | 
vhich  had-  never  been  it!  he  had  had  due  Foment : 
And  the  Lord  Treafurer  was  warned,  both  by  thf 
Xrocd  Crew  tmd  I^  th«  Conuniffioners  c^  the  t^a." 
yji-  ta  have  ffncial  Care  of  theJe  Poiate»  to  f;^va 
the  Cdntratfb,  it  bdng  of  high  CoB&quence.' 

*  Then  the  Clerk  read-  the  Proofs,  .iAk.  ' 
"'•  *  To  prova  that  the  King  gruited  a  dormant 
Frivy-Seal  May  28dj,  6  Jac.  for  the  iHulng  6eOQ4 
f*r  An.  ibr  the  Office  of  the  Ordnance  were  rtad^ 
'  The  Cop/of  the  ^d  Privy-Seal,  to  prove  that 
fUs  Allowance  was  paid  unfii  Apr^  ift,  16141 
«iul  ahsKt  that  Time  the  Office  wu  ptic  out  gf 
Order  bf  Sir  JUitr  DalSfaHt  and  Jm  f^cw  into  gnat 
Amar>  to  the  King.' 

*  A  DectMMibn  (hr  &e  Oficeis  of  the  Od* 
iHDoe  dtlivcFod  upon  Oath  Apr^  6,  l6a4t]  O^tlw 
Caufa  of  the  pcoTent  Wtaakae^  of  the  Sbwe»  of  htJl 
Miajdys  Offics  of  (fac  Ocdoanoek' 

*  To  pnvB  that  in  Nnmtirer  t^ij^  thel^onUt 
■upona  Rafcience  from  the  King,  did  fee  dowft  aPioi- 
f>of«ion  of  Si^pjy  amminting  to  54,0;^ 8/.  ftf.  8<( 
was  read  the  laid  Declaration,  t^t^  Oftcep  of  4ie 

*  To  piove  that  in  Ftbruarf  r6i^  tbd  Klt^ 
jptnted  a  C»iiMfiiffion  uneo  the  Comaii^nAv  01 
«h«'K«vyy  to  forvta;  tfao  Office  of  thO'OrdnMM«« 
-mid  that  is  Jutf  id20,  the  Commiflnmeiis  oftite 
Kav^  (the  Lead  Trea&rer  being  oat)  returtted-a 
Onificate  for  Supply  of  th*  bid  Office  wi« 
13,640/:  1^!.  ^d;  and  to  retrench  the  OriinWf 
from  6ooe/.  to  3000/.  per  Anmm,  tQ  cvt  crir 
Ibtne  needlefs  Chz^ei^  amountiflg  to  i9,fi«di(> 
^  ..IkMrm :  And  that  this  was  idtmroi  .^  tlf: 
-XingV  and  Ab  Lords,  was  rtad,       .    . 

>  The  Depofitioa  of  Mr.  Jaint  tkMr,.  ^  5* 
■ff  April,  1624. 

'    ^  To  prove  diat  iajQfla&cr  i&ii,-  th«  Ear}.  qP 
MfddUftx  be^anu:  Lotd  TTe^weTi  uti  tbat  in  twq 


"■•/'ENGLAND.-       .     ,  2^3' 

Vesrs  and  a  H&If  bepuriued  wne  oC  tbeTe  EflO'^^I> 
UJAmcitts,  was  read,  '***" 

*  The  had  Dechration  of  tbe  OfGcara  of  tlur 
Oidjiance,  and  tbe  fiud'  O^Giiaas  of  tlie  bid 

*  To  prove  that,  by  this  Means,  the  faid  0£ec 
is  both  imrepaired  and  uofupplied,  anil  If  eland  hath 
not  any  fit  Proportion  of  Munition,  was  read, 

■•  The  faid  Declaration  of  the  Offictrs  of  the 
Ordnance,  and  the  faid  DcpofitionSi  of  the  fiwl 
Mr.  Jahn  Cdeie,  as  touching  tho  Olfioc  of  tiM 
Ordnance :' 

*  And^he  Abflraa  or  Efiitnste  vt  all  die  At-  - 
mour.  Arms,  Pbwder,  Lead,  and  Hand-Woapons,, 
remaining  in  the  feveral  Store-Koures  within  the 
'SCx.^'mca  hthmd,  t\izi^oi March  ibli^Ae^iyLanA/'               .    .. 
■upon.  Oath  by  the  Lord  QranfitU. ' 

■  *  To  prove  that  io  j^rif  1621,,  a  Contra^  «a» 
made  widi  John  Evelyn,  to  fcrve  80  LaJb  of 
PbwdeF  yearly,  at  -jJ.  the  Pound^  and.  that  thi» 
Oontrad  bath  been  bcokcn  in  the  Lord  Trcafuia'ft 
Def^lt„  whereby  there  was  2*6  LtHs  of  Fomrcier 
\th  in  Store  ttian  wouJd  have  bees,  and  the  Kiny 
,  bath,  loft  4050  h  in  the  Sale  of  80  Lafts  of  I^nvdec 
which  he  niight  have  fold,  if  that  Coatnik  had 
heeitic^rved  at  iod.xh9  Faund,  tlw  King  {uyittt 
bitt  7^.  and  that  the  Lord  Treafara  vtat  warn^ 
thereof,  wercTcad,. 

•  *  The  laid  Depofitions  of  Mr.  Caah:* 
'  The  Ciid  Declaration  of  the  Officers  <^  A& 


*■  The  Eicamination  of  JttH  Ew/yny  tafcsa  Uia 

gthof^//,  1624:' 

*  The  &id  Examifiatien  oC  yahn.Evelfn^  Uiat 
on  ttte  Fart  of  the  Lord  TreaAjrery'  the  5th  d£^ 

*  And  the  Examiiution  of  NitAelas  Sttts^  taken 

on  the  Fiirt  of  the  Lord  TreaAuer^  th»  4^  if  1      .' 


*  The  Lord  Crtw's  Letter  to  *h«  ioHl  Trea- 
(attt,  ^b^^flfive>tii(ri6f.i:'       "  .  -" 

ajR^  ^  ParHamentary  History 

An.  M  Jinw^.      '  Two  Certificates  of  the  Commiffioners  of  the - 
-    ^*4.         Navy,  the  one  of  the  9th  oi  May  1622,  and  the 
other  the  4th  of  November  1622,  depofed  by  yahs 
Eveiyn,  gth  of  ^riV  1624:' 

*■  And  an  Abftraft  of  the  Money  paid  out  of 
the  Receipt  of  his  Majefty's  Exchequer,  for  Char- 
ges of  the  Office  of  Ordnance,    from  Michaelmas 
'  1621,  in  the  19th  Year  of  hia  Majefty's  Reign, 
until  the  id  of  April  1624,  examined  and  deli- 
vered by  Sir  Robert  Pye,     Auditor   of  the   Re- , 
ceipt  of  the  Exchequer,  was  alfo  read,    to  fliew 
what  the  Lord  Treaiurer  had  paid  concerning  that 
The  Lord  Tm-       The  Lord  Treafurer  anfwered,    /  had  netdy  in. 
U^  toM?^t.  ***  fi^J^  Plauy  to  pray  for  Patience,  fa  much  Pains 
tnney'i  Mioncr  being  taien  by  Mr,  Attorney  to  make  me  appeftr  a 
•f  proMciiJiig.    faulty  Man. 

'  Unto  which  the  Lord  Keeper  replied.  That 
the  Lords  conceive  that  thefe  Words  are  a  Wrong 
done  unto  them  j  and,  he  conceived,  that  they  are  a 
greater  unto  his  Lord(bip,  the  Lord  Treafurer,  who  - 
beinga  Judge,  makes  no  Difference  of  a  Charge.* 

*  The  Lord  Treafurer  anfwered.  That  he  tt  in-- 
jurioujfy  dealt  withal,  and  that  m  Peer  hath  bun- 
charged  in  this  Place  before  by  the  King's  Ceu/^eW 

'  And  being  demanded   by  the  Lord  K£cpcr» 
wherein  he  is  injuriouily  dealt  withal,  he  anfwer- 
ed, By  Mr,  Attorney's  opening  the  P-oofs  by^  Parcels^ 
I         find  by  Mreiling  Parts  of  the  Dipofitions  to  be  read^ 
which  jhould  haoe  been  done  wholly  and  together' 

*  The  Lords  conceived  themfelves  to  be  wron^-_ 
ed  by  thefe  Words,  for  that  Mr.  Attorney  had 
done  nothing  but  as  Attendant  to  the  Houfe,  and, ' 
by  dieir  Direftion;  and  therefore  the  Prince  his 
Highnefs  willed  him  (the  Lord  Treafurer)  to  clear, 
Mr.  Attorney,  or  elfe  this  Afperlion  will  light 
very  heavy  upon  him.' 

Wio  ii  jdftificd     '  And  the  Houfe  did  acquit  Mr.  Attorney  fb^., 
bj  [he  Loidi,      any.  thing  he  had  fud  or  done  herein.' 

*  Then  Mr.'  Attorney  opened-  Ihe  Heads  of  dis> 
Cbarge  again,  viz,  .        ■       .. 

*  The 


/EN  GLAND.  '285 

'    '  The  firft  Settlement  of  the  Office  of  the  Ord-  An.  *%  Jwti  »■ 
•nance,  JnrtB  6.  Jac;  »"♦- 

*  The  fecond  Settlement  by  the  Lonl  Ttea- 
fanr  Salijbuiy,  Anno  1617. 

'  And  the  third  Settlement  by  the  Commiffion- 
ers  of  the  Navy,  1620.  And  that  the  Lord  Trea- 
itircr  had  obferved  none  of  them,' 

*  The  Lord  Treafurer  anfwered,  as  touching  the 

fecond  Settlement,  Nothing  hath  hten  doni  upon  it  ti  Hit  I«rilhip'» 
ibis  Day;  and  yet  it  was  made  four  Years  before  he  wot  ^^!^'^ 
Treafurer.  ,      ,.  ,  ^     ,  ,  WwT^um- 

*  As  touching  the  third  Settlement,  /(  was  pro-  titoi. 
pmnded  anly,  and  oppoftd,  but  riev/r  aUawed  i  if  al~ 
iowed,  it  was  thirteen  Months  before  he  was  Treafu- 
rer, and  yet  nothing  dene  in  it,  as  by  Coolt's  own 
Oath  :  That  he  had  no  Privy  Seal  for  it.  And  hov/ 
then  can  he  be  charged  fir  the  Breath  of  that  Settle- 
ment which  was  never  fettled?  But  he  will  not  give 
that  far  Anfmer.  And  then  his  Lordfliip  affirmed. 
That  the  Starts  art  fumijhed,  and  that  he  had  paid 

all  the  faid  Ordinary  of  joool.  per  Annum,  fave 
■300/.  thtugh  na  Privy-Seal  was  ijfued out  upon- that  _ 
Book  prefented  by  the  CommiJJianers  of  the  Navy ;  and 
■paid  divers  other  Sums  of  Money  far  Provlfons  of  the 
Stores ;  whereof  his  Lordfliip  recited  the  particular 
Sums  :  And  whereas  that  Office  was  unfettled  by  Sir 
Roger  Dallifon,  he,  being  a  Commifftontr  .for  the 
Kin^s  Debts,  found  due  to  the  Officers  18,000/.  and 
caufed  13,000/-  of  it  to  be  paid  by  Dallifon's  Lands^ 
and  the  reji  to  be  paid  alfo  afterwards;  fi  that  a 
fmall  Sum  will  now  fettle  that  O0ce,  which  wi}s  then 
thenfo  unfettled.  > 

As  touching  the  Powder,  That  when  he  came  to 
hi  Treafurer,  he  found  hut  116  Lajls  of  Powder, 
whereof  zi  LaJls,  delivered  by  Evelyn,  were  leji  un- 
paid fir;  and  that  he pmd  him  ioool.  Arrears: 
Though  60  Lajls  of  Salt  Petre  be  not  in  the  Kin/t 
Stores,  yet  there  is  fo  much  in  Evelyn's  IVare-Houfe  ; 
and  then  it  is  the  King's.     Neither  can  the  King  re-  * 

aive  fuch  Detriment  or  Loft;  fir  whenEve\yt\  it 


2§6,  'The  Pttiilt<mentatytii-9Tf^y 

An.  «t  ^meil.  pfiiiy  he  is  to  aait  AStwatice  ef  the  Pimiderhy  iljif 
''•''*  ■'     filii.    And  aflirmecl.  That  hi  had  paid  mart  for  Patuf 
der  than  woi  paid  for  fiven  Teari  before. 

■  ■•  Arid  his  Lordftiip  direaed  to  be  read  the  Ex«- 
mioation  of  Andrew  Baffimay  takcd  oa  hU^ofd' 
lhip*!it*aft  flie+th  of  ,1%,  1624.  , 

"Wha  ^J^ojeth  ia  the  third  Interritgaterj,*  Th« 

*  the  Total  of  Gun-Powder,  remaining  m  the 
'*  Stores  of  the  Office  of  Ordnjuice,  on  the  ifl:  of" 
*■  O&ahtr^  if'Sl,  was  116  Lafts,  or  thereabouts f 

■  and  (he  Store  of  Powder  remaining  in  the  Store* 

*  of  the  faid  Office,  oa  the  laft  f%  of  March^ 
'  '  1624,  was  130  Laffs,   or  thereabouts,  wherecrf' 

*  to  uiiferviccaUe,  ye.     And  that  the  Arrears  i<x 

*  Gun-Pbwder  waa  paid  to  Mr.  Evefyti  bytbe  now 

*  Lord  Tfeafurer ;  but  what  the  Arlcars  were  the 

*  ftiil  Dep£ineHt  knoweth  not,  iSc 

'  *  R^.  Attorney  repli^  That  Mr.  Svdyjt  can- 
not be  called  to  an  Account  but  fbi  t^  rvwdcf 
^Id  iSt&  he  is-  paid,  and  not  fbt  in/  I^}wder  fcpU 
^lefore  he  is  ^d.' 

•  And;  ta  prove  the  fame,  tlw  Clerk  licai  A* 
^ibraSt  of  the  Covenants  with  .fiw^,  vix.  Of 
The  fitcK  Covenant,  to  account  for  the  Powder  iM 
after  Payment  paid.' 

*  Ana  whereas  the  Lord  Treafurcr   affittnedf 
,   YhattSe  third  SettUmeitt^  made  by  the  C»am0tnirt 

af  the  ^Ovy,  tuas  opfoftd,  and  fg  not  ftttUd.  It  i< 
true,  faid  Mr.  Attoraey,  it  wa*  oppofed  by  theOf- 
ficerij  <&  the  Ordnance,  and  y^t  afterwards  fiib- 
Tbltted  to  by  them ;  fo  then  it  wanted  nothing  hut 
a  ftivy-Seal  to  fettle  it :  And  that  hu  LordQiip  wu 
not  to  expeA  that  the  Officers  of  the  Ordnance 
Would  further  this  Propolition  of  the  CammiAon- 
crs  of  the  Navy,  touching  the  latd  Settlement ; 
for  it  took  from  them  to,ooo/.  yearly  in  Fees,  and 
QtherUnnecetTaries;  fo  that  it  concerned  his  Lord-: 
)hip  (who  knows  this,  being  one  of  the  Commit 
lionersj  to  fee  it  fettled  by  a  Privy-Seal  and  obfcr- 
yed }  and  ■ftx  his  Lordfbip  hath  done  nothing  in  it 
.ttiefe  two  Tears  and  a  Half  fince  he  was  Trcafiirer '■ 


.,  ..f(  ,E:N  G  L  A  N-P. ,  ??? 

*  Aqdu  toucbing  tbofe  particul^  Sums  of  Mo-  An.  mJ*"""* 
any,  whjrfh  his  Lordfliip  rocites  tu  be^ldbyMra  '^**'  '" 
for.  Provifiqns,  Mr.  Attorriey  replied.  That  tefide« 
'thel3(^'ii,D0o7.  pajdbsi>ii'i'B/o«'jLaii4%  and  the 
fsiA  'too!?/.  ;paia  ■by  "tiis.  Lordfttp,  iiptm  tis  Lor*- 
^^fp's^aforrfajd  fim  Contraft  with  thcOKccrs,  -anB 
''Xh^66pl.  ijpofthisfaiitftcondContraft,  hisLord- 
"Dlii>ifls  iiot  paid  a  full  loooA  for  Provifions,  thfc 
"r?ft  lie  paid  for  Wages  only }  and  that  thereby 
ittfe  Stores  ait  -found  to  be  unfiimiflied  and  weak, 
.which. would  havjt;  been  well  fupplied,  if  dje  3000/. 
^h^  yfiinum  liitflK&a  paid  for  the  Store  of  the  Mn- 

■■*'  The  Charge*  touching  the  Oilfcers  of  At  Qrfl- 
lianceheing  ended,  Mr.  Serjeant  CrAv  opened  tlut 
»f  the    '  I 

-t'O  U  K  T/flf    W  A  Rt>S. 

•  That  whereas,  1n  DectmBer,  1616,  laflruStfons  Sajwnt  Citw 
for  the  Court  of  Wards  were  fet  out,  (upon  great  "p™"  ?*'*"'5 
Advifi^nent  with,the^  Lord  Chancellor  of  En^nd,  ^J^,  '^°"  ■ 
tte  two l/ordX^biefJuftices,  and  the  Offiters  of 

*ttatl  Courf)  <he  Lord  TteaftjMf,  by  his  Impoflu- 
iHty  and  Power  with  the  Officers,  and  ty  his  Mif-  ' 
.  Information  to  the  King,  (waving  a  Reference  to 
'  ■aipeis.I/Ords  of  the^louncilj  procured  thofe  fnftruc- 
"tiotis  ''to  be  altered,'  to  the  ftejudice  jof  the  King,  ' 
arid  Opprcffipn  of  the'SuWeft.' 

'  For,  by  the  formW  Itfflruftion^  Anm  itt^y 
petitions  for  Wartfihips  were  to  be  delivered  to  tte; 
Clerk  of  the  Court,  who 'was  to  eater  dient  with- 
out, Fee :  But,  by  thtlt  Inftruflions,  Jbina  ifian, 
■flie  Petitiorts  are  firft  to  be  delivered  to  the  Mafter, 
todieendhemaylubraibehisDiredioni,  and  dieii 
^e  Mailer's  Secretary  to  make  Entry  thereof  fhft, 
lainc  Day  it  is  deliverE^l,  and  return'it  to  tlie  Suitor* 
who  is  to  prefent  it  to  the  Clcrit,  and.  Ae  Clerk  t? 
-  enter  it  without  Fee.'  • 

*  SotheClerkoftheCourtihndsftill  refliaiped 
/by  thefe  lattfir  Inftru^ons  to  take  any  Fees  for  en- 

tefing  of  Petitions^  but  the  Mufter's  Secretiuy  is  not- 


»•,    288  ~  the  ParliamentaryMl%r6lLt 

An.  sa  jMDct  I.  reftr^neil  i   and,  being  unlimited,   he  hath  takeft- 
»6"4-         grew  Fees  for  entering  of  thefe  Petition?.' 

*  And  whereas,  by  the  former  Inftru£Uons,  Ama 
1618,  all  Tenders  and  Continuances  of  Liveries 
were  to  be  made  unto  the  Surveyor  of  that  Court  1 
Now,  by  thefe  latter  Inftruflions,  they  are  to  be 
made  to  the  Matter  firil,  and  afterwards  to  the  Sur- 
veyor ;  whereby  the  Fees  for  Continuance  of  Live- 
ries are  raifed  from  iQt.  the  Tenn»  to  ^D*.  the 

'  And  whereas,  before,  no  Ward  was  efteemed 
a  concealed  Ward,  unlefs  no  Suit  had  been  made 
within  three  Years  after  the  Death  of  the  Tenant  l 
Now,  by  thefe  latter  Inftrmaions,  the  Matter  hath 
Power,  alone,  to  difpofe  of  Wardfhlps  concealed 
■tut  one  Year ;  fo  that'  the  Mafler  may  make  any 
a  concealed  Ward,'  by  concealing  the  Petition, 
and  not  entering  it  with  tHe  Clerk ;  the  Petition  be^ 
ing  hereby  appointed  to  be  delivered  to  the  Mailc* 

*  A'nd  that  the  Mafter  of  this  Court  of  Wardfii 
the  Lord  Treafurcr,  hath  committed  unto  his  Se- 
cretary a  Stamp  of  his  Name,  and  hath  hereby  put 
his  own  Power  into  the  Hands  of  his  Secretary':  For 
his  Secretary  hath  ufed  his  Stamp,  in  the  Abfehce 
of  the  Mafter,  for  figning  of  Tenders  and  Conti- 
nuances for  Warrants  to  the  Great  Seal  for  Live- 
ues ;  and  Warrants  to  find  Offices  for  Grants  of 
Wardfliips,  Leafes,  Indentures,  and  the  like ;  and 
Tor  expediting  of  judicial  A£ts  in  the  Court ;  And 
that  this  Stamp  may  be  a  ready  Way  to  make  con- 
cealed W^rdfhips,  and  may  take  away  mean  Pro- 
cefles  due  to  the  King  for  want  of  Livery ;  and  may 
antedate  Tenders,  Continuances,  and  Petitions  j 
by  reafon  whereof  the  King  may  be  prejudiced  great 
Sums,. by  preferring  one  before  anotbei;'  by  Ward- 

'    ■  fliips.' 

'  This  being  (aid,  the  Clerk  waj  directed  ta 
read  the  Proofs.' 



..V,  E  N:q  tirA-KPt  .  .         s^, 

'  And  for  that,  in  opening  of  this  Charge,  the  *P ,  "J^'J^'\^ 
L9rdK^|>ep<Ie]^'«r«l  totlurI:oTds-aMeflage'froin>  *  '•  ' 

the  King,  viz.    , .  -    i 

'  Xhat  th^  Alteration  of  th?jj  Inflruftions  was 
*rde((Ated  bftfore  his !  Majelty  'at' ^tfijfi/;  by  tde^ 
*^'Mi^r  and'OiBcersofthat  Gourt-;'-ind  ftiat  his'- 

*  M^d^'ynderffood  that  the  Alteration'was  for 

*  the  ttononr- and  Profit  of  the  Maftcry  and  in-' 

*  titndfed  thflt  th?  Maftbrftiould  enjoy  that  Offitc] 
"ifi'amply  as  the  Barf-'of  Su/yJmj,  or  the  Lord' 

*  Vifcount  fratlingfird :  But  if  any  new  FSes  arc 

*  exacted  fince,  his.Majcfty  difavows  that;  and  if 
•■  ^e  Mailer  hath  iifed  thp  new  Infthiftions  to  the 

*  Prqudice  of  the  Kingor'Stfffieft,  he  difavows  that 
*^^ia■^   bi(t  ^lows'.tiis  prrcife  KjlowMgft.Of  *e      ■ 
*.  Altarationof  tite  f^Ifi^ruflir*?.}  ,.,   .-.   :  .       ' 

1'.  TheroforppoExamijtatiorts  were  proves 
the  Lord  Treafiver'siItnpQrtuiiity  .and  ^i;efrureito> 
have  thofc  Inftru^iohs  altered.' 

*  Then  thefe  Examinations  .weit  Mdd,  viz, 

7fe  'Anfvler'  of  Sir  Sen'jAMIS'  RttDTAJlO,    Kk. 
'' Surveyor :^Ue  Liveries,  Sir  W fi.i.r%Ky^t^  -Kt/1.         '"''*''"' 
iftti/rh^  «f  lf>t    Couft  of  fVardi    dnd  tiverles, 
■•-'JoHfrf'rdoK,  E/r,   Juditir  Ginfral  ofthejaid' 

~*^&k'6f;\he'Jaid  Courts  Unto  certain  ^te^ions] 
''dtmandedafihan,  -.■.■■.■■■  ^ 

■.'WW  ai^^^affxrt^y  «  That;  by  thfc  firfmerlij-^ 
"'ftryiH^ijr,- v^5l6i8,  the  Petitions  were  de}i-' 
'  YCTtd  oiil^  to -the  Clerk,  who  was  to  enter  them' 
".  Without  Fbe ;  biitj  by  the  latter  Inftruitions,  the' 
'•  Mafltr'^  Secretary  js  to  enter  them  before  they* 

*  cometb'the  Cleric,  and  the  faid  Secretary  is  niot 
'  retrained  from  Wking  of  Fees* 

*  To  prove  that  tbe  Secretary  hath  talcen  gieat 
KmsTor  J*(dtions,"w«<e  read: 

^■.rf■:a-:.  ■  ,.■...-  ' 

■  v;^»;vi;   ■■■■   . .  J  T  .-  rbf' 


■***        75/  Examiiutfm  tf  WmitAM  VTiiDi  **«'  "fc* 
?j/?a^  April,  1624,. 

*  Thai^  about  CbrifiMiat  .was  TweWie»i*ntlb  bo 
■  deUvowd  to  Mr.  Herman^  Secnt^yt  to.  ttta  IjanL 
'  TreaAiKf,  ftgin  the  Lady  Edmtandx,  tjiiae.  Fmb 

*  Diflws  ctfSilvcr,  worthy  as' be  belleveth*.  bcCwovib 

*  40i.  uid  3I.  a^picce,  fbc  thc'^urtbuanpe  <i£)k& 

*  Buiinefs  3oA  Pctjtiojis  touching  tli^W)nUbiB,o( 

*  her  Sm.' 

'Uk  Sxammatitm  tf  Rooeet  Dudin^  tabcn.  t^ 
fmt  Day. 

*  That  he  ttelivered  to  Mr.  £fi«ffluit'&-L«tter-M<l^ 

*  5^.  iQi.  in  Gold,   htxa.  Mr.  M^m^U;  and  re- 

*  ,ceived  from  tiim  a  Sdwdute  concttMRfc  »  Wafd- 
*>  (hip,  to  delinr  to  Mf.  Brfv>^er\*' 

tht  Exatmaatim  o/'Edwaro  Bkewstsk^  taien  lAr 

.  *  And  diat  it  was  for  a.  Sc^Kdvlt  oC  C«nipqift\ 
<  tion  of  4e  WanUhipof  Sir  37x>matBaierv  9pi  ' 

*  that  the  -ikii  Con^fitioa  was  made*,  iQ.  Zmwfv- 
'  TVnnmstvo  Years,  by  the  reft  irf  dje  CwnWiI, 

*  inthe  AbfeaceofttwLprdTreaAmr;;  anttkitt 

*  fac  a  Month  after,  he  foUidted  the  'Lord  Tttft- 

*  furer  and'  Mr.  Hemum  for  a  Di&atah  theteo^ 

*  but  could  not  prevail  i  the  Lord- TteaTum  t^- 

*  linglwm  That  he.  liked  ,iiot  the  Coo^tolitisii : 

*  Whereupon,   aftoE  H^atyrTena,   left  Proecfi* 

*  fliaulfi  go  fQrth,  he  wrote  a  I^c^er  to  Mr.  £taf-~ 

*  mofif.  promifinj  to  be  i^apidui  {   aoi  receimi^ 

*  Anrwer  Out  it  was  difpajtc^e^  he  lent  thft  Sk^' 

*  Mom^^.  ui4  had.  the  a&irdaid  CoPficfit>R(i«' 

Tl>i.Examim>tim  a^Ei-lZABETH  BftADFOKOt  taitm  . 

*  ThatQieofieredMr.iir<mMn,io&.farbacPtti» 
^                 *  tiontotbeLofdTreafurer,fortheWaidflupofher 

*  Dtu^tcf  i  but  he  refiifed,  and  told  bM  hi>J%e 


-  ^fi  HOL  ANI>.  ^4 

*  4r»*6*.  AMtvabilM  tare  hDli&:  And  |1mi«^A>.*i>p»^ 

*  upon  flie  gafe  hJi#  let.  abd  he  then  told  her^        '^^ 

*  That  fa«  had  kitd  jlfot  a  Ids  Matter,  wd  ffai 

*  angry  witli  her  ht  ftsu)dlng.with  hitt.' 

Vltf  £nnwMfan  of  C^mst.  Vkiikam,  ttktn  tbt 
Jam  D>^ 

'  That..aBout.Cir^ff»i;  w»»TweIvcDiontb,  lis 

*  give  Mr.  Herman  21s.  upon  the  Delivery  of  t 
'  Petition  to  the  Lord  Treafucer,  (bt  a  Wanlfhipi 

*  and,  Hb&M  Mtj  UtHtsVlmgi  wtere  a  Drf  was  *S- 

*  Hf^ei  to  fltlbtfA  tUc  Coa4nfitiaa»  he  gava  Mr* 
«  Htrman  44/.  nwH.' 

*  And  CO  pwve  that,  hjr  Cofour  rf  ifcefc  latter 
InffnuaSoiis,  Ffes  forCimtinuancw  of  Liveries  uif 
taiied  fmm  10^  to  aox«  ths  Term*  were  read 

^^/aidAmwLK  tfthtfaid  Offctrs  bftht  Court. 

.     Whef^^  ^  Tlwt  ^KtyhaW  hcatd  that  the  Sub* 
'  icA  Mid  te  the  ^ivatvfef  (fer  the  Mallei's  \^it^ 

*  lulf  Fe«s  for  Tenders,  aiid  whble  Pres  for  Con- 

*  tinuancCi.     j^d'thty,  the  faidSorotytt',  AHttil^, 

*  andAidlrsf,  dbfif.  That  the  MrffcR  did  declare' 
^  his  Intention  not  tg  debtr  the  Sufveyor  of  hii' 

*  Pee  for  ContiiUiaricca :  J«f /»</,  Bec«ife  Cotiti-' 

*  nuances  wCreMattimdf  Grace  and  Favour  from' 
'  the  Kirtj^*  Wfajcflj^,  that  thtrefort,  if  AeSubjeO' 

*  woidd'hai'e  rheitt,  they^flloutd  p*y  fix  Aem''  ■ 

i&  MmmnatUn  of  Ieft ery  BRicMT,  taitri  tir 

JH^et/B,  » That,  fiBce  the  faH  lafHnftmatOns,- 
*'  the  Feet  <rf  Coflrinuancc!  trf  Liveries  have  hcen' 

*  rsijki  Rota  401.  *w  Jmiumta  4/.  8*.  wh««-' 

*  tfjLCLh  gcM  to  me  Lord  Tirafaier,  and  4/.  to' 
*>&  ifrrtiw*'/  Man;' 

T  a       .  ■  ?V 



■  Jinne  D.ayi  .       .     t 

Whofaith^   *  'P'M,  fince  the  laft  Inftru<9ion9| 

*  the  Fees  for  Continuances  of  Liveries  have  becH 

*  raifed  lis.  every  Termj   which  Fee  the  Lord 

*  \rrea(urer'rf  Secretary  rcccfvcs;  which  U  fpccially 

*  complained  of  by  fuch  as  have  Suits  in  Court.* 

ThtEiforniiBtion  c/'Nicholas  HeRMAK^  taim  the 

22</ff/^  April,  1624.        ■''  * 

-   *  Th«irincethe.laftIn&va)Diis,.theI^rdTEKi- 

*  torn  did  'tal(e,  upon  evuy.CoOtinuanGe  of  Live* 

*  ry,  los.  a  Term,  and  no  more.'-   ,     ,  ' 

'.  f.  And  to  prove  that,  by  the.  Utter  Injlru£lioa$, 
^  Mafler  hath  Pi^wer  to  jpake.  moft  Wardfhipt- 
concealed,  was  read  , 

'  The  Anfwer  upon  Oath  of  the  faid  Officers  of 
th?  Court  of  Wards.' 

.     .     -  :TpHching  the  Stamp  ivcre  read 

¥he  Examination  if  the  fmd  Nicholas  Hbrmak.' 

Whofaitby  'That,  by  thcDireaion  of  the  Lord! 
,^  Treafurer,  there  was  a  Stamp  made,  and,  by  hi^ 

*  Lordfhip,  delivered  .to  the  Examinant,  witl% 
*.  Ppwer  .to  l^n  therewith  fuch  ordinary  Things. 
*;  toilchi|ig  tfifi  ^BulmeTs  .of  the  Court  of  Wartfi^ 
*:  as  were  Agned  by  his  Lordfhip.    An^Jailh^ 

*  That  he  did  nwi!e  the  Lord  Treafurer  to  make. 
'  the  faid  Stamp  ;'and  the  Reafon  was,  for  that  the 
*, -Suitor^  that  followed  theic  ordinary  Bulinefles- 

*  attended  (bmetimes  eight,  nine,  or  ten  Da^  fiw 
'  Difpatch,  which  occdioned  much  Clamour,  and 
*.  fome  Jnd^itiy;  that  the  (aid  Exafnjnant  delayed 
';.thefn  of  Puifiole}  and  therefbi;?  tl^e  faid  Exam-, 
*.ina.i)t  was-delirous  to  .give  thelh  better  Dilpatch., 
^^^ndfvith,  'tpa  Lord  Tieafurer  did  not  diftri- 

*  bure  his  Time,^  afligning  any  certain  Day&-  or, 
'  Hours  for  the  Difpatch  of  the  Afisire  "of '  the 

*  Court  of  Wards,  otberwife  the  ikid  Stamp  had 


v^flZ-IiN  GLAND..  B93 

*  notbeenmad?.    ^rf /»>*,- He  did  ufc  Aefcid  *^"J»™i'i' 
*■■  Sump  Ibmeomes  in  his  LcH-dlhip's  Abfaice,  awL        *•*** 

*. fonKtimes  in  his  Prefence,  when  his  Lordfhip  wBs 
(■■  etheiwifc  bufied.     JnJ  faith.    That  thae  was 

*  but  one  Stamp)  but  he  could  fign  feveral  Vfzyty 
i  acCcHrding  as  he  Ibt  on  the  Stamp ;  fometimei 
*-  -mAi  die  Name  of  MtddUfex  alone,   and  iomze 

*  times  with  the  Addition  of  Cmria  Wardtrum' 

'The  aftrtfaid  Exmiiwaiita  ef  jEFfRRr  BRIGHT.. 
'  That  he  hath  fcen  Mr,  Herman  fet  the  laid 

*  Stamp  to  an  Indenture  for  a  Ward(hip  of  Body 
.  *  and  Lands,  and  to  many  other  Things. 

The /aid  Examnation  y  Thomas  Fabian,    ,,^ 

*  That  Mr,  Herman  haA  fct  the  laid  Suunp  fo 
,  •  iimdry  Writings  in  die  Abfcnce  of  the   Lord 

*  T««fiir«r.' 

•Jed-  At  /aid  Answers  '  ef  the  Officert  ef  the  Court 

•   of.lVords: 

■    '*  That  Mr;  /firwwK  hath  ufed  die  £ud  Stamp 

'   •^li^ftampingofTendtrs.iUidContinuatKesi'War- 

*  rants  to  the  Great  Seal,  Gomes  of  W^cdfliips, 

*  Leafcs,  Indentures  erf!  Liveries,  tf  r.' 

*  And  therewere  (hewed  forth*  and  read  by  the 
Cterit,  divers  Petitions  of  liindry  Nature*,  ftamped 
with  the  faid  Stamp,'  v 

The  Lord  Treafurer  anfwered  unto  this  Charge, 
-That  he  it  net  U  ■  he  iiamed  far  putting  bis  Office  into  Tbe  l*rd  tv^ 
•futh  Plight  as  it  was  before  an  Encriicbmmt,  ''"«''•  Anfwer. 

As  touching  his  Secretary's  Fees,  Jt  be  is  net  re- 
'firaintd,  fo  ne&ing  is  aUatved ;  and  if  he  hath  exaH- 
-*d  anytbingi  kis  Ltrdfhip  will  be  the  feverefi  Ctlt- 
furer.  ef  him.  He  never  heard  ef  any  till  now, 
That  the  Secretary  la  farmer  Majitrs  received  what- 
ifaever  any^  Man  gttve  voluntarily-,  ft  it  was  lawful 
for  his. 

T  3  As  . 


294  ^  PjrUtmentay  H  j  s  t  «  r  v 

M.  *•  Jam  t    Aa  Mtidaiia  thcT  w  for  CoAtiniUten,  W^Jh^M 

i**4^         h$Ufi  dnfthng  it£ fir  «  FiKW  /»  «;(<>  MfeSf 

By  Ail  Means  thert  it  fetuer  Cmtmiitttta  i  Mid  fi 

t^  Kiitg  bar  hit  Menty  ibt  fiantr^  ami  tit  J^OIjV  ^ 

frttftr  the  StdftHi  Suit  HHfitmtr, 

As  fat  concealed  WardHufia  vvithin  *  fivr; 
h  h  kmtfind  ta  the  King  g  othermji,  wilittH  tkr* 
Yeart,  the  iTuri  might  die,  and  ike.  K^  Mi  tht 
Wafdfinf.  Neither  hath  the  Mafter  fueb  Power^ 
ainuy  therein  by  thefe  turn  iffim^um:  He  it  vify 
P^vAei  witi  the  Dirt^ion  uttte  tuhom  the  cauealed 
l^ard/lnp  ^l  he  granted;  the  Compufition  ij  tejitatfy 
CeuueiUBoard :  But  it  ii  mtffnwed  that  be  ever  madf 
tHe  ceaeeahd  Wardjbip.  Thty  fay  tbii  may  he  dtHe, 
tut  dt  nfitjhew  what  was  dme  amtfi-  And  hti  LoFd- 
,  ihip  juAilied,  That  thefe  new  Inflruitiaat  were  mart 
JtR^wW  (>  .the  King  md  Sid^  ihtn  tbe  firmert 
titd  mt-  fTe}u£atd\  fir  at  tai^lxng.  the  felHiiatt  ^ 
the  Ward  ha^n  im  a  Vacation.,  the  Petitiaa  mt/l  St 
deUvered  vdtbina  Manlhi  fftatbe  Clerk,  ferht^  bt 
a  DUt  9f  Tmpr  .'  AW  they  are  U  ht'd^iCertd  »  ^ 
Mafler  firfiy  and  he  may  £^eit  the  finding  of  tht 
00eemtheimUwai  hd  it  it  ^nt  Pone  tiS  the  ftt 
tkifH  he  eftentxtrdt  entered  hy  Ae  Cltri,  aadCm^ 
foptiott  is  madi  by  ail  lie  O^eri. 

indeed  the  Qficfrt  yieid^i,  hardily  U  the  mw  /»• 
^ruiiions  ;  hecaufe  they  bad,  by  the  former,  fitared  At 
A^tr^t  Fawer  and  Authen^atau^  tbettdekm. 

His  I^ocdOiip  conMid,  iiat  hiyielM  le  iaiu  4 
Stapip  made  by  the  Prectdtnt  af  tht  ivdStdn^'* 
Stamp ;  which,  he  faid,  he  catdd  net  prove  hut  hy 
Jiear-Say:  And  Etan^  are  tded in  ^  S***{f)^Qgiu 
and  the  Outlawries.  And  that  it  it  aa  taaee  pr^MtS- 
tfalie  (tUtmit  a  Stamp  f  hit  Seeretgry^  iitn  U  k^ 
heen  heretofore  to  leave  tht  Seal  with  the  Gieri.  Net- 
Aea  is  it  /htrtm  itat  thii  Stamp  both  hetn  fo  At  Prtr* 
■ftdice  eftiny  Man,  Hie  fame  Things  that  'Jjere  Ham^ 
■W,  besng  »  paft  «*»■  Offiurt  either  frft  or  iafl. 

»  Thw 


tf  £  N  O  L  A  N  B.  2^f 

TV  EmtmtuHm  af  HicitAitD  Chamkklain  «tJ 


*  TtedcAme'nii^dwtwercftaBipedikm. 

*  or  ought  to  pa&  odwr  of  the  Ofioen  Handt,  ei- 

<  ihH-liefttearafterllifywcrelbiBpn].    Thuno 

*  iV(fuaiceluidibecn,totlMarlCM«I«dac,  Muiy, 

*  ddRf  totbc  King  cw  Sdjea,  kjr  rcMoN  of  dw 

<  Cod  fituip,  ualefi  the  St^^eA  hach  received  sny 

*  IVqutfeei^daPedCHMsAuqMiforjitdici^  A^ 

*  tiT  Aft  Court.    Thttt  the  Suiton  hare  had  %m^ 

*  DiifittdibytheStkinii. 

■  TUs  being  icad,  Vb.  Snfieait 

Cnm  made  a 
^<*  for  Condtni* 

*  That,  in  the  Tiiiie  «f  Lord  Titafluer  Bur-  Sc^cmk  Cm*-* 
Ayi,  tbon-wu  paid  but  (tt.  S^  for  a  Contimi-  '^^r- 
ulitT)  cither  to  dw  Mafter  or  Stsv^or;  whidi  is 

Aow  jwd  tb  bo^  and  io<.  tinea  eadi. 

*  Unto  v^ucfa  the  Lord  TrcaiiMvr  anlwered,  in 
«fcft,  as  faefora,  and  fmther  (ud,  7i<rt  ^  As^  waci 
JWM  M^,  ^  darji  mt  adotwhin  u  fnmtj  mtrtt 
fir  «W  h*  wm  fi  far  fpmt  %  and  J^ei  tbaf.ii 
Mtffa  tumf  M  t/^  Ltn^bips  agaim^  Tt-mimw 
Jmnmft  *»  ^"^0  '^<*<  tomdmg  tbr  twa  Srihtt  "tf 

*  fi^re  Ac  Lord  Treafurer  wai  wttfadrawo, 
Ac  Eari  «f  Cariifie  rcoicHibercd  thdr  Lordlhips, 
That  Ae  Lord  Treafurer,  the  other  Day,  had 
lAatipd  him  with  3000^  giytn  htm;  whefcas, 
-ahDuttvdveMonthi  after  die  Lord  Tieafurer  w&s 
wtde  Mofler  of  the  Waidi,  bis  Loid&ip  paid  the 
£ar|  ctCarSA  3000/.  in  part  oi  ao,oooA  given 
.hhtl  by  the  King.  And  whereas  the  Lord  Trealii- 
nr  %aJcc  of  the  vaft  £xpenees  of  the  Wardrobe  in 
Anner  Times,  the  Eari  of  CarHJle  Mi,  That  the 
E»pa«cet  p»m  fogicu  byreafon  of  the  cxtraordi- 
aaryChaiynfaco  haHttniagtaa,  bj  the Qjfsea of 


for  furnifliing  divers  of  the  King's  HouIe&';  fortnV4 
ny  rich  Prefchts  fent  to  foreign  States ;  for  the 
King's  V<^age  to  Scetiand;  aad  the  like,' 

'  And  the  Earl  of  Dinhigb^  npw  Mailer  oftlM 
Wardrobe,  Ihewed,  That  he  cannot  get  (my  Al- 
lowance forilie ExtaordinaiiEi  of  tfiatTMiiotrbm 
dis  Lord  Treafuier."  m        ' 

■  *  Whereui^O'fais  Lordfliip  anfuKred,  Thal-'ihe 
King  rifirrki'MiU  him  the  Earl .6f  Denbigh's  J>€- 
tturnds  of  ihi£»iraor£iiariesif  vAtrtin.'.hii  Ltr^if 
luai  wKuiUing  ionuMtl,.  fir  ht'auli  not  'tenuivf 
how  they  aatld  amat^-.  te  wn  SioH  JemandeA  ^d 
]|s  tctudiiag  drt  Easl  of  Cmliflti  Ifht  hidfaid  that 
kt  had  given  him  that  ^OpoJ!  if'  did  bh  Lfrd^ifi 
V/reng,ftr  he  had  JVarrantfrom  hit  Majejiy  to  pay  <>, 

*  And  then  thcLwdTreafurerdelired-he'inight 
-be  heard  to  cleai'.  fdnc- Words  thA  might  pits  front 
him  this  Day,  where  it  Is  reported  that  his  Loc^ 
fliip  fboutd  fay.  That  he  iiad  unchriftian  Dealing : 
Ht  meant  it  not  hy  ihtir  Lord/hips^  vjhBft.DcdHngt 
he  ackneiuUdgtd  to  he  to  him  bath  juji  and  honturahUi 
hut  he  iy  the  King's  Ceurfei^  whe  have  dtat 
f  ttitthrifliouiy  with  him,  ai  laniaie  if^te  Blaeif 
and  Black  IWhite :  And  humbjv'  defircd,  That  Uns 
his  AcimmuUdgtmeta  of  the  "pifiite  of  the  Hoafi 
■.tnight  be  ofctpied  ef  him,  and  to  be  mmrftood  etilj  »f 

■  the  King's  Cetmfei.  Arid  faid  further.  That  hi  had 
Prectdints,  that  he  ought  not  to  anftiitr  in  this  Piattt 
(at  the  Bar)  and  that  he  ought  to  havt  Counfcli  and 

/prayed  that  tbtmextmigbt  mt'.fufftr  hyiis  Example. 

'And  again  Udired  to  appear  To-nfoirow  to 
'  nWke  his  farther  Anfwcr.'  .J  .      • 

■*  The;  Lord  TrflBrurer  being  withdtaim,  Ac 
Houle  agn'ed.  That  he  Ihould  appear  hete  again 
To-morrow  at  Nine  of  the  C^oclc;  and  Mr.  Mmt- 
■■  well,  the  GemlenaD  UHier,.  warned  him  to  ^pci^ 
accordingly.'  ■ 

*  The  Lord  Keeper  deared  the  ProceedingB  of 

the  Kiiig.'s  Coanfd  in  their  feveral  .Charges  againft 

the   Lbrd  .TreuAirer;   and  the  Houft  gave  them 

'■■  Thaoks  for  tbqr  f^ii  Carnage  theinn.' 

-.  .  .         ■  "JMij 

Y.;^.  EW  G-tA  N'to.  '■  297' 

■ "  JUgy^t,"  The  Lori!  Treato'rer  being  at  the  Bar,  Ao.  n  jtsnK 
and  bang  admitrcd  tw  fpeak  in  his  own  Defence,-       ***^' 
his  'Lbnlmip  firft  repeated  the  fcveral  Heids  of  the 
Matters  wherewith  he  is  chai^iJj  viz. 
.  _  -I .  *-  Touching  the  Warclrrf>e.' 

2.  *  Touching  two^ribes  received  of  the  Far-  Tfci  lori  Tn^t. 
nleis^  the'Cnftoms.'  n^*^tak 

-  -'^.■♦''CompofitionsoftheOut-PottsforGroccry.'  the^Jf^ 
'■  -4.';  y  The  Officers  of  the  Ordnance,     Ai(d,        Clw>ge. 

•.  5.  *  The  Ct»rt  of  Wards.' 
.  .#.  Ai  for  the  firil,  7iat  hit  Omiffian  of  an  Accomn 
In  thi  if^ar^abe  did  Tuithtr  add  to  nar  diminifi)  tht 
■Charge  the  King  vun  at ;  and  that,  aitheugh  his'Lirdf 
^b^  emitttd  to  Jifrve  Jem*  af  the-  Lord  Chamberlai'^s 
'  ifan-atitt-,  ameunting '  ta  a  Matter  of  700/.  yet  bt 
had  laid  out,  in  the  Extraardinarits  of  that  Office^ 
■/whith  He  Wai-  Hot  bvuni  la  da)  ohut  6000/.  anil 
Mat  tht-good  Service  xuhich  he  had  done  hh  MajeJIy  in 

■jJm  O^e  if  well  inawH.  ' 

*^Touching  the  two  Bribes,' termed  diJgusfedCor- 

ruffiotii,  thwfaever  the  Farmers  afthe  Cufhmfrf 
•felled  tb*  famtf  "ht  could  not  knew  their  Thought)  hat 

hy  their  IVards  and-Deeds^     And  ■his  Lordfcip  pro- 
.ttfted,  Thai  he  reiekitd  the  fame  no  stherwife  than 
.   ifir  his  Merefl  in  faw  3a  Parti  af  the  Great  Farm 
.  afthe  f^C^mi. 
i     .*  As  touching  the  Leafe  for  Sugars,  He  wtUJaj 

■  ta  mare  than  firmeriy  he  had  fpoien.     Nor, 

..'  'ForiheXJompofitjons  for  Grocery,  five  on]y. 
That  his  Lordjhif  hadfent  Barret's  Son  unfa  Mr.  Ser- 
jeant Crew,  to  fatisfy  him  that  Barret  had  farmerly 

-  ttiie^d  the  faid  CompofitionS,  by  virtue  of  ihi  H^ar- 

-  rant  of  farmer  Treajurers.  • 

■■  '  As  tonching  the  Office  of  the  Ordnancs,  Ks 
'■  Ltrdfiiip  vtautd  fpeak  no  more  touching  the  Pravifion 
ftr  Armi  and  Gun-Pawder,  than  he  had  doht.  But, 
"..      '.As  tofic\ua%DaUifin's  Bufinefs,  his'Lordftiip  ' 

■  £ud,'  //  bigOn  originally  before  he  was  Treafiirer  j  i>e 
'.  therein  fettled'  the  King's  Debt  unto  the  Officers,  and 

hath  parted  with  that  EJiaU,- which  he  had  from  them 
.  in  Daitifan's  Lands,-  within-  a  Month  after  he  wat 

7>/<^ir  i  ■  jwf, .  if  the  fecond  Bargaiti  made  ivilh 
..     ,  thefe 


agS  7%e  f  ^Zr#Rt«r^  X  t « to  K  r 

t.  M.jia>Mi  tbeJk  (Matrs  prim  Jnt  «  *tiii/kiBl  A  tim  «  x^ 

as  gaed ;  wiarA  ^  nwJt^  ptfftfm*  And  bu  Lbsd- 
{bip  Further  praffcxcd,  7^-<uyr  ^mSmiU  hmmtO^ 
tifon's  £ti»d!r  ^din  ^  a  f»  ^  SnK  '^6n  ^  t;^ 

<  Then  he  dcTued  dieir  LqhM^  •«»  t4)e«m 
Sty  ifthoje  that  ^ii^p^  him  \  ^UL,  ^  At  htd  ittt 
as  wtU  able  t»  jpeai  ftr  ift^t  m  Unj  Amkfh 
^aiafi  buitt  ht  Auktti  mtlkttliM  it  fitidtkfVt 
pvat  their  X^r^^vtryptdSfKiifiiilim. 

*  HjsLoid&U)  Jjitke  much  i««Moafefcrihafc 
Matters  complauK^  of  wainft  Jbwi  v  Lot^  Tr*- 
furer,  ^ing,  natirMt^iNrnj^mHyoKt^ 
Menty  vtas  the  Cod/  ^.nmk  Atrttf, 

<•  He  KkaowIoUd,  Thri  ii«  X^  4^  Am  « 

if  ^ni  imalijui  M^er  tmk  itm  t  Mid  wMivcdi 
,het  ht  icd  httn  a  rW  md/mi^Senma  mm 

txtepuif  pAiA  art  prt^Oid  if  tie  Ceamaiu)  if  nwr 

htmta  tht  SiMg  and  the  f  m^. 

fial  hit  Servite  kai  iem  in  RefvwMmv,  w^ 
Of  the  }hup>»Ui  iftheNavfi  »/ lit  O'ankeiai 
and  of  the  Kingdam  tf  Ireland  j  nuUci  «rv  tVagi 
^  Aat  Heture  thai  Aef  itget  £nemts .-  jAd  i/^  in 
aainig  Service  tt  hit  Maufiy,  hi  hath  prttmvd  f  Hm- 
'  Y  mamf  'Enmieiy  ihtir  Xtr4^pt  tviM  ml  in^Ktt 

tf  te  him  for  a  Patdt, 

'  Hi»  Lordlbip  alls  afinncd.  That  it  bad  duu 
iit  Ap^efy  nad  Senfice  in  lit  PalatiaOe,  iy  jrfMV- 
dng  the  ExdtaKge  of  the  Kin^t  Mantj  lUtiWt  vien- 
mitfawd  the  King  60,000/.  Aad  aftnngd,  That 
he  bad  advanctd  the  Prafitt  ^  the  Gnvm  at  ie^ 
tOfOBol.  though  nn  by  Jt^^aiui  ti^  it  meStd 
net  whit  tie  other  two  eiu^ttdt  emd  litf  wert  tfreid 
VKto  by  the  Cauiuil-Seard.  The  Shift  iadeed.  vme 
in  tit  Rivet,  but  the  Fintaeri  uitre  fait  fir,  and 
made  tt  pay  what  was  in^ed  m  the  Jihrdmitt, 

That  he  offered  to  pay  the  Arrear  dut  ftr  Iidaad, 

a  third  Part  from  tki  tu  Dtpn^,  and  tit  mu  Ht^ 


That ; 


*/  E  N  G  L  A  N  I>.  9^ 

frma  *i<  rtfcr  i  »A«wrf(iS  \tt  atfuaSni^  his  Afyje^  *••  •!  !'*••> 
tmdturntd  it  aU  U  hit  Mt^ejij'i  Profit.  "^  ' 

Tltff  i(^  bath  letn  a  Judge  tbtft  eight  Tears,  and 
pa  Comfiaint  bnugbt  agoing  him  far  Ctrntptisn  tr 
Bribirj  i  vilndt  be  hiped  viauid  wttgh  mw  with 
tbtir  ZdT^e^. 

*  AsiA  OS  Ant  tbc  OflfeiKe  taken  Veftcrday  againft 
)uiD>  tomUv  tlie  King's  CouKfel,  (whom  he  Kvtt 
loved  weS)  A  knew  mem  tt  be  »f  that  Itving  No* 
tmrt,  ^M  he  doubted  lut  but  that  tb«f  would  ip^utt 
ft  t9  hit  R^btufi,  and  forgive  blgi. 

*  Then  he  crwed  Pai^on  of  tbeir  Lon^ips,  if 
Ise  had  umittej  mj  tiling,  or  fpolcen  ought  that 
taight  difeofiievt  them  f    smtl  Q>,  with  huoMe 

.  Tbsiijcs  Sot  tbeir  Favour  to  himt  be  concluded  his 

*  The  Lord  Toftfitrar  baring  ended  his  Speech* 
hfr  was  anfweied  b^  ihe  l«rd  Keeper,  That  the 
Council'T^c  difavowed  the  Itnpofidon  qb  Wines 
to  bc^  fnm  Atm ;  It  came  from  bis  Lordflitp 
;tE  WWijgfng  to  bis  Place  of  I/ord  TreaTurcr ;  ate 
Matter  m^s  hie  alone  i  the  Manner  aUg  was  coo- 
tiadided  hr  the  left  of  the  Council,  for  that  the     ■ 

"Merchant  Ships  were  then  in  the  fiJvcr  (  only  ther 
gave  way  t»  it,  upon  hjs  Loxidiip's  undertaking 
^ai  the  Merchants  wouhl  yield  thereunto,  and  that 
theyjpiould  be'iio  way  prejudiced  tiicrebv.'  , 

*  WbereuBto  the  Lord  Tre^Jjfnr  replied,  J^ 
thit  tim  aa  Ptirt  efhis  Charge, 

*  The  I/ordT|reafiir«  bang  withdrawn,  and  the 

_  fiovb  adjourned  ad  Libitum^  Mr.  Attorney  Gene  -  ;„„  conflJ™- 
rdl  read  that  Part  of  the  Charge  againli  the  Lord  ii<u  ihe  kittA 
'Tceafurcr"  which  concerned  the  Wardrobe,"'         ■  ^'''"  ,'j||i'J'^ 

*  And  the  Lords  having  duly  confidcred  Of  the  i,orj''r«.6iier*( 
Cnmes  ohjci£ted  agaioft  the  Lord  Treafurer,  for  not  Aofwcxi, 

.  cntenag  into  «  Book  of  Accounts  the  Warrants  and 
£aiptu>as,  as  he  ought  to  have  ijone,  whereby  the 

'SfWVni'W  iud  antieot  lofUtution  of  that  Office  is 
altogether  broken  >  and  for  not  ferving  the  War-t 

.  laott  diie^EUd  uolo  him  for  the  King's  own  Perfon, 

(hf^h  V  .^>  ^'^Q  U'f^f^  thetointo  I   nor  paying 



Th  Tm-Uatmntary  History 

•»  '•  divers  bf  the  Creditors  for  fuch  StufTas  they  lerved 
in,  although  he  received  20,Ooo/.  $er  Annum,  by 
way  of  Impreft,  for  the  ordinaly  Charge  only  of  that 
Office ;  which  a  far  lefs  Sum  would  have  fully  de- 
frayed :  And  for  that  he  had  ndt  pecfbn^ed  that 
good  Service,  which  be  pretended  imto  his  Ma- 
jefty  \  but,  under  Pretence  thereof,  had  procured 
to  bimlcif  great  and  large  Gifts  from  his  Majefty, 
and  Pardon  of  divers  great  Sunjs  of  Money :' 

*  And  the  Kin^ft  Counfel  having  fatisfied  their 
LordOiips,  That  the  (aid  Pardon  to  the  Lord  Trea- 
furerdid  not  pardon  his I.ortt(hip*$  not  accounting} 
the  Hotife  was  refumed,  and  the  Queftion  put. 
Whether  the  Lord  Treafurer,  for  his  Carriage  in 
thcOffice  of  the  Wardrobe,  be  cenfurable,  orNo  ? 
And  it  W4S  agreed,  Nemine  dijfmtiaite^  To  be  c?n- 

«  Pop  Meriditm,  Mr.  Attorney  read  that  Part 
of  the  Charge  againft  the  Lord  Treafurer  which 
concerned  his  talcing  of  500  A  of  the  Farmers  of 
Wines  and  Currants  for  aBribe,  and  500/.  of  the 
Fanners  of  the  Great  Cuftoms,  for  a  Bribe ;  and 
for  exa£Hng  looA  of  the  faid  Farmers  of  Wines 
and  Currants.' 

'  And  their  Lordfliips  took  Into  their  Confido- 
^ation  the  Lord  Treafurer's  Anfwer  unto  the  faid 
two  Bribes,  v'lv..  That  he  accepted  of  lOOoA  tali 
him,  -at  one  entire  Payment,  by  the  Farmers  of  tht 
Great  Cuflsmi,  upon  a  Bargain  of  his  faur  32  Parts 
tf  the  Great  Farm.  And  it  appeared  plainly  un- 
to them,  by  the  Examination  of  divers  Wit- 
neffes,  as  well  of  thofe  taken  ex  Parte  Domini  Re- 
gis, as  of  thofe  taken  ex  Parte  Domim  Thefaurorii, 
That  5_oo/.  of  the  faid  Sum  was  given  to  the  Fartners 
of  the  Wines  and  Currants,  called  the  Petty  Cuf- 
toms, to  procure  his  Lordfhip's  Warrant  forDe- 
falkation  of  loooA  per  Annum  of  tfieii  Renn,  f<ir 
nine  Years  ahd  a  Hatf,  in  recompence  of  their  Lofs, 
according  to  his  Lordfliip's  farther  Agreement  -with 
them  on  the  King's  Behalf,  upon  his  Majefty's 
■  Reference  unto  his  Lordlhtp :  And  that  the  other 
500/.  was  given,  by  tteFanners  of  the..GMit 

*/  E  .N-,  G,  h  A  N  Di   •  v^  ?%^ 

Cl#apiRt  to  procure  his  f-onMhip's  Warrant  'ai»IV*?'.?J^^?' ^ 
the  King's  Remembrancer,  to  take  Security  Ifor'  ^^. 
¥ai]fmsia,  "of  the  Rent  to'  his  Majefiy  i  of  the.  four' 
^^atpntees  of  that  Ftrm,  /n  iicu  of  five  F^tnefs  who . 
hwl  celinquifhed  theic  FarCs,therein : ,  Afid,  that  bia, 
Lordlhip  hail  not  referved  to  himfelf  any  Parts  ot 
the  f^d  Gre^  Farm,  as  his  Lordflitp  pretends : 
A;[id  tfhehad,  it  had.heen  a  grcatDeceit  untohls. 
i/^yfiRyt  .fac  ihe.Lord,  Trcaftirer  of  England  to 
cootrau.withfuhersfi^);  his Majefly's  Customs,  and. 
fecietly  to.  reljjrve  Parts  therein  unto  bis  own  Bene- 
fit: And  whep,  as  his  Lordjhip  i^ffirmSf  that  he  it-, 
ccived  the  loo/.  of  the  Farmers  of  iSiie  W^^,an4j 
Ci4ixa|jts,..(»r  a  New- Year's  Gift,  ij  ^peare^  alfo 
by  .the  Examinations  v^That  the  laid  c  arista. did, 
piefcnt  his  Loidlhipiwith  a  Tiui  oi^Wiiie  Foi  hisi 
New-Year*!,  Gift^sjid  his  Lord/hip  excited  thc^ 
lOo/,  of  them  after>«ards;  which  divers  of  their: 
lUi^dlhips  conceive  to  be  Extorti5)n.' 

'  All  which  being  fully,  difcuffed,  the  Hoate  was- 
rjefumed,  .and  the  Qjicftion  was  put.  Whether,  upon 
Uiis  whole  Ch^gci'theljord-Tieafuref  ^e  ccnfura- 
ble,  ornoJ  A]>d  agreed  generally,  Tohecenfured.  ,j 

•  The  Houfe  hein^  again  adjourned  ad  Libittaiif 
Mr.  Attorney  Genit^pl  re^  that  Part  of  the  Charge 
againft  the.  Lord  Treafurcr,,  which  concerned  his 
Xiofdpiip's;  procuring  oi  Gtergt  Herrht  to  fiirrender 
hiSilfCafe  of  the  Farm,  of  Sugars,  which  he  helJ 
«.  the  Rent  of  10,000  Marks  per  Annum  to  the 
King,,  and  for  procuring, a  new  Leafc  thereof  im-. 
inedtUety  to  two  ,of  his  Lordlhip's  Servants,  to.' 
his  own  Ufe,  at  2000!.  per  Annum;  and  for  de- 
-  nying  the  Merchants,  upon  their  Exportation  of 
■  Sugars,  the  Impolts  paid  therefore  upon  thelmpor- 
tUioa,,as.  bis  Lordihip  ought  to  have  done  by  the  > 

ipireflioiis  of  his  Majefly's ,  Letters  Patent  of  the " 
gCa  oS.Dteemher,  4nm  8  'Jocabi,  ■ 

■  j'.Up^-reading  whereof  the  Lord  K^per  figni- 
.^edtotheifLordmipj,  That  he  had  received  a  Mef-  - 
i4ge  ^gi  the  King  touching  this  Charge,  vi%, 

'  That  his  Majefty  did  freely  give  unto  the  Lord 

Xfca^)^r^.ooo/.  ftr  Annum,  out  of  the  faiiJ  Leafe 



jf0«  T^  Pm-kmimi^  ll''M  4okV 

i.  h]*«>**^  fHf  Sugars,  the  faxm  to  begin'  pM£i^'  rfleif'  0i^ 
»«**•         0ate  thereof." 

'  Toeir  Lofdunps  tiufttig  iitfo  Coflnnf f itran t 
(hat  this  was  the  King's  'fjee  <S^"  thef  4itf  floi> 
think  it  fir  to  cetifnrc  tbe  Lord-  Treafiirer  far  thef 
fame ;  ahtunigh  his  Lordfitip  haj  vtAv/tj  infbnned' 
his  Majefty  af  tt^good  Semcw  done  rn-tfaeOAceof'' 
the  Wanltobe,  which  his  Lorifcip pwfeiint J  net^' 
fbrwhichthisLcaTeof Sugarswasgivefihim'.  Nri' 
tiler  did  his  I^ordfliip  inform  bis  KStteftj,  ffot  ought" 
appcan)  that  a  Debt  of  7000^^  was  irnhHcJ-inott' 
that  Lcafe ;  the  which  his  LoHlbip' ttmrfenvd  -tiV 
the  Farm  of  Tobacco.* 

*  And  as  touching  lllcDeifiri  of  die  ImpofF  tm"' 
to  the  Merchants,  apontheE«portadon  of  Sovars, 
S)T  that  his  LordlfaTp  affirms,  That  the  Undcr-Fsr- 
ffiers  of  the  {aid  Sugars  from  him  are  HaMe  'to  thr 
ftc-payinent  of  the  faid  InnKiffa,  if  any  We  Jur^ 
riieir  LordQiips  did  not  ^tiSl  rt  fit  to  cenTure.  dw'' 
Ixird  Treafurer  for  the, fame.' 

*  And  Ae  Hoiife  being  refuaiedi  the  -QprfUdtf 
was  put,  Whciber  the  Lord  Tie«rflir«r  ftiM  Ite-' 
freed  ftam  any  Cenfure  iti  this  parttctdarCBtr^e, 
or  Nb  ?  And  gcncraHy  agreed.  To  he  free*.' 

*  The  Houie  was  again  ^jaame&aH^Siium, 

*  And  Mr.  Attorney  'Gchfrjd  rta/i  -AwPart  rf 
the  Charge  againft  the  I-ord'Trarftirer,  whiith  «»* 
ttrns  the  Cotnpofition  for  Grocery  Wares  it»-  the- 
City  <rf  Briftvi,  whicb  City  had  refcffid  «  ^fclip 
unto  ffly  Ctanpcfition  im  the  fame ;  anf -yet  th# 
tor*  Tirafijfer  had  ghren  Warrant  to  Iwr  *hi*' 
fame  againft  thEirWiffs,  andtofhythrcntem^wP 
their  Goods  nntil  the  fame  yaa  paid  accoitfli^'. 

'  But  forthat  it  appeared,  th'attheLorii'TTe«i 
ftircr  Dtrfefi  Letter,  dated  B6ro,  for  'l»;^u«the' 
uutie  Oompoiition,  agreeth  wilh  the  Letter  wiittdi* 
by  this  Lord  Treafurer;  and  fbr-dut  titvers-of  2IW«- 
Jfal^iaA  pai&thel^Compolttton^  zmf -IBrthit'ili 
did  not  appear  tbzc  the  Lord  Treafinef  «BftSett<i' 
by  tcfk  any  Bcnefitto  faimif^,  tfe-Lot<&  dfti-  aaT' 
iik\nV  him  fit  to'bccaifared:f(Htfa?iBHae!' 


'*  IVImikw-  the  AiMtk-'MRf;.  tttuhi^  iC  waa.Aib  iviM>'t> 
put  W-^wQ^R^otit  ,W%ttber  the  I^  Xrcd^-       '*^ 
wmm  kn  Awe  «r  Omfurem;  thts  Chjfrge  aC 

Grocery,  orMof  An^aSi^*  to^^^^- 
- '«  "na  lAmfe  beift^-aj^'  atBoutnetl  ad  Lthihim^ 
Mn  Attonwjr  lfieliet«l'>«wP  anoOer  ^rt  of  tha 
bwd  TVttAlr*^  Cftafige,  fiz:    ^        ' 

•  "Tlwi'MsJl.atMtipb  fbr,  ihisvtwo  Tean.  m  J  ar 
|M^  fincete  WMLacdTt^^rer,  huh  n&t  oblferved 
At.  two  ProMttluti  br  EftaUHfatinents  of  the,  Qr- 

i*l*Mt  AM  iriireh'  was.  ftnted  for  the  Supply. 
dHre«f  1);  Friv^SekU  Amfi  ft^  Jacabc,  &tr  the 
Qrtiiif  J  of •ArtOtee,  nor^cfaat,  ^  v^n*^i620,',  i 

Ac  dfewtr  hv  Ma-  Loidnqr,  vd  die  other  1:0111-' 
mMimiM*-  m  ttie'  'i^itvf  i<ir  the  preTeftt  Supply 
tliwbpfj  whacliyAwSeQrerne,  to  e!ff^,  wbolly 
iffAmUlked:  And  Au  M^  Lonlftup,  Ancehewas 
E^4(f^«MWeF,  nqdtefied  amt  Icept  net  tibt  <^oB'>. 
tfsa^  iMfc  ftv  hMt^r^  QttteT  ComoijlSoaera 
wMi«  Nfip.  jlwlits  Iw  <9tiii^n>wder,  to  the  maazd' 

AnMw  MkdfrpBilBwfUIBkii^^iis.  fi>r  thelUndfi  oT 
Si*' iBvc^  AuU^«,  contrit^litig  to  prcicure.'Pay-r 
SMM-wold  AfreoM  oF{>e(n:,  vbich  lie  peiTdEmed, 
uNcn  fce- bicaifis  Treafurer;  and  to  prectite  th«: 
]ttikii)if;of  Batmictv  ^  >  Siiit  n  the  King  fbc 
CflMfKMn4>Hg' wMk  biy  MajdlyV -Ct>pr}4iolder«  of 
WduJuUy  which  he  valiied  at  two  thouland  Poum^j' 
«ii^'  IM-  Kfikig  mAreAiMiwii  and  the  Powci:  aod 
OcpoMunee  dT  %m  Pkce-,  to  wieft  Sir  Richard 
StmUi\  JM^  Sb  y*foi  gaw  out  oC  a  Leaft;,  which  Sk 
ilM  ANU^^ad  ^aftif  tuKcr  tbem.' 

7  AiiHi>tlMr>L<M^AM»r4mtng  fuHf  ^Hcof&d^lhe' 
Omxrlitt^iea  of  dte  Lord  Treafarer  t»  iOUe  the' 
Kii^»  Mbnty  for-  tbe  fiirnKhing  of  the  EitigV 
Smm  -«f  MmmWmi*,  with-  AnnouT''  ukI  Fbwder ; ; 
Uit>A»^te-pM'  Ar  Amzts  of  Pcbu  ta  tkatj- 
Oflpi  larMsMM  pttticnfar  f  rofit  upoaa.Con-, 
tmft^didW'bid-OSicers:  Andharing  con&der-^ 
cd'hi*  LoutftQK  £i'eat  Mi/detneanors  i»  the  Bar-' 
gpiW.for<be-fiu^l«d»  of  Sir  Rtgtr  I>aB:fan  ex-' 
3  tended 


304  thoffar^aifugafy  |f  ifT^V 

•.  II  jriMt  1,  tcnie^ /oif^t  Debt j, apd-hii: liitJrdfliip'Sr jwl(Wn^ 
•"t*,  thg»  for  "Part  .of  faymcnt  diewof,.ti>c)adBlcwg*rf' 
Baronets  iiad  a  Suit  for  the^o^ipo^wJiag  ^'HJKlw; 
Majefty's Copyholders  of  ^fli/^W.-,V  ■  ■  ,-..-  ;; 
*  And  hiaXor<Jfliip'sAnfHt«i  TTyit  Iv^.  pr^SfrpeJ 
this  Suit  utua  the  JfiW,  Jm.pitf-  »f  Sir  Titmiff. 
Mounfon's  'EJaltt  a  Mam  iere^fir^  tf  ^Sd  Af-i 
eount  in  his-Cauntr/i  and  now  ■  Jtcaytdi  whK^^ii^ 
tordfljips  tRoupht  inoft  fcudi^,  (or.  a  Ixwi^TflfiAi 
fursr  to  m^tctlfeoftohia  ^urn  Benefit:',  'j  i .  1  '1': 
'  Apd  it. appealing  unto,;f:heir,Lrf(r(Ut^,  .TlNm> 
the  faid  Lord 'Trea%M-  ,ba|l  fet  on  (mft  an.«W» 
Outlawry,  ,u[>on  aJDebt  long;Time  futc4rt>^j-fej!t 
the'fald  Sir  .Ri^^r  Di^/i^nV.^di^ithia X*ldl(WlPV» 
Upon  .I*ret?nce  pT^Debt «p.rfic:Kiflg  wfhfWJtlieiie'j 
was  none,  prpcured  iv.Jlevocationtof  .Letters  fl^i 
AdmihiAfatioji  granted  of  -  Sir,  R^er^iPfiii^Jtiiii 
Goods'}  and.had  written  his-Let(ct.\tc>tti9:JuiigHu 
«f  tbe  Common  Pleas. for-the.coun£en;tpf4ilg,itfI 
this  mdireifl  CourJ*^,  to  ,wrelj:,tl}G  fa^d  Lc^C*]  &MI1 
die  faid  Six;  S^cbark  SmtKt^^  Sir  j''^  ■D'TSJj  fi***- 
merly  granted  .unto,  them  '^y,,the  (lid  Sci  Bitgirf 
Dallifm:  AUthia'  being  fiflly  debated,  t^  Ht»|te 
was  refuined,  and  it.  was, ^ut, to  the  Qiie|KoB«; 
Whether  the  Lord:  Tre^ucer  ,b«  woithy  '^f  Qmri 
fure  in  regarij  of  this  vfhole  Ch^gCi,  both-  |bit  tta»r 
three,  i^argkins,  and  for  jiqt  fupi^yiog  the  Office  (f'' 
the  Ordnance.?  And  genciraVy.a^^,  Tabeo«»*> 
fured.'  ■    I 

.  *■  T^eHoufe  waaagainodJQ^inKd  •lii^lh'^iM.'*  -i 
*'AtidMr.  Attorney'nad  ^,^  of  tb« Charge) 
i^ainlt  the  Lord  Treatuneri.-w^.  That'  dW'.Ltwd.'. 
Treafurer,  lieing  Mafter  of  ^  Wards,  did,'  Atmi. 
pamiti't  i62it,  caufe  the  InftruiUons,  fet  fOcth  fcy 
hisMajed)^,  in  Anna  i&iS,  for  the  wcU-ordwngi  of( 
the  Court  ^  Wards,  to  be  altered,  ^nH  ^ler^^fUl'. 
of  the  Officers,  by  the  Mifinfo^pifid^n  of  his  $A**''. 
jefty ;  whereby  he  hath  take^  the  P.^titions  .firdM ^ 
the  Clerk  of,  that  Court,. and  appioptiatied  thfM> 
unto  himfclf  and  his  Secretary ;  .Aqd  that-hii  Loi^ii 
(hip  having. to  himfetf  concealed  Wardihi^,  :hb) 
Viay  eafily  make  Wjirdlhips  concealed  ]>y  ^e^^^pwfc 


uip  hath  dpuUcd  thie  Fttf  ft*  CoatimfsOtctn  pf  ..'*^ 
iiiveritfy  a^  made  ft  StMoBp  and  cldirened  the  fame 
to  Us  Secreury,  wbo  hadt  ftwnped  dicfcvith  in 
ithr  Abfenoc  of  the  Mafter^  Tenders,  CpntinumcMi 
Waaum  to  the  Great  Snd^  Gtwi*  of  Wivd^pi 
«6d  Leaie^  Indentures  of  Liveriea,  C^n 
.  *  And  their  Lord&ipa  canfiderintt  ttist  it  wai 
Irt  proved  by  die  Examlnulon  of  WitiM|0«s^  thot 
dto'  SacRtary  wai  appcokted  to  t^«  wiy  Fees  for 
fhe  laii}-  Pbtitioiit,  either  fw  lum(iif_  or  for  tfie 
Lord  Treafurer  {  nor  that  the  Lord  TrcaOuw  had 
•flMde^aiqr  Bauit  to  hiaMf  fcc  coAcsiId  Warilt 
^  virtM  itf  the  bid  arv  Infituftiww  t  Therefove 
mail  {igirJfcips  thought  his  Ixitdlhip  not  ccnfuraUe 
Idr  tkah  two  Poims  of  bJ9  Cbatge.  Sut  «6  tou^^ 
d^  the  doidding  of  Fea  of  Contiouancn  vf  li#* 
wriae,-  tfaey  diougbt  hb  Lordfltip  wtirthy  to  be 
ttuifiucd  both  in  rt£pt£t  <tf  die  Qrieraoce  of  the 
Sabjna,  and  of  Ita  Lord&ip's  An^rer  unfo  the 
tuacy  tttz.  It  it  Ot  MiHg'i  GnK$  i»  thi  PttpUt  bt 
Omtpt^/ir  k.' 

'  Ahd-hr  dut  he  daliv«rqd  aStamp  uatohiaSp* 
•cflRafjr,  iiiimatf  fa«  committt^  the  great  Truft,  - 
upetai  m-  hfaD  by  hJa  Mncfty^  unto  hi^  Servant* 
mt-  deigning  to  Itgn  the  Petitions,  Lis^^t  tad 
Hfmmalay  t*  the  Octet  Sc^  i««tlt  hiff  ovu  Hud, 
thdr  Lordfliips  thought  him  worthy  to  be  Ughlj 
cenAucd  iot  the  finio' 

*  And  tfaenepoB  t&e  Hoidc  beiog  refutaed,  the 
Qpofbop  m*  But,  WJKdter  ^  Lord  TtPafttnsr 
saCcRfiiieiifGfi^heivMeC^Hgeor  ooi 
w,J^i0inu»  taU  nvfmi  for 

Aiof  13.  After  readiiu  a  private  Bill  .oT  -ttn>* 
lh«  Lonli  AtdBMi  ihe<WldlMiHUfiier  mt  the 
Sisijeant  at  Amu,  attending  on  tju*  Hmifet  to 
iuaanem  the  jEni  ^MiUbfix,  jLvd  TrwTurrr  of 
AijioM^    nr  i^pear  pttdbncly  iboiwc  tMt  Lc4d- 

v«L.  VI.  li  a»» 


-.566  5V  P'arUamenidry  'i\i^t  ovi-t 

n;i»->niwL"    The  ■Warrant  was  figned  by  the  Lord  JCwpei"* 
*  '*^      ■  and  delivered  to  the  GentfcmaD  Uflwr. . 

-  ■  The  Houfe  bring  adjourned  ad-  Libitam,   the 

-  tllerk  read  the  Heads  of  (he  fix  Charges  ^ainft 
.  Itie  Lord  Treafurer,  and  the-  fix- feveral  Votes  oi 

the  Houfe  which  were  Yefterday  poft  upon  the 

'  And  their  Lordflrips  having  duly  confidered  up- 
OT  the  Proofs  of  Bribery,  ExtortiOTis,  Oppreffiom, 

'  Wrongs  and  l^eceits,  objefled  againft  die  Lord 
Tnrafurer,  found  the  fame  to  be  moft  appaready 

'  proved. 

And,  as  to  the  Allegations  of  the  Lord  Tieafib- 
rer  ofhis  godd  and  prohtaUe  Services  to  the  King  ; 
in  the  Refot^ation  of  the  King's  Houihold,  of  dae 
KaVy,  t>f  the  Wardrobe,  atid  the  Kingdom  of /rr- 
iand^  their  Lordfliips  entring  into  Draate  thereaf,' 
it  was  made  manifeft  to  them,  by  many  Particulm 
then  dedai^.  That,  as  touching  the  Reforaixtion 
of  the  King's  Houfhold,  Wanlrobe,  heUmJ^  Hcy 
the  Lord  'Ttzaivia,  had  deferved  very  ill  df  hii' 
Majefty  ^  and,  as  touching  the  -Navy,  thoitg^  his 

-  £ordlbip  was  biif  a  Commiffionet  with  others, 
who  Were  more  fkiffttl,  'and  did  more  Geod  than 
he,  yetj  he  afTumed  to  himfelf  thc-wbole  Glory 

'  Aercof  j  arid  his  Manner  was  fo  todo,  in  «H  other 
'  Biifinc6  wherein  his  Lordfhip  and.  dfaeni  were 

The  Lords  alfo  confidered  of  the  Lcrd  T^eafu- 
-#tr'3  AUegitioh  ofhI»  advancing  the  Exchange  of 
the  King's  Money  j  fent  to  the  PaiatiMtei  for  ftij- 
ment  of  the  King's  Forces  there  ;  and  it  appeami 
tinte  tbem  plainly.  That  his  Services  therein  de- 
ferved no  fuch  Refped,  as  bis  LordOilp  affimMd 
unto  himfdf  i  the  Soldiers  of  Frmieniait  being  yet 

T^n  theKosfe  beiiig  lefiiined^.tbefiritQue- 
ftion  was  put, 

I,  Whether  thr  Lord  Trcifilrer,  in  regard  of 
&UiSb  MifilemdiAdrE  proved  againft  him,  fliali  lofe 
all  his  Officts  wKich  he  holds  in  the  Kingdom,  or 


5/^  §NgLaKDi  iof 

!.IttraiunMipuluAya0W«df  Ti$^liitQM)aii}<AA^*tJim1* 
U»em  all.  '  ■  ^*»*' 

.    TheftcbrtdQyfftiotii,  .„.  ,. , 
.    II.  Wbether  the  Lord  Trcafiiny  .l&aU  fpr  eveft 
hereafter,   be  Incapable.  0|f  uty  .Officii  J'lace  of 
^njpjojrment}  in  cbe  StaK  or  Common- Wealthy  or 
,  -Ifo.?    .   1     ..       .     j.      .  '      ,  .        , ,     . 

Agt^i  That  h<fliduid  be  incapable  of*  cfiemaUi 

'Hie  tWtd  QiieftioBi ,    .    ,      , 
,,    HI.   Whether  he.  fliall  b«  iaipr^ohed  Iii.the 
^«wfr  QiLm^y  during  his  M^eny's  Fkafufej  or  , 

Nof  ■  ■ 

^    :A£Ke<li  ^pi  loiprifbhinehti 

The  fourth  Qucftion,     .  , 
V   IV.  Whether  tt|e  Lord  TrpMurei;  for  thcfc  Of- 
fences fliall  ■pxf  a.  Fine  ts  the  Kingi  or  Ho  ? 

Agreed  to  a  Fine; 
^,  But  then  the  Houfe  was  adjounjed,  ^d  l^iit^mi 
-Tliat  the  L^rds  might  mor^  freely  difcufs.what 
.fine  to  impofe  on  the  Lord  T[e|iuieri    And,  be^ 

The  fi^  Queftion  was  put  b^  tUeLordJCe^ver, 
.  V,  WItethef  a.Fine,^^o,6o6A  befuffidentto 
be,iinpof«l  on  the  hofi  Tiea&ircrj  or  No  i 

Agreed  to  this  Articles 

The  f«th  Queftion,  .         ,  , 

VI.  Whether  he  giall,  hereafter,  fit  in  Parlia- 
ment, or  No?  

'     Agreed,  That  he  Ihall  never  fit  again  in  Pariix-     > 


;     The  feventh  QgeOioai       ,,    . ,  , 

VII.  Whether  the  Lord  Tfeafuro-  fliall  come 
iipldiin-the  Verge  of  the  Coprt,  or  l4o  ?     ^ 

Thefe  QueAions  being  all  put  and  agreed  tOi  the 
whole  Cen&ure  againft  him  vns  drawn  up  in  Form* 
■  (ead  by  the  Lora  Keeper,  and  paiTcd  by  a  general 
VofeoFthewholerfoufe.  " "   . 

Then  a  Meflage  was  fent  to  the  Coininohs,  bjr 
i^.  Secjcanl:  Crtw  and  Mr.  Attorney  General ^  That 
the  Lords  were  now  ready  to  give  Judgment  agaii^l 
the  ILord  Treafiirer,  if  they,  widi  their  Speaker^ 
will  cotqe  and  demand  the  fame. 

V  1  Jn/mr. 


368  Tie  PitrhtiutiMy  His  7 otir 

a.*>>«Kili     j6ifiatf.  Thatthey  ^i^  attrady  pwfiwwiy,  uthe 

-  ***^       Manned  it, 

Accordinglj,  ^cLorda  btmg  atl  in  AnrRijbes,  to , 
dteKun^rof  (ixty-tms  vi%.  riic  Prince  of  f^tltSf 
the  Lord  Keeper,  the  ATchbiOiop  c^  Cmaerburu 
twrdve  edier  Bifliops,  with  forty-feven  Earls,  Vi(^ 
counts^  and  Barona,  the  Lord  Treafurer  was  brouglK 
IDHieBar,  bydicGtntfeinantJAerandtheSe^iit 
at  Arms  j  when  his  Lordfhip  making  a  low  Reve- 
rencei  iheeled,  until  the  Lord  Keeper  willed  him 
le  ftand  up.  Tht  Conuwns  ca«e  in  with  dieu- 
Speaker,  and  the  Segeant  attending  him  let  down 
bit  Mace,  vriien  the  ^leaker  addrflOed  iiindl^  to 
the  Lords  as  follows : 

*  The  Knights,  Citizens,  and  Burgeltes  in  this 
.  *  Parliament  aJ&rnbled,  have,   heretofore,   tranl*- 

*  mittcd,  unto   your  L<M^Uhips    feter^   Offences 

*  againft'  ^  Rtghc  Ifenoun^le  Ziww/,   En4  of 

*  MiMtfexy  Lord  High  Treafitrer  of  £>%Im^  for 
'  BnWf ,  ExWitiom,  Oppre^m,  and  etbwerie- 

*  vous  Mirdemeanon  committed  1^  his  Lerdu^; 
'  and  now  the  Commons^  by  nrie  their  %e&er, 
<  demand  Judgment  a^nft  hint  fer  the  bmt.' 

Tbe'Lord  Kxk^  anAvvred,  litis  Alg^  OaeK 
«f  Parliament  doth  adjud^, 
ke  Scntciice         ^lat  Lionel  Earl  of,  Middlefex,  ms»  Lk4  Trea- 
.u4iud..i     j^  ^England,  Jbclt  hfi  4>U  his  O0ts  wbith  be 
beUi  in  this  KiMgitm ;  ^md  fyli,  htre^krj  be  mtSit 
•      huapa^  sfanj  i^e,  Ptaa,  or  Ett^byMewt  i*  d>e 
State  and  C*tim«it-Weabb. 
'  Tbet  heJhaU  be  in^finid  in  tht  Tamr  t/hohAioa 

String  tie  Kin^s  PUafure, 

n^  be  fiaU  pof  uati  mr  Sovereign  Lord  the  Sl^ 
erMne»f%OyOOOl.   ' 

That  bifiall  never  fi  in  ParUamtnt  anif  nure.     ' 
AmlAat  be fiiaU  nmtr  ame  luHHnthe  Verge  if  ^ 

We  have  met  with  a  Story,  quoted  in  an  AuAOr 
Of  very  good  Credit  (f).  That  the  Lord  Akw,  if- 

C/}  Fajft  Mlffid^Ma  ParHemiMarie,  IftOiFK&ttiv 


tfr  he  was  fifatenced  in  Parliamentt   nMtlng  «ft)i  A>.  m  Jmm  >• 
Sii  Limfl Oanfield,  whom  King  7«Mi  had.  then.       '*^ 
newly  iBa4e  Lord  Treafunr ;  Lofa  Bacmi  having 
firft  ccqtgt^tulued  his  Advancement  to  ft  mlitneBC 
a  Plar»  of  Honour  &n\  Trnfl, '  tiM  him,  betwoen . 

J  eft  and  Earneft,  That  he  vould  jrcQiiuBerid  ta 
is  Lordlhip,  and,  ui  hiiB)  to  all  other  ^at  Of- 
S/»rfi  of  the  Crown,  dfie  cof^enble  Ruls  to  be 
OaceAiUy  obfervod ;  Which  w»  to 

Rtmtvlhtr  0  PtirHamtnl  v/t/l  caim.  . 
'     'We  d^  not  bell«fe  bis  Lfwdflup  had  the  Spirit  of 
Piviottioninhiin,  though  the  Event  ihewcd  fooic* 
what  Ukc  it,  and  veriiied  the  fiuniliu'  Sajing  of  the 

.  TTtct  IV  St^jtfit  tfmigh  never  fi  ptUtU  andfuitUt 
^vtr  wnfitntei  tr  jufilei  xvith  the  Law  y  Et^iland, 
hm  tk  fame  l<itu,  in  she  Snd.  iitfaBBh  bnh  bit 


rQne  InftMf ce  of  rile  Tnitfi  of  Ods  Maite  M  }tift 
iriwtl^ftrihltB^I  iJMtlCKm^Xt  I»Ae£iiid~  Some Aca>«nt o? 

M^ifs  wVo»  J-obi-alowBeginDoig,  wu»  ^^^^^t^^^ 
«ffi4nAtQ|i^M[inma<caBtih^A8airs,  nilHuiiiit  t^  Mi^^^ 
7;Ue.  rndtoimt of  Ae^MgheftlPofts m  dw  King* 
doQ.  Jfesnsi^e  Son  <a  n^iuu  Ow^MJ,  EtM 
bitf  W93  .no.Buue  ^iMn  a  X««bit.Mttdiiat'bnnfdf  t 
•*M»  hVing'ibrcd  up. in  the  Cuftom'Htfufe,- 'wks 
lot^Kf  apoa  as  a  &t  loftniment  tojdetoft  thcxPnudi 
tn  thol^-Ofices.  -  The  Kii^,  in  his  taft  Spaedh  M 
theLcHda,  bath  givenanAccouptbow  he-wa(.ui> 
Motbtced  to  Court,  and  by  nfaat  Stops  'hexofi;  n 
lbftJ|ctghttofi>ifuddcn)y&U  from;  and,i^vrlHt 
llM  Mai^f^tio/b,  on  that  Speech*  then  aMght  b« 
«MHfh:>Mdltce!ai|d  Cnvy  in  hi*  Profikuticti.  . 

Mt.R^pitt,iiiMXgeath,ePrin.ea6{ifiVeiMiiDa\Bt  , 
tf'Bttciitg/tcm  iiwA  *  Gonf^ncy  to  nil)  'the 
Treifurer,  for  itftiilng  them,  at  Tiims,  th«  txM* 
Intant  Stom  tbej;  demanded  «dipn  in  Sfttin :  That 
diey  made  Vfc  ^  their  Credit  with  the  FaiUaOwM 
ibr  that  Purpofe*  and  caufiai  him  to  he  accufcdj  if 
Hunt  Creaturet,  of  Miiinanageinent  in  the  Dif- 
diarge  of  his  Office  (g). 

■  U  3  ,    This 

ft)  KlMjvlKi^uJ,  ytl,H.  i-iji.  F>>l.£dit. 

ji^  The  ■ParSaf^tnfary'H'iiroK^ 

\m.  i.jiwMl.  This  Hint  our  Author  has'  ftrorigly  imprtwe^' 
'SH*  from  ff^tjt"^  *nd  Lord  Chrmdm ;  T'hc  former 
^ys,  *  The  Duke  of  Bttciwgham,  remembering 
how  the  Lord  Treafurer  repined  at  the  Monie^ 
{peat  in  Spaiuy  and  hit  Comportment  to  him  lince 
his  Return,  refolyed  to  bring  him  down  from  that 
Height  he  had  [Jacfid  him  in:'  And  the  latter, 
f  That  the  King  w"  againfl  the  Profccution  of 
the  Treafurer,  b^'  an  Impeachment )  becaiife  he 
forefaw,  that  th'ofe  Kinds  of  Partiainentary  Pro-; 
c«edii^  would  fhiike  the -Royal  Authority,  in  the 
Choice  of  his  own  Miniftefs,  when  the^  {tioura 
find  that  their  Security  did  iiot  depend,  folely,  upon 
his  own  Proteftion  ;  which  Breach,  adds  the  Noble 
Hillorian,  upon  his  kingly  Pbwer,  was  fo  much 
"Without  aPrecedent,  that,  except  one  unhappy-one, 
BUde  thrcs  Vears-bffcEc,  to  gratify  likewise  a  pri- 
vate Difpleafure,  [Lord  Bacon  he  means]  the  like 
bad  not  been  praflifed  in  very  many  Yedrs.  The 
-  Kif^  told  the  Duke,  ^  That  he  was  a  Foot,  and 
was  makiitg  a  ^o4  for' his  own  Breed)  j'  and  the 
Prince,;  i  ^faat  he  would  live  tc>  have  hjs  Sellyfiilt 
of  Parliamentary'  Impeachments  th):'  Botlf  whic)i 
win  be  found  prophetically  true  in  the  Sequsl.— 
But,  in  this  Cafe;  after  all,  the  Guilt  oclnnbcencs 
of.thp  Accufed,  muft  be  left  to  the  Readfir'-s 
Jttdgnient,  by  the  Circumftance  of  the  Trial : 
However,  it  feenu  very,  plain  that  the  Duke  ol 
Bmckinghamy  who,  as  the  King  takes  Notice  firft 
introduced  him  to  the  Court,  did,  at  leaft,  defert 
him  upon  his  Trial ;  otherwife  tliere  is  no  Roqot 
to  fuppofe  that  the  Profecution  would  have  been 
farried  on  fo  vigoroufly,  or  the  Sentence  liave  been 
^  udainimoiis  and  f()  Kvcre  againft  him, 

WfaechoF^c  King  remitted  the  Fine,  ot  any  Part 
of  it,  isiinceitavi;  but.hisLordfliip'livediDany  Years 
^ter  this  Difgrace,  and  died  in  a'goo^  (^  Age,  in 
the  Year  1645,  leaving  two  Sons,  who  both  iuc- 
^eefied  bim  in  Yak  Title  of  Earl  of  MiJdUfix  j  but 


|s  thought  pioptTt  in  didec  to  give  fome  futther  •    *^-'-' 
Acf^ount  of  a  Man,  ttereto^^^afcer.kiKiwii'iii  - 

May  i^.  A, Committee  of  Loi^sv^s  appplnto)  ' 
by.^e  Ho(il^  to  attend  the  Kin^  an  J  to  ^acquaint  - 
bifa  with  the  Judgment  awarded  by  the  Loris  againi^ 
the  Earl  qlMimfix,  late  tord  Trcafufer  of  ir«-  . 

flandy  and  to  (leliFe  his  Majefty  to  take^pay  th? 
tafFand  the  Seal  of  the  Court  gf  Wards  from  him. 
Ordered  idfo.  That  the  Kiiu'sCounfel  do  dmr 
up  '3  Bill;  and  prefent  the  ^me  to  Aa  Houfei^' 
tO'  make  tiie  S^ids  of  the  Eart  of  MdJkfim- 
liable  unto  his  Debt! ;  unto  his  Fine  to- the  Kiagt 
iiMo  Accoanti  to  the  King  hereafter ;  amd  to  Re- 
iHttition  to  fu<A  whom  he  had  wronged,  as  flt^ll  be 
flowed  by  the  Houfc -'-r-This  Bill  afterwards  , 

poAbd  into'  a  Law ;  but  not  with  that  Unanimity, 
in  the  Lower  Houft,  as,4Q  the  Trial  before  the' 
Lords  i  for,  ujxSi  the  (hird  reading  thereof  in  d»' 
Cotnimom,  it  was  carried  by  2  Majority  loF  but- 
thirty-fa  Voices  (i). 

The  fame  Day- the  Kfliop  of -A^«rw(£i:befeughlTlMC«niaaa* 
die  Locdi'  to  reinember  dw  Mefi^e  fiwn:  the:  Com-  Cajiwn  >^^ 
mons,  on  the  8th  Inftant,  for  a  Conference ti>«eh-.;«^Jjf|j**' 
ingtbme  Ac^uftiion  agaiilft  bis  Lordjlup,  wbkJi 
their  Zjordfliipa  then  difenied,   by  realm  of  tb» 
Thinnefi  of  the  Houfe ;  and  4^md  them  to  ap> 

.  (il  Di^itb  hjtie  mt  buried.ta  St.  MittaiFi  Clup«!,r»'9<*»- 
pir  Abbe;,  aai  hw  piei)  ui  ibc  E'pituph  oo  tk  MoonnnM.  Bf 
ooc  Dtpreffioa  in  it.  the  Family  fcem  to  be  deSroni  to  *ij«  rf  ibt 
■OSmnof  Jd»Ttiila»JSeBWilce{  .TV-W""!' "wthdlS-ift***- 
l|»eratiiig  hit  Twioui  PiefcnDcnts  ud  Title  | 

^—Hintrii/aitrt  IiroHif  wmni  aidtrf^  .     .. .      1 

■    -RaiSPrhB^.di-mxStapimfVtfhamlm     >      '    -V. 

•tanfrnKiaa  N(aifrapU  ^natmt,ftJMta 
BitmiftitjimbtraniaRtlnU,  .  ^   '. 

■StrtnSndhdiiOiiir^^aial,  atflramli    1  .      *    ..   - 

DurJaltt  Bmnmtpi  y«I.  |I.'  ^..44^    ' 
(l)rOBtBeQM%BorbiiriiutbaBiI1,  Sir,  FrMnt  Fax  Aol  Sir 
^aitii  Sijiuu;  were  Tetjeri  fn  llie  ■{ii.  S9 1  Sir  Francii  tarrii^- 
U»  uid  Sir  MitI  Baritt,  Sai  the  r<*,  li^ 



■*^        fiMy  oeavraiehdy  maf  i  ¥heitiipon  a  ConuniMCB 
I  at  he,  and  the  other  JLoraa  uk 

agaunt  me  xan  u  anMmnr. 

hten,  to  Tiiira  to  i»e  lo^^iifM 

I  m  ttu  MaJ<%  AJ^fAKHidi  'fto 

RtPflttofiCw'  -.Abj-tg- A  ^«P<«t:«ani»*,  b^th*A»'s***- 

fntnce  tbfif-     {^e^   <i(  CMl;fr6my, :  tj.  a  CfMiicrtmse   vi^   fh« 
■t>°°>  OtARUoM,  touifhiiig  n-CotapHRtJigv^  rthe:^-. 

lh<9itf  jiAmKdft,  iotti«.'^^: 

fiAiliiittsigfiiift  dw&iiltbdrd  Bilbc^  by  dtCCili^ 
aiin-«f.J6rtM:&ji  Ah4r-(eftewlhMic,«at«Hd»> 

QotenAs.tS  At  Ghurch,  diyttfi  Kjtow^.^  Pv-. 

^tttfiilt  wf_  SS^h.  U,  ;toltho  u  ««.TW".  wttiel^'- 
wcre  cite^  to  iTatisfy  tacit  Objc£»c Wmk-an'r 
-dHoigi^'a-.Gadf^of daqltiAtttte.'   ' 

«iiri^6>5<M«hEN^  ^A-ArForfMioeiv' 
-  il.-1  ^E^iiitlaiAiiti  ti(X9;ret  i^  i^  theQlwdia^ 
AlMnc  of  the  J^a^'  ^^  fluttering  over  the  Font  ^ 
that  9  Miirb)e  Tomb  was  pulled  down,  and  Ima^ 

llpt  <^'it|i^i^>c>in«'ai£B  the  BHhop  l^^fedifaaot 

fR.  ThiC  ke  pnlHAtd  tfaofc  i^  {»*^  •*« 
towards  the  Eaft.' 

IV.  '  Thf t  *e  punUhed  a  MinfiSer  «*  ciitechN. 
fiiu;  hjs  Family,  and  fingjmg  of  P^Mi.' 

V,  '  That  he  irted  Extortion  inanj  Wayi.' 
yt.  *  That1iedidiiot«nterInftitudoiu*iotiMi 

rraddfCe  ofniXntt). 

^To  the  firft  Article  It  was  faW,  Thst-ihtre 

were  thirty-four  Cbuidiei  in  Ntrwiih;  t/t  &oli 

'  Parilhcs 


Y  ENGL  AN©.  311 

Piriflm  ^  or  40,000  People :  That  the  Lord  Bi-  *»•  >>  Jmh 

pintl^KHr  thcPieachcfs,  W  t^e  Apparitors,  and  ***^ 
fpmfl(tni,  There  was  aoWpeA  ofPrcachii^  on 
SiUti^  i)i.  the  Ferenoog,  except  in  the  Cathedn^ 
Chitfoi  ^  alAough  tw«  or  three  thoufand  could  oa-s 
hr  hCtttbpre  t  many  ^weHiiw  three  Q^aiten  of  a 
sfi&t  a^y  aAd  many  were  old,  and  not  able.  Sat 
fhdr  Age,  to  come  fo  Eu-,* 

,  *  That  the  Inhihition  was  vil/Ma  the  King  hid 
cJlAiInatidcJ  inora  Preachijig,  ^t  his  LortUbv  ^^o"' 
i^«d  it  Rcculaius,  'all  which  wat  the  diiflieartco- 
iilK  JfTtbt;  good 'ProfclTcirs.  It  oiay  be  allowed 
of%fit£chiziiK;Vf1u,  noPreaching  nect^&ry:  But 
tft-^qtinjM>dcd  to  aflchare  Qucfifona,  and  nothing 
elft }  'trge^  no  In'Iini^ons,' 

'That  this  i«-d«oe  ag^uoff  the  Canons  oi  the 
Ohbnih,  pti  S^t  dfecrf  is  no  Obedience  without^ 
Kvd^edge.'  T%e  outward  Man  is  not  conform-* 
edj'ttrdells  ftfe  utwar3'Man1>e«rforaicd)  and  dtcd 
the  Canoi^  '^tungm-trntri/laverk  DaOi^tm  Vtri- 
fifisfeaattiiCirriJIumi  with  the  Canoiij  s  Jt'c^ 
(!W.A5.  for  cd^ndtanSng  Preaching.*  ^ 

^*  ForQie%£«fl44ouc]^;tkcfeKii^U£ofIniag,es. 
**  '^  Iras  &id  te  1w  a«inft  AQs  of  Parliwnot, 

irtfb^-the  CariOnsor  £e  Canv«catton,  die  Book 

^OWfedintlwTimeDfJ^ym.   a«B«.VIlI. 

<2$.^0.  ^iiASmage^Kbp'iinages,  ar<.  mIbA 

tte^  3?rf.  Vl.  a*d  die  Momifies  apprtred, 

te  foAiacriiigTinagM  in  Churches.' 
■  .■*  The  rt/rif,  rorPrMcr  to  the  Eaft.' 

■*  Which  Vratiati  affirms-  ramc  by  Tniditian, 
Pavf  I,  /)«r.  ji.  And  that  it  is  fupff^ftitkns, 
ZtmvBoS in  (he  GIopi,  tii.  i.  Y!t.  dt  ftriisy  Nan- 
^if^rtjivti^ia  Omtaiem,  i^c.  That<he  BiOiop  «- 
cqmnniiijcatod  <nut^y«  aodcnjwiied  Penaooe  uoto 
divert,  (atft^i/in^  tolhe  £aA ;  and  ibme  did  tbor 
Penance  wi^)  a  wlfhy  Hod  in  <their  IJind  i  the 
proof  thereof  .is  iKi4ir  the  Bishop's  Hand.' 

,'  *  One  Aa{, -a  Minifter,  catechized  bis  Fanil^, 
'^and  tiing  PKhiK,  his  ^^i^kbotOs  oemiag  in,  of  a 
S^nda^  after  Erenirtg  Prayers.     The  Bifliop  en- 


3H"  The  Parkametaa^  Hi  IT  oi.Y 

a.  ss'Jimaf.  joined  them  to  do  Pcrtanee,  for  this  their  refortihg  ' 
•***■  to  catechize  and  fing  Pfalins,  andto  fay»  I  nnftfi  ' 
mj  MrrerSj  &c.  which  Acknowledgement  is  iiiider 
the  Bilhop's  Hand.  They  who  r^ufed,  were  ex«  ' 
Communicated,  uid  paid  7/.  Charges.  And' it  vns,_. 
particularly  obCerved  by  the  Commons,  that  (biv 
Peci  was  a  conformable  Preacher.' 

'  Fifihfy,  Touching  Extortion.'  '         ' ,  ' 

•It  was  (hewn,  That,  indieTdSleofFees,  ther?.^ 
is  fet  down,  for Inflitution  241.  81^  whereof  to. 
the  Btfhop  loi.  Thatthis  Lord  Bilhop  is  Re^cr . 
atlb,  and  now  himfelf,  taketh,  for  Inftitubon, ' 
3/.  51.  and,  for  united  Churches,  double  j  and 
that,  ammatttbut  Jnnisy  there  are  an  huiidr^  Inf^-* 

*  For  Admiffion  into  facred  Ordbrs,  nodiina, 
ihould  be  taken ;  if  any,  It  is  Simoitif:  Yet  this'Bi- 
ihop  taketh  now  29  or  30 /.  the  Bifhop  and  RcgV 
fier  bffing  all  one.  To  ferve  Cure, '  5 1.  is  due  ;  t^ 
Ukes  61.  id.  To  teach  School,  $t.  ^.  is  due'; 
hetAabs.  Sd.  and,  if  of  Ability,  lot.  For  every 
Conltgnatjon  of  a  Decree  j^d.  which  cOmes  to  3*. 
ptrAnnufPt  forwhtch  there  fhould'be  nothing  pai^} 
«o  Confignation  being  on  the  Tabic,  but  fet  dowq, 
in  ArchbiQiop  Wbitg^s  Time,  in  another  Hand.* 

*  Sixthly^  Touching  the  entering  of  Inftitutions.' 

*  That  the  Inftitutions  to  Benefices  are  not  rc^ 
giftcred ; .  which  overthrows  the  Patronages,  if  1^ 
be  returned  Scmtatis  Arcbivtf  mn  fmrmitur,  whfn 
the  Right  comes  in  queftion  ;  yet  the  Fees  ^re 
greater  than  before.*  ' 

The  Commons  concluded  with  th^  two  ^ei 

*  The^;y?,  TTiat  they  recehrcd  dils  Complaint 
before  Eafitr  laft ;  yet  they  proceeded  not  in  the 
Examination  thereof  till  they  received  a  Certilicate 
from.the  Mayor  of  Naraiich' 

*  The  ftttnd;  That  none  ftaU  be  punifhcd  for 
Complaining  in  Parliament.' 

•  This  Report  being  ended,  the  Bifliop  of  Uanmtk 
flood  up  in  bis  Place,  snd  ax^wercd  dtc  fiune  to  this 

'  ■  ef  E  N  G-L  AN  D.  "'■'  315- 

»  Flrfit  ttis  Lordfliip  tohfcffed  die  Cfta^^'^n  **  •«  Jtamfc- 
(he  faid  Complaint  to  be  fo  gitat-and  grievous,  th'it        '"♦" ' 
(»erc  he  guilty  theraof,  ■  he  would  deAre,  himfelf,  to 
jie  punilned :  But,  whether  he  be  ^ilty,  tyt  not,  *rbeBaW  of 
he  will  leave  to'  their  LonKhipa  exaA  and  (evixe  Norwicti'i  xttt . 
^xahtination  i  wherein  Tie- defired  thcmnet  to  fparefw^- 
)>im,  and  he  would  ■  nw  acknowledge  and  com-?*', 
mend  theiF  Juftice  and  Honour.'  -  -:    - 

'  His  Lordftiip  proCefled  be  was  no  way  guilty' 
of  the  fait  Pa»t  of  das  ■  Accusation  j  if  He  wer«i. 
that  he  wias  Unworthy  to  bear  the  Kame  of  s 
Cl«tgyeian.  '  He  JhewMl^he  Vnworthinefs  of  fiich 
as  Ihould  difliiearteti  Preachers  from  preaching  the 
WoidofGod.  His  Lordship  fbewed  alfe,  defeing 
firil  that  he  might  not  be  taxed  with  Oftentation, 
k(8  OWR  Prai3ace  -iir^ivBAckiiig,  vhilft  he  was  Vicar 
And  ^arfoil :  That  he  preached  «v«iry  Sal^ath  'm 
the  Morning,  asvi  catediized  in  the  Afternoon  j 
Md  that' be  cMitiniied  die  like  Preaching  whilft  he 
■was  Bfihop  of  dnchtjkr:  That  in  Nsrwcb  he  never 
toifled  the  piAtGc  Place-,  Atid  ever  pre»che4  there  a^ 
gainft  Pfipoy}  though  be  had  t)ficn  an  unprofitable, 
yet  bt  faadnoc  ^oeea  as  idle  Satytht}  which  wh 
aom  his  only  Comfort.* 

'  -*  As  toudiing  Preaching  ud  Nqn'-nfidence,  h« 
kad  been  ndconcd  more  than  half  a  Puritan :  H« 
tt(d  tbtm  of  his  ManasF  cS  livingi  and  his  leaving 
die  Ardibifhi^  of  Camterbmyt  Service  that  lie  might 

~  fO  to  bis  iDure,     He  wonderod  why  he  &ould  be 

.  thoi^t  z  P-afttft ;  he  thought  it  might  be  owing  to 
\ua  iJiTpuhitions,  and  his  bennoRs  at  Paul's  Crafty 
ftn  I^cdeftinotion  n^ative,  unadvifcdly  preached  by 
litn;  for  which  bt  was  cbecit^  by  Archbilhc^ 
•fH^ilgiftj  and  coBim^iM  to  pnnch  no  more'  of  it  { 
imd  be  Aever  did,  though  Dr,  JUoly  late  Bifhop  <^ 

<  iSdrwn,  iiath  fuice  declaiad  in  Print  that  which  he 
.  Aan  Mea^hcd  to  be  no  ^0^^,' 

*  That  Ptp^ry  u  a--  Fire  tlm  will  never  be  quiet, 

-   be  hath  pieadied  a  thoufand  Sermons ;  and  nothing  ' 

of  P«p*ry  can  be  imputed  to  kim  out  of  any  of  them, 
'That  rijoe  wwe  Rivera  Obftades  to  keep  him  from 
ftpmy     ' 
■   -     ■  I.  '  The 

jifi.  Ht^P^lim^ofy  :JH  r-s  TO  R  r 

)^  IiiMd^P  4ffinn«d,  Tlut  ao  Ponmr  «b  Eardl  caa 
twch  VPrjnce^  And  tlwiififcrc  he  itbhoiTetl  dw  U- 
fuKpMioa  of  4be  i'^^  -over  ¥aiKfis,' 
%,  *■  Their  Rdigion  is  die^  in  ^lood.' 
3.  *  Th«.[»a£[icCourrcofttieirK£li£ionisaIlbjr 
ju(g]ipg«QdfeigncdMiraclni  of  which  bisLwdihip 
'  ba4  writ  a  Book  agvi^ft  tbemt  which  ^a»  never  as 
ytK  aRfwcfitd^  Thjit  he  .tuv«r  l^aice  with  Pri^  or 
T<fiti^  qor  n^ver  invited  a  known  Recii£uit  to  his 
XaWe;  for  they  never  fi^  .Am*  to  our  Pray«s.*. 
,  4.  *  ThM  their  £«]U)v«cMioflS'tre  thclaft^  werfe 
UkMi  which  flo^ng  canhsi  hU  Lectitflup  heU  it 
imich  hettcc  to  tab;  ati'witb  th^  Deril  ^w  iritk 
Ij^Ot^ ,  TM  JiP  jKpf«AMiitwiifelf .  ep  be  .^  «!«.  Mem- 
her  j<^  this  Ciwnh,  4«d  3|ek«Qvri(4ttd  thi  f;^^ 
(^S^fjM.t»«MaQ.emi>QA'tQ^6.|i^mft  .Th« 

t^,  ^ilV'Soft  Af  A%iftu«iiB  MrifMii^vl  h  «c* 

pouxid,  iatlKirown''CburdMKt-bQ6M'tJWvAtrgMia 

tilfvpm  «th«r  :nN»4>ML«hvfii.avQaiiMS«>i^.j^ 
(heChu«iib>h4ve.tKtt1Br«HlK«r)  Mimi^Mt 
tenuaon  tft  rtbur  S«(tiicnk  .  Xhe  iPmiAMif  -idmi* 
Mvt»  ifmind  iKmiU  lrei|n.Ai%:jl«ine  wOling  to  A* 

yUteanttin'-vnd' M--j^^W«elHp^  i.wd-;^^ 

WiA«M^  Difordora  i^bqmh*  ;iri)tfitifth<t7'^«Mnib- 
■d;t  :is:thc.cutti4g:Ag;-£su!t«ri)*  fttfnrs^  «r;tMr 

^  MUttnoD  lPjueE!>  4*<hlbe -Jilrt  i .  wd  jltw^  te- 
^u^  hiaJUnUM  itt>::onte4^  ^,  tbtottfe'.dtlwf* 
hei^  ftipendiuy  Me]^viiWtcl«th;t0,4».-Jt,  ^iMh 
M>)k,  iaigfedvtarfi^WftMtl^aMtii^  hP  fent 
'  ^  than  W  an  Q9iSft,,smi  vUled  tlmn  t»  «9it 

tJMfe  £xp(4tioii8iniheFD»aoiWi  Aad  ]NCh«)«i 
finceitolEcn  CMacAa  ihtfcreOing  «f.thaM!  S^moas 
in  the  autH  remote  ||iuts  qT  the  City  frm  tlte 
4  Cadie- 

e/  B  N  G  L  A  N  D.  317 

-GiithflAral  Ckurch  »  ud  be  ^fe  haderefted  manj^Ao.  njimtth 
LefturM  to  fcveral  Placea  of  the  Counmr.'  **" 

III  *  Aa  touching  the  Images  in  a  Church.* 

*  What  idhfiaMe  was  done  without  his  Know- 
ledge ;  it  vm  jneuit  St.  Peter't  Chttrch :  TMi 
fais  Lordfhip  never  faw  that  Church  till  one  Even^ 
ing  as  he-  came  by  t  and  being  inforaied  of  nuich 
Coft  done  Upon  it,  he  went  in,  anj  IcneeM  iawtk 
to  bis  Prayers,  as  his  Ufe  was.  When  he  rtXe  upjt 
uid  pCTcdvcd  that  they  had  beftowed  very  great 
Coft,  and  not  feeing  or  knowing  of  any  Image  ft 
all  Mt  up  dt«-e,  he  faid,  Gvd's  Bie^g'  oM  tbeir 
Heartt    that    had   btftnoti   fitcA    Cs/f    m    Gntr 

u^.'  ■■■■•'       J     -^ 

111.  *  Aa  toilcbing  lawyers  to  tJtr  E^! 

*  He  never  enjoinra  it,  nor  heard  of  tt  ttH  now'.' 
Vf.  *  For  die  fourth  Part  of  his  Comntaim : 

*  He  perceiyed  that  he  fa«d  been  fitted  tqrotrgtt  the 
«4ittte  Goarfe  of  hi*  Uffe;  Aat  dus  Pnk  was  ferit 
W  bhd  hy  the  Tufiice*  of  lf(e  Peace,  ftw  kettrinR 

-"* "     -     -isCat 

M  Affimhlr  Met  at  Night  at  hi)  Houfe  t  lis  Cate- 
Abrsbig  Ilehtg  but  a  Colour  W  draw  them  thither. 
That  this  PetihtA  infeAed  the  PaHfti  with  flrange 
Opiniom ;  at  not  to  luieel  yAnea  they  came  lo 
Church;  thatthe  Name  of.^f^  iano  morc-than 
ai  eoMHon  Name,  and  ■fbax  k  n  ^perftition  to 
Ikw  d«wn  «  ie.  His  lordOHp  4ftmKd  diat  t)Ui 
P^li  ha4  formerly  been  eontidul  oftfoncanfor- 
mity,  jtmh  1615  rt  r6i7;  alfo,  for%»<tnyxtid 
Convcfttieies  in  his  Nti^Aoia's  Houfe,  a»  appears 
by  m  Aa  in  the  Rei^fter.' 

*  That  Aimt  1621,  he  was  tdten  te  Mm  ktnife 
WiA  Wvn^'two  of  his  hfeig^)tKmr», '  it  ft  CcRi7en> 
ftcki  that  he  was  tben  boiffld  over  by  a  Juffice 
and  &iou^  to  his  Lordftip,  and  his  SoittrtCf 
wainil  him  was,  only,  tbit  ne  fiioufd-  ct>ilft5  hit 

'  The  others,  inentl9ne4  in  thj?  Part'of  dl» 
Cbarge,  were  puniiho}  for  their  Opinions  allb| 
making  noMfcrence  between  an  Aiehooftand  the 
<;hHrch,  till  tho  Preacher  was  in  the  Ptilplr.  He 
did,  he  fnuftconfels  his  Fault,  'that  iff  the  Pt- 


3i8  Ti*-  Farlhminf^y.iinao^if 

Ab^.is  juDN  I.  nance  which  be  fi^oined^  he  caided  tbfm  to  C9r(? 
-     i6»4«        fefs  their  Errors,  omitting  their  KeCifit  to  Coovetff 
tides,  which  he  did  at  their  own  euneft  Suit/ 

V.  *  His  LordihlpabVoluteljHtaUtbatheim- 
poTcd  any  Fees,  and  alJiTmed  that  fli  ha4  not  an^ 
of  thole  Fees  which  were  complained  <tf;  only, 
the  Fees  for  Inftitutionj  which  he  took  3g  his  Fre- 
decefibis  did.  If  therein  he  had  committed  any 
Error,  Erravimut  cum  Pairiaui  %  and  denied  that 
he  had  ever  Teen  that  Table  of  Fcea  whidi  is  fpoke 
of  by  the  Commons.'  _      , 

VI.  *  His  Lordfh^  affirmed.  That  he  had  re- 
giftred  all  theXnllitutions.' 

When  the  Bifhop  had  ended  his  Defence^  his 
Koyal  Highnels  the  Prince  ftogd  up.aad  told  him^ 
'*  That  he  had  not  anfwered  concerning  the  Pva- 
phrafe  of  xh.e  CaUchifm  which  he  had  taken  xfny. 
To  which  the  Bifhop  replied,  '  That  the  Preachers 
ufed  to  chufe  a  Text  fiosL  the  Cretd,  &c..  and  tcr 
afk  the  Child  fome  one  QudUon,  antl  then  to  di- 
late very  liuig  i|pon  it,  but  never  dofcended  to  tbd 
Capaci^  of  the  Child.  That. ha  did  not.fiwbid 
,  the  Explanatioo,  but  ordered  that  it  {houM  be  ^oni 

We  may  liippofe  that  the  Lords  were  .very  wiJ> 
;  ling  to  be  rid  of  this  Affair,  for  an  Order  is  otter- 
ed, immediately  after  the  BUbop's  Anfwer,  *  That, 
in  refpe^  of  the  Shortn^  fsof  Time  and  die  Mul' 
tiplicity  of  Bufinefa,  now  depending  to  be  deter- 
mined, the  Complaint  of  the  Commons*  agaitiA 
'die' Lord  Bifhop  of  Ntrwith,  referred  td 
the  I^gh  Commiffion  Court,  to  be  examined  by 
them;  and  they  to  make  Repott  thereof  to  the 
Houfe,  and  then  the  Houfe  will  judge  of  it.' 

The  fame  Day  the  Bifhop  of  Norwich  exhibited 
a  Cam[daint  to  the  Houfe  againfi  one  27vfl»Tf  £»;f«^ 
-     Clerlf. 

'That  whereas  the  faid  Thomas  Stehi  had  prc- 
HfCMipliiatM^c'^c'l  a  Pecidon  to  ±e  Houfe  of  Coimnons  s^infi! 
die  Lord!  ig^oft  his  Lordlbip,  for  excefSve  Fees,  pretended  to  \e 
y°.^^™**      taken  by  his  Lordfhip,  and  for  other  Grievances 



^  feNGL  A  NO.  p^ 

iitttan  taentione4 1  [ie  adenowladg^  thuProccad-  AM.n  Jmw  I. 
,Mpi^tfae£ud&AiMtobel^^  ukd bumblyfub-  ''■V 
<  mined  himfelf  to  an  Exunination  and  ftiift  Trial. 
-  However,  he  contained  that  the  laid  Stgiet  had  '  ^ 
:  fcitt  his  IjonHhip  this  Mcflagc :  That  if  he  would 
iiiffer  a  Judgment  in  the  Qourt  of  Common  Pleas 
ifar  him,  the  faid  Sttitij  to  the  Archdeacon  oiNer- 
filiy  dut  then  Sttkit  would  profecute  ao  further 
asinft  his  lionUhip;  othcrwife,  he  would  finoke 
hitn  with  more  Complaints.  Moreover,  that  the 
.  faid  Sttia  reported  ttiat  his  Lordflup  did  drink  a 
Health  to  Spiiulo,  and  refufed  to  pledge  a  Health  to 
.tiie  Prince  of  Orangty  fw  that  the  faid  Prince  was 
aGnieral  unto  Traitm^.  Laft^y,  Tba-t  Stti^i  af~ 
■  filmed  his  I^wdibip  did  take  tlurty  Pounds  of  eveiy 
;9ae  of  the  A|dideacom  when  he  came  AHl  to  h» 
See.     All  irtuch  his  Xjordlhip  affirmed  to  be  ialfe.' 

'Hiis  Coi^Uiitt,  with  the  Witnefics  the  Bilhop  ''n\ch  u  idtf. 
produced  to  pnwe  it,  was  referred  to  the  Exami-  f^^^  ^"^|^ 
nation  of  the  Archbilhop  of  Canterhury,  who  was  i^ 
4o  make  ftcpot  theivof  to  the  Houfe  for  their 
Ju^ncnt  of  the  Matter. 

But  we  hear  no  more  of  this  Affair,  or  the  for- 
mer, mtibit  yaurKolSj  or  eUcwhere;  for  neither 
ff^lAm  noc  Juffivwrlb  mention  one  Word  ctf  it. 
'This  Bifhap  of  Ntrwith  was  Samuel  Harfntty  wh^ 
Li  Nevt  tcUs  us  had  been  guUtr  of  ieveial  jhaada- 
loos  PraAices,  wlulft  he  was  Maftcr  of  Ptmbrah- 
Hall  in  Caa^i^t  (i).  By  lus  Anfwer,  he  feeois 
to  dear  himielf  .&tHn  th^  Cfnunons  Complaint  a- 
gaiaft  him;  which,  by-the-by,  is  fomewhat  ex- 
traordinary, and  woula  not  have  been  fuffered  in 
tbelaftR^n.  .He.  came  into  higher  Favour,  at 
Court,  in  the  next  ^  icg  in  the  Year  1628,  he  was 
made  Archbifliop  (MT.  Tari.  But  to  return  to  our 
.  Proceed  ings- 

.;  The  lame  Day,  ftill,  a  Mellage  was  brought 
.from  the  Comiqons  to  the  Lords,  by  Sir  Eekvin 
Samfyfanioii^ny  b>  this  EfFed : 

*  That  the  Knights,  Citizens,  and  Burgeffes,  in 

the  Houfe  of  Commons  allembledi  undiiflanding 

'*  .  that 


320  ^  Pm^MUmafy  Itiit«^ttV 

-te. »  >Mi  !•  Att  hia  MajH^)  PtcB{«re  'is  t*  {ntt  an  ^d  to  tHis 
***^     ,   Seffion  on  Aiflv^iq' next,  4k  ud^Xstori,  «$0M 
■_  ,  which flwrt TinK«  itehher  ttttt'Hmiie  nor  itiiSta 

Ate  m  k^   ctn  perfed  dwfe  Bnfifieflh  whieh  ire  bc^ft ;  the^ 
~    '       «  of  do  humbly  defire  tfieir  Lordftips  to  J«ErwMi  ^^ 
in  Ptititioft  to  hsi  Mi^eft^  for  «  longer  'HAei' 

j)ry?|  ■  For  tint  the  Kbtg  pattitth^'  tiwnrtd 
fiaaw  dwir  flmni  Treaferert,  for  Ihfe  SO^  41s 
Partfunem,  mudt  kmgef  Tune  btth'-fceen  Q^m  M 
diat  BUI  than  uliial,  boMfiiaeylwl  rtoPnfbeiteM 
for  dw  finiaj   wbejtby  mihy  good  RU*  «An«  4^ 

StttHtthi  *  For  tint  Ae  IlilAAA  of  trttti^nAt 
wbidiliad  been  Ion;  ^lorAcTcd,  had  Hottt^  OMAr 
geneid  CoBipIurits  uftco' d)«n.i  not  otuy'lfjr-dK 
Msrc^ts,  hut  the  Cloth(m  utdtlfoft  tfTlbe 
meiBcr  uort«  witioi^  ff'wey'iiaye  lojtfu  X  niK^ 
.  dKf  hope  To  to^ocoimiiftdrtCf  AM  iFflMllt  ^  ad- 
nnt^eM?,  to  die  Kia^-f*rofiti  and  J^Oonteai 
iNRh  to  the  Poormd  to  Ae  Il4cft/ 

was  but  newly  come  into  their  AooTej  attS  mir 
•Wft  nil  of  ^Mf^  is  7et  to  )wve  aiMfAcrS^adhg.' 

L^/r»  *  Ft*  *»  Aey^wftfleribM  Aat-AW 
IxMUhl^  faa*eTo  mntf  Oils,  and'oAer  Mitten 
«f  Wc^bt,  u  7«t  ifepeiMlingj  tint  thor  Jom^Miftg-^ 
MCir  theyxM  jMllwHi  nmi  in'  n  flHMl  a  vine^ 
WkoiefMC)  Mid  to  keidtluit Atr  Cotf^^ondettee^ 
wMeh  %aii«  hMierto-contiiiaed  between  Mh  Hm^ 
fcs)  tBt)f  muc  iMs-evnoI  Kecjatu  >  ■not  iiiieBi- 
hf«o  entertain  an^  new  Matiersiltutnnl^  «i^« 
^hich  ve  hmm-and  Ririy-eo  fe  MflMd;' 

The  Mdftngen  brii^  -wittidniwnj  'tds^HMHR^ 
the  Prime  ligmfied  nnco  i3w  tferi^  *  n%arat  Ma 
'«oiimg  ftom  tfie  Kifif ,  Ms  MaWl^-toM  hirirAM 
he  waa  detmniaedto  end.  this  Seffion  «n  ti/hlrdtff 
nnti  and  cogBundcd  btt'Highnefe  fe  to  ariwef 
fhan  who  .fiieuld  move  to  hme  ttm^Tlme  yah 
long|»).  But  whtt-his  Majdly^waiM  do  thctrin^ 
vriien-be^hBii  hewthefe-RcBfeaB,  hisH^me&'&id 
k»  luiew  not..'  -'^Pfaoreupen,  the  Hdde-  hum^r 


§f.  .'B  ^iCiLA.  NDa    ;  3.«!j' 

Wrtigbt  the  PAnftt  t»  ntovc  his  Majcfty  to  giv^  &  *•  ^J^  **  - 
lof^r  Day.  •':  , \  *"**•  ■ 

The  MpSkngefs:  trd^ifhteivUed  in  snd  anTwer-f . 
«d,  '  That  the  Lords  do  uke  in  good  Parts  their 
'W!i{finenels't6;hi)ld\'9M>4  Cofr^pondency  vnib 
tbwi,'  ud  l(a7c  wftigbcd  the  genera)  wd  particu'  ^     ^ 
lar  R^ajens  fxpveiTedr  for  a  longer  Day  of  Conti-  '    ' 
iiuuice  of  this  ^^B«iT.t    But  they  have  received 
fHQt  abfcdtite  Dire^o*»  froih  his  Maje'Ry  for  ,thc  . 
fMi.'Ofthijii:.SedlaOi.' at<a  Day  now  fo  near  at 
HiWtdiL -that  the^  <t»nitot  give  the  Commons  any 
Hfipe  of  obtaintag  s  lon^r.' 

'  ,Y««,  confidwiAgthat  his  Majefty knew  not  of 
iiifi^  ^^aibns, ,  tlietr  Lofdfliips  hive  entreated  the 
PrinW'to  ioov*.h^(9(  a'.lgngcr  Day.  What  this 
wilt  pioiiuce  th^  ktii>w  not  (  wherefore  their  Lord- 
ihips  wilt  haften  the  Difpstch  of  their  own  Bufi- 
np^,^»ifi(l.  the.D^x  which  bis  Majefly  hath  1i- 
mi^i^  u  mt/ch  as,  they  can,  and  thev  doubted  not 
btu-tbs'Cqoi^MiU  would'do  thd  like/ 

.  Jlf^iOi  The  I«cd>  Dt^w  feemed  tabei-in  Halle 
ta i»p«dit0  the  Bil!B 'ta  theirHou^,  andtheCom- 
nti^ne  fent  u^  Ave  BiJR  from  theirs,  •along  with  this 
MeflaQ;e :    *  That  they  delire  a  Conference  willi  ^ 

their  Lordlhips,  touching  a  Petition  to  the  ICing  for 
remQunfi.all  juftly.fafpe^ed-Jimi/antJ.&wn  th^ 
Omces-^';rruft.'    '        ,/  ■' 

,;^wec.  was  ttturnqt.  «  That  they  would  meet  ^j,,^  ^^  ^^ 
th^m  pieten^y  j  bat,  bf  fore  the  Lords  went  to  this  ^gfea  to  *t  tbi 
Cqnfercnce^ .-  the   prince   acquainted  the   Houfe,  *equ«ft  rf  tfct 
■ftiai  l)is  i^ajefty  wa8,C9iuent  to  prolong  this  Sef-  '*™^ 
lioii  unto  Saturday^  Aiay.ii^,  tb  that  his  Highnefs 
would  engage   himfelf  that  neither   of  the   two 
Hf^ef.  wouj^,  entertain'  any  new  Matter  in  the 
m^Vi  Time;  and  that  lie  fliould  know,  firft,  the- 
^(fda  of  the  Co^iqxfns  therein.'     It.  was  agresd, 
Tl^.this  l^fMild.))¥.  HiJiButcd  to  them  at  ttie 
W^tiflB'  ■  ... 

y^The  fame;.  Day  aSlfpQrt  W"  ™>de  by  the  Arch- 

bi^top  of  CqMtrbip^,  of  what^lTed  at  this  Con-. 

'  &i^ce.    He  told  the  Houfe,  That  the  Comotons 

'Vol.  VI.  X  pfodu- 

3«s;  ^  ParBam^aty  Kit -to  JtY 

A*. **;ti(Mt>tModiiced  an  htuaUePctidontotlwiCiiig,  d(jfifi^|^ 
'^*^        the  Lords  to.  join  with  them  in  it,   as  heretoforCk  - 
Wbtcb  Petition  was  read  ia  thefe  Words : 

lUGdfuci,  ta    '~     CsmmeMt   (hj  yaw  Rtfal  AiOMty  and  Cim- 

vbkbtberde-    mtaulmtnt  talltd  to  and  afliiMtAM  tMt.  frrfait  P*r~  ^ 

^of^' ''"««'.  '^^0^  thiPcrtsrfiHa'KingimofTS*- 

hiiit,  g^d  and  Dtmnian  ef"Wj^a.\  do,  m  alt  HumOl^ 

give  yattr  Majtftj  moft  hiantle  niatiit,  that  jau  bim 

firtUgut^andeptmly pMiJhti,  ^Kt ytiir  LawtttUd ■ 

AUs  of  State  again/}  Popilh  RecufiuKt  fiiudd  UfiA^ 

in  due  Emcutim.     And  Hfwnt  Md  U  tur-httm^a 

Duty  (amongft  athtr  the  impntaid  Affian  iffMir'_ 

Reaht)   ta  inform  yottr  Mi^'^  tf  tit  Grtwtb  if 

this  dangereus  Sart  af  PtapU  nntbrn  tUt  ytm-  Xlttgy 

dam,  and  af  their  InfaletOj  and  Bahbufi  in  all  m- 

,  Parts  thereof,  infemueh  as  MMf  af^tm  ('MAmWC' 

ta  yiur  Majefly)  haw  ertpi  into  Ogkn,  amd  PiaeH'' 

of  Gtvemment  and  Aulharity  trnderymtf  ta  Htt'  d^ 

heartning  of  your  gaad  SuiftHs,  and  coKtrarf  tayeur 

MigeJlfsbauiS'mdAets*fitMa\  viktfi  Hd$im  (in 

Difcbargt  af  aur  AUegiante  and  Duty,  viithatit.ibi'-' 

fpta  «/■  Parfim)  wt^  in  all  lAmUinefi,  ^^  *» 

The  NAMffs  of  all*  fiich  Peribns  as  att'tieMi' 
ficd  to  have  Places  of.  Charge  or  TftotT,' 
m  their  fevcral  CountisS,  and  are  themf^Vcs. 
Popish  Recusants  or  NoN-CoM^iinmii\ 
CANTS,  that  hath  given  overt  Snfpidon  of 
their  Ill-AffeAion  iii  RxciGiOK,  or  tftat  are 
reported  or  furpefhKh  fo  to  be. 

'  TheRt.  Han.  Ffahds  Barf  af  Rirtlkii*  «  «r-' 
tified  to  he  Lard  Lieutenant  hr  the  CataOy  ^  Ijifr^' ' 
coin,  and  a.  Cimmiffioner  af  the  Peate  md  CnAes^ 
ftotuTonirifirf  tbi  &«nty  ^  Nerttnmpton,  and-  *, 
Camrttiffioner  ef  the  Peace,  and  Oyar  md  9^n«K!^- 
iit  Yorkfliire,  and  in  ethtf  OiiMSeti  and  that-  he 
and  his  Wift  art  fufpt&ti  t^  Ar  P&pilh  Keeufints'.' 

■'■ '  ■  -     .    -  -■  .      V>r 



■  ■  pf -EN  G  L  A  Jf-D'."'  }»| 

Ar^r  ^  &»aHiJhm-  ^  lk  PtOx,  AiH  •  ^  Oftr  amt  ^**' 

.  Tmnhafik  WlkflHft*  mtdfif^i^eiA  it  Hl-iifeatA 

Jyttfy-Mtefe;  ReciiftnM.  ^       ,.      i 

Sif  ThofAds  ComptoA,  Kt.  h  tertijmi  ta  he  t 
CetmhiJ^tu^  aftht  Pieaai  and  afOyer  and  Termntr- 
(»^-WarwibleAir«j  Oitd  he  and  the  Ctmttfi  bh  Wift 
ttra  em^,  bfi'mmti  ti  be  fuffe&U  to  it  Popi& 

-TAK^fc.  Jifo*  ffinry  Lord  Herbert  it  cert'^edu 
hi  a  Gemmilfialiin^  ef  thif  Peate  m  Mtmmouthfliire,. 
divd  ujinhtir  »*yr<^lMh  Rcligwa,  Md  w  foriear 

"T3*'  Jif.  Nm,  Iht  tofd  Petre  is  certified  to  he  a 
Cmt^jjmef  of  ^  Petiee  in'  Bflc*^  m^  hf  Repm^ 
tim  keemmli  tat  it  iite  O^eh  n»r  rectiveth  the  Ontf 
itmitw^  and  t^  his-H^s  emd  Famiif  ar*  gtneraUf- 
_^^*rf  «  **■  PopiflK  RttSIfim  ts. 

Tiie  .«*.■> /few  rteniy  £*frf  M(»tey  h  certified  ta 
ht-eeGmtkt^Kterif'm  Ptme  i»  Lancaflure,  and 
a  heft^feffed  ff  he'  d  PofHfb  Rectilant.  ' 

ne  Jit.  Hen.  tint  ttrdViJfouia  Cotebeller  is  cer- 
tified ta  be  a  Cemmijfiatur  of  the  Peace  in  E^x,  andf 
if  kepahi  t^  he  tonttth  net.  to  the  Chureh,  nor  re~ 

Tfe  RfiHia.the  t*rd  Windfor  is  cA-ttfitd  to  be  a 
Qoma^fimer  of  the  PeSte  in  BucldngKairtffure»  and^ 
hf-eMtmoit  fwiie,  fi'^o  Po}>ilb  Rccufant.  ' 

Tfe  JtP.  lint.  WiUiafii  Lord  Eure  »  cerdfitd  to 
he  a  Juftiee  of  the  Peace  in  the  Cmtnty  of  Durham, 
oMii  h  aPopi&i  HeOilant  ctmiaed. 

The  Rl.  Hon.  the  Ltrd  Wooton  it  certified  to  h$ 
HtPltit*^  Authority  in  VLeatt  und  diai  he  and  hir 
fi^e  do  farhear  the  Church,  and  are  jujilj  fufpeHtd  It 
el^iiFtht^OtiMA  R^gkm. 

•  ?i&*  R*.-  }im.  tie  Lord  Tnynham  ii  certified  to  he 
a  Catmnijfiotier  of  the  Peace  in  Kenf,  and,  ^  ctmmto 
R^ptfi,  Of  b»  «Popifh  Recu&nt. 

Vh  &t.  Hm^  ^  ^d- Sciooj^  it  certified  to  he  s 

Jigrd'  tietdenemt*^  the  Ceunty  of  York,    of  the 

Ci^ofYoikf  (iW0/''KiBgftoii-«^Hu)lj  a»dt»h! 

X  a  aCom- 


ja4  ^  Parliamentary  Hjstort 

m.%%jmM^tmC»mmi^oiurifAtFtaa,  aHd  of  C^er  aniTtmi- 
i*H-'  tier  in  tie  fad  Cttii^ieSy  and  in  fundrj  other  Cowf 
Uti  I  and  toot  bis  Lirdfiip  hath  tut  rtuiv'd  the  CtHf 
tmmioM  enee  every  Yiar  in  ibe  Uffi  three  erfouf.  Tfcrt  ( 
mnd  that  hit  Lard^  both  given  wtiert  Su/piam  ^hit 
tU-AffeStiatt  in  Religion^  by  his  Departure  front  the 
Communion  on  Jundry  Days  when  hie,  JUaj^^i 
Council  there  refidetit,  and  otbirt  ef  the  Cf*gregm- 
tiott,  fiayed  behind  ta  reteive  the  fanu^  fametimit  am. 
E^fter-Day,  and  fimetimes  en  the  jth  Dqy  af  No- 
vember ;  and  it  is  tejlifisd  by  mtmsffei^ .  Uie*  tha 
Lard  Jrchbijhop's  Grace  of  York,  ami  athert  af  Ut 
i^jefty's  Cauneil  there  refident  loera  prefmty  eatd . 
did  receive  the  Communim  once  vAen  hss  Le^dMP 
went  away ;  and  that  his  LardfiUp  doth  retr,eh  repear 
to  the  Church  en  Sundays  end  HaUdays  in  the  Fare- 
twin,  and  riot  above  twice  to  the  Afiemaan  Sernuift^ 
whereunio  former  Lord  Prejidentiy  vjith  his  A^e/ifs 
Council  there  refiding,  have  frequently ,  repaired^  md 
.  whereunto  the  Cauacil  now  there  refideiU  da  orSna- 
rily  repair finee  he  was  made  Lard Prefideitti  !wl>ere~ 
of  Notice  is  taken  by  ail  hil  Mt^^'i  Suh/e^i  in  thoji 
Parts f  to  the  great  Grief  of  fueh  as  (trt  trufy  affiSed 
in  Religion, 

Sir  Williun  Courtney,  Kt.  it  certified  U  he  a 
Commijfioiter  of  the  Peace  and  0  Dept^y-ZJenteMmt 

«  DevonCbirc,  and  is  a  Coiamtl  if  a  JOOO  trained 
Soldiers  of  that  County,  and  it  Vice-Warden  M^  the 
Stanneries,  and  that  A>  is  fufpelled  to  be  a  FopUh 
Becufiuit,  and  that  he  hath  tut  reteived  the  CemtiK' 
titan  in  many  Tears  hft  pefl. 

Sir  ThcMnac  Snidenell,  Kt.  it  certified  ta  he  a 
Commijfioner  of  the  Peace,  and  Deputy  Liei^enant 
in  Nerthamptoofitire,  and  that  he  is  a  fnfpeS^d 

Sir  Thbmas  Somerfet  is  certified  ta  be  a  Cammif- 
fianer  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  in  Gloitcefterfhirc,  and 
that  he  is  reported  te  be  a  Pt^lh  Reculant. 

Sir  Gilbert  Ireland,  Kt.  and  Richafd  Sherbom, 
emd  John  Fleming,  Efy;  are  eertified  to  be  Cammf-  {^ 
fiantrs  of  the  Peace  in  Lancallurt,  and  that  they  art- 
fiefptStd  to  it  PopUh  B.eculiuitj. 



■,  i 

V   £  N  G  L  A  N  D.  325- 

.'  '$(>  Francis  Stoner,  Kt.  it  certified  ft  he  a  Ju^a  *"•  »»  J»««»  ^ 
ft'***?  Peace,  or  a  Deputy  Lieutenant,  er  isib,  in  Ox-         '**♦* 
foriflhirt,  and  ta  Bee  Popifti  Rccufant, 

Sir' Anthony  Browne,  Kt.  is  eertified  to  he  a 
Cammijfianer  of  the  Peace  in  the  County  0^  Norfolk, 
and  that  be  is  reported  ts  he  a  Popifh  Rccufant. 

Sir  Francis  Howard,  Kt.  is  certified  to  be  a  Juflice 
•fthe  Peace  and  Cuftos  Rotulorum  in  Surrey,  and  is 
fujpeaed  to  be  ill-affeffed  tn  Religion. 

Ar  William  PowelJ,  Kt.  is  certified  io  he  ajujfice 
if  the  Peace  in  Stafford fliirei  and  to  be  a  Non-Ctm- 
■ttmnicant,  and  that  his  Wife  cometh  not  to  Chureh. 

Sir  Fpancis  Lacoh,  Kt.  is  certified  to  be  a  Jufiice 
•/the  Peace  in  Shropftiire,  andthathe  is  fvfpeiiid tt 
he  a  Popifli  Recufant. 

Sir  Lewis  Lewkner,  Kt.  is  eer{ified  to  he  a  Cem- 
mi£ioner  of  the  Peace  in  Middlefex,  and  that  he  ar^ 

Sir  William  Aubrey,  Kt.  is  certified  to  be  a  Com- 
mififmer  of  the  Peace,  in  Brecknockfliire,  and  that 
he  if  reported  to  be  a  Popifli  Recurant. 

William  Jennifon,  Efq;  is  reported  to  be  a  Com- 
mijfioner  of  the  Peace  in  Newcaftle  upon  Tyne,  mti 
that  he  is  fujheCled  to  be  Popifh  emd  backward  in 

Sir  John  Gage  and  Sir  JcAta  Shelly,  Boris,  and 
John  Thetcher,  £fq;  are  certified  to  be  Contmijimert- 
»fthe  Sewersia  the  County  of  Snffcx,  andto  be  known 

Sir  Henry  Caryll  it  certified  to  be  Captain  of  a 
Foot-Band  in  the  Cosnty  of  Norfolk,  and  a  Com- 
ml^ner  of  Snvers,  and  that  he  it  reported  tt  bt  a 
Popifli  Recufant. 

Sir  Thomas  Wifcman,  Kt.  Son  of  Sir  Thomas 
Wifcman,  Kt.  that  is  a  JuJHce'of  Peaee^  is  certified        s 
to  he  a  Certain  of  a  Foot-Band  sn  ElTex,  and  to  be  a 
frofejfed  Papift. 

Sir  Thomas  Gerard,  Kt,  it  eertified  to  be  a  Cap- 
tain of  a  Concern  of  the  Freehold-Band  in  Lanca- 
fliirc,  and  thtt  he  is  fufpeSled  to  be  a  Popifli  Recu- 

X  3  Sir 


j^  Tik  ParUamentary  Hf«  To  %  y 

\M.  M  jaMo  L     Sir  John  Fhjlpot,  £>.  »  itrti/ud  ti  kf  a  C^ftrnf* . 
»***-        «^  «  Foet-Ctrnpany  in  Hampfbire,  <ind  tl^ff  bt  ami 
his  Wift  and  Children  m  P3pias.  '     , 

^r  Tbomas  Ruflit,  Kt.  is  ane  gf  i^  Defuty 
l,ieutttitmU,  and  m  'jtjftHt  of  the  Ptmte  in  tit  C^um^ 

?ef  Worc^er,  and  it  jijfify  fu^ifed  to  ht  a 

The  Names  of  pJl  fuch  Pzrsqnb  wIjo  aie  cwdt- 
fiod  to  be  in  Places  of  Charoe  qt  Trust, 
in  their  feveraJ  Counties,  aiid  that  Yaw 
Wives,  Cbildrti^,  and  Servants,  that  are  FO' 

or  that  are  furpcde4  or  reported  (o  to  be. 

Sir  Henry  Bedding;lid4  is  certified  to  bt  a  Cm- 
Ifu^iaier  tf  the  Peace,  and  a  pi^y  LituttBoitt  /« 
Norfoll(,  and  Captain  of  tbt  Laucei  there,  and  that 
hit  Wifi  and  ChildrM  are  rtporud  to  be  PofHfli  Re- 

Sir  William  Wray,  Ki.  is  artijUd  ta  ki  a  fii~ 
^uty  l,ieutensnt  in  Cornwall,  and  that  bis  Wift  it  a 

Sir  Johii  Ca(]way,  Kt.  is  certified  to  bt  0  Cew^ 
miffianer  of  the  Peace,  and  me  of  the  Deputy  Lieu-' 
.UnanttinFXiiaMxe^  and  that  bis  iPlfe  is  held  to  he 
m  Poi»lh  Reculant. 

Sir  Charles  Jonet,  Kt.  and  William  Jones,  BJqi 
are  certified  te  be  Centmiffiontrs  of  the  Peace  a^ 
two  Deputy  Lieutenants  inMoaaaoA^ltaxc,  and  that 
their  f^ivet  ere  Recufants. 

$ir  Ralph  Copyers,  Kt.  is  certified  to  heaCam- 
miffvmer  of  the  Peace  and  Deputy  Liesttenani  im  the 
Bipopriti  of  DuHiam,  andthat  bis  Wife  is  %ene~ 
rally  reputed  to  he  a  Popifli  Recuiant. 

Sir  Thomas  Lamplugh,  Kt,  is  certified  to  ht  a 
Commjfiener  of  the  Peace  in  Cumberlaci,  m^  that 
Ms  If^fi  is  a&ecjitanu 

Sir  Thomas  Savaj;e,  Kt.  and  Bart,  is  certifiti 
.to  ie  a  Cemfm^aner  of  tie  Peace  ia  Chcihire,  and 
that  hit  Wife  isfufpeSed  to  be  a  Reciifant ;  a^  ly 
tmiBon  Pa/ne,  it  is  reported^  that  tbt  faid  Sir  Tho- 

(..(Kii^le  , 

,  ^  t5:  n  gx  a  n  d.  327 

^fi^U  Ubta  Iftti^CmimmUaitl,  ad  hi,  (M-         '^"^ 
4m  qrtSAfffti  if  Ac  Rtcufimts. 

Sir  Williain  MaSevy  Kt.  is  ctrtijitdta  be  a  Cam- 
^Hffmtf  ^A*  Pern  tn  Chefliire,  and  Oat  bis  Wift  - 

Sir  Htigti  BeAon,  Kt.  is  certified  it  he  a  Comnuf- 
fimtr  tfthe  Ptattt  ^"d  that  Ms  Dai^htgr  and  Hiir 
.  rtj^MCTtf  j>  a  Recufiuit.  v 

Sir  Thomas  Liddc],  Kt.  is  ttrtified  ia  be  a  Cm- 
■miffiamr  a  the  Ptad  far  tht  Bifiepriei  ^  Durham, 
:«Mi  that  hit  Wrft  it  0  Popifh  Recuiant.  '     . 

Tbwnx  Pare,  Efy-,  Bnfhtr  »f  the  Lard  Petit, 
is  certifirJ  t«bt  a  Ctnmi^iaier  wftbe  Peiue  in  Eiftk, 
^Mdtltatiis.  Wift  ud  Famly  art  fu^BtdU  hi  Re- 
:  oidaats. 

.^ir  Mafnaduke  V^ill,.  Af.  Md  Sort,  is  air- 

tifitd  ta  he  a  Cmtanijfioner  »f  Oyer  and  Termnsry 

.  Mid  latdf  vmdi  ma  jf  his  M^^i  Cgwteil  »  tht 

Vottht  gnd.  that  Us  Wift  is  a  PopiO)  ReouJant 


^  Jo^mTovraibcnd,  Kt*  is  ttruftd  ta  be  a  Cam-  ' 

H^fitmr  af  tht  Peace  in  the  CewkAt  rf  Hereford,  md 
ibaf  bis  Wife  is  reported  to  it  a  I^pift. 
-     Sir  WilW  Moms,  Kt.  is  certify  ttbteiju- 
-JlUt  if  tht  Peace  ia  Lancalhir^  and  that  he  hath  a 
Daughter  that  is  a  Recufant ;  akd  that  he  bath  two 

-  SHu  that  dafirvt  under  the  ArthduAtfs, 

.  .    James  AndBribn,  Elfy  it  certified  tehe  a  fa^ce 

-  lefidk  PtateinLan.'caaurey  a»d  that  Im  H^ft  and 
his  tidefl  Sen  are  apparent  Recufants. 

Edmrd  Mocgan  and  George  Mflbonni,  Efqrs. 
•  eireeer^edC^nmi^aersef  the  Pence  in  Moamoaii-. 
.OutKt  Md  tiit  tbmr  Wivts  art  Recurancs.. 

■Sir  Philip  Knevitt,  Bart,  is  certified  li  be  a  Ju- 
jfuf  oftbi  Pmi  in  Nocfolk,  and  thai  bis  Wife  it  a 
Recufant.  '  . 

Sir  John  Talbcvough,  Kt.  and  Anthony  Hobart, 
Bffi  aft  ttrt^d  to  he  Cammffientrs  of  tht  Ptact 

-  in  Noriblk,  and  that  their  Wives  an  refifsrttd  tt  ht 
'BccaktOa,  MdMr.  Hobut'i  Cbildren  ere  pc^iMj 

,L.(  Kittle 

«.«>jt««I.     Sir  WJUiam  Sdby,  JCr.  m/ CnthtMii •  Ileitis 
»**♦•        -^fqi  art  etftiftd.  ta  It  Ctntmffimert  af.iktftatt  m 
Nortbumbeifaiu),  taii  tiai  their  Wn/et  art  Recit- 
'Juits.    "    ■  *     ■ 

Sir  Richard  TichbuiriK,  Kt-  u  urtijudu  it  « 
-    Ctmmjpomr  of  the  Piact  in  Hampshire,  and0}al  his 
Wife  is  tftht  Popifli  Religiotu^ 

Sir  John  Hall,  lO.   it  ctrtified  u  bi  a  Cemmif- 
Jimtr  tfthe  Peact  in  HampfluM,  tmi  that  Us  ff^fi 
•     ■  0md  htr  Daughter  are  fxfn&f, 

.   .  fir  George  Pericins,  Ki.   Robert  Pcitpoitit  and 
Folk  Cirtwri^t,  Efqrs.  are  etrtifed  li  he  Cvranif- 
Jioiteri  of  the  Peace  in  the  Cijin^  «^  Nottingham^  mi4 
'       ,  that  their  tfivu  an  thought  t»  he  Reculana. 

ThanbOftdn,  Efp  it  tmni^  tohe  a  Cm- 
mffitiur  »f  the  Peace  in  Shropfliire  (  and  Ridurd 
'  GiUwiUi  Cm.  U  U  a  Ctrtwer  thtre,  and  Aiif 
H^met  he^MoAnti. 

Rice  Williams,  Eh\  is  certified  to  ie  a  Ccmn^' 
Jiatmr  if  the  Peace  in  Caennatdienlhire,  and  that  mi 
^fe  u  a  Fopifh  Recufant  canviSied, 

Sir  Thomas  Pehruddock,  Xt,  ii  certified  ta  hea 
'.  Cett/ntiffinifr  of.  ihe>  Peace  in  Middlelex,  and  that  hit 
ildeji  Son  ii  a  Rccufant. 

Valentine  Saunders,  Efq\  is  ttrtifiedte  be  ttCcm' 
Httffioner  if  the  Ptace  in  Muldlelex,  and  that  bit  eldefi 
Son  is  a  Recufaot. 

Thomas  Rochell,  Efq-,  it  ctrtifud  t»  be  a  fW- 
-  n^Jfientr  efthe  Peace  in  $t.  Edmoodlbury,  SufiiDlk, 
WidthatUt  eldeft  Sen  is  reperted te  it  a  Po^tiK- 

Anthony  Thorold,  Effi  it  certified  ttbea  Cnn- 
lai^Bner  ef  the  Peace  in  Lincoinihire,  and  that  it 
hath  a  Sen  that  iifujpeaed  tt  bta  Popifb  Reculant. 
Sir  Nicholas  Saunders,  Kt,  it  certified  uhe  a 
Commijfuner  if  the  Peace  in  Surrey,  aiul  hit  Wife  is 
fufpeBedtt  he  a  Popifli  Recufant. 

?i!nvi    in,  etnfideration  of  the  great  Cowitenaaa 

hereby  given  to  Popery,  the  great  Grief  and  Of- 

'  feme  to  alt  your  bill  offered,  true-i  and  uving  Snh- 

jeSij  the  ^^arent  Danger  of  the  whok  Kp^dom, 

■     h 

:  -JZ-BNOL  ANO.  32, 

tfyatti^lht  PtuierifJfms  int$  fitch  'Hmtds  «r,  by  An.  12  JinM.'i,. . 
firmer  ji£ti  tf  jtur  Mt^ifly'i  Csmeil,  are'  adjudged  '^H- 
P*rje>tt  JK^ly  la-  he  fufpeaed,  and  rhemfehei  fit  h 
he  difarmed ;  ToKf  fiiid  Uyal  ^nd  fakkful  SuhjeHi 
A  tmft  bumbif  hejStek  four '  Msjifiy,  gradwfif  to 
•omehfi^t  that  the  fnid  Lerds  and'Senllemtn- ahate 
ntmid,  far  thefe  intptrtant  ReaftHS,  and  far  the 
gTMM-  S^eif  af  fjoar  Mxjafiy,  Md,afyaw  Rearm 
and'Diitiumtn,  ■  may '  ha  tmai/ed  fnfn  *U  your  Mh- 
yejly's  Cantmiffiom  af  great  Charge  and  ^rufi,  CerA- 
a^lehS  af  I,uut*ttanty,  Ofer  and  Terminer,  arid  of 
the  Peacty  and  flvm  ail  Off  at  and  ether  R/acn  if 
Truft.      '       ■-■  V 

This  Petiticm  being  rmd,  thq  I/ords  deferred  the' 
Debate  thereon,  for  that  Tim«,  becaufe  the  D.iy 
was  far  fpentj  but  gave  an  AnAver  to  the  MeffeH- 
gcrs  who  attended  for  the  fame,  That  they  would 
fonfider  of  the  Petirioii,"a«d  would  fend  them  an 
Anfwer  when  thty  were  refolved  of  it.  The 
Commons  returned  the  Lords  Thanks,  and  fiud, 
their  Houfe  had  made  an- Order  to  receive  no  more 
Bills,  or  entertain  any  more  new  Bufmeft  this 
Seffion.  The  fame  Order  was  made  by  the 

May  ^\'.  This  Day  the  Petition  of  the  Com- The  Anrwcr  of 
mons,  fer  difplacing  i'a^i]^  Rccufants,  was  read  a  ttn  lificdii  ;i«to 
fecond  Timg ;  and,  after  fome  Debate,  an  Anfwer  ^f^^"""  ^' 

was  refolvtd  on  to  be  given  to  the  Commons  about      ' 

■  it.     Accordingly  a  Melkge  was  ftnt  by  the  L<Hds 
•to  defire  another  Conference ;   and,  in  4he  mean 

,  Timei  the  Anfwer  wa8  put  into  Writing,  and  read 

-  (o  the  Hottfe  in  hoc  Verba: 

•  That  we  take  great  Contentment  in  the  Con- 

*  currence  which  has  been  between  the  two  Hduf«s, 

*  from  the  Beginning  of  this  Seffion,  and  which. 

*  we  doubt  not  but  mall  continue  to  the  End, 

'  That  what  hath  been  defired  in  roiir  Pctia'on) 

*  concerning  P«^t^  Recufants,.  is  wbotly  allowed 

*  and  approved. of;  qur  Hearts  do  go  along  with 

*  what  is  propounded  by  the  Comoions. 



330  7iep0tk\mMiaryVrsT»KY 

M.  a*  juwa  I.      «  But  ttUt  oiir  Way  in  JudicatUFr.  V  thej-  knoMt, 
'*'*'         *  ia,  to  proceed  upon  Oadi,  uid  to  Ikw  tlie  Partjr'K 

*  De&ncCj  which  the  Sbortncls  <^  Time  in  thij 

*  Caft,  caa  bjr  bo  Meine  perniJC     TIkH  if  we 

*  ftould  publidf  go  in  a  ComouMe  of  both 

*  Houlfcs  to  the  King,  vt  IboiiM  flrifce  deep  into 
'  *  the  R^Hitatioii  c^.the  hitM^  coactxnti,  and  give 

*  hi>  Majefty,  and  the  «M«  Worid,  Occafion  lo 
'  think,  That  we  did  boch  judge.  u«lcoaila*nb&> 

*  fore  we  had  heard. 

*  NotwitfaAanding,  ve  do  incline,  if  tbejr  like 

*  of  it,  to  move  his  Highoers  jthe  Ptvacc^  privity  to 

*  acqu^nt  his  Majefty  with  this  as  with  a  Matter  c^ 

*  State ;    not  doubting  bvt  that  his  Majefty-  will 

*  bdce  it  into  hisgrave  and  prudent  Confidentioni 
-  <  fb  that  fuch  ESoSt^  as  we  truft,  is  (ike  to  fidlow, 

^  ,  '  as  .will  give  us  all  good  Contentment.' 

This  Aofwer  was  approved  of  by  the  ether 
Houfe,  at  th^  Conference ;  v^o  rendered  their 
,  moft  humble  Thanks  to  die  Prince,  '  That  he  was 
[leafed,  as  of  himfelf,  to  intimate  theii;  Requefta 
unto  his  Majefty ;  and  that  they  hoped  it  woidd 
receive  a  gracious  Anfwer.' 

Nothing  was  now'donc  in  either  Hot^e  for  fe- 

ltd  SabMr  BiH  vcral  Days,  but  expediting .  die  Bills  they  had  he- 

■  flM  bjr  the     fore  them.     On  die  24th  of  Maj,   the  Bill  fat 

*       granting  an  Aid  to  his  Majefty  of  three  entire  Sat^ 

filUsy  and  three  Fifteaabi  and  Tatthty  waa  Sent  up 

by  the  CommoiiB  ;  and,  dte  next  Day*  on  the  fi^* 

cond  Readily  of  this  Bill,  before  it  was  committed, 

the  Judges  were  appointed  by  the  Houfe  to  confi- 

der  erf'  ume  Points  of  Judicature  in  the  faid  Bill, 

' .  and  to  ddiver  their  Rcfolutions  about  it. 

May  26.  The  Lord  Prefideat  of  the  Coundl  re- 

.  ported  to  the  Houfe,  That  t^e  Judges  bad  given  in 

'  their  Refolutions,  concerning  (oam  Queftiofu  mi- 

.  iing  on  the  Bill  of  Su^Jia  i  vhich  was  read  io  the 

Houfe  as  follows: 

J  Re- 
3  ^ 


,  {^   ENGLAND.  33i 

«  R^fqlvcd,   by  MiicnJ   Confent,   That  «pon  *^ »»/»««  ^ 
She  Perufal  of  fevei^  Parts  of  the  Ad  -f  SithUdf,        ^^ 
^ey  4o  not  cQnceive  that  there  is  yny.  thing  there-  The  Judfei  0(i- 
irt^  which  may  impeach  or  bleimfli  the'Pnvil^  or  '^^^^ 
'    Power  of  (he  Higher  Houfc,   or  ad4  tq  tfie  Privi-  in  ooint  of  Pd* 
Iftges  qf  th«  Lowcr^  '"^.ftny  thing  j  ,iave,  ijrrijc  Wl^^-        J 
torficuW  Ca&  in  g,ue{lk>ii,,  amUn  no  other  Cafls       ,',V 
of  the  jil£c  W  I^th^r  ,f?4tur^i  and  Uikt  fot  tbeff        ,   '      - 
jKeafofls:      '    .  '        -^;i(  ■51,  '  ■.  ■  -    ■■■,"■■■'    - 
.,    *  i?'/)  Bccaifle  the  Judicature,  in  this,  particu^ 
hr  Caw,  is  not  afliimed,  by  the  w^y  of  Piivilege, 
to  beget  a  Precedent,  but  \iy  way  of  an  X&;  which 
taketn  Effe£l,  not  only  by  theimelves,  but  by  the 
lx>rda,  and  by  the  Royal  Afient  of  the  King. 

'  Secondly,  Bccaufe  the  Ground  of  this  AiX  pro- 
ceeded, originally,  frcHn  the  gracious  Proportion  of 
liis  Majefty  himfelf  (»),  and  that  Propofal  is  men- 
tioned in  the  AiS  itfelf  j  fo  that  there  is  nothing  to 
be  drawn  from  this  A^  to  ground  the  like  on  here-  . 
after,  unlefe  it  be  upon  the  fame  Propoficion  from 
.the  King,  with  the  Confeot  of  the  Lords,  who 
-  nuifl  fully  a&cnt  unto  it.' 

■  *  Thirdly^  TTie  Words,  That  the  Lards  JhaS  have 
Power  ly  virtue  oftins  ASly  are  not  privative  to  any 
former  Power  of  the  Lords,  and  are  convenient  in 
this  particular  Cafe,  where  the  Offence  is  new  \  for, 
before  this  AS,  there  waa  neither  Puniftunenl  ioc 
this  Offi^cc,  nor  the  QfTencetobe  punifhed-! 

'  Fourtbfyt  The  referving  the  runilhisent  of 
thoie,  who,  at  this  Time,  are  Affiftants  to  theHighgr 
Houfe,  is  no' Derogation  to  thatHoufci  for  they 
have  no  inherent  Right  of  being  AlEfiants,  as  the 
I^i^s  have  of  beii^  Members  of  the  Houfe,;  ai(4 
this 'is  done  by  Bill  w.herein  the  Lordf  jffit^t'         ^ 

*,  .fi^A^,,r9rthat  the  Lords  are joi^iffj^wkh  the  .    1.     ,; 
'COnuhDns  in  theComipiffion,  tlieAc^oym  i^tp^ 
Joirtt'j  "and  (herefott  it  JK|»(]^  'p^^ffiblM|oj|fv^  theip 
frasA  tbe  Cgmmbii^.  b^iife  t^  Accol^nt  would  be 
lame  and  imperied;  ',,■,' 

'  AH  which  the  Judges  humbly  fiibniit  to  their 
LordQiips  Tudgntent.* 
:  ■'    "  .  ,       ■  Thefc      ' 

33*  7j6<  Tm-Uamemary  History 

'Afc  i«  J»n»l.      Thefc  Refolutions   were  approval   of  by   ft^ 

»^        Houfe-i  biit  the  Lords  thought  fit  to  enter  a  Protc- 

ftation  in  their  7i>»rna/ fisTif,  bcTorc  the  5«M^  Bill 

wasrexd  a  third  Time;  which  wat  to  tbiiFuipoTe: 

^  tbc  u>^  ia        Ferafittuch  as  this  prtjint  'A&  of  Subfidjr  jrtm  At 

naftqaoN        fftnporali^,  (V,  in  maty  Thinhi  Hi^erent  frtm  Ae 

^*"<'  mcimt  vpiai  Farm  %f  m  Subfiilv  Bia\   mi  Itan^ 

finuthing  eiMtamtJ  i»  tttj^id  ASy  mn,  tn  Timr  tv 

csmtf  bi  conjtmed  either  ta  ItJ/m  the  JurifdiSitn  ef 

the  one  Houfe^  er  add  U  the  Jurifdiaian  tfthe  othr-, 

■  titare  than  hath  been  ufed,    tr  hereto  fare  admitted: 

Therefore  the  Lards  Spiritual  and  Temporal^  in  the 

Higher  Houfe  if  Fariiammt  nmv  aJfimbUdy  do  bfrt- 

hy  declare  and  pronounce,  and  caajr  this  Proteflatiom 

to  he  entered  m  Record  In  the  Rails  of  this  Parltaount, 

■    ^  That  M  Words,  Mailer,  or  Thing,  in  this  AS  an- 

iained,  jbaU  hereafter  he  tdken  or  conjirued  to  givt 

tr  taie  any  JurifdiHion,  Power,  Privilege,  or  Ait- 

therity,  to  » from  either  of  thf  (aid  Haufes  ofParlia-. 

ment ;   b»t  that  either  of  tbtm  fiuill,  federally  aiid 

£videdfyj.hold,  ufey  and et^ay  fmh  and  the  finte  £a- 

■^erties, Privileges, Powers,  anayuri/diHions as,  hero- 

tofore,  they,  or  either  of  them,  refpedively  bad  i    aiif 

thing  in  this  Aii  to  the  contrary  mtwith/landings 

It  may-  not  be  amlfs,  in  this  PlacCr  to  look  back 
into  the  fournals  of  the  Commons,  ttiii  SciBon,  for 
the  Arfl  Motions  of  a  Supply  in  that  Houfe.     We 
are  told  that  the  King's  Demands  to  fupport  the 
State,  in  Cafe  of  a  Waj-  with  Sp^n,  iSc,  on  die 
Breach  of  the  Treaties,  was  a  Supply  of  Gx  Svh/t- 
tSit  and  twelve  Fifteenths.     A  inighty  Sum  to  be 
xaifed.  all  at  once  on  the  Subje£t. 
AcwMti'^        MiwAk).  The  Commons  went  upon  cfiii  De* 
^mT'Sii*     ■'"'^»  ■*•'  *  "7  '••"B  Debate  it  entered  in  the 
t^  CMunon .    fubfetfucat  ^ttrnii  -at  Ais  SeSoii»  altogether  too 
tedioua  for  this  £>d%n.    In  ttie  Speedi  of  Sir  Ed- 
ward Cake's,  is  a  Catculaiion  what  the  whole  Sum 
■of  fuch  3  Grant  would  "amount  to.     He  eHimated 
that  one  Suhfidy  from  the  Eaity  would  come  to 
70,600/.   and  a  Fifittnth  to  30,000/.    a  Subjidf 

fitpidisClocgrtoaoiOoo/.  ^hqTocs^  of.wbidi,  *x.iij»»mu, 
multiplied  b^tbe  Kt^mber  of  thqn '  dequnded,       '"H^. 
Vould  amouDt  to  900,000/.    j^ofta-  Million,; 

.  which  was  n^ore,  he  faid,  than  all  Eitghtd  could. 
.laife,  with  any  Convciuency.     ■  ; 

'  AAer  aknofi  two  9^'  D^ate  on  this  Mattw*; 
^e  Houfe  came  to  tbq  fallowing  Refolution  upon; 
the  QuelUonj  without  one  jiegative  Voice,*  Xhur 
after  his'Mi^fty  {hall  have, been  pleafed  to  declare  '"'"  '''^ 

bimfelffortheutto'Diirtdutionofthetwo Treaties,;       ■_        ...   n 
£ar  the  Marriage  and  the  Palaiipate .;  the  ifoufe,,  -  ..-f 

in  Purfuit  of  their  Advice  giv«i  to  his  Majefty;  and 
towards  the  Suppent  of  the  War  which  is  lilcdy  tO' 
cnTue}  and,  more  particularly,  for  thefe  four  Pointy 
propofed  by  his  Majefty,  namely,  the.  Defisnfe  of" 
this  Realm;   the  fqcuring  ^f  Inland;    the  Ai^rl 
ahce  of  our  Keighbouna,  the  States  of  the  United! 
Provinces,  and  othei  \ua  Majelty'a  Allief ;  with  the  | 
fitjting  out  of  his  M^eAy's  Royal  Navy,  will  grant, 
for  the  prefcnt,  three_  SuhfidSes,  with  tbrte  Fiftrmthr 
and  TfMthi,  to  be  levied  in  fuch  Time  and  Man- 
ner as  they  fliall  be  pleafed  a&erwards  to  appoint  ^ , 
and  to  be  paid  into  the  Hands,  and  expended  by  the  RemiilciUe 
PireAioD  of  fuch  .Commiilioners,  as  ihall  hereafter  J"^"'**  "'■"•^T 
be  agreed  on  in  th)>  prefent  Seffion  of  Parlinnent.*  ^ett  to*b!E™. 
And^  by  2  fubfequent  Refolurion,  Neat,  (Un.  the  mimMit  by  Pa- 

.  lamcpay,  it  was  fgrced,  '  That  thefe  three  Sub-  l"™""- 
fitiits^  fifiefnthi  iaiTeiitPs,  Jball  be  paid  within  the, 
Ipace  of  one  Year  after,  the  King  bath  declared.- 
hWelf  (/;.'■         ■..'■■'  , 

Upon  iht  Delivery  of  this  Propolition  to  the 
King,  it  was  ^ceed  to  by  him;  afterwards  the: 
Treaties  were  brokc^  as  hath  been  mentioned,  and ; 
the  ConuBODS  went  upon  framing  a  Bill  to  raife 
the  Supply  and  name  CommilHoners  to  be  the  Ma-  . 
nagcrs  of  it:  Which  being  a  Thing  hitherto  unpre-  , 
cedented,  and  whatnoxrowned  Head  ever  granted 
before,  ocoalioned  thel^ifpute  in  the  Upper  Houfe 

before  related.'; but_^  go  on  with. the  Lords 

yownali.     .    .     •       ,  < 

.•■.■;.,  ■    .  .■^' 

//y  FowtBtisl'<W''«'i'tKtlfi>puMlb]rtlKSriiitMli^.  . 
^1^  M  l0p.  Cap.  j3. ' 


JJ4  'ThePiT^ttdnhirriiY%^iy'%'V     * 

»*H'        tkeVatfeinal  Bafiiit*,  ^iWte'infwtr  j)ri%^tB  ftH-' 

ttons  ^itd'  Appealii  till  the  E^  Before  tfm  SdSoix  Wiai' 

to  end ;  whetij  after  remitting  fome  Fines,  impo- 

fed  by  the  Uoufe  on  Offtftdei's,  and  lelKning  AthCtti' 

thfc  Earl  iiirpial, '  front  thr  GoWtftiitfte  for  feirt*-  _ 

i^  Precedents  to  fuflraifi  the  PVivHeges',  Wr.  of  the" 

.  ,. ..  Hoafej'madfc  t4icfoflo\#ing  Report;' 

SfSriTL  w        *  riow  fer  th8  Privil4«  y  At  Nijbility  do 

Mitten  of  Pri-   dewly  exfcrtd,  cbncemihg  tl«  Fifcedom' Of  tineir- 

*'*'«'■  Serranfe  ind  Flowers  from  AiTcfts. '  , 

*  To  air  then-  menial'SetvantS  ahd  thofe  of  diefr' 
I*'antily,  smd  all  thofe'  emplbyed,  neceffiirHy  and 
properly,  about  their  Mates  as  wellas  their  Pcrfdns/ 

*  ^This  Freedom  to  continue  twenty  Days^  fee- 
fore'aud  after  erei^  Seflion ;  in  whicJi  Titfie  the- 
Lords  Miay  conveniently  go  home  to  their  Hoafesr  ■ 
in  the  moft  jemote  Parts  of  the  Kingdom.' 

•  That  ill  the  Lords^  after  the  End  df^  tWa  9rf- 
fioB,  te  very  carefiil  in  this  Pointy  and'  remember 
the  QrotUid  of  this  Privilege ;,  which  was,  onl^,  in 
regard  they  fliould  notbe'diftraSed,  by  the  TravAf^- 
of  their  Servants,  from  attending  the  fericJlia  Alft.ift" 
of  the  Kingdom  I  that  therefore  they- wiH  nor  [«f-' 
ven  that  Privilege  to  the  pclbfic  Ittjufflce-  of  thiS" 
Kingdom,  which  was  given  dtem,  chisfly^  that' 
the  whole  Re^dm  might,  in  this  High  Court;  draw 
the  deaf  Light  of  Juftice  front  them.  lit-  wttch; 
Cafe,  every  one  oroht  rather  to  keep  faJr  *idim» 
than  any  way  exceed  their,  due  Limits.' 

'  That?  here^er,  Befcre  any  Pcrfbn  be  ftnt  for 
4n  this  kind,  the  Lonf  whom  he  firves  fliall','  cfthef 
by  hiirfcif  or  br  his  Letter,  or  byfome  Meflage, 
,  certify  theHoufe  upon  his  Hsnonr,  that  tfcePetfoTl' 
ancfled  is  within  the  Limits  of  the  Privilege  befbft 
exprsffed/    ■ 

•  And,  for  tiie'Particulara,  they  moflbeldV  to 
die  Judgment  of  the  Honfei,  as  the  Cafe  fltafl  come 
in  qmnion ;  wheitin  tKe'HOtife  wanis  no  Means,, 
as  well  by  Oath  as  without,  to  find  out  the  tftiefft-' 
-tire  of  the  Servant's  Quality  in  the  Lord's  Service. 

ThffretiixM^  if  it  bfrM^tfdgnl  by  thft  HcrtiA  conittw 

■    ■  •  ■ '        rt'' 


not  tbinlc  it  tttKtgc,  if,  mfach  a  Galt>  boA  him- 
lirir  Ai^F  Reprbof,  »  the  Hanfe  ffi^  think  Ht,  uid 
tiuFeee;  beeanfc  the  Juftictof  theK~in|](nn  muft 
bc'pwferKd'  b^M  uiy  ^rfenit  RdpeifV,  and  none  to 
befpaftd  that  fliBlloffnkl  after  fo  fair  a  Warning.* 

*  Ordered  to  be  oi&mA  accordli^ly,  wrth  this 
Alteradon,  viz.  This  Freedom  to  begin  with  the 
D«e  of  tfie  Writ  of  Summons,  aiw  to  Continue, 
tWenty  Days  after  fewrj-  Sdfion  of  PiiKmoem.' 

'liw  EaiiMtrJUal'^  Reported,  Ttett  theLonh 
of  the  Coitamittee  Itad  thth^bt  dus 'Order  proper 
cespceming  Judicature,  i/ii;, 

*  TheLordsof  theHfeh'COTirtofPSrliainBntdd 

bold  it  fit  to  confide  of  ^meOrd^r?  for  the  Trials,  >    iT 

of  fttcbPeribns,  as  fliWI  hereafter  be  brought  before  ■ 
thtm^  and  come  tt»  Jiitfidahire :  But  the  Seffion  bc- 
iilg  Sam  tocnd,  alfdiisTime,  their Loi^ips think, 
it  fk  to  declare  nOw  iirgcncril,  TTiat^this'Court, 
i«  the  higheft'frooi  whence  others  Ou^f  to  draw^  " 
AefrLi^tj  fo  tbef  db  liitendthe  ProceSiaga  thcre-^ 
offfioQ  be  meftdear  imdeipial;  as  weH  Ohtbeoiie^ 

~  Side^  iln  finding  out  ■  OtFe^lXs  where  ^ertr  is  juft^ 
Orattiidj  u,  en  tHe  ether  Side,  in  afibrdfn^  alljuft 
Mtans  of  Dbfence  t»  ftich  as  ftiall  bequeltioned.^ 
P«r-the  Particidan,  ifte]F  do  it  this  TiUne  order,' 
That'm  a))-€afes  of  Mbmcnr^e  Dd^ndants  Ihall 

'htft-e-Cftpies  of^I-ptpftfitionsi  both  We  ^  contra^ 
after ■thc^  Publication,  a  convenient  Time  before 
ftearmg,  to  {ireparc  th^mlblves  :  And  alfo  that,  i^ 
the  Defendant!  Adf  demand  it  of  tbe  Hcrufe  in 
dufe-Tlme,  the;  ftIal^  have  learned  Couafel  to  af<, 
SSt  them,  in  their  Defence,  whether  they  be  able^ 
by  iMfoti-af  He^th,  to  anfwer  in  Perfon  Or  not,  fok 
as'thty  chttft  Cotfnfel  void  of  luft  Exception  j  andj 
if  AicnCpunfcl'  ffiall,'refufc  liem,  they  are  to  be 
afiigned;ds  the  Cojirt  ihail  think  fit  Thte  their 
Lmmlifps  do,.becanfe  in  all  Ca&s,  as  well  civil^, 
cHiil^nal  andcuntal,  they  hold  that  alt  kv^ful  Helps , 
c^rtot,  belbrc  juft'Judge^,  make  one  that  is  guilty, 
airDid-Jofficc}  aad^  M  die  other- Side,  a£cotdiiJg 


^^-  the  B^rHmmtary,liX^%oi^  ' 

Ak  tsJuM* Ltd  fata  M^efty's  moft  g^ciqut  Sptecb^. ,Gf tf i4l;j6»^ ■ 
'"*"  that  an  innxeia  A&a  foct(U  be  t^nd^tud.' -     ,  .    ;.  - 

*  LUcewi(e/or  calliiig  a  ^^embei  of  this  Houf^.i 
totheBar,  their  Lonlfbipfheld  it-iitto.l>,e  very  well.' 
weizhed,  at  what  Tilne.afid^for  what  Causes  iC: 
fballbe;  and  therefore,,  the  Time  t>etnK.iio9.&en»,.> 
I'recedents  are  to  be  looked  out,  and  this  »  W  con-  ■ 
fidercdofat  the  next  Meeting'  .  .-■  j  - 

May  20.  [£s  M»cfty  being  {J^^  qn  th;  Thron€ ! 
and  the  Lords  in  their  Hobe;,  j^if  CommpiUty/^^ 
their  Speaker,  Sir  7%efflaj  Crnv,. were  admittejii'ifto 
the  Royal  Pntfeoce.  Ithe  Speidwr  came  up  v^iih:: 
great  Reverence  and  low  ..OtKifance  to  th«.Kii^ 
'   ,  md,  being,  at  the  B^r,  dec^red,. 

^?^Ae  *  'T'Hat  God,  to  his  own  great  Glory,  hai 
■u^itdxCiori '  M-  brought  this  Se^on  of  the  Parliam^)it»  I9 < 
^tbcStffiim.     *  happily  begun,  to  fo  hap^  aa  End,  th^tho^i 

*  Holies,  and  ev^ry  paiticiUar  Member  tbersof,'; 

*  hath  given  their  willing  AJIent,  even  with. opa', 
.    ,•  Voice,  onto  the  Advice  which  his,  Majeftyi  way- 

.'  *  pleaTed  fo  low  to  defcend  as  to  demand  of  then. 

*  As  there  was  not  a  Uamiper  heard  in  dbe-bu^^' 

*  ing  of  the  Houfe  of  Godf  io,  in- this  great  fklfif! 

*  nefs,  thejre  was  n  t  a  ncMtivc  Voice,  n<^  any; 

*  Jarring  aotongft  theni  1    w»t  their  Time   wa»' 

*  wholly  fpent  in  the.Bufuiefs.of  Parliamuit,  iq 

*  which  UieyHad  prepafcdmaayrBills  pcohtableft^r; 
^                   *  the  Comraon-WealtH,   jjid  Piewcd  the  Icv^ral,. 

*  Natures  pf  thole  Bills ;  ibme  fpr  the  Service, ofi 

*  God,  and  Reflraint  ofRecufancs;  fome  to' re- 

*  drefs  the  Enormities  of  tbe, Common- Wc^th;, 
»  othersof  his  Majefly's  Grace  aqd  Boup^  to-h^; 

*  People;  and  fome  concerning  the  Princess  ffi^-: 

*  nefs  touching  his  own  Land^i  and  others  to  fettle . 
'           *  Strife  in  particular  Eftates: 'AH  which  ilo  Wait  jot 

*  and  himibly  d^fire  his  Pilajqftys  Royal  Ailtnt. 
*  He  fliewed  alfo  ;wh9t,gre»t  Joy  they  aUreccii- 

'  ved  for  the  Diilblution  of  the  two  Treaties  widt, 

'  Spain  i  and  that  Commiffioners  are  reat^ired  U 

'     """         '         •        ■  Cults  ani' 

'  Jtfuitt, 

•  0/  tn  G-.tA  N.D/.;v  J37- 

*  Jefuiis,  the  LQCuftfi  of  £0tfi«,' wherein  will  confift  *"•»»}"»«»( 
»  his  Majefty's  chiefeft  &aie\y.     And  they  do  rsiv,       "'.♦■^ 

'  der  him  humble  Thaoks  f(ir  their  ancient  Puyl- 

*  leges,  which  they  TuUy  enjoyed  this  ParliaiQenti 

*  ^andf   in  partUular,  far '  their  Freedom  from  Ar- 

*  rejit\  (g)  and  their /o.often'AcccfsunlohisMaJ'.' 

*  ^efty'spreftnw  i  and-more  efpeeially  for  his  Ma*/ 
'jef^'fl  gwicral,  large,  liberal,  and  free  Pardon, 

*  (hewing  the  Benefit  thereof,  and  reciting  th? par-, 

*  ticulars.     He  alfo.prefented  the  Bill  of  three  en- 

*  lire    Siit/iJies,    and   thref:    Fijieeniks  and  ,Tenli/s 

*  granted  EhisSeffion^  and  declared  the  Cheaiful-.^ 

*  nefs  of  the  &ant ,  tbereof.     And,  makiiig  his; 

*  eamefl  Prayers  unco  Almighty  God,  to  difeS  his,         ^^ 

*  M^fty's.Heart  to  make,his  own  SwordhivShe-. 

*  ritF  to  put  his  SoAnn-Lawi  in  Poflefllon  of  tiia, 
'  FaiaUttate,  the  antient  Inheritance  of  his  Royal  ^ 

*  Gr^nd-Children,  hciended  ;.  humbly  cjrayit^fai^v 

*  don  for  tumfelf  and-  his  -own  Eriors  committed 
*.du36eJ£oiu  .  '■      .    '.' 

To  whicb  ^Kiflg gavcti^  ioUoA'ing  Aji^wer  (h).  i ,- 

-    \  i       ■ 
'Mr.  Speaker,  and  you  the  Gentlemen  of  th« 

-      ■  Lower  Heufej  '■■    . 

/Will  begin  with  the  End  of  Mr.  Speaker* s  Spiecb,  Hit  M«j#ft,'. 
which  viai  a  Pr^eritdtian  of  the  Subfidies^  an^ ""'**■ 
tht 'thanks  "he  gave  mi  for  allowing  you  yduf-  Privi-' 
Uees  and  Literties,  hgether  with  the  f^ee  Pardon  of 
hit  ovmWeaknefi. 

"the  Suhfidiei  are  gt&nied  to  my  Grdiid-Childrtny 
iiihsfe  Cafif  I  rnuft  canfefs,  iiJom£wbat  dejperatt :  I 
pray  God  J  may  fee  that  good  End  ihereif  Utat  I  U)ifh^ 
far  I  ittew  net  MV  it  'may  pUafe  God  to  Sfpofe  'ofthbfi        ; 
Things,  vihethtt  ptacedbly, '  or  hy  Forte,  it  may  pleafi 

(gj  TUt  ii  Mwtteditt  Rtjhiatrib,  but  fupplied  kbai  th*  Idrd*' 

(b)  Tlua  Settch  it  Iboll  nuftn&Iy  cattairri  in  Ktijtmerlb  i  Bor  i« 
it  iBtenil  It  (11  in  the  Jmnuh,  ta  ellewhuc  io  tbe  fiinted  Hillo- 
tJUM.  WaJbaVi  tcAiMwdtt  ttaib  Isold  MUiufttipC  CblcftiDn  of. 
^MlianeDniy  Ptoccedinpj  In  Ihii  and  ihc  neit  KtijO,  t«Iiin>«aU 


3*5?^  ^be  Tarlidmakar)  History 

A  9i  liaiA  i.  him  to  rtf^  unto  Hit  thi  ff^rmg  Am  Urkt  titin.  Bia, 
****•  at  I /aid  at  ^_fl,  fi  I  pray  again,  t  de^  tiM  U 
Uw  i  nay,  J  vnfit  ta  Gtd  nevir  U  have  ttm  Stfri,  fa- 
tier  thanjMei  a  Blat  fixtdi  He  an  me,  ai  MM  b»pt'  f'i 
fie  a  Rejmitian  tf  the  P^itiuaf  c,  tr  M  lidjl  d  ftf- 
J^Utr  of  it,  btftrt  Gii  eltfe  ttp  mni  Byis.  Am  t 
bavt  Jwem,  diai  allyau  have  aSetbtd  fif  tbt  Muji- 
»pt  Jhall  cnlj  and  uihc/fy  h  tmley^Jii-  ^dt  Sitdi 
0td,  Bi  God  Jhall  judgt  mj  Ssiit,  7  HtWr  had  giffUhtr 
Jtfeening,  if  I  had  net  been  beund  and  Hmiled  Iheti- 
tmh.  But  at,  en  the  liber  Side,  laffilfe  li^fiif,  thdt^ 
jEt  jiwfehet  wiU  ealifefi,  heft  ii  nitmg  gikiiH/it-  &e 
tUHef  rf  my  Eftatt,  whiek  all  Pth-SMuxh  ieere 
wmt  ta  emfidtr  of;  efpteialfy  a*e  thM  hat  H^d  iii 
that  Neaffitf,  and  hai  had  Ufi  Sitfpfy  f^aik  hiy 
PeapU,  than  any  afittj  Ptidtaffori,  I  imiv  th/ 
taw  tnany  hundred  Ttihei  hefWe :  So  T  affitrt  ftii,WB 
the  ether  Side,  yau  fixM  have  a  new  Sej^mt  in  thi  Sfk- 
ghning  af  next  Winter^  that  ihettyau  may  mitt  tvjlt- 
iher,  and  eanfder  haw  iafupply  my  partOklor  fhtntit 
end  if  mt  will  he  eareful  in  this,  at  I  affitre  vrffe^ 
yta.*tuB,  I  vail  tnly  etipUy  it  »'  the  AS^jtmim  af 
fiA  Gavemmmt  ammg  yau,  at  fiall  iecome  a  Klt^ 
and  t9  the  Iiurtaft  Hiore-md  nuTe  af  tit  Se^ti  ^f 
Qady  and  reftartng  the  PmHmany  of  my  Chil^en. 

Far  the  ather  Punt,  I  have  Reafan^  and  tn^ 
without  Campiimtnt  I  dt  H,  to  thanijeufar  mj  owk. 
Perjany  and  pur  partimlar  Behavioiir  ta  roe  at  ihi* 
^me ;  concerning  which  I  mufl  needs  fay^  that  in  alt 
thit  Seffian,  neither  in  any  Days  xvas  it  heard  ef\  and^ 
I  think  it  it  wilhaut  Example,  that  ever  Lower  Heuji 
Jot  with  that  cantinual  Obeaitnce  ta  thy  Perfatt  ind 
Monaur  \  far,  in  all  pur  AHiant,  you  have  given 
belt     "    '■  "  *       *     •  ... 

iliare  true  betkenflraiiem  hereof,  than  ever  was  p'ueti 
heretafore  by  Lower  Haufe :  And  for  Matter  afScam^ 
04/4  tt  wat  no  feener  maved  among' you,  bid  U  wat 
iafiiedi  avaitSng  all  Occajiani  that  migBt  $e' a'Stat 
of  Offence  between  me  and  mf  Peaple  ;  far  which,  at 
I  faid  before,  fa  tiaw  again,  t  thank  you,  tiiithUtt 
further  CampHmenti  and  if  H  JMt  plitdi  ieUy  i^m 
'yau^Uraur»t  u  gl  ah  thit  »^,  tms  ParSMiDi 



.    -  ^  fi  N  0  L  A  W  D.  33^ 

^iB  W  tfm^d  IbM  ih  gf*Kte/f  Hatpiiufi  Att  toir  Am.  M  JfmmL 
wai  held  by  a  king.  WM-     ' 

Bta  i  iia^  admnifi  pu  if/am  few  Tbtiigs,  and^- 
riM  t  fray  j»u  lake  i»  md  Part.  ,A>idthst  atiimA' 
htg  GnevaiKfs,  Atr.  Selliciter  made  mmtitn  effame 
Ktfttrdaj,  whiH  I  ttua  prefem,  at  I  faid  t9  pmt  nf 
ytu ;  fi  tmoffeak  t  It  aU  tf  jtu,  ihal  ytu  he  mt  tw 
rta^  to  hunt  ^U  Ofiavanees^  vjhtrt  there  it  n»  Caufi  \ 
jbr  I  mafifay  %h*ty  and  fay  truly,  that  J  Hfver  favf 
Parlimwtt  that  had  kffir  and  fmaUtr  Matter  of 
GriavaiKei  than  you  ime  had;  t find meft  of  H}fm 
t$  ^J^git  tntt,  wbicb  indeed  maies  my  Heart  jovial. 

Now,  as  ceneemtag  your  Grievaneeif  ie  care/id  ts 
profit  fiidfas  P>aH  be  general  touching  the  Comnan~ 
Woedth^  Tradit^t,  and  Corporations ;  and  as  it  Ses  not 
ill  your  Ptvur  to  rmft  and  create  Grievanui,  but 
tprnjifft  Gatfe  ;  fo  again  you  ought  not  to  (Onclude  or 
dttermaie  A^temdy,  without  firft  letting  m»  have 
:Ae  Hearing  mi  AUowing  of  it.  I  will  go  Ari  all 
yttir  Grit^nint^  and  weigh  them  fully ;  and,  when 
I  have  Aw,  ymfiiaU  have  a  clear  Anfvier  to  thtm^ 

fiiei  a  tnt  at  fiall  bo  agreeing  to  Jn/iiee,  and  tonne-. 
Hunt  to  mttt  with  the  prefent  Neajgitietof  my  Peopli. 
-  No  Collet's  parficuUr  Good  ■ihaS  be  preferred 

to  the  Suljeils  R^quefli  in  general ;  and  herein  I  will 
tut  tati  Jfdviee  ifmyfelf,  but  I  vtHl  canvafs  the  Bu- 
Jtnefs  ti/iih  the  Help  ^  my  Privy  Council,  and  thi 
Judges  Counfel  of  we  LaWi  Butnoto,  amangfi  othtf 
Grievances,  I  Mufl  tell  you  femt  ^nty  Grievantes : 
One  it  eotttlmtng  the  Manner  and  Form  of  Bui/dingi 
tore  in  Ixtndon  ;  you  have  made  a  Grittmui  of  itt 
tmd  Imnyi^grieved  at  it  i  for,  t  prottfi  to-G9d^_ 
it  hath  Itofl  «t  only  Jim  ever  /mci  I  came  into  ^n* 
gland,  to  nwlte  the  City  y  Londoir,  the  MetropoHt^ 
tin  Miihir  CHj  of  England  ;  that  I  may  fay  pdth 
AtMn^it",  I  had  it  ftntmineum,  but  I  kave  k 
KivmdreOiii.  /  caTe  not  fir  the  Grumes  of  many 
furtiffdar  Men,  that  are  in  very  deed  a  Shame  to  tbtt 
ifittgdtm.  I  marvel  muS  you  Jhould  cmdenm  thi 
CoMmiffiaHi  without  hearing  the  Commi^onert  t  V 
"^ttybi  tHfh-iit  «( their  Points ^  I  pray  you  complatH 
1fi»*,  and  /  wiUrodreft  it,  and  give  you  Eafe.  GoS 
>■•  y  a  knaua 


34®  ^  ■Pai'iiaptmUny  H 1 5  t  o  i  r 

A  «  JiffietJ:  iiMtw  /  bawno  other  End  theiviitt  hid  the  0^0"^* - 

.^fi»t-         and  Honour  of  the  Kingdom.         ,  _  , 

'  Jnother  Caup  ■  of  Grtevattee  is  cenetrmng  Dr. 
AiiioUy.  Majhr  of  Corpus  Chridi  Colhge  in  OiC-. 
ford,  whom  you  have  ealiid  in  ijuejiion  teuehit^ 
{^hurch  Maltcri :  Xiu  had  all  of  pu^  at  the  Begin' 
ning  of  this  Parliament,  ta^en  fht  Oaths  of  AUir^ 
giaiice  anJ  Supremacy,  whereby  you  have  acJhuwiee^ 
M  me  Sujireme  Head  in  EcckfiaJiiaU  Matters.  I 
■hqv'i  referred  that  Mfftier  to  theBiJhap.  tf  Winche-," 
fter,_  who  is  Vifisr  ef  that  College^  upon  wib*/i 
Learning,  Gravtiy,,  end  Piety^   I  vjiiLrefy  in  thin  » 

. .  Jmther  Grievance  of  miiu  if,  thai  yoti  have  an- 
deauud  the  Patents  of  the  Jpathtfaries  in  I^onden. 
I  tnyfelf  did'dtvifetl^at  CoKparatin,  and  do  aUow  it. 
The  Groters,  wh^  complain-  of  it,-,  are,  b\tt  Merehaiusi 
the  Myp^y  of:  theft  Apoihecariei  it/ei-e,  hgl^iifg  tf. 
^othecaries,  ^ereint^t  Graces  w*  Mfljiilfuli  emi 
therefore  I  think  itftting  they,  fimdd  .be  a  Corpora- 
tlui  .ef.themfehes.  They  .iring  iomt-rotten  W^ei 
yi-Mi  windieSiPerCei^WGreece  i  and  here,,  with 
their  Mixtures,  mah  fVattrs,  a^d.f/lifutb  as  heleng. 
ia .  Apothecaries,  and  thiiii  no  Man  mnfi  caatriiid 
them,;  hecaufe  they  are  mt  Apothecaries.      ^  :    ; 

,  Another  GrJitVUnce  is  eo^cdming  Btiofs  feditina  and 
heretical.  It  is  a  Shame  that  Engird  ^wild  he  the 
oaly  Plate  in  the  tVorid  to  honsiir  fu(b  Baohf  boA 
Popiih  'en  the.  am  Side,  oai^  Puritan  m  the  tlher: 
But,  for,  this,  I  tfill  provide  there  JhaU  befiub  Ov-er^ 
Jeers,  that  jta^  prevent  their  corning  into  Print,  and 
thofe  that  art  in  ^rini  already,  ttfiipprefi  ihem.  Nk 
^an  fiiall  he  more  dejiroui  to  fulju  yur  Defire  in 
this  Point-  than  I  wHl- 

:  And  lajlly,  tvttchitig  my  Patents  in  general,  I  am 
grieved  that  yauhavf  tailed  tbem  in,, apd  emdenmed 
them  upon  fi  Jbgrt  Examination.  I  confefi  I  mght 
have  paffid  fome  upon  falfe  Suggiflion  and  wrong  Li- 
farmatim  ;  hut  you  are  not  to  recall  them  befeft  dny 
be  examned  by  the  fudges.  And  here  t  have  heard 
it  eemplained  of  by  divers  »f  my  learned  Counfel  in  At 
i-aw,  that  you  wiilj  from  Tia4  U  Ttfe*  delttpm 
;  .  "'      .     3    "  ■     «** 

■    -of  EN  G  L  A  N  D.     .  34^ 

rtrf    Patentees,  Ji'iB  call  for  Patents   tuitheut  ^w^'Ab!  ij  Jinm^ 
Ground  i  mdfe  put  the  Subjeasjiill  la  more  Charge'^         '**♦* 

tndfi  eonfequently  put  a  Scom  upon  my  Patents.  , 
'  Therefore  I  advife  you  la  be  careful^  that  you  have 
m  good  Ground  bejore  your  call  for  your  Patents,  that 
'IfBu  do  not  defraud  the  Patentees  ;  hereupon  falls  ou$ 
ihat  vjhich  I  fpake  to  the  Face  of  many  here  prefent. 
The  Lawyers,  of  aj!  the  People  of  the  Land,  are 
the  greateft  Grievance  to  my  Subjefls  ;  for  when 
the  Cafe  is  gooJ  for  neither  Party,  yet  it  proves 
good  and  beneficial  to  them  :  Therefore  this  I faj 
to  you,  when  you  judge  of  Patents,  hear  patiently. 
Jay  ml  Prefentfy  'tis  againji  the  Law,  far  Pattntt 
•«re  not  to  be  Judged  unlawful  by  you.  , 
■  t  muft  firjl  believe  myfilf  and  my  Council,  and 
then  you  are  ta  give  your  Opinions  of  ihe  Conveni- 
•*nces  that  may  enfue"  thereupon.  And  na-w  I  pray 
you  taie  in  good  Part  my  Thanks  and  Admonitions 
'bath  ;  and  I  affure  myfelf  you  will  take  my  fatherly 
AdmaniiioHS,  as  well  as  my  Thanks,  in  good  Part,  as 
'you  ought  ta  do  from  a  King,  who  ever  was,  andJfiH 
"will  be,  the  Pother  of  your  Country. 

•     '  Then  the  Lord  Keeper  (pake  to  the  Particulacs  .    ^^ 

trf the  Speaker's  Speech,  and,  by  his  Majcfty's  Com^  Kctpet"!! 
mand,  appointed  them  all,  alluding  the  general  Con-     , 
fent  of  both  Houfes  [^in  their  Advice  to  his  JUaje/ly'] 
'to  the  Septuagint,  dirc£ted  by  the  Holy  Ghoft  ;  and,  * 

-touching  the  Speaker's  Defire  for  the  King''s  AfTent 
to  the  BiJIs  paft  both  Houfes,  he  faid,  the  Royal 
Afient-is  proper  to  the  Lawgiver  ;  and  (hewed, 
that  it  is  beft  for  the  People  that  this  is  in  his  Ma- 
jcfty's Power,  and  not  in  themfelves  ;  for  the 
Kingknoweth  what  is  beft  to  be  granted  unto  his 
■  People,  as  may  appear  by  the  Petition  that  Bath- 
fheba  made  to  King  Salomon,  to  give  unto  Adonijah 
Abijhag  to  Wife  ;  which  had  Solomm  granted,  he 
"had  given  Adonijah  Means  to  ufurp  the  Kingdom, 
'  contrary  to  Bethjheba'i  Meaning  \  and  fitch  is  his 
Majefty's  Intent  this  Day,  f^ir  fuch  Bills  which  he 
.will  not  pafg.  That  his.Majeily  hath  given  his 
;Cotil£iit  ta  ail  the  Bills  of  Graces,  and  to  the  Bill 
Y  3  _S..-^,-.       °^ 

34^  ?^  ParUawumaiy  History 

Ub  u  JMM  I*  of  die  Condnuaocc  of  fome  Sittfuta,  znd  Kepe4| 
'"H-  ^  others,  fo  oeceHaty  (or  the  Good  sf  the  People, 
That  bis  Majefty  accepteth  in  good  jpan  meif 
Thanks  for  his  general  r»FdoDi  ^kh  be  &aifc  fo 
ireely  granted  uato  his  Subje^s :  But  his  <e^)e(i^ 
Command  it.  That  thole  th»t  »rc  io  Q^ce  4p 
ftriftlv  lo(^  to  the  Execution  of  Oie  Laws  .a2<ui^ 
RecuKints.  The  Subfidia  hb  Majefty  gracioif^ 
acceptetb,  and  tbnefore  imitates  not  lae  Stoiy  19 
MacrabiuSf  of  one  who  bad  all  his  Pcbts  paid,  an* 
inftead  of  Thanks,  anfwercd,  miii  nAtl:  Tbo* 
this  be  given  » the  P^atinatti  his  Majcfty  intcipreti- 
eth  it  as  given  to  himfeif,  and  rpndreth  tp  vpu  all 
beartyThanks  for  the  fame.  [Aifar  jour  own  tUqtufi^ 
■  Mr.  Speattr,  bis  Maj^y  holds  it  impertftunt  i  tberM. 
meeds  na  Pardan  where  tn  Error  is  eepmitledA 

'  T^e  Lord  Keeper  having  ended  his  Speech^ 
die  Clerk  of  the  Crown  flood  up  and  read  the 
Titles  of  the  Bills  pafled  both  Houfes  %  and  tbc 
Cleric  of  the  FarUaroent  read  his  Maiclhr*s  Anfwcr 
to  each  Bill,  «4iicb  being  done,  his  Majefly  le^ 
stembred  the  breaking  up  of  three  [ftrmer]  Paili»> 
ments  tt^ether,  and  the  hzppy  Conclulion  of  dus 
Seffion ;  and  put  the  Conmons  again  in  tnind, 
that  at  their  next  Meeting  they  do  to  cany  them^ 
felves,  that  this  Parliament  may  be  as  happily  con- 
tinued to  the  End.' 

After  all  which  was  concluded,  die  Lord  Ke^ 
cr  of  the  Great  Seal,  by  his  Majej^y's  Command, 
prorogued  this  prefent  Parliament  to  the  ad  Day  (^ 
November  next  enfuing.  At  which  Time  it  was 
again  prorogued,  by  Commiffion,  to  the  i6th  Day 
of  February  following  (/)  j  from  thence  to  the 
icth  of  March  j  and,  laftly,  to  the  joth  Day  ^f 
Jprily  which  was  in  the  Year  ,1625  {k).  Before 

(/,!)  Tlwn  ii  a  Piod»w«tioa  priated  tn  Xjwr'i  FtUk  ^If, 
Tia.  XVIL  p.  615.  for  pmrofniBE  tbe  Purtiunnt  fmai  die  id  Drf 
of  Mvflhhr  to  tte  itth  D^  of  Finery  mU  coniof .  Tke 
ReitMi  si*a>  thtie  for  it  mi,  oo  •cuant  tJ  ■  |uct«]  Skkodr 
tbca  idtoiiit,  wbkh  pioTcd  mortal  to  nuojr  ui  wu  nryia&>- 
tiooi}  puticoltHy  is  ihi  Citja  of  Lndn  wai  tfijlmi^tr.  Tfcc 
ftcood  Pradtnatioa  for  pran|aia(  to  tbc  j  (Cb  «f  Jfrr«i  M  itb  It 
f,  64I,  bat  fritboot  taj  Rofao  hn(  iSibm  for  il> 



^  BNOLA  N  a  ^4^ 

itcli  kft  D«c,  fie.  on  dM  a;th  of  Ji£)r£i,  is  Ak  ^^^i- 

;   &me  Year,   Kiog   y«»w/  diflrf;    by  wbofe        ^^ 
iWti  this  Parliament  was  finalljr  dillblvea. 

Bcfides  the  long  A$ur  of  the  f^^A  Mated,  the 
BuTin^s  of  the  P^IatinMe,  du  Trial  of  ti»e  LovdrbcDath  *S 
TifMntK,  (/t.  which  topic  up  much  Time }  I^l;^  dx  K1d|. 
a  Number  of  public  a^d  private  A£^  were  made 
and  palled  in  this  Parliament,  as  fcarce  ever  was 
done  by  any  before.     The  printed  Statutes  only 
mention  35,  Rujhworth,  together,  makes  them  73; 
but,  in  a  Catalogue  of  the  A'ib,  at  the  End  of  me 
Lords  ysuntahy  for  this  Reign,  are  the  Titles  of 
TiS.      This  may   be  fome  way  accounted   for, 
becaufe  no  Ai5ls  at  all  were  pafTeo  in  the  lall  Par- 
liament ;  that  Bufmefs  being  put  a  Stop  to. by  its 
fudden  DiiTolution ;  fo  that  this  took  up  what  the 
Other  had    left  unfinifhcd  ;   and,   both   together*    ' 
made  their  Number  grow  to  fo  great  a'Hei^t. 

There  is  no  Neceility  to  enter  into  theParticu-. 
lars  of  any  of  theie  K&s^  the  mtA  material  of 
them  being  already  printed :  ex(;c|t  the  laft  Bill  of 
SubJiditSy  which,  by  the  King's  ertrwrdinary  Con-^ 
ceffions,  was  made  ^  diftcuTt  as  to  puWe  bodi 
the  Houfes  in  drawing  1%  up  and  carrying  it  thrDUgh 
the  ufual  Forms.  Never  atw  King  and  Queen'  of 
Enghmdy  before,  did  gjve  L«ave  for  the  parlia- 
ment to  name  and  appoint  their  own  Treafurers 
^d  Commiffioners  for  difburfing  the  Money  to  be 
raifed  by  a  GraRt.  By  what  we  find  in  the  fore- 
going Proceedings,  this  Supply  was  alfo  defigaed  to 
go  for  dje  Recover/  of  the  Palatitatt ;  aiid  the 
King's  voluntary  pfter  of  putting  it  out  of  his  owa 
Power  tjo  touch  a  Penny  of  it,  evidently  fhews  that ' 
he  did  not  flight  his  own  Defcendants,  fo  much  at 
fome  Authors  have^  veiy  ungenerotifly  and  uiuu- 
turally,  repxefen^ed, 

Upon  the  whole,  we  fl»ll  enter  no  fanher  into 
the  Chara^er  of  (his  K,\a% ;  but  leave  it  to  be  de- 
^nnined  by  every  Reader's  Judgment,  on  the  dif-? 
ferent  Tranfadions,  throughout  his  whole  Retgi^ 
_hetween'him  and  his  Parliaments.  The  Republi- 
caa  &[^(  siEid  grew  to  fuch  a  Height  in  the 
Y  4  n«t 


'9^:^  lie  Parliameal^ry  History 

mI.  next  Reign,  have  fpared  rta  Pains  to  bladcen  him* 
and  will  not  aHow  him  any  one  good  A£lion  in 
Government,  Scnne  of  their  Authors  mtiking  hind 
no  better  than  a  dreaming  Pedant ;  Whilft,  by 
thofe  of  ancther.Stamp,'hc  is  cried  up  for  an  £*»- 
;j^  fd/mian.-— Perhaps,  Mt£9  iulijftiiais  ibu- 



.     tf  E.N  G  L  AND.  345 

CHARLES  tbe  Firft. 

WE  now  enter  upon  a  Keign  ivhich 
proved  very  unfiMtanatc  both  to 
Prince  and  People ;   the  former  loft 

hisLile,  and  the  latter  had  their  Lib?V-  .j ^__ 

ties  taken  from  them,  by  a  Sett  of  Men,  whoft  firft  chMielX"" 
Pretences  in  taking  up  Arms  were  to  defend  both. 
Xhe  Difquifition  of  which  Matters,  as  it  has  been 
great  Labour,  in  the  Colloflors,  to  compile,  fo 
■will  it  require  no  Ids  Patience  in  the  Readers  to 
perufe  and  digeft.  The  Inftrumcnts  of  State,  Mef- 
fages.  Declarations,  and  Speech^,  for  and  againft 
the  Prerogative  of  the  Crown,  being,  many  of 
(hem,  long  and  tedious  ;  and  yet  will  allow  of  no 
Abridgement  in  a  Work  of  this  Nature. 

King  Charles  1.  like  his  Father,  began  his  Rpign* 
in  En^and,  at  a  yery  unhappy  Period.     A  dread- 
ful plague  having  been  fome  Time,  and  was  then 
^ging  in  Landen  and  ^eJlminJitTy  and  Parts  adja- 
cent, which  fwept  off  many  Thoufands  of  People,  m,  um\»^t^ 
But  this  did  not  hinder  the  Match  with  fnj««,  with»D»u^wri. 
from  going  forward ;   Mey  i.  the'  Marriage  was  o^^F™"- 
celebrated,    by  Proxy,    at  Paris;    and  yune    II. 
the  new  Queen  landed  at  Dovtr  j  the  next  Day 
die  King  (net  her  at  Caaterhuryt  where  die  Nup^ 
tials  were  compleated. 

Before  this  laft  A^Iair  happened,  a  Parliament  a  PiHuimiw 
had  been  fummoned  to  meet  at  fVeftmit^in-y  oij  Amw  Kc(ni,  ». 
the  7th  Day  of  May  (a),  by  Writs  bearing  Date,  ^ 
from  the  fame  Place,  April  %.  but  was  further  pro- 
rogued to  the  31ft  of  the  faid  Month,  From  that 
Time  it  was  again  prorogugd  to  the  1 3th  ciJuni,anA 
from  thence  to  the  i8th,  which  Prorogations,  we 
fuppofe,  were  on  account  of  the  Queen's- Landing, 
and  the  Ceremonies  in'confequence  of  it.  'But 
"yiai*  18th,  the  King  oeing  feated  dn  UieThrtme, 
■\  '■'"',.  ''^  'the 

(*-)  i.™-r>.,».k  ■ 



34$  Hie  Pat^amtfifwy  Hi ^Tix^Y, 

Aa.iCbideiI.  the  Lords  in  their  Robes,  and  the  Commons  Ml* 
'''S*        tending,  his  M^efty  Ipoke  as  follows : 

MyLordjSpiritualanJTemporal,  andyouGen- 
tlemen  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  in  this 
Parliamfnt  aflembled, 
./May  thaai  God,  that  the  Bufmefs.ta  ^e  *r'0'd 
'^*  en  at  ffnt  Tiipt  is  offiich  a  Naturj^  that  it  needs 
tiff  Ettquttue  tf  jet  it  fifth  -^  for  t  am  neither  ahk 
H  ia  it,  ntr  daUi  if  ^4nd  W'th  ^  i^ature  ia  fpind 
much  Time  ip  Pffords.  ft  is  M  new  Si^fiaejs,  ieiag 
fflread/  happily  iigun  if  m  Father  ^  hUJfed  Memf- 
ty,  who  is  ^lith  God }  tbtrefore  it  needeth  nf  NoTr 
rative :  I  haft  ia  Ggd  ytft  i^ili  go  aa  to  maitttijin  iu 
as  freely  as  ym  advifii  Of  father  to  da  it.  It  u 
true,  he  may  fiem  U  ja/ne  to  have  baU  flack  i9-  ber- 
gin  Jo  juft  :aisd  Jo  gltrior/f  a  Work  j  but  it  tu(is  hlf 
ffykom  that  made  him  lath  ta  begin  a  W^k^  *»t 
til  he  might  Jind  a  Means  t9  maintain-  it :  But  af~ 
ttr  thai-he  Jttw  how  much  he  wijs  ^bujifl  in  the  Con- 
fidence he  had  with  other  Slates,  afta  wqi  ^nfirmei 
hy  your  Advice  to  run  the  Cuaje  we  arf  in,  with 
jwar  Engagement  to  maintain  it,  I  nefd  not  prejs  (o. 
prove  Mw  willingly  he  toei  yettr  Advfce  ;  for,  tht- 
Preparations  that  are  made,  are  ketfer  ^hle  to  declare 
it,  than  I  to  Jpeak  it.  The  4IM'^"  'f  f^lfi  ^ 
Germany^  the  Fleet  that  is  featfy  for  Mjien,  with, 
the  refi  of  the  Preparations,  which  I  fyave  enly  Jglr 
kvf/my  Father  in,  do  Jt^cfevtly  prove,  that  k'  «t" 
tred,  [not  fuperfidally,  but  really  and  heartily^ 
ifm  thii  Jaion: 

My  Lords  m^  Gentla»e%,  I  hope  that  yw  do  re- 
pimier,  that  you  were  pUaJsd  to  employ  me  ta  (ul~ 
vije  my  Father,'  to  ireai  off  thefe  twt  Treaties  that 
were  «r  foot  i  Jo  that  Icofmot  Jay,  ibt/i  /  eamf 
,  ^iiher  a  free  taungaud  Man-  It  is  true,  I  (am* 
into  this  Bif/inejs  ynUiagly  attd  frf'ly,  Hi'  d  yfllg 
^fftn,  fnfd  ton/eqaaitly  rafiilyi  but  tt  wifs  by  ym 
fn^ejl,  y^ifr  Engagement :  ^a  that  tbatigh  it  Wfffi 
dviu  like  a  y«t^  Man,  yet  /  cannot  rfpent  me  ^  it, 
fH^  J  thiiti  none  can  blame  me  for  it,  htowtng  tht 
Levi  end  Fidelity  y9u  have  [erer]  borne  tayourKingt^ 
4  bamng 


r^  E  N  GLAND.    ■  34^ 

IwV  mfiV*  ^i*W^>  A*«  ^^  EM^rUaa  tfytuf**,*  Ctate.l, 
J^e&itnt,  Ifrtn  fui  Trm^tr^  tb^  thli  biing  mf  *••!• 
firft  j4ffim*  aid  hgm  bf  ft^  Ahici  and  Intrsttjy . 
imat  o  /r-A?;  I)(fiim>ar  it  vttrt  [hatfa]  tp  yau  «nd 
my  if  (hit  A0i»n,  fi  htiUH,  fi»uU  Ml  of  th*  Af- 
fifhna  yoK  nrr  mklt  to  gwt  itu,  Tel  knowing  iht 
Ctlfitncj  pf  ymr  Liui  baib  to  mt  tmd  jhit  Bufiutpy 
I  »it4H  n*t  it  bavt  faid  thii^  hut  onfy  to  Jbnu  vmeil 
Gini  and  Smji  I  have  ef  yeur  Hanawi  and  mint 
tttm.  J  nwfi  iittreat  you  liktwife  to  anfider  of  tht 
3^mes  we  art  in,  briu  that  I  mii/l  edvenita-*  yttar 
Jiives  (tvbicb  I^tdihe  Utb  to  da)  finuld  I  emtimu 
pan  htre  long;  and pu  mufi  vmttiro  tht  Bufinift^  If 
ym  bo  flaw  in  ytmr  Refakaiomt.  Wherefore  I  btfe  ysu 
Viill  take  fttch  grave  [and  wilie]  Ctta^l,  asjeuvaU 
fXpediU  wbat  you  bavt  in-bmd  to  do:  H'bieh  will 
do  me  and  yntrfehoi  an  infmift  deal  ef  Honour ;  yaUy 
injbewing  yonr  Lenie  to  me  ;  and  me,  tbat  I  may  per-  ' 

fea  tbat  Wiori  vibich  my  Father  hatbfo  bapfiiy  hegfin. 
Jjift  of  aUy  beteufiftme  wudidam  Men  may,  audit 
•fii  I  bfOTy  bave  givtn  out,  thta  I  am  jut  fo  true  a 
Keeper  and  JIdaintaiatr  of  the  trut  Religion  that  ^ 
j^^f  i  J  t^irt  you,  that  I  may  with  A.  Paul  fay, 
(that  I  taave  been  trato'd  up  atGamaUtfi  Feet: 
^nd  although  I  fitall  never  be  ft  arrogant  at  to  af- 
ifame  unto  myfelfthe  refi^  IJbailJo  far /hew  the  End 
■  ^  itt  that  all  the  World  may  fee,  that  us  Man  hath 
iten,  nor  ever  Jh^  he  more  defiroui  to  maintain  Hte  . 
RdiguH  Iprofefs,  than  I /ball  be. 

Ii^oio  becauft  I  am  un^ftr  much  fpeakingy  I  mfdn 
to  bring  up  the  Fajbion  of  my  Predteeffirs,  to  iaVf 
:Wf  Lord  Kttptr ^eiA  for  mt  in  mi^  loingi :  Tbtrt~ 
fire  I  bave  ammanded  bim  to  ffeai  fometbii^  ufdo 
yau  at  ibii  Time,  which  it  more  for  Formaiity,  tban 
any  great  Matter  he  batb  tt  fay  unto  you, 

ThentheLordKeeper,^//r'«w,(i)  aiJdcd,*Th9t  a^*  ifc*  u** 
'f  die  King's  mam  Reafon  of  c^ling^e  Parliament,  KMp«r>, 

[11^  fMoMBitaJltpinirth  1^  rrai^,  the  Lora  Ketperi  It  (Ul 
Tte^  «u  Sir  ISmmi  e»vi*trj.  Bat  Mr,  Pbifit*,  in  hii  t^  «f  %- 
hnWHSam,  &)«,  ihu  Ui  Lardfluf  jBC'caaBBDcd  LatdJC«qai| 
WBcb  ii  uojmi'd  bjr  dw  Cinoits  y^iuialim,  whwe  mo  find 
Ihtt  Sir  ntmai  Ctvarij  mt  not  ippeuited  u  that  OSu  liU  dw 


34^  lie,  Par^ameKtary  His  T-6tiY 

' Jkm.  T ChmUtl- *  befides  the  beholding  of  his  Subjcffe  Faccs,  w» 

**•!■  *  to  mind  them  of  the  great  Ergagcmcnts  for  the 

,  *  Recovery  of  the  Palatinate,  impoled  on  his  Ma- 

*  jefty  by  the  late  King  Ws  Father,  and  by  them- 

*  felves,    who  brake  off  the  two  Treaties   with 
.     *  Spain.     Alfo  to  iet  themunderffandj  That  the 

*  fucceeding  Treaties  and  Alliances,,  die  Armies 

*  fentinto  tiie  Lovj-Ceuniries,  the  Repairing  of  die 

*  Forts,  and  the  Fortifying  of  Inland^  do  ail  meet 
-.     ^  in  one  Centre,    the   PaUrtiliate ;    attd  that  the 

*  Subfidies  granted  in  the  laft  Parliament,  are  ha«- 

*  ill  already  fpcnt,  whereof  the  Account  is  ready^ 
■-■,  together  with  as  much  more  of  the  King's  Own 

*  Revenue.      His   Lordfhip    furdier  commended 

*  three  Circumftances : 

*  Firfi,  The  Time ;  all  Europe  being  at  this  Day 

*  as  the  Pool  of  Bethe/Jay  the  firft  ftirring  of  the 

*  Waters  muft  be  laid  hold  on:  Wherefore  his  Ma- 
,*  jefty  defires  them  to  beftow  this  [firfll  Meeting 

*  on  him,   or  ratber.  on  their  Actions ;   and  the 

'  next  fhall  be  theirs,  as  foon,  and  as  long  as  they   . 

*  pleafe,  for  Domeftic  fiufinefs. 

.  '  Seeendljy  The  Suppfy ;  if  Subfidies  be  thought 
<  too  long  and  baclcward,  his  Majefty  defires  to 
'  hear,  and  not  to  propound  the  Way. 

*  '  Thiriilf,  The  Ifue  of  Mion  ;  which  being  Ae 

*  firil,  "doth  highly  concern  his  Majefty's  Honour 
*,aiid  Reputation,  for  wWch  he  relies  upon  their 

*  Loves,  with  the  grcatcft  Confidence  that  evef 

*  King  had  in  his  Subjcifts ;  witnefs  his  Royal 
,*  PoTey,  Amer  Civivm  Regis  Munimentum :    And 

*  hedoubts  not,  but  as  foon  as  he  fhall  be  known 

■  *  in  Earopt  to  be  their  King,  fo  foon  Ihall  they  be 
'. '  known  to  be  a  loving  and  loyal  Nation  to  him.* 

jirTioTMi  ^^^  Journals  of  the  Lords  here  aJCft  us   to  fill 

dttw,  chofra     up  a  Vacancy,  in  thofeof  the  other  Houfc  and"  i;i 

ft«t"-  Rupoiarth;  and  thatis  aji  Abftraft  of  the  Speaker's 

Oration,  on  his  being  prefented  to  the  King  for 

,  Approbation,  and  the  Lord  Keeper's  Anfwer  to  it. 

:  The  former  Authorities  tell  us.  That,  on  J'ssf  the 

■  '30lh,  tbe  Cominoos  prefented  Sir  ThjjiaS  Crewy  Kt. 


V    •/  EN  G  land:;:  M9 

&(«eMm:.a<;  hwn  forthar  Speak«t;  .wiho,rta4«  ^-■^**^* 
kis  fonpai.EiicufeT  butbeing-confirai'd  inbiaCtfr  -  ** 

fice,  heliddre^  himfelf  to  ^Tbrone  in  Wwla 

*  He&rft^oteltcd  that  be  undertook  thf  Office  Hb  Ontioa  » 
of  Speaker,  in  Obedience,  only,  to  his  M^efty ;  '■«  Ttaw* 
he  rcn^Ribt-^  <he  procnedtfrgs.  in  the  Ufl  rAott  bdp-  ■ 
py  Pariiagwnt,  Jn  which  be.  pleafed.tlie  lace.Kitjgi 
iH  &iitous  -Memoiy,'  to  sQc  the  Advice  of.  w* 
Peoi^i:ii[kl  expreOed  ttiiTi?  Joyi^  Go^y-Wba 
bath.the  Power  08  the  Hearts  Qf  King*,.  diK^M 
bid  Majcfty^  tibat  now  W,  to,  proceed  in  tbe-liks 
Parlutmeh'i^tfy  Coiufe.  !Th«t,ias  ^  Woipaii  foi-- 
gets  heclSotrow  at  the  Bifth  of  a  Man-.CliUd,.fo 
they,  ^hca  hia  Majefly  was  placed  oa  his  FaUwr'* 
Throne,:  Iwd  their  Hopes^  that's*  good  King  /fr* 
sefriri  was  five  and  'btenty.  .Yean  of  Ag^,  :whea 
Ik  bsgaD.  to  reian^  and  :haTing.  a  wife  and  great 
Council,  at  his  firft  Entrance,  IhcV/ed  biv 
Zeal  &i<S^-ahd  hisCaee  forKeligioQi  fohil^a- 
j«fty  bein^  of  the  &ine  Age,  and  faring  a  faithU 
Fei^Ie  to  advife  him,  will  foatatain  true  KeligipB 
iuid  i^el'ftntient  X<awG,  ia  mutli  efteemed  in  all 
Age*.'  In  this,  he  faid,  .thtir  Hopa  were  the  grea£r 
«-,.  for  that  his  M»t%  begijoa  with  a  Parljaownt* 
amj  remeiUbers  his.Fjithci'i  Choige  to:ntainuin  oUt 
Reli^on.  That  it  was  God's  aierciful  Power  m 
hdng  his  Miuefty  back  out  of  D^^ager  when  he  wu 
ja  a  drance.  Land.  He  exprcfied  &eir  Sojrrow  for, 
jus  then  Abfe'nce,  and  exceeding  great  Joy  at  hii 
faff  Return ;  and  Jliumbly  befought  hts  M«Mft)t» 
That  now  God  had  put  the  SwoiS  into  hU  Hand, 
he  would  ex^d  it  for  the  Recovery  of  th«  Pnh' 
^niUft  fo  difhonoursbly  gotteniajid  kept  by  hoftil< 
Arms ;  wfaicdi  wU  antiently  a  Refuge  for  Religion  £ 
and  aot  io  iaSer  tJiofe  Locufls.the  .yrfuitr  to  t^ 
Mp  the  good  Things  of  this  I^^nd.  r  He  acknov-^ 
Jedged  Us  Majcfty's  Stem,  to  be  lineally  defended 
from  LutitiSf  the  firft  Britijh  King  that  embraced 
the  Gofpel;  and  concludol  with  the  accuftooied 
iPctidons  forFteedoRi  frotp  Arrefts,  euiuU^fidt^da, 
It  riSmtit  dunng  tbtsPvliuKntj.foi  Fiwdom 

of   , 


'*'^*  '  M  Mflfiiw  ^bmifelves  «tiMfi  tbv  I^ts  of  Diit* 
tad  Kloddlyj.  Accefi  w HbMi^dfyoti  ail nralftd 
Occafions ;  and  2  benign  Inttrprctadon  of  all  <daie^ 

•'  AffiWut  BJld  Of  dwhiaS^dti  in  particular/ 

''^  hl?*^  "^^  l^'t)'^  Kdepef,  Umiw  Ivft  hid  CaaSenntit 
mr,  A>Aw.  ^^  ^  n-jjjg^  «tfi*eiwl  to.  «hi.  EffeS :  .'  Thai 
Int  Majiftj'  tad  aHpty  acodpt^  tlwfipesdiei^BObe-< 
iknco,  dt6*lw  r^Tpd  hisSacnfice.  Thattw  re^ 
AMtAred-dtoiaftPartiimenttolwhapp^}  aiiltiit>M 
fi>  BcCOtifttd  bjr  dM  hte  King^  fo  eftemed  ^  M 
M^efty,  and  &  It  ppWcd  by  the  Eiem,  id  'tnUcH 
^e  twb  Tnatle*  with  $p«>M  wore  di^>l«rid,  ttid  & 
ftiUiy  »acibn  Laws  eAJi£t«l.  It  bi«ca*i«  ths  laU 
King  lo  to  clofc  his  Qovemmenti  in  whiqh  Pa^  • 
fittndnt,  our  prcfent  Kin?  being  a  pnadpal  AAor, 
he  can  fMver  forget  the  DeJiTei  of  the'  Ctfmnom 
bclr  ttw  Wilhe»  of  the  LoMi.' 

<  ThatlusM^eflytskesmgMMlPlTtMfjSiWift- 
kf»  Obftrratran  of  tbe  Avb-  Circuni{hit^  af  his 
EtftranOe  fcthe  Crown  }  aa  that  hs  began  #l{h  a 
ParliaiMnti  that  he  came  to  us  whhNoUi  Blood* 
,  being  lineally  delcended  ftom  the  antkfli  Jfr-iilii/t 
Kings  [^  tiiat  kw  Suocefflon'  fwtetned  ^4w  L«4s  of 
bis  gloTiotis  Fttber ;  that  God  was  wiA  tdm  lir  a 
ft^irige  Land,  and^tiveredhinffOmthcncB;  cfreft 
as  God  va&  with  i/0/M,  fo  be  he  always  with  tut 
.Majefty,  to  which  let  A\  fay  Ankn.  '  And,  laftly^ 
that  his  Ms^efty  [ffofi'lles  the  true  Religion,  it  being 
tke  taft  Bteftrig  his  Padier  gave  htm  eo  have,  a  IpcJ- 
cial  Care  thtfreof.  As  t/U.  Spedlexr  recommends 
to  his  Maiefty  the'  Laws  of  the  -Lami  \,  fo  he,  alfi>» 
Toconunends  the  '&me  to  the  LawyeHs )  diat  4n^ 
ftudy  the  antient  Laws,  th«infeW«s,  and  nut  the 
AlM'idgeinents.  And  whereat  you  reprdent  so  Iw 
Maje%  thai  unjuft  AoquMkion  of  the  P«/«tMA% 
th«  Dimonour  of  our  Katitftf^  no  Maii  caM  but  bfe 
tenfible  of  his  M^%'^  Care  for  the  Rec«veiy 
dlfereof  i  he  having  gitien-  a  lively  Reprefentatios 
of  fab  AffedloB  to  it,  faimfdif,  the  oi^er'Doy  ill 
this  flase.    He  now  hopes  that  ye  vtha-hlR  drtar 



.     «/  EN  G  L  A  KD.  351 

bimijtto  A£)A^on'il>iIl  gtveUiB  ftidtSuppUern**  *  citarltfl. 
vrtll  Hitble  hknr  to  peHsim  it.'       .  *•''* 

<  And,  M  tBiidiiHKtbeBinifldKncof  thofeLo* 
■  tufla  tha  P/iflfts,aiul  Jcfvits,  hii  Ma^cfty  coaiateitdi 
thu  Saving  of'  St.  jtatbrBft^  ITmt  tht  foortft  Mm 
kath  Iitlertfl  iit  R^ligioti.  Yet,  he  4efii:et  yaa  td 
tntft  him  with  the  Manned  thereafy  and  be  will  bti 
Qiftful  to  girs  yon  g6od  Ssti&fii^oii  of  his  Zesd 
Aisreia.  '  Z^fth^.  **  touching  Mr.  Speaker's  PeCJ" 
tidiu-fbr  yoiir  rrltttms,  fail  Maje&y,grsjUs  dieiir 
all  without  anjr  iJAuudon;  knD#tng  wellthdi 
^rielv«&  wUl  pteUh  the  Afaufet  ttlerto£* 

The  fifft  BuRnefs  dorte,  in  the  Hoiife  of  Com-  ti*  CammoM 
Aons,  ^t^u'to  appoint  a  folemti  faft  Shibn^ft  thenar  *pp^jneii »  F«t 
fclves  (0-  It  had  been  ttltCuftom  in  fcveral  late  Par-  ^^  ^^■ 
liaments  to  begin  Jii  the  &me  Manner,  but  now  it 
'4ras,  tnofe  particmarTy,  Urged,  on  account  of  th^ 
^nefal  Plague  which  Vas  rouiid  them'.     The  next 
•ay,  yunt  24d,   ^  Committee  of  Privileeofl   anJ 
Eltxlions  being  appointed.  Sir  Benjiinia  R«JyarJtio&»fM»piqi 

g"  t  up  and  fc^e  to  thii  Effeft:  *  That  the  late  Honww  b«. 
iftiftts  taken  bfetween  the  latfe  feihgahd  hlsPar^^J^  "^ 
IJaments,  were  the  chief  C&ufe  of  all  Sie  Mtferies  of 
&e  Kirtgdolft.  The  firft  Turri  of  vliSict,  towards 
a.Recanciliation,  was' given  by  the  iidw King,  then' 
Pjince ;  by  whtdi  accrued  more  BeAem  to  the  Sub- 
ject, than  in  any  Parliament  thefe  many  hundred 
Years.  \^hac  miywe  then  expeA  froiH  him,  be- 
ing King^  and  having  Power  in  his  own  Hands  t 
His  goodnatiiril  Difpofition;  his  Freedom  from 
Vice  i '  his  Travels  abroad  ;  his  being  ired  in  Pmr~ 
Oamrnti  (J),  promifed  greatiy.  Therefore,  he  mov- 
ed to  take  fuch  Courfe  now  to  fweeten  all  Thing! 
between  King  and  .People,  that  they  may  never 
after  difagree. 

Sir  Ediuard  Cake  moved,  *  iThat  there  itiight  be 

riO Cothmlttees  for  Ort^i'ances  or  Courfs  «f  Juftice i 

fitft,  inrefpeft'of  Ehc  Plague  ;  next,  becaufe  this 


(fjlrtftieyiir  i^ti.At.ii.'Elix.  the CoDiiftons fcwlng  ippmnt- 
tAtSm,  <;  tbair  orfd  AuMtarMrt  thtQuMilUgtttT.RtMUd^  tlM 
iMwfio*  upou  her  AatlianQ  fac^fbi^    Sm  Vcl,  IV.  p.  ;f6. 
-  (J)  it  ipport  bv  &e  terJi  Jtuhuh,  >□  the  I'A  Re'BO,  tbit  llw. 
Pfffc* of /f«b d^  UitnM Eb« Serricc of  thcHoQlo. 

3»2  TbeiP'Orliamintay-  H-i  s  f  ,o  *  V 

An.  I  chulet  L  ^g^s  the  very  Bcguiiting  of  the  new  King's  Reigff^ 

'  ^*        in  which  there  can  be  no  Grievances  u  yel ;  third-' 

l]r,  becaufe  the  Bedd<Hi  agninft  Grievances,  in  fhe 

\iSt  Parliament  of  the  late  Kin§i  was   preferred 

too  iate;  oijlyOo  petition  fbr  on-  Anfwer  to  thef«. 

Fer,  adds  he^'  though  Aie  Prince  is  gone  the  King 

liveth;  no  Jttterj-egmtm.'  "■    ■ 

The  reft  <rf:this  Day's  Debates  turned,  duefly, 

on  raifing  a  Supply,  and  the  onty  Tbpic-of  puttlfl|^ 

die  Laws  in  Execution    s^ainft  yifidtt,    Ptpifi*^ 

frieftt^  &c.     The  SoUicitor  General  acfluaintect 

the  Houfe,.  '  That  the  Xing  had  [taken  Care  6*^ 

the^ [.Grievances  preferred  the  laft  Parliament ;  and, 

7  at  any  gne  Day  *he  Houfe  would  alBgq,  Satis&C-. 

,  ,      ,  ,  tion  would  be  given  them,  therein.' 

.   ■         The  Plague  ftill  raging  more  and  mpre,  rn  and" 

about  Lowi^h,"  made  the  Members' of  both-Houfes. 

Very'uneafy  in'th^ir  Sjtyation  «iy^5(^ffj;»/?W  ;  fome 

pi  them  taki'iigNoticei.that.^he  Bell  wastolling" 

every  Minute,.'wliil(l;  the.y  were  fpeaking.     At  the 

'    '\  .Petition  of  both "Houfes,  the  King  p roc Ipined  a 

A         general  Faft,  all  over  ihe  Kingdom,  on  a  certain 

. .-...     1  Day  i  and  his  'Majefty  in  Perfon,  went  with  the 

(wo  Houfes  to  Prayers  and  Sermon,  at  St.  Mar', 

iartt's  Church  iri  mftminfter. 

July  4.    Sir  Edward  Coke  reported  the  King's 

Anfwer  to  the  Commons  Petition,  about  a  RecefS'. 

f'rom  Parliament,  at  this  ftckly  Seafon  :  *  That  the:* 

K'tig  had  taken  their  Safety,  which  he  valued  more 

than  his  own,  into  Confideration ;  and  when  hc' 

mould  hear  the  Commons  were  ready  with  their 

Bills,  for  he  would  not  haften  them  in  any  thing, 

he  would  piit  an  End  to  this  SeSion.' ' 

The  Lorti  n!^  ■  -The  next  Day,  the  Bill  for  granting  two  entire 

the  Bill  of  Tsa- ^»^(/;Vf,  pafled  the  Commons  }  Tennage  and  Peun-' 

^^•J^"^'  '  da^f  v/ss,  alfo,  giv»i.i,but,-hecau^  itwaslimit-' 

Y»«t  oali!  ™*  ^^  ^°'^  '■".^  Year,  wliereas,  former  Grants    to  bis 

Majefty'sPredeceflbrs  were  for  Life,  the  Houfe  of 

Lords  would  not   pafs   it.     It  was  alfo  d^lared, 

*  That  the  Intention  and  Reftdution  qf  the  Houfe 

was,  as  in  the  Ad  of  Suhfiift    Zi  Jac.  that  alt 

Charges  meriuoncd  there,  are  to  be  acdufted  out 


'9/   ENGLAND.-  3^ 

^X\lie  SuBfiiEes  and  PifieeHthtj  Hid  to  be  paid  ad  Ax.  iaktdbti. 
Cording  to  that  Adf.'  "'i'- 

yuff  7.    An  AMt  caiffe  oh  iii  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  which  miifl  make  a  great  Noife  at  that 
Time.    A  Complaint  had  been  made  there  againft 
fane  Dr.  Afi)ntagu,.f6r.  printiirg  aliA  publithing  a Cmmlilift  •- 
Book,  called  An  ^peed  lo  C«(kr'.     Th  e  itccordersumi)  Dt.  Mo»* 
X>i  London,  one  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  ex-***** 
'amine  into  this  Matter,  made  a  Report,  *  That  the 
Archbilliop  of  Cantrrhury  had  ccnfured  the  faid  Dr» 
-MontagB  for  a  former  Sook  (/7,  and  had  told  himj 
Ihat  tho'  there  were  fomc  Things  in  it  whicA  might 
ifeceive  a  favourable  Interpretation ;  yet  there  were 
bthers  in  it  not  of  that  Nature.   Tn  which  the  Com- 
mittee all  agreed,  That  the  Archbifhop   had  doni 
what  was  fitting  :  But  they  w»re  of  Opinion,  That 
there  werri  manyThirtgs  contained  in  theDo^or'i  v 

Books  direfljy  contrary  to  the  Articles  of  Religioh 
eftablifhod  by  Parliament  j  aS  that  the-  Church  of 
JEiMff  was  vtra  ChrijH  EccUJkT,  t*  Sptmfa  Chrifit  j 
and  that  the  faid  Church  eadem  Fundamtnta  DnHrin^ 
6?  Sacramentorum  nitiiar :  That  the  Committee 
hdd  diis  fecond  Book  as  faflious  and  feditiouS,tend-^ 
ing  manifellly  to  the  Diflwnour  of  the  late  King; 
and  the  Dilhirbanc^  (if  both  Church  and  States  For 
th£  ^rft,  he  deiies  that  Jrminius  was  the  Jirll  that 
infected  Liydm  with  Errors  and  Schifms  :  That 
the  Synod  of  Dort,  fo  honoured  by  the  late  King, 
was  flighted  by  him  ;  callft  it  forinfecus,  and  par- 
tial j  he  knows  not  what  Ends  they  had,  nor  cares  ■; 
fiw  them :  He  dire£ls  hi*  Book  to  the  prefent  King,  ■ ' 
and  calls  it  Apptlla  drfarim^  and  yet  fays  the  Pope  is  , 
hot  Antuhrlfiui ;  which  is  contrary  to  what  the  late 
King  himfelf  had  wrote  to  all  CAry?/<w  Princes.  The 
Committee  think  that  there  is  enough  in  this  Book 
to  put  a' Jealoufy  between  the  King  and  his  well^ 
affefted  Subjects.  SaVs  there  are  fome  amongft  ui 
ihas  defire  an  Anarchy,  and  means  the  Puritansy 
whom  yet  he  hath  not  defined.  He  plainly  inti- 
Vot.  VI.                  Z                                 mates 

(f)  Tlie  firf  Book   w«  aWti,  A  o™  Gar  /o'  *n  »'i  Cesft, 
in  Airtwtr  to  a  S^ifi  Book,  caUtd,  A  Ctg,  fir  tbt  nna  Gtffti, 


554  fbe  PdrS^iueiay  ffi.sTonY 

j^  I  ckuktL  mma  that  tticrc  arc.  iViAn  Bfiwps ;  yudr  tb4 
>^i*  Cammittee  conceived  tended  much  to  tlu  Diftwo 
WiKeofthePe^cevaChun^  and  State.  He  raipc^ 
BtUarmiatt  but  flighted  Cohix,  Bauiy  PtrHu^ 
H^itaker,  and  Rtyritids,  In  this  Book  he  much  di(- 
countenaoces  God^  Word,  difgraccs  LcAiiRs  aaA 
X'C^lurers,' and  Preaching  ttfejfi.  nay,  evCBF^dii^ 
the  Bible.  That  never  a  Saint-feeming,  Bibtcv 
bearing,  hypocritical  Puritan  was  a  better  Patriot 
than  hitnfelf.  Upon  the  wholc)  That  the  FnQC 
pf  the  Book  WW  ta  encourage  F*^ ;  in  naio- 
taining  tlt«  i*<i:^j/?J  to  be  the  tcuc  Church,  and  that 
th^  difier  not  from  m  in  any  Amdameatal  ^lii^ 
IF  thetefore  ti>ey  hold  w  Heredcs,  and  ooC  to  h« 
laved,  and  we  hold  the  contrary  of  them,  «rti9 
.will  not  think  it  tiSei  for  us  to  be  in  theh-  Qhiml^ 
than  in  ours  ?  The  P«pifti  read,  and  comnupd  tliif . 
Book  to  others  to  be  lead )  whereis  the^  fuffsr  aoof 
of  ours  to  be  read  amongft  them.  \wj.  He  hl4 
4one  an  Injury  to  tbu  Houfe  in  two  Poiqtc  :  Tb«t 
whan  he  knew  his  fvrA  Book  was  there  queflioogda 
Mid  referred  to  ^  An^tQtop  of  C^Otrkurji  Svi 
Cenfuros,  he  printed  a  ncW  Book  worie  tbwi  4ui 
former.  And  wbensi  a  Petitian  l»d  been  pK&r-* 
red  t9  this  Houfe  by  one  Tates  and  Wari^  h<!  Ivf 
they  are  Pwitamt,  althff'  they  hav?  fubfcriboi  tM 
Arttcles  >  and  to  revile  ^m  for  thisi  is  a  Reflap*  ■ 
tion  upon  the  Houfe.' 
lit  Kb%  icier-  Upo>i  ^  Queftion»it  was  reftJved,  That, « thnr 
fob  in  iat  Fi-  next  Meeting,  the  Lurds  fliould  be  acquainted  widt 
'**"''  thefe  Books,  ajid  a  Conference  to  be  piay«d  with 

their  Lordlhips  about  them ;  Likewilc  tor  itToHctl 
as  it  is  termed,  to  coounit  him  to  the  Cuflody  of 
the  Sergeant  at  Arms,  to  anfwer  his  Contempt  iji 
the  next  Seffion.  But  the  King  fending  a^dQ^gf 
to  the  Houfe,  that  Dr.  Mmtagu,  being  his  Servant, 
and  Chaplain  in  Ordinary,  he  had  taki^  the  Caa(^ 
into  his  own  Hand ;  wilhed  they  wbuld  enlarge 
iiim,  and  that  he  would  take  Care  to  give  the  Houfe 
Satis^i&'on  in  it ;  the  Dodor,  upon  giviqg  in 
fiail  of  2000/,  was  difcharged  out  of  C)^ody. 



•^  *f  EN0t  and;  ^5j 

thta  WW  the  Boft  nwt«!ri!a'Bufine&  th«,  Com^  **  Jfa^"** 
kMOS  went  upon^  in  t^  firft  Se£on  of  this  Parlui-  *'  *' 
mflPtt  NorfrSB.nheireanjTliing  done,  worth NUt 
liilh  \^y  t^  LcH-da,  oxccittthe  IiitrodufUon  tnto  that 
Hoiife  of  Jtin  £vl  of  Oirm  Oinw-  Earl  of  BiJmg-. 
trti4,  Frvncii  Extl  oF  ir^hnartiatid,  JViiUam  Lord 
Vlfcqunt;  Say  add  SeaU,  Jamtt  Lord  £7,  Lord 
{1^  TlMfiucT  of  England  (g)  and  EAvafd  Lord 
£>«r^|,  Sflc/etary  of  Bmte. '  They  alfo  joined  in 
a  Pfltltion  to  the  king  «i^  the  Commons,  about 
U«tt»B  of  Sfligiptl :  To  which  his  Majcfty  an- 
fvMcd«   *  That  Irf  was  very  glad  to  find  the  Par-  hu  bbjf^*  .^ 

*  l(ai»cot£»^rwardJQ&didoni  and affured  them  ^"^"^ ''^'l* 
1  t^t  ^%j  fliauld  lind  him  equally  Sa :    But  that  i,«'KcU,iak 

f  theif  P«titi(»i  being  lotw,  the  Anfw«r  to  it  miift 

*  be  duferrcdto  anothBr  Opportunity.' 

Jiiif  tlw  I  ttb,  the  pa^  that  both  the  Houfes  do- 
wi  a  ReqeA,  on  acnumt  of  the  Contagion,  aftbi 

*  Mccion  to  that  PuTpoft>  the  Commons  ordertd, 
i  That  their  Houfe  ftiould  be  called  over  the  ^ird 
P»7  of  ttut  Qcxc  Meeting,  and  thofe  Members  thaC 
weieab£mt  fltauld  incur  the  Qenliire  of  Ae  I{<Hife.f 
AftvwBrds,  bvng  informed  by  the  Lords,  that  a 
GMVvftQn  was  come  to  tiiem  to  pals  die  fiilts^ 
Wld  adjofirn  the  Houfaa,  the  Speaker  went  up  with 
|l«  ceft.;   and,  upon  [Mrafcnting  t^e  Sul^dy  Bill, 
tl^cb,  he  laid,  was  the  £rft  Fruits  oS  their  Love, 
tbs  I«9ld  Cmnuaj,  Secretory  of  State,  fpoke  to  this 
SUrpofe;   *  He  finiificd  the  King's  gracious  Ac- j^  j;,^,,^  ^ 
ceptance  of  the  Bill  of  two  Sttbfidies  i  yet,  that  the  picfenutbesnre 
tieceffity  of  the  prefcnt  Affairs  were  not  therewith  of  f«w|nAa«i». 
iatufied,  but  required  their  further  Counfela,     He 
BVninded  them  ^at  the  late  King  was  provoked  be- 

^ntd  his  Nature,  to  undertake  a  War  for  the  Re- 
ravwy  of  his  Children's  ancient  Patrinony  ;  that 
the  Charges  of  this  War  af^eared,  by  Computa- 
4ion,  to  amount  unto  700,000/.  a  Year ;  to  fupport 
Ac  Nttbtrlands,  and  to  prevent  the  Emperor's  De- 
figra  of  concluding  with  the  Princes  of  Germany, 
ntteiiy  to  exclude  the  PaUgrevei  he  levied  aii  Pit' 
Ky  under  Count  A^biti^ld ;  the  Kings  of  Dtit' 
Z  2  mari 

(19  SmmUow  bcfim  Lori  Chkf  JaSice  of  ibt  Kbit'*  Btoch, 

r_      ':■■  (..(Kittle 

^56  *I%e  pHrUmentary  Htfr ORV 

$».  I  dudtM  I.  mari  and  Sweden^  and  the  Princes  of  Gtrtmmyy  le- 
**■**  vied  another ;  Franet,  Savoy,  and  Venitt,  joined  to-" 
^  gether  for  a  War  of  Divcrfion  j  and,  laftly,  tiJ  up- 

hold the  NttherlanJi,  the  Charges  of  Mtmsfitl^s 
and  the  Damflt  Anny  muft  yet  continue.* 

The  Lord  Keeper  then  told  the  Haufes,  '  That 

bis  Majefty  had  received  their  Petition  'about  Reli- 

^on,  and  had  anfwered  it,  in  f(Hne  Meafure,  Itefere  j 

but  now  he  had  done  it  to  the  full ;'  which  Peti-^ 

llie  PttOuMot  ^n  an4  Anfwer  will  appear  in  the  Sequel,     After- 

•^mnaed  to  •>- wards  the  two  Houfet  adjourned  (the  Lords  accord- 

^^^^  "^  to  the  King's  Commiffion,  Sut  rfic  CommoBs  of 

^^    tlwmfelves)  to  the-firftof  ^lyij/?  next,  atOxfirJ.  ' 

The  Contagion  ftill  raging  very  fore,  ^c  Re- 

cnpt  of  the  King's  :Exchequer  was  removed  to 

'  Richmond',  and  alt  the  Fairs,  within  50  Miles  of 

Londeriy  were  prohibited,  to'  prevent  a  more  genolil 

Infe^on.     During  this  Oion  Recefs  an  hSaii  hap^ 

peaed,  which  occafioned  much  Dtfeuft  agairdl  ^e 

Prime  Miniftet,  the  Duke  oi  Buciingham.-   This 

Nobleman  loft  no  Ground  in  lofing  bis  old  Mafter, 

King  yamei,;  fyi,  if  poffible,  he  was  a  greater  Fa« 

vourite  with  the  Son  and  Succcflbr,  than  ever  he 

bsd  been  with  the  F^er :   His  Popularity,  )unv- 

ever,  had  begun  to  fall  off  fame  Time  i  and  all 

the  Reputation  he  had  gained,  in  his  Recital  of  fala 

Conduct  in  Spaiiiy  as  mentioned  in  ^  laO:  Reign, 

was  blafted  byfome  Sufpicions  that  wen  entertain-  , 

ed  of  that  Af&ir,  and  his  Mifmanagcment  <tf  the 

Adminiflration  ever  fince.  . . 

The  religious  War  in  Frarui  was  now  very  warin  ; 
the  T.own  of  RofhtU  was  in  the  Hands  of  the  Pro-  . 
teflatits,  and  the  Frinch  King  preparing  to  bcfiege 
it^Jjy  Sea  and  Land,  fome  Ships  of  the  Navy  Royal 
of  £nglan4if  With  their  Complements  of  Men,  were 
lent  to  the  French  for  that  Purpafe :  Sut  their 
Crews  abfolutely  refufed  to  fight  againft  People  of 
their. ow^  Religion  ;  and  a  Tumult  began  amongft 
them,  ih  which  they  got  up  their  Anchors  and  fet 
Sail  for  Etiglandf  faying,  They  would  rather  be 
bang'd  ax.  h^me,  than  be  Slayes  to  the  FrauJi,  and 
do  Hurt  to  their  Brethren.  The  Dulce  ordered 


■.     .»/■   EN.G  L  A  f}  iS."'  3j^ 

■Adnural  Pennington  togo  back  with  the  Ffe:f,'A».  i  cWleiC 
which  he  did  j  but  ftill  all  the  Companies  declined  ''^S*' 
the  Service,  and  adiiially  left  their  Ships  before  they; 
would  fubmit  to  fuch  Orders.  This  Affair  hap- 
pening in  the  Interval  of  the  Recefs  of  fariiament, 
■  gave  the  Duke's  Enemies  greater  Scope  to  execute 
their  Defigns  againfl  him. 

•  On  the  firft  of  Augufl  the  Parliament  met  at  Ox~ 
ftrd;  and  on  the  fourth,  the  Ldrds  and  Commons 
4#^e  bommanded  to  attend  the  King,  in  the  Great 
ffcll-aB  Chriji-Churcb  i  where  he  fpakc  to  them  as 

^    My  Iiot^s,  and  you  of  the  Commons, 
'T^S  «//  remember,    that  from  your  Defires  atii  The  Klnt'i 
■''^     AikiKeyTny  Father,  nnv  with  God,  brake  a^Speeth  to  tfacai. 
iiw//  fttw  Treaties  with  Spain  that  were  then  itj  hand  t 
■freil  pU  0H^ farefav},  that,  as  •wellfor  regaining  m^ 
■iifyoffijjid  Bratier's  Inhmtarue,  as  hma  Defines,  a 
'mar  was  Ukely  tofuccted  j  and  that  as  your  Counfeh 
■hM  led-  my  Fathn-  into  it,  fi  your  Jfi/iance,  m  a 
'fariiamentary  Way,  ta  purfue  it,  fioti/d  net  he  want' 
iitg.     That  Aid  you  gave  him   by  yfdvict,    %tias  fir 
'Sxeetitr  ef  bis  Allies,  the  guarding  of  Ireland  ani 
4ht  home  Pari,  Supply  of  Munition,  preparing  end 
fitting  forth  of  his  Navy.     A  Cofincil  you  thought 
■iff  ana  appointed  fir  the  War,  and  Trtafiirtrsfiir 
tffuing  if  the  Monies  :    And,-  to  begin  this  Wcrk  tf 
yaw  Advice,  you  gave  Three  Subfidics,  Fifteenths, 
OttdTtn^i;  which,  with  Speed,  were  levied,  and,  by 
' Direaion  of  that  Couneil  ef  War,  ( in  which  the  Pre^    . 
paratiin  af  this  Navy  was  not  the  leafl)  di/hurfed^ 
■     It  pleafed  God,  at  the  Entrance  of  this  Prepara^ 
.lion,  (by  your  Advice  begun)  ta. (all  my  Father  to  hit  ■ 
Mercy,  whereby  I  entered  as  well  to  the  Care  af  your 
Defign,  as  his  Crown.     I  did  not  then,  as  Princes  do, 
ef^  Cufiam  and  Formality  re-affemble  you,  but  ihat^      '  ' 

by  your  farther  Advice  and  Aid,  I  might  he  able  if 
proceed  in  that /which,  by  your  Counfel,  my  Fath^ 
was  engaged  in,  Taur  Lave  to  the,  and  Forward- 
nefs  to  further  thofe  Affairs,  you  exprejjed  by  a  Grant 
tf  Two  Sub&dies,  yet  ungathered ;  altbo'  /  mujl  iif; 

X  %  fin 

r.„i",i-,Go(.)glc       . 

'^  1  Chiles  I^/jrmr,  iy  itisT^lfandothen,  upan  Crt£t  taktu  UfiauM, 
f**i'.  ■  forehand  dijiurfeti  i  liilall/<>rUoJb)rttMytf,t«/a 
forth  the  N^avy  now  preparing  i  [as  I  have  latdjr  found 
by  Eftimate  of  thofe  of  Care  aod  S^ilt  a;n[|lQye4 
about  it.  Before  you  could  be  aoquaifUcd  fiillij  • 
ivith  thefe  Weceffitics  of  further  Aid,  itjrftaftd  God 
to  vifit  the  Place  of  youx  ^l^bly  t}ien  with  % 
grievous  Pl^ue,  To  ftay  you  in  that  paagerhad 
p^eti  a  Neglect  of  my  juf):  Carf^  and  to  pfortigUB 
die  Parliatnent  ha4  t>ecn  to  deAroy  i^be  Eat«zprise  t 
I  therefore  adjouroed  you  (o  this  Place*  &  P)a<t 
'  then  free  frpm  that  Infe^ioji,  with  whif:t.'4(.itl4 
pleafed  God  fiocc  alfo  to  vifit  it.  Here,  then,  to  hold 

}'ou  long  againft  yotir  6wn  Dcfix^  wei«'to  ocftda 
ittleC&reofyourSafEtiesi  and  to^dioumitv  ^^^r 
-^ut  your  further  Helps,  were  to  deftroy  the  rW^ 
^ratjon  ^ready  mai]e  :  I  therefore  leatrc  f))«.  Citf, 
of  both  to  your  Elediofis,  Ke^lutiojut*,  and  Ath-. 
(wefs  J  opiy  acquainting  you  with  .jny  own  Optr. 
niOn,  which  is,  That  it  is  better  fer,'both  for  yrtW 
Honours  and  minc«  i^^t,-  with  Hzzard  of  half^.'#(b 
Fleet,  it  be  fet  foru),  than,  with  die  a^i^redJ^^ 
f>f  fo  much  Provifion,  itheftaycd  atH(;v;ntet. 
.  ^  The  wlMle  Particular  of  all  £x^p(3»,ab«t9,4^B 
■^jrepiatation  fhall  be  laid  before  yon,  w^ti  f <>^ flMtll 
l»e  picafed  to  overlopk  them^  and  tbe  jLord  T*«fr 
iurer,  with  other  Miniijlefs  ^pl<9ye^  ,,&<i%  90i 
•  with  .theipj  (h), 

i    After  his  "Majedy  had  ended  this  Speeph^  he^c«pir 

"  hianded  his  Secretaries,,  the  Lord  Csmuay  and. .Sir 

yahti  Qoi,  more  particularly  to  doclar?  th^  Aref^kC 

State  Of  his  Affairs  j  which  they  did  to,  diisEfifeft: 

LotdConvrayind*    •+^tlAT   our  SoveJ-eign  Lord' King  jl'fZHKi,- ot 

ilcitVs^i'tc*.,^     famous  Memoir,  at  theSuitofbothTHouft* 

of \h/ King'*.     *  hf  Parliament,  and  by  the  powerful  'Operation 

Aff»in,  *,  of  his.  Majefty  that   now  is,  j^ve,  CiMi&nt    fit* 

;  break  ofF  the  two  Treiwies  with  ^tf(»,  touchii^ 

*  the  Match  and.  the  ^alatiaaif,  3^  ito  vindicat* 

'.--■.       ,  ,    ^  the 

■   OV.T^s'}«n«'pajr>^..>ndAeRft,  vMip  CiiittlM^  m.»^tt^ 

i^g  HufiiMrti,  but  fappljed  ffom  tin  Ltr/i  JtHrntli. 

v^  E  NOLAN  D.    .  35^; 

■  l&e  tainy  Wrongs  atid  Scorns  done  unto  h«  Ma-  *»•■»  Ch^tai  (j^ 

*  jeftyandhisRopiChildren:  BefidesjiftheKIng-  *'   , 

*  Vf  Spain  were  fuffered  to  proceied  in  his  Conque^,' 
'  Uilifor  Pretence  of  the  Cadlolic  Cauft,  he  wfiulij' 

*  become  the  Cathdic  Monarch,  which  h«  fo  much 

*  vS^&a^  Midarpires  untd.     Atfo  amidft  tfaefeNc-' 

*  ceStiest  our  late  King  ctinltderrd  that  he  ratghlf 
^  run  a  Hazard  w^h  his  People^  who  b«i:^  (a\oa.^ 

*  dmrvd  to  Peace,  were  unapt  to  War-}  that  the 
f  wit[4ng  with  other  Prsvincet  kA  this  UnderCkking,' 

*  Was  ft  Matter  <rf  e3i:c«eding  Difficul^.  This 
f  l«w  ijiio  to  new   Treaties  for  regaining  hitf 

■  Cht1<ken$  Right,  wtiifiti  'Wet%  cxpulfed  by  th^ 
^  Friends  and  Agentb  of  'SfOin;  aAd  vdiereiR  bis 

*  .Maj«%  proceeded  as  &r  as  th«  wiTcft  Prinob  could 

*  go,  apd  fufFensd  htinfelf  to  be  won  unto  tlut, 

*  wMch  oAerwife  was  iitiipoAUe  for  hit  &oya| 

<  Natiut  tn  endure,  H<t  coniidered  ^o  tiie  uaaif 
*■  Difficulties  abroad  j  the  pviCe  of  Bmaria^    hf 

<  Foi4»  «nd  OmtraA,  had  tlie  fialotinatt  in  his 
f  tiWn  P<^l^on  ;  tnoft  t)f  the  El^ort  arid  Princes 
'  of  GrrmaHy  were  join'd  with  him  [  die  Eftates  of 
^  «dier  Princes,  mo^  iikely  to  join  in  a -War  of 
'  Recoverys  were  Icized  and  fbcul*d«  and  aU  by  a 

*  conquorlng  Aifiiy :    Brildes,  the  £naperor  iud 

*  Ctikd  a  Dwt,  ih  whidi  he  tronlJi  t«kc  awav  nil 
f  Poffibflity  -of  recovering  {he  Efenour  -and  Infaori^ 
f  tatice  of  the  Pale^mtti :  Thus  .ft  flood  -in  i3*ri 
^  many.  Asid,  in  f^amty  'tiKKu^tlwre>chofe.t<k 
'^  Ibeath  t^s  Sword  in  the  &»wels  of  ius  own  ^vAyi- 

*  jeds,  rathn-  than  to  declare  agiinft  the  Cadiolie 
f  Gaufe,     {n  the  Low  eittmMm,  the  Sc^  of  the 

*  Ormii^ans  [»evailM  myob,  wbo  inclined  <o  the 

*  Rbmant  rather  than  to  thek  own  Safety,  notwithir 
f  Aandihg  that  the  Enemy  had  a  great  and  power-; 

*  ful  Anny  near  thpm }  fo  that  his  Majefty  waS 
^  enfercdl  Tt>  proteft:  Bx\d  countenance  tbcm  With 

■  an  Army  of  '6000  Meta  from  hence,  with  a  Cau^ 

*  tion  [^  Miftyment  »f  ibt  Charges]  and  tiw  likft 
>  Supply  further,    if    requfa-ed.      Moreovff,    he 

■  fought  Alliance  wiA  Frimu^  by  a  Match  for  hit 
«  Rq^  Majefty  ^hat  now  is,  thereby  to  have  In- 

.       ,      Z  ^       .  '  tercft 


fhe.  Pst^aHuniaff  HUTO^v 

'tChuWiI.*  tcrcft  in  that  King,  and  to  make  him  2  PartT-^ 
i6is^  t  -j-jj^  j^ft  Ctmfider^Uon  was  his  Majefty's  own- 
*'.  Honour,  who  had  laboiufd  with  the  two  Kjng'^ 
V  of  Genmark  a^id  Sw^if^  ajfA  the  Qtrmcn  Pfinces, 
*.  from  whom  he  received  but  cold  ^nfwers,  they 
*.  refufiiig  to  joia>  unlcfs  they  firft  faw  hisMajefiy 

*  in  the  Field :  But  pf  this  hf  was  very  tenderi  un- 

*  le&  tiie  League  ^as  brpken,  <)r  he  iirft  W9^r^ 
*.  upon.     The  Fojcea  gf  ^  Anjiy  were  conf|dfr- 

*  pd,  and  the  Way  of  proceeding,  whether  by  In- 
1  vafion.  or  Diyeriion  ;  Th?  Charge;  thereof  ap- 
\  peared  in  F^H^ment  to  be  ,700,ooo,^-  2  Year; 
f  befides  Irtland  was  to  be  fortified,  the  Forts  hera 
S  repaired,  and  a  H^ij  prepared,  he  thoygbt  it  fea- 
f  Able  toentertntoti'League  vviththei^rnw King, 

*  and  the  Qulce  of  S<fi^y  aiid  VenutK. 

*  Herevpon  ah  Army  wa$  coitiniitted  tci  Coi^t 

*  Mansfitldy  thepharKewbErepf  cag^  to  20,00Q/. 
,     f  ('(■)  aMonth  (6t  hia Majefty's Pgrt;  alfohcpom- 

;  manded  the  prepttnog  of  this  great  i^leet :  Ail 
f  which'  fq  heartened  tb<;  Princes  of  G#rfnanx,  t)jat 

*  they  {ent  Amhafl^Qt's  to  the  King&  of  Deipnari 

*  and  &vt^th  ^d  thofe  two  Kings  offered  a  grea^ 
^.  Army,  both  of  Hpffe  and ;  Fqpt, ,  to  w^ich  |ut 
f  Malefly  wm  to  p^  s  Proportion.     Count  Mans- 

*  JielJ's  Anpy,  tho' difeftr,ous,  produced  thefp  h^p7 

*  Efiefti :  PirJ^  Jt  prevented  the  Diet  intended  by 

*  the  EmpeiQi;.  S'comily,.  The  Gtrpttnf  prificet 
f  gained  new  Courage  to  defefid  thenifelves  and 
^  oppofe  their  Enemies.      Thirdly,  The  King  (^ 

*  Demimrk  liatb  rajfed  an  Army,  witfe  which  nc  i< 

*  matched'  in  Perfop  »s  6r  as  Mindtn,  Moreover, 
f  the  Confederates  of  France  and  Imly  have  profe.* 
f  cuted  a  War  in  Milan,  and  Peace  is  now  mad* 
f  bythe^r«fAKingw'tl>bi9ownSubjei5tsi  fo  t^ 

*  by  this  Means,  given  tQ  o^r  Affairs. 

*  This  Parliament  is  not  called  in  mQcr.  Fof  malltf 

*  upon  his  now  Maje^'f  firll  coming  to  the  Crown; 
f  but  up6ntheferealOec3£ons,  to  confuk  with  the 

*  I^rds  and  ComtpoiM  :    Two  £u^/i(frM  are  a^regdy 

*  given,  afldgracioully  accepted  3  but  ^4  Monte* 

(0  ta  « 


^  Jg.N  &L.A.ND,  36t 

-, ,  add  much  more,  are, already  difburiM.*">'**^> 

f  A  Fleet  is  now  at  Sea,  and  haftening  to  their  Ren-        ***** 
f  dezvous,  the  Army  is  leady  at  Plymeuth,  expeS- 

*  ing  their  Commanders.     His  Majfty's  Honoiir*. 

*  Religion,  apd  the  .Kingdom's  Safety,  is  hercen- 
'  g<%ed,  befides,  he  is  certainly  advifed  of  Dcflgiu 

*  to  infeft  hi^  Dominions  in  Ireland,  and  upon  our 

*  oy/n  Coafta',  and  of  the  Enemy's  IncreaTe  of  Ship-- 

*  ping  in  all  Parts.'.   Tbefe  Things  have  called 

*  the  Parliament  hither,  and  the  prerentCharge  of 

*  all  amounts  to  aljove  400,000/.  the  further  Pro- 

*  fecution  whereof,  the  King  being  unable  ^ohear,  ^     , 

*  had&  left  it  to  their  Confohatlons..    His  Majefty 

*  is  verily  perfuaded,  that  there  ^no  King  that  iove» 

*  his  Subje<9s,  Religion,    and  the  Laws  of  the 

*  Land,  better  than  himfelf ;   and  likewiTe,  that 

*  there  is  no  People  that  hettcr  l()vp  their  King, 
'  which  he  will  cberilh  to  the  uttermoft.  It  was 
*.  thought  that  this  Place  had  been  fafe  for  this  Af- 
.  femfuy ;  yet,  fince  the  Sicknels  hath  brought 
f  lome  ^ear  thueof,  his  MajeAy  willeth  the  Lords 

*  and  Common;  to  put  into  the  Balance,  wttb  thq 

*  FcaroftheSicIuiefs,hisandtheir£reatandWctgli- 

*  t^Occafions. 

Then  the  Lord  Treafurer  added,  '  That  the  late 
'.  King,  when  he  died,  was  indebted  to  the  City  (^ 

*  LonSon  i20,ood/.  befides  Intereft,  and  indebted 

*  iot  Dtumank  /iaA  the  Palatinate  150,000/.  and 

*  indebted  for  his  Wardrobe  40,000/.  That  thcfe 
f  Debts  li^  upon  his  Majefty  that  now  is,  who  'a 
'  indebted  unto  Lendan  70,000/.  That  he  hath 
?  laid  out  for  his  Navy  20,000/.  and  10,000/. 
'  for  Count  ^fin;/«^.  And,  for  Mourning,  and 
f  Funeral  Expenees  for  his  Father,  42,000/. ,  For 
;  Expenees  concerning  the  Queeni  40,000/.  The 

*  Navy  will  require,  to  iet  it  forth  in  that  Equi* 
;  page  as  is  requifitefor  the  grcai  DeCgn  his  Maje- 
f '  fty  hath  in  Hancjf .  and  to  pay  them  for  the.  Time 
f  intended  for  this. Expedition,  300,000/.-' 

Xhe  Proceedings  of  the  Comnums  being  now, 
the  principal  Thing  .done  in  this  PaiUament,  we 
s      -  ■  ■  .         fliall 

36*-  TAf  Patiiaautilafy  HistoAy* 

At.*itt*fctli'-o^Vthreily  fijHow  the  Authority  of  tbA->«r»ill&' 

S"  ■       for  WT  Teftifnony  therein.    We  are  told,  Tbat  the 

firtt  Day  of  this  ScAon,  Ac  Affair  of  Dr.  .AftitW- 

The  Coramooi  g^'s  Bodcs  was  htooght  again  on  the  Catpct,  by 

M<un4^  '  Atms  tbM  the  Houfe,  thst  he  hfcd  the  Draw's 
Bond  oF  2000/.  for  his  Appearance ;  but  that  be, 
had  XteAj  got  a  Letter  from, him  dut  he  Was  fick 
of  tite  StoQc  :  On  ■rfhich  tht  Serjeam:  Was  tadtred 
to  produce  both  the  Bohi  and  the  Letter. '  Tlie' 
SolUcitOT-Gtneral  beggy  Leave  to  put  the  Houfe 
■  in  mind  Of  biS  M^nfy't  Mefl^e  to  them  beftire 
t)|e  Idl  tlecefs ;  afip  moved  to  ac^aiitt  the  ^iog 
■#iBi  the  Particulars  and  Con&quefltfes  6f  Th^ 
Boole,  and  doubted  n:ot  but  tliey  would  ^an  Leave 
to -fend  for  him.  Hereupon  aDdjate  arofe,  Wbc-t 
,  titer  afty  of  the  KiiVg|»  Servants  might  lye  queition- 

«(!  ih  mat  Houfc  ?  Ofte  Ufged  the  Danger  of  fucl^ 
an  Exemption  ;  and  others  named  fome  Inftances  - 
Vriwre  they  had ;  as,  particularly,  the  Cafe  of  Sir 
t'hMuis  Parrjy  who  was  a  Privy  Counfeilor,  whonj 
Ae  King  "defired  might  be  left  td  him  ;  but  th« 
Hcoile  would  not  content,  but  expelled  him,  Mr, 
Wientwartb  f afterwards  Earl  of  Straffixd)  mention-: 
ejthfe  Lord  Chancellor  Beacon's  and  thft  Lortl  Trca- 
hcte  MiddUfi>^i  Cafe,  whom  this  Hboft*SaU  with  y 
he  (aid  Msntagu  reproached  Biblt--bearers,  «hidi 
wtt  the.  Arms  of  that  Unirerfity  ;  and  moved  td 
^fodexAt^nVt  him  for  a  Contentpt  of  that  Htirfe. 
TM»  Was  agr^  to,  and  to  pray  aCooferem:e  wltl^ 
theLot^sabotitit';  wot  to  meddle  with  hisTcnetSj 
taft  tb  leave  tiiem  to  the  Biftiops..  The  Serteant 
IMS  omnmanded,  at  his  Peril,  to  bring  Dr,  Manta~. . 
^  to  the  Henley  with  all  convenient  Speed,  and  lie 
to  ftand  Committed  till  he  Ihsll  be  difcharged  by  the 

The  Commons  then  proceeded  to  take  into  Coti- 
SfliMtion  the  Kin^s  Speech,  and  the  f&hfequeni 
Accountfrom  Ae  Stcretaries  ;  and  ordcted.  Thai 
all  the  Members  Ihall  attend  the  noct  Morning,  and 
iiotdepartwitfiout  Licence,  on  Piun  of  the  Gen- 
fttre  ot  the  Houfe.  ' ' 

'.  JtipiH  S^   Ttw:t«b  CUMd^ra^Df  tie  £>«««  Ab. «  ctad.  » 
i|)iCT  to4  Ptichy,  drt  'rrta6m!r,'cf  Hie  Hoiilh6ld,        '*'»•■ 
and  fine  RltKCv  moMd  fertitft  %^^^  %  #bidi,  tUe^ 
^d,  in«^  be  two  $MiJMn,  anj:  two  Fifite»^i,  at 
leaft,  tor  ^fs  would  ndt  ferve  fbr  tbe  prifrnt  Oc.  D>baic « i  Mo. 
eaAoiu.     This  V*i  oppofcd  by  dibcrti  who  urged' ''j™ ''"f  *■"  S«p- 
to  kfww  thfl  Caule  for  Hus  Supfily,  and  At  Enediy  ^^' 
wiiuft  whcti4,;tbe  ^r^ratiohs  wdM  dcltinated: 
^That  th?  Eilatse  pf  the  Wpifls,  jirhb  contrifosted 
to  their  Etteroiest  lOTV  be  fpeedily  lookW  into,  t* 
jtu^y  thpiCtpg-     Old  Sir  ^^wiinf  C0^  begins-,  ae 
VAf^  Jttd^'Debatt,  witji  foiheZatfin  Sentences^ 
*NA^}iim   a^iBata^    iavincibiiis,    iS   iitiprevida-i 
^E^<M?nQ  kftt  he  (ard,  bre^  idl  Laws  and  Ordcrsv 
HdtauftbdMppIi'^v  fiut,  JfttalrirNn^ffiticsCamt 
by  Improvidence,    then  no  fuch  Canfc   to   giv6. 

tmine  Ptt-iaikimi  twnunum  AuxiUum.  No  K.tag  Ceh 
iufSfA  in  in  Iwtiourablc  ESate  wtttimit  three  Abi-^ 
lifies^-  ^rr^*  To  be  JcAt  to  maintait]  himfelf  againft 
UAAtmH^^Ot^.  Seandlf,  To  Hi  his  Allies  and 
Coafitdantcs.  ST>ir£yy  To  rtiWard  his  wcll-defbn- 
vilng  B\tw^'  But,  he  ui^ed,  then  vha  k  Leak  iti 
ChleGommncnt,'  oF  which  Leak^di  te  thefe  wetfe 
-^  Ctttfts  i'  Frtuds  in  the  Guftdms  i  Treaty  ilntft 
<!>&  S/Mt/S  Match  ;  new  inVenfanl  Offices,,  widt 
j>^  F«est  «M  unprofitJuUfe'Ottcxs,  which  tile 
KiAgOiiehitiuAlytakeaway^ntfa^a^t  Love  ofMs 
JPcdptei  and  hii'  own  Honour;' tie  PreTidentfiiipe, 
-BfTb)'i'Bfid'M'<f^.;  Mut^i^city'of  OficHs iiiioae 
Mali  i  ^rerr  lO!Koer  to  Itiv  ba  :iijs  own  Office-; 
idifcEan^S'tfeuOtidd  out  vf'O^er^  new  Tabdtfe 
4ept  :t^txt  isAde  the  iJ^ak^gc:'  (lie  graaftir  i .  Tn^htak 
ry  Annuities,  or  Penfions,  which'  cM^t  tso  he  fl«(^ 
pcd  tUI  die  fCii^  was'  out:  of  t>cBt,  an4-able  to  pay 
'them.  In  the\Jth.£fr»rjrIV".  mifRfkn  wtoto*^ 
•of  ihc-Kkig  till  he  was  outofDebt.  £^,  ^Hiilt 
4dl  'ibnitt^&rf  Cbacges,.  niflly  Di^t,^  Apptud, 
'^litiUillgs,  £^f.  increafe  ftill  the  Leakage. 

'  To  apply  fome  Means  for  Remedy ;  the  Mul- 
t^ltyWf  Fot^b  fertd  Partte,  yifflc^'^ttShitM 
'iO  th«  King,  inlght  })e  iii^m  uifo  ^  gfeat  BeaeSe 



7& ■  PatHOBeAaf^  H is t iji* y 

•t'«cbarlHl.\ta&im;  that  undemanding  OlGfcen  b&  emplo^ai 
«*»S'-  ijitheKing'sHoufcitDreduceitroits  ancientFonn/ 
and' not  with  Sir  Z,M8^/OiffH^iV,  to  divide  a  Gocrile; 
and  that  his  Shop-Boys  be  not  t^eiv  from  his  Shops 
and.  placed  in  the  Green-ClotH  ;>  that  the  Great 
Offices  for  the  peftrice  of  the  Kingdom,  be  put 
into  the  Hands  a,  able  Men  that  have  Experience^  as 
Admiralty's  Pl^s,  iit.  [k):  The  King's  onlinary 
Charge  in  EAaiaxfii  Ill's  Time^  was  Wrlie  W  the 
King's  ordin^  Kevennc.  IrtUndi  at  that  Time; 
wa»  alfo  30^060  y»- a  Year  Benefit  to'-'thc  King; 
ibut  Row>  great  Chaige.ta  bim.  To  ptefition  diii 
King-rather  for  a  logique  than  a  rkietoric[ue  Hand  •^ 
«^^t,  than  in  bpcn  one.  Move  for  3  Ctrdiftiit- 
j<ee  to  put  down,  diefiti  anff-  ftich'  (itfa^r  -Heads  as 
Iball  be  offered.'  .   A  it        ■.../- 

<  -  It  may  be  fuppofed  tfaattjiis  Speechv  of' die  old 
Orator's  was  very  long,  by  theHtads-f^it  above^ 
ntehtioncd,  and  tneSnbfequence  of  ti£^ Day's  >l>ew 
^tMte?  J  for  little  ir  entered  after  iti  (aViC  that,  the 
Scdicttor-General  moved  to  petition  the  King  to  de- 
.clare  the  King  of  Spain  nn  Enemy,'  Jince  it  was  ' 
he  that  had  done  them. all  the  Wrong:   To  takt 

'  :Caie  of  Papifis  at  home,  whofe  Heatts-  wore  with 
.tiie  Spamardt,  and  are  dangerous  herey  wiiilft  out 
<Na,vy:  was  abroad.  Two  Su^dUs  and  iwo  Fip- 
tittiwj,  to  be  ^ud  In  0£lahr  and  April  omx  twelve 
^Months.  Others  declared  againft  granting  SubJiCn 
in  Reveriion ;  andnot  to  graft  Silt^yupoa  SukfJf 
in  one  Fariiament.  A.  Committee  for  ^s  Muttt 
,-was  moved  for,  the  Duke  ta  be  called  to  it,  \  That 
•he  may  gjve  SatisEiAion  £»  thefi;  Afperfions  that 
-had'been  lud  upon  him.'  But. no  'Rriblution  was 
•come,  to  on  this  Day.  ' 

This  was  the  BrftiStrdce  made,  at  the  Minifter, 
tobcmet  with  in  Uie.^urM/f ;  but  mcich  mor«is  in 
.the Sequel.  Tjie  iie]ct.I>8y,,  A:^ufi  6,_  after  fome 
3ufiiM&  of  le<s  Confe^uence  wai  done,^  Sir-  Htmy 

ril,  ire  uken  (torn  19  old  Manufcrlpt  ef  che ,  Proceeiliagt  of  tlut 
Pirliimeat,'  bnt  mnaiiatil^tbisjiiinulti   Hawtva,  Ibt'BlBir 
-^     iirM  fallowed  dsfa  iftcnraidi.  ' 

'^^imAj'^itxAvi^va&^A^'-  Thit-Aey  were cal*-**»- »  O*** 
led  thither  foe  tw6  R«iibn»  i  for  the  CaufeofRct-*  *'■'• 
ligiop,  viA  gcuitinc;  a  Supi^y  to  b»  Majefty.  That 
jtiteir. Coldnels  inReli^on  was  one  ofthe  prindp^ 
Catifes  ofthe  grievom  Vifitatim  then  upon  them. 
:To  add  to  oW  former  Petition  to  his  Majefly,  that 
^<t  will  Upon  no  Acbount  give  any  Connivance  to 
^th^  P^apiji!.  That  they  were  not  ahfolutely  bound 
.to  maintain  a  War,  but  to  ailift  and  fupply  the 
jCing  in  a'War.  Moved*  firft,  to  know  what  Mo- 
^ey  ^1  ferve  for  the  Fleet ;  then  to  raife  the  Supr- 
ply,,  if  not  by  Subfidy,  yet  by  fbme  other  Courfe, 
of  which  there  are  Precedents  i  and  which,  being 
done  in  Parliament,  is  a  Parlianientary  Couife.' 
A  Committee  was  moved  for,  by  others,  to-confir 
■dCT  of  the  King's  Supply  :  And  Secretary  Cetk 
turged.  That  the  Commiffion  of  the  Navy  might 
.be  the  faSt  examined .  This  was  followed  by  Mr. 
,Str»dt ;  but  he  added,  farcaftical^  enou^,  *  That 
all  who  fpcdce  in  the  Committee  might  apply  them"  , 
felvestothis,  Hovi  %^o  SubJuUes  OD^  Fifteenths-,  pay- 
able more  than  one  Year  hence,  ean  fuf^y  a  Navy, 
to  go  out  in  fourteen  Days.*  "  ■' 

Another  Member,  SkNalhamui  Richt  (aid,  *  Thu 
Xbey  ought  not  ro  refufe  to  give  at  aJl ;  but  firft,  to 
reprefent  difiir  Wants  to  die  King,  Jirll,  for  Reli- 
^n,  to  have  his  Majefty's  Aofwer  jn  fuU  Parlia- 
^ment,  and  then  enrolled ;  which  then  would  "be  o 
Force  with  an  A£t  of  Parliament.  Next,  to  know 
^e  Enemy  agtnnfl  whom  War  was  to  be  mad& 
The  Necefficy  of  an  advifed  Counfel  for  govern- 
ing of  the  great  Affairs  of  the  Kingdom.  The 
Neceffity  of  looking  into  the  King's  Revenue.  To 
.have  his  Ma}eily's  Anfwcr  concerning  .ImpofHions 
on  Wines.  And  tho'  the  Time  was  not  now  fit 
for  the  Decifion  of  all  thefe  Points,  yet  a  feleft' 
Ccmunittee  to  be  appointed  to  fet  down  the  Head; 
of  them,  and  then  to  have  the  King's  Anfwcr  to 
t£em  in  Parliament ;  the  doing  of  which,  he  faid, 
was  no  Capituladon  with  his  Majefly*  but  an  or- 
dinary Parliamentary  Courfe,  as  22  Edw.  III.  and 


30$  Iths  Pai'IidnttAaey  H  i  s  -r^  R  r 

U.W  JuwL^ut  ipMtQut  .«hicb  the  Commqn-WeBlth  co^ 
*^**'     .  A«thw  fopph-  the  KiB«,  Aor  Tubfift.' '   ' 

Mr.  /M»M4iiCetIi  us  (/),  That th^  An^TCoufV' 
ti^n  Were  freer  than'^  this  vith  the  MinHb^.  At 
dtii  D^ate,  he  lay*,  tbcf  urged,  «  That  j^oHi. 
Bun*  ^f  Monof  «««  given  for  Raoes,  M  the 
Vahie  of  i^o^/.  at  Icaft.  That  tin  King  eugtrt 
•o  contribute  to  help  the  Pala^natt't  CauTe  with  his 
own  ^ftate.  Thai  the  Time  of  die  Year  waa  tap 
hi  fpciu  for  the  Float  to  go  out  for  Serviee.  Thstf 
Enquiry  ought  to  he  made,  ^Vhether  the  £Hike 
brake  not  the  Match  with  Spainy  out  of  S^een  aM 
MaUcetothe  Cond*0^>tMr»?  Whether  he  aiaiie 
not  the  Mi^ch  with  frane*  upon  harder  Terras  f 
And  whedter  the  Ships,  employed  againft  JiMbelf 
were  not  maintained  with  the  StifidMS  gtvea  for 
the  Relief  of  the  Pahtinatt  f  Of  all  which  tl^ 
is  not  one'Syllable  mentioned  in  the  ye«nuh. — ^ 
Though  indeed,  there  is  fuffident  Reafoa  to  hdieve 
they  might  have  been  faid  in,  this  Debate>  by  what 

a  M«bcr  en-  fotlqWB  :  For  Mr.  Bdward  Ctuiii,  a  McBiber, 
'  » tis'd  an  ^xpreSbB  in  a  Speech,  '*  That  dtere  hai 
been  Speeches  there,  with  invedive  Bittemefs,  aa4 
very  unfe^uiaUe  f^  ^e  Time.'  On  which  thoe 
waf  a  general  Acelaitivlon,  7«  thi  Bar ;  and,  lad- 
ing orderad  to  sjCpfain  faimfelf  there,  he  gave  £11 
gnater  Offence.  He  was  then  Amher  or^ed  tv 
frithdnAF,  whilft  this  Matter  was  debated  in  ^t 
Houfe.  Some  argued  for  Expulfion  j  o^en  (hid, 
(Jtough  the  Offence  was  great,  yettlte  Puni&nnK 
ought  to  be  nj^re  moderate.  At  Ifngth,  it  was 
Wfeed,  *  That  he  (heuld  kneel  at  the  Bar,  ^ 
die  Speaker  to  let  him  know  the  Houfe  had  tdien 
Juft  Offence  at  his  Words ;  and  then^re  that  he 
{bould  ftand  committed  to  the  Serjeant  during  the 
Pleafure  pf  the  Houfe.'  But,  the  neKt  Day,  upo» 
Submi^on  made,  he  was  releafed. 


(J)  GiBiBitmt,  Vol.  I.  p.  It*. 


•i  in  this  OcVate,  Sir  iW<«  Ct^^M,  A«  Ic«i»e4  Aqs-  *»•  '■'Sf^*' 

qf  Commons  did  wpll  sad  worthily  iW»K4i\  *?"'•  ^f*?''  *"* 
in  cenfwring  that  ill-adviled  Member  th?  \;i&Jh^  "^  ^'^'^ 

for  trenohuig  to  f^r  into  their  ancient  Ltbertjei  i  ui4 
might  sncourage  each  worthy  Servant  of  the  PubUc 
V  here,  to  oiFer  up  freely  his  Counfel  aji4  Qpinipi^; 
Vetf  finpp  thH£  WaHs  cannot  conceal  friuq  tbif 
taxt  of  captioufi,  guUty  9tu]  revengeful  Men  with* 
cutf  the  Cifimfel  ud  Uehatcs  within ;  I  will  cnr 
iJeitvoHr,  as  my  cle&r  Mind  is  frm  frogi  my  pqrr 
fonal  Difiafte  9f  any  one,  fo  b)  expre^  the  ofuie^ 
Thoughci  of  my  Heart,  asd  difcharte  the  Ik$ 
Car?  of  my  Truft,  43  no  Perlbn  Qxm  iiffily  t^ 
jfxy  ianotpnt  3»d  public  Mind ;  except  hi;  Qqp, 
fcicocG  QxHi  awke  him  guilty  pf  fu?b  Cmnes  a« 
iTOrthih  have,  in  Parliament,  im()|FMhed  other*  ii^ 
elder  Tlipfis,  I  will  therefore,  with  fls  nwch Br?-. 
vityas  I  qm,  fet  down  b»w  tbefc  Ipiforderp  hwt, 
by  I?«3^^.  fpniflg  i^>  in  our  own  Memories ;  Iwir 
the  Wjfdoro  of  the  kft  wrf  Vtfcft  AgM  did  of  (44  ' 

jtcdrefs  rfie  IiJcci  uv)  Uftly,  vhat  wpa^ft  and  ditfV* 
fal  Courie  I  would  wiib  to  he  foijowed  W  OMrielwf, 
in  this  fo  happy  Spring  of  our  bopflfiil  Maflcr.  Fotf 
Mr.  Speaker,  ve  are  wt  to  ji)4set  hi#  to  prnfcfU  q 
The  Rcdrels  is  above  tul  ^jitrmmam  Fit^i 

*  How,  Mr.  SpealtOTi  fc  long  as  thofc  attcndei 
»bout  our  laK  Sovereign  Maftqr,  pow  wkh  God, 
93  had  ferved  the  late  Qyaev  of  happy  Meowryi 
pehts  of  the  Crown  were  not  fogrwti  Comimfi. 
^ons  and  Qranti  not  !»  often  complained  of  in 
Parliament  j  Trade  fltf^flied  j  Peiulons  not  Uf 
many,  tho'  raore  than  in  th?  late  Queen's  Time, 
for  they  exceeded  not  iSjQQO^-  novnrar  120,000/,  "■ 
all  Things  of  Moment  VKn  carried  by  public 
Pebate  zt  the  Coux^cil-Table :  no  Honours  fet  to 



3W  7%e  ParliSaentary  ills  to  fc^ 

""S^**  **  nor  VMea  of  Judicature ;' Laws  ag^nft 
**  Priefts  and  Rccufiuits  were  executed ;  Refort  of  Prf- 
^ifis  to  Amballadors  Houfes  barred  and  putiilbed  } 
jis  Majefty,  by  daily  Direflion  to  ill  his  Mihii^rs* 
tnAy  bv  his  o*h  Peri,  detlaring  his  fiiilikc  of  that 
Profemon  ;  no  wafteful  Expences  in  fmitlels  Am- 
baflttcs,  nor  any  tranfcendent  Power  in  any'oii^ 
Miniftcr.  f'or  Matters  of  Statcj  the  Councit- 
Table  held  up  the  fit  and  ancient  Dignity.  So- long 
as  my  Lord  of  Stmerfit  fiood  in  State  of  Grace,  ' 
and  had,  by  his  Majefty's  Favour,  the  Tnift  of  the 
Si^fct  Seal,  he  oft  would  g^ory  juftly,  that  there 
puled  neither  to  himfelf,  or  his  Friends,  aAylong' 
Orants  of'  his  Highne&'s  Lands  or  PenfltHls :  Fo^ 
of  that  which  himfelf  had,  he  paid  16,060  A  to* 
wards  the  Marriage- Portion  of  rfie  King's  Dai^h- 
ter.  His  Care  was  to  paTs  no  Monopoly  or  illegal 
Grant;  and  that  fome  Memben  of  ^is  Honfe  caii 
wttnefs  by  his  Charge  uftto  them.  No  giving  wa^ 
to  the  Saf^  of  Honours,  as  a  Breach  upon  the  No-  . 
bility,  (for  fuch  were  his  own  Words)  refiiiing  Si^ 
yahn  Reper's  Office,  then  tetidred  Xo  procure  hiid 
to  be  made  2  Baron.  The  Match  with  Spain  then 
oflered,  (and  with  Condition  to  require  no  fiuther 
Toleration  in  Religion  than  AmbaJladors  bete  are 
allowed)  he,  dilt:overing  the  double  Dealing  and 
the  Dangers,  diiTuaded  his  Majefty  from ;  and  left 
fcim  fo  fer  in  Diftnift  of  the  Faith  of  that  King,^ 
^nd  bis  great  Inftrument  Gaadcmar,  then  here  re^ 
fiding>  diat  his  Majefty  did  term  him  long  Time 
after  a  Ju^Hng  Jatk.  Thus  flood  the  Effeft  of 
hb  Power  wi^  his  Majefty  when  the  Clouds  of  his 
Misfbrmne  fell  upon  him.  What  the  fiiture  Advices 
led  in',  we  may  well  rem«nber.  "Wis  Marriage  with. 
Spain  was  ae^n  renewed :  Gtn^mar  declared  an  ho-> 
neft  Man :  Popery  heartened,  by  employing  fufped- 
ed  Pcrfons  for  Conditions  of  Conveniency :  Thei 
Forces  of  his  Majefty  in  the  Palatinate  withdrawn^ 
upon  Spanijb  Faith  improved  here  and  believed,  by . 
which  his  Highnefs's  Children  have  loft  their  Pa- 
trimony i  and  more  Money  been  fpent  iii  fruitlefs 
"'  Am-. 


■     If   EN  G  LA  N  D.  349 

'  Ainbafl^es,  than  would  have  maintained  itn  Army  An,  i  Chatlett, 
fit  to  have  recovered  that  Country.     Our  old  and        "'S- 

-&ft  Allies  dilheartcned,  by  that  tedious  and  danger- 
ous Treaty :  And  the  King  our  now  Mafter  ex- 
poTed  to  fa  great  a  Peril,  as  no  wile  and  faithful 
Coui)cil  would  ever  have  advifed.  Errors  in  Go- 
vernment, more  in  Misfortune  by  weak  Counfcls, 
dian  in  Princes.' 

*  The  Lofs  of  the  County  of  Poyntois  in.  France, 
"Was  laid  to  Bifhop  IVickham's  Charge  in  the  hrft  trf 

Richard  II.  for  perfuading  the  King  to  forbear  fend-  . 

'  ing  Aid  when  it  w^  required  :  A  Capital  Crime  in 
Parliament.  The  Lofs  of  the  Duchy  of  Maine 
was  laid  to  Di  la  Pole  Duke  of  Suffolk,  28  Htarf 
VI.  'in  fmgly  and  unwifely  treating  of  a  Marriage 
.in  France.' 

■ '  A  S^«i>  Treaty  loft  the  Palatinate.— Whofe 
.  Counfel  hath  pronounced  fo  great  Power  to  the 
SpOttifij  ^ent  (as  never  before)  to  cffciS  Freedom 
to  fo  many  Priefta  as  have  been  of  late  ;  and  to 
become  a  Sotlicitor  almoft  in  every  Tribunal  for 
>the  ill-aj!e^d  Subje^  of  the  State,  is  wonh  the 
Inquiry  ?' 

*  What  Grants  of  Impofitions,  before  crofled, 
-  have  lately  been  complained  qf  in  Parliament  ?  As 

that  of  Jle-Houfis,  Gtld-Thread,  Pretermitted  Cu- 
JiomSy  and  mamy  more  j  the  leaft  of  which  would 
have,  ^0  Edwardlll.  been  adjudged  in  Parliament 
an  heinous  Crime,  as  well  as  thofe  of  Lyon  and 

»  The  Duke  of  Suffolk  in  the  Time  of  Henry     . 
Vr.  in  procuring  fuch  another  Grant,  in  Deroga- 
tion of  the  Common  Law,  was  adjudged  in  Par- 

*  The  Gift  of  Honours,  kept  as  the  inoft  facred 
Tteafure  of  the  State,  now  fet  to  Sale.  Parlia- 
ments .have  been  Suitors  to  the  King  to  beftow 
thofe  Graces;  as  in  the  T^mes  of  Edward  III. 
Henry  IV.  and  Henry  VI.  More  now  led  in,  by 
that  Way  only,  than  all  the  Merits  of  the  beft  De- 
fcrvcrs  have  got  thefe  laft  500  Years.  So  tender 
was  the  Care  of  elder  Times,  that  it  is  an  Article 
•.  Vol..  VI.  A  a  28  Henry 


37©  the  Parliammtitry  l^iizT-Q/t.^ 

^  t  CJuital.  a8  Henry  VI.  in  Parliament  ag^nft  the  Duk«  of 
^^•i-  Suffolk^  that  he.bad  procured  for  himfelf,  and  fotftc 
few  others,  fuch  Titles  of  Honour,  aiul  thofe  fb 
irregular,  that  he  was  the  firft  that  eycr  was  £axl. 
Marquis,  and  Duke  of  the  felf-fame  Place,  Edr 
tuard  I.  reftrained  the  Number,  in  Policy,  tljat 
would  have  challenged  a  Writ  by  Tenure  :  And 
bow  this  Proportion  may  fuit  with  the  Profit  of 
the  St^te,  we  cannot  lell.  Great  Deferts  have 
now  ,no  other  Recompence  than  coftly  Rewards 
from  the  King ;  for,  we  are  now  at  a  vile  Price  of 
that  which  was  once  ineAimable.  If  wprthjr  Perr 
ibns  have  been  advanced  freely  to  Places  of  gj^^teff 
Tnift,  I  ftiall  be  glad.  Spencer  was  condemned 
in  the  i^Edwardii.  for  difplacing  good- Servants 
about  the  King,  and  putting  in  his  Friends  aod  Fot- 
lowers ;  not  leaving,  either  in  the  CVurch  or  Coin- 
ipon,- Wealth,  a  Place  to  any,  before  a  Fine  WM 
paid  unto  him  for  his  Dependence,  The:  lUuT  in 
part  was  laid  by  Parliament  on  De  la  Pole,  tt.  cas- 
not  but  be  a  fad  Hearing  unto  us  all,  whatmyLc^ 
Treafurer  lately  told  us  of  his  Majcfty's  gntrt 
Debts,  high  Engagements,  and  prefent  W(^K*<• 
The  Noife  whereof  I  wifli  may  ev^  reft  inclofed 
within  thefe  Walls.  For,  what  an  Encoui3grai|3tf 
It  may  be  to  our  Enemies,  and  a  DiQieartni^g^  ty 
OHC  Friends,  I  cannot  tell.  The  Danger  of  t^K^q) 
ifanythey  havebeentheCaufe,  is  great  and /eyrfii). 
it  was  np  fmall  Motive  to  the  Parliantent,  in  .t^ 
Time  of  Henry  III.  to  banifh  the  Kingfs  Haiiir 
Brethren  for  procuring  to  themfelves  fo  large  Pro- 
portion of  Crown  Lands.  Gaveflan  and  Spejutr 
kfT  doing  the  like  for  tbemfelv^,  aqd .  their  Fol» 
lowers,  in  the  Time  of  Edward  II,  and  the  L(a^ 
ye0  for  procuring  the  like  for  her  Brother  Beaw 
tnantf  was  bauiftied  the  Court.  A£chae!  dela  P,»1f 
was  condemned  lo  Richard  11.  in  P^irliapif^n^ 
ampqgft  other  Crimes,  for  procuring  L^ds-  and 
Penfioos  from  the  Kingj  and  haying  e^nployed  th« 
Subfidies  to  other  Ends  than  the  Graiit  i^teiidsidU 
His  Grand-ChUd,  /if/V/wm' Duke  of  Suffplf^.fon 
tbelike.w^  cenltired  ziJ^f^^h    "l^  gr^ 

^      ■     1/   E  N  G  L  A'N  E*.  371 

■feifcop  oiWimhefifr\   '\o  Edward  HI.    was  put*"- '^^•*«'' 
iipon  the  King's  Mercy  by  Parliament,  for  wafting 
in  Tinle  of  Pdace,  the  Revenues  of.  the  CrOwn, 
knd  Gifts  of  the  People  ;  to  the  yearly  OppreJBon 
bf  the  Commoh-W^lth:     Offetices  of  this  Na- 

■  ifnre  *ere  urged,  to  the  rtiining  of  the  laft  Diilce  of 
Samtrfet  itt  the  Time  of  Edward  VI.  More  fear- 
ful Examples  may  be  fpurid,  too  frfiqUcnt  in  Re- 
^rds:  Such  ImproVideiice  and  ill  Counfel  led 
Hetuy  IIJ.  into  fo  great  a  Strait,  as  after  he  had 
pawned  fottie  Part  of  His  fdrei^  Territories,  broke 
Up  his  Houfej  and  fought  his  Diet  at  Abbiet  and 
Religious  Houlei,  engaged  not  only  his  own  Jew-  , 
els,-  but  thofe  bf  the  Sbri^ne  of  St.  Edward  it  Weft- 

.  \ninftef ;  he  Was  in  the  end  not  content,  but  con- 
ftrained  to  lay  to  pawn  (as  fome  of  his  SuccefTora 
after  didj  Movant  Coronarh  Anglia^  the  Crown  o£ 
England..    To  dl^aw  you  out  to  Life  the  Image  of 

■  former  Kings  Extivmities,  I  will  tell  yoii  what  I 
found  flnce  this  Affembly  stOxfard,  written  by  a  Re- 
verend Man,  twice  Vice-Chancellor  df  this  Place  j 
hisNanlewa3Gi7/fO(^>(;  aMan  that  faw  the  Tragedy 
'of  De  la  Pole  :  He  tells  you  that  the  Revenues  of 
the  Cro>*n  were  fo  rciit  away  by  ill  Counfel,  that 

" ,  the  King  was  inforced  to  live  de  Taltagli  Papuli : 
That  the  Kirig  was  growa  in  Debt  quinque  centen* 
inillia  Librarum :  That  his  gteat  Favourite,  iii 
bleating  of  a  foreign  Marriage,  had  loft  his  Maftep  . 
a  foreign  Duchy:  That  to  work  his  Ends,  he  had 
caufed  the  King  to  adjourn  the  Parliament  in  Villis 
itf  rimUh  Partibus  Regni,  where  few  People,  prap- 
ier  defiaum  Hofpitii  l^  ViiiUalium  could  attend  j 
and  by  flliftihg  that  AiTembly  from  Place  to  Place; 
to  inforcc  (I  will  ufc  the  Author's  own  Words) 
Silas  pa&cet,  qui  remanehant  de  Cemmtitiitate  R'gni't 
tekuitre  Rigi  quamvis  fefftma.  When  the  Parlia- 
bie'tit  endeavoured  by  art  A£t  of  Refumpbon,  the 
Juft  arid  n^qiieiitWay  to  repair  the  laiiguifliing 
State  of  th^  Crown  (foT  all  from  fhmj  III.  but 
fanei  till  the  6  Henry  VIII;  have  uf^  it)  this  great 
Man  ,u>ld  the  King  it  was  ad  Dedecus  Rjgiti  and 
ifOcsd  tlim  (tin  it :  X<i  which  the  Commons  an- 
A-K*  fmr-di 

37*  ^  ParUamentdry  History 

kibi  cbuln  1<  fwec'd,  altho'  VMiifi  Lahoribut  (^  Expmfisy  tittn- 
|6»S'  jaiWB  eoncederent  Taxairt  Regi,  until  by  Authority 
of  Parliament,  refumeret  a^nf  liter  omnia  Pertituntia 
Corana:  Anglia  :  And  that  it  was  magti  ad  Dtde- 
ius  Regis,  to  leave  fo  many  poor  Men  in  intolerable 
Want,  to  whom  the  King  flood  then  indebted. 
Yet  nought  could  all  good  Counfel  wofk,  until 
by  Parliament  that  bad  great  Man  was  bani&ed  ; 
which  was  no  fooner  done^  but  an  A£l  of  Rc- 
fumption  followed  the  Inrollment-,of  the  A&  of 

_  his  Exilement.  That  w^  a  fpeeding  Article  a- 
gainft  the  Bifhop  of  tyinclKfltr  and  bis  Brother,  in 
the  Time,  of  Edward  III.  that  they  had  tngrolTed 
the  Perfon  of  the  King  from  his  other  Lords.  It 
was  not  forgotten  againft  Gavejim  and  the  Speruert^ 
in  the  Time  of  Edward  II.  The  unhappy  Mi- 
nifters  of  Ridard  11.  Henry  VI.  and  Edward  VJ. 
felt  the  Weight,  to  their  Ruin,  of  the  like  Errors. 
I  hope  we  Ibalt  not  complain  in  Parliament  again 
of  fuch.'  I 

*  I  am  glad  we  haire  neither  juft  Caufe,  or  un- 
dutiful  Difpofitions,  to  appoint  the  King  a  Counfel 
toredrefs  thofe  Errors  in  Parliament,  as  thofe  42 
Henry  III.  We  do  not  defire,  as  5  Henry  IV,  or 
zg  Henry  VI,  the  removing  from  about  the  King 
any  evil  Counfellors.  We  do  not  requeft  a  Choice 
by  Name,  as    14  Edward  11.  3,  5,   ii.     Richard 

.11.  8  Henry  rV.  or  31  Henry  Vl.  nor  to  fwear 
them  in  Parliament,  as  35  Edward  I.  9  Edward 
II.  or  5  Richard  II.  or  to  line  them  out  theJr  Di- 
rections of  Rule,  as  43  Henry  III.  and  8  Henry 
VI.  or  defire  that  when  Henry  III.  did  promife  in 
his  42d  Year,  fe  A£la  tmnia  per  Affenjum  Magna- 
tum.  de  Condlio  fua  ile^orum,  tf  _fine  eoram  A^nfu 
nihil.  We  only  in  loyal  Duty  offer  up  our  humble 
Defires,  that  iince  his  Majefty  hath,  with  advifed 

^  Judgment,  ej^fted  lb  wife,  religious,  and  worthy 
Servants,  to  attend  him  in  that  high  Emplojmient ; 

,he  will  be  pleafed  to  advife,  with  them  together,  a 
Way  of  Remedy  for  thofe  Difaflers  in  State,  brought 
on  by  long  Security  arid  happy.  Peace  j  and  not  be 
led  with  young  and  (ingle  CounTil.' 
■     Thus  ends  Sir  iiiiert.Cfl^toM.  We 


eA'   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  373 

We  now  return  to  the  Ltrdt  Journals,  for  an  *"-  '  Chwlei  r.  ■ 
Affair  of  no  fmall  Moment,  fince  tbe  Conrequence  '  **' 
of  it  determined  the  Fate  of  this  Parliament. '  It . 
is  very  Jamcly  inferced  in  the  fnumah  of  the 
Commons,  and  more  fo  in  Ruflnuorth ;  whofe 
Miftakcs  and  OmilEons  will  be  particularly  diftin- 
guiOied  in  this  Recital.   - 

Augufi  8.  The  former  Authorities  tell  us    that 
this  Day  the  Lords  fent  a  Meflage  to  the   Com-  > 
mons,    '  That  they  had   received  one  from    the  j^  ^^^^  Confe- 
King,  which  was  to  be  delivered  to  the  Lords  and  mce  nUtin^  ta  ' 
Commoos  together,  by  the  Lord  Keeper  and  the  l^'P*^ 
7>ulce  of  Buckingham  -,  and  that  his  Majefty  had 
commanded  the  Lord  Keeper  to  require   the  Lord 
Treafurer,  the  Lord  Comvay,  and  Sir  yohn  Cooky 
to  affift  his  Grace  therein.      Upon  which  Account, 
the  Lords  required  a  prefent   Meeting  with   their 
whole  Houfe,  in  the  great  Hall  of  Chrift -Churchy 
if  it  fuited  their  Conveniency.* 

The  Anfwcr  returned  was,  '  That  the  Com- 
mons would  meet,  at  the  Time  and  Place  appoint- 
ed, with  their  Speaker  and  the  whole  Houfe.  And, 
as  Intimation  was  given,  that  there  might  be  Oc- 
caiion  for  a  worthy  Member  of  their  Houfe,  in 
delivering  the  Meflage  from  his  Majefty  ;  though 
it  was  againft  the  very  fundamental  Privileges  f^ 
the  Houfe  of  Commnns,  yet  they  gave  way  to  it,- 
with  Ads  Provifo  ;  That  he  fpeak,  as  the  Kin^t 
Servant  and  CommiJfMno-y  and  not  as  a  Membtr  ef 
their  Houfe' 

At  the  feme  Time,  the  Commons  ordered,  with- 
in themfelves,  That,  as  the  Speaker  and  the  whole 
Houfe'  went  up,  if  the  Lords  kept  bare,  to  do  the 
fame  ;  if  they  covered,  then  the  Speaker  and  the 
reft  to  cover  alfo. 

Augu/i  9,  The  Report  of  this  grapd  Conference 
between  the  two  Houfes  was  made  in  the  Houfe  of 
Lords,  by  [Dr.  Abht]  Archbifhop  of  Caitterbary : 
And  firft,  on  what  had  been  offered  by  the  Com- 
mons concerning  Religion. 

'  That  they  pre  fen  cd  a  Petition,  dire^ed  to  his         ' 
Majefty,  dcfiring  this  Houfe  to  Join  with 'them' 
A  a  3  ■  _  therein  ij 

37+  ^  FarHamentafy  Hist  or* 

An.  1  Chata  V  therein ;  the  Effefl:  whereof  was.  That  wl«»a^ 
^**S*        the  Lords  and  Commons  did,  at  their  Uft  Meeting, 
prefent  a  Petition  to  his  Maj^y,   for, Advance- 
ment of  God's  true  Religion  and^fupprxffing  the 
fTontrary ;  unto  which  his  Majcfty  vouctjfafed,  as 
well  by  his  own  Mouth,  a^  by  the  Lord  Keeper's 
on  the  nth  of  July  laft,  to  return  fuch  aiJ  An- 
fwer  as  gave  them  Affuranee  of  his  Roy^  Perfor- 
mance thireof;   yet,  at  this  Meeting,  they  find 
Hhs  CMDmoft   that*  on  the  l  2th  of  yufy  laft,  his  Majefty  granted 
p™b'""  '>f  *     a  Eardon  aato  JUxait^r  Baker,  a  Jefuit,  and  ten 
b.Sii^'ftc.    other  Papijis;  ^hich,  as  they  ape  informed,  was 
''  '  upori  the  importunity  of  fome  foreign  Embafla-- 

dor ;  and  that  it  pafled  by  immediate  Warrant,  and 
was  recommended  by  Uie  principal  Secretary  oF 
State,  without  paying  the  ordinary  fees. 

Alfo,  That  divers  Copes,  Altars,  Chalices,  ^ft 
(«)  being  found  in  the  Houfe  pf  one  Mary  Eft-_ 
nand,  in  Dorfeljhire^  by  two  Juftices  of  Ppace; 
they  thereupoh  tendered  her  the  Oath  of  Allegiance^ 
which,  ftic  rcfufingj  they  committed  her  to  the 
Copftable,  from  whom  the  made  her  Efcape^  and 
.complained  to  the  King,  That  the  faid  Secretary 
of  State  did  write  unto  thefe  Juflices  in  her  Fa-  , 
voiir }  all  which  they  humbly  defired  his  Majefty 
to  take  into  Contideration,  and  to  give  a  due,  efr 
^Qi\ie&,  and  fpeedy  Redrefs  therein. 

After  which  the  faid  Petition,  Pardon,  and  Lct- 
t^  were  read ;  and  then  the  Ai^chbiftiop  proceeded 
with  the  Report,  *  That  the  Commons  tnJiAed 
much  upon  three  Points :  Firji,  The  Date  erf  the 
Pardon,  being  the  next  Day  after  the  King^s  An- 
swer delivered  to  both  Houfes,  by  the  King's  Com7 
niand.  StcoruSy,  That  the  Pardon  difpenfeth  whfa 
thefe  Laws,  vi%.  with  the  Statutes  of  the  23d  and 
27th  Elix.  and  the  3d  yac.  provided  to  Keep  hia 
Majefty's  Subjc£ts  in  due  Obedience ;  and  wjdi  Hl$ 
Statute  the  loch  of  Edward  III.  which  dire6teth, 
Thateicery  Felon,  upon  Pardon  obtaioetj,  fliould 
be  bound  to  good  Behaviour.  Tbir^,  That  it 
■"       .  wai 

(>]  Tbeft  an  tailed  in  SKJheartb,   bj   gKat  MiiUke;  fttnra} 
pfini/^liri  Old  ilhir  f^rt,  "   ■   '    "' 

^  ^  N  G  L  A  N  D.  '      jy)f 

«na  (blicited  by  the  principal  Secretaiy,  the  Lord'Aii.  iCiurft.i4 
Comvay;  and   to-  this  they  added  ih*fe  CiFcum-         ***** 


•  That  this  ftfidU  being  fcrmerly  imprifonn),  ' 
and  ftow  let  at  Libmy,  bis  Converfatton  might 

Iw  dangerous  in  perverting  many  of  the  King's 
Subjeds.  That,  heretofore,  in  the  Time  of, 
Quteeh  EHxabeth,  if  any  were  convifled  and  p4r- 
(toned,  (for  ftie  pardoned  ndne  before  ConvitSioni 
dixt  their  FaUhs  mi^t  be  Rrll  known)  they  Wer^ 
dfo,  baniOied,  not  tb  tfctum  upon  I^in  of  Death, 
*hich  is  prevented  by  this  Pardon.  They  coh- 
cluded,  That  both  this  Pardon  and  Ldtter  ■9i€A 
ftrocured  by  die  Importunity  <rf  fome  fbteigh  Ehi- 
bi^lsdoTs ;  which  vna  of  dangefoiis  ConfequenA, 
R>  give  the  Subjcdb  here  any  Dependency  upon 

The  Archbijhop  havfniended,  the 'Lord  CsHtftW 
Aood  up  and  affirmed,  '  That  Iho' the  PaRlon  wj)( 
d«ed  the  next  Day  after  the  Ring's  Prdmife  to  tho 
Parliament,  yet  it  Was  no  Bf^Ch  thereof.  Fdr  ifi 
was  granted  k>ng  before;  and  his  Lordfhip  fhev^. 
That,  at  Chrijmai  laft»  his  late  Majefty  promifca 
to  the  Marquis  de  f^tia  Clara,  the  French  Embafi 
lador,  certainGraces  and  Privileges  to  the  Papist } 
dtX  the  Marquis  UPE^at  did,  afterwards,  obtaiii 
file  like,  tb  the  End  that  the  Queen  might  oam* 
Hii  thor6  eafy  hither  t  and  ttit  Dake  de  Chevtreta 
Ms  Majefty's  Kinfman,  who  brought  the  Qoeeq 
over,  had  importuned  him  that  he  might  alio  carry 
^  Home  *he  iikc  Graces.' 

*  That  the  Pardon  paffed  by  immediate  Warnimi 
to  take  tiff  the  continaal  Importunity  of  the  Em-« 
baAadors  to  the  King  5  and  he,  being  Secretary  of 
State,  Iblicited  it  hin^felf ;  but  it  was  at  his  Ma- 
jetty's  Ccmmand,  to  take  off  all  Imputation  fr«n 
falrhJW;  and  not  out  of  any  AfFe^Jon  of  his  tQ 
rirtt  Religion  which  he  ever  hated.' 

"   *  As  touching  the  Non-payment  of  the  Fees,  hi^ 

K/ordfiiip  faid,  Tfiat  Mr.  Benbmx  demanded   50/; 

fat  fliem  ;  ajld  tlH)  Embaflador  com{Jlainlng  thereof 

A  ti  4  t« 


37*  7^  ParUamttitary  His t o ity 

»,iChMloi.-to  the  King,-  he  commanded  him.  to  fee  tiiat  «»■ 
'*'S-        Fees  flMuld  betaken.' 

*  That  the  Duke  dt  Cbeutrtux  importuned  the  • 
King  to  write  that  Letter,  hifnfelf,  in  Favour  of 
Mrs.  Eftmond;  and  he,  as  Secretary,  was  forced 
and  commanded  to  do  it,  rather  than  that  his  Ma-- 
jefty  Ihould.  The  laid  Duke  complained  much  of 
the  Juflices  hard  Carriage  unto  hgr,  but  he  never 
heard  any  thing  of  her  obAinateBehaviourtothem;  ' 

^  nor  of  any  Copes,  nor  Altars^  found  in  hcrHoufej 

wherefore  he  wrote,  alfo,  to  be  advertifed  of  her 
Oftence  by  them,  but  was  not  anfwered  till  within- 
tbcfc  few  Days.' 

*  •  His  Lordihip  protefled  his  Sincerity  to  the  true. 
Religion,  here  eftabliflied ;  whereof  he  had  foitner- 
ly  given  good  Teftimony,  and  in  which  he  would 
perfevere.  And  what  he  did,  ifi  thefe  Matters, 
was  only  to  take  ^wly  all  Scandal  from  the  King, 
though  it  lighted  upon  himfelf  j  and  that  be  did 
nothing  but  what  he  was  firft,  cxprefly,  commando 
ed  to  do  by  the  King.' 

.  The  Lord  Keeper  affirmed,  *  That  he  received 
the  faid  Pardon,  long  before  the  Date  thereof ;  and' 
)F  he  had  made  a  Reeipe  upon  the  Warrant,  as  is 
ufual  in  otherCafes,  it  had  borne  Datewith  that  tho* 
feakd  afterwards.  But,  that  his  LoFdfhip deferred 
the  Sealing  thereof,  in  Hopes  that  the  Embafladon 
TTOuld  have  been  gone  firft,  as  they  were  often  for 

fmng.  But,  they  ftaying,  and  daily  urging  the 
^ing  for  the  Pardon,  he,  being  again  commuid* 
ed,  fealed  it  at  the  next  general  Seal ;  and  fo  it 
had  Date  with  the  Time  of  the  Seal,  and  not  of 
the  Grant.  His  Lordlhip,  well  hoping,  upon  the 
.  Departure  of  the  Embaffadors,  to  have  ftopped  it 
with  his  Majefty,  otherwife  it  had  been  fealed  be- 
fore the  King's  Prom ife  to  the  Parliament;  and 
therefore  this  can  be  no  Breach  of  the  King's  Pro- 
mife.'  His  Lordlhip  alfo  faid,  *  That  theEmbaf- 
£idor  urged  his  Majefty  very  much,  to  give  a  gcne> 
ral  Difpcnfation  to  the  Pafifis ;  but  the  King  was 
advifcd  rather  to  pardon  fnmc  few;  of  them  what- 
was  paft,  ,  Which  Cotinli;l>  though  to  be  com- 


«/.E  N-G  LAND.  377 

mended,  yet  none  gave  way  to  it,  but  much  agalnft  *"■ '  chariei  l 
their  WilU  ;  and  his  Lordfliip  wiftied  that  a  Peti-     '       *^'    , 
tion  might  be  prefented  to  the  King,  to  flay  the 
iike  Pardons  hereafter.' 

Next  follows  in  the  Journals,  a  Copy  of  a  Pe-  ; 
tition  to  the  King,  from  the  Lords  and  Commons, 
repeating  the  aforefaid  Evidences ;  and  that  as  the  ' 
Letter  and  Pardon  were  drawn  from  him  by  the 
Importunity  of  foreign  Embafladors  ;  a  Gourfe,  of' 
late,  too  frequently  pradlifed  by.  his  il]-affe6led  Sub- 
jcifts,  it  was  of  dangerous  Confequence,  inducing 
to  a  Dependency  upon  foreign  Princes,  ttfc.  But 
as  the  whole  of  this. would  be  a  Repetition  of  what 
is  gone  before,  and  befides,  as  it  was  never  pre- 
fented, it  may  well  be  omitted. 

This  previous  Affair  on  Religion  being  fettled, ' 
which  we  find  the  Commons  infifted  on  before  . 
they  would  hear  the  King's  Meffage ;  ■  the  Lord 
,  Keeper,  on  the  fame  Day,  next  proceeded  to  give  _ 
the  reft  of  the  Report  on  what  pafTed  in  the  Con- 
ference, along  with  the  King's  Meffage  and  the' 
Confequence  of  it. 

His  Lordfhip  began  with  telling  the  Houfe,' 
*  That  his  Majeftyiad  gracioufly,  fully,  and  in  k 
Parliamentary  Manner,  anfwered  the  Petition  con-' 
ccrning-  Religion,  delivered  him  by  both  Houfes, 
at  Hampton-Court,  the  7th  Day  of  July  laft ;  and 
had  commanded  his  Lordfhip  to  figni^  to  the  Lords 
and  Commons,  that  he  had  alfo  given  Commahd 
to  the  Lord  Admiral  to  deliver  his  faid  Anfwers' 
thereunto,  to  both  Houfes ;  to  be  by  them  depo- 
fed,  as  the  Anfwers  of  Kings  unto  Petitions,  of" 
that  Itind,  exhibited,  are  wont  to  be.  And  withal' 
Co  deliver  a  MelTage  from  his  Majefty,  concerning 
tbe  great  Affairs  pf  his,  how  in  Agitation  in  the' 
Houfc  of  Commons.' 

That  then  the  Lord  Admiral  faid,  '  His  Ma- 
jefty had  laid  upon  him  fuch  a  Charge ;  as,  when 
he  did  confidcr  his  own  Weaknefs,  it  might  utterly ' 
difcourage  him ;  were  it  not  that  refletSing  again 
upon  that  PlainneiJs  and  Sincerity,  wherein  a  King 
ibould  deal  with  his  People,  he  found  himfelf  tbe  '  . 


37^  ^  TarUamentary  HiSTokY 

♦*■  ■^»*»  !•  fitter  for  the  Employment ;  in  that  he  was  fure  he 
*  *■  fliould  deliver  it  without  Rhctonck  or  Art.  As 
concerning  the  Petition,  he  could  difpatch  that  in 
two  Words ,  that  is,  by  giving  a  full  AITurance 
that  all  was  granted  which  was  defired  ;  but  held 
it  litter,  for  more  Satisfaflion,  to  read  (be  Petition 
with  the  Anfweri  annexed ;  and  they  were  read 
'accordingly,  by  Mr.  Attorney  in  hac  Ver$a  : 

To  the  KING'S  ffloft  Excellent  Majefty.      ' 

Mofl  gradaus  StV^ereigHt 
fe  K^fo'fe  *  I  ^  ^"*?,  "^f^l'i^ly  true.  That  nothing  can 
ifcwaition  of  U»  *  *  ^°^^  eftaWiih  the  Throne,  and  afliire  the 
Livn  igiinft  Po-  *  Peace  and  Pro^rity  of  the  People,  than  the 
^'  "^tal'*  ^"*y  "^  Sincerity  of  Religion,:  We  your  moft 
ligi^  *  humble  and  loyal  Siibje^,  the  Lords  Spiritual 

*  andTemporal,  and  Commons  of  this  prefentPai- 
''.liameat  ^embled,  hold  ourfelves  bound  in  Con- 

*  icience  and  Duty  to  rcprefent  die  fame  to  your 
"  *  lacred  Majefty,  together  with  the  dangerous  Con- 

*  Ixquences  of  the  Iticreafe  of  Pofery  in  this  Land, 

*  and  what  we  conceive  to  be  the  principal  Caufci 

*  thereof,  and  what  may  be  the  Remedies. 

The  Dangers  appear  in  ihefe  Particulari. 

*  I.  In  their  defperate  Ends,  being  both  the  Sub-' 

*  verfion  of  the  Chwch  and  State  j  and  the  Reft- 

*  lelTnefi  of  their  Spirits  to  attain  thefe  Ends,  ihe 

*  Do^faine  of  their  Teachers  and  Leaders,  perfuar 

*  ding  them,    that   therein    they   do  God   good 

*  Service. 

*  II.  Their  evident  and  ftrifl  Dependency  upon 

*  fuch  fgrei|n  Princes,  as  no  way  afFeft  the  Good 

*  of  your  Majefly  and  this  State. 

*  III.  The  opening  a  way  of  Popularity  to  thl 

*  Ambition  of  any,  who  Qull  adventure  to  make 

*  himfclf  Head  of  fo  great  a  Par^. 

The  principal  Cau/e  if  tBe  Jmrrtaj*  ef  Pi^ilb. 

*  L,  The  Want*  of  tbe  doe  Execution  of  the 

*  iMiii   agrinft  JeJuitSy    Seminary  Pricfts,    anJ' 

,  *  P'^A 

«/  E  N  G  L  A  N  0.  37^ 

f  J^ipijh  R«cuftnB  J  occafioned  partly  by  t&e  Con-  An.  i  CHIn  ^ 
,<  nivency  of  the  State,  partly"  by  Defefls  in  the        ***S* 
?  Laws  themfelvesj    and  partly  by  the  manifold 
.'  Abufe  of  Officers. 

'  II.  The  interpofing  of  foreign  Princes  by  their 
f  Ambai&dors  and  Agents  in  Favour  of  diem. 

'  III.  Their  great  Concourfe  to  the  City,  and 
f  frequent  Conferences  and  Conventicles  there. 

•  iV.  The  open  and  ufua!  Refort  to  the  Houfes 
f  and  Chapels  of  foreign  Ambafladors.' 

•  y.  The  Education  of  their  Children  in  Semi- 

l  naries  and  Houfes  of  their  Religion  in  foreign^* 
f  Parts,  which  of  late  have  been  greatly  multipU- 
<  ed  and  enlarged  for  ^e    enteruumng  of    the, 
.    ?  EngUjh.     '  '  ' 

•  yi-  That  ig  feme  Places  of  your'Real'm,  your 

*  Pet;^  be  notiuffictent!^  inftmaed  in  the  Know-  , 

.*  ledge  <^  true  Religion. 

'  Vil.  The  licentious  printing  and  difperiing  pf 
f  Pepifi  and  feditibus  Books; 

•  VIII.  The  EmfiJoyment  of  Men  lll-affeacd 
'  in  Rdigion  in  Places  of  Government,  who  do,, 
.*  fludl,  or  may,  countenance  the  Ptpifi  Party. 

-7!ttf  Sitntdit!  agaif^  this  eKtragetms  and  dangeraut 

Difeafty  Vie  canteive  to  be  theft  enfuing. 
.  •  I.  That  the  Youth  of  this  ReaJm  be  carefully 
f  educated  by  able  and  religious  Schodlmaflers^  and 
.'  they  to  be  enjoined  to  catechize  and  in4ru& 
f  their  Scholars  in  the  Grounds  and  Principles  of 
.*■  ti\ie  Religion.     And  whereas,   by  many  Com- 

*  plaints  from  divers  Parts  of  the  Kingdom,  it  doth 
5  plainly  appear.  That  fundryPo^Z/Ii!  Scholars,  dif- 

*  femblmg  their  Religion,  have  craftily  crept  in, 

*  and  obtained  the  Places  of  Teaching  in  divers 
.*-  Counties,  and  thereby  infeited  and  perverted  their 
'  Scholars,  and  To  fitted  them  to  be  tranfported  ta 
*'■  the  Popijh  Seminaries  beyond  the  Seas ;  that  therc- 

*  fore  there  be  great  Care  in  the  Choice  and  Admif- 
,*  lion  of  Schoo!mailers,and  that  theOrdinariesmaka 

*  diligent  Enquiries  of  their  Demeanors^  and  pro^ 

■  -  -  *■  teei 


380  The  ParJiamenfary'HisTOKY 

Ad.  I  chMln  I.  '  ceed  to  th«  removing  of  fuch  aa  Iball  be  faulcj', 
■'•J-         *  orjuftlyfurpeded. 

His  M  A  JEST  y's- Answi  R. 
Aod  the  Kini't        This  it  well  alkwed  afy  and  fir  the  better  Per- 
A   *at,  fitrmance  of  what  is  defired,  Letten  Jhallbe  turitttit 

to  the  two  Jrchbijhops^  and,  from  them^  Letters  to 
go  to  all  the  Ordinaries  of  their  feveral  Provinces  ta 
fee  this  done  ;  the  feveral  Ordinaries  to  give  jlccount 
ef  their  Doings  herein  to  the  Arehbijheps  refptSivelyy 
and  they  to  give  AuouM  to  his  Majejiy  of  thtir  Pro- 
teedings  herein. 

II.  *  That  the  ancient  DifciplinQ  of  the  Uni-  - 

*  verfitics  be  reltored,  being  the- famous  Nurferics- 

*  of  Literature  and  Virtue.' 

Anfw.  This  is  approved  by  Ms  Majejiy,  and  the 
Chancellor  of  each  Vmverfsty  fttall  be  required  to  taufi 
due  Execution  of  it. 

III.  *  That  fpecial  Care  be  taken  to  enlarge  the 
'  Word  of  God  throughout  all  the  Pans  of  your 
',  Ma^efty's  Dominions,  as  being  the  moft  power- 
*'  ful  Means  for  planting  of  true, Religion,   and 

*  rooting  out  of  the  contrary  :  To,  which  End,  a- 
'  ni6ng  other  Things,  let  it  pleafe  yourMajcfty  to 
'  advile  your  SiOiops,  by  faiher)y  Intreaty  and ' 
'  tender  Ufage,  to  reduce  to  the  peaceable  and-or- 
'  derly  Service  of  the  Church,  fuch  able  Minifters 

*  as  have  been  formerly  filenced,  that  there  may  be 

*  a  profitable  Ufe  of  their  Mintftry  in  thefe  netful 

*  and  dangerous  Times  :  And  rfiat  Non-refidencj^ 
*-  Pluralities,  and  CommendamSt  may  be  moderated. 
^  Where  we  cannot  forbear  moft  humbly  to  thank 
^  yourMajefty,  fordlminifliingtheNumberofyour 
*"  own  Chaplains ;  not  doubting  of  the  like  prince- 

*  ly  Care  for  the  well -beilo wing  of  the  reft  of 
'  yourBenefices,  both  to  the  Comfort  of  the  People, 

*  and  the  Encouragement  of  theUniverfities,  being 
'  'full  of  grave  and  able  Minifters  unfurniflied  with 

'  *"  Livings.' 

Anfwer.  That  his  MajeJIy  likes  well,  fo  it  be  ap- 

pied  to  fuch  Minifiers  as  are  peaceable,  orderly,   and 

cm/orrjiable  to  the  Church  Government',    For  Hura- 

3  lities 


;«/   ENGL  AND.  3SJ 

lidw  trnt/Non-relidencies,  they  are  nnufi  moderated^  *"■  •  C^l*!^ 
.  that  the  Arfbbijhops  affirm^  there  be  mw  tie  Diffen-  *' 

fatioHS  for  Pluralities  granted ;  Tier  no  JUan  i$  allew- 
.  td  above  twt  Benefites^  and  thsfe  not  aiove  thirty  Aftles 
diflant :  And  for  avoiding  ifm-refidenu,  the  Canon, 
in  that  Cafe  provided,  jhall  he  duty  put  in-Exeeution, 
Fn-  Comaiendams,  they  Jhall  be  fparingly  granted, 
only  in  fuch  Cafe  where  the  ExiUty  and  Smallnefs  of 
the  Bijhoprick  requireth.  Alfa  hii  Majefly  vjill  cauft 
thai  the  Benefices  belonging  to  him  Jhall  he  ■well  he- 
Jiawed.'  Andy  far  the  better  propagating  of  Religion, 
his  Aiajefiy  recammendeth  to  the  Houfes  of  Parliament, 
that  Care  Tnay  be  iaien,  and  Provifwn  made,  that 
every  Pdrijh  Jhall  allmv  a  competent  JIdalntenance  for 

■  an  able  Minijler ;  and  that  the  Owners  of  Parfa- 

nages  impropriate  tuauld  allow  to  the  Vicars,  Curates,  ' 

and  Minijiersy  in  Villages  and  Places  belonging  ft 
their  Parfonage,  fuffdent  Stipend  and  Allowdnee  for 

■  preaching- Jiiini/iers, 

IV.  *  That  there  may  be  ftrift  Provifion  againfl 

-  *  traofporting  of  Englijh  Children  to  the  Semina-' 

*  rieabcyond  the  Seas,  and  for  the  recalling  of  them 
S  who  are  already  there  placed ;  and  for  the  Puniih- 
'  ment  of  fuch  your  SubjeiSs,  as  are  Maintainers 

*  of  thofe  Seminaries  or  of  the  Scholars ;  confi- 
•   *  dering  that,  befides  the  feducing  of  your  People, 

-  *  great  Sums  of  Money  are  yearly  expended  up»>n 

■  *  them,  to  the  impoveriftiing  of  this  Kingdom.' 

Anfw.  The  Law  in  this  Cafe  fhall  he  put  in  Exe-  - 
tution.     Andfuriher,  there  Jhall  be  Letters  written 
to  the  Lord  Treafurer,  and  aif>  to  the  Lord  Adrmral,  ' 

That  all  the  Ports  of  this  Realm,  and  the  Creeks  and 
Members  thereof,  beJiriSly  iept,  anifirait  Searches 
Tnade  to  this  End.  A  Proclamation  Jhall  be  to  recall 
,  both  the  Children  of  Noblemen  and  the  Children  of 
any  other  Men  ;  and  they  to  return  by  a  Day:  Alfa 
Maintainers  of  Seminaries  of  Scholars  there,  Jhall  b$ 
punijhid  according  to  Law, 

V.  *  That  no  Popi^  Recufant  be  permitted  to 

*  come  within  the  Court,  unlefs  your  Majefty  be 
•  *■  pleafcd  to  call  him  upon  fpecial  Occafion,  agree- 

*  abJc  to  the   Statute  of  3  Jac.     And  whereas 

'  your 

L.(  Kittle 

Mm.1  cbMtal.*  ycnk  Majefty*  for  the  (reerth^g  of  sppSMltf 
Jfiii-         *  Mifcbiefs,  both  to  your  Majctf  jr  and  the  Scrtt; 

*  hath,  iiT  your  pjincely  Wifdomi  taken  Ordvr; 

*  that  nonfiofyoitf  natural-born  Suk^eds,  iiotpjrft^ 
'  feffing  the  true  Religion  by  Law  eftabllfhed,  faH: 

*  admitted  into  the  Service  of  your  RopI  Cdbfort 

*  the  Queen,  we  give  your  Ma)sffy  nasft  humUc    - 

*  "Thanks,  and  defirc  that  your  Ohier  herein  may 

*  be  obferved.' 

Anfwer,  If  his  Majefly  jhaU  find,,  ar  ht  tttiarmid 
''  .  ef  any  Concaurfi  of  Recufants  to  ihi  Ceiirlf  the  Ltiw 
ftmU  hejirigfly  foUmutd.  And  bit  M^ejij  it  pUafed^ 
that,  by  PracMualim^  the  Britiih  atid  Irifh  Su^e^s 
-foall  he  put  in  the  fanu  Cafe.  And  as  bii  M^efty 
.  hath  prcvtdtd  in  his  Treaty  with  France,  fa  his  Pttr^ 
ptfe  is  is  keep  it.  That  netu  af  his  Sui/eilr  fhaU  he 
idmited  inia  hit  Strvici,  ar'iiUe  the  Service  af  his 
RoyalCaitfort  the  ^en,  tfiat  are  Popiffi  Recumts. 
VI,  *  That  all  the  Laws  now  uanding  in  force 

*  againft  fefuits.  Seminary  Priefli,  and  others  ha- 

*  ving  t£^en  Orders  by  Authority  derived  fron^ 

*  the  See  of  Rime,  be  put  in  due  E-xecution.  And 
'  to  the  Intent  they  may  not  pretend  to  be  fiirpri4 
"  zed,  that  a  fpeedy  and  certain  Day  be  prenx'd 

*  by  your  Maiefty'$  Proclamation  for  their  Depar- 

*  ture  out  of  this  Reftim,  and  all  othCT  your  Domt- 

*  nions,  and  not  to  return  upon  the  fevcreft  Penal- 

*  tics  of  the  Law  now  in  forci:  againft  them :  And 
'  that  all  your  Majefty*s  Snbje^  may  be  thereby 

*  admonilhed  not  to  receive,  comfort,  entertain^ 
'  or  conceal   any  of  them,  upon   the  Penalties 

*  which  may  be  lawfully  inflliled  :   And  that  all 

*  fuch  Papifi,.  Jefuits,  and  Recufants,   who  are^ 

*  and  mall  be  imprifoned  for  Recufimcy,  or  any 

*  other  Caufe,  may  be  fo  ftriftly  reftrained;  as  that 

*  none  fhauld  have  Conference  with  them,  thereby 

*  to  avoid  the  Cond^ion  of  their  corrupt  Reirgion : 

*  And  that  np  Man;  that  fliall  be  fafpWtcd  of  Pe- 
".  *  ft/rjr,  be  fufifered  to  be  a-Keeper  of  afty  of  his 

*  Majefty's  Prifons.' 

Anfw.  The  Jjova  ia  this  CaftJhaB  be  put  in  Exi-^ 
futien,  and  ii  Pratlamatiaa'fiall  it  UthtiEff*^  di^ 


'J^edi  aad.  fitch- R^a/tt^li-  he  ma4(l^  «  if  itfrU\  An.  iClutkit 
aiidja  MuHy  that  is juji^ fifptaed tf  Vo^jy^JbaU  .    '^^ 
.    hffiiffirtd.  t»U  n.  Kttpitr.  ^«(gr-  of  bu  Mftjiftfi  Pri- 

VII.  *  That  ywic  Majcfljf  be  plcafed  to  t^ 
(  fuch  Order,  a^  to  yourlpiiKicely  Wifdom  Iball 
<  be  expedient.  That  iu>  naluial-born  Subje^^  or 
(  flrange  Bifliops*  not  any.other  by  Authoritv  irom 
f  the  See  of  ^fR£,' confer  amiXcclefiafticaLOrdeFS, 
f  or,  flxercile  any  Ecclefia^cal  Funflion  whotfo^ 

*  ever,  toward  or  upon  your  M^eil/s  natural* 

*  bom  Subjeds  within  your  Dominions'' 
AnTwct.  lUi-  is  pt  to  ht  ordere4  aaxrding^  as  it 

pmitUdi  and  it.JbaU  bt  fa.  publijbid,  by.  Proclamk' 

VIII.  *  That  your  M^efty's  learned  Counr^l 
f  may  receive.  Order  and  Coaunandment  to  conli- 

*  der  of  all  fonner  Grants  of  Recufknts 'Lands, 

*  that  fuch  of  them  may  be  avoided  as  are  made 
»  to  thcReculants  Ufe  or  Interoft,  or  out  of  which 

■  *  the  Recufaut  receiveth  any  Benefit,  which  ate 

*  either  void,, or  voidable  bythcLdW,' 
Aofwcrr  ^'  King  will  givt  Qrdtr  tt  -hit.  Uam^ 

Chtmfei  ttcan/idir  of  the  Grants ;  aadja/iU  ds  atetrd- 

IX.  '  That  your  Majefly,wiU  be  liJuwifa  ple»- 

*  fedftrit^ly  to  coii)iiia»d  all  your  Jiidgps  and Mi- 

*  nifters  of  Juilioe,  Eccle^amcal.and  Tempor^ 

*  to  fee  the  .Liafvs  of  this  Realm  agaiaft  Popijh  Rt- 
^  tufiutSy  to-  be  duty  executed :    And  namely,  that 

*  theCenfureofExcommunicationbe  declared  awl 

*  cuSi&edag9inft:theiR;  and  that  they  be  not' ab- 

*  f<jved  but  upon  public  Stitisfajtioft,  by.yiddUigb> 
•*  Confonnity.' 

Anfwer.    ifn  Mofffiy  Uavtt  tht  Lfivit  tg  their 
Ceurftj  and  wiS  axdtrin  thtPoist  ef  Etecwamunieor 
tion  at  is  d$^ed. 
.    3?.  *  That  your  Majelty  will  be  pJeafed  to  re- 

*  move  firom  Places,  of.  Authority  and  Govern*' 

*  meaty  all  fuch  Fei:(iDas  a^  are  ^i!ast  Pepf/h  Rtatr 
^■Jm*t%  Ota  accoi:di«S.-to  Diro^iQa.«f  fopner  A£l» 



3^4  5^  ParliMietUary  History 

1. 1  Clurbi  I.'     Anfw.  TMs  hit  Majejty  thinis  Jit,  and  mUgh^ 
***S"        erderfir  it. 

XI.  '  That  prdcntOrderbe  taken  for  difarming 
*.  all  Popijh  Recufants,  legally  conviSed,  or  juftly 

*  fufpe^d,  according  .to  the  Laws  in  that  Behalf, 

*  and  the  Orders  taken  by  his  late  Majefty's  Privy 

*  Council  upon  Reafons  of  State.' 

Anfwer.  TTse  Laws  and  ASi  in  this  Cafe  fi}aU  ht 
fallowed,  and  put  in  due  Executiott. 

XII.  *  ThatyoiirMajefly  be  a]fopleafed,inre- 
"*  fpc£t  of  die  great  Refort  of  Recufants  to  and  about 

*  London,  to  command  forthwith,  upon  Paiiiof 

*  your  Indignation,  and  fevcre  Execution  of  the 
'  Laws,  that  they  retire  themfelves  to  their  fcver^ 
'  Countries,  there  to  remain  confined  within  fire 

*  Miles  of  their  Places.' 

Anfwer.  For  this  the  Laais  in  force  fhaU  be  forth- 
with executed. 

Xni.  '  And  whereas  your  Majefty  hath  ftriflly 

*  commanded  and  taken  Order,  diat  none  of  your 

*  natural'bom  fubje£b  repair  to  the  hearing  of 

*  MaHes,  or  otiier  fuperftitious  Service  at  the  Cha- 
'  pels  or  Houfcs  of  foreign  AmbafTadors,  or  in  any 
•other  Places  whatfoever;  we  give  your  Majefty 

*  moft  humble  Thanks,  and  defire  that  your  Order 

*  and  Commandment  therein  may  be  continued 
,     *  and  obferved,  and  that  the  Offender  herein  may 

*  be  punilhed  according  to  the  Laws.' 

Anfwer.  The  King  gives  Affint  thereto^  and  wiB 
fee  that  obferved  which  herein  hath  been  commanded  by 

XIV.  *  That  all  fuch  Infolcncies,  as  any  that  are 

*  popijhfy  affcSked  have  lately  committed,  or  {hall 
^  hereafter  commit  to  the  Difhonour  of  our  Reli- 

*  g'Onj  or  to  the  Wrong  of  the  true  ProfelTors 

*  thereof,  be  exemplarily  puiiiflied,' 
Anfwer.  This  Jhall  be  done  as  is  defired. 

'  XV.  '  That  the  Statute  of  i  Etiz.  for  thePay- 
'  ment  of  Twelve-pence  every  Sunday,  by  fuch  ai 
>  fhall  be  abfent  from  divine  Service  in  the  Church, 

*  without  a  lawful  Excufe,  may  be  put  in  due  Exe- 

*  cation,  the  rather,  for  that  the  Penalty^  by  Law, 

'  ia 


■    cf  ENGLAND.  38^ 

*  ^  ^en  to  ttie  Poor,  and  therefore  not  to  be  dif-  An.  ■  ciurlM  l, 
'  penfed  withal.'  ***** 

■Anfwer.  //  iijit  that  this  Statute  he /xtcuttd,  and 
the  Ptnaltiei  fiall  net  he  difpmfid  withal. 

XVI.    '  Lajily,  That  your  Majefty  would  be 

*  pleafed   to  extend   your    princely  Care  dfo  over 

*  the  Kingdom  of  Ireland^  that  the  tike  Courfes 

*  may  be  there  taken  for  the  relloring  and  eftst- 

*  blifhing  of  true  Religion.' 

Anfwer.  His  Majejiy's  Carts  are,  andjhall  be  ex- 
tended ever  the  Kingd-im  of  Ireland  ;  and  he  vjill  d* 
all  that  a  religiaus  King  Jhould  do  for  the  rejloring  end 
eflablifinng  ef  true  RcUgiim  there. 

'And  thus,  moft  gracious  Sovereign,  according 
*,  to  our  Duty  and  Zeal  to  God  and  Religion,  t» 

*  your  Majefty  and  your  Safety,  to  the  Church  and 
'  Common-Wealth,  and  their  Peace  and  Profpe- 

*  rity,  we  have  made  a  faithful  Declaration  of  the 

*  prefcnt  Eftate,  the  Caufes  and  Remedies  of  thi» 

*  increafingDiieafe  of  Pfl^i^ry,  humbly  offering  the 

*  feme  to  your  princely  Care  and  Wifdom,     Xhe 

*  Anfwer  of  your  Majcfty's  Father,   our  late  So- 

*  veretgn,  of  famous  Memory,  upon  the  like  Petj- 

*  tion,  did  give  ua  great  Comfort  of  Reformation  ; 

*  but  your  Majcfty's  moft  gracious  Promifes  made 

*  in  that  Kind,  do  give  us  Confidence  and  AlTu- 
'  ranee  of  the  continual  Performance  thereof;  in 
'  which  Comfort  andConhdencercporingourfelves, 

*  we  moft  humbly  pray  for  your  Majefty's  lonj 

*  Continuance  in  all  princely  Felicity.' 

The  Petition  and  Anfwers  being  read,  the  Lord 
Admiral  faid,  *  That  as  his  Majefty  took  well  their  ^^^  p^j^  ^ 
putting  him  in  Mind  of  his  Care  for  Religion  ;  fo  K^idrififham 
he  would  haw  done  and  granted  the  fame  ThingK,^'"  ^*  ting'* 
tho' they  had  never  petitioned  him.     Neither  did™;^,^^  '^ 
he  place  this  Petition)  in  this  Order,  as  a  Wheel  to  iud  P<(iti«s. 
draw  on  other  Affairs  and  Defigns ;  but  leaves  them 
to  move  in  their  own  Spheres,  as  being  of  fuffi- 
cient  Poife  and  Wei^t  within  themfelves.     What  -• 

wai  done  in  this  Petition,  came  from  thefe  two 
ountains,  Confcience  and  Duty  to  his  Father; 
Vot.  VI.  B  b  who. 


386  "the  Parliamentary  HisTORr 

An,  I  ch»iet  I.  who,  in  his  laft  Speech,  recommended  unto  hiat 
'^5-         thtPerfin,  hut  not  the  Religion  of  the  ^een' 

Then  his  Grace  fignified,  '  That,  by  the  King's 
Commands,  he  was  to  give,  to  both  Hou&s,  an 
Account  of  the  Fleet,    and  all   the  Pitparatioiia 
thereof ;  which  he  did  in  this  Manner : 
Mil  AftMM  ef      *  That  the  firft  and  laft  Time  he  had  the  Ho-' 
the  PRparatioiu  nour  to  fptak  in  this  Auditory,  it  was  on  the  lamd 
I^lh'  ^^'^j-Bufinefs ;  and  then  he  was  fo  happy  as  to  be  ho- 
AiTain  in  chri-'^'^"''^  3id  applauded  by  both  Houfcc  :    And  be 
tfiiaa.  made  no  Queftion,  but,  fpeakingwith  the  fameHeart,' 

ahd  on  the  fame  Bufinefs,  he  Ihould  be  fo  now :  For, 
if  they  looked  upon  the  Change  of  Affairs  in  Cbri- 
Jlendom,  they  could  not  think  it  lefs  than  aMiracle, 
Then  the  Kmg  of  5^fl(»  was  fought  and  courted  by  all 
the  World  J  he  was  become  Mafter  of  the  VekBlinef 
had  broke  alt  Germany  in  Pieces,  and  was  poiTelted 
of  the  Palatinate.  The  Princes  of  Germany  were  * 
weak,  and  not  able  to  refift  ;  and,  by  reafon  of  hi^ 
Matter's  Neutrality,  caufed  by  a  Treaty,  he  kept 
ai\  other  Kings  and  Princes  in  Awe.  Now,  ocf 
the  contrary,  the  Valtalineh  at  Liberty  j  the  War 
js  proclaim  d  beyond  the  jilpi  ;  the  King  of  />«-* 
mark  is  in  Arms,  wirh  17,000  Foot  and  6000* 
Horft,  befides  Commiffions  to  make  them  upf  - 
30,000;  the  King  of  Sxvetlrn  is  alfo  intcrefting  J 
the  Princes  of  the  Unim  are  revived  i  the  Ktng^ 
of  France  \%  engaged  againft  Spain,  and,-  for  riiat 
Purpofe,  having  made  Peace  with  his  own  Subje<£b,' 
hath  joined  and  confederated  himfelf  with  Savey  and" 
Venice.  Why  fliciu!d  not  he,  therefore,  hope  for 
the  fame  Succefs  ;  confidering  that,  fince  the  Time' 
■•  of  his  l-.ift  Speech  to  both  Houfcs,  there  was  not 

one  Aiftion,  or  a  Thought  of  his,  that  levelled  at 
any  other  than  one  and  the  fame  Obje^,  which 
:       ■  was  to  p!eafe  their  Defires  i  If  he  Oioftld  credit  all 

Rumours,  which  he  would  not  do,  h'e  &ould  fpeak 
with  fome  Confufion  of  Fear  to  hold'  the  ^me 
Place  he  formerly  did  in  their  AfFeilions  r'But,  ha- 
ving ftill  the  fame  virtuous  Ambition,  Andtoniidcr- 
ing  his  own  Heart  to  the  King  and  State,  he  could 


■i  -sT'  E  N  C?  L  A  N  D.  ^%f. 

ftn*-  f»"  Caufe  8f  Alteration,  biit  was  all  CourageAi.  i  CHali*  ti  - 
Wl(}  Confifeiiiie.'  »*»S* 

Her«  ttie  IJultemade  a  ReqUcfl  to  the  Soulb  at 
Comifloris^  *  1^ hat  if  any  Man  had  fpoken  or 
flKtuld  ^tak  ahy  I'hing,  in  Difcharge  of  his  Con- 
fcience,  Zeal  of  Reformation,  or  Lo«e  to  his 
Country,  which  rhay  feem  to  reBe£t  upon  fome 
particijar Perfons,  he  maybe  the  laft  that  fliall  a'p^ 
■ply  it  to  himfelf:  Becaiife  he  is  confidently  affured 
oi  two  Things  ;  firjf-^  That  they  are  fo  juft  as  not 
to  fall  apon  hitn  without  Caufe,  who  was  fo  lately 
apfurovod  by  them.  And  ffandly^  That  himfelf  ,  , 
&31II  defeirve  nothing  that  Oial)  miftSecomc  a  &ith- 
fdl  tngSfiimim:'- 

This  Preamble  to  tfce  Duke^s  enfuing  Speech  is 
"  almoft  wholly  omitted  in  Rujhworth  ;  but  for  what 
Reafon  we  know  not,  fince  we  have  not  yet  met 
with  a  rtiore  pathetical  one  thro'  the  who)e  Courfc 
■of  thefe  Enquiriesv  Herein  is  included  a  moft  fuc- 
cinift  Atcount  of  the  then  pfefent  State  of  the 
Chti/iian  WorMj  which  evidently  fliews  that  the 
"  Duke  of  Buekitighamf  whatever  he  was  as  a  Mi- 
iiifVef^  WM  both  a  very  great  Politician,  and  an 
excellent  Orator. 

The  Lopd  Keepet  next  proceedefl  to  give  the 
Remaining  Part  of  his  Report,  which  was  the  Se- 
quel of  the  Dake's  Speech.  He  faid  his  Grace 
chofe  rather  to'  jiroceed  in  it  by  way  of  Qyellion- 
'  -and  Anftvcrj  thaii  in  one  continued  Speech,  as  be- 
ing tiie  fpeedier  Way  and  Means  to  yield  Satisfac- 
tion to  the  Cotfimons.  He  would  take  his  Rife, 
he  faid,  frota  the  Breach  of  the  Treaties  and  Al- 
tianoe,  and  pat  fome  Qucfllian!  to  himfelf,  yet  none^ 
■but  fuch  as  ihoiild  be  material  to  the  Bufinefs  in 
Hand.  That  his  Grace  did  move  twelve,  Which 
the  Lord  Keeper  faid  he  would  enlarge,  for  Clear- 
«e6  aAd  Vetfpicuity's  Sake,  into  fourteen  Qiteilions. 
The  firft  was,  -   " 

Qjieft.  I.  By  what  Csunfeh  the  Difigns  and  At-  AnjtUConana 
^xi  rf-  ffaf  wsrt  carried  »H  and  enUrprtzed?  of  the  W»r. 

Atfivtr.  '  ^  the  Advice  of  Parliament ;    And 

»ki8-  M»  Grace  proved  by  the  ASt  of  both   the 

B  b  2  Houfes, 

388  the  Parliamentary  Histort  __ 

AsitChuUtlt  Houfes,  March  34,  1623,  which  was  read{  anA 
»*»S'         then  his  Grace  proceeded,  and  faid.  Here  you  fee* 

my  Lords  and  Gentlemen,  that  his  Majefty,  mo" 
vcd  by  this  Council,  applied  himfelfaccordinglv  for 
the  Defence  sf  the  Realm,  the-  Cecuring  of  Irehmd^ 
the  aSAing  our  Neighbours,  the  States  of  the  Vm- 
tti  Pravincei,  and  other  our  Friends  and  Allies. 

*  AndforthefettingforthoftheNavyRoyal,the 
King,  looking  into  his  Purfc,  faw  enough  to  do  aS 
the  former  Adtions,  but  not  the  lancr  :  For  when 
he  came  to  confider  the  Navy,  there  was  neither 
Money  nor  Preparations ;  yet,  looking  upon  tbe 
A({^rs  of  Chrijiendom^  he  found  this  the  moft  ne- 
ceflary.  Hereupon  his  Majefly,  of  famous  Me- 
mory, did  his  Grace  that  Honour  as  to  write  to  him 
from  Newmarket  10  LonJan,  s  Letter  to  this  ES«^ 

*  That,  obferving  foreign  AfFairs,  he  found  it  ne- 
'  ceflary  that  a  Royal  Fleet  fbould  be  prqared,  and 
<  put  ill  Readinefs ;  but  that  he  had  no  Mon^  : 

*  Wherefore  his  Lordfhip  and  his  Friends  mufl  lav 

*  out,  and,  no  doubt,  others  would  follow.     Andy 

*  by  this  Means,  the  King  might  the  longer  lie 

*  concealed  and  undifcovered  in  the  Enterprise,  as 

*  bearing  the  Name  of  the  Subjefis  only  ;  and  odier 

*  Princes,  in  hopes  to  drawhimon,  would  fooner 

*  come  to  the  Bufmcfs.' 

'  That,  upon  this  Letter,  his  Grace  leap'd  into 
the  AAion  with  all  Alacrity ;  and,  having  received 
all  he  had  from  his  Majelly,  wasdetirous,  and  held 
it  a  Happinefs,  to  pour  it  out  again  upon  his  Service 
and  Occalions,  But  this  he  did  not  on  hts  own 
Head,  but  fortified  by  the  Advice  and  Counfeta  of 
thefe  worthy  Perfons,  the  Lord  Ctmuay^  the  Lord 
Chicke/ier,  Lord  GranMfan,  Lord  Carey,  Lord 
Brcaiy  Lord  Ley^  Sir  Rabert  ManftUy  and  Sir  Jabn 
^  Ca»k' 

*  Their  firil  Confultation  was  of  a  War,  the 
next  of  the  Means  \  but  both  the  one  and  Ae 
other  was  juftified  by  more  than  himfelf.  He  ne- 
ver did  any  Thing  but  by  them,  nothing  was  ever 

_  refblved  or  altered  but  in  ^eir  Company ;  for  either 

he  repaired  x.b  the^,  or  elfe  they  did  him  that  Qo- 



{/■   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  ^9 

Hour,  aa  hi«  Grace  terni'4  it,  to  rcfort  to  his  Cham-  Ao.  i  chtrin  t, 
ber.  And,  wheh  all  was  diKeftcd  and  prc{iared,  aad  **'^' 
that  tiwy  came  to  proportion  Time  and  Levies, 
tfieii,  vnA  the  King's  Leave,  the  Bufmefs  was  im- 
parted to  all  the  Lords  of  the  Council ;  the  Ac- 
count was  made  to  them,  and  allowed  by  them ; 
who  laid'there  openly,  his  Majelly  being  prefenf. 
That  if  this  was  put  in  Execution,  it  would  do 
well }  and  gave  fome  Attributes  to  it.' 

Here  Sir  Jghn  Cook  juftilied  the  fliewing  and 
approving  of  their  Accounts,  at  the  Council  Table; 
that  thofe  Accounts  confifted  of  long  Particulars  for 
Soldiers  to  be  levied,  Mariners  to  be  prelled,  For- 
wardneJa  of  the  Ships  and  ProvilionS,  and  that  no* 
thing  was  wanted  but  Money ;  and  that  he  had 
all  thofe  Particulars  ready  to  be  {hewn  to  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  if  they  Oiould  require  them. 
'  ■  His  Grace  then  proceeded  and  (hewed,  *  That  he 
wasfo  religions  to  guide  thefe  great  Affairs  byCoun- 
Ibl,  that,  at  his  Journey  into  Framty  which  feU 
out  about  this  Time,  he  dcfired  his  Majefty  to  re-^ 
commend  theBuiinefs  to  a  fclei^  Committee  of  the 
Council  i  which  his  Majefty  did  to  the  Lord  Trea- 
furer,  the  Lord  Chamberlain,  the  Lords  Ctmuay 
and  Brooi,  who,  in  his  Abfence,  took  Care  of  the 
fame.  This  his  Grace  thought  fit  to  tell  their 
Lordfllips,  t:iat  they  may  fee  by  what  Counfel  this  i 

great  fiufiitelf  was  carried }  and  that,  in  all  the 
'Management  thereof,  he  took  no  Steps  but  by  their 

Queftion  2.  Why  £imt  his  Majefty  dtcUre  the 
Emmy  prefentlyy  upon  the  granting  of  the  tvio  Sub- 

Anfiuer.  '  His  MaielW  confidered  the  State  of 
Chriflendom  at  that  Seafon,  and  found  It  full  of 
Danger  to  declare  the  Enemy,  for  three  Reafons  : 
Krftt  Becaufe  that  great  Enemy  would  be  more 
pr^arcd.  SecenJfyy  Spain,  being  the  Enemy,  our 
Merchants  would  be  embargoed,  who  are  now 
dxawn  heme.  Thirdly,  Our  Friends,  finding  us 
io  long  unpreparod,  after  our  Declaration,  had  de- 
B  b  3  fpared. 

39Q  ^  ParSamfttfaty  Hist o%Y 

1°  itit  '  fpairod»  and  nevex  believed  any  Thing  of  our  tft- 

Queft.  3.  Whethfr  this  vaji  Sum  a/ '300^00/, 
lejiotved  upon  the  Navy,  together  with  40,000/. 
mere  to  he  new  employed,  arid6o,ocpl-  ^(f^  ^* 
turn,  he  fo  frugally  hufianded  as  was  jit  ^ 

Anfwer:  »  That  his  Grace  refers  to  Sir  yobtt 
Cook's  Accounts,  which  the  Houfe  of  Commons 
may  perufe ;  and  when  Sir  John  has  done,  the 
particular  Ofiicers  fliould  be  ready  to  juflify  it  with 
their  Accounts.' 

Here  Sir  John  Ctok  interpofed,  tho'  he  had  already 